--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

jesse did waving properly today for ages to different people! and we keep singing 'if you happy and you know it clap your hands' to him and clapping and he keeps trying to do it but hasnt quite grasped it yet!
quick run in girls

TTC Lady: I wouldn't worry as Natasha also flaps her hands around but the two of them and she also never stops kicking one leg, she also ignores us talking to her sometimes but I reckon it is just selective hearing lol

Natasha can

Scoot backwards,
Blow raspberries
Clap Hands
Wave bye bye
Strum her lip to make noise
Feed herself finger food
Drink from a cup
Has really good pincer movement
Dance - she loves this too and rocks from side to side everytime we sign or there is music on and now does it when you say are you going to dance.
Sit by herself for a lot longer now
puts on a fake cough when you ask her where is her bad cough
Says Da da, Ba ba, Wa wa, La la, Ya ya and what sounds like hiya
Copy sounds

She cant
Pull up to sitting
Hold her bottle herself
Stand holding onto furniture

So I think what I'm realising from the lists are all the babies are different and are able to do somethings and not others.

I honestly woudn't worry as she seems really advanced to me but I know what it is like to worry so maybe chat with your gp and put your mind at rest.

Hey to everyone else - Dont have time to post to all as I'm doing a long week in work this week as I have a first aid course for 3 full days - so I'm gonna run to bed as I'm wrecked.

Chat soon girls. Xx
I think that is one milestone Emma won't get. Holding a bottle herself. :rofl: Everyone keeps saying it in their lists and I'm sitting here thinking 'shit I dont know if she can hold a bottle or not'. :dohh: I guess that milestone doesn't matter a bit. She eats away and has had a pincer grasp for months. I have a doidy cup that she drinks out of but I wont let her hold it after she ended up dumping it all over her face and sputtered and cried. Woops!

So I never let Emma watch TV except when I am out visiting and can't help it but today I put on Sesame Street because she has been a nightmare all day an she started dancing and laughing at Elmo. It was totally adorable. I doubt I'll make it a habit to put her in front of it but it was still cute nonetheless. :thumbup:
Thanks Ladies for the positive words. I know I am a really worrier and always have been since losing both my father and brother in a accident when I was quite young. Since then I've always worried about bad things happening to people most close to me, thought it would go away when I was in a secure, happy marriage but it obviously hasn't.

Anyhow, Riya has been suffering from a bout of diarreoh (sp) for last few days, so have an appointment with her doctor this afternoon. I will also ask him about the arm waving and selective hearing thing, to put my own mind at rest.

Its really interesting reading what other LOs can / cannot do, so here's Riya's list

Riya can

Crawl very fast
Blow raspberries
Wave bye bye sometimes
Feed herself finger food
Drink from a sippy cup very well
Good pincer movement
Sit herself up from lying position
Stand herself up when leaning on sofa/ table
Says Da da, Ba ba, ga ga and huh, yeah
Shake hands when you say hello
Point out people's noses
loves sitting on lap whilst I am reading books to her.

She yet to master ....

Holding her bottle herself
clap hands
copy sounds
understand "no" properly
Use toys properly - ie shape sorter
I think that is one milestone Emma won't get. Holding a bottle herself. :rofl: Everyone keeps saying it in their lists and I'm sitting here thinking 'shit I dont know if she can hold a bottle or not'. :dohh: I guess that milestone doesn't matter a bit. She eats away and has had a pincer grasp for months. I have a doidy cup that she drinks out of but I wont let her hold it after she ended up dumping it all over her face and sputtered and cried. Woops!

So I never let Emma watch TV except when I am out visiting and can't help it but today I put on Sesame Street because she has been a nightmare all day an she started dancing and laughing at Elmo. It was totally adorable. I doubt I'll make it a habit to put her in front of it but it was still cute nonetheless. :thumbup:

i rarely let jess watch tv, the occasion i do put it on or him he doesnt pay attention anyway, theres a adverts he likes and watches for whole of 25seconds but he doesnt really attention to tv and im glad really, though sometimes i wish he'd watch it for ten minutes so i could tidy up abit! x
Adam glances at the TV but the only thing he will sit and watch is Charlie & Lola. We watch it together on iPlayer on my macbook, usually.

Oh, and he can't hold a bottle himself. His sippy cup has handles and he does well with that.

re shape sorters, I am pretty sure that's a 1 year+ toy (to be played with properly anyway), though Adam has a good go with his (but usually ends up flinging the shapes around the room!)
Adam glances at the TV but the only thing he will sit and watch is Charlie & Lola. We watch it together on iPlayer on my macbook, usually.

Oh, and he can't hold a bottle himself. His sippy cup has handles and he does well with that.

re shape sorters, I am pretty sure that's a 1 year+ toy (to be played with properly anyway), though Adam has a good go with his (but usually ends up flinging the shapes around the room!)

