--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Shiv- I know exactly how you feel. I was super obsessed and watched the clock for 9:02 pm on her birthday because that's when she officially turned one. It was pretty emotional, but I didn't let DH see any tears since he already thought I was acting a bit crazy about the whole thing. I hope you and Sophia have a great day tomorrow. I can't wait to see the pictures!

Boothh- thats really neat about Jesse saying Daisy. I think lots and lots of learning will be happening during this next year.

Kimberly- thats a neat chart. It's the first time I've seen one so I had to study it for awhile to figure out what all those rows and columns mean. To me it looks very much like the one from when you got pregnant last, but I'm not an expert LOL.

Clecker- eeek, hives! Don't be surprised if they stay around for up to a week even if she's not exposed to the allergen anymore. When Kira reacted to raspberries she had them bad for almost 7 days. I took pictures of her hives if you want to see them for comparison. The doctor had us give her zyrteck to help with the possible itchiness and to keep them from getting really out of control.
boothh - i would have been right in there lol, telling the other mummy off :blush: i am a bit OTT like that though! Especially when it comes to Kara!lol! Well i hope ur bfn turns into a nice sticky bfp for you!! i'd love to share it with you again, so fingers x'd for me too!! :thumbup: Kara cant say bailey (our puppy's name) but she does point at him and say "dog" in quite an abrupt way haha!x

kim - im sorry hun, i have no idea about charts etc, im just using OPK's, so sorry i cant be of any help!xx

shiv - hope you all have a great day for sophias birthday today! kara feels so old now her birthday has been and gone so long ago :cry: Kara does round and round the garden, my dad taught it her a while ago! She does it on her own hand, even in bed at night :wacko: lol and she holds her hand out to us when she wants us to do it lol! She also copies when we do "wind the bobin up" lol!xx

Heidi - i LOVE caylee's bed!! Kara is in her toddler bed now and she does seem to like it alot! Im sure when lily arrives Caylee will 'just know' to be nice to her baby sister? Kara is a bit of a stinker with the slapping and scratching faces, butg i tap her on the hand and tell her no very firmly, doesnt stop her mind you so its probably pointless lol! xx

Cleck - i really want to do karas big girl room, iv seen the most gorgeous white/pink furniture, and a beautiful bed, ive even decided on white wooden flooring and striped pink wallpaper, but i need to save for xmas really, as this could potentially be her last one alone we want to spoil her! PLus the fact that i love her nursery furniture that she has now, and i'd be sad to let it go, i guess i could let my mum and dad convert their spare room into karas 'stay over' room, and put her current furniture in there..... sorry just babling to my own thoughts :rofl: :rofl: xx

spidey - i hate it when people disturb our routine, my mum has a hapit of ringing our house everytime kara nods off, it irritates the hell out of me lol! xx

AFU - well got my positive OPK yesterday, so lots of :babydance: for us over the next 5 days :thumbup: although we have been very busy in that department haha!

Im so excited to go shopping on wednesday, ive not bought myself anything to wear since i was pregnant :shock: so i have saved up a couple hundred £ to treat myself :thumbup: also going to buy Kara a potty next week, to 'teach' her what a potty is! Speak of the devil ay, she's just done THE stinkiest poop, i better go - NOW lol!xxxx
she was a massive chav ash haha she prob wouldve floored me! hahahah,

spidey - my friends little boy is almost exactly a year older than jesse and i remeber seeing him and thinking how grown up he was last year when jesse was a newborn, now jesse is at that stage and he is talking non stop and running around playing proper games and stuff its funny to think our babies sorry toddlers! :cry: will be like that next year! x
Kim, that chart looks great! Fingers crossed and test in a few days :)

I just had a big grumble about my booking in appointment on the first tri board, but essentially I've been booked in for consultant led care because of my last delivery and some benign palpitations I have now and then and I hardly ever get to see the midwife, who was rubbish. I didn't get to ask any of the questions I wanted to about the hospital or baby's heart rate and I'm a bit grumpy about it. Hope my twelve week scan next week cheers me up. grumpgrump.
I tap Caylee on her hand or bottom when she is doing something naughty like hitting or biting. I do not do it hard at all, because I always feel so guilty after but I wan't her to learn that she can not do mean things. Time outs are okay, we put her in her room with the baby gate up where she can not get out and she sits at the gate and screams bloody murder for 30 seconds, then she stops, we let her out and she hugs us and goes on her way. I still do it though, hopefully she will catch on that Timeout is a result of bad behavior.

Go and get some nice things for yourself Ash! You deserve it!!! :D

Happy Birthday Sophia!! <3 :hugs:

I'm sorry AE :( That stinks. Hope the 12 week goes by better.

