--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Cleckner- haha, you are no nosier than me and my AF question :haha: I've wanted to bf for a year, but now that Kira is 9 months I can really see continuing until she's 2 or so- or when she no longer wants to anymore. I might ttc for #2 sometime in the future so that might put an end to bf if the boobies get really sore.... but I don't think I'll be ttc anytime soon. Besides here, my only other exposure to bf moms is at my work and they all cut off bf at 1 year exactly. How long do you plan to bf? Overall, my total health has been wonderful through pregnancy and bf, and I'm attributing that to the lack of monthly hormonal cycles. I use to have awful motion sickness, acid reflux, headaches... etc so I really dread the return of AF.
I'm the same as you. I was initially just going to BF for a year but now that I love it so much and she is doing so well with it, I want to keep going. I talked to DH about it and he is a bit creeped out about me BFing for a long time so I told him 2 is my cutoff point, even though I don't really have a cutoff, I just want her to self-wean really. I am so confused on when to try for another because I want Emma to have the best start she can and I don't want her to wean early just because I'm pregnant. But at the same time, I don't want to gap them out TOO much. I originally wanted my babies close in age but after having a csection, things are a bit different. Decisions, decisions. :haha: DH is out to sea most of this year and next year so that's not exactly good for babymaking either. I'm the same as you with no one that I know that has breastfed for so long. I know one girl who went to a year but she is far away now and we don't really talk anymore. And even than, she just went to a year so I can't really relate to that.

Can you guys believe our babies will be a year old in three short months? Gosh just the thought of it being the end of breastfeeding in three months just kills me. There's no way. DH can get over it. :haha:
I was saying to my oh last night that lucas is 10 months in 2 ish weeks i cant belive how fast it has gone. It dosnt seem 2 min sins we was all preg and couldnt wait untill they was here.

Lucas is STILL NO closer to crawling but i think Rueben didnt untill he was about 10-11 months then started walking as 13 months so he mite be taking after him. Or just go to walking but he still cant sit him self up he can sit up when i sit him up and he dosnt top over but he just cant get him self up.

the walking at 9 month is a bit of a far strech i was walking at 6 months but didnt crawl. All babys are diff and do things in there own time (omg i go mad at ppl telling me that lol)
My AF came back while I was breastfeeding, so there was no real incentive there for me. I wondered if maybe taking the mini-pill affected my milk supply, and that was why Mog weaned onto the bottle at four months, but I've decided that I'm never going on the pill again anyway so we shall see with the next one. I have a friend who still breastfeeds on demand at 15 months. It's a bit odd to see her baby wandering over for a drink, but not icky or anything. Mind you, I nearly fell off my chair laughing when she said that her baby had never slept through 'until we put her in her own room last week'. Really? And you were surprised why? I can't understand how she managed to survive that long with a waking baby, I nearly lost it when mog started waking in the early mornings again at five months, and that was only for a week. Of course by that point, I didn't have really the option of BFing to soothe her back to sleep :( I had milk for ages, but it really didn't seem to satisfy her. I can still express it quite easily and she hasn't even had a sniff of a boob for nearly four months. I'm grateful that I avoided painful weaning bbs though, that sounded horrid and all my books had these sections on how to wean and avoid painful engorgement!

I really want them to be close together, so although we had said that we would wait until later in the year, we may well start trying soon. I just don't want Imogen to remember a period when she was an only child, and resent a sibling. It's difficult, because it's so easy with one, and I'm very aware that it won't be as easy with two, and that childcare for example will be double the cost, but I think in terms of growing up together the sooner the better for the second one now. It's a bit scary, but I think I'll regret it later if I leave too big a gap.
It is hard to believe that we'll all have 1 year olds in the next 3 months!!

I'm also torn on when to ttc with #2... I originally wanted to have them close together, like 2 years apart. But recently I've even considered just having Kira, although I know once she weans I'll want a baby again. I also can't imagine having severe morning sickness and caring for Kira. Plus I know I would stop working if I had #2 and we would miss the extra $. Then again, I want Kira to have a brother or sister that is close enough in age that they can play together.

