--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Adam's party is going to be 90% C's family - the only people I'd have liked there who can't come are my brother, sil, nephew and nieces (in Norway). but my parents will be there, and maybe my best friend. so there will be C's mum and her partner, C's 3 sisters and their husbands (though all the husbands might not all come), C's 3 nephews, his grandparents and step grandparents, and his uncle. so including us, that's max 18 adults and 4 kids. there won't be a theme as such, but it will be a kids party. not like C's nephew's, which was in a pub with hot food (chicken wings and satay chicken, etc). we're having fairy cakes and ice cream and sandwiches. not jelly though, I don't like it :lol:
were having a jungle theme as everyone knows, its mainly family and a few friends with babies but i have such a huge family there will be loads of kids! the youngest of my cousins is 3 and the oldest is my brother 28, and my niece will be there obviously shes 3 too!

cold food and if its nice a bbq, gunna nip to costco get some big pizzas too etc and of course the main event the cake is nuttys job haha, i plan on making some cupcakes but im pretty bad so i dunno, haha! xx
wow, lots of spoiled babies we have! :haha:

I'm getting Kira a sandbox and sandbox toys for her birthday. Her party will be just family and since we don't have a large family it'll be 6 people plus Kira. Me, DH, my mom, dad, MIL and BIL. But it should be fun and I know Kira will be spoiled by her grandparents. I have everything I need to make her cake- I can't wait!!!
haha im having a couple more practices and then im gunna have to enlist you to do the ones that match jesses cake haa, im not bothered bout the other ones but i want his cake and name cakes to be good haha xx
i just cant figure out how you all manage to do the swirls miles better than me
*goes off to youtube*
i just cant figure out how you all manage to do the swirls miles better than me
*goes off to youtube*

Boothh, I've only seen one pic of your cupcakes (i think!) and although i am no expert, from what i remember, I think if you were to use a bigger tip on your icing bag you might get the results you are looking for. Nutty may be able to offer some better advice though :hugs:
yeah iv just noticed that haha, gunna order some and some jungle cupcake cases see what happens! xx
Ahh cupcakes, yum haha.

I have been watching so many baking shows, it makes me want to bake all these goodies for Caylees b-day..

So I did a test run on a cake, needless to say Ross and my best friend took a bite and spit it out and told me "I do not know how you ruin a boxed cake, but this is seriously the worst thing I have ever eaten..." So we are going to order her cake :(
I am no betty crocker.
we are havinf lucas and ruebens party on ruebens b'day 2nd in the garden if the rain ever stops.

we havnt got lucas alot as we still have all ruebens toys from when he was a baby and they are atking over the house need to get rid of a lot of them.

lucas is now crawling every where proper and pulling up on every thing like a pro he only 5 months late lol we moved him in to ruebens room yesterday and last night he would not go to sleep in there coz he just wanted to get up and play with all the toys so i think for a few nights i will have to get him to sleep 1st then put him down.
Hey everyone

Well we are back from our mini break and had a ball - I did get to read on my phone a few nights when DH went out to get us food, but I can't remember most of it now lol.

Well it was a lovely first holiday with Natasha - and the weather wasn't too bad. We first of all spent the first two days at our friends for the festival and it was a bit of a wash out but we still had a great time - other friends of our also came over and brought their kids so Natasha had a ball looking at the older children.

We then headed down the country and the weather cleared up a bit and we just had a look around the shops the first day and went to a wild life park the next and brought Natasha swimming yesterday. She actually enjoyed looking and waving at everyone in sight more than the actual animals or the pool ha ha.

She did reach some more milestones over the week which was very exciting - she can now pull herself to sitting and said mama for the first time. Isn't it amazing the smallest of things that they do brings you so much joy and makes you feel so proud - DH and I were like too peacocks ha ha.

She is also really understanding us now and communicating with us - I give her her beaker of juice at meals and if she hasn't drank for a while and i say are you going to have a drink, she looks at the cup and has a drink, she also is opening her mouth and leaning towards your lips when you say can I have a kiss but we dont actually have the kissing sound - it is soo cute, and now she opens and closes her mouth and makes a slapping noise with her lips when we are eating and she wants some or today she was getting cranky in the car coming towards lunch time and I said are you hungry we are going to get lunch now in a minute and she did the same and when you say where is Natasha gone she covers her eyes and plays peekaboo.