I would have been ticked if some little kid attacked Caylee. Mind you she is usually the beast, but still :lol: I am the type of mom where if a little kid smacks her, I go all ape crazy and do the "LEAVE MY BABY ALONNEEE" to a one year old...like they understand me :lol: I'm a nut.
Hi All,

Its been ages since I've logged on. Good to see you all on Lion Cubs and catch up on the updates. Happy birthday to all your LO's. We had a massive party for Mimi when she turned one and it was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Nothing much has been happening on my end apart from counting down the days until schools open lol. My LO's have been driving me mad this summer but I love it all really. Booth, good to hear Jesse is fine - my second LO had a bad reaction to MMR as well when he was 13 months and was ill for two weeks :(. Mimi is now walking around confidently and is into everything. She is now a bit of a cry baby drama queen and I have to make sure I quickly get her out of that before she goes back to the minders. Stay blessed all xx
Aunty E, congratulations!! I've now gone all broody but no-more for me now- three kids are enough. Sorry you are feeling grumpy and hope you feel better soon
ash- have fun clothes shopping! I just recently did the same for myself... I hadn't bought clothes for almost 2 years besides pregnancy things! Of course I ended up buying a pair of jean leggings that have a waistband much like a pair of pregnancy pants, LOL.

Boothh- So much does change in a year, but even a few months make a HUGE difference. Kira has a playdate friend who is exactly 4 month older and she walks like a pro, can put shapes in the shape sorter, and will put pieces into a puzzle! The girls mommy who is my friend must have thought I was nuts because everytime her daughter did anything I would oooo and aaaah over it :haha: Just think- Kira will be sorting shapes soon! LOL. A have another friend with a 2 1/2 year old and we're planning a playdate at the end of this month. It'll be neat seeing everything the 2 1/2 year old can do. Can you tell I have NO experience with children, LOL.

Happy Birthday Sophia!!! I hope she had fun at her party!
Wow chatty ladies I have a few pages to catch up since yesterday lol

Shiv: The picture of you is amazing - Happy Birthday to Sophia - Hope you all had a great day and you are not too sad. Yay for all around the garden - Natasha loves playing that too.

Ashnbump: Yay for shopping - I so need to do that but refuse until I lose the last 10lbs that I have left ha ha and if I keep on waiting I will have nothing left to wear cause those 10lbs are not moving lol - Hope you get some lovely stuff. Fingers crossed for you at the end of the month and enjoy all that baby dance lol

Nutty: We dont get letters here, we just make an appointment with our gp once they are due. I really hope you got all those cakes made - Bloody stork - that would drive me nuts.

Heidi: I think Caylee will be lovely to her new sister too, it is amazing how they sense when it is their own - a good idea I know my mam did when my sister was born after me was to buy me a little present from the new baby and even though I was only 2 and a half I still remember it so clearly - so maybe that might help her get on with Lily from the start. Caylee looks so cute in her big girl bed. My God Lily is growing fast, hopefully the sweep will move things on quickly.

Spidey: I'm kind of used to organising big parties with both of us having big families any celebrations end up that big really - but most of them have been night parties, I'm more worried about 12 small children running around my house eeek, I will probably die and it is raining here now, so our plan was to have a bouncy castle that would keep them all entertained so if it rains on Saturday I dont know what I will do to keep them happy lol - Boo for MIL - I can't believe she didn't come and see her grandchild for 3 months - My MIL is not great on the visiting either, but then her or FIL dont drive and we are about 40 mins away so she has to depend on a lift so we usually bring Natasha to her, but she did come see me in the hospital.

Pippin: Hope your tiredness goes soon, I think that was one of the worst things of my pregnancy - Yay for Sams birthday next week - hope you have a great time.

Booth: Ah that is so cute with Jessie clapping for the little girl - Natasha is clapping for a few months now and I still find it cute - I downloaded childrens music for the party yesterday and one of the songs is if your happy and you know it clap your hands and she started clapping straight away - Isn't it amazing how even from so small they way they react to the other sex, Natasha is all smiles for the men and I dont blame you for wanting to thump that child - I would crack up if another child hit Natasha - Poor little Jessie, sure of course he wouldn't understand why - that would break my heart. The sounds so cute him calling the dog. I hope that line becomes clearer for you.

Cleck: I know what you mean about the MS after a MC - i was so terrified that something was wrong when I was pregnant on Natasha as I wasn't sick again but it turns out I just didn't have it at all thank god and everything was good - My mam was never sick on all seven of us. Poor Emma with Hives - I know I would get the odd one here and there if I was outside and they are so itchy - I can't imagine what it would be like to be covered - the poor little thing - I hope they clear up soon.

Kimberly: Did you test yet? I know your title says testing tomorrow am, so I think that is today - Fingers crossed for you, Afraid I can't help you on the chart as it is something I never did - Defo sounds like you have pregnancy symptoms though.

Aunty: Hope your feeling better soon - Best of luck at the 12 weeks scan - I bet it will cheer you up no end - I still remember the excitement and amazement I felt at scans.

Mimiso: Good to see you and glad to hear you are well - Happy belated birthday to Mimi - Delighted you all had such a great day.

