oh jelr, I'm sorry you feel so bad about what happened with the nurse.
first though - please try to put the thought that you are a bad mum or have done something wrong out of your head! it sounds to me like Natasha is coming on really really well, and is bright as a button with her copying you especially (I can tell you that Adam doesn't clap or blow kisses and he doesn't wave much, for all that he's meeting the physical milestones). it is true what tmr said up thread, all babies are different, they'll all do things in their own time and the "milestones" are averages, really. I know Adam has done some things before "average", some after "average", some spot on "average". they all get there in the end! and there isn't a thing you can do to make a baby do anything he or she is not ready to. that said, sometimes I think you can inadvertently make it harder for a baby to do stuff, like I noticed when Adam was desperate to crawl that he did really well when he was at C's mum's house but not so well at ours - she has carpeted floors and we have wooden floors. So we put an extra rug down in his play area and stopped dressing him in trousers and socks when he didn't really need them. so he goes around with bare knees and feet and he manages really well, doesn't slip and slide around. apart from placing things she wants out of her reach, I think that's all you can do.
with the sitting - Adam didn't want to be sitting up at all until the day he first pulled up to a stand. he was like Natasha in that he'd sit there if he was placed in a sitting position, but only for a minute or less. I was worried (or slightly concerned) for a bit but he does it fine now. it was like he was fully focused on one thing - for him it was crawling - and till he was doing that he didn't want to do anything else. maybe it's the same with Natasha, she's too busy doing the things she wants to do, for now.
as for the nappy and the nurse's comments - well, the comments were unnecessary, IMO, and I don't see the problem in doing up a wet nappy for a short trip home! I certainly would, and not think much about it either. but I know how these remarks sting and how you take them on board as "they think I am a bad mother". I remember when I took Adam for what was, or so I thought, MY six-week check, and it turned out to be his as well. we had a long wait and by the time we got in to see the doc, Adam was crying, so the doc said , oh he's hungry, and to take him into the waiting room and feed him (and we'd get straight back in when AE was done). well. I didn't want to feed him in public, this was when we were still mix feeding and I hadn't brought a bottle or formula, so I had to breastfeed. I had thought we'd have time to get home before he was hungry! and I took it as a deep criticism of me that I hadn't seemed to realise he was hungry. also, because I didn't realise it was Adam's check as well I didn't have his red book (baby record) and so he never got the section that should have been filled in done, and it has still never been done even though I dropped the book in later. and I felt like a really bad mother for forgetting it, and I can still feel those words from the doctor going into my ears now. but it's crap. I shouldn't feel bad, it was a mistake and nobody was harmed!
oh and re your arthritis - fingers crossed N is fine. it's probably a good thing she is being seen earlier for her next check because if something is picked up you will get help sooner.
we have our development check soon, don't know when. the letter came through today, I had been on the lookout since he turned 8 months because I was told it was an 8-month check. letter says 7-11 months anyway. so I have to call to make an appt. which I did and left a message. wish they'd hurry up and get back to me!
boothh, I might join you with the fat busting. I have not lost anything since our wedding and have relapsed badly on the chocolate. AND crisps, which is a worrying development.

I have just under 3 months til Adam's birthday. I'd LOVE to be back to pre preg weight by then.