--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

hii mj!! thanks, i am okay, didnt really affect me as much this time as it did the time before, but just trying to get on with things, we have alot to be doing at the moment so im going to give my body a rest, we dont need the added stress of me being a complete paranoid wreck for 3 months lol xx
jelr- I'm so glad the method I was talking about working with Natasha!! :thumbup: I still try it with Emma and although it doesn't work every time, it seems to really help. Have fun on Holiday!! I'm totally envious. I wish my own DH could be home for 2 weeks!!

Sam_star- :hugs::hugs: It's really hard to find words of comfort because Elinor has been through so much and is such a fighter and life keeps handing her more. I have a feeling she will become a very strong and amazing woman because of what she has had to do at such an early age. Your doing amazing hun. It's so hard to be brave all the time. :hugs::hugs:

Boothh- Happy 11 months to Jesse!!! And he shows his appreciation by getting poo all over you. :haha: I always have to leave pants on Emma so she doesn't rip her diaper off. :dohh:

MJ- Oddly, Emma is getting better at being changed too!! I just calmly tell her that I need to clean her bum and she will just lay there for me. She has the odd moment of getting upset but for the most part now she is super calm. I think they understand us a lot more when we talk now. Like real proper little people. :D California is slowly getting better and better for me. I have met a few really nice girls who have babies of similar ages to meet with for playgroups. I plan on going to sign and rhyme groups at the local libraries around here too. So it's getting me out and busy so I'm not alone all the time with DH gone. The weather here is amazing. Although it hasn't rained once since I've lived here and that is horrible to me. I love the rain. But we are in a drought here so I guess we won't be getting rain anytime soon. :haha:

Well DH left this morning. :(:( It's as if his ship is just teasing us by coming in for a few days and than leaving again. The other guys on his ship have today off but DH has duty so he is stuck on it all day and night and doesn't get the extra day with us. But I am more sad this time than I was last time he left. Because it was only a day and not even a whole one at that. I'm so thankful he saw Emma walk. Now I'm not worried about her doing it without him. I just wish he could stay home forever and have a job that brings him home every night like normal people. :cry:
MJ- I was just looking at your site with the daily pictures of Adam yesterday and I couldn't believe how grown up he looks! He looks like such a happy baby! I'm glad your OH found another job... it would be really tough if my OH was home all day with me because we would certainly get on eachothers nerves!

Samstar- I feel sooo bad for little Elinor :cry: I can't imagine how stressful it is dealing with doctors and hospitals all the time.

Jelr- I think its really neat that Natasha has her own way of getting around by rolling :-) She might go straight to walking since she's getting up on her toes!

Boothh- Let us know how Jesse likes his pool of balls. Those things always look like so much fun! I do not envy the poo explosion!!

Cleckner- Is Emma taking any more steps? I don't think we're anywhere close to walking yet since Kira is so fast at crawling.

Nuttymummy- I'm off to look at your cakes on FB now... it's going to make me so hungry since I love cakes :-)
aww cleck :hugs: emma is a very clever girl though, walking just to show her daddy before he has to leave again! it must be hard for you i cant imagine it id hate stuart to be gone i dont evne like it if we stay apart for one night (which has been about 2 times since we got together properly!) xx
Spidey- So far she hasn't done it again. :shrug: I truly think she'll wait longer to full blown walk too. She crawls fast as well and when I try to get her to walk alone she usually just drops down and crawls instead. Yesterday was amazing though. I screamed and jumped up and down and DH started getting tears in his eyes. He's such a sap. :haha: :cloud9:

