--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

i dont think it matters my cousin daniel rarely spoke til he was 3 before that he used to just grunt and point at things, cus he could get what he wanted without talking, :shrug:
Spidey- Emma usually says mamamama repeatedly. It's very rarely a simple mama.

Emma does the same thing by pointing at stuff and she goes 'Ah, Ah, Ah' until I figure out what she wants. :haha:
jesse will wave but he wont clap his hands, we play clapping games and he willgrab my hands and clap them together but not his own!
Am more than happy for you to take over the group Booth (although i hope you still pop in to see us Shadow :flower:)

Sophia is chunking out, i thought she would lose weight with being so mobile but she is just getting porkier - so I am worried about that, although as we do BLW I can't really feed her less. Boothh, i hop eif there is a problem (and I hope there isn't) that the HV can help you to sort it out. I reckon Jesse being so active now must have something to do with his weight loss. how is BLW going for you?

Sophia can clap - she is too cute, as soon as I sing the first syllable of "if you're happy and you know it" she starts clapping! She has just started waving too. She was doing it a couple of months ago but i think it was just fluke! I am unsure about words, sometimes i am convinced she is saying something on purpose but it could still be fluke. She says mama, dog (not convinced on this one, but a few times now I have been at my parents house and she has crawled over to the patio doors and said "dog" and I've gone over and she is looking directly at the dog!), cat (again fluke!) dada, nana, and pooh as in pooh bear. I am pretty sure it is all fluke though and wishful thinking on my part! I don't know how i will tell what her first true word is :shrug: I am sure Kira is fine Spidey, she is bright as a button:hugs:

Anyone elses babies changing their naps recently? Sophia pretty much refuses to nap in the afternoon now. She still has a morning nap (about 3 hours after waking) but she is sooooooooooo crabby by about 4pm but just will not nap! Doyou think i should try to move her morning nap to after lunch?

I got Sophia a birthday presie today - it is just a wooden farmyard animal jigsaw that when you remove the pieces they make the animal noise! Sophia loves animals! i am thinking of making her birthday cake to a farmyard theme!
shiv - i watched childrens hopsital and there was a baby on there that had a hernia.. wasnt putting weight on, seemed to have stomach ache alot, was sick alot, all of the things jesse is and its made me abit paranoid, i hopeim just being paranoid but it needs sorting whichever way :shrug:
BLW is going good, we do a combo though, especially with him being off his food atm hes been spoon fed alot this week, but he tends to eat alot whichever he does so its not that he not getting enough food!
today hes had

1slice of toast with dairylea,
1full packet of pombears (rare)
a big bowl of porridge,
a rich tea biscuit
banana cereal

he is eating pretty balnd stuff at the moment he wont tend to go for the other things i offer him i dont know whether thats to do with his tummy being abit dodgy,

also i forgot to mention that jesse had nappy free time earlier and poo'd and wee'd all over my living room floor, to the point where the rug has been thrown away, it was disgusting though i suppose its gunna happen at some point :shrug: xx
Booth: Yep I'm happy for you to take over the thread honey, you will be great - Hopefully it is not a hernia that Jessie has but I wouldn't worry to much if it is - I was saying it to you before when you were asking if anybodys babies were sick - my brother had one and used to get sick all the time especially if any pressure was put on his tummy when crawling but other than the getting sick - it didn't bother him and he just grew out of it without any medical intervention not even meds - It is to do with the valve not closing properly and the pressure opens it up and thats when they get sick - I know its easier said than done not to worry - but hopefully if it is something like this it is not bothering him bar the getting sick and he is so active I would say he is definitely wearing off all those lbs. by the way great news on your parents - I would say you are delighted.

Shadow: Happy 1st birthday to Vince, so glad ye all had a great day and dont forget to come back and see us every now and again.

Shiv: Natasha is the same at the moment her sleep is all over the place, she is not going for a nap anymore in the afternoon but is shattered and can be very crabby come evening time but yet she is now sleeping until 9.30 or 10.00 every morning and then about 12 goes down for another hour or two and that is it where as before she used to have her long sleep around 2 to 4 or an hour in the morning and another half hour after her tea in the evening.

