--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Hi Shiv, I'm here - as usual I keep meaning to sit and do proper replies/updates, and then get sidetracked...

Sophia sounds like she and Adam are similarly built, he's been around the 35th centile or so since he was a few days old in weight. as for height, I don't know, officially, as he has never been measured other than by us. last time I worked out he was somewhere between 75th and 91st, but he feels like he is getting more solid and not lengthening quite so much (it's annoying because he has outgrown his 0-6 month sleeping bag by length but is not as heavy as the minimum weight for the 6-18 month one, at least he wasn't, I think it is 18lb, which he should be by 30 weeks if he stays on his curve - I don't know if it's worse for him to be too big in a small sleeping bag or too small in a big one :( )

well done on your weight loss, too! I was 10st 1lb today, 10st the day before yesterday, so I am very very pleased. was a bit worried as I tried on the wedding dress and it was too loose round the boobs (it was altered from a size 16 but I was 10st 10ish when she pinned me in; when I went for a fitting it was fine, but I think the last few lbs has made a difference). so I panicked massively. and then went and bought a padded super uplift strapless bra and it fills the dress out perfectly and I'm not so scared of a wardrobe malfunction! am also not so scared of carrying on dieting.

as for what I've been doing - well, no exercise other than running up and down the stairs 50 times a day, though I have been walking more when I go out with Adam because my knees stopped hurting. such a relief. I gave up chocolate, and I really had a bad chocolate habit. in the last 5 weeks I have had 1 Wispa (tonight) and one Freddo (4 days ago). other than that nothing. I also cut back on carbs, am less strict right now but I will go back to being strict after the wedding/christening; I was especially cutting back on high glycaemic carbs, so nothing refined - barely any pasta or bread or rice or cereals. it's not so easy with BLW, and the whole meals as a family, but I figure Adam doesn't notice if he and his daddy have tortillas with their salad and grilled chicken, or I skip the rice, or only have a couple of potato wedges. though I feel fine as I am, I do want to lose the last 10lb before I go back to work, which could be as soon as 6 weeks' time and probably not a good idea, bit quick, but I'd like to be as close to pre-preg weight as poss. nobody wil recognise me. :lol: I like the low carb/low glycaemic diet as though I miss carbs, I don't feel hungry as I eat as much as I like of the things I can have, snacking on nuts and hard boiled eggs, cheese, that sort of thing. I substituted nuts for chocolate after dinner in the evening, as that's when I ate it, no other time, and after a few days I didn't really miss it. :D

have also toyed with a more extreme diet but aimed at helping my skin (though I have not identified any food triggers) - the rosacea I have had since I was about 10 weeks pregnant. I eventually went to the doc and she gave me antibiotic cream, which helped with the spots but not the redness. it's now coverable with make-up, and I got some decent products. but it's not better really so I went back to the doc and she suggested referring me to a dermatologist, so that's the next step. it's not a curable condition but it does apparently respond to treatment and it gets worse when not addressed, which is what I am afraid of. at the moment the permanent redness and spots are on one cheek only but the other also has a tendency to flushing so I think it's a matter of time. :cry:

oh and the poo chair... it is very very sadly coming to the end of its time with us. :( Adam has worked out how to get out of it. he's never managed to get out entirely, since he can't undo the clips, but he could have a nasty accident tipping it up as he can sit right up and lean forward and tilt over. it does mean I am better at giving Adam breakfast as I have to pop him in the high chair straight after his morning bottle else he'll be down on the floor on his tummy and he'll be sick (he wants to play, he won't sit still in the morning in the chair though he will later in the day, for a short time anyway). I cannot get him to stay sitting up for longer than a minute or so. he is capable but wants to be moving around and he hasn't realised the concept of stay sitting up and your milk won't come right back up as it will if you go right onto your front. silly baby. :D

he's another baby who is crawling backwards, he totally knows what to do and can also crawl/pull along in a circle. don't think he has the upper body strength to manage going forwards. he is extremely determined though and grunts like Monica Seles with the effort.

