--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Hiya ladys sorry i have not been on but we have had a very bad few days

sorry for the gloom befor i start:

on tue night are dog couldnt get up and was faling over every time we tryed to get him up. He got up after a bit and was banging in to every thing and didnt know where he was going then just fell and couldnt be boutherd. So i carryed him up to bed (hes a very big dog) and my oh cant carry him. he couldnt get up when he was up there and so we lay him down and went to bed. At 5am lucas wake us up and we could smell a really fowl smell and thort lucas had had a big bad poo but as i picked him up it tund out not to be him. So put the light on to see the dog had pooed and weed and couldnt get up out of it he just wasnt with it ( he has never done any thing in the house in 16 yrs) so oh pulled him out of it why i cleaned it up. The dog wouldnt move he head or any thing he was dieing. we rang round all the 24hr vets to be told it would be £240 + what ever cost for what they had to do so we waited for 9am and took him to the vets we really didnt want him dieing at the vet as he allways hated the vet. The vet took 1 look at him and seid eather put him on a drip and it will bring him round for a few weeks or end it oh could say the word so i seid it is better of ending it. Vet took him in and tryed to find a vain to put him to rest but they was all gone there was no blood running throw them so he had to do it throw his hart. It was so bad seeing it and knowing it was going in his hart i had to walk out and leave oh there as i couldnt see any more.

Sorry agane for the gloom we just dnt know what to do with are self at the min we ae all over the place. he was such a good dog ans so happy and full of life. The kids have been fab throw this.

O bless you hunny, thats so hard. Pets are like family members to lots of us and I couldn't imagine it:hugs: xxxxx
Gosh it has been quiet in here, I hope that is because (up until yesterday) everyone has been enjoying the glorious spring weather. Shame that it is now peeing down! I hope that isn't our summer been and gone already!

Vici - hope Imi is all better now? Poor little mite x I bet you are so excited about your wedding. i absolutely loved planning mine and the day itself was brilliant. I had a nose on facebook at where you are honeymooning - it looks idyllic!

AE - thanks for the tip about lansinoh (need something to use my leftover stuff on!). I hope that Mog has settled for you being at home now and that her tummy is better now that she is back on her usual feeds. i am glad she knew who you were, she must have missed you!

Spidey, I hope Kira is having a better time with her poop now. i know that Sophia makes a much bigger fuss about it now that they are solid!

Pip - thanks for the AF info - still no sign of mine! Is Sam only feeding at those times or do you supplement with formula? Am wondering when Sophia might cut down her breast feeds!

tmr - SO sorry about your dog. I know how upsetting it is when your dog dies as they have been a part of your family for such a long time. But it sounds like you did the kindest thing by letting him go, big hugs x

As for us, well Sophia's exzema is MUCH better :happydance: We think that it is being triggered by heat as her flare up coincided with the nice weather and also with her getting her first tooth (which apparently raises their temperatures slightly). So she is now in a lot less bed clothes, cooler bathes only every three days and lots of moisturisers. The miracle cream is really good (it is called Hope's Relief cream is anyone ever has to deal with a bout of exzema) and I am SO relieved to have it under some sort of control.

Sophia is still waking several times a night though - at a bit of a loss really, but i oculd sure do with a good nights sleep!:sleep:

:hugs: to all
Hey girls! I've gotten on here twice and written massive posts and each time whoever's wifi we were using at the time stopped working and it ate my posts. :( We don't have our internet set up so we just use whatever neighbors we can pick up at the time that is unlocked. :rofl: Real fast before they sign off,

TMR- I'm SO sorry for your loss hun. I hope you guys find peace and comfort knowing he's in a better place. It kills me to think of my own pup dying. She's been with me for 5 1/2 years but she's still a puppy to me and follows me everywhere I go. I just can't imagine. :cry: I'm so sorry again. :hugs:

Vici- Hope you guys are feeling better now. :hugs: Can't wait to see some wedding piccies!! :D

Shiv- Emma still feeds just as much now as she did four months ago. She really hasn't dropped feeds at all. So I'm with you on the wondering when that will happen. She eats a ton with BLWing so it's amazing that she still wants to BF so much. But I really want to BF over a year so hopefully it's a good sign that she's so attached still. :D And I'm with you on the sleep as well cause Emma doesn't sleep through yet either. She cosleeps though so it's super easy to just feed her and go right back to sleep.