We also ordered her first birthday presents on the way home - we have got her a big timber swing set - a wendy house - a first baby doll and some books.

I dont know where we are going to fit all the stuff she gets as my mam is getting her a slide and sandpit and my brothers are getting her a ride on trike that we can push and that is all I know to date but we both have big families, so I reckon we will be falling over stuff.

I also ordered her cake today and her party stuff arrived - it is all 1st birthday party in pink party stuff and the cake is in the shape of a me to you bear holding a number one.

Here is a link to the cake but instead of the present it is going to be a pink number one.
and here is a link to the swings and wendy house
and here is the theme for the decorations.
I'm so excited now.
Oh yeah regarding the car seats - it seems to be totally different here - the backward facing ones are from birth to 9kgs or around 9 months and the forward facing ones are from 9kgs or around 9 months. We waited until Natasha was about 10 months to move her as she fitted in just fine but towards the end her head was touching the top.

Are they saying it is more dangerous to be forward facing?? There is no info on that here at all but being honest any of the shops we were looking at the forward facing ones we didn't get much info as the staff didn't seem to be trained that well.
So I don't know if I'll be hanging out with the playgroup girls anymore...:blush: I kinda got in a fight with one of them today. Not a real fist fight or anything but the subject of circumcision came up and although I am still undecided on the issue, the way this girl was talking about how disgusting people that are uncircumcised are, I flipped out at her. I told her it's cruel and unnecessary to circumcise and I told her she needs to do her research. She says she did and I was like 'yeah it really seems like it'. Because her only defense on the subject was that she doesn't want her son to be made fun of when he's older. :shock::growlmad: Honestly, I have no clue if I want to circumcise or not but I'm not about to let some stupid bitch tell me that my kid is disgusting if I don't do it. :growlmad: She has also made comments negatively towards cloth diapers and towards BFing so I give up. I am also apparently a bad mother because I let emma sleep with me and don't let her scream in a crib to fall asleep. :shrug: While she started CIO method while her child was still a newborn! Because, lets face it, these baby's just ask for too much attention and mommy needs a drink at night. :rofl:

Sorry..I'm just pissed and knew you girls would understand my frustration. I got so mad I could just feel my entire body get red and hot. I ended up making my excuses and leaving about 10 minutes after the exchange. There are 4 of us and the 3 of them have their own little thing so I guess I'm the outcast. they all had a sleepover and drank all night on Sunday. While I took the more mature approach and went home and slept in my own bed. One of the girls just found out she is pregnant too. So she drank a bunch while pregnant. Real awesome! :roll:
Aw hun, they sound a bit like mean girls to me. Circumcision is pretty rare in the UK unless it's done for religious reasons. Occasionally it has to be done later for medical reasons (my poor little bro got done at 14 and slept with a basket over his groin for two weeks !) but it's the exception rather than the rule here. Little boys are just taught to clean themselves properly, just like little girls. That being said, there have been HUGE arguments about circumcision on these boards, so I'm staying well clear thankyouverymuch! There were some crazy stories, like your baby will get urine infections and pee blood FOREVER if you don't circumcise, and you can't bathe an uncircumcised baby boy because they'll get infected and it'll drop off :haha:

If this one's a boy, I wouldn't have him circumcised but I think it's a personal decision, and nobody else's business! Those girls sound mean and ill-informed and you're better off without them.
lmao go cleck!
i wouldve gone mad too about that, its not the normal thing to get babies circumcised here, only for medical or religious reasons if im correct, ive actually only ever seen one circumised one and i didnt know what to do with it :dohh: lmao was just so shocked to see it hahahaha ¬_¬

i know one of my cousins has it too (hes about 8 ) cus he got an infection and it had to be removed, i know its different over there but i really cant understand why people would put their baby through pain like that for no real reason :dohh: thats just my opinion though jesse wont be getting it done unless its for a medical reason!!!