also he screams like that women in the opening sequence of One Born Every Minute... WHAT a yowl he has. I look at him with wonderment when he does it and I think he finds that amusing.

so - one more week and I will finally be a married woman... it feels weird, and I am excited AND nervous. still quite a bit to do, little things, but it keeps us busy - rehearsal at the church, got to get the flowers for my bouquet and the reception venue (we aren't using a florist so hope we can get what we want), fold the napkins (like nappies), order the taxis, I have to take up Adam's trousers he's wearing after the ceremony... etc etc!

so! busy.

blw is still going well, he is eating a lot more, getting a lot more skilled, less cack-handed. I even managed something I'd been avoiding - feeding him solids away from a home (he's been fed at C's mum's). he and I went to Bluewater the other day for this emergency bra and also to go to the Apple Store as Adam managed (I am sure it was him) to short circuit the laptop charger we'd bought just last Sat (same happened to the other - I think he sucked it) - I didnt mention the 6 month old gummy mouth that might have had a part in the charger's demise, and so the APple man assumed it was just a bad apple and replaced it. anyway we went to the food court and Adam had his snack (lump of mature cheddar, a plum and some rice cakes) while I had my original recipe chicken salad from KFC. he ate so nicely sitting up in the pushchair with very little mess. I was very very proud and felt like I overcame a hurdle.

cleck, sorry to hear Emma has been in the wars - maybe she is going to be a little daredevil! doesn't do much for your stress levels though. maybe you better work on growing that extra pair of eyes in the back of your head... :)

shadow, great news on your etsy shop! it all looks completely awesome, I am very very impressed with your creativity. really hope it all does well. as for Water Babies - it sounds wonderful. :D we have still never taken AE swimming but he LOVES the bath and drenches the whole bathroom with kicking. we're planning to take him for the first time the week after next, when C is off work.

Aunty E, hope Imogen is feeling better now and her audition went well. what was it for?

ok, that was a bloater of a post. better go now, am tired anyway. :D hope everyone is well, thinking of you all a lot!
I'm in Devon with my folks so we're a bit bit busy to write lots but hi ya to all :hi:. MJ I'm so excited for you, just make sure you take every second in and try to relax (very hard to do but...) and enjoy. My wedding was my best day ever, apart from when Sam was born but that's slightly different :haha:
I read all the updates earlier and forgot what I wanted to say- but I do remember thinking that I'm glad Kira hasn't become mobile yet as most of the other August babies! I feel awful because I don't even have a guard on the bed to keep her from rolling off... I really need to get one soon!

Last night I was so freaked out! Kira had hives which I thought were bruises at first. The first thing that popped in my head is that she had blood cancer and was bruising all over her body. Even her ankles were covered in hives and I thought maybe she broke her feet too! I was awake most of the night checking on her with a flashlight making sure the bruising wasn't getting worse... and at some point in the early morning I decided it wasn't bruising- it was hives! The hives have went down and now I just have to figure out if something she ate caused them, or if it was something in the environment. I took pictures to show her doctor for Monday. I've never been so afraid in my life- Kira is my whole world now.

One funny thing is Kira likes the intro music to "Sponge Bob Square Pants" so we watch the introduction to that show whenever it comes on. When I say "Sponge Bob" she will look at the tv! It's so cute! It's neat to think that she can understand some words.
Hi! You're all doing so well on weaning - we were going great guns until the food poisoning debacle, which made all of us feel a bit rubbish and me like total death on legs. We've been having a lot of success squishing peas and popping them into her mouth one by one, and she quite likes sucking on baby corn snacks (messy though) but no chance of getting any other food in her. Maybe I should try banana...