Emma went through a rough patch last week after our move. I think the travel and timezone change was part of it. She kept throwing up at night. Like full blown projectile vomiting. And she refused to eat solids. She'd scream as soon as her bottom hit the highchair. SHe just didn't want it. But now she is back to her usual smiling self so I'm glad for that. I missed my happy girl. :D

Yesterday Emma crawled from the living room, down the hallway, up two flights of stairs, down another hallway and into her room. :rofl: I followed her the whole way but let her go where she wanted. She's such a little explorer. Needless to say, we invested in some good baby gates for the stairs now though. :haha: She cruises really well on furniture and is quite the daredevil about climbing onto stuff but I still really don't see her walking anytime soon. Anyone think they might have a walker soon?! It's exciting to see all our little babies growing. I wonder who will walk first?! :happydance::happydance:
Hi Ladies

Its been a while since my last post, but I have been following everyone progress via this thread. Good to see that all of our LOs are thriving and getting more and more mobile. :happydance: :thumbup:

Anyway I have a niggling concern which is really worrying me and I can't shake it off, I did post it in the babyclub but received very little response :nope: and its getting me in a bit of a worry.

I'm hoping that you will put my mind at rest and give me your thoughts given your LO are a very similar age to Riya.

Anyway, the concern I have is that Riya does not respond to her name consistently, if she is playing with her toys and is concentrating or watching the tv then she will literally ignore me calling her - its almost like I'm not there :nope:

However when I leave the room and return, or she is with DH or am on the phone she will look for me and turn towards my voice if I say something. Also if she is just lying around near me and I call her she will make good eye contact and grin or come crawling over wanting to play.

All the babies in playgroup are 10months plus and there mothers say that they respond all the time, I did call her a few times at playgroup yesterday but she was playing with some blocks and chose to ignore me.

I've read alot about Autism and someone mentioned it at playgroup - so its got me all worried, aside from this she's a very loving baby, very sociable, babbles DADA all the time. DH thinks I'm paranoid and I don't want to call the doctor unnecessarily.

PLEASE let me know if you're LO consistently respond to you calling their name, Do they sometimes ignore you ?, how often is this ?, what are they doing ?

Thanks Ladies. :hugs:
Imogen NEVER responds to her name. Or to me calling her at all. She'll look if I enter a room and she's interested, but she has no concept of name yet. She'll certainly ignore me in favour of something she's playing with. I'm not worried at all - she makes good eye contact, plays with me and babbles at me all the time, she just doesn't know what her name is yet. I think maybe the babies at your playgroup are just a little more advanced than ours that's all, I wouldn't worry too much. :hug:
Imogen NEVER responds to her name. Or to me calling her at all. She'll look if I enter a room and she's interested, but she has no concept of name yet. She'll certainly ignore me in favour of something she's playing with. I'm not worried at all - she makes good eye contact, plays with me and babbles at me all the time, she just doesn't know what her name is yet. I think maybe the babies at your playgroup are just a little more advanced than ours that's all, I wouldn't worry too much. :hug:

Thanks AuntyE - this is reassuring to know.
I posted before but it's dissapeared. Jess more often than not responds to his name, certainly if it's his dad calling him, but me not so much, if he's busy playing he willjust ignore you, maybe whatever they are playing with is just more interesting than mummy lol, I'm not worried, I think he definatly does recognise his name though he just chooses to ignore me some if the time xx
Emma doesn't respond every time I say her name either. She does most of the time but, It's part of her personality I think to ignore me. She's so much like her daddy it's scary. :rofl: If she's interested in something else she will refuse to pay attention to me. We are trying to teach her 'NO' and she listens because she turns and smiles but than consistently she'll speed up and do it anyways. So I have a feeling her terrible 2's are going to be REAL bad. :haha:

