--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

i have a scar i remember everyone giving each other dead arms in them at school and mine is a mess to be honest, my scar is massive and it didnt heal for ages!
i think it would be alot easier with a baby tbh though i wouldnt like it, the age group with highest risk factor is mid teens to early adult hood which is why its given at 13 around here :)
i suppose if you live in an area with alot of people who come from other countrys where they arnt vaccinated, the risk might be higher? i live in a field basically, so probably why its not done til older around here, x
Sorry guys I hit save before finishing post by accident - Can you actaully delete a post??

Heidi: I'm so glad the party went well - that is so cute that she was super excited ha ha.

Booth: Those pics of Jessie are so cute - lmao at him eating it like a cat ha ha

Spidey: Natasha scratches herself sometimes too, I was cutting her nails when she was smaller but I can't manage it at all now as the minute I go near them she pulls them away and wont let me near her and I'm terrified that I will cut her she pulls away so hard as I did make one of them bleed where I cut it too short before - I do try and bite the really sharp ones everynow and again when I get the opportunity but I only usually get one or two done at a time and I think biting them is giving the sharp edges. Anyones elses LO's hate getting their nails cut or bit??

MJ: Natasha has had hers, here they give it before you leave the hospital - It just came up in a red lump and there was a tiny bit of puss that came out after a couple of weeks and we were told not to touch it, but it didn't seem to bother her at all - mind you she was only newborn and couldn't scratch or anything so I dont know how it would work with an older baby - but there definitely wasn't much puss and she just has a little red pimple like scar now.
Caylee made a total mess in her room today all by herself haha, how does something so small manage this!!!!!!!! :dohh: And this doesnt even show the whole room, it gets worse lol


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hiya ladys

Heidi iam glad it stoped raining for you and caylee had a good party. I hear you on them being tiring Rueben was 6 yesterday and we had the full famly come down they came at 11am and left at 10pm i was beging for my bed when they left but had to clean up and that took 2 hrs

MJ they dnt give the BCG here i dnt think they give it at 12 any more neather.

Booth the pics of jessie are really cute look at all his hair.

As seid my big baby tund 6 yesterday and he loved every min of it he was so exstied on sun he couldnt play with any thing for to long as he just wanted it to be his b'day. He got a 8ft trampaline (sp) off my mum and dad (its a good job we have got a big garden) and he had me on there for ages my legs felt like they was still jumping when i got in bed lol.
Lucas' b'day tomore and i cant wait to get it over with if it is any thing like ruebens i will be dead on my feet by thurs.
nutty iv only ever cut jesses nails once, they grow fast and hes always scratching his face but i cant bring myself to do it i leave it for my mum or MIL to do lol! i cut my little sisters nails when she was about 6months and i was 10 and i made her thumb bleed, i dont even like cutting my own nails after that haha x
You girls are lucky! I have to cut Emma's nails at least once a week. It is to the point that she will just sit there and let me do it though. Thank goodness because I used to have to wait until she'd fall asleep to cut them and have to do it real slow so she didn't wake. :dohh:

Heidi- I'm so glad the party turned out great and the rain stopped! She is so cute in her new room that is destroyed. :haha:

Boothh- Aww with his face shoved against the glass and him eating with a spoon. Such a big boy! I haven't even tried to let Emma feed herself with utensils yet. I don't think she'd do very well. :haha:

MJ- I don't know that they do TB vaccinations here. I really don't think they do them at all. I don't think I've ever had one. DH had to get one as an adult just because he goes all over the world with the Navy so he has to get all these random vaccines.

nutty- Emma looks like a baby still too. She has very little hair and is just plain tiny. People are usually shocked when I tell her she is almost a year old. :haha: I guess in a way it's good because she just looks like an advanced baby. :lol:

So DH is still home but at the moment he went out to pick up 2 new dining room chairs that we bought for our dining room table. We should have bought them a long time ago but since my parents are coming in a few days, we need more seating. The table can seat 8 but we'll now have seating for 6. :thumbup: The woman at the furniture store was like 'thanks for coming back to us!' And the whole time I'm thinking 'where else would I go to get the matching chairs!!' :rofl: She was an idiot.

I have a sore throat that is nearly swollen shut today. Go figure I end up sick when DH is home. Emma has been having a runny nose but her teeth are breaking through so I am sure that's just what hers is but now I'm wondering if she is sick too. :(
I cut Caylees nails, 2x a week! They grow so fast, it drives me bonkers!!! She throws a massive fit when I cut them too, it's very hard.

