--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Jess does the rocking thing too I think its probably something to do with balance I thought,
tmr- I wouldn't suggest Jesse recognises his name is Jesse but he deffo knows the sound and will respond if you say his name rather than just a random word,
cleck - I am trying to yeah Jesse no at the moment and he seems to be starting to understand the pattern of me or OH saying 'no' and whatever he has grabbed being taken from him, more often than not now if I shout jess and say NO he will just turn and crawl off to mess with something else! Though he does have times when he just smiles and carrys on! If his dad says no to him though it makes him cry! Probably because of his tone of voice I would think!
Jesse is still not pulling up properly! He does it in his cot with much effort but the sofa, tables anything else nope, I try tempting him putting histoy in sight on the sofa or table etc but he tries a few times does a little sad wail and crawls off!

He fell off my bed this morning too and smacked
his head on the floor! He screamed for ages and he's got a massive mark on his forehead now! I feel really guilty but I was stood right next
to him and was getting dressed, in the time it took to put my
top on he was over the pillow barrier and on the floor! It just really makes me
think I can't just leve him like that anymore cus he's too fast for me!
Boothh- poor Jesse :cry: It's awful when they get hurt and cry for so long. It's hard to go through a day and not feel guilty.

Kira does the rocking thing too- it's really cute! It's like she want's to take off but doesn't have the muscles yet.

About the awful crying at night with closed eyes- Kira does that too. She mostly does it in the mornings after I leave for work. We always thought it was from her being so tired and wanting to sleep, but being aware she's no longer sleeping and she's upset because she wants to get back off to sleep. Yeah, complicated explanation :haha: But if I get back into bed to nurse her, or if DH lays next to her and sticks a pacifier in her mouth, she will often drift back off to sleep and stop crying.
Emma also does the screaming at night. It's kind of scary sometimes. DH keeps asking me if she's having nightmares or something because she has a full blown terrified sounding scream but I really don't know either. Kind of odd that most of us are having the same issue with our LOs. :shrug: Hopefully it's a phase they grow out of fast.
Heyyyyy ladies!!!

First thing I'll say is that Vincent broke the "U" key on my new laptop today, so if I'm missing any Us then that's why ;)

Just spent about an hour reading back, so good to catch up with you all again :D It sounds as though everyone is doing well, and lots of very interesting milestones being hit at various stages :happydance:

I'm so sorry I'm not on here so regularly any more: I really cannot find the time in the day lately... And spare moments I've had have been going towards my business and artwork, which is coming along nicely: Hoping to do some craft shows in Exeter this summer :dance: But when I do come back in here I always try to catch up with everything I've missed, so please do know that I'm still very much a part of you guys and I've certainly not abandonned you! I love reading your news :)

So I'll try to remember some of what I read / wanted to say...

Firstly, before I forget, Aunty E you mentioned a non-hormonal birth control, and I have to take this chance to really pimp the Mirena coil! I ADORE it! I've hardly had any periods since I had it fitted (about 6 months now? And I've had maybe 2 half-periods in that time!) Plus I was always mega hormonal on the pill, always crying and stuff, and that has TOTALLY disappeared with the coil :D
While I'm 'on' you, Aunty E (!!), well done for getting by with Mog so far away! Glad they're home again now and hope that she settles back into her old self fully.

Boothh, sounds like yo're getting back on with life really well honey, you've done so well to get through it. I hope Jess is doing better in his own room so that you guys can have some nice proper sleep again soon!!

Cleck, OMGGGG Emma is so mobile now huh? that's so exciting and yet a bit scary that she can get around so much on her own. I guess you're growing eyes in the back of your head now!?

TTC Lady, everything you've mentioned sounds just fine to me sweetie :flower: Vince does seem to know his name mostly, but quite often I say it four or five times and he doesn't look, just totally blanks me :dohh: He's not crawling at all yet, so I don't know about the rocking, but I'm sure I've seen other babies doing it in the past. Good for you coming in here to voice your concerns though: It's what this place is for :D I'm so glad we all have each other for that sort of thing.

MJ - I think we can safely say that Adam is the best walker in here so far, no?! It's AMAZING to see photos of him standing up (like your avatar) just casually leaning against furniture. And cruising along the sofa, amazing!!! Sounds like work is going well for you, I can imagine it must've been weird to go back after so long, but cool that you've just slotted back in like you never left! I expect the others you work with feel like not much has changed there, their lives are probably much the same as before you left, isn't it amazing how much has happened with Adam since then?!

Gahhhh I am really racking my brains now to remember more...