SO the audition was her first one from the modelling agency. OH took her and said that she was beautifully behaved and by far the cutest, and he must have been right because she booked the job :) So long as we can get her performing license sorted by friday (fingers crossed!) she'll be shooting a Vicks advert! Not sure if it's print or tv, but I'm sure we'll find out on Friday. OH is taking her again and I;m super-excited :)

So we've managed to get our baby working, but not sitting or crawling :dohh: She rolls when she feels like it, and you were all right, she does do it better without her nappy on, but she still hates being on her tummy. She can stand really well if she's got something to hang onto though!
MJ - I have Sophia in her 6 - 18 month sleepign bags now and have had no problems with them. She can't slip into the bag so I can't see a problem, although they do look huge!!
Thank goodness for push up bras eh? Can we see a picture of yoru wedding dress? I bet you will look goregous!
I hope you can get your rosacea under control without too much hassle.
Sophia does the same thing with rollign over after feeding and vomming everywhere! Doesn't seem to bother her but my carpet is a right state!
LMAO at bad apple!!
When you say that Adam "ate" all that food while you were at bluewater - did he actually eat it? Sophia still just chomps on everything, although she is getting some down her there is no chance she could eat and not leave the majority around her somewhere!

Pip - hope you had a nicetime in Devon

Spidey - sorry you had such a terrifying experience last night - but glad it was "just" hives. I hope you can find out the trigger :hugs:

Aunty E - can't believe Imogen has a job - I don't even have a job!! Can I be incredibly rude and ask how much she will get paid :blush:

As for us, well nothign much happening here, same old, apart from Sophia still not back to sleepign through again! she must know I have a night out planned this week and so is putting a spanner in the works.

Also I have some bad (but kinda good news) regarding the meet. I am afraid I won't be able to make it because David has booked us a cottage up near Harrogate for a long weekend that weekend! So sorry that I won't be abel to make it, but am very pleased that we are going up north, my best friend gace birth 4 weeks ago so I am dying to see her and her LO. The cottage looks lovely (didn't know my hubby had such good taste!) her is a link https://www.brucecottage.co.uk/ so you can have a nosey!

Hope everyone has had a lovely weekend xx
i havnt got time to update properly but i just wanted to share my new favourite picture with you guys,
still reading and thinking of you all i will try and update tomorrow if i can xxxx

Hi ladies and I dunno if you remember me or not. I apologize for not posting in here a lot and being gone for a long while.

Everyone seems to be progessin pretty well although sounds like there's been some scary moments [(hugs) to Spidey]. Wish our little guy was moving along as fast as your little ones but I guess they grow up and develop at their own rate. :)

Unfortunately the eczema is still around. With the dermatologists' help, the flare ups aren't as bad but we're on a special hydro cortizone/glycerine compound to help with the skin.

The little guy isn't rolling around a heck of a lot (he's done his back to his front once and the tummy to his back a couple of times). I mentioned this to the doc and she said since he has a bit more weight on him plus a bigger head, it maybe taking him longer. We're still trying to encourage him though.

This past week, we've started him on 'solids' but to be more specific it's been baby rice. It was suggested to us that we introduce things to him one week at a time just in case there were any reactions/allergies. None as of yet. I'd really like to get him started on finger foods, etc as he's reaching out for things. However, since we just started it was recommended that we stick with introducing things one item at a time for now.

I've been doing well for the most part but still do get frustrated and lose my temper every so often. I guess it's just feeling very overwhelmed and to an extent somewhat sleep deprived. He's sleeping through the night for the most part but I tend to be getting up several times a night or just wake up for no reason. It is driving me batty.

We thought about taking away his binkie (dummy) but since he's only using it at nightime and for the naps at home, we don't think it's that big of an issue right now. Besides, when he's done with it for either of those times, he'll spit it out.

Haven't returned to work yet but due back in August. I'm sort of looking for a new place of work but nothing as of yet.

We've tried looking around for daycares but there aren't a lot in the area that take infants. In addition, with some that do, they don't have any openings until next year.
Hiya ladys sorry not been around had a lot on and been out a lot this weekend as


i have read throw but i can not rember any thing sorry.

