--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

I'm doing this a little backwards cause I'm going back up to re-read. :lol:

TTC Lady- Emma has been doing it for months with the crying when I leave and honestly, I hope she gets over it soon because it is nearly impossible to get any housework done. She will cry and crawl after me and just scream the whole way because I'm not paying attention to her. She's perfectly fine playing on her own if I am in the room. She'll turn back to make sure I'm there every few minutes, smile, and than go back to what she's doing. It's cute but the housework gets more behind than I'd like. :D

Aunty E- I LOVE the idea of a little piano. I want one for Emma's first birthday I think. I don't play but I always wished I could. I played saxophone instead in school. Which was nice and I'd love Emma to be able to read music and play at least one instrument because it's so good for their development. :thumbup:

Shiv- Oh no! :hugs: Hope you guys feel better soon. That sounds rough. Losing 2 pounds is a good result though! :rofl:

jelr- I agree with the other girls hun. Don't worry yourself a bit! :hugs::hugs: It sounds like she is SO advanced with the mental aspect so she just has to catch up with the physical things. And you are NOT a bad mom. HVs are bullshit from the sounds of it. Sorry but I don't have to deal with them so I have no clue but so many women on here talk about how horrible they are. :hugs::hugs: I hope it was just a bad day for you and that you are feeling better now. :)

AFU- Emma is currently eating oatmeal out of a bowl with her hands. I gave her a loaded spoon but today she's decided she doesn't want to use it and she kept just throwing it so instead I'm just letting her eat it straight from the bowl. :rofl: She's a complete mess. Thank goodness she's just wearing a diaper so I won't have to worry about the laundry part of it. Nothing too new from a milestone standpoint. She's been saying mama alot more lately. Which is quite nice after months of dada. She's said mama before but now she actually says it when she is crawling towards me so I think she knows what it means now. Maybe the hours I've spent saying 'mamamama' and pointing to myself have paid off. :rofl:
Shiv- I hope you all start feeling better soon. Stomach bugs are no fun :nope:

Kira has fun playing peekaboo, but she doesn't do it herself yet.

Separation anxiety has been pretty intense for the last few months for us. I always have to be in sight, so if I need to run for a pee, Kira must come with me and sit on the floor as I go. She's okay when DH drops her off at my moms in the mornings and she's good the entire time with my mom. But the funny thing is, when I come to pick her up, she ignores me when I come into my moms house. The first thing I do is go into the kitchen to put my pumped milk in the fridge, and as soon as I step out of sight, Kira has a complete meltdown. She gets a little extra clingy for a few minutes and needs a booby to reconnect, and then she's okay again.

I'm still trying to teach Kira to wave goodbye and clap. The one thing that I find really cute is her level of non verbal communication. So at dinner, I will make a subtle funny face, and she will take notice and smile back. She's always scanning my face looking for my reaction to things. I don't know if thats normal or not, but I think it's really neat.
Hi everyone,

Cleck scolded me for dropping off the face of the earth so I decided to write an update with me. It has been on heck of a rollercoaster adjusting to motherhood, especially when neither sets of parents are will to give you a break so basically we don't have anyone to help with James. Since I have went back to work, all I can think about is our finances for the next year. We had James in a big school during the day that charged 170/wk and that became really tough. Also, on thursdays, I had to use public transits to get him because my husband's late night was then and James had to be gone by 6pm. They don't allow the use of infant seats on the bus so I was stuck holding James. A few weeks ago, the bus driver slammed on his brakes three times and James nearly left my arms each time. I finally found an in home daycare that is 75/wk and is only a few miles from our house. On thursdays, I will take the bus home and take a cab to get him.

James has had three ear infections in the past four months. That is a concern for the dr but I don't know what they plan on doing at this stage. He is cutting his first tooth. He started to army crawl today!!! I have been extremely tired but it isn't unexpected. I have been working full time, taking a wiggle warm on the bus and being a mom. I'm finally feeling like I am adjusting to being a mom. I still look at him and break down in tears because we almost lost him several times throughout my pregnancy and then delivery.