Shiv, sorry to hear about Sophia's eczema :( But yay for the miracle cream!! Vince is fnny about the heat, too: He gets really pset and cranky if it's too hot (we don't have heating in our house, only had a gas fire in the lounge over the winter, he is used to it cool like we are!) Hope the cream and yor other methods can cope with anything a hot summer might throw at you :hugs:

Spidey - Eeeeep @ no poo for 11 days! :shock: Poor little mite, Vince gets a bit constipated but not that much, we've not needed a suppository yet... I wonder what it is, I do hope it's a short-lived phase for all your sakes! :hugs:

Pippin :wave: Hey sweetie, sorry I can't really remember how you've been lately but I think you said you're poorly, so get well soon!! I keep checking on you on FB and seeing the gorgeous Sam grow more handsome by the second :winkwink: Lots of love your way! xxx

Hmmm sorry guys, that's abot all I can remember for now!

A little catch up from us... So Vince is still completely uninterested in crawling or standing or walking or any of that: I can pt him on all fours and he can hold himself there for quite a while, but he has no idea what to do next, even when his dad gets on all fours with him and demonstrates crawling round the living room floor! (Vincent is in fits of giggles watching him do this! But no attempts from him yet...)
He's not the tiniest bit interested in standing himself up on his feet, taking any weight on his legs, shffling around on his bm... Nothing at all. AND YET we STILL have had to babyproof the kitchen, becase he LOVES his walker, and can move that thing arond so well and so quickly! The other day he had all the pans out of the kitchen drawers so we put safety latches on all th cpboards and drawers which has worked nicely :)

Also, teeth... :nope: Still not even a dickie bird of a tooth from him. Not even any signs, no lumpiness or redness in his gums, nothing at all... :shrug: So I guess either he has my stupid tooth condition, or he is just a randomly late bloomer with his toothy pegs. I guess we'll see in time :)

But the progress he IS making is very very exciting... He is getting REEEEALLY good at swimming now, he jst adores his lessons every week! He can swim confidently underwater on his own now for a good 10 seconds, he wiggles his body and kicks his legs so well, he looks like he was born for the water! When I say "Vince, ready go!" he takes a deep breath and squints his eyes to go underwater. He jst loves his lessons so much, he beams at everyone, gets soooo excited and kicks his little legs and swims along with me :D I am so glad we decided to do it, it's fab.

And in other news, on the development front.... I think we can officially say that he has said his first proper word! I figred there are two types of "first word" really: The time when they make a little sond randomly but attach no meaning to it past the sound itself, but it sounds like a word nonetheless (I guess Vincent's wold be "Mama" followed very shortly by "Dada")... But then there's the other type of first word, where they say / copy something KNOWING what it means. And Vince can do this now! He says "Juice" (in a cutey baby way, of course) But I KNOW that he knows what it means, because I've been calling his cup "juice" for ages now, and if I say juice he always looks for his cup. So when I said juice 2 days ago and he looked right at me and said something that sounded very much like it back to me, I knew it was his "first word" :) He's done it pretty consistently since then: I did a little video on YouTube :blush: If you've got me on FB you've probably seen it! AND since then, he has started doing all kinds of cool stuff: He has learned to wave (Pippin I know Sam has been doing this for a while: Isn't it the cutest?!), he's copying us in lots of ways like if we pat something with our hands, he does it too, if we poke our tongues out, he does it, if I wiggle my tongue and make a "blurblarblr" noise, he does it... We say "gimme five" and he slaps our palms (always with his left hand! Hmmm)
OOHH, and... We have photographs outside his room of or family, and when I pt him to bed each night I always point at everyone and say "Dadda, Granny, Finlay, Grandma..." and recently I;ve started saying "where's dadda?" and hepoints to his dad's face, and "where's Fin?" and he points to his sister's face!! Sometimes he gets them mixed p, bt it's cute anyway :winkwink: And the very last thing, jst tonight when I was giving him a bath, he got fascinated by the fish on our tiled wall, and I pointed at it and said "fish" and he pointed at it and said "ish!" :D :D It was soooo cute hehe.... So it seems that he is definitely a "talker" and not a "walker" or "crawler"! Anyone else had any first word-type experiences yet? I'd love to hear about it!

OK, but that's quite enough from me now: I've not been here in ages and I come charging in with so much! But there seems to be loads to catch up on :blush:

Hoping you're all well, I will try to pop in here a bit more frequently if I can find the time around everything!

