--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

I said I would quickly pop in before we head off.

Booth - I'll Add you now shortly - Thanks for the Info on the milk - I had hoped to use the toddler milk but I reckon we wont do any better on that than the normal sma she had at the beginning or the follow on sma that she has had since 6 months so I think I'll give the cows milk a go and sure if she doesn't drink that I'll go back to the toddler milk as I definitely agree with you on the added vitamins, although she is quiet good with food and has either fish, chicken, lentils or red meat at her evening meal and has plenty of fruit and veg during the day - but I think every extra bit helps and I always feel that at least with the formula or breast milk you know they are getting the right balance of vitamins that they need - but unfortunaly madam just doens't like it I think as she has never been good on it. She was great when she was first born and lapped up 4 oz per feed but after that she never really increased and I think the most I ever got into her in one day was 24 oz and that was before she started on solids and now it is only 6 to 10 oz. I hope to only give her the cows milk at bedtime and give her the toddler milk in the morning as in the mornings she does tend to take 4 or 5 oz.

AuntyE: Arrgh at the MIL - I would say your stress levels are up in the moon - I think they always tend to cause problems dont they - mine is fine but then I have never had her stay with me - that might be a different story, although talking about the pushchair thing I do know that my MIL told one of the other family members that has a two year old that she should have her in the pushchair more during the day instead of running around - I honestly dont understand that - why would you strap them down so as they wouldn't get into anything, they are children and need to run around and explore. Are you on FB as I'm just updating my list of all in here.

Nutty: yeah I always seem to end up with mammoth posts - I think I make up for not being here when I'm working lol - yay for Abi standing up - Clever Girl.

Heidi: God 8 weeks that has just flown by - I can remember when you posted on FB that you were pregnant although it probalby hasn't flown for you, I know when I was pregnant everyone said it has flown by where as I thought it was an eternity lol - ah that is so cute with Caylee snuggling up to you to watch tv - I think all girls are their daddies girls - I know mine is ha ha.

Jai Jai: Good to see you girl - we were just talking about you and wondering how you were and hoping that you were good - I'm so glad you are doing midwivery - Good on you. I hope it is going well. How is Adriana?

Well I finally motivated myself and got packed - although DH finished it when he got home as I didn't get to finish it as the car was being serviced and I had to get my mam to bring me to collect it. I wish I had just left it all to him as he flew through the end of it and even has it all in the car ready to go - mind you I hope everything is in now, but sure if its not I'm sure we will manage or can just go and buy it - I think when I go away sometimes I forget that there are going to be shops around and I'm not going to a dessert island or anything lol.

Well everyone have a great weekend.
Hey jai_jai!! We miss you hunny. :hugs:

Thanks everyone about Emma's little video!! Oddly I can't see it. :shrug: It's just a blank spot with nothing. And when I go to youtube and click on videos, it is just a black box. No video, no nothing. I have no clue what's going on on my end but I'm glad you guys could see it!!

I have no clue when I'll start giving Emma cows milk. I guess whenever she decides to wean. Although even when she weans I'm thinking about pumping and giving her the expressed milk for a while. :thumbup:

Aunty E- :hugs: about the MIL. Mine does and says some stupid things sometimes but I am grateful that I actually was blessed with a really lovely MIL. I hope her stay goes fast and she's out of your hair soon enough!

nutty- YAY FOR STANDING!!! :D:D She's gonna be walking before you know it! Is it weird that I get just as excited seeing everyone else's babies doing something new as if they were my babies? :rofl:

Heidi- I hope all goes well at your ultrasound! I hope you get piccies so we can see!! And I know how it feels to have a devil child. :haha:
^^ It took me like 3 hours to write that post. :rofl: I had to come back and finish because Emma wasn't happy with me being on here. :dohh:
HI chaps, MiL gone, but not without a dig at my lack of gratitude. Now to tidy up the mess she's left behind 'being helpful'. Sigh.