I love bf too... and Cleckner- the pictures of you bf in various places really made me smile since I'm the same way :-) My DH hasn't said anything against extended bf and he knows thats my plan :-) I bet your DH will come around once he sees how much of a baby Emma still is even at 1 1/2 or 2. I consider myself lucky since my mom and MIL both loved bf too so all my close family is very supportive of my decision to do so with Kira.

AE- Kira hasn't slept thru the night yet either :blush: At some point she'll have to move to her own bed but right now she wakes up several times in the night very hungry so its just easier for me to lay in bed and feed her.
Hi all

sorry I haven't been on in a while and this is a very selfish post I'm afraid but I know you will all understand and am just want some info really.

I know part of me worrying so much is that we have had a nightmare 3 weeks with teeth - first of all Natasha went off her food, then stopped sleeping and then she got a throat infection and then a virus then I put my back out and got an awful dose of cold myself and work has been hectic with assessment time all on top of this so I'm pretty exhausted. Natasha is thankfully getting back to her old self slowly but surely, and is starting to eat again but not as much as before and also sleeping better and now has two teeth.

Anyways this morning she had her check with the public health nurse - I think this is somehting like your hv in the UK - she calls in the first few days after a baby is born and then you bring her to the clinic at 3 months, 9 months and 18 months for weight and head measurement and development checks.

Well this morning Natasha had her 9 month check and I have been a little worried myself about this for some time seeing all your babies flying around but I have been trying to put it to the back of my head and hoping that I was just worrying about nothing - but the health nurse is a little concerned as she is not meeting all her milestones, mentally she is and is extremely alert and claps hands, blows kisses and waves bye bye and copies other things we are doing and is babbling away mind you it is only wa wa, ya ya, la la, ba ba and da da. But she is not meeting all the pyhsical ones for example, not crawling, pulling herself up on furniture, or even if you stand her up, her legs are extremely wobbly and she is still on her toes, she can't pull herself to a sit, but can sit on her own but only for a few seconds and then wobbles and she is not scooting when on the floor but is rolling around quiet happily both ways, the nurse wanted to know was she in a walker a lot, which she is not, she is only in hers for about a half hour a day when I'm cooking dinner, she also wanted to know if she had any problems with her hips when she was born and I said she didn't so she checked her and said there didn't seem to be any problem there.

I explained that my mam said I didn't walk until I was 18 months and never crawled and she wanted to know if I had any problems with my hips etc as a child and I explained that I have psoriatic arthritis but I wasn't diagnosed until I was 20, but that I did have some pain as an older child but that my mam did wonder if maybe I did have it as a baby and this was why I didn't crawl, so she wants to see us back when Natasha is a year old instead of the 18 month check as usual and if she is still not meeting the milestones she is suggesting that we go to our gp and have her referred to a rheumatologist because of my history.

What do you all think? I have cried my eyes out all afternoon as I really dont want my poor baby to suffer the pain that I do or that maybe there is something else wrong as I know signs of autism and other stuff can be developmental delays, I haven't looked up any of it as I know Dr google will just freak me out. I know I'm probably over reacting as I'm so tired after the past few weeks, but I just dont know what I will do if there is something.

I also felt like such a bad parent, the nurse is so lovely and approachable but today she made me feel bad as basically the clinic is two minutes drive from our house or a ten minute walk - I decided to drive today as it was raining and had only changed Natasha's nappy a half hour before going and the last time I had the changing bag with me and she didn't need her nappy off for anything so I didn't bother today - but because she was checking her hips, she opened the nappy and it was wet, so she siad do you want to close this up or do you have a nappy and I said no I didn't bring the bag as I knew we would only be 20 to 30 mins and she was not long changed - but she turned around to Natasha and said your mammys is not prepared today - that could have been messy and I just felt like I was neglecting her or something (again I'm prob reading into it too much as I'm tired)

Any thoughts or suggestions on all this would be gratefully appreciated girls.