Well I don't know what else to say so I will conclude now but hope you all are doing well.
Yay!! :D Hi hun!! Sounds like things are working out better for you guys with the new daycare. I wish I lived close. I'd totally watch him! :haha:

Do you think they'll have to put tubes in his ears to help stop the ear infections? Isn't that what they do when that happens. I might be completely wrong with it. So sorry he's been having troubles with that. :hugs:
hiya girls all babys seem to be doing really good

Lucas started army crawling yesterday yay :happydance: iam so chuffed i couldnt stop talking about it all last night.I really started thinking there was some thing wrong with him. :cloud9::happydance:

things that lucas can and cant do is

blow rasberrys when you do it to him
stand holding on to his push along walker
sit really well when put there
and army crawl yay
he cant sit up from lay down on his own
he can pull him self up if you hold his hands but as he cant get him self off the floor to sitting or carwl yet i think that will all come in time.

he is now trying to eat chork.

i will come and joine the fat buster thing as soon as i have 2 min i have been really good for the last few weeks and lost nothing at all and oh seid may be it is coz this is the size you are ment to be. Men he is really thin and eats loads of crap if i ate like him id be the size of a house.

I dont think we have a 8 month cheek it dosnt say so in the red book with rueben it was every 3 months but that was almost 6 yrs ago.

any way must get on need to get the boys bathed and dressed and out the door for school thank god it is friday 2 days off the school run then only 1 week untill they are off for a week. we are going to take them to chester zoo 1 of the days its only 2 min away and we have seid for 5 yrs now but never do it.

any way take care ladys :hugs: to all of you and babys:hugs:
OC - Hello :flower: Nice to see you pop in for a chat :happydance:

I am sorry things have been so tough for you, I cannot imagine being able to cope working full time AND caring for Sophia - you are doing an amazing job :thumbup:

Must be hard with James getting all those ear infections, I wonder if teething has anything to do with it. I know when Sophia gets a tooth through she gers incredibly snotty so I can see how this could affect the ears. I hope as he gets bigger and all his ear tubes get larger too that he grows out of them for you.

Yay for the army crawling for OC and tmr :happydance:

Thanks for all your get well wishes, we are all slowly on the mend, although now Sophia is teething again (much worse than with the first tooth). I think I am surviving on 10 hours sleep over the past 4 nights :cry: Anyway hopefully it will pass soon. How long do you all find a bout of teething lasts for before the tooth actually appears?

It is Friday (not that thi smeans anything for us this week as DH has been off sick since Wednesday!) so I hope you all have super dooper weekends - Cleck have fun at the zoo!
Hey girls

Thank you so much for all your messages and experiences – it really helps – that is what I love about this group, everyone is so supportive and non-judgemental and i know I haven’t been here much as I dont have as much time now with work, but I know I can always count on you lot.

Well after reading all your comments I’m not so worried now and taking away the playmat has really helped and she is scooting backwards across the floor now – i am also spending more time putting her in a sitting position and she is getting sturdier so hopefully she will keep on going over the next few months, although I do intend encouraging her a bit more like putting her sitting more and holding her up more but I’m not going to push her, as you all said she will do it in her own time

Aunty E: The piano sounds fab and for £20, that sure is a bargain. I reckon I have put on weight over the last few weeks too and am afraid to stand on the scales to see and the funny thing is I know when I do it will kick me back into place but at the moment with so little sleep these days I’m finding great comfort in food and keep telling myself that maybe I haven’t put any on so its okay to be bold this time except this time is every time he he

TTC Lady: I know what you mean about number 2 – we plan on waiting until Natasha is 2 or so as I think it would be really scary to have a toddler and a baby to look after – I see how much time just a baby takes up, but then I suppose millions have managed and I guess we will too, you just adjust I guess. Natasha has had a little separation anxiety lately – around the time she was teething I couldn’t leave the room or she would scream and everytime we put her down to bed at night or for a sleep during the day it was the same when we left the room and we would have to go back in and sit with her until she fell asleep – but it has stopped now, so I dont know if it actually was separation anxiety or just a phase where she wanted some comfort from her mam and dad when she wasn’t feeling well.

Speaking of this – have any of your LO’s had any stranger anxiety – Natasha doesn’t seem to have this at all and will smile away at everyone.

Regarding Peekaboo, we have been doing this with Natasha for a while – she started by just smiling and laughing but now if we are using a towel or blanket to cover our faces, she has started to pull it over her face too and looks for our reaction.

MJ: thanks a million - you are so right – we let these people make us feel like bad mothers and we shouldn’t – we are all entitled to mistakes – that was a simple mistake for you to make regarding the check up and I have forgotten to bring Natasha’s immunisation book on a couple of occasions and the gp has just let me drop it in and has had no problem with it.