If any of you want to add me on facebook, I'm ***. I'll take this down in a day or two, but you should be able to find me easily enough.
it wont let me add you! do you have it set so only people who you have mutual friends with can add?
I just tried too. I sent you a message hun to add me first. :haha:

Boothh did you get your new couches today?! I want new couches. I'm utterly jealous. :(:haha:
nutty- Well my MIL has her moments but for the most part she's great. I mean I lived with her for 2 months of my stay back home and I missed her terribly when we left. She was so helpful and always wanted to chat and go do things together. It was nice. BUT she does have moments that I want to rip her head off. :haha:

I'm meeting a fellow BnBer today! She lives in San Diego area as well and I'm having a playdate at my house with everyone. It should be fun. I still have to clean and go over bills to see how much money I have to go get snack food. :rofl: But instead I'm sitting on here when I could be getting things accomplished. :D
Oh have fun Sam!!!! Let us know how it goes, I want to do more playdates with Caylee...its just kids are terrified of her and everytime we have tried it, they scream and cry everytime she goes near them haha. I feel horrible
:rofl: Well we had Emma's second playdate last night and she was MUCH nicer and even took a bit of beating herself so it was nice. Today it'll be the same girls as before but we are adding in the BnB girl. :thumbup: Her daughter is 2 days younger than Emma so I'm super excited. :D
Kira is going to have her 1st play date on Saturday at my house! I hope it goes okay since she's never been around another child, but she loves looking at other kids and babies in the stores, so I think she'll have fun. Its some girls from work who have babies close in age. A 15 month old, 2 year old, and maybe a 8 month old. All girls too! I'm looking forward to seeing how Kira reacts.

The last 3 nights Kira has been fighting sleep at night. Her bedtime is around 8:30, but last night she stayed up past 11! Everytime I tried bouncing her to sleep she wiggled and cried. So now I'm wondering if she's taking too many naps...

What a typical day is in terms of napping and bedtime?
Kira is:
wake up 7:30am
nap 9:15-10am
nap 2:30- 4:30pm
Bed at 8:30

uh oh, poopy diaper, gotta go!!!
A typical day for Caylee is usually

Wake up: 7:45 am to 9:00 am (just depends on the day)
Nap: 11:00-1:30
Another nap around 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm
Bed 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm

We have started cutting out Caylees evening naps though, she seems to go to bed A LOT easier at bed time
Imogen gets up around 7.30 (although it varies!) she tends to have a nap around ten for an hour or so, and then another one at about five for an hour. She goes to bed at nine, and is generally very good at just going. I've been considering trying to move her bedtime to 8.30 and then to 8 as I'm not sure she's getting enough sleep. Naps are a bit variable though, sometimes she just will not go to sleep at the childminders and they tease me about my vampire baby.
jesse doesnt sleep through still lol, he gets in our bed between 4-7 then me and jesse get up about 9-10 he naps 12-1 then 3-4 then bedtime around 8-8.30,

yaay my couches came yesterday and my new tumble dryer woo, its a corner couch but you can split in two, we were going to have them as 2 but they dont fit in our tiny living room so were planning to rearrange and have it as a corner sofa now!
Caylee doesnt sleep through the night all the time either. It is maybe once a month she does. She started to sleep through the night at 3 months and stopped at 6 and really hasn't since, it wears me out soooo bad. Her doctor said she is a trained crier and that I have to let her sit in her crib and cry, I can not soothe or give her what she wants or she will not grow out of it, I always break, I am in there everytime..I can not stand to hear her cry for 20 minutes in her bed without anyone helping her, even though she does not need help haha
I didn't have time to post really but saw what your doctor said Heidi and I have to say I completely 100% disagree with him. Babies don't know the difference and honestly I've never really thought it was right to just let your baby sit there to cry. It makes no sense why people do this! (my opinion of course) But I find it to be cruel and it just plain doesn't make sense to me. Soothing your child does not mean they will never grow out of crying at night! That's just crazy. Your not going to have a 16 year old kid crying for you at night. :rofl: YKWIM? For now I think these babies are much too young to just leave cry. I think it's a bit different when they are older and understand better. :hugs::hugs:
I have done a bit of controlled crying with Sophia. I know you say that they are too young to know what they are doing, but Sophia was playing us and she knew it! I would put her down for bed and she would scream and scream, we woudl go in thinking "gosh maybe her teeth are hurting her etc", pick her up and she would continue to scream (confirming in our heads that she was in pain!). So eventually we would open the door to her nursery to take her downstairs. As soon as we stepped over the threshhold of nursery door, a MASSIVE grin would come over her face! She had got what she wanted and was suddenly happy as larry! So we now leave her to cry for 10 minutes or so, then go back in if she is still crying, but she pretty much goes down straight away now. Each to their own and all that, you've gotta do what works for you!
We do leave Imogen to cry sometimes if it's that 'I'm bored and I'd rather be downstairs' crying. Or if it's the morning and she's woken herself early, sometimes she'll go back to sleep if we leave her.