I hope you feel better soon Sam! :( That is such a crappy feeling when you have throat pain. Glad you and DH are getting some time together :) You need it!
Thanks Heidi! Yeah sore throats sure do suck. :( And I can't do anything about it because of my breastfeeding. Not even a cough drop. :( Does your OH ever leave? I know he's in the reserves right? Or am I wrong?
I cut Imogen's nails twice a week too - otherwise they're like tiny claws. She just sits on my knee and lets me cut them though.

I refused the BCG when she was six weeks old. We're going to have it done when she's old enough to know not to knock it or touch it, so maybe when she's at school. I just couldn't let them do it when she was so very tiny remembering how dreadful mine was.

Mog is at the MiLs house this week. She sent me a message the other day saying 'I've been really busy looking after my baby'. Your baby? Oh really, because as far as I know you don't have a uterus and I'm the one who shoved Imogen out of her vagina! So cross. Stupid woman. Have to try not to speak to her too much in case I get mad, OH is having to do all the checking up on her and is passing it onto me.
Aunty E- Aww. :hugs::hugs: LOL @ shoving her out your vagina. such an image. :rofl: Hope your having some relaxing baby free time though! :hugs:
cleck - i didnt expect him to be very good but i thought that maybe if i let him feed himself his yoghurt or puree he has after dinner, (normally fed by us or pre loaded) then he will eventually get good at it and be able to try at other meals too! i suppose it all starts somewere!

AE - aw well that is MILs for you, jesse is mils baby too apparantly :dohh: lol x
LOL AE about your MIL :haha: I said something very similar to a girl I use to know in highschool. We saw eachother not too long ago (it's been over 10 years!) and I was with Kira, and Kira was wearing a dress. This girl asked "how did YOU manage to have such a girly girl?" I thought it was a strange question, so I told her that I pushed really hard and she came out my vagina! Shut her up quick! LOL.

I am too afraid to use clippers on Kira's nails, so I use a file. I can usually get 2-3 fingernails done each day. She wiggles so badly that I just file them whenever I get a chance. I am super impressed with the LO's that sit still!!

I never heard of a TB vaccination until now! We have a TB test that simply tells you if you've been exposed to TB.
He was in for 6 years but he had massive issues with them when it came time to sign a reenlistment and they never gave him his bonus and told him he had to ship off to Iraq for the second time for 6 months and he said no because he never got his bonus and they didnt keep up the end of the deal so he got an honorable discharge and they let him go. So now he is working overnights fulltime and going to college fulltime, so we barley see him, we see him for maybe 2-3 hours a day. :(

I have an adorable picture of Caylee, she flipped over her dvd case and saw it was barney and she FREAKED lmao
I forgot to say that we switched Emma from her highchair to a booster seat for eating!! We switched a few days ago and she loves it. She sits right up beside me and eats straight from the table like a big girl. :D Her highchair has officially been retired to the closet for now. And we also bought a full size mattress set for her room so we can start easing her into her own bed!!

Also, her kitchen arrived for her birthday today. :happydance: We still have to finish putting it together but than we'll just cover it with a blanket and 'reveal' it on the big day. :haha:
Hmmm. Been reading up again about the BCG and decided not to get it. I don't understand why it's offered to babies under 12 months only, surely Adam has the same chance of getting TB from living where we do now as he did 6 months ago? What if we moved into the area at 11 and a half months old, what difference would 2 weeks make?

A couple of NHS leaflets I've read state that in general you need close and prolonged contact with an infected person to catch TB. Adam only has close and prolonged contact with us, he isn't in any form of childcare, doesn't even go to playgroups yet. We travel on public transport, and that could be deemed "close" contact but it's not prolonged, and Adam is either tucked away in his pushchair or in the sling, nobody has ever sneezed on him.

I found this:

How can I tell if my baby needs a BCG vaccination?
If you answer ‘Yes’ to any of these questions, your baby should have a
BCG vaccination if he or she hasn’t already had one.
Is either of your baby’s parents or any of the grandparents from a
country with a high rate of TB (as listed on pages 6 and 7)?
Will you and your baby be going to live for more than a month or travel
frequently in one of these countries in the near future?
Is there anyone in your house, or anyone else who is likely to have
long-term close contact with your baby, who either has TB, or has had
it in the past five years or comes from one of these countries?

Answer is no to all, so I think we won't bother.

I feel a bit relieved for making the decision.

