Hi Shiv, I'm here - as usual I keep meaning to sit and do proper replies/updates, and then get sidetracked...
Sophia sounds like she and Adam are similarly built, he's been around the 35th centile or so since he was a few days old in weight. as for height, I don't know, officially, as he has never been measured other than by us. last time I worked out he was somewhere between 75th and 91st, but he feels like he is getting more solid and not lengthening quite so much (it's annoying because he has outgrown his 0-6 month sleeping bag by length but is not as heavy as the minimum weight for the 6-18 month one, at least he wasn't, I think it is 18lb, which he should be by 30 weeks if he stays on his curve - I don't know if it's worse for him to be too big in a small sleeping bag or too small in a big one

well done on your weight loss, too! I was 10st 1lb today, 10st the day before yesterday, so I am very very pleased. was a bit worried as I tried on the wedding dress and it was too loose round the boobs (it was altered from a size 16 but I was 10st 10ish when she pinned me in; when I went for a fitting it was fine, but I think the last few lbs has made a difference). so I panicked massively. and then went and bought a padded super uplift strapless bra and it fills the dress out perfectly and I'm not so scared of a wardrobe malfunction! am also not so scared of carrying on dieting.
as for what I've been doing - well, no exercise other than running up and down the stairs 50 times a day, though I have been walking more when I go out with Adam because my knees stopped hurting. such a relief. I gave up chocolate, and I really had a bad chocolate habit. in the last 5 weeks I have had 1 Wispa (tonight) and one Freddo (4 days ago). other than that nothing. I also cut back on carbs, am less strict right now but I will go back to being strict after the wedding/christening; I was especially cutting back on high glycaemic carbs, so nothing refined - barely any pasta or bread or rice or cereals. it's not so easy with BLW, and the whole meals as a family, but I figure Adam doesn't notice if he and his daddy have tortillas with their salad and grilled chicken, or I skip the rice, or only have a couple of potato wedges. though I feel fine as I am, I do want to lose the last 10lb before I go back to work, which could be as soon as 6 weeks' time and probably not a good idea, bit quick, but I'd like to be as close to pre-preg weight as poss. nobody wil recognise me.

I like the low carb/low glycaemic diet as though I miss carbs, I don't feel hungry as I eat as much as I like of the things I can have, snacking on nuts and hard boiled eggs, cheese, that sort of thing. I substituted nuts for chocolate after dinner in the evening, as that's when I ate it, no other time, and after a few days I didn't really miss it.
have also toyed with a more extreme diet but aimed at helping my skin (though I have not identified any food triggers) - the rosacea I have had since I was about 10 weeks pregnant. I eventually went to the doc and she gave me antibiotic cream, which helped with the spots but not the redness. it's now coverable with make-up, and I got some decent products. but it's not better really so I went back to the doc and she suggested referring me to a dermatologist, so that's the next step. it's not a curable condition but it does apparently respond to treatment and it gets worse when not addressed, which is what I am afraid of. at the moment the permanent redness and spots are on one cheek only but the other also has a tendency to flushing so I think it's a matter of time.
oh and the poo chair... it is very very sadly coming to the end of its time with us.

Adam has worked out how to get out of it. he's never managed to get out entirely, since he can't undo the clips, but he could have a nasty accident tipping it up as he can sit right up and lean forward and tilt over. it does mean I am better at giving Adam breakfast as I have to pop him in the high chair straight after his morning bottle else he'll be down on the floor on his tummy and he'll be sick (he wants to play, he won't sit still in the morning in the chair though he will later in the day, for a short time anyway). I cannot get him to stay sitting up for longer than a minute or so. he is capable but wants to be moving around and he hasn't realised the concept of stay sitting up and your milk won't come right back up as it will if you go right onto your front. silly baby.
he's another baby who is crawling backwards, he totally knows what to do and can also crawl/pull along in a circle. don't think he has the upper body strength to manage going forwards. he is extremely determined though and grunts like Monica Seles with the effort.
also he screams like that women in the opening sequence of One Born Every Minute... WHAT a yowl he has. I look at him with wonderment when he does it and I think he finds that amusing.
so - one more week and I will finally be a married woman... it feels weird, and I am excited AND nervous. still quite a bit to do, little things, but it keeps us busy - rehearsal at the church, got to get the flowers for my bouquet and the reception venue (we aren't using a florist so hope we can get what we want), fold the napkins (like nappies), order the taxis, I have to take up Adam's trousers he's wearing after the ceremony... etc etc!
so! busy.
blw is still going well, he is eating a lot more, getting a lot more skilled, less cack-handed. I even managed something I'd been avoiding - feeding him solids away from a home (he's been fed at C's mum's). he and I went to Bluewater the other day for this emergency bra and also to go to the Apple Store as Adam managed (I am sure it was him) to short circuit the laptop charger we'd bought just last Sat (same happened to the other - I think he sucked it) - I didnt mention the 6 month old gummy mouth that might have had a part in the charger's demise, and so the APple man assumed it was just a bad apple and replaced it. anyway we went to the food court and Adam had his snack (lump of mature cheddar, a plum and some rice cakes) while I had my original recipe chicken salad from KFC. he ate so nicely sitting up in the pushchair with very little mess. I was very very proud and felt like I overcame a hurdle.
cleck, sorry to hear Emma has been in the wars - maybe she is going to be a little daredevil! doesn't do much for your stress levels though. maybe you better work on growing that extra pair of eyes in the back of your head...
shadow, great news on your etsy shop! it all looks completely awesome, I am very very impressed with your creativity. really hope it all does well. as for Water Babies - it sounds wonderful.

we have still never taken AE swimming but he LOVES the bath and drenches the whole bathroom with kicking. we're planning to take him for the first time the week after next, when C is off work.
Aunty E, hope Imogen is feeling better now and her audition went well. what was it for?
ok, that was a bloater of a post. better go now, am tired anyway.

hope everyone is well, thinking of you all a lot!