--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

I definitely think it depends on a situation and each parent can handle different levels of things. But Emma doesn't cry because she wants to go play or anything like that at night. She cries because she is tired and wants her mama. That is the beauty of cosleeping. I'm right there for her to offer her hugs and soothe her down to sleep. I mean even during the day Emma only really cries when she really needs something or when she's having a tantrum. And the tantrums are clearly her trying to get her own way but those are the times I just sit with her and talk to her and don't give her what she wants. I guess I'm really just a baby-led parent in the aspect that I follow her lead.

A girl in my playgroup just won't let go on the fact that I parent this way. She just doesn't get it. She said 'i'd just leave her cry in her own crib'. 'id break that habit'. Blah Blah Blah. that's all I hear. First of all, this girl let her baby CIO at a few months old. He wasn't even old enough to do it. :shrug: But I haven't voiced this opinion because it's not my child. I don't understand their fascination with making their kids grow up faster than they are ready for. Another girl in our group already forward faces her carseat. The baby is only 7 months old! :shock::shock: That's illegal here! It's only legal to forward face at a year AND 20 pounds. This baby is neither. :shock: But I said nothing because it's not my kid. But yet I am constantly receiving comments from these girls about my choices. Really its the one girl that does it the most but they are just confused about the natural approach that I take I guess. I wish I could find friends that did similar things.
The car seat thing gets to me as well. Why would you want to put your baby in a forward facing one before they are ready - it is dangerous! I have a friend who's baby was not 20lbs and was only 8 months when she went forwrad facing, I didn't say anything as I don't like being judged. i just don't get it. Rear facing seats are pretty few and far between over here unfortunately. I will be squeezing Sophia into her current seat for as long as possible!
Shiv- you totally described what's been going on with me and Kira!!! I just figured it out yesterday! So for the past 2 weeks we've have bedtime battles where Kira cries in pain when I bounce her to sleep- like she has gas, or her teeth are hurting. Her bedtime is 8:30 and she's been staying up as late as 11:30! But between 8:30 and 11:30 she is the sweetest most lovable little angel! So thats why I posted my question about naps because I thought I was giving Kira too many naps and she just wasn't tired at bedtime. But now I feel sooo much better seeing that everyone else's LO's take just as many naps!

So 2 nights ago it was 8:30pm and I snuggled Kira up in a blanket with a pacifier and started to bounce her and sing, she she screamed and thrashed but 100 times worse than she had during the previous 2 weeks. I put her down thinking she was in awful pain and she had the biggest grin on her face!!! So DH and I talked it over on what to do and we decided to go ahead with the bouncing to sleep despite her cries. So I had to hold the thrashing Kira and she screamed horribly... but I bounced and sang and she drifted off to sleep within 5 minutes. I felt so awful, but it was the only way. So it was like crying it out, but in my arms. I had no other choice though unless I was going to let her stay up till midnight again until she passed out on her own.
CIO is crying it out. It's basically when they just leave the baby to cry until he gives up and falls asleep.

And as for rear facing. Here the law is a year. I plan on rear facing as long as humanly possible with Emma. It's just much safer. It is harder to find rear facing seats in the UK. Here, I have a seat that rear faces until 45 pounds. The feet don't matter as far as how they sit. The kid would just sit with legs folded. It's hard to explain. I'll attach a picture to show. Babies spine and neck bones aren't fused completely until around 2 years of age. So in an impact forward facing is quite traumatic. mommyof3co on here has posted a few videos on it. It's kind of scary to see. But it really convinced me that it's the way to go for us.:thumbup: Here's a link that talks a bit about it.
We just put Caylee forward facing last week, she is 28 pounds and will be 1 in 2 weeks, so we moved her to forward facing, but the people at the WIC office in the carseat program said she was big enough to be forward facing. I am one of those moms I ask 2523523 people before I do something haha, I get nervous I am doing it wrong and just want SOMEONE to tell me "it's okay"

Ross will let Caylee cry for up to about 10 mintues as well, and if she does not stop, he is in there checking on her, but I run in...like asap and she grins and smiles and jumps in her crib and it's like, you little turd! :lol:
Adam is still in his first car seat, he's over 21lb now but still relatively comfy in it. I have decided to keep him rear-facing as long as possible, hopefully to age 3 or 4 if he tolerates it. But you're right, Cleck, it is hard to find rear-facing car seats for bigger infants/toddlers in the UK. Not impossible though. We are having to order ours from Sweden, even though the brands we could get are available in the UK (Britax and Graco), the specific models we need (suitable for our small car) are not. :( because extended rear-facing is not well publicised in the UK. I wish it was (apart from the safety aspect of course) because the price of the seats might go down if it were!