Aunty E, my MIL is the same, but she doesn't say it to my face or over the phone, but she has Facebook albums of "My Boys", referring to Adam and his 3 cousins. I just roll my eyes and think, yeah WHATEVER. :lol:
Ah Heidi that picture is so cute ha ha.

spidey: I'm well impressed by the babies that sit still too - Natasha is so wriggly when it comes to her nails its unreal so even though I hate doing it I bite them and I only manage one every now and again and they do grow really quick too. The minute I go near her fingers she makes an ouch like face before I have even started - I reckon once she can talk properly she will be saying ouch the minute I start even though I wont have even really started IYKWIM lol.

Aunty E: Lol at you pushing Imi out of your vagina - its the truth of it though - Silly MIL

Cleck: Hope your feeling better soon and enjoy having DH home - Oh Emma will be so exctited when she sees it.

TMR: Glad Ruebens birthday went well - Happy Birthday to Lucas for tomorrow and hope you all have a great day and you are not too tired.

Nutty and Booth: I feed Natasha too - a few times I have given her the spoon loaded full of food but she just throws the food down to play with and chews on the spoon so she definitely wouldn't get anything in.

MJ: Glad you found more info on the BCG and are happy now with your decision - It doesn't sound like he needs it from that - I actually dont know why it is given here to all babies before they leave the hospital as I dont think we have a major high rate of TB - Being honest I didn't even think to question it - On the Monday we were just told that that day was the day for BCG injections and that was also the same day that they found Natashas heart murmur and I was all over the place with that on top of being exhausted with low iron and after a hard delivery and I haven't really thought about it until now and am ragin I didn't question it as it seems a bit silly when we dont have high rates of TB and i hate pumping stuff into her without need.

People tend to think Natasha is older - she still looks like a baby as her hair is quiet short - mind you we had to get her fringe cut a few weeks ago - even though the back isn't really growing, her fringe was right down in her eyes and I had been sticking it back with a clip, but unfortunatly she was starting to find the clips and as everything is still going into her mouth I was terrified that she would choke on the clips as they are quite small - It broke my heart though to have any of it cut and it actually really suits her back off her face, but we decided we can always grow her fringe out once she is old enough not to eat the clips lol - but people tend to think she is older because she is quite big - which reminds me - we did her 11 month weight and height last week and I have heard you girls talking about percentile in your books and I think it was you Cleck said that you checked Emma on an online calculator so I must have a look at that as they dont do it here at all - they just note the weight and height.

Well myself and Natasha went into town today with my mam and my mam bought her a sand and water pit and a slide for her birthday and my brothers are getting her one of those push along trikes, so we had a lovely day out and Natasha spent the day waving and blowing kisses to everyone that we passed, she really is a people person.
Sorry MJ only saw your post after I had posted - so i have edited it to include a note to you.

God Natasha is big for her age - I just used one of the online percentile calculators and according to that - she is over the 95th percentile in height and between 75th and 90th percentile for her weight.

You girls know more about this as we dont have follow it over here - Am i right in thinking she is taller than 95% of babies her age and weighs more than 75 to 90% of babies her age.

Also I presume she is not overweight as she is so tall. Am I right in this?
heidi that pic is cute she seems so much older then Lucas he still seems like a little baba

jelr Lucas has been on 98th percentile for his weight sins he was about a month old we had him weighted yesterday and he is now 25lb7

well my little baby isnt a baby hes a big 1 omg i want my baby back he has loads of toys that hehas just got ans wants to play with ruebens more or stand up on every thing.

he got on to the sette the outher day and fell off on to his back and i had to get him from the stirs 3 times that day as he had got 1/2 way up befor i know where he was iam sure rueben wasnt like this he is defo keeping us on are toes.
cute pic heidi - she is a real little madam! sooooo glad the party went well

happy birthday Lucas, hope you all have a lovely day tmr

mj - sounds like you have made the best decision for Adam with regards the bcg.

jelr - how much does natasha weigh? and how tall is she? She always looks like such a petite little girl on photos so I am sure she is not overweight. sophia is a big girl now (about 70/% weight and 80% height)

boothh - have you had your appt yet to discuss Jesse's weightloss?

cleck - how grown up, a booster seat! Sophia still makes way too much mess to consider that. i have started letting her try to load her own spoon when she is having yoghurt. She holds the spoon and i hold the pot and say "dip" and she thrusts the spoon in the pot and flings it back out and into her mouth. VERY messy!

AE - I HATE it when MIL calls Sophia "my baby" I really hope if i am ever a grandparent I remember not to do this as it annoys the hell outta me!

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