--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

spidey yay for copying!! Emma copies sometimes but not always. The thing that I love most is when I get a huge fake laugh, Emma does it back and we do it back and forth until we are both really laughing.

Also, maybe you can post the video on photobucket? I'm pretty sure they do videos too. :thumbup:
I think this will work!

aw thanks Spidey - what a cute vidoe :cloud9:

Heidi - are you sure Caylee isn't really 2 years old already :winkwink:?
hiya girls all babys seem to be doing so good lucas has seemd to stop trying any thing new atm he keeps trying to get on to his nees but dosnt get there and will flopp back down and army crawl off (hes gunna have v strong arms and 1 strong leg he dosnt use his left leg) He will stand hold som thing if you put him there but can pull him self up.
He says hiya to every 1 he sees and waves says daddaaa and mumama to me and oh. He use started to fake cry as well if he can have some thing or rueben is playing with him and hids he starts to cry but as soon as you look at him he lol.

Hes just cut his 6th tooth and has got 1 more coming throw hes got 2 on the bottem and 4 on top and keeps coming over to me and bitting my feet little bugger.

He is eating the smae as rueben now dosnt have any baby sort of foods any more and gives him self his drinks. We got him weighd the outher day and he is now a wopping 26lbs and is fast growing out of 12-18m cloths

hiya Heidi i cnt belive that Caylee is so ahead sounds like she is going to be a proper little girl with the back chat lol
Mog claps and blows raspberries back at you, it's supercute!

I'm frantically packing as I'm off to do an am dram show in Lincolnshire next week, and I'm a bit behind in the prep for taking a baby away for a week! Trying not to take too much in the way of large items (although the jumperoo is coming, and I don't care what anyone says), but don't want to run out of clean clothes. This might involve doing some laundry tonight!

I often wonder why Mog is so calm and lovely, I think the hypnobirthing had something to do with it, for the last couple of months of my pregnancy I was doing over an hour of relaxation/meditation therapy a day which must have been quite soothing to her.
Well, woke up and Emma is somewhat grumpy again today but is actually drooling too. She's never been a drooly baby and very rarely drools so fingers X'ed for us she pops in her first tooth soon and isn't a total monster for me!! :D
Caylees doctor said she was very advanced. AND it did not come from me...because I still do things that make my mother go "Oh ...no Heidi, don't" Haha I was late to do everything when I was younger, Ross on the other hand, was very early. Ross started her on Baby Einstein movies when she was 4 weeks old, lord knows if hey have done anything but he plays them twice a day for her and she loves them. I am super proud of her, but yet she only eats certain food because of me, I am so nervous I don't let her eat alot of table food without it being cut up into tiny pieces, she is ALWAYS sick, we have to go to the ENT in a week to see if they are going to do surgery on her tonsils and put tubes in...she has terrible asthma..its a total hit and miss with that girl!

That video is ADORABLE <3

Lucas sounds like he is doing really well! I really wish I could get the guts to feed caylee more table food without making it the size that a bird would eat!
hey nutty :D and Heidi! :D

everything's fine round these parts. nothing much new to report. except that we went to the baby clinic yesterday and what a flaming nightmare! we had a bit of a wait and Adam has passed the days when he'd sit happily on my knee, so he wantd to go rampaging off and climb on other people's pushchairs and go into other mummy's handbags and join the toddlers playing with the toys... he's just so little next to the big kids but he doesn't seem to be bothered by it, he's fearless and confident. no idea who he gets that from!

so I just went to get him weighed. and that was awful. tried to sit him on the scale and he just wanted to lunge forward and crawl away, which given the scale was up on a kitchen type counter in a room with tiled floors was scary to say the least. we tried lying him down and he screamed and clawed at everything and wouldn't stay still. after about 10 attempts we got a reading with him sitting up. I am NOT doing that again soon if I can avoid it.

anyway, he's moved up the chart, from around the 35th-40th, where he has been since just after birth (he was about the 60th at birth) back up to the 60th-ish. I guess that's all the food he's putting away. I feel a bit weird about it, sort of scared in case they think I am over-feeding him. but I don't see how I can be as he eats on demand and feeds himself, we don't stick spoons in him, never have, and he doesn't get any "junk" food (being cautious about salt really precludes so much that otherwise I might be tempted to offer). the woman who eventually weighed him said I had to have a word with the HV and discuss his feeding, which I thought was a bit of an over-reaction. if he had jumped from the 25th to the 98th, ok, but he's only 1/2 a lb more than I thought he'd be (I had expected him to be 20lb 8oz and he was 21lb). anyway, we did see the HV, and it happened to be the one who used to come round to the house after AE was born, the one who is petrified of our cat; she asked if he eats what we do (yes) and then just wrote that in the book along with "good weight gain". so I don't think she is concerned. she is coming round on Mon to do his 8 month (ha!) check after I told her I'd had no call back from the clinic after leaving 2 messages (have to call to make an appt). she also tried to measure him, for the first time believe it or not, and I still have no height measurement for him because he refused to co-operate and lie down.

