Gah I went back and read everything, and forgot most of it now haha.
That video is adorable, I can not get over how precious Emma is. What a little champ.
We started introducing cows milk to Caylee at 9 1/2 months. We give her Vitamin D whole milk and we put baby vitamin drops in her milk. She still gets formula at naps and bed, but for dinner and snacks we try to give her milk or juice or water, Caylee will pretty much drink everything...she is not picky at all, we water down her juices but not her milk. I feel better putting the vitamin drops in it though, thats what our doctor told us to do. I know they said not until they are one, but the doctor said we could start early so we did, it went really well for us.
Yay for Abbi haha, thats so cute, they are all growing up so quick!!!
Sorry about the MIL AE.

That sounds terrible, I would go crazy if that was me..hopefully you don't have to deal with it long
Jelr, Enjoy the mini vaca you get

Sounds like a blast! Natasha sounds like she is doing so well! Teething can be such a pain

We have been thinking about you and Ellie, praying that you stay strong love.
And I just burst out laughing about Jesse playing with his willy hahahaha, little boys are so funny!
Everything is great over here, Caylee is still a total demon child haha. Getting into everything, but she crawled in bed with me today and laid for an hour in my arms and watched a movie in my bed and it was so nice, I just wanted to keep it that way, but once Ross walked in the door, she didn't care about me anymore haha. Baby Lily is great, I have only gained 4 pounds this whole pregnancy so we get our 9th ultrasound on the 17th. I am so excited, we had such luck seeing her this much. We will be induced again at 39 weeks so September 7th she should be here if everything goes to plan, only 8 weeks!