Well AFU - Natasha is doing a little bit of slapping too, but just slapping me on the chest, she has always did it and it used to be more an affectionate slap but now that she is getting stronger it is more like a whack - I doesn't really hurt but I'm telling her to stop and no and holding her hands when she does it as I want her to realise that she can't just go around slapping people either. We had a bit of a nightmare day as first of all, she has really taken off like a spitfire on the crawling this week and I was trying to get the house clean and she was on my heels all day and into everything - I think she is going to find every imperfection that we have in our house ha ha as we had a skirting board that was never nailed on but was laid there for the last 5 years and you would never know it wasn't nailed on, but madam spotted it and tried to eat it, so I have told DH he needs to check all the others, she also managed to take up one of the trims that goes on the floor at the door way. I think she is also cutting another tooth or something as she went down for a sleep this afternoon and woke up screaming for about an hour, which is not like her. DH thinks that she may be just kicking up on me as she was fine when he came in, but I dont think so I think it was the neurofen that I had given her the half hour before that calmed her down - I hope it comes in soon, so she is not upset at her party.

Well as for the party - I'm nearly set, I have the house cleaned eventually from top to bottom - I got most of it done when she was napping and then as a last resort I had to put her in her jumparoo and put on cartoons for another hour to finish it - We have all the sweets and things bought and tomorrow I am going to do the buns and rice crispy buns and make some home made breaded chicken pieces and some salmon footballs for Natasha and the smaller children as the hot food that we have coming is all deep fried and because she isn't used to that or sweet things I dont want her to end up sick after her party as she will be having some of the chocolate and baby crisps that day, so I think that is enough without her getting the fried food too.

I'm so excited now I could burst - I think I'm more excited about her party than I ever was about one of my own ha ha.

Well I dont think I'll get on much in the next few days - so I hope you all have a great weekend - I will probably get a read on my phone if I have a minute or two, but it is too hard to post from it so I'll be back on Monday before heading back to work.

Happy Birthday to any babies turning 1 over the weekend. Xx
I hope Natashas birthday goes off without a hitch!! :D :D :D The food sounds delish, making my tummy go in flips haha :lol: Take pictures, can not wait to see them. :D <3

Good to hear she is moving like crazy, I hear you on the slapping though :( Little stinkers.

Good to see you back Mimiso :D
jesse slaps if hes angry but i dont think he does it deliberatly he just throws himself around kicking and waving his arms so i think were just in the way, he did go through a phase of pulling hair but he seems to be coming out of that now thankgod,

stuart and jesse play 'wrestling' all the time and jesse thinks its hilarious, his favourite thing is to stick his fingers up stuarts nose LMAO, they are such best buddys though, as soon as he gets in from work jesse holds his arms up to his dad and wants a hug, and he doesnt bother me with me the whole night lol, they are soo sweet together, they do high fives and stuff hahah xx
Heidi I know its late but massive congratulations to you, I 've just seen that you are due next month - fantastic. Aaaw that is so cute, your LO's will grow up together and be nice and close.

Jelr - hope you have a lovely birthday party for Natasha, sounds like you have been really busy with organising it. The cleaning up of the house tired me out before the party but afterwards my brother in law tidied up from top to bottom while we were sleeping and I couldnt thank him enough

Pippin - congratulations to you too, when are you due?

Kimberly - fingers crossed for you

Hie back to you Nuttymummy, love your profile pic on there, so cute

Cleckner - sorry about Emma's hives, really love her videos on FB - she is so adorable. I wish I had the patience to do some for Mimi and upload them. I have several on my laptop but just never get the energy to upload them, mind you my other two are keeping me very busy

AFU: there is nothing much happening my ends, just came in from shopping and am completely knackered. Mimi was walking around the shops to lots of aaawwww aint she cute comments from other shoppers, to say I had a big head is an understatement lol. I have been wondering whether I should have my copper coil taken out, not because I want TTC but because my flow is now ridiculously heavy. Still thinking about it though. Have also been doing Weightwatchers and have lost nearly 33lbs since I gave birth last year (20lbs of it on WW) so am rather chuffed about that - another 20lbs more to lose and I would have reached my target. I am still also toying with the idea of having number four but boy do I need convincing. My OH wants us to go for it but I am not so keen surprisingly as it was the other way round earlier on in the year.

Hope you are all ok and anyone I have missed massive hugs and have a lovely weekend
I am 36 weeks today!!! :happydance: :thumbup:
I can not believe how fast it is going now!
updated big ol belly pic for ya haha..

I miss seeing all of your belly pics...you should all get pregnant :haha:..NOW


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wow heidi your huge! its hard to believe we were all that big just over a year ago! and your doing it again!
i just bought some frer from sainsburys so may do one in a while im 9days late now,
was sick yesterday morning and this morning!! though im soo convinced my body is playing tricks on me, im 99% sure im not pregnant! i dont know though we shall see eh!

jesse went to open the living room door this morning and i said 'NO jesse' and he turned round, grinned at me and went 'YESSSSS' really clearly turned back round and opened the door laughing and went through it lmao! how cheeky!!

well he is staying at my mums tonight