Spiday: I wouldn't worry too much - I would definitely say she is just doing it in her own time - Natasha is saying ma ma ma ma and da da da da and now na na na na - hiya and wa wa wa wa and for the last few days we have had lots of gump and yump which I haven't figured out what they are meant to be but for the most part she is the same and just says ah ah and points.

Heidi: it definitely sounds like Caylee is doing her terrible two's already and she is so advanced she could be - when we all have that stage going on, you will be sitting back and relaxing and she will be a little angel I bet.

Shadow: That is so cute that Emma lies on her back when you say you are going to change her bum. I can't wait until Natasha says mama and dada to the right one of us at the moment it is more just random mama and dada's and we only have mama for just over a week or so, although she did say ma ma ma ma when DH passed her to me today but I think it was just fluke.

Nutty: Thanks for the info on the chiken pox as I probably would have panicked if Natasha had already had them and broke out in a rash again - so it is good to know you get them twice.

All good with us - DH is still off work for his holidays and we are having a ball - we are getting out and about most days with Natasha and he is doing bits and bobs on our new sunroom in the evenings - I am going to hate it when he goes back - oh to win the lotto and neither of us have to go to work - wouldn't it be great. Natasha is also on her holidays too and is having a lie in every morning until 9.30 or even 10 which is really nice - we did have weeks where she was back to being awake in the middle of the night for a bottle but even that has stopped - mind you i'm still as tired as we have been staying up later instead of doing the sensible thing and catching up on sleep when the going is good ha ha.

I'm dreading going back to work already as I'm so enjoying spending the time with her and sitting down every day and just playing rather than getting housework done or cooking for her on the days im off as I wont have the time when I'm working. Ah well I'm going to put it out of my mind until I do go back - its funny I can't wait until her birthday but at the same time I'm back the week after so I want to stop time also if that make sense.
Well, I was up until 3 in the morning unable to fall asleep and I ended up online shopping. :blush: I know Heidi got Caylee a little kitchen and said how much she likes it and I always wanted one as a kid so I always knew I'd get Emma one but just wasn't sure when. So after looking at them and reading all kinds of reviews all over the internet last night, I ended up buying one. :blush: I just seriously can't control myself sometimes and than I just pay the consequences later when DH gives me 'the look'. :rofl: So if it gets here before her birthday, Emma will have a little kitchen to add to her gifts. :happydance: It's SO cool too. It's a full blown walk in kitchen thing. I'll post a link after this to show it off. I just hope she likes it. It should last through all our kids so that's why I bought a nice sturdy one.

So...Thanks Heidi!! :haha: If my DH yells at me I'm blaming it on you. :winkwink:
Cleck - that is SO cool! I want one for me never mind for Sophia! Emma is a lucky girl!
I think that's why I wanted it so bad. Because I want to play with it. :rofl:

I seriously love that I can relive my childhood with Emma. I always wanted one of these kitchen things. I asked several times for christmas and never got one. But now I have one!! :haha: I always wanted one of those jeep power wheel things too that you can drive around. In a few years that's next on my list for Emma. :D:D
Cleckner that kitchen is sooooo cool!!! It even comes with food!!! Emma will get so many years out of it too. "Stainless steel" appliances and "granite" countertops- its better than my real kitchen, LOL! When I was spying on your pictures from when you hosted the play date, I noticed that you seem to have a room in your house dedicated to Emma's toys. Are you going to keep it in that room? Yeah, I'm nosey :haha: I'm slowly converting my living room over to a play room because thats all we use it for nowadays. I'm not so sure a kitchen that size would fit in my house... I need to convince DH to give up some of the basement workshop for a second playroom!

