--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Tsia- Emma doesn't have teeth yet either. I looked back in my baby books and I didn't get teeth until I was nearly a year old so I think she is taking after me. :haha: I'm fine with it because I still BF and I assume teeth aren't all that fun with BFing. :D
Tsia i know of a few babies (not on this thread IRL) that are the same age as ours that dont have teeth! jesse has 6 and 2 more on the way! and i am always being bitten! enjoy no teeth haha! only good thing is he loves burhsing his teeth or letting me brush them so thats cute! :)

i have not had jesse weighed since he was about 7months and think im gunna try get him weighed soon cus im curious how much he weighs! last time he was like 23lbs and last time i put him on the scales he was 21lbs so im wondering if my scales are accurate, i know hes lost weight but i dont know how much!

i really wanna decorate jesse room now i cleaned it all and arranged it, atm its just white with the chimney breast that runs through his room painted blue! i have some little animal things i need to stick up on the walls but i havnt gotten around to it yet! gah i wana do it, think i might go get some paint and curtains this weekend and get it done! xx
awww.. I think all the baby bedding is cute! I do really like the target cupcake set and the teacups! AE- those fabrics are beautiful! I like the wall decal of the fox too.

Kira has 2 bottom teeth. She got them both in a weeks time a couple of months ago, but no more teeth since then! Oh, and Clecker, you'll be happy to hear that no nipple bites yet. I was worried when they first came in :haha:

Tsia- I'm happy to hear everything is good with your OH. A baby can really change a man- I know my DH is very different now that he has a LO to care for.
nutty- I saw that!!! It's SO cute too! LOL!! I was going to comment but it's not really nice to put 'LOL' as a comment on a cake you worked so hard on. :haha::winkwink:
does any other baby throw up much? how often would you say, include like little juicey/watery sicky if they drink too fast and crawl around, food sick like if they are abit full and a little bit comes up and mega super excorcist sicks xx
Sophia isn't very sicky anymore (thank goodness for my carpets!) mayeb just once every few days or so if she gets particularly active after a milk feed. It is usually just a timy bit.

Is Jesse still being sick? i know he wasn't well but I hope he is better.
nuttymummy- I just had to see the owl cake so I spied on you and found your cake thread and saw it- sooooo pretty!! You are really talented!

Boothh- Kira might have a tiny spit up every few days, but it's always my fault since after a feed I sometimes forget and hold her so her tummy is really pressed against my side and thats when she's most likely to give a tiny spit up... breast milk curdled style.
Boothh- I can't remember the last time Emma threw up, it's been that long. But when she does it's always just a little bit of milk. I hope his tummy feels better soon! :( Maybe something just isn't sitting right in his tum.
i was speaking to a few friends and its seems jess is the only one that still throws up regularly, as in a couple of times a day, he nearly always throws up juicey sick or abit of milk once hes got up and crawling around after drinking, he throws up foody sick not lots but like he will throw up about 4 little bits over course of half hour after hes eaten and he still proper projectiles like id say once a week, im going to mention it at the docs when he goes for his next set of injections next week!! eek! i know he is allergic to eggs but im wondering if theres something else thats not sitting right with him, but i cant see a pattern its seems to be anything that sets him off, he never acts 'ill' though he will be fine happily playing and laughing then throw up and carry on like hes doesnt even really notice! so its not like hes uncomfy with it, i dunno what to do! xx
Does he have reflux? It's all I can think of at the top of my head if you said nothing is consistent with his food to make him do it.
i dont know, iv never been told he has it, and his cousin has it who is 2 weeks younger than him and he reaaally throws up lots more than jesse does, he sticks his fingers in his mouth alot and chews on them n it makes him gag loads so i dunno whether thats to do with it!
Hmm well I hope you can figure it out. Cleaning up sick all the time is no fun. :( Does he gag alot when eating? I'm just thinking if it's a sensitive gag reflex causing it, than he's probably gag alot when eating finger foods.
nope never gags apart from eating spaghetti thats the only thing and even i gag on that!
just dont get it, gunna get it seen to anyway!

on another note i bought some of jesse birthday presents today!!

just 2 big bags of palls for his ball pool hes getting and i got him some of those 'thats not my..' books! he has a few already but they were cheap in asda lol,

i bought him some dummys too (pirate ones) to see what he did with them cus he hasnt ever had one before, me and stuart showed him how to do it and he kept putting it in hismouth n biting and pulling it out, then shoving it in my mouth tryna make me do it! im glad he doesnt have a dummy properly but sometimes when he is fussy i just think i reeeally wish he took a dummy!! xx
EMMA TOOK SIX STEPS TO HER DADDY!!!! AHHH! I know most of you have me on facebook anyways but I had to say it here too. :haha: He just got home about 20 minutes ago and I was showing him how she stands there by herself now and she just started walking. :cloud9::cloud9: I can't even believe it. She took three little steps yesterday towards Roxy but today was really far!!

