--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

my 1st baby was 9lbs 3 and he was very big and didnt want to come out had to have a drip to get my cervix open past 6cm alls i ate throw out my preg with him was sweets choc and pasta i got from 13st to 18st when i was 40+4 the day i had him. i was in labor for 36hrs with him.

with lucas he was 8lb 4 and a lot smaller than rueben and it took 8hr 19 min from start to finish but it was harder to pudh him out than rueben. i wached what i ate with him i was 11st11 when i got preg and 13st 3 at 40 wks the day befor i had him. So i think a lot of the size comes down to what you eat when preg.

boothh i hope your poor lo gets better soon.

spidey be for i had lucas i thort i couldnt love another child as much as i love rueben as he was 5 by the time lucas came allong but you just do. You just fall in love the same way you fell in love with your 1st

I cant belive my lo is 10 months today where did that time go. He is such a happy little boy but has got us on are toes all the time. We could leave rueben to play but we cant with him he is in to any thing and eats every thing he souldnt i have had to put a chair in frount of the fire so he cant get the cloe out and eat it as he allways dose. He has been trying really hard the last few days to get up on his knees to crawl but still hasnt got it i dnt think it will be long.
Everyone tells me you do love your second (and third, fourth, fifth etc) just as much, but it's just hard to imagine right now when all my mothering instinct is focused on Mog.

Sorry to hear Jesse is still poorly, and Cleck, I'm heading over to the Baby Club right now!
He won't take his medicine I'm having to mix it with yoghurt to give it to him! At least he's taking it like that though!
Laptops broke so I'm on phone and can't reply properly xx
I dunno how I keep forgetting to come on here and check in with you lovely ladies. How are all the little ones doing?? Bryson is great! He is getting so big! I can hardly believe it! I love him more and more every day! Just when I don't think I could love him any deeper, I suddenly do! Hehe. I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about. We need pic of cute babies in little swimsuits in little pools haha. I know I plan to do so with Bry as summer is just beginning here. Thankfully it's not TOO hot yet though. Temps are still in the 80's, not the 90's but that will happen soon I'm sure.

I just had a huge shock/surprise this morning. I've been dealing with nausea off and on and I was about to go see my internist about it to find out if I'm having blood sugar issues again. Since hubby and I are careful, I never expected that I could be preg. Well AF is due between today and Monday. So I thought that before I schedule my appointment for next week I better just cover the bases and be sure that I'm not dealing with a little surprise growing. Much to my shock and astonishment,..... :bfp: Talk about wow! :shock: Hubby and I are still reeling from the shock of it. We're careful and I have PCOS so this is a total surprise. I had planned on waiting to have another until Bryson turned 2 or 3 but apparently G-d had other ideas haha. So yeah.....wow..... at least it explains the nausea and fatigue lately oh and thirst, but those are all blood sugar issues symptoms too so it is kinda easy to miss. Especially for someone like me who was being careful and has pcos. :dohh:

Anyways so that's my Saturday morning so far! How is everyone else getting on??
OMG!!! Congrats hun! Geez! I swear it's in the water because people are popping up pregnant left and right lately on here and IRL. :thumbup: I got pregnancy news from my DH's friend yesterday that his wife is pregnant. It must be springtime. :haha:
There are a few pregnant August mummies now too! TheNewWife, Kimberly, Heidi..I don't know of any others off the top of my head but I know there are more. :haha:
tmr- I'm glad to hear that Lucas was smaller when you watched what you ate- it gives me hope LOL

Congrats Kimberly!!

We got our kiddie pool yesterday and Kira tested it out, and she LOVES it :happydance: She was splashing and squealing... in the first picture she found a little bug floating in the water :haha:


cute pictures Spidey - can I ask what temperature you had the water?
I'd like to know what temp you had the water too. I'm wanting to do the same thing for Bryson but I don't wanna make it too cold or too warm for him. I'm not sure what temp is just right for the little pool.
Aww spidey she's amazing!! :D

I never tested a temperature for Emmas pool. We just filled it with the hose(cool water) and than DH dumped a few buckets of warm water in it to make it like bathwater basically but a little cooler. :thumbup:
I wouldn't follow my advice as I'm a bad Mommy since I filled it with cold hose water and let the pool sit in the sun for 2 hours. It was still cold, but I got in the pool with Kira to sort of judge how cold it really was. Her little jaw shivered after 5-10 minutes so we got out. Next time I'm planning to fill it up, then let it sit longer in the sun before we go out to play.

Here is a link to a video of her splashing..
https://www.razortoe.com/Kira/2010-06/June 05/splashing movie.mov
Can't watch the link now bc I'm on the iPhone but your sooo not a bad mommy! :) have you girls ever looked at the guilt-free confessional thread in baby club? I sat there in stitches reading it. Some of the stories are so funny. :haha:
Oh I lied apparently I CAN watch the video. She's so cute! And spidey I officially hate you! Look how skinny you are! :p
Woo, Jesse keeps letting go of the sofa and standing freely on his own!!!! 7seconds is
his longest so far!! I'm soo proud of him he's getting steadier every time!
And he can get up stairs in no time now! I went to put some rubbish out before came
back in and he was up the stairs!

With jesses paddling pool I put cold water from the hose then a couple of kettles full of boiling water, gets it to luke warm and he was fine though shivery after about 10 minutes so we got him out! :)
Yay for Jesse standing!! Emma still hasn't even done that one yet!

So I have MIL getting on me about Emma not walking yet. WTH right?! She said all her kids walked by 9-10 months. And so did my niece and nephew. So apparently something is wrong with my baby because she's not walking yet. :cry::cry: I personally think she doesn't know her details anymore because over the years it's hard to remember what all your kids did and when. She never wrote any of it down. My own mother who is the expert recordkeeper always told me I walked early but when I actually dug out my baby book I didn't even walk until I was 14 months old. So obviously things get mixed up over time. But I'm definitely hearing the pressure from DH's side of the family. Anytime anyone calls the first question they have about Emma is, 'is she walking yet?'. :wacko:
Thankfully we live so far away so we only have to talk to them when we want to. And they aren't saying this stuff in front of her. I honestly don't push her at all. She does what she wants. I don't even hold her arms and walk behind her because the few times I've tried it she threw a fit because she couldn't get anywhere fast enough and wanted to crawl. She has her walk behind toy but I rarely try to get her to use it. Last night she did take a few steps with it again but than just plopped on her butt and crawled away. :haha: I think she's happy crawling. I truly don't think she'll walk until after her birthday either.

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