:hugs: i wouldn't worry a bit hun.
I posted before but it's dissapeared. Jess more often than not responds to his name, certainly if it's his dad calling him, but me not so much, if he's busy playing he willjust ignore you, maybe whatever they are playing with is just more interesting than mummy lol, I'm not worried, I think he definatly does recognise his name though he just chooses to ignore me some if the time xx

Funnily - Riya respond more to her daddy,and he only sees her for 10 minutes in the morning during the week. Typical - I spend 24 / 7 with her and she responds more for daddy and also only says dada, no mama yet. She's going to be a little daddy's girl.

Sophia wil also ignore me if she is engrossed with a toy - I can sit right next to her saying her name over and over and over and over and she might eventually look at me! Try not to worry :hugs:
Kira mostly doesn't respond to her name either. Sometimes she will look up at me when I call her, but she mostly ignores me. She makes good eye contact though and if I make goofy faces she will crack a smile, so socially she seems perfectly normal. It doesn't help though that her Daddy calls her 'Nugs' instead of Kira :haha: He nick-named her Nugget when she was newborn since she was always curled up like a chicken nugget shape... and that evolved to Nugs.

Cleckner and Shiv- Kira hasn't reduced the frequency of breast feeds either. I've been working 20 hrs each week since Kira was 2 1/2 months, and I pump the same amount of milk now that I did all those months ago. At home sometimes she will snack every 30 minutes (or more)... I just follow her lead. At night she still doesn't sleep thru. I feed her around 8pm and she'll wake most nights at midnight for the next feed... and usually every 2-3 hours after that and I flip from side to side with each feed. She is hungry though because if I stay awake as she eats, she really does take alot of milk in by the frequency of swallowing I hear.

Cleckner- Thats awful about the projectile vomiting. Poor baby :cry: You must have been doing laundry like crazy! I'm glad she's back to normal happy baby now.

Big news for Kira- she took her first crawls this weekend!! It was just 3 or 4 little crawl motions in a row but soooo great! Of course she was whining the whole time, but its a start! She's been taking 1 or 2 crawls since then- its like she doesn't realize her new skill yet. Now I don't feel so left out with everyone else's crawling (or almost walking!!!) babies :happydance:
Adam sometimes responds and sometimes doesn't. I never really kept track of when he started to know his name, but definitely there was one time a week or two ago when he was playing on the floor with his back to me and I called his name and he turned round, smiled, crawled over and stood up at the settee when I was sitting. My heart just melted! But other times he's too busy doing what he's doing and will only be bribed to come and see me by me putting his dummy in my mouth (we have a game where I have it and he takes it from me).

Riya is about 7-8 weeks younger than the other babies you see at playgroup - those few weeks can make a world of difference in development terms. And it's easy to misremember exactly when your LO has done something if you don't write it down - if people are telling you it's odd that Riya doesn't always respond and imply that their LO always did at her age, well, it's not that I'm saying it's not true, just that it's easy to get the exact details a little hazy. If someone asked me when did Adam first roll, I know because I wrote down the day. But when did he crawl - nope. I know he was crawling well by 7.5 months but couldn't pinpoint it further than that. Also I really doubt ANYONE'S baby really does react to their name 100% of the time! I was once a little concerned about Adam's hearing because he failed to react to what I considered to be loud and disturbing noises, like sirens, but he's been fully tested and he's fine. And he sometimes reacts to extremely slight noises. They're all different! It sounds like Riya is a lovely little girl; if she is bright and communicative and babbling she sounds absolutely fine. Do you have a health visitor or someone else who can reassure you that everything is ok?

Lucas dosnt respond to his name as such as at this age you could be calling them any thing as they dnt know what there name is. As long as they are turning to noise from you there is no need to worry. Rueben stands there some times really shouting lucas over and over and he just carrys on just because he dosnt know he is talking to him or just thinks i dnt want to be wound up agane by my big bro lol.

