--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

i know boothh, im awful for arranging to do things :blush: at the moment ive just been so busy, driving lessons and touching up the house etc, i've got no idea where the times going :( and im back at work on april 4th so thats going to make things even flippin worse! When are you moving hun, and where to?xxx
Emma is still gummy too. She's had two white spots on the bottom for quite a few months now and nothing. :shrug: I don't really get it. Everyone keeps asking if she's teething. Honestly how the hell should I know? :rofl:

Boothh good luck with your house!!
were moving to huddersfield cus thats were stuarts from and were he works so it makes things easier, its only a train back to ashton though and ill still be up here alot to see my family and friends so we can still do something then, hopefully moving in the next few weeks we should have a date by the weekend :) nevermind we'll just have to wait til weve both got abit more time lol, a baby date would give me abit of sanity though haha xx
hey ladies... :)

sorry I've been MIA a bit - been reading each day and mean to post but keep getting sidetracked, what with Adam, the wedding/christening, Adam, staying sane, keeping flat ok, Adam... you know? :rofl:

so I'm sorry if I seem like I'm ignoring anyone, it's not my aim.

Shadow, poo :hissy: for not making the meet, but I understand why not. :( Next time though... :hug: We will take pics, I hope...

And yay for a sitty Vince - Adam's been ABLE to sit for a little while, he'll be ok for a coupld of minutes playing, but he doesn't seem interested in getting himself into a sitting position. He's ok if I sit him down, but that's if I get him sitting in the first place as he is another who wants to be standing ALL THE TIME. preferably standing being held and bounced by Mummy... I'm actually glad he isn't sitting from lying flat quite yet because when he can do that it's bye bye to his Moses basket, and that'll be a sad day for sure as it's really really earned its keep round here. He is really too tall for it but he does fit in and as I plunk it on the sofa and wedge it in with sofa cushions he is quite safe if he rolls (which he doesn't much as he's generally spark out when he goes in - it's for daytime naps only). I guess he'll have to go up to his cot for naps soon. :cry:

Anyway, much more than sitting he is keen on moving, he's been getting around a lot these days, a combo of rolling, pulling along on his belly, trying to push up but not managing well (cue heartrending screams of frustration), pushing against things with his feet... he manages quite well and seems happy most of the time as he is that bit more capable than a few weeks ago. He goes over to his toybox and gets things out and strews them over the playmat, something I thought would not be happening for a while.

the weaning is going fine, he's really just eating what we have, except I have to cook it without salt. it's making me more thoughtful about the meals we eat as we used to have a rota of about 4-5 meals but some are not so suitable for Adam (stuff with quorn mince - I've changed to beef mince), plus I want to have more than 4-5 meals we can share. I'm finding it hard to fit everything into the day though; I don't want him to drop too much milk so ideally I'd offer solids not long after his bottles but that doesn't always work out, as after his bottle he sits in his chair and usually poos and then once there is a clean nappy on he is tired and ready for a nap... so the solids come after the nap, but then that puts it very close to when he'd normally have a bottle, and he's tending to only want about 1/3 of it... not sure what to do other than not sit him in the poo chair and just whip him right into the high chair for a meal after the bottle...


cleck, sorry to hear Emma's not been feeling well, poor little girl. :( hope she is better soon. :hugs: <--- to you both

boothh, congratulations on your engagement! how exciting! and hope the new accommodation works out for you and Stuart and Jesse.

ash, 8 months - crikey, it sounds so grown up! hard to believe our babies are getting close to their first birthday... what a year, eh!

tmr, I want another baby too. :( but fortunately so does Chris :D, just hope my ovaries agree...

jelr, thanks for the wedding wishes :hug: - it is getting so close now, now we're about into March, just 11 more days... everything is pretty much organised now, only a few things left to do, and not much that can be done before the last couple of days. sometimes when I sit and think I wonder how we have managed in such a short time, C workng and me with Adam all day... but it's been ok. thank god for the internet though. ;)

how are you finding being back at work? I have made th first move towards that - emailed my boss to say I'll be available for shifts from April 16th... no guarantee I'll get any work, but fx I will. and then I'll have to deal with leavng my baby :cry: It'd only be max 2 shifts/week, hopefully 5pm-1am Fri and 2pm-10pm-ish on Saturday. C does bedtime anyway so there'd be no change to Adam's routine there, he'll be able to mind him Saturdays and from about 6pm every other Friday (he only works alternate Fris), so we'd need someone the other Fridays for about 2 hours. really hoping C's mum will be able to come over to ours to help us.