Boothh- Yeah DH and I have been apart more than we've been together really when I think about it. We were together a year before he joined the navy and we were pretty inseparable. We actually get along so much better when he's not working like on vacations and stuff. But when he has to leave out to sea all the time, that's when it's tense between us. I think it's because we just know our time isn't going to be long together so we argue over stupid stuff. I LOVED when he was on shore duty and actually came home every night. I actually felt like we were a normal couple for a while. :haha:
Thank you so much for caring girlies xx
Mj - She is a very cheeky madam it has to be said! She loves her mamma until daddy walks in the room!
She has a very dramatic way about her at the moment like if she drops her soother she will wipe her forehead across as if to say "why do i bother" haha she makes me laugh bless her!
She is also a bit of a chocoholic, which the boys never were and because we just need her to eat we offered her some earlier than the boys and she loved it so much!!
She is one in a million!
Hey there

Happy 11th month birthday to Jessie and Adam and to all other babies who have turned 11 months in the last while as I'm not quiet sure of the dates for the rest.

Nutty: I'm glad I'm not the only one who called them stickers - I felt like such an idiot when I was reading your posts lol

Booth: eek for the poo explosion all over your bed - Natasha hasn't started at her nappies yet thank god - that must have been a job and a half to clean up.

MJ: So sorry you have had a crap few weeks - I'm glad Chris has got a new job though - I would say myself and DH would kill each other if he wasn't working either - because he is the type of man who needs to be working and busy and be earning money so he would be just unbearable I would imagine and I'm not the quiet type if he is in a mood lol - yeah I find by distracting Natasha when she is having a temper tantrum also helps. I dread the todder years and full blown tantrums though.

Cleck: Yep your method is definitely helping along with distraction so fingers crossed it will stay like that and we haven't had as many this week. Ah it must be really hard with Corey away, I would say DH and I have only been apart at night for maybe a couple of weeks in total for the last 9 years and I have hated that - I can't imagine if he had to work away for months like that - I think you are fantastic and I'm so glad Emma walked before he went, she is such a clever girl. Ah its not a big holiday really we are just renting an apartment for 3 nights - I would love to go foreign but think Natasha is still too little and I dont even know how we are going to fit all her stuff into the car for only 3 days - I couldn't imagine how we would manage if we were flying anywhere lol

Spidey: Yeah I think she may go straight to walking as my mam said that I only rolled until I was 18 months and then got up and walked, but then most of the time when she is on her knees she looks like she is about to crawl but doesn't know how to take off lol - even though she is going on her toes I definitely think walking is a far way off.

Samstar: that is so cute at Elinor wiping her forehead - she is one strong little lady and so are you.

Well we have an absoule downpour of rain here tonight with thunder and lightening - I really hope the weather picks up for our few days away. Cleck, you said you liked the rain - you should move to Ireland we have plenty - It is now the height of our summer and it is miserable.

Tomorrow I have to try and pack up for the few days away and the thoughts of it - I know I will forget something like bonjela or Calpol and we will end up needing it - fingers crossed I won't

Hey girls I dont think I have you all on FB - I know I have you cleck, MJ, Samstar, Shadow, Nutty, Heidi, Vici, Laura, Jamie and Pippin and I think that is it that added me back when we were pregnant - I dont know any of your names - and I dont want to post mine in here as I'm really paranoid personal information on an open forum - I know silly but thats just me - If any of the rest of you want to add me - you can find my name in the August mummies FB group as I know I put it in there before.

Well speaking of FB - I'm gonna have a quick nose and then I'm off to bed - Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Speaking of facebook, has anyone heard from Jai Jai? I was looking on my facebook list and I swear I added her before but now I'm not on her list anymore. :shrug: And there was another girl I can't remember what her name was on BnB but she had Brandon-Li. What ever happened to her? I had her on facebook too and she's gone now. I know she and her OH split up and than she was posting about being single/etc. but that was the last I saw her on there and I did a search and she's gone as well.
I wanted to post this yesterday but with DH here and with my busy day today I didn't have a chance. We didn't catch Emma doing her 6 steps but we caught 2 steps on tape!! Every time we started taping she'd drop to the ground and crawl. :dohh: But we got this one at least. :haha: :happydance:


Edit: ok youtube is being dumb but hopefully it shows up eventually. :dohh:
Hi everyone!
jelr - you have me on facebook too!
samstar - I am sorry to hear about Elinor's latest trial, but she is such a strong little girl that she will breeze it.
Cleck - Emma is such a star, so glad Corey got to see her walking
MJ - sorry about your last few weeks, glad things are looking up though x

as for Jai Jai and bun-in-the-oven. I had them both too. Jai Jai disapperaed soon after she split from her partner, but she got onto her midwifery course. Bun also split from her partner and by the sounds of it, it all turned pretty sour. Hope they are both ok!

As for me, well things are great, apart from a phone cal I just had from my best friend. She has a 5 month old who never sleeps! And her husband just never helps out. He doesn't get how exhausted she is on about 2 hours broken sleep a night. She broke down last night and asked him if he could take the LO for a night at the weekend (when he is off work) and she would go stay somewhere else so she could get some sleep. He said "does it have to be this weekend, I've had a busy week"! What a jerk! She was crying down the phone to me, she is considering leaving him she is so unhappy. He was always really supportive before, it is like he thinks she is making up how tired she is. If he only gets 7 hours sleep, he monas to her that he is exhausted and has to go to work. does he not understand that being at home with a baby is a full time job too. What on earth makes him think he can pick and choose when to be a father! She is a mother 24/7 and it is driving her to breaking point! She lives hundreds of miles away so i can't even go and give her a hug / help out. I am SO BLOODY ANGRY with her husband!
yeah i cant remember her name though bun in the oven gahh and was jaijai jenna?
Hey girls

Shiv: I'm so sorry I know I have you, what I did was read over the last few pages on here and checked who I had and then tried to remember the ones other than that - thats how I forgot to put you on the list - but I know I have you, sorry again.

Thats terrible about your friend - I don't blame you for being angry with her husband, he really doesn't have a clue, If only he would do that one night, he would understand how tired she is and realise that parenting is 24 hours and is harder than any job.

Cleck: I had both Jai Jai and Bun aswell and Bun definitely split from her partner and it did seem like things had gone really sour, I think I saw on her status at one stage that she was shutting down her FB. I didn't realise that Jai Jai had split from her partner too. But I know she disappeared on mine before and came back like she had shut it down but then revived it again - the poor things - I do hope they are both okay.

That video of Emma is so cute - she is just so gorgeous.

Booth: I dont think I have you on FB - Yeah Jai Jai was Jenna.

Spidey: thanks for the add.

Anybody who is FF know what the story is on Cows Milk - I know LO's are not to have it until a year - but after the year do we just give it as is or watered down. I know years ago when they didn't have follow on milk they gave it at 6-7 months but watered down. Natasha has been having it in cooking and on cereal so she is not allergic to it anyway.

I'm thinking I might try her with it when we come back from holdays as she will only be 4 weeks from a year then, but is there any reason that I shouldn't.

She is still dreadful for drinking formula milk or any drinks really and only has about 6 to 10 oz in total over two bottles - one first thing in the morning and one last thing at night - but the one last thing at night has dropped to about 1 oz or sometimes she wont take it at all and for the last few weeks she is waking up in the middle of the night and not settling until she has a bottle - so at this stage I think she is drinking out of either pure hunger or thirst as she hasn't had any going to bed. So I'm wondering if she would like cows milk more and maybe drink more before bed.

Last night I actually gave her wheatabix before she went to bed with her formula on it as she wouldn't drink and she did eat all the wheatabix but then she was awake every hour for a few minutes and eventually at 5 I had to give her a bottle so I'm thinkiing maybe it is thirst waking her up.

She does get water and juice throughout the day but again only drinks a few oz.

Somebody motivate me to go and pack will ye - I'm doing everything to put it off and I know it will be a panic this evening.
jelr i am becki booth find me on one of the other girls freidns cus you cant search for me :)

jesse has cows milk in cooking and cereal, but i wont give it to him at a year, you can give it to them just as a proper drink not watered down from one year and always full fat,
jesse will be having 1+ toddler milk for his bedtime and morning bottles still (i am not weaning him off bottles just yet) and if he has milk in between i may give cows milk,
bt the toddler milk has alot more vitamins and iron in and his diet is hit and miss cus he eats very little id say half of the week and we dont eat much meat so i want it for the iron content x
Mog really really enjoys apple juice - but won't have anything else, so we've been getting her to drink that when we're worried about her fluid intake. I'm not sure what the story is on cows milk at all.

Sorry I haven't posted much, but busy busy busy at work. Still a bit nauseous but not bad, and we've booked an early scan for next week for a bit of reassurance. Still not feeling very engaged with this pregnancy, but I think I felt this way last time as well, like it wasn't real and I was just imagining it.

Mog is great, but the MiL has been staying. It has not been a success. She messes up my housework, does my laundry wrong (I didn't want her to do it in the first place) and does dumn things like leave Imogen on her own, or in a pushchair in the hall. Why? Why would you leave a toddler strapped in her pushchair if all you needed to do was amuse her? I don't need or want her to do my housework, I'm quite capable of doing it myself, while looking after my daughter properly and working a full week in the Cabinet Office. AND she shouted at my OH last night because he went out - OK, I was cross with him, but I wasn't going to say anything because he's really stressed and it wouldn't be productive. What makes her think she can say anything in MY house, to MY husband, even if she was the person who did the p*ss-poor job of raising him?

Sorry, that was a total rant.

Sam, so glad to see you again, and sorry poor little Elinor has to have another op.

Cleck, how CUTE was that video! Emma is so clever!
Gah I went back and read everything, and forgot most of it now haha.

That video is adorable, I can not get over how precious Emma is. What a little champ.

We started introducing cows milk to Caylee at 9 1/2 months. We give her Vitamin D whole milk and we put baby vitamin drops in her milk. She still gets formula at naps and bed, but for dinner and snacks we try to give her milk or juice or water, Caylee will pretty much drink everything...she is not picky at all, we water down her juices but not her milk. I feel better putting the vitamin drops in it though, thats what our doctor told us to do. I know they said not until they are one, but the doctor said we could start early so we did, it went really well for us.

Yay for Abbi haha, thats so cute, they are all growing up so quick!!!

Sorry about the MIL AE. :( That sounds terrible, I would go crazy if that was me..hopefully you don't have to deal with it long :(

Jelr, Enjoy the mini vaca you get :) Sounds like a blast! Natasha sounds like she is doing so well! Teething can be such a pain :(

Sam :hug: We have been thinking about you and Ellie, praying that you stay strong love.

And I just burst out laughing about Jesse playing with his willy hahahaha, little boys are so funny!

Everything is great over here, Caylee is still a total demon child haha. Getting into everything, but she crawled in bed with me today and laid for an hour in my arms and watched a movie in my bed and it was so nice, I just wanted to keep it that way, but once Ross walked in the door, she didn't care about me anymore haha. Baby Lily is great, I have only gained 4 pounds this whole pregnancy so we get our 9th ultrasound on the 17th. I am so excited, we had such luck seeing her this much. We will be induced again at 39 weeks so September 7th she should be here if everything goes to plan, only 8 weeks!
I hear ya, Caylee is in my arms watching ni hao right now lol. She loves it...my mom bought her a pink tv/dvd player for her birthday, so I am super excited lol
Hellooooo everyone!! How is everyone doing? 1st birthdays all coming up can you believe it?? So is anyone preggers again??

Miss you all, and think of you often, just don't get on here!

(And sorry, I should have said when I did it, but I deleted everyone from FB due to confidentiality in my new job - Midwife....not that I hate you all xxxxxx)
Aw bless - I can't believe it's been nearly a year either! Hope midwifery is going well for you! They turned me down when I applied :(
Hey Jai Jai! Congrats on the new job!!! :) Hope its going well.

I am almost 8 months pregnant again, super excited, can't wait to have this baby.

Caylee is amazing, growing so quick, planning her birthday party now, :-)

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