Lucas is now sitting up from lieing down so keeps siting up in the night need to move the cot hight down and is trying his hardist to crawl he gets his arms and body right up and his bum the n falls he is still loving beeing on his feet and took his 1st wobbley step holding us yesterday.
Booth that photo is adorable :cloud9:

Elly - hi! Sorry to hear you are having trouble sleeping - I still wake up even when SOphia sleeps through, it is SO annoying!! I am sure Christian will progress at his own speed (as I am sure everyone keeps telling you :winkwink:) so try not to worry! I hope he is enjoying his solid food!

Happy birthday TMR!! Hopeyou have a great day :hugs:
Oh and I forgot to say - MJ you ahve insprired me! I am giving up chocolate too! Not sure for how long but at least until we go away for the weekend, so two weeks! Will see if it helps to shift any weight! I am gonna be such a grump!
:( I have the lurgy... :( Haven't been ill since I was a few months pregnant, it's not fun!! I guess all my running around trying to set up my Etsy shop has finally caught up with me!

MJ, getting sooooo close to your wedding now, you must be so excited!!! Yay for Adam eating out with you! What a big boy :D Thanks for your sweet words about my Etsy shop, I am so excited and having lots of fun with it, but stupidly busy trying to get into all the right Etsy groups to get myself known! Can't wait for that first sale since I've reopened :happydance:

Spidey, you pooooor thing, what a scare that must've been with Kira's hives :nope: Hope she's ok now! lots of love to you both xxxx

Aunty E, WOW!!! Goooo Imogen, congrats on her getting the job! It is pretty funny that she has a job before she can crawl though hehehehe. Having met her in person, I am not the tiniest bit surprised that she got it though: She is such a little beauty, and was very well behaved when we all met her! You MUST keep us posted; one of our Lion Cubs will be famous!! I'll be looking out for any kind of Vicks adverts when she's done it hehehe

Shiv, Vincent also has a thing about rolling and/or sitting up right after he's eaten, and vomming everywhere! His reflus is much much better after his bottles now, we're still giving Gaviscon in them still which seems to be doing the trick beautifully. But he's often pukey after solids, which is hideous because it is like proper adult sicky puke sick! Stinky.... :sick: Your cottage escape sounds lovely, I hope you have a marvellous time my dear :thumbup: Sorry if you've mentioned and I've missed it, but is Sophia any closer to taking a bottle yet? How is weaning going for you guys? :hugs:

Boothh, that photo is SO cute. If I had one like that of Vince and Lee I know it'd be my fave!! Super cute :)

Elly, good luck with the gentle weaning, hopefully nothing makes Christian's eczema flare up or any other allergies. Well done you on staying patient, I hope you can settle in the night soon, I think it is still sort of built into us all a bit to wake up in the night and check on babies (that is if they don't wake us up first!) Sending you vibes of patience and happiness :D xxx

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TMR!!! :bunny: :cake: :bunny: Have a fab day honey :)

Love and happiness to everyone! I am off to feel sorry for my poorly self and do some Etsying :)

Get well soon shadow x
Sophia is adamant about bottles still, we are trying a doidy cup with little success. Suffice to say she is coming to the cottage with us!
Weaning is going well though, we are all finding baby led weaning fun! She is swallowing bits on purpose now, although still not eating much! She rats what we eat mostly so I am spending a lot of time preparint meals from scratch, last week she enjoyed spag bol. Chicken korma, macaroni and cauliflower cheese, roast need, salmon fishcakes etc etc! Plus obviously lots of veggies! She even likes sprouts and celery
What a freak! No offense meant to any other fart machine lovers!
Just quickly, as am about to dash off home, I think it's about £40 an hour for photo stuff and quite a bit more for filming, but I honestly can't remember. As she only gets paid quarterly, I wasn't really listening when the nice lady told me. We have her license all sorted now, so it's all stations go for the photoshoot on Friday. All I did really was send her photo to the agency and they say whether or not they want you to come in so they can see her/him. Then it was a case of paying for the photos and that was it. A lot want you to be either inside the M25 or near to the agency though. That's a lovely picture of Sophia in your avatar btw :)
Kira's napping so I have some time to post- 1 handed of course since its a boob nap :haha:

AE- that is so neat that you're little one is going to be a model! From taking so many pictures of Kira, she knows to smile when I say "smile!!!" So cute! You'll have to record any commercials she's in and post them here so we can see!