Sorry, I haven't read back further tonight to refresh my memory... oh, Shiv, how's the weigh-in going? I see your cakes on FB - wow. :lol: Since giving up CHOCOLATE on january 29th (a whole 30 days now) I have lost 10lb, or thereabouts - not sure exactly what I was but after Christmas I was 10st 12lb and I didn't lose in Jan, maybe a lb but not much more, and now I am 10st 2lb. feels odd to be so thrilled to be that weight as it was when I weighed myself at about 16-17 weeks and found I was 10st 1lb that I was utterly mortified and horrified and swore not to weigh myself again (which I did not til 12 hours before my waters broke). but I am REALLY glad to be thinner. we went shopping yesterday after my successful haircut and I bought a DRESS, and it's weird, since I am still a good 12-14lb above where I'd like to be, but this dress actually looked nice and a lot better than I think it would have looked before I had Adam even though I was lighter (and I am in a size 12 rather than mostly 10, but sometimes 12 back then as well). Strange - perhaps my body shape has changed? or perhaps I am so used to seeing myself as a lot bigger than comparatively speaking (comparing how I was all last year to now) that I just feel thinner than I am? my boobs ARE bigger though. not nearly as nice but bigger. also got new jeans, am v glad to be out of the 14s (though they are comfy since they're so baggy now).

Pips, Vici, Auntie E, MA, Shiv, Joeyjo - really looking forward to the meet!! our babies will be able to join in with the food this time! (think I might go through the menu on the website and see what me and AE might like :lol: ) Boothh - are you going to make it? Sorry if I missed someone from the list who is planning to attend... working from memory...

oh... and I can't resist posting this - Adam was actually trying for a poo when I took this picture (he's not done one in a few days, think my roast potatoes, roast chicken and yorkshires have bunged him up) - but just look at his toilet "reading" material - looks like he has been doing the typically male thing of researching his ideal "car" (pram)...

Bothh~ Good luck with the house

Ash~ Yay on Kara siting up and trying to crawl. Lucas has 4 teeth now and keeps biting his tong when eating he will soon learn it hurts and to keep it away.

Mj~ Have you tryed giving food about 1/2 way throw his bottel? Lucas has his food 4 ice cubs then has about 3-4oz of milk as long as baby is still getting 15-20oz a aday thats all they need. Adam is so cute. Good luck with the wedding.

hi to every 1 else i have got to go bath my 2 little chaps now befor school i knew i should of done it last night i was to worn out.
hi ladies

Sorry for not posting recently but have been following everyones progress.

I thought I would post here as all our LOs are similar age, I have someconcerns about riyas development which I am praying are normal...

1. Does not yet respond to her name consistently, actively ignores me when she's playing. Seemed to recognize her name at 5 months but since vacation has forgotten it.

2. Used to babble dada, however one week ago has stopped doing this and now just shrewks and laughs.

Everything else is ok, rolls over, plays well with other kids, concemtrates when we talk to her and gives good eyecontact etc

I'm concerned these could be symptoms of autism, am I being paranoid, is she developing as your LOs ?
try not to worry they all develop differently, jesse does respond to his name but not all the time, sometimes he just ignores us if hes not in the mood,

my auntie has to children who are both autistic, whenever iv heard her talking about them developing she said that they were both months and months behind with everything, didnt babble very much or really try to do anything themselves like roll over or situp, but then again i have another auntie whos daughter is 12now, she didnt learn to crawl until 15months and didnt walk until nearly 2, theres nothing wrong with her now shes as bright as anything, they all do stuff in their own time so try not to worry x
there not yet ment to respond to there name just turn to noises. I think its abot 1 yr when they do that

the dadda thing may have just been sounding like it but wasnt dadda i think it is by 1 yr there ment to say easy words like dadda babba mamma

so i wouldnt worry
they do make the dadda babba mama noises but its not yet associated with the actual object,

and jesse definatly does recognise his name, if were talking he will be happily playing if anyone mentions his name he turns around to look, if people start talking to him he doesnt normally pay attention if you say his name first he will look and laugh and smile, its not just a coincedence cus he does it all the time,
Mog stopped saying dadda a couple of weeks ago, having been saying it all the time. she has NO idea what her name is at all, doesn't sit up and only rolls on her changing mat or to grab something.

Glad some other people have the baby that wants to stand all the time, thank heavens for the Jumperoo!

