hey ladies...
sorry I've been MIA a bit - been reading each day and mean to post but keep getting sidetracked, what with Adam, the wedding/christening, Adam, staying sane, keeping flat ok, Adam... you know?
so I'm sorry if I seem like I'm ignoring anyone, it's not my aim.
Shadow, poo

for not making the meet, but I understand why not.

Next time though...

We will take pics, I hope...
And yay for a sitty Vince - Adam's been ABLE to sit for a little while, he'll be ok for a coupld of minutes playing, but he doesn't seem interested in getting himself into a sitting position. He's ok if I sit him down, but that's if I get him sitting in the first place as he is another who wants to be standing ALL THE TIME. preferably standing being held and bounced by Mummy... I'm actually glad he isn't sitting from lying flat quite yet because when he can do that it's bye bye to his Moses basket, and that'll be a sad day for sure as it's really really earned its keep round here. He is really too tall for it but he does fit in and as I plunk it on the sofa and wedge it in with sofa cushions he is quite safe if he rolls (which he doesn't much as he's generally spark out when he goes in - it's for daytime naps only). I guess he'll have to go up to his cot for naps soon.
Anyway, much more than sitting he is keen on moving, he's been getting around a lot these days, a combo of rolling, pulling along on his belly, trying to push up but not managing well (cue heartrending screams of frustration), pushing against things with his feet... he manages quite well and seems happy most of the time as he is that bit more capable than a few weeks ago. He goes over to his toybox and gets things out and strews them over the playmat, something I thought would not be happening for a while.
the weaning is going fine, he's really just eating what we have, except I have to cook it without salt. it's making me more thoughtful about the meals we eat as we used to have a rota of about 4-5 meals but some are not so suitable for Adam (stuff with quorn mince - I've changed to beef mince), plus I want to have more than 4-5 meals we can share. I'm finding it hard to fit everything into the day though; I don't want him to drop too much milk so ideally I'd offer solids not long after his bottles but that doesn't always work out, as after his bottle he sits in his chair and usually poos and then once there is a clean nappy on he is tired and ready for a nap... so the solids come after the nap, but then that puts it very close to when he'd normally have a bottle, and he's tending to only want about 1/3 of it... not sure what to do other than not sit him in the poo chair and just whip him right into the high chair for a meal after the bottle...
cleck, sorry to hear Emma's not been feeling well, poor little girl.

hope she is better soon.

<--- to you both
boothh, congratulations on your engagement! how exciting! and hope the new accommodation works out for you and Stuart and Jesse.
ash, 8 months - crikey, it sounds so grown up! hard to believe our babies are getting close to their first birthday... what a year, eh!
tmr, I want another baby too.

but fortunately so does Chris

, just hope my ovaries agree...
jelr, thanks for the wedding wishes

- it is getting so close now, now we're about into March, just 11 more days... everything is pretty much organised now, only a few things left to do, and not much that can be done before the last couple of days. sometimes when I sit and think I wonder how we have managed in such a short time, C workng and me with Adam all day... but it's been ok. thank god for the internet though.
how are you finding being back at work? I have made th first move towards that - emailed my boss to say I'll be available for shifts from April 16th... no guarantee I'll get any work, but fx I will. and then I'll have to deal with leavng my baby

It'd only be max 2 shifts/week, hopefully 5pm-1am Fri and 2pm-10pm-ish on Saturday. C does bedtime anyway so there'd be no change to Adam's routine there, he'll be able to mind him Saturdays and from about 6pm every other Friday (he only works alternate Fris), so we'd need someone the other Fridays for about 2 hours. really hoping C's mum will be able to come over to ours to help us.
Sorry, I haven't read back further tonight to refresh my memory... oh, Shiv, how's the weigh-in going? I see your cakes on FB - wow.

Since giving up CHOCOLATE on january 29th (a whole 30 days now) I have lost 10lb, or thereabouts - not sure exactly what I was but after Christmas I was 10st 12lb and I didn't lose in Jan, maybe a lb but not much more, and now I am 10st 2lb. feels odd to be so thrilled to be that weight as it was when I weighed myself at about 16-17 weeks and found I was 10st 1lb that I was utterly mortified and horrified and swore not to weigh myself again (which I did not til 12 hours before my waters broke). but I am REALLY glad to be thinner. we went shopping yesterday after my successful haircut and I bought a DRESS, and it's weird, since I am still a good 12-14lb above where I'd like to be, but this dress actually looked nice and a lot better than I think it would have looked before I had Adam even though I was lighter (and I am in a size 12 rather than mostly 10, but sometimes 12 back then as well). Strange - perhaps my body shape has changed? or perhaps I am so used to seeing myself as a lot bigger than comparatively speaking (comparing how I was all last year to now) that I just feel thinner than I am? my boobs ARE bigger though. not nearly as nice but bigger. also got new jeans, am v glad to be out of the 14s (though they are comfy since they're so baggy now).
Pips, Vici, Auntie E, MA, Shiv, Joeyjo - really looking forward to the meet!! our babies will be able to join in with the food this time! (think I might go through the menu on the website and see what me and AE might like

) Boothh - are you going to make it? Sorry if I missed someone from the list who is planning to attend... working from memory...
oh... and I can't resist posting this - Adam was actually trying for a poo when I took this picture (he's not done one in a few days, think my roast potatoes, roast chicken and yorkshires have bunged him up) - but just look at his toilet "reading" material - looks like he has been doing the typically male thing of researching his ideal "car" (pram)...