Booth: I like your HV – that is a good one “babies haven’t read all the development information” – So true.

Shiv: You poor thing – i really hope you are all completely on the mend soon – I dread our first tummy bug as i’m so not good with vomiting or nausea – give me pain any day and I will cope but not sickness and the worst of it is usually when kids get it the mammys and daddys do too and it must be so horrible to watch such a small baby so sick – i think it would break my heart. Those bloody teeth are a nightmare – Natasha first one came with no problems at all and we had a nightmare with the second one – I actually thoughts she was getting more than one but that was two weeks ago now and still no sign of any more. Hope the tummy rub worked – we have also used that on Natasha when she has had stomach pain and it really sooths her.

Cleck: That is so cute Emma saying mama – I can’t wait until Natasha says it – you are really lucky you dont have to deal with HV’s – I have heard all the UK girls giving out too but over here mine has been lovely until now so I dont know if she was having a bad day or something.

Overcomer: Good to see you – sorry to hear you have had such a hard time – but hopefully the new childcare will help – I think you are fantastic – i’m only working 2 days a week and I find it hard to find the time to get overthing done with Natasha let alone working full time. Well done.

Spidey: Natasha does that when I come home from work too – she completely ignores me for about half an hour and it is heart breaking. I love the new avatar pic – you both look great.

TMR: Your lucky having a zoo so close – our nearest one is 2 and a half hours away and i would love to bring Natasha but I think we will wait until she is older as it is so far. Hope you have a great day.

Well not much other news from us – had a sleepless night again and I think it is her teeth bothering her again as she was trying to chew my shoulder when I had her up last night – we also are trying to wean her into moving her into her own room and decided to just put her in her room in her big cot during the day but she absolutely kicked up blue murder today – I think she just looks on it as for playing in and doesn’t want to sleep in it as the minute I put her back into the cot in our room she went straight off – maybe it is because the room wasn’t dark enough as we have put a blanket over the window along with the curtain and blind in our room – I have blackout blinds on order for both the rooms so they should be here next week and hopefully it will help.

I also reckon she is going to have a mighty temper, she was tired this evening and wouldn’t sleep and when I put her in her highchair while I made dinner she actually had a little temper tantrum and even arched her back the little monkey, so god help us when she gets older ha ha.

But other than the few incidents today she is more or less back to her normal happy self after all her sickness and teething.

Well I hope you all have a great weekend – we are meant to have glorious weather here, so fingers crossed as it has been warm and sticky over the last few days but very foggy, so hopefully the fog will lift and it will be really sunny.
Hi Ladies.

I've posted a similar thread in the baby club and also before about my real concerns with Riya's mental development. I'm really worried about potential links to Autism / Aspergers, and this niggling concern is not going away.....

Please let me know if you can relate to this :

Riya will be 9 months on the 24th May and is hitting all the major development milestones, but worringly also exhibits the following traits :

1. She sometimes flaps her right arm up and down, not like when she is excited but almost absent mindedly - for example when she is lying on the changing table, when she is in her buggy. Its not a hand flap from the wrist its the whole arm, quite slow and precise - almost the same motion as when she waves, but it seems to be at times when no - one is waving at her.

2. She sometimes appears to not hear - when we call her name or try to get her attention. Every now and again, (maybe once or twice a day) she drifts off into her own little world for a minute or so.

On the positive :

* She does respond to her name (99% of the time) - also responds when others call her.
* She babbles and says Da Da , Ba Ba, Na Na alot.
* Hitting all the physical milestons on time or early.
* Can point to her nose when we ask her to
* Shakes hands
* Waves bye bye sometimes.
I am getting more and more worried, haven't confided in DH as he will just tell me I'm paranoid and we're not on the best of terms at moment anyway. Also I don't want to trouble the doctor unnecessarily as he will just tell me its too early to diagnose anything at this stage from what I've read.

Please reply and let me know if you can relate to items 1 & 2 with your LOs.

Jelr - Riya also has little stranger anxiety - She will stare for a while and then either cry or smile when she's made her mind up about them.
Hi Ladies.

I've posted a similar thread in the baby club and also before about my real concerns with Riya's mental development. I'm really worried about potential links to Autism / Aspergers, and this niggling concern is not going away.....