Once I read all about the greater safety of rear facing there was no way I could do it any differently. The seat we are getting is the Graco Duologic I, we can use it to 18kg, or 40lb, which, if Adam stays on his growth curve, will be about 4 years.

there's a lot of info at rearfacing.co.uk and carseat.se
I hope to get to around 4 years rear facing as well MJ. We'll see how it goes. :D She hates the car and everyone keeps telling me to forward face her so she doesn't hate it so much. Honestly, I'd rather suffer listening to her cry everywhere we go, than have her forward face. I mean, if I can have the option to keep her as safe as possible, than that's what I'm going to do. God forbid anyone get in an accident but if it does happen I want to be ready for it.
MJ, could you let me know where you are getting your seat from please? Ta x

The whole rear facing debate is notreally mentioned in the UK at all. The only reason I know anything about it is because of AMerican ladies on BnB.

Nutty - I think, the bit to worry about regarding the infant seat is that the head does not go over the top of the seat, the legs can be squashed up without any ill effect.
Shiv, I'll be ordering it from carseat.se. The guy who runs it is great, if you email him at [email protected] with your car model he'll tell you what's suitable. As our new car is as small as our old, we have a choice of 2, one is Isofix and the other isn't, so we're going for the Isofix. A lot of the seats on the carseat.se site are available from UK retailers, though, if you look at the other site I mentioned, rearfacing.co.uk, there is a list. A couple are local enough to us (Croydon and Orpington) but they don't stock the Duologic. I hope that because it's an Isofix it'll be easy to install and not need a professional to do it. :)
jesse goes in a rearfacing carseat in our car, though we have to pretty much wedge him into it now, hes about 23lbs, we are waiting til after his birthday to get him a forward facing car seat but he has a forward facing one in my mums car,
i cant carry his car seat now stuart has to do it its just too heavy for me, we had to get a lighter car seat cus the m+p one we got to match his pram weighs about 4stone lol so we havnt used that since about 4months cus it was super heavy!

his head is about a cm from the top so by the time its his birthday hes gunna be too big for it :shrug:
We have a matrix cup, which I bought second hand as I couldn't afford a lay flat seat otherwise. I was super worried about oxygen desaturation so I was convinced I needed one that laid flat, and this one also becomes a real seat. She's nowhere near the top of it, so we'll have her in it (with her little legs folded) until new baby needs it. Not sure what we'll get after that, I'd like rear facing, so I might pick up another Jane seat second hand, there's loads of them around.
i couldnt personally buy one second hand cus of the risk its been in another accident and faulty, just my opinion xx
Here in the US, a friend of mine was told by her pediatrician to keep them facing back until their 2nd birthday. A few months ago I switched to a convertible car seat which is one that can go back or forwards and holds up to 40 pounds or so. I'm not sure if they're required in the UK, but here we also have to use booster seats until the child is 8 or something like that (atleast in Maryland). So when Kira is 9, we'll have 2 infant seats, 2 convertible car seats, and 2 booster seats in storage!
in the uk you have to ues a booster untill the child is 11 or over 4ft5 so that the normal straps can fit properly over the child. Lucas has been in a fwd facing car seat sins about 8 months and he loves it we put rueben in a fwd facing 1 at 6months as all this thing about bk facing wasnt about then. I think things get a bit to much with you have to do this and that if ppl was laernt to drive proper in the 1st place and it not just being about speed there would be no prob.

Sorry about my little rant there lol

i dnt do controld crying as babys cry for a reson (i think anyway) and it has shown if you leave a baby to cry for tolong it can cores damige coz of the bild up of presher.