We've got a fisherprice one where you have to put various shapes in the box through the lid, it says its from 6 months !!! - I've never seen a 6 month old do it though, maybe its a marketing ploy. Riya does the same as Adam and picks them up and either flings the shapes around, bangs them together or decides to taste them !.
Yes, ours is a Mothercare one (I think, that's where we got it), shaped like a bus. It said 6 months-2 years on the box, IIRC. I assumed from 6 months he could play with the bus and then as he got older use the shape sorter element. :)
Imogen watches TV quite a bit, I quite often leave it on BabyTV while she plays on her mat or bounces in the froggy. She doesn't watch it all the time it's on, just glances at it unless something she likes is on. She can hold her bottle herself, but she's been able to do that since she was three months old.

Wow, that makes me sound like a lazy mother - couldn't be bothered to hold her baby's bottle, and lets her sit in front of the TV for hours. Oh well.

So I taped black bags to her window last night to try it out, and got Mr Unicorn back from the childminder, and she went to bed like a dream and slept straight through until I had to wake her up at eight. HALLELUJAH! Yesterday she wouldn't sleep for an hour and a half and then she was up at 5.30am and played up like crazy at the childminders. Poor thing was obviously knackered. I suppose the consequence of training your baby to sleep with a cue like Mr Unicorn, is that she really does need him to sleep. Am going to look online for another one now!

Imogen can't do a lot of the stuff Riya can, she certainly can't crawl or pull herself up, and I haven't even tried reading to her yet...but she does love sitting on my lap while I play the piano with her, and when she comes to rehearsal she likes to join in. She doesn't understand no at all, but she now seems to know her name.
Just got back from the doctors and mentioned the arm waving thing to the doctor.

He seems to think its just a tic. Pretty common with babies and likely she will just grow out of it. I mentioned autism and he brushed it off and said she exhibits no signs of this.
thats what jesse does he will have a go but he cant actually get the shapes into the right holes but when he sees me or stuart doing it he trys too so i think he grasps the concept of it but not the motor skills,
he has a giraffe though that you put balls in the mouth and he knows how to do that but likes to put them in his own mouth more lol,

jesse has a few books and i read them to him but hes much more interested in eating them atm,

and Aunty E - it doesnt make you a bad mother lmao, jess could hold his own bottle from about the same and when he was smaller i was always tryna get him to watch tv but he never pays attention to it so i dont bother anymore, if he liked it id put him infront of it quite often cus it would give me chance to tidy round etc xx
Yeah the only way I get things done around the house is with me carrying Emma in the babyhawk or if I stay in the same room. I can sometimes just give her some Cheerios and let her sit and eat those and that gives me enough time too. Vacuuming the house is the worst with her. She hates when I do it. And I'm the type of person that likes to vacuum twice a week or more. I just love having a nice vacuumed house. Doesn't work so much now that Emma is around. :dohh: I can only imagine how bad my house will be when I have more than one child. :haha:
I don't bother too much with housework, just the absolute essentials. Chris does the vacuuming when I am home to keep Adam away from it (he doesn't like the vacuum cleaner, takes after Mummy!) Things are getting harder with Adam so mobile, I can barely get stuff in and out of the washing machine without him trying to sneak into it. We got a travel cot to use as a playpen, and he is happy to play in it but cries if I do things he wants to be involved in, like anything to do with laundry, for example. He also gets totally under my feet when I am cooking, so I don't always give him a cooked lunch (am usually home just us at lunchtime). If I do I put him in the highchair with a ricecake or something while I do the hot bits. Dinner is better because C is usually home. We've had to get things to stop AE getting into the oven - it's a pull down oven door and he was reaching up, holding on and hanging off it, and it was opening slightly... and it is a really really heavy door that would give him a shock and possibly injure him or worse if it opened fully and hit him, not to mention potential burning *shudder*

I always keep the kitchen area clean and tidy though, that's one mess I cannot leave for long. And the floor round the high chair - well, you could (and Adam does) eat dinner off it. :lol:
Emma isn't tall enough to reach the stove handle but as soon as I open the refrigerator she is right there and trying to climb into it. The other day I was picking up in the living room and I wasn't watching Emma the best I admit but I turned and she was gone. I ran down the hallway and looked up the stairs and she was already up the first flight and working her way across the landing to the second flight of stairs. :shock: I flipped out and than felt like a horrible mommy for the rest of the day because I kept thinking of what could have happened. :( And she keeps climbing up under our dining room table there is a shelf and she climbs onto it and than just sits there. :dohh: Than cries because she can't figure out how to get back down. :haha:
the house always seems a mess to me since jesse can crawl..
stuart does the washing up before work and again after dinner, Jess hates the vacuum too but have laminate floor and only 1rug so it doesnt need doing to often,
jesse loves to play in the kitchen, which i hate, really need to get some baby gates! i always keep the living room door shut so he hasnt been near the stairs!
he loves watching the washer when its on and he doesnt mind sitting on the grass well i hang it out, but my living room floor ALWAYS has toys strewn across it, sometimes im just like :dohh: i want a clean house! but id rather jesse enjoy his playtimes so what can i do! x
god i couldnt leve the house for a day with out doing it but when you have 2 kids 1 that like to drop all his food and spit it at you and the outher that dosnt think and walkes about with his dinner to play with his cars if i left it there would be food every where. I have to have the kichen clean and no dishes out the living room has to be cleaned up but the kids can have any toys they want out as toys arent mess in my eyes its a good job i dnt mind toy as there is toys every where in this house. and the washer has to have a load in every day so i can keep on top of it.

lucas loves the vacuum when i get it out he svrems and kicks his feet and if in his walker wich i normally do when i do it he is on it and i have to push that and him about.