Hope you are all well. Xx
Oh I meant to say - I took her playmat away this morning and just let her roll on the floor and she did scoot backwards a tiny bit so maybe half of the problem was, she is not able to move around as much with the big mat under her as the one we have is like a huge rug, but I thought it would be more comfortable.

Sorry for the long rant but I just feel like a bad mother at the moment and that maybe this is my fault some way that I'm not giving her enough time holding onto furniture or putting her sitting up on the floor or my biggest fear I guess is that because of me my poor baby may suffer in dreadful pain with arthritis.
Wow, sounds like a witch to me. That's a really rude thing to say - I go out for a couple of hours without taking a spare nappy all the time. COW.

Honestly, Natasha sounds just like Imogen. Imogen can hold onto something and stand for a few seconds, but can't pull herself up. She can move a little backwards on her tummy, but mostly just rolls around. She can sit up by herself quite happily now, but only started doing that at the end of April and she can't pull herself up to a sit from flat, or even from leaning on a cushion. Mogling has strong little legs, but she's always spent a lot of time in the jumperoo because we needed somewhere safe to put her when we moved. I'm not worried at all and I don't think you should be either :hugs:
righttt, anyone that is still tryna lose the lioncubs weight.. i run fatbusters which is now in the weightloss/fitness area, we are seriously lacking members so feel free to come and join us :D xxx
jelr- I wouldn't worry too much since many babies don't crawl till later anyway. There are some exercises you can do with Natasha that will help her build the muscles to crawl and to encourage her to try. Google for "crawling exercises baby". We did lots of crawl training with Kira and she just started crawling, so I think it really helped. I bet in a couple months she will be crawling all over the place! It actually sounds like she's quite advanced with her waving, blowing kisses and babbling, so she's just focusing more of her brain power on those things rather than movement. Don't feel guilty about the diaper incident at the doctors. I've taken quite a few short trips with no diapers since if she did have a poo, I would be home soon enough to take care of it.
Jelr - Try not to worry too much (easier said that done I know) but it sounds like she's doing great on the babbling, waving etc, she can't concentrate on everything at the same time. Riya has been crawling for a while now and has just started to cruise furniture bit I have posted a few times about Riya's lack of babbling previously, she's caught up now and says Da da, ba ba, na na and ma ma - she was just concentrating on moving before.

Re having number 2, we would like to start TTC soon as we want our kids to be near in age, however I'm now in two minds. Riya has not slept through one night since being born, one I can cope with but a toddler and a baby - I'm not sure. DH really wants another child, but I'm not sure whether to wait until Riya's about 2. although in my heart I would love another soon.
oh jelr, I'm sorry you feel so bad about what happened with the nurse. :( :hug:

first though - please try to put the thought that you are a bad mum or have done something wrong out of your head! it sounds to me like Natasha is coming on really really well, and is bright as a button with her copying you especially (I can tell you that Adam doesn't clap or blow kisses and he doesn't wave much, for all that he's meeting the physical milestones). it is true what tmr said up thread, all babies are different, they'll all do things in their own time and the "milestones" are averages, really. I know Adam has done some things before "average", some after "average", some spot on "average". they all get there in the end! and there isn't a thing you can do to make a baby do anything he or she is not ready to. that said, sometimes I think you can inadvertently make it harder for a baby to do stuff, like I noticed when Adam was desperate to crawl that he did really well when he was at C's mum's house but not so well at ours - she has carpeted floors and we have wooden floors. So we put an extra rug down in his play area and stopped dressing him in trousers and socks when he didn't really need them. so he goes around with bare knees and feet and he manages really well, doesn't slip and slide around. apart from placing things she wants out of her reach, I think that's all you can do.

with the sitting - Adam didn't want to be sitting up at all until the day he first pulled up to a stand. he was like Natasha in that he'd sit there if he was placed in a sitting position, but only for a minute or less. I was worried (or slightly concerned) for a bit but he does it fine now. it was like he was fully focused on one thing - for him it was crawling - and till he was doing that he didn't want to do anything else. maybe it's the same with Natasha, she's too busy doing the things she wants to do, for now.

