Am more than happy for you to take over the group Booth (although i hope you still pop in to see us Shadow

Sophia is chunking out, i thought she would lose weight with being so mobile but she is just getting porkier - so I am worried about that, although as we do BLW I can't really feed her less. Boothh, i hop eif there is a problem (and I hope there isn't) that the HV can help you to sort it out. I reckon Jesse being so active now must have something to do with his weight loss. how is BLW going for you?
Sophia can clap - she is too cute, as soon as I sing the first syllable of "if you're happy and you know it" she starts clapping! She has just started waving too. She was doing it a couple of months ago but i think it was just fluke! I am unsure about words, sometimes i am convinced she is saying something on purpose but it could still be fluke. She says mama, dog (not convinced on this one, but a few times now I have been at my parents house and she has crawled over to the patio doors and said "dog" and I've gone over and she is looking directly at the dog!), cat (again fluke!) dada, nana, and pooh as in pooh bear. I am pretty sure it is all fluke though and wishful thinking on my part! I don't know how i will tell what her first true word is

I am sure Kira is fine Spidey, she is bright as a button
Anyone elses babies changing their naps recently? Sophia pretty much refuses to nap in the afternoon now. She still has a morning nap (about 3 hours after waking) but she is sooooooooooo crabby by about 4pm but just will not nap! Doyou think i should try to move her morning nap to after lunch?
I got Sophia a birthday presie today - it is just a wooden farmyard animal jigsaw that when you remove the pieces they make the animal noise! Sophia loves animals! i am thinking of making her birthday cake to a farmyard theme!