Oddly, I still don't think she is going to be full blown walking yet. I just think she likes crawling more and she wont walk yet. I have no idea why but that is what I'm sensing is going to happen. :haha:
Hey everyone

Hope your all well - well I have been reading on my phone but just haven't had a minute to get on the laptop and check in.

Booth - Natasha is never sick It does sound a bit like reflux or my mam was telling that my brother had was really bad at getting sick when he was a baby and he constantly brought up his food and that the doc told her that it was a hernia that it happens quite comment baby boys and and that it is something to do with the valve not closing properly and when they put pressure on their tummies they get sick, but she said that they just grow out of it themselves and the docs usually dont intervene unless it is extremely bad. Worth talking to your doc about.

Cleck - I saw on FB that Emma took a few steps - Well done Emma.

Heidi - I also saw on FB that your appointment went well - I'm so glad and glad you get to see Lily again in two weeks - Caylee is getting so big - I just can't get over how advanced she is.

Shiv - I saw earlier that you are down to 9lb 4 - Well done you? I still have half a stone to go to get to my target but I'm not going to worry about it until the hols are over and by then I will prob have another half a stone to go ha ha.

Spidey - I love your duvet for Kira's new bed - the colours are gorgeous and so bright.

AuntyE - I love your decals too - especially the fox.

Tsia - Good to see you again - I also know friends who their babies have only gotten their first teeth after 1.

Nutty - I saw that cake on FB - but it was on my phone so it takes too long to comment - it is gorgeous, you really are talented.

Girls you are going to think I'm a real hillybilly now as I have never heard of Decals before - we would just call them stickers over here lol and what I'm talking about are more like stickers than what I have seen for the decals. I'm so glad I now know as I have had a look on ebay and there is some lovely ones and you have given me great ideas for for when we change Natashas room - I'm thinking either a butterfly or fairy theme.

We are keeping her in the nursery for the time being as the room she will eventually move to is now our spare room and we have it done in all brown and buscuit colours and I love it, so I'm not ready to part with it yet - so we will probably stick with the nursery until she is about 2 at at that stage we will move her into the other room and do it all up for her as we will probably be thinking of number 2 at that stage and he or she will then have the nursery.

Our cot changes into a toddler bed, but she is definitely not ready for that yet as she still doesn't crawl and her method of moving around is to roll everywhere and she even does it in her sleep - she could be on any end of the cot by morning or even across it with her legs up on the bars - so I reckon she would spend most of the night rolling out of it and I would be terrified she would hurt herself.

Well I think she may be heading for crawling soon, she is well able to get up on her knees and when we are playing on the bed she sometimes even goes up on her hands and toes - like a bridge but she just doesn't move anywhere.

She has six teeth now and had a bad night last night so I think more are on the move - the poor little thing is getting so much hardship with them - she has never cried much, only if she has a pain but we have major screaming for hours at night every time a tooth is coming through and she gets really constipated - Anyone else's LO's bowel movements affected by their teeth?? My mam reckons that she has quiet big teeth so this could be why. She broke my heart tonight though as she woke crying again in pain and DH took her up and gave her a cuddle and then he gave her to me for a cuddle and she had stopped crying and started again when she came to me and was pointing at her daddy - I love it that she loves him so much but I felt so un-needed - she is usually a typical daddies girl and loves having fun with him but wants her mammy if she isn't well. DH reckons that it is just because he made her laugh and forget about the pain last night and that is probably why. But I guess the more of a daddies girls she becomes I may just get used to things like that lol.

Well I have started doing a few bits for her 1st birthday party - we both have such big families and a good amount of friends with children that we would have went to their birthday parties that it is going to end up quite big - but I am going to order in hot food to give myself less work. I have ordered her cake which is in the shape of a me to you bear and I have ordered 1st birthday banners and plastic plates and cups and things but that is about it. I still have to find a nice dress for her for the day. I can't seem to find one special enough for her big day.

Well I know some of you have discussed temper tantrums and we have had some of those lately - a couple of times where I have been playing with her on the floor and I have put her down so as I can get up and she has actually banged her head on the floor or she has arched her back a few times when getting into her highchair - Cleck the last time I did like you said earlier and it did help - she was arching her back getting into the chair and I said I know your angry and I know your hungry but if you just help mammy and sit in her chair I will get your dinner straight away and she did relax and get in so hopefully this method will continue to help.

Well I dont have much more news - we are heading away for a few days next week as DH is off for 2 weeks - we are first of all going to stay with friends for 2 nights as there is a family festival on for the weekend and then we are only just going down South of the country and renting an apartment for 3 nights, so I'm really looking forward to that our first family holiday - we are going to bring Natasha to a wildlife park and swimming.