as for the nappy and the nurse's comments - well, the comments were unnecessary, IMO, and I don't see the problem in doing up a wet nappy for a short trip home! I certainly would, and not think much about it either. but I know how these remarks sting and how you take them on board as "they think I am a bad mother". I remember when I took Adam for what was, or so I thought, MY six-week check, and it turned out to be his as well. we had a long wait and by the time we got in to see the doc, Adam was crying, so the doc said , oh he's hungry, and to take him into the waiting room and feed him (and we'd get straight back in when AE was done). well. I didn't want to feed him in public, this was when we were still mix feeding and I hadn't brought a bottle or formula, so I had to breastfeed. I had thought we'd have time to get home before he was hungry! and I took it as a deep criticism of me that I hadn't seemed to realise he was hungry. also, because I didn't realise it was Adam's check as well I didn't have his red book (baby record) and so he never got the section that should have been filled in done, and it has still never been done even though I dropped the book in later. and I felt like a really bad mother for forgetting it, and I can still feel those words from the doctor going into my ears now. but it's crap. I shouldn't feel bad, it was a mistake and nobody was harmed!

oh and re your arthritis - fingers crossed N is fine. it's probably a good thing she is being seen earlier for her next check because if something is picked up you will get help sooner.


we have our development check soon, don't know when. the letter came through today, I had been on the lookout since he turned 8 months because I was told it was an 8-month check. letter says 7-11 months anyway. so I have to call to make an appt. which I did and left a message. wish they'd hurry up and get back to me!

boothh, I might join you with the fat busting. I have not lost anything since our wedding and have relapsed badly on the chocolate. AND crisps, which is a worrying development. :( I have just under 3 months til Adam's birthday. I'd LOVE to be back to pre preg weight by then.
i had the HV round last week to speak to us and she said she will send some in june to do his development check! but she said from what she saw he was either on average or better than average so im feeling abit better, he still isnt pulling up though but crawling like nothing iv ever seen and hes soo adventurous, she just said to me that babies havnt read all the development information so they dont know that at X months they should be doing this or that they just do it when they feel like it or when they are interested in doing something and not to worry ! xx
oh and MJ i know what you mean i still have over 2st to get to pre preg so i doubt ill be there but i want to be closer than i am so far! iv only lost 20lbs since i started in jan!! x
I'm putting on weight, it's awful! Although OH told me not to worry about losing weight until after the next on :dohh: I think he was trying to be nice.

Must buy new bike, with baby seat, then I can get some ruddy exercise!
Spidey and Cleck - I too love breastfeeding and was planning on stopping at 6 months but now plan to go to at least a year. My hubby has said he doesn't want me to go on past a year but we'll see!
As for TTC the next one, we too wanted them cose together, and were planning on trying again once Sophia turns a year old. However still no AF and as she becomes more demanding the thought of having a new born to breastfeed and look after Sophia - eek! It makes me a bit sad to think that I will have to share my attention and ove and that Sophia won't get it all anymore once we have another.

Jelr - all babies do develop differently, Sophia can do the following
She can army crawl
she can sit up (but she can't sit herself up from lying down)
she can't pull herself up on furniture
she can just about stand up against something if we put her there but is very wobbly and still on her tip toes

soooooooooooo she really isn't so different from Natasha, I don't think there is any reason to worry just yet, although getting her checked out by a specialist might put your mind at ease. She is clearly very bright, as Sophia can't do any of the waving, blowing kisses stuff. I bet she will get there in her own time. When did your husband start crawling/walking etc? Was he a late started as well? Big hugs x
I am sure you would know if she was in great pain at the moment as she would constantly be screaming. And you are NOT a bad mother!

Boothh - I am still trying to lose the flab- I'll check out your group! 20lbs since january is AMAZING! I wish I had lost that much since january!