Love to you all, my sweeties :D

Oh, also, any signs of right/left handedness yet? Vince is very clearly favouring his left hand for most things: Do yo think this will change again? There's a load of lefties in or families, both my side and his dad's...
P.S Those of you having troubles at night really have my sympathy :( I'm not sre what to suggest, as Vince is (touch wood) doing pretty well at night times still... We've stopped using the swaddling blankets, and instead we've made a homemade sleeping bag that his arms can go inside: He usually has them p my his chest inside which he seems to like. Latest attempt at leaving him without being wrapped up at all was a horrible disaster, ended in very much screaming and vomiting and horrible horrible things like that! Not in this house, thank you very much! Hehehe

But all I can say to those with night troubles is do whatever works for you! Don't get stressed about "we shouldn't do this, because they might get dependent on it" etc... Just get good sleep however you can, I say, and the rest will follow :winkwink: xxx
shadow - i know of quite a few babies the same as ours who have no teeth yet so your not on your own! jess on the other hand has 4 two bottom and 2 top and he has a big gap in his top front ones lmao, he also has 4 more coming through!! so iv bought him his first toothbrush and some strawberry toothpaste today, iv been giving him a spare toothbrush to mess with for a while when im doing my teeth and he puts it in his mouth like me and messes around lol
its good to here what you and vince are up to i miss reading your big long posts every day haha ;)
it must be soo cute him starting to say words and stuff, it just shows how differently they all develop!
jess definatley understands a few words, he does understand NO cus he recognises the pattern of him being moved away from or having whatever hes got taken away along with the no word and if i shout him and say it when hes messing with something he shouldnt he 99% stops doing it, he doesnt really repeat alot of things hes not a very babbly baby, he says mama, dada, nana, but i really dont think he recognises which is which and its just luck if he says the right one to whoever of us,
he waves when hes in the right mood, and he holds his arms upto you when he wants to be picked up which is lovely, especially when i walk in the room and he looks over and holds his arms up haha, also im starting to think he understands that he isnt supposed to have certain things, because if he picks something up like say a pen or some of my makeup ¬_¬ that always gets taken away if i shout him hes started putting them behind his back lmao! he doesnt do this with any of his own toys or anything but im not sure if its coincedence!
i want to get jess some more new 9months + toys cus he seems to have mastered all his now and its getting a little boring for him i think!
sorry for the long pointless post just feels so good having a keyboard to type on again and not a bloody phone (we got our internet installed today!!) :)
oo and for anyone whos interested...

heres jesse brushing his teeth this morning lol!

SOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!! Must have Jesse NOW! Can you post him to me?

Mog can high five - the crew taught her how to do it while they were in Hong Kong. It's super cute.
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that has to be one of the cutest photos i have EVER seen!
Shadow good to hear from you i wouldnt worry to much about his teeth my sis lo didnt get any at all untill she was 12 months then they all seem to come with in a few months. Lucas loves his walker as well and has just been ablue to get in to the kichen and get every thing he can (kichen is a fiar way away from the frunt room).

Boothh~ jesse is so cute and look at all his hair lucas has got hardly any still.

Lucas has got 5 teeth now 2 bottem and 3 top. He has seemd to of cut them with hardly any fuss. He is still a really good sleeper when 6:30pm comes thats it he is out untill 6am and thats only because rueben wakes every 1 in the house.

I have started to have to put 12-18months clothes on him now he is getting so big.

Gotta run he has just pulled over ruebens drink for the 100th time
Thanks for all the comments re the rocking - I guess I just worry too much.

MIL arrived from UK yesterday for a week. Riya's not seen her since Xmas and I did wonder how she would be, but she was really excited and happy to see her and has been playing with her non stop. Gives me a bit of a break aswell.

Booth - Jesse is so cute and lots of hair. Riya has quite alot aswell and last already been to the salon 2 times for a haircut.

Here's a photo of her in Dubai on holiday recently, he Daddy deliberately messed it up :wacko:.

Shadow - Riya's bottom two teeth have just come through in the last week or so, she was the last one in her playgroup. But how far advanced is Vince in speaking. :happydance: Riya only says DADA at the moment, we're trying to teach her MaMa but she's not interested in anything other than DaDa :growlmad:

We think she may also be waving to us, or maybe its just her flapping her arms (which she does quite alot). She tends to move her left arm up and down (like a flapping duck IYKWIM) every now and again, and if you wave to her she will sometimes do this flapping duck motion back. But then she also does it just when she feels like it aswell for the sake of it - Does this sound like waving to you guys ????.