Thank you for your thort on are doggy we are missing him so much i cnt belive its been a week now. But we had some very good times with him so we are just trying to think about that.

Lucas is still not back to crawling getting really worryed now as he was cralwing every where but seems to have for goten what to do and is just getting about by rolling every where. mybe iam not giving him anof time on the floor or he is just a lazzy bum lick his big bro was i think rueben was 11 months befor he carlwed then 14 months when walking but he was a really good talker by 12 months.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH Ladies. Your replies have really put my mind at rest.

MaryJo - We don't have HV over here, the only contact is with her paedetrician. At her 6 month check he said she was very alert and advanced for her age.

Spidey - Way to go on the crawling, Riya only really started last week and is getting faster and more mobile each day.

TMR1234 - Try not to worry (easier said that done I know) but Riya was the same with babbling, she was constantly saying Da Da Da and then all of a sudden stopped and instead just screamed all the time.. We were both quite worried, but her doctor said it was normal and sure enough a couple of weeks later she just started up again.

ONE other thing which is also niggling me, is to do with her crawling. Since she's started actually crawling on all fours properly, she does this weird rocking thing sometimes.

She getts on all fours and then rocks back and forth as if she's getting ready to crawl. It looks a little odd, its not a violent rocking or anything just odd. Is this normal for babies when they've just mastered the crawling technique.

Im trying hard to resist Googling it as I know its going to link it to something bad and then I'll be all worried again.

I thought I'd stop worrying after she was born, but it never goes away, I worry at every new little thing - It tough being a mum !!!

Hope all your LO's are all doing fab. :hugs:
Imi does that rocking thing all the time - like shes getting ready on a start line :rofl: Shes also the same with her name - she turns when she wants to but if shes engrossed in something then i've not got a chance of getting her attention!!

Imi is well on the move now and in full time crawling mode - we can't even get her out of the crawling position when shes sleeping! :dohh: Do seem to be having alot of disturbed nights - more often than not she goes back off within a few mins but she wakes screaming and it frightens the life out of me. Last night OH went in at 2am and she was proper upset crying but she was still asleep - any ideas?

Shiv and Cleck - thanks for your lovely comments on the wedding - i really cannot wait! I was looking through our service book last night trying to decide on the wordings :) Also booked our flights and was VERY odd to book them as Mrs Hadfield :wacko::happydance:
Thanks Vici - Riya has also started wakes up crying / screaming sometimes. She's usually a good sleeper and will tend to settle herself back to sleep. The only thing I can think off is teething. Her top two teeth are starting to come through and if I recall the screaming started at about the same time.

Once I put the dummy back in she falls straight back off to sleep.
rocking thing is definitely normal - every baby I have ever seen learn to crawl has done this, I think it is how they get momentum to go forward! And we all worry about stuff, that is normal too! I think it is part of being a mummy!:hugs:
Mog does the rocking thing a bit too, she can't crawl yet and she only really started sitting up in the last month. She's super strong, just a bit lazy ;) I think she's going to walk fairly soon, she enjoys standing up hanging onto things, and she spends so much time in the jumperoo she has legs like a rhino!

I'm feeling so much better not being on Cerazette now - obviously I'll have to find some kind of non-hormonal birth control after we have the next one. bleurgh. OH has firmly ruled out vasectomy because (and I'm not kidding here) 'what if you die and I want to have children with my next wife?' :haha:
Yes, Adam did the rocking thing as well before he was crawling, like he was trying to propel himself forward. He has also been doing the wake in the night screaming thing, for the past few weeks. Awful. Like a terrified, heartrending scream and real tears, usually about 2 hours after he's gone to bed. Many a night he'd only calm down if he came into bed with us. It's not every night now but it was every other night for a bit, about a month ago. Usually he'll calm down if he gets his dummy back but sometimes he wouldn't. I wondered if he was having nightmares or night terrors, but I've googled it a little and it seems to be a fairly normal thing to happen round this sort of age.

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