I am really enjoying spending time with her again and not having to worry about work even though i was only doing 2 days a week - I am dreading going back in September already as I will be doing more days from then on.

Well that was a mammoth post and a half but sure you all know what I'm like by now ha ha. I'm glad to see your all well and I hopefully will get on more in the month of August when DH goes back to work and we are not out and about as much.
Ah Cleck I didn't see your post there until I had already posted - I'm so delighted Corey got to see her first few steps as I know you wanted him to be a part of it and she obviosly did too - Ah that is brill news.
Hi all i havent posted in here for AGEEES!!! Nice to see Lion Cubs is still going strong!!
I am having a really hard time at the moment (hence why im not in here much anymore) as most of you will know from FB Ellie has been diagnosed with hips dysplacia so in a completely no hard feeling way it kinda hurts to see so many of your lovely babies hitting their milestones so well when Ellie is only just sitting up my heart feels like it is breaking to think she will not walk for at least another 6 months and she will probably never crawl :cry:
Anyways sorry for kinda springing that on you but i didnt want to just leave you all for so long without an explanation i will come back as soon as i am stronger x

Love to you all always, Sammy and Ellie-Mae xxxxx
Ah Sam honey - Poor elinor really has been through the mill hasn't she and you and all.

huge Hugs honey :hugs: - but you know what I reackon life swings in roundabouts and that poor little thing is getting all her life's hardships out of the way and she will go on to be famous or have a hugely successful career or marry a lovely, gorgeous millionaire - I'm telling you she is gonna have some great times ahead for her for all this hardship that she is coping so well with.

Natasha is still only sitting and a bit of rolling so she is not the only one months away from walking - I know that doesn't help in this situation but I just wanted you to know she is not the only one.

:hugs: again. xx
yaaaaay cleck!! thats soo cool she took her first proper steps for her daddy i actually welled up abit when i read it lol!

sam big :hugs: to elinor, i really dont think jesse is going to be walking for months either, it musnt be nice though, but she will catch up soon enough!! my cousin was nearly 2 when she walked and she never crawled just sat there, there was nothing wrong with her though she just didnt wanna do it, so she wont be the only one hun xxx

well jesse has outdone himself yet again, he keeps shoving his hand down the side of his nappy to play with his willy (LOL) but he dislodges his nappy so if i dontnotice in time he wees and it leaks everywhere, this morning though he did and then did a poo explosion which went all over my bed and me thanks jesse!! x

happy 11months to jesse and adam xx
:D yay, happy 11 months to Jesse & Adam :D

hey ladies - sorry I haven't posted in a while, been a weird few weeks for us and I've felt a bit insular, kinda. but it looks like things are getting better so I feel better, too. :) what happened was Chris was made redundant when the company he'd worked at for 5 years went down the pan. this was not unexpected by any means, in fact each month for at least a year we questioned whether or not he'd get paid, but it held together a lot longer than we thought it might. but it was still not so nice when it finally happened. he will get some redundancy and ££ in lieu of notice but we don't have it yet. so it was awful and stressful for a while because basically, we need to move house sooner rather than later as we are in the 1-bed flat that I bought when I was a single girl with 2 cats 10.5 years ago. this was ok when C moved in, and ok when Adam was tiny (but time obviously started ticking when I got pregnant with AE). now he is on the move and getting bigger, and needs his own bedroom, it's more urgent. to get a mortgage one of us needs to be earning a decent salary, as we would not get a mortgage on a garden shed on what I earn for 1 shift (8 hours) a week! C really wants to set up his own design agency but it's not a realistic idea right now because we need payslips for a mortgage, plus we have no room for him to have an office. he did get his computer and related equipment when his company went under, so he does have the hardware to start on his own but there is just no way it is a reasonable idea, with me home all day and Adam roaming around...

so I have not enjoyed him being home. at. all. which I feel awful about, but it's screwed up my routine with Adam good and proper. I could rant for hours about it but there's no point. I feel bad because C does help, and I get more rest/lie-ins than if he was out at work, but it's been like a pressure cooker in here sometimes because we seem to manage better when we each have AE alone and we clash quite a bit and accuse each other of "back-seat driving", which is madness but there you go. plus the hot weather has added to the awfulness.