I've noticed that she's also sometimes tending to keep this same arm bent at the elbow, with her hand nearly touching her shoulder, its not restricting her movement or anything and she plays with her toys with it etc, but she does flap it quite alot Its more noticeable when she lying on the floor, the other arms is normally extended straight and this arm is usually bent. - Any thought ????, should I take her to the doctor ?


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Awwwww Jesse is the CUTEST!! I love all of his red hair and those huge blue eyes, gorgeous!! :D

And Riya has SO much hair!! It's fantastic :D She looks very bright and alert, a very happy baby obviously :happydance:

Thanks for reassuring me about the teeth you guys, I guess I'll keep being patient :winkwink:
Shadow- Emma is still toothless as well. I'm not complaining though because she tends to bite as it is when breastfeeding so once those teeth come in, I'm in for some serious pain. :D That's awesome about Vince talking so well! Emma says the generic dada, mama, baba type of stuff. There's lots of squealing and laughing coming from her and I always know when she wants more food at the table cause she goes ah ah ah and hits her hands on the table. LOL! She waves and says ba ba which sounds like bye bye when we say bye to her. It was horribly sad when I was saying bye to friends back home and she waved and said it too. I couldn't help but cry cause everyone was kissing her bye. But that's another story. :D I'm still eyeing your site to buy something for our new place. I think I'll wait till something absolutely perfect pops up on there and I know just where to put it. I LOVE the trees though so I might snatch one up one of these times. :thumbup:

Boothh- :cloud9: He's so freaking adorable. I had a friend who's daughter had a little gap between her front top teeth and I thought it was without a doubt the cutest thing ever. :D

tmr- 18 month clothes already?! Whoa! :D Emma is still in her 6 month clothes. :rofl: And doesn't look like she'll be ready for the 9 month clothes anytime soon. :dohh: She's getting SOO much use out of her clothes though so that's a plus with her teeny-ness.

TTC Lady- I'm LOVING all that hair. Aww. :D She's amazing.
jesse wears a huge mixture of sizes lol, his trousers/jeans/joggers etc are 3-6 iv started phasing them out of his wardrobe though now because they are gettin too tight on his stomach though but the leg length is perfect, most of his tops are now either 6-9 or 9-12 depending on were from, his bodysuits/vests are 6-9 or 6-12 and most of his pjs and sleepsuits are 6-9 and 9-12, most of his 6-9 sleepsuits fit him perfectly in leg length just at the moment 9-12 are still big but fit him in body just not in the legs, he is quite short but he weighs 23lbs, i dont think he looks it though at all, hes just a heavy kid, the weights on his clothes are all well under what he actually is, bt then again iv always weighed alot more than i look so maybe hes just like me, x
Made of rocks eh? :winkwink::haha: I'm the same way. People tend to freak when they hear how much I weigh. :blush:
I have bones of lead, as does Imogen. People have commented on how strong/heavy she is for her size. I am freakishly strong too, and nobody ever believes how heavy I am. I am 5'3", and before I had Mog I was a UK12 and weighed nearly 12 stone. Sometimes at parties we played a game to see how much I could pick up. I can lift a chap who weighs 21 stone. Score.

Mog is just cracking onto 6-9 month clothes now, although some stores do come up small!
I have bones of lead too, but NOBODY in the world knows how much I weigh. :haha:
Shadow- the video of Vince talking is soooo cute! Kira also has no teeth yet and no signs of any coming in, but like Cleckner, I'm not too upset about it :haha: It's very neat that Vince likes his swimming lessons so much.

Boothh- what a cute picture!

TTC lady- I can't believe how much hair Riya has! It really makes her look grown up :-)

Kira's wearing 18 month clothes now but she's only 20 pounds. It's mostly her length that keeps her in bigger sizes. The other day I put away all her 9 month and some 12 month clothes. I have one storage box filled with newborn clothes she never even worn since she was so big at birth... so sad. Maybe baby #2 will be smaller :winkwink:

Here is a recent picture of Kira
Did she not fit in newborn at all?

Funny cus jess fitted in tiny baby til he was over 11lbs he was 8lb 9 at birth he even wore premi nappies upto 6lbs ones for weeks, I think sizes are ridiculous in this country, x
Mog still wears newborn nappies when she's in sposies, cos that's what we have left over! Sizing is so stupid in this country, I agree. She's still wearing quite a bit of 3-6 month stuff, although she tends to be in her right size in vests now, which she never was before. She's a short tubby baby though, with a big tummy.

Anyhoo, ladies with girls, Mog has a little lump, like a small marble, behind her left nipple. What I've read online suggests this is normal, but I wondered if any of you had encountered it?

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