Please let me know if you can relate to this :

Riya will be 9 months on the 24th May and is hitting all the major development milestones, but worringly also exhibits the following traits :

1. She sometimes flaps her right arm up and down, not like when she is excited but almost absent mindedly - for example when she is lying on the changing table, when she is in her buggy. Its not a hand flap from the wrist its the whole arm, quite slow and precise - almost the same motion as when she waves, but it seems to be at times when no - one is waving at her.

2. She sometimes appears to not hear - when we call her name or try to get her attention. Every now and again, (maybe once or twice a day) she drifts off into her own little world for a minute or so.

On the positive :

* She does respond to her name (99% of the time) - also responds when others call her.
* She babbles and says Da Da , Ba Ba, Na Na alot.
* Hitting all the physical milestons on time or early.
* Can point to her nose when we ask her to
* Shakes hands
* Waves bye bye sometimes.
I am getting more and more worried, haven't confided in DH as he will just tell me I'm paranoid and we're not on the best of terms at moment anyway. Also I don't want to trouble the doctor unnecessarily as he will just tell me its too early to diagnose anything at this stage from what I've read.

Please reply and let me know if you can relate to items 1 & 2 with your LOs.


Sophia flaps A LOT! and only with one arm, at completely random times, I have not thought to be worried about this, I think it is just a baby thing to do!

She also ignores me calling her name regularly!

She doesn't wave intentionally, doesn't shake hands, doersn't point to her nose or anything else for that matter. Sounds like Riya is far ahead of her!

Try not to worry, she sounds like a normal little baby to me, however if the worry is getting to you (I know this has been worrying you for a while) then perhaps it is best to go and see your doctor/ health visitor just to put your mind ease so you can move on and enjoy being a mummy again :hugs:
jess can do -

sit from lying down on his own
stand if you hold your hands out to him
respond to certain things like the word NO consistently
blow rasberrys or copy sounds i make
crawl on his hands and knees (though slowly)
army crawl (his preffered method of transport lol)
crawl with his hands and feet bear walking (another favourite)
pick up tiny things using pincer grip (which HV noticed and said he shouldnt really be doing yet apparantly :S )
roll over
walk when holding hands
hold on own weight stand steadily holding onto something
will babble away alot on his own
starting to understand his toys like knows to try and put shapes back in shape sorter etc (doesnt really have the proper skills to get them in the slots properly but he trys)
knows you press the button on top of the carousel to make it go round etc, or were the button is on his train to make it move etc
feed himself finger foods,
feed himself his bottle
hold arms up if he wants you to pick him up
will try and communicate as in 'shout' to get my attention if my back is turned etc

things jess is just starting to do -
cruise furniture (very slow and wobbly but will move towards toys etc that are out of reach)
wave not consistently but if hes in the right mood

things jesse cant do yet -
pull up on furniture,
stand alone,
clap hands properly

he also does the flappy thing btw and nods his head ALL THE TIME it looks pretty uncomfortable actually it would make me dizzy if i did it,
scratch that as soon as i posted that he sat himself up from lying on the sofa grabbed the top of it then pulled himself up easy as that then turned round leaning on it one handed shouting me as if to say 'look what i did mummy!' lmao xx
I swear they can read our minds and ALWAYS do the opposote! Clever boy Jesse :thumbup:
OC- congrats on the army crawling!

Woo hoo to Lucas for crawling! Give him 2 weeks and he'll be at super speed!

Shiv, I feel your pain with the lack of sleep. Tooth #1 gave Kira no problems coming in, but tooth 2 gave her 3 restless nights in a row where I was woken up twice an hour. Thankfully I got a good sleep last night so I'm feeling less like a zombie today.

Kira has had severe stranger anxiety since about 4 or 5 months. She only lets me, DH, and her 3 grand parents get close to her. Other people she screams at!

TTC lady- Kira does some weird things too but I just think its baby weirdness. She likes to randomly bend her head way back and look at the ceiling for a second. She also flaps her arms, but usually both at the same time.

I've enjoyed reading other peoples lists, so these are the things Kira does:
- Sit up from laying down/ crawling
- crawls
- pulls up (she can only do this on the couch)
- sit quietly for 5-10 minutes as I read her books <-this one impresses me
- "dances" by rocking back and forth when music plays
- babbles
- pick up small objects like blueberries and feeds herself

things she hasn't mastered yet:
- balance when she's standing
- cruising
- copying noises
- clap, wave, blow kisses...
- soothe herself to sleep (she must be bounced and sung to sleep still)
OMG Emma LOVES to dance! You turn on music and she just bounces all over and has the biggest grin. :D I didn't have long to post but I wouldn't worry a bit TTC Lady. Emma does weird things at times too. Like reaching out towards something far away and looking at it between her little fingers. Like she can somehow reach it. :rofl: She's too cute.

