hey nutty

and Heidi!
everything's fine round these parts. nothing much new to report. except that we went to the baby clinic yesterday and what a flaming nightmare! we had a bit of a wait and Adam has passed the days when he'd sit happily on my knee, so he wantd to go rampaging off and climb on other people's pushchairs and go into other mummy's handbags and join the toddlers playing with the toys... he's just so little next to the big kids but he doesn't seem to be bothered by it, he's fearless and confident. no idea who he gets that from!
so I just went to get him weighed. and that was awful. tried to sit him on the scale and he just wanted to lunge forward and crawl away, which given the scale was up on a kitchen type counter in a room with tiled floors was scary to say the least. we tried lying him down and he screamed and clawed at everything and wouldn't stay still. after about 10 attempts we got a reading with him sitting up. I am NOT doing that again soon if I can avoid it.
anyway, he's moved up the chart, from around the 35th-40th, where he has been since just after birth (he was about the 60th at birth) back up to the 60th-ish. I guess that's all the food he's putting away. I feel a bit weird about it, sort of scared in case they think I am over-feeding him. but I don't see how I can be as he eats on demand and feeds himself, we don't stick spoons in him, never have, and he doesn't get any "junk" food (being cautious about salt really precludes so much that otherwise I might be tempted to offer). the woman who eventually weighed him said I had to have a word with the HV and discuss his feeding, which I thought was a bit of an over-reaction. if he had jumped from the 25th to the 98th, ok, but he's only 1/2 a lb more than I thought he'd be (I had expected him to be 20lb 8oz and he was 21lb). anyway, we did see the HV, and it happened to be the one who used to come round to the house after AE was born, the one who is petrified of our cat; she asked if he eats what we do (yes) and then just wrote that in the book along with "good weight gain". so I don't think she is concerned. she is coming round on Mon to do his 8 month (ha!) check after I told her I'd had no call back from the clinic after leaving 2 messages (have to call to make an appt). she also tried to measure him, for the first time believe it or not, and I still have no height measurement for him because he refused to co-operate and lie down.
how are your babies when getting weighed/measured? do they co-operate or are they monsters like Adam?

also, nappies... since he was 6.5 months old Adam has been a nightmare and now I am an expert at changing a nappy on a standing/crawling child.
other than that - Adam is standing without holding on briefly (very briefly) and cruising all the time, but he just wants to climb. so much so that he brings his toys over to things he pulls up on and stands on them to get higher. there's going to be a lot of tears some day soon. and he pulls on the outside of his travel cot and tries to pull up higher, scrabbling up the side, both feet off the floor. it's funny but I dread to think what he's going to be like when he's walking alone...