I rember when rueben was about 1 and was crawling and he use to sit on the frount of it. Also some 1 seid about the washer also when rueben was about 1 ish he went crawling off afer about 5 min we thort where is he we looked and he was in the washer with a blancket fast asleep. He used to love wachng it when it was on as well.
just wondering how you feed your LOs now at 9months? i give jesse a mixture of spoonfeeding and leting him do it himself,

early morning - 8oz milk

breakfast -
i give jesse toast/plain biscuits/crumpets/bread sticks in the morning with fruit cut up into big chunky strips or strawberrys/ grapes in halfs, and then ill spoonfeed him some yoghurt or cereal (hit and miss if he takes it though depends how much he eats by himself)

snack -
fruit bars/quavers/carrot sticks/cheese sticks/the odd time he gets a chocolate digestive or a milky bar (very rare though normally only when my mum ishere and sneaks on out of her bag)
followed by about 7oz of very diluted fruit juice (his favourite is pineapple)

lunch - normally spoon feed him a heinz powdered dinner mixed with water, his favourite is brocolli and cauliflower cheese :) or he has spaghetti hoops sometimes, depending how much he takes he has abit of a sandwich too (favourite is tuna and sweetcorn) normally 1/4 of it he will eat

snack - has another yoghurt and another 7/8oz of diluted fruit juice

dinner - he normally just has whatever we have now i just cut it up slightly for him he likes sausage and garlic pasta and also shepards pie, he will eat the main thing spoonfed then he will have like some garlic bread (his favourite) or like greenbeans,carrots, baby corn etc while we eat ourselves

supper - is porridge or 2rusks with milk and has the remainder of 9oz of milk :)

just interested to see how their eating is all progressing now! :) xxx
Mog is still mostly milk. She has four or five bottles a day, 8oz in the morning and generally less than that throughout the day. She has porridge for breakfast, and one of the powdered dinners for lunch and normally most of a big jar of meaty baby food for dinner. She has a fruit custard pot most days and often the powdered fruity yoghurt for pudding with lunch or dinner and she nibbles on what we have sometimes, but not all that often. Some days she doesn't want to eat solids at all, and we don't make her. Imogen doesn't like diluted fruit juice. She was quite keen on a fruit shoot the other day, but only had a bit of it. She doesn't use a sippy cup yet though. There was a period about a month ago where she was drinking 11oz bottles, but now she only finishes an 8oz one in the morning and has more 'real' food.
lots of good conversation!

As far as tv goes, Kira loves watching it! I'm sot sure if you have the same baby/kid programs in the UK, but Kira likes watching Dora the Explorer and Team Oomy Zoomy. I think both are very educational and they have lots of music, which is Kira's favorite part :thumbup: I usually have them on as we play with toys on the floor and she looks up when the music parts come on and gives the biggest smiles- its so cute! I also sit her infront of the tv at breakfast time so I can have a few minutes to eat in peace :haha: She loves anything to do with Dora so she has Dora pj's now and she looks at herself in the mirror and smiles so big! If I say "Dora" she will look at the tv :haha:

Our feeding of solids is still mostly limited to fruits and veg since I'm introducing each food slowly. She did have chicken for the first time last week, and the only cereal she eats is oatmeal.

A typical day is:
breakfast- booby only
lunch- booby usually before, then little chunks of fruit or veg. Yesterday she had sweet potato cut into chunks and avocado cut into slices
dinner- booby and then more fruit and veg. Yesterday was watermelon cut into little pieces, blue berries cut in half and cooked carrots cut into slivers.

And booby snacks the rest of the day and night.
Since DH and I have some food allergies, we cook all our food from fresh, so we always have lots of fruit and veg around, so its easy enough to give Kira some of what we eat.
i bought cherrys blueberries and watermelon for jesse to try today, he has never turned down fruit though so im hoping he likes them,

were having chicken and salad for tea so im going to try letting him feed himself tonight and see how he goes today and yesterday he hasnt wanted me to spoonfeed him and pushes the spoon away and gets mad, but every snack iv put down he has eaten all of, so im wondering if hes just decided he doesnt want mum to feed him anymore!

hes going to have chicken dippers, some new potatos, baby corn, tomatos cucumber and lettuce :) and ill see how he gets on, hes had all these food separatly but never as a full meal,

the only thing jess has had a bad reaction to is eggs, (which OH was allergic to when he was a kid) the first couple of times i tried them with him he was fine but when i gave him scrambled eggs properly (more than just a taste) his face when all red and blotchy and he got blotches all over his body so i havnt tried him with them since, probably leave it a couple of months then try him again! :) xx

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