Not this morning though. No. Apparently 5am was the time to be awake this morning. I only went to bed at 1am thanks to the pizza of loveliness making me feel sick as a dog. I feel like POO. And we have our private scan tomorrow, and so I am bricking it. I always thought last time that MS would reassure me that all was well. It hasn't, so now I'm constantly anxious, tired AND nauseous. :dohh:
really good luck with your scan AE :hugs: im sure everything will be just perfect :)

cleck - i do let jesse cry sometimes, i wouldnt do it for a lengthy amount of time but when he is put to bed he does cry for a couple of minutes (rarely more than 5) cus hes nosey, if hes awake of course he would rather be sat with us, he definatly understands crying = getting his own way, and we are gently trying to break that, if he was in obvious distress not just crying to get our attention of course we would go get him, and if hes cries for more than 10minutes one of us will go in and try to resettle him but i really dont think letting him have his own way all the time is the way to go for us :) xx
I'm like you, Cleck, I cannot leave Adam to cry, I find it too stressful to even contemplate! Perhaps it would be different if he had his own bedroom, but that's not in the immediate future, though hopefully before he is 2 years old. (god, I really hope so.) He hasn't slept through the night in his own cot since he was about 4 months I think, maybe the odd time, though I may be remembering wrongly, which is entirely possible. I certainly remember he slept grand from about 6 weeks-4 months, then it went down the pan. Though during that time he was still breastfeeding, and coming into bed with me in the early morning for a feed.

Nowadays he goes to bed ok, around 9pm; he went through a patch of being really hard to settle, it might have been because of the warm weather, or something else, he just kept on wanting to stand up and bounce. Lately, touch wood, he's been better. And he sleeps fine in the cot till around 1-2am, and then he wakes and stands up and shouts and Chris brings him in with us, ostensibly till he goes back to sleep, because he will NOT be resettled in the cot (even if he's rocked back to sleep he wakes as soon as he's put back in :dohh: ), but more and more often he's ended up the rest of the night in bed with us. Which does not bother me because I usually sleep through the whole of this palaver, but Chris says he doesn't sleep well with Adam in the bed because he rolls towards him and squeezes him into the wall! (we have a memory foam mattress topper that has developed a slight ridge in the middle, that's how he rolls down. Maybe time for a new topper?) But Chris is somehow not keen to change the nightly routine and persuade him to return to the cot. It's about what's easiest in the moment, I think, though I can see him being really ratty about not getting enough sleep once he starts his new job...

During the day Adam takes a nap in the morning, every day, usually 2-2.5 hours, from about 10/10.30am till 12/12.30 or 1pm, then usually between 1-2 hours in the afternoon. Sometimes his afternoon nap is more like early evening, which is not ideal because that means dinner and bedtime are also pushed back. Sometimes he goes for his nap and goes straight to sleep no bother, sometimes I rock him and sing till he is almost asleep.
hiya ladys sorry i have not been on in such a long time been so busy with things this end.

i havnt really read throw so will do that when i got 2 mins my baby is at last crawling abit he started yesterday and doing it more today but still flopping down no his belly and army carwling alot he is allso pulling him self to standing on every thing and fell in to his toy box the outher day when he pulled up but he couldnt be boutherd geting out so went to sleep in it lol. He allso says tutts for teeth and hiya toevery 1 and waves

i cant belive its only 2 weeks now untill he is 1 omg where dose time go.

bb later when i have read some of the pages

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