Elly- Kira has just a little excema and I know it keeps her up at night with itching- your poor baby must have it bad :cry: I hope he grows out of it. We're doing BLW, but with slow introduction of foods like you. No foods that are top allergens until 1 year atleast.

TMR- happy birthday!!!!!

Shadow- I hope you're feeling better soon. I have a little cold too and I'm being OCD trying not to spread it to Kira.

To those who are not eating chocolate- so crazy!!! I could never give it up :haha:

Nothing new here... the weather has been wonderful so we're getting lots of outdoor time and sunshine! Kira's hives are almost all gone so now I need to figure out what caused them.
gah. I wrote a bloater post and it got eaten up before it posted. GRRRRR.

will have to redo it. :lol:
Hey girls! I'm visiting my mom at the library so I handed her Emma and took off to the computer area. :D It's nice that she is at work and can babysit at the same time. While I relax on the computer. :haha:

So we are finally over our colds. Which is just in time for the gorgeous weather! I'm so thankful winter is just about gone. It was nice while it lasted but hello flowers and sunshine!!! Developmental-wise there isn't too much to report. Emma sits up for ages on her own now, still crawling all over, and is now trying to pull herself up onto everything. I can stand her up and let her hold onto things and she will stand there for a really really long time. I'm always there to catch her of course but she always gets the biggest grin looking back at me when standing. She's such a ham. :D

We finally got our address for california and have to be there on April 26 to sign the lease. I'm super excited for that!! We will just be living in military housing so it won't be anything special. But it's still nice to have something set up already so DH has less running around to do when his ship finally pulls in. I am counting down the days for him to be home. We are at about 38 days now. Which seems like a long time to the average person but it's really nothing at all when I think about it.

MJ- Good luck with your wedding! Take lots of pics for us! :)

spidey- :rofl: @ boob nap. Emma has lot's of those still. In fact she just got done with one a few minutes ago. I always get super excited when she accidentally unattaches and is still asleep so I can finally cover myself. :haha: Glad to see your enjoying the weather too!

Aunty E- Show off those professional baby pictures of Imogen sometime! :thumbup: Sounds like you have a little superstar on your hands. :D
MJ~ OMg only 2 days togo so so close good luck i hope you have the best day.

Thank you for the b'day wishes it was a very busy day of ppl coming and going finlly got just me and oh at 10pm but never mind it was a nice day and rueben loved eating my chocs lol

my diet starts today as iam sick of being this size even thow iam lighter now than befor i was preg but really want to be 10st7 or less.

take care
Yikes, it is super quiet in here! We must all be so busy: Especially you MJ!!! I hope things are going smoothly my lovely, best of luck for your big day!!!

Shiv, Sophia's food sounds scrummy!! Lucky baby :P I'm going veggie for a while (might end up being a very short while lol! We'll see) not for weight loss purposes, just to feel a bit less clogged up really.

Aunty E, that all sounds so exciting with Imogen's photoshoots and stuff! I can't wait for details after she's done it! What a little superstar :)

My sickness is a bit better which is lovely, but I am having horrible issues with my Sacro-Iliac which is not nice :( ~And today Vince decided that he wasn't going to nap until just half an hour ago, he is still down but we have water babies and i am a bit worried that he will be really grumpy for it and cry the whole time. We have quite a vocal group as it is!!! But we'll see.... I;d best go get ready for it now.

Other than that, I am having annoying computer trouble and have been super busy trying to promote my Etsy shop to make that first sale since I reopened it! I hope I sell something soon, it'd be a lovely boost :winkwink:

Got to go for now, Water Babies is soon and I have to get all ready. Love to everyone, but especially MJ :bunny:


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