Anyways, we went to the zoo again today. It was fun. Emma slept through the entire trip. :dohh: Yesterday we went to a wild animal park at a nearby city and it was pretty neat too. Pictures will be posted eventually on my facebook I"m sure but I'm too lazy to sort. :lol: Lost finale tonight!! Woo hoo!!
1. She sometimes flaps her right arm up and down, not like when she is excited but almost absent mindedly - for example when she is lying on the changing table, when she is in her buggy. Its not a hand flap from the wrist its the whole arm, quite slow and precise - almost the same motion as when she waves, but it seems to be at times when no - one is waving at her.

2. She sometimes appears to not hear - when we call her name or try to get her attention. Every now and again, (maybe once or twice a day) she drifts off into her own little world for a minute or so.

Lucas flapps alot and so did rueben they are testing them self trying things out see if they can do things i wouldnt worry about it.

Lucas allso some time appers not to notice when we are talking to them as they are only still babys and dnt know when they are beeing talked to or not even rueben dose this and he is almost 6 yrs old they just dont know when they are being spoken to.

things lucas can do~

clap hands
stand if he is holding your hands or the warker
knows the word NO
blow rasberrys and copy sounds
army crawl very fast
pick up tiny things using pincer grip
roll over
walk when holding his hands
babbles a lot
wave and say hiya to every 1
feed himself foods
feed himself his cup
hold arms up if he wants you to pick him up
shout to get attention of any 1

things lucas can not do yet~
pull up on furniture,
stand alone,
sit from lying down on his own
crawl on his hands and knees

Rueben had severe stranger anxietyand was painfully shy he still is a bit but not as much as he was but i was allways told 1st kids are allways very shy. Lucas on the outher hand will go to any 1 and every 1
jesse has been pulling up on his toys all day so he seems to have mastered that now lol, but he keeps losing his balance and falling when hes doing it!
reading everyones lists it just shows how differently they all develop and all do things differently but none of us have anything to worry about they are all developing great! 83days til jesses birthday actually cant believe that! nearly a year has passed soo fast! xx
Imogen loves to dance! Honestly, go on YouTube and search for Imogen loves to dance and you should find a couple of videos of us at the weekend entertaining my friends in the garden of a lovely pub! Madam has spent most of the weekend hanging out with my amdram friends, which has been lovely, if somehow strangely tiring. I don't know why, but having her with me all day is so much more knackering than days when I'm working. I obviously don't pay my childminder enough :haha:

We've had no more developments on the crawling or motor skills front, but Imogen has started waking horribly early in the morning. Do you think it's time for blackout blinds? We've got shutters coming next week (plantation shutters, beautiful but expensive!) which are supposed to cut out 80% of light and I was going to leave the curtains up too. The curtains are a beautiful fabric, but looking at them, I really really REALLY should have lined it. It's this one


Except the colours are a LOT zingier. I have to take the curtains down for the shutter man, so maybe I will line them with blackout fabric then. Be virtuous Eirian!
have to say, my velux blackout blind - which was one of our first baby purchases and not cheap - was one of the best uses of £100 I made. :D he goes up to bed in the day and I make it all dark and off he goes to sleep... only problem is the window has to be closed, which is not ideal in the hot weather.

as for development stuff...
Adam can...
pull up on the furniture
pick things up with a pincer grip
walk holding our hands
crawl very fast on hands and knees
get to sitting position by himself
bend down and pick something off the floor while holding on to the furniture with one hand
babble a lot - mamama, dadada, gagaga sort of thing- etc etc etc etc
blow raspberries
feed himself
hold the sippy cup himself and drink (and doesn't always spit it straight out!)
wave (but not always)

Adam cannot...
clap hands
copy sounds other than raspberries
understand "no" (at least I don't think he does)
AE- the videos are sooo cute! I love that huge grin on her face :-) I agree with you about the days spent with our babies are more tiring than being at work. I have a whole new respect for moms who decide to stay home full time- especially if there is more than 1 child!

We had Kira's 9 month appointment this morning and she is 98th percentile on height! The doctor even commented on her height before she looked at the #'s from the nurse. Thats why she's in 18 month clothes already :haha:

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