Sorry I've been MIA, work and getting a routine sorted with Imogen and work, and housey stuff and food poisoning have essentially wiped me out the last couple of weeks.
Adam sometimes reacts to his name (but I have no idea if he actually does recognise it or if he is just responding to my voice), sometimes he'll totally ignore me when he's engrossed in something (bit like his dad). He also babbles a lot - mamamama, rararara, wawawawa, gagaga mostly - but he's just trying out the sounds, he doesn't mean anything by it. :lol:

TMR, thanks for the reassurance that he's still getting enough milk, I had been concerned because he's dropped quite a bit in the last few weeks. :)

TTC Lady, Adam can be totally oblivious to me when he is having fun playing, I think that's fine - personally I like to see he has the concentration and focus, I don't see it as him consciously ignoring me. I don't know much about autism, but doesn't it tend to be noticed after about 13 months? Hence the (now thankfully debunked) suggestion that it was linked to the MMR jab (at 13 months)?

Chris is worried about autism - his nephew is autistic - and he was concerned that Adam hitting himself in the face was a sign. I looked it up and it's not a problem. :)
i wouldnt worry to much TTC LADY, kara rarely responds to us when we say her name, i think she recognises the 'word' not that its actually 'her' if you know what i mean? and as for babbling mama & dada, iv heard her say it TWICE lol, thats it! I'm really not bothered by any of this because she seems to be doing just fine with other things, e.g sitting herself up, rolling & trying to crawl etc etc.

I think sometimes people try and 'compete' their babies. "my baby does this and that" blah blah blah, it really grates on me sometimes! My friend is the worst for it, kara is 2 months older than her baby but she's constantly giving me the "he can do that too!" although 'realisticly' he just cant be doing these things she says, and i've never seen it, so i do find it hard to believe!

All babies develop at different stages hun, so i wouldn't worry just yet if i was you, but from one mother to another - i worry too much too lol xxxx
i have a friend like that ash, it really winds me up always oh he can do this the other week it was he can walk.. hes about 2weeks younger than kara, i highly doubt it, me and OH always laugh about it though and say stuff like oh hes writing his first novel today, kind of takes the annoyance away,

stuart is always sitting with jesse and tryna get him to say dadda, he will say it but never on command haha he just says dadadadada or mamamamma randomly he really has no clue what it means hes just making noises!
LOL Boothh- I like how you joke to your DH about your competitive friend :haha:

TTC lady- Kira has no clue what her name is either! She is also nowhere close to crawling/ scooting or rolling more than once in awhile. I've also noticed that she'll learn something new like blowing raspberries and does it ALL day, and then the next few weeks never does it again.

Kira just started making sounds like da, ba, ob, ma this past week- sooo cute!!! She says something that sounds like Bad DaDa... and now I call DH "bad dada" :haha:
Hey ladies :hi:

MJ love the picture, I hear you on the poos since starting solids, Sam got quite distressed a few times realising that he actually has to push now :rofl: he's only eating fruit and veg at the moment so they are still ok. Wonder if Giraffe have enough high chairs?????

Sam responds to his name most of the time unless he's engrossed in something. He can't crawl yet but he sits up most of the day, he loves it, can't be happier really. he also loves his high chair, especially dropping things off the sides, he's also started blowing raspberries which makes me laugh out loud. Does anyone elses child laugh after he farts or does a poo? Sometimes he does it and he chuckles and smiles making sure I'm looking at him. Cheeky monkey. Oh and he's now nearer the 75th percentile than the 91st so I'm a bit relieved.
Ok time to catch up with everyone's happenings!
Cleck - I hope you got to have a great catch up with Corey and that Emma is feeling better.

Ash - sounds like Kara is doing great - Sophia seems very far from being able to sit herself up from lying down!

Booth - how ar ethe house move plans coming along?

MJ - your poo chair always crack me up! WELL DONE on your weight loss, you aer going great guns! Perhaps I shoudl give up chocolate, but sometimes it just makes me feel better! Have you replaced it with anything else or just cut it out completely. As for my weight loss, well I was really good for a week, ate well and did my exercise DVD 5 times - and didn't lose any weight :cry: so the following week I pigged out and didn't exercise :happydance: Anyway the upshot is I am 10st 1lb and am desperate to get under bloomin 10stone and then hopefully that will encourage me to lose teh rest! Oh and your wedding/ christening is SOOOOOoo close now, are you very excited yet?

Oh and I know what you mean about tryign ot fit it all in rearding feeding baby and naps etc. Sometimes I have to skip a solid feed with Sophia because she gets too tired, although once she is actually probably eating this won't be an option!