BUT! thank the good lord. chris has got a new job. :D he found out yesterday and we are so so so so relieved. it's less money than he was on before but that's the nature of his industry, salaries are down in the last year or so, but I don't care, it's ok, we can cope and fx we can move in the next 6 months now. And I can get settled back down with everything with AE as well. am also hoping that C ENJOYS the new job and it isn't a source of stress for him because tbh it was pretty bad for the last year him coming home every night and complaining and telling me how it was all falling apart. it got wearing hearing it all every day.

so it's not bad, 3 weeks from losing your job to getting a new one, in this economy! he starts in 2 weeks, but I am hoping the atmosphere round here will improve because the pressure of us imminently having no money plus being crammed in a tiny flat will ease off.

also, just to add to the stress, as those of you who are on FB may know, our car all but died while we were on our way up to my mum's for a few days last week. stupid rotting heap of junk. it had been playing up for a while, the clutch, so we had it in at the garage a few days before our trip and got a new clutch cable and a new throttle cable. £160. then when we were driving up north, it's a 300-mile trip, the stupid rotting heap of junk kept losing power on the motorway. it was so scary. thank goodness we had left v early, 3.45am, so as to get a clear run (ha) before the day got too hot. we ended up having to call Green Flag, but the mechanic couldn't fix it so we had to be towed the rest of the way. we'd made it halfway so we decided to press on and go to my mums rather than be towed back to London. not a good start to the holiday. then we took it to a garage in Hartlepool, who plugged it in to the computer and a fault came up, which the mechanic fixed - £310 for a new catalytic converter, which had apparently fallen to bits! We almost didn't get it fixed but it was going to cost us £200 to come back on the train so we thought, ack, do it, HOPEFULLY it'll be fine after that... but no. :( same thing happened on the way home. losing power on the motorway. we had to stop on the hard shoulder 4 times. I was terrified, was certain we were all driving to our deaths. but we got home, alive, and decided that's IT, no more good money after bad, car GOES and we get something that we feel safe in and ok putting our precious baby into. so car went on eBay and Gumtree and sold the next day. so no car! heh. we should be able to get a new one, though, and am really looking forward to THAT.

phew. so that's my tales of mostly woe!

Adam is great, sleeping a bit better though the hot weather screwed everything up. he loved being at my mum's, ate her out of house and home! he's standing for a good while by himself and has taken a couple of steps, but I haven't really counted them as walking because they seemed really random and aimless! he is a lot better at getting his nappy changed as well, which makes everything a lot easier. he's just a little sweetie. :D we have sorted out what we're doing for his birthday - we were having a picnic in Richmond Park but have changed that and we're going to have a little party in Chris's sister's garden - she's got a massive garden with a trampoline, and it's going to be mostly their relatives there anyway, as well as my parents and maybe my best friend, too. I need to think about a birthday cake! and presents! it's exciting, one month today!

soooo... sorry I have missed so much and not replied to anyone...

boothh, about the vomiting - Adam really never vomits, I honestly cannot remember the last time, months ago anyway. sorry to hear Jesse suffers, I'd have him to the docs just to make sure it's not something that needs attention. also, I was really, really sorry to hear about your mc. how are you now? :hug:

jelr, great that you have some time off work now! enjoy it :D I LOVE the pics you put on FB of Natasha, she's a little beauty. re temper tantrums, Adam has started with that; he has done for a while but it's only fairly recently that I can connect it with him not getting to do something he wants. this morning he went to stand up at the CD shelf and we have always had it so that he cannot move any of the CDs, we jammed them in, but C had take a couple out so he was going to get in there and clear the shelf. well I wouldn't let him and insisted that we get on and change his nappy. WHAT tantrum he threw! screaming like a bloody banshee! he didn't stop till I removed him from the room. I find I have to get right in quickly and distract him with something fun and he forgets all about nasty Mummy not letting him into the washing machine or whatever!

nutty, great to see you posting here again!

spidey and heidi and cleck and aunty e, I am v envious of your beautiful baby rooms and decorations! one day perhaps I will have a room to decorate, but sadly no Target in the UK. wish they'd get over here, I hear all about it on another forum I post at, it looks like my kind of shop!

cleck, YAY!!! for Emma walking for Corey :D what a little champion she is. I'm sure she knew she needed to let him see before he was going to be going away again. how are you enjoying Cali?

sam star, hi, and sorry to hear about Elinor's latest trials. poor little baba, she and you have a lot to contend with. how is she in general? personality-wise?

shiv - oh good for you on the weight loss! that's fabulous. am quite envious, heh. am stuck at 10st (ish, give or take a lb either side). no change since before the wedding! it's a bit of a pain because I gave up chocolate on June 1st, so 6 weeks ago now, not one chocolate bar has passed my lips! but I have been eating ice cream. not every day, though. and crisps, but also not every day. when I lost a stone before the wedding I pretty much gave up carbs, so am thinking I need to do that. grrrrr! really wanted to be prepreg weight by AE's birthday, so 1 month... a lot can be achieved in 1 month though :D 1/2 stone and I'll be happy. I sort of feel that my body has changed since having AE anyway, I am sure I am more muscular. I can fit into trousers I wore when I was 10lb less anyway.

ok, that's my mammoth post done. will try not to leave it so long next time...

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