how are your babies when getting weighed/measured? do they co-operate or are they monsters like Adam? :( also, nappies... since he was 6.5 months old Adam has been a nightmare and now I am an expert at changing a nappy on a standing/crawling child. :lol:

other than that - Adam is standing without holding on briefly (very briefly) and cruising all the time, but he just wants to climb. so much so that he brings his toys over to things he pulls up on and stands on them to get higher. there's going to be a lot of tears some day soon. and he pulls on the outside of his travel cot and tries to pull up higher, scrabbling up the side, both feet off the floor. it's funny but I dread to think what he's going to be like when he's walking alone...
Today I left Jesse in my bed asleep and came downstairs, I heard him shouting so went to get him.. He had got out of my bed crawled along the corridor and got down the first step of the stairs, and was sat at the top swinging his legs off the top step, my heart was in my mouth seriously iv never ran up stairs so fast in my life!! Definatly need some baby gates! He couldve fell and broke his neck!!
Who still sterilises bottles? And how much milk does your LO drink? Jess only has 18oz of milk a day now and I know it should be more but he won't drink milk in the day so we stopped trying since about 7months, I'm concerned about the fact he's losing weight though now he feeds himself so iv given him another 9oz bottle just now instead of afternoon snack and he's drinking it fine! I'm hoping he will sleep longer with extra milk too,

up until today he would have 1 9oz bottle at bedtime and another 9oz in buts throughout the night! Sometime another 6/7 oz in the morning but rare he prefers juice once he's not in bed x
We still sterilise bottles for milk, but not any of his other utensils (bowls, spoons, sippy cup for water). Adam has around 20oz milk a day max, but often he has a fair bit less, more like 14-15oz. He still takes 4 bottles (all he ever had) but I make up 6oz now rather than 8oz. In the morning before breakfast he'll have 5-6oz, before lunch another 4-6oz, teatime varies, it can be just a couple of oz or maybe up to 4oz, and then bedtime he rarely has more than 3oz now.

18oz a day is fine at this age though, Becki, they say 18-21oz is about right. I'm sure Jesse will be fine if he is eating his meals well. I wouldn't worry about his weight dropping a little, though maybe keep an eye on it. Is he actually losing weight or dropping down on the chart?
No he's actually losing weight, he's lost 2lbs in the last few weeks, but with him having a chest infection, starting to move around alot more and the fact he won't let me feed him and feeds himself now so isn't getting as much food, this all started the same time, and I mentioned it to the nurse when I rang nhs direct
and she said they are all times when he might lose weight and
combined it looks alot worse but to keep an eye on it, he still seems pretty healthy though and is eating is getting alot better as he fine tunes his skills I'm still worried though, I feel better letting him have an extra bottle (he drank 7oz) x
Hon, I would let him have that extra bottle. If he does good with it, thats great.
Caylee is not a big formula drinker anymore except for at night, she is a bottle freak. She drinks two 9 oz bottles at night and one 4 oz bottle before naps. During the day she has juice that is diluted with a lot of water and at her WIC appointment they said she can start having whole milk. So we give her regular whole milk with her meals (Breakfast, lunch and dinner) and she LOVES it. I am putting more water than formula into the bottle which her doctor told me to do, not much but still a tad more water to start the process of getting her off formula by 1.

Jesse seems to be cruising haha. Thank goodness he was safe though and didn't fall. That would have been terrible. He seems like such an active little guy with a personality all his own haha.

I hear you on Adam, Caylee is a terror at the clinic when it comes to height and weight. She will not sit still, she won't cry but she will yell haha. Its hard to get a weight on her. She's in the 95% for her weight 98% for her head and 97% for her height. Shes 22.5 pounds, shes a biggin haha. But shes healthy, shes not overfed she has always been in the 90% for her weight and everything since her 2 month appointment, so I don't worry. I dont think she will be a 400 pound 4 year old on Oprah anytime soon.
Aww, bless little Jesse! Does he still have the chest infection? I'm sure once he's feeling better he'll perk up. Plus with him feeding himself, it is something that they will all only get better at, sounds like he is a determined little chap. :D
He only has about 2more doses of antibiotics left and it's clearing up pretty well but he was quite ill last week, he doesn't seem ill at all now!
Nutty- I'm googling but can't find anything yet about it. I'll still do some digging though so hopefully I find something on it for you! It's just a matter of figuring out what awards show is coming up. It could possibly be the Grammy's. MTV music awards just happened a week ago I think so it can't be that. Anyways. I'll search! :D

MJ- Emma is the same way with weighing. Well she hasn't been weighed in months but even back at 5 months old she would just try to roll off and crawl away. :dohh: She's always been SO active. I never had the sleepy newborn that just laid there. Even as a newborn she was always awake and kicking and punching her arms all over. She climbs everything too. She can now climb onto the couch and get back off all by herself. Same with the bed as long as she has something down there to climb on first. It's a bit shocking when she does it because she is so tiny so you wouldn't expect it of her. I bought her a little playset thing with a slide and climbing wall for her first birthday but I'm seriously considering giving it to her now as an early first birthday gift instead because I think it'd keep her SO entertained. :haha:

Boothh- Go Jesse!! I bet that was scary! I've had the same issue but with Emma climbing up them without me knowing. I HATE the baby gates though because you have to open it every time you want to run up the stairs real fast and it's just an annoyance. I hope Jess feels better soon! :hugs: As for the weight loss, I'm sure he'll bounce back hun.
Heidi- What do you get by being on WIC? Now that we are in california and have to pay rent and a mortgage back in Virginia with our house that is for sale, it's really costing us and we are starting to lose money from our savings. I basically have more bills than we can afford. We go negative in our checking every month. :shock: So I'm starting to freak out a little. But I feel like I'm too proud to take in WIC checks and use them. I just don't know if I could bring myself to do it. Does it help out a lot for you guys?
Yeah I think it's for broadway shows. Not sure though. And I have no idea what bon jovi has done in the past year to even know what it could be for. :haha:
Hmm I'm looking up about Tony's now because the grammy's has already occurred this year. :thumbup:

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