i dont even think it looks nicer either it look weird to me but thats just cus im not used to it!
my nozzles came today woo :)

and honestly seriously they are ugly looking things anyway at least with the skin still on you can hide it away abit :rofl: lmao

im gunna be 21 in september!! we never get pissed if jesses in the house if we have a drink we will literally have one drink in the evening when hes in bed, or might share a bottle of wine but we dont get paraletic lol, if hes at my mums sleepin then ill drink abit more, and i smoke but not in the house i smoke outside and even if hes not here i still dont smoke inside :dohh:

iv just ordered some decs for jesses birthday got them off ebay the ones i couldnt get on there im gunna order from party shop online but thought id save myself abit of dolla hahahah x
i wanna go to disney land but its funds depending and i doubt we will have funds hahaa, probably just go york for the weekend or something, i cba with a piss up now at all iv still not been out past 12 since iv had jesse and i was out drinking n druggin til the cows came home literally everynight before i got pregnant, now i just cant stand it, i hardly speak to my friends anymore cus they just arnt the sort of people id want my baby around and alot of them havnt even met jesse haha, xx
:hugs: Cleck - those girls sound like idiots who deserve each other, you however deserve better! I hope you can find yourself some nice earth mama type girls! i know that circumsision is a big thing over there, but even if she felt it was the right thing to do for her son, she shouldn't be insulting about anyone not having it! On this subject, David is circumsised (medical reasons when he was about 11) and he said it frickin' hurt! He was the first (and only!)man I had seen with a circumsised willy and i did struggle to know what to do with it :haha: :haha:to be honest it is much harder to work with as you don't have the skin to move around so you need lube to save friction burns :haha: The end result is much more tricky to obtain for me than with a non-circumsised one, but that could just be lack fo practice these days :haha:

i can't believe those grown women had a sleepover and got drunk with their babies there! Fine, if you want to get drunk, leave your baby with someone else and really let your hair down! Don't do it around your baby!:shrug:

boothh, I am very jealous of you receiving your cake order. I ordered some stuff Monday night and it still isn't here :cry:

David and I are going to the cinema tomorrow night (first time since before Sophia born) and I am crazy excited! We are going to see Inception which all my friends have ben raving about!

I have a bit of a thing about rompers, have to buy them when I see them. Well today i saw a Tigger one, it is supposed to be for boys, but was just so cute that I got it for Sophia!!:dohh:
yeah shiv thats exactly it theres nothing to move around so what do you do!! i think the guy saw my reaction needless to say relationship never really got going hahahaha! glad though cus iv got stuart now :D

jesse has a few rompers he has a gorgeous green one with simba on i think i might put him in it today actually cus its probably getting too small now and he wore it in weeks! he has too many clothes im just so bad with it though, he pretty much stays in his vest maybe with a tshirt and socks on if were in the house during the day, cus jeans and that restrict him and he cant climb up and crawl and stand as good like that so i let him just stay in his vest more comfy!! :)

we watched inception on sunday night it was really good though there was a massive queue to get in though same as twilight it got abit confusing though think it ruined it abit but it was really good!

and we always go to disneyland paris think iv been like 8 times my mum is a disney freak and shes passed it on to me stuart isnt so much though (boring) and im gunna have to drag him there, dont thinkits realistic this year though cus we have alot of things around that time and were meant to be getting married next year,
id rather wait til next year when jesses 2 and go on halloween cus its my favourite time to go and jesse will be able to go on a fair few rides etc then :) xx
Cleck: I agree with all the others - those girls are not worth it, I can't believe they all sat there and got drunk with their babies. I do like a drink myself at the weekend but it is normally two glasses of wine and only when DH is here and will be in the morning as he doesn't drink - even though I only have a few I would be afraid to be responsible for Natasha while under the influence as sometimes if I'm really tired even the two glasses go to my head - ha I'm such a lightweight - I even feel like my liver is gonna fall apart as I've had a glass everynight this week while we were away ha ha. We only usually go out for occasions mind you we had a stint there where there was some kind of family thing on every second week.

Also like the UK it is only done here for medical and religious reasons and because the country is mainly catholics it is more done for medical reasons. My brother had to have it done as a toddler and he was in so much pain - I can't understand why you would want to put your child through that and obviously it is not true about all these infections and so on as if it was there would be thousands of men in both the UK and Ireland with their bits falling off lol

Booth: We went to disneyland when we were on honeymoon and it is very expensive in the parks - we ended up enjoying seaworld better and everything in it was half the price. it was nice to go and see it though. I spent my 30th pregnant and had just as much of a laugh - mind you sometimes laughing at some of my friends being drunk lol

Shiv: Enjoy the cinema - you lucky thing - we haven't been in so long.

AuntyE: I agree with you - even though I dont think I could put my child through the pain of circumcision - I think it is a personal decision and people's own business - why can't more people mind their own business like we do in here ha ha

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