As far as napps go i have allways let my kids sleep when and as they want and they have both been brill sleepers lucas' sleep patern is:
6am wake up (so dose rueben)
9am nap for 1 hr
12:30pm nap 1-2hrs
3:30pm nap for about 30min as rueben allways wakes him up
7:00pm bed he normally falls asleep at about 6:30pm but some times only at 7pm when we put him down rueben gose to bed at the same time.
i couldnt personally buy one second hand cus of the risk its been in another accident and faulty, just my opinion xx

Oh, I understand, but I decided that the likelihood of someone selling a seat that had been in an accident was so small, that I felt ok about it. After all, how many people crash their cars with their babies inside? As it was, the seat was immaculate when we got it, and has worked brilliantly. I check it every so often and reposition it and I feel a lot happier with her in it than I would in one of those dinky maxi-cosi things. They're SO small! My brother couldn't believe that we put her in a lie-flat seat, he felt it was really unsafe and had a total go at me about it!

Scan was great this morning, was terrified as ever, but bubs was perfect, exactly the right size for dates with a good strong heartbeat. I could see so much more at this one than at the eight week I had with Mog, so I'm glad we went to baby bond. And it's just round the corner! The technician was telling me about a couple she had last week, with a ten month old, who though that the mum was about eight weeks gone (as she was a larger lady and still BFing with no AF). She was 24 weeks gone with identical twins. OY! That's going to be a busy household!
i couldnt personally buy one second hand cus of the risk its been in another accident and faulty, just my opinion xx

Oh, I understand, but I decided that the likelihood of someone selling a seat that had been in an accident was so small, that I felt ok about it. After all, how many people crash their cars with their babies inside? As it was, the seat was immaculate when we got it, and has worked brilliantly. I check it every so often and reposition it and I feel a lot happier with her in it than I would in one of those dinky maxi-cosi things. They're SO small! My brother couldn't believe that we put her in a lie-flat seat, he felt it was really unsafe and had a total go at me about it!

Scan was great this morning, was terrified as ever, but bubs was perfect, exactly the right size for dates with a good strong heartbeat. I could see so much more at this one than at the eight week I had with Mog, so I'm glad we went to baby bond. And it's just round the corner! The technician was telling me about a couple she had last week, with a ten month old, who though that the mum was about eight weeks gone (as she was a larger lady and still BFing with no AF). She was 24 weeks gone with identical twins. OY! That's going to be a busy household!

yeah i see your point, its whatever works best for you isnt it, i cant believe your brother had a go at you though!! i hate it when people do that to me, i dont understand why people cant respect others opinions on parenting LOL,

sooo glad your scan went well :hugs: and woah that woman mustve had a heart attack!! xxx
That's crazy! Imagine that, not only finding out you were much further along, but also twins eek!

Glad all was ok with your scan AE x
I know, I wish everyone was as non-judgemental about parenting! He's a great dad to his daughter, and there's some stuff he does that I disagree with, but she's his kid, so I don't criticise him! I just don't let him babysit Imogen ;)

I know, I actually felt a little sick when she told me about it! I think I would have just cried, and not in a good way.
Congrats on the good scan AE :D That is great.

Caylee has been a terror for the past 2 days, I mean it's been insane. She usually always throws little fits, but oh my gosh. Yesterday all day she was just screaming at everyone, VERY LOUD and she makes this evil face and growls.... :/ I do not get it..well we went to Party City to buy things for her party and we let her pick out EVERYTHING for her birthday, so pretty much its a mixture of all decorations, whatever she picked up we put in the cart haha, we have half dora/half backyardigans/half green and pink supplies haha..but anyway she wanted my starbucks tea cup, I said no and smiled and kept pushing the cart and she started to SCREAM...not cry just yell and babble all these words and swing her hands and kick her legs...it was terrible, then we get home and get her ready for bed and she runs away from me, goes in her room and shuts her door!!!!!!
I open it and she throws herself on the floor and screams and yells and rolls around and kicks....so at 2 am, she started to cry, I go in her room and she threw her baby doll at me and laid in her crib screaming and kicking and wanted to get out and play...so I was like "Baby, it's bed time" she started all over, and it lasted for an hour and a half....GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

morning, jesses climbing everywhere at the moment, he can get on and off the sofa and onto the windowsil now lol and hes been climbing up the washer and tryna pull up on the side but he doesnt get chance cus i grab him!!

iv been and bought him some more presents this morning, and gunna order some more in a moment! :) less than 4weeks!!!!

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