TTC lady, Sophia has selective hearing when it comes to responding to her name (so very much like her Daddy!) so i wouldn't worry too much about it. She also learns something new, practices it for a few days than appears to complketely forget she knows hwo to do it :dohh:

Aunty E - hope you are over the food poisoning now x

PIP , Sophia laughs her head off if she does a really big fart, it's hilarious, she is her mother's daughter alright!

Shadow - yay for Vince sitting up :happydance:

As for us, well not a lotto report, Sophia is on the 25th centile weight and 75th height, so looks like she might be tall and slim like her Dad (and not short and dumpy like me :blush:) She seems to have given up a bit with sitting up, she prefers to throw her self down and try to crawl - unsuccessfully! She is being funny with her sleep again, waking up at 4am this morning, who knows what will happen tonight!

Right off to watch one born every minute!!

Sophia has no teeth or any sign of them - which I am happy about as am still breastfeeding :wacko:
So Emma has been a serious handful today. She kept trying to crawl off the side of the bed, so I'd pick her up and sit her down there. Than she'd want back up and would try lifting her arms up to climb and than cry when she can't do it. Than I had her in her bumbo to eat breakfast and she climbed right out of it. I didn't even have time to react and she hit her head on the table. I swear this kid is going to give me a heart attack. She is getting too quick for her own good and keeps ending up hurt. Than she looks at me with this hurt expression on her face as if I'm the one that did it. :( I need to invest in full body baby armor if she keeps it up. At least she is feeling better, I guess. :haha: But it's almost as if she is making up for lost time and trying to terrorize me today.
EEEP! Mog has had a stinking cold, and was in bed with us last night because I couldn't sleep listening to her struggle to breathe in the next room, and it was better with her propped up on my pillows. But she's not so bad now, which is good, because she has an audition TOMORROW. OH is taking her, so let's hope they like her. Only other slight problem is having to sort out printing a photo of her in her nappy, hope they don't mind home printed, cos that's all we'll have in between now and tomorrow.
Aunty E, audition?? Did I miss something? Sounds incredibly exciting!!

Sounds like everyone is having lots of fun lately, they are all really starting to develop strong little personalities aren't they?! It's amazing to hear that so many are getting mobile now; Vince will only move himself across the room by rolling over and over, and he only goes one direction I've noticed! Funny boy :dohh:
Water Babies is going well, we had another lesson tonight and Vince went under the water and I let him go and he followed me, swimming through the water for a few seconds :D I was so proud! But I was a bit clumsy and didn't catch him quite early enough to bring him up so he got a tiny bit stressed :wacko: bad mummy moment... But I didn't dwell on it, I just gave him a cuddle and let him get on with it :) He's getting REALLY keen to kick his legs in the water, and has started really splashing with his hands too, which is cool but gets me VERY wet at bath time!! lol... He adores being in the water though, especially on his back with his ears under the water, he grins up at me in that position :D

Weaning is going well for us too, but MJ as you know we're doing it totally differently to you so I don't have much useful advice for the whole milk thing really... I haven't been too worried about cutting down Vince's milk, but since he's been on two solid feeds a day he has dropped from the 99th to under 91st centile in weight. For us, that's a pretty good thing really :winkwink: He's having weetabix or shreddies or porridge for breakfast followed by yoghurt or fruit puree, and baby jar meals in the evenings (only stuff that I like the taste of!! I often steal loads of his food haha) and half a jar of sweet for dessert. (My favourite of his desserts is the Heinz apple crumble and vanilla custard :D )

Other than all of that, I've been crazy busy lately setting up my shop online!!! :) I'm sooooo glad I've finally opened it again, I'm really enjoying crafting again and hoping to do some good business some time soon! :) So please tell your friends guys: Here's my Etsy shop link! https://www.omniacrafts.etsy.com I'll be filling it up pretty quickly over the next week or so (but I like to spread my listings out, cos that way I get more coverage on the Etsy homepage and search functions :) ) Hope some of you have a peek at what I'm making, I'm really excited about it!

Off to watch Sky plussed Masterchef Australia now :bunny: I'm loving that show lately, but the themetune is AWFUL! Anyone heard it?? lol...

Love to all :) xxxx

Oh, P.S., maybe if I make a wee bit of money from my Etsy shop before the next meet I could be persuaded to brave the train and come to see you guys again!! Maybe... lol.... I think I'll have to do what a few others did for the last meet and leave it till the last second :winkwink: That OK, Pips?? :D :D xxx

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