As for us - well it has been a nightmareish few days. Sophia picked up a bug on monday and was vomitting non-stop for 12 hours through the night, and has had diarrheoa since then and been VERY unhappy and refusing to sleep and screaming like I have never heard her before. There is nothing I can do to calm her down. To make matters worse both me and David also came down with bug so have been sick and diarrheoa too so none of us have eaten anything for a few days. I hate to think what the neighbours much think with her screaming.
On the plus side I have lost 2 lbs in the last 2 days through not eating! That puts me on 9st 5 and 3/4lbs. Which is below pre-pregnancy weight (but still lardy for me). We are having our photos taken a week on Wednesday so would like to lose another couple of lbs by then. ultimately 9stone is my aim, although I am aware that breastfeeding is definitely helping and then when Sophia has less milk or weans then I will probably pile it back on.

Gotta go - screaming baby - any ideas for how to calm her down?!?!?
How is she with baby massage? I stroked Mog's tummy with some oil in a circular motion when she had a tummy upset, and also her back, like a cat. It helped a bit. You could try popping her in a bath if she likes them (Mog was soothed by her tummy tub). Hope the poor little mite feels better soon, and you too :hug:

I bought the most amazing thing from Gumtree for £20 yesterday - it's a real piano, but child sized, about a metre high! I'll post some piccies when I get a second, but it's gorgeous! Needs a lot of work, but the action is essentially ok and it's metal framed so should be reparable. SO EXCITED :)

it's just like this, but a little bit smaller (one octave less and a few inches smaller on all dimensions) and very battered :

https://www.pianos-direct.net/44-KEY Half Size Upright Piano.htm
How is she with baby massage? I stroked Mog's tummy with some oil in a circular motion when she had a tummy upset, and also her back, like a cat. It helped a bit. You could try popping her in a bath if she likes them (Mog was soothed by her tummy tub). Hope the poor little mite feels better soon, and you too :hug:

I bought the most amazing thing from Gumtree for £20 yesterday - it's a real piano, but child sized, about a metre high! I'll post some piccies when I get a second, but it's gorgeous! Needs a lot of work, but the action is essentially ok and it's metal framed so should be reparable. SO EXCITED :)

it's just like this, but a little bit smaller (one octave less and a few inches smaller on all dimensions) and very battered :

https://www.pianos-direct.net/44-KEY Half Size Upright Piano.htm

Thanks for the tips, I'll give them a go!
That piano sounds so cute! Do you play? are you hoping that Imogen will take it up properly at some stage. £20 is a bargain!
I play and OH is a pianist, so she wasn't really going to get any choice in it. Luckily she already loves her toddler piano. I have some brill pics of her playing with it - it's a really sturdy wooden toy piano, which sounds like a music box rather than a piano. She has this one

Shiv - Sorry to hear about little Sophia not feeling well - hope she and you / DH get better soon.

Booth - I may be joining you on fat busters. 20lbs loss since Jan is fab, I wish i had lost anywhere near that. I've joined MFP which according to my build, height, lifestyle states I should be consuming 1200 calories per day. Generally I am doing this but the scales aren't moving.:nope:. I'm going to get my thyroid tested, as I don't understand it. I'm exercising lots and eating sensibly but it doesn't show. I've got about 10lbs to loose to get to pre-preg weight and really wanted to do it before the summer comes.

AuntyE - loving the piano. DH also plays Piano and we want Riya to learn an instrument as soon as she is able to. I would love her to play the violin (I always wanted to but never got the opp) and DH wants her to learn the piano. - I don't mind as long as she enjoys it though.

As for us - had a quiet few days, the weather is awful here, raining and cold so we've been stuck indoors. DH is also abroad for the week so few early nights for me.

I've been trying to entertain Riya by playing Peekaboo with her - she loves it as we've only been playing it a week or so but does not reciprocate my actions yet. - How are your LOs with Peekaboo ?

She's starting waving bye bye now, and stretches out her hand to shake yours when I say hello.

She's getting more and more mobile each day, we're going to have to put the safety gate on the stairs soon as today she crawled over to them but fortunately just sat at the bottom staring to the top.

She's a really happy and content baby. I read alot about seperation anxiety but Riya doesn't seem to be suffering from it, she's happy for me to leave the room for a bit and doesn't cry or search for me. In a weird sort of way I would like her to look for me, shows that she actually misses me . Are your LOs going through this yet ?

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