--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Booth: What is disneyland paris like - I would love to bring Natasha to disney when she is a little older but I really hated the long journey to florida as I'm not the best of travellers - so I'm thinking maybe we will go to the paris one instead - is it very big??
its really good it was small when we first went but its deffo big enough to take a toddler too, id always say never go during school holidays though cus its packed, not many queues if you go during the week say! we normally go monday to friday, there are 2 theme parks now so theres alot of variety! :)

nutty -


its actually one of my favourite outfits haha its soo cute! x
Aw, Jesse is SO cute!

I love rompers, but like you say, Mog's been in just her nappy and a t shirt or a cotton dress for the last few weeks, and all her cute clothes are being outgrown and she's not even worn them!
aw, Cleck, sorry you've lost your mommy friends, hope you can find some more like-minded ones. surely in Cali there must be a lot of crunchy, green mamas? :lol:

I've come to the conclusion that topics such as circumcision, breast vs formula, etc etc are the mummy equivalent of politics and religion, and unless you know you're on the same page as someone about them, it's best to avoid the topic altogether! I have actually managed to lose a friend (ok, a colleague who I was on good terms with and now isn't speaking to me) over our differing feelings about the outcome of the recent UK general election. she said something that offended me a bit, I retorted with something that seemed to offend her, but while I would let it go and forget about, she has never spoken to me since and it's been 2 and a half months! it surprised me that she's been so weird about it because I thought she's old enough to know better (she's about 10 years older than me!) So I have decided that politics and religion are definite no-nos at work (apart from with some likeminded folk).

I had to bite my tongue loads when I was pregnant and posting in the pregnancy club section, all the circ. debates, because I have strong feelings about it ... but I figure people can and will make their own choices and it's not my responsibility. what infuriated me was the claim that uncirced boys were dirty... er, no, not necessarily. and that there was something weird and wrong about an uncirced boy - er, also no!
Jesse is a doll!!!

Sam, I would not even bother with them anymore to be honest. It sounds like they are very close minded woman, and not worth the time or day or energy you put into it.

Like the others said, Breast/Bottle..Co Sleeping, etc are all PERSONAL choices, and if you do not agree...don't say anything. Not one person is a better mother because they do things differently , we all have our own ways of parenting and instead of judging we should accept and respect one another for it.

On the topic of the big C....lol a lot of bos over here have it done, I think pretty much 90% of the baby boys I have seen or changed diapers have had it done. I would do it, but thats my choice...I would do it so my son looked like his father down there..and when he was potty training or anything I don't want him to feel different than his dad..but I would never say a boy who does not have it done is gross..because it's not. Like one of the girls said..the penis is so ugly....regardless of what trimming and fluffing you do to the damn thing, it's still nasty haha.
Well I haven't read back yet but I wanted to say this. I'm sat here crying because I sent her an email last night apologizing if I offended her and this is what I got back.
Her-I wasn't offended until you basically called me stupid. That's rude. I have far more education than you. You say you don't like when ppl tell you how to raise your child? Well I'm gonna tell you that the way you are with Emma is going to make her a very spoiled little girl and very bratty as she gets older. You have to let your child be alone and cry that's what's natural. That's why she gets into everything everywhere and you don't discipline her. You judge us on how we raise our children, you act so superior and you are always very confrontational. I'm not going to be fakey nice I'm the kind of person who tells it how it is and there it is. I feel like you don't think about your childrens future. Emma is going to be such a mommys girl she's going to have seperation anxiety and its going to be hard for her in school and stuff, if you have a son and don't circumsize him he will be outcast. That's just how high school is, people are cruel. But do your whole natural thing and whatever you want to do. They're not my kids.

And this was my response:
Me-I'm not even going to justify this with a good response. My child gets into everything because she's just that. A kid. She's curious about everything. Your kid gets into stuff too, just not as fast. I don't discipline her? I tell her no and back her away from the situation. What do you want me to do, beat her? You think I called you stupid but I never said a single thing about you being stupid. But I see you took the mature route and called me uneducated. Well, I'm educated enough to get rid of horrible people when I come across them. So I'm sorry you don't agree with me, but I'd rather sit with my 'spoiled, horrible' child than waste any more time on this.

But I'm just shaking and questioning myself now because she said all those horrible things and now I am wondering if I really AM doing something wrong. :cry::cry: Emma isn't a bad kid, she just gets into stuff cause she's curious. :(:(
You're doing nothing wrong at all, that woman is a nut. Try not to second-guess yourself because she's a witch. I think we know who's going to have the bratty horrid kids in school, and it's not you. :hug:
cleck - DO NOT doubt your parenting of Emma, she is a bright, bubbly, very advanced baby. She is into everything because that is what babies do! If you stop a baby getting into absolutley everything then they will get bored and frustrated, you have to let them explore, it is how they learn. Stop them if it is something dangerous (which i have absolutely no doubt you do, cos you are a great mommy), but otherwise watch and let them learn.

She is a cowbag and doesn't deserve any of your time. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
cleck!! :hugs: stupid bitch!! how dare her!! you raise your child the way you bloody well want to!! what everybody else has said, all babies are into everything, emma is a very bright lovely well balanced little girl, dont dare question yourself your a brilliant mummy, i dont understand why people have to bitch about other peoples ways! the way you parent is clearly working cus you have a great, smart little girl there to show for it!

like AE said it wont be you with the bratty kid will it, it will be the ones who learn that beating and drinking is the answer to everything!

dont be upset she is not worth it all silly bitch!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
and i dont think your confrontational at all! me and you have very different ways of parenting, but i think you always put your point across well without offending anybody and thats great!!
dont let anybody make you think your a bad parent cus your not! especially not somebody like that! :hugs: again xxx
I think it's the part where she says I'm uneducated that hurts the most. I didn't go to college and I beat myself up about that fact, I don't need someone else pointing it out. She went to college a few years and than quit because she found out she was pregnant. She didn't even want her kid. While I wanted Emma SO bad and had a MC in the process. It just feels like the horrible people get rewarded in life and the ones that only have good intentions get screwed over and treated horribly. I don't agree with everything she does but I didn't point it out because it's not my place and it's not my kid. No one in this world is going to 100% agree with everyone.

I'm seriously so upset still. I can't stop crying about it. It's just nasty the way some people are. I've never treated someone like this. Just because I didn't agree with something she said and I actually spoke up about it?! I emailed the other two and told them I can't be in the playgroup anymore and I haven't heard a word back so I guess they don't care and must agree with the nasty girl. :(:( So now I am back to square one. I do know one other girl who has a 2 year old and seems really nice. But after what I've just experienced, I'd rather just sit at home alone. :cry:

Listen to all of us on this please. You are a GREAT mother, you are doing NOTHING wrong by raising her the way you are. Like you and the others said, she is into everything because she is a child. She wants to learn and explore and touch and see everything, that is normal, it is not because you do not yell and scream at her, that is ridiculous. Sometimes I only wish I had half the patience and love that you have. I feel so stressed sometimes and often wonder how I can get through a day, and you are always so calm and understanding with Emma, I find it admirable. We have all gotten to know you over the last 2 years and I feel very close to you, do NOT ever doubt the kind of mother you are to her. Eff that lady and the giant horse she rode in on.
Thanks Heidi. :hugs::hugs: I do lose my temper at times with Emma. I'm not always calm with her. Although I try to be. :haha: These kids know how to test a person's patience though. The thing is, her kid is only 6 months old. He's not even old enough to be getting into stuff yet. She has NO CLUE! But sits there and judges like my kid is the worst thing she's ever seen. :(:(
Oh I hope she gets slapped in the face with reality real soon then. Caylee was great at 6 months too...wait until 11 months when you find 2 rolls of toilet paper all over the damn house and a child who throws all of his or her books and binkys and everything into a toilet....she will be eating her words and seeing that no matter how you parent, your child is still a child, and is still curious..and will do things and get into things, at the age of 11 months, screamign saying "STOP IT, KNOCK IT OFF" Doesnt mean shit to them...pardon my french
:haha: I'm picturing you yelling 'stop it, knock it off'. :rofl: Your right, it really does nothing. I say no to emma when she gets into stuff and she just laughs. So what am I supposed to do?! I take her away from whatever she's getting into and say no. SHe just goes right back for it. So I repeat it over and over until she starts screaming. I honestly don't know what else I'm supposed to do but apparently I do it all wrong. :growlmad:
some of the most intelligent people i know left school at 16, and i left at school at 16 too with just 3 Cs, i dont think youd guess that though! who gives a shit if you didnt go to college your a lovely, intelligent, thoughtful person and you cant get a grade in that :hugs: xxxxx
Cleck - you may not have been to college, but you are one eductaed person when it comes to looking after Emma, you research everything, look into the best ways for you to do stuff for Emma. Going to college means jack shit when it comes to looking after a baby. I wish I could be there to give you a cuddle as I would be upset if i had received that email too. But I hope that tomorrow when you wake up you will re-read everything we have all said and realise that we can't all be wrong!!

And boy is she in for a shock when her little one starts movig more, it is almost (but not quite!) worth staying in touch with her just to see her try to shout at her kid and be completely ignored :haha: She is a sad idiot and you are GREAT! A great mother and a great person. Please don't give up on finding friends, give this other girl a chance, it may not work out, but if it does then you could make a friend for life, it is worth the risk :hugs:
Oh yeah, I yell "Stop it" and "Knock it off" trust me....it does nothing haha
You girls are amazing. :hugs::hugs: I honestly don't know what I'd do without you all. Probably just sit and drown in a puddle of my own tears. :haha: I hate when people think badly of me. I am the type of person that usually fits in with just about anyone. This girl got to me from day one though. She is just so loud and thinks she is right about everything.

And the funny thing is, I am still VERY undecided about circumcision. :rofl: I see it from both angles but I would never ever think an uncircumcised man is dirty. That is such an ignorant thing to think and it's sad to me that someone actually thinks that way. It's hard to talk about this on a UK site just for the simple fact that it isn't the norm over there. But it IS the norm here. Which is why I am all twisted up in my head about it. Maybe I'll get lucky and just have all girls and not have to think about it. :haha: The thing is, it's so common here that women don't even think about it, they just do it. It's something that is done right there in the hospital. It's just what they do here I guess! I've never seen an UNcircumcised penis so I'm the opposite. :rofl:
OMG Cleck I was so mad when I read that and then I had an upset baba that needed a cuddle so I didn't get on to reply until now

That woman is a witch - the cheek of her to say that she is more educated than you - why because she did a few years in college that she didn't finish - that doesn't particularly make her more educated and anyway even if she is - being more educated doesn't make somebody a better parent or even person.

At the end of the day there is no education that can train us to be parents - because one size doesn't fit all - I heard a comment from my mams neighbours daughter lately saying that her sister was a silly mother and I turned on her - there is no right or wrong way to parent - once you do your best for your child that is all that it takes to be a good parent - the way you do it and what works for each child is up to each individual, I mean it is a total learning curve every minute of the day and all parents just learn as they go along what style of parenting suits them and thier babies.

You are a fantastic mother and every picture you put up of Emma proves that, she is one of the happiest babies I have ever seen and if you were a bad mother, she wouldn't be that happy. The girls are all right, she will be the one with the spoilt child and a very unhappy child also I bet.

Big *hugs* to you and please dont doubt yourself because of this horrible woman as Heidi said, we are nearly all speaking on this for 2 years now so we have gotten to know one another quiet well I think and we all can't be wrong about you and all think your a great mother. Xx

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