Thanks so much girls for making me realize I'm just a worrywart regarding Kira's lack of speaking! It sounds like she's quite normal so I'm going to stop searching about it on google and freaking myself out unnecessarily.
The room in the playdate pictures is actually our living room!! :D:D I have the coffee table shoved against the DVD shelf on the one wall to keep Emma from getting to them and it leaves nice open space for her to roam around. I'm not quite sure how I plan on fitting the kitchen into our house but I'm hoping I can figure it out. I plan on packing away more toys before her birthday so than it will be mostly just big toys that are out. I have a feeling this kitchen will keep her busy for a really long time. Which is one thing I thought would be great because Corey will be gone for another month after this week of him being home. :wacko: So I need something to distract her more.

I'm glad you decided to stop worrying about Kira. I think these babies just like to do things in their own time. I have moments of panic myself when I read how advanced some of our babies are. Caylee especially! Heidi, Caylee makes me panic. :haha:
Also wanted to say Spidey, it's not nosy looking through my piccies!! :D:D That's what they are there for! :thumbup:
hehe... I won't think of it as nosey then :-) Just curious!

Thats neat to have your livingroom as the play room. Mine is starting to look that way too. We actually decreased the amount of seating recently to make room for toys and I painted over the dark brown walls to make the room more bright and cheerful. I remember you have a climbing toy in your livingroom too... I have a feeling Kira will be getting something similar at Christmas :-)

Oh, and about re-living your childhood... I totally get that. Mine was overall very good so I'm trying to re-create mine with Kira, but OH had a pretty bad childhood so he's really having a great time doing things with Kira that he always wanted to do. He can't wait till she's older and he can take her places. Kira WILL be getting one of those powerwheel cars too! OH always wanted one and he eyes them up every time we're in the toy store!
cleck that kitchen is sooooooo cool! i had a big kitchen when i was a kid and loved it, me and my sister were 2.5years apart in age and we had a huge playroom we were seriously spoilt tbf we had way too many toys!

iv been shopping too!

i bought jesse the laugh and learn activity chair today and.....


this which is absolutly adore!!!!

my friends little girl got a hello kitty kitchen for her birthday <3 lol

right i havnt got time to properly catch up but i read everything! xx
link dont work!

eeek, I still haven't bought anything else for Adam's birthday... oh, unless you count a new cupcake tray and paper cases... and unless you count the new car we're collecting at 9am tomorrow :D (proper new car, not just for him :lol: )

as for speaking/words, Adam says mama and dada and he ALWAYS says a lot of ga ga ga when my mum is around, so we are sure he means "Gran", and he's started saying "baa" when I start to sing Baa Baa Black Sheep (it's our nappy time song, Cleck, like Emma, Adam has improved a lot the last 6 weeks or so, he is nowhere near as awful as he was, thank god), and I think he tries to say "Betty", at least he says "buh" sometimes relating to her, but often nothing. He KNOWS Betty's name though, he looks at her when I say it. Other than that he says a load of old babble, and I'd really be stretching it to find specific meaning. I hope he's not frustrated by my lack of deciphering skills... he says a "hiya" type of noise but I don't link it with a greeting or mimicking us because I never say hiya to him, always "hello". he is a chatty little soul though, and I can't wait for when he can tell me things/ask for things. :)

I have got to get on and order this new car seat... and think about birthday cake... not long now, just over 2 weeks left...
eek mj i dont know how you havnt managed to go birthday crazy by now haha, everyday theres a new thing i need to do for it! :dohh:
Aww Boothh that ride on toy is cute!! I looked up the Hello Kitty kitchen. :haha: It's in the UK so I can't get it but it's SO cute! I love hello kitty stuff. I have even debated about doing Emma's room in hello kitty but I don't think I will. There are so many things out there to do it hello kitty though! :thumbup:

MJ- I agree, you need to catch birthday fever!! :winkwink: I told myself months ago that I was done buying for her but than I see new things and I can't control myself. I really have a shopping addiction I think. :blush:

Well DH is home but he isn't off work yet. And it's already nearly 4 PM :growlmad: I haven't seen him in weeks and than they make them work late! Today is his first day back so I haven't seen him yet. But he leaves again the weekend before Emma's birthday. But I knew he'd miss it so that's alright I guess. :wacko:
are you going to have a little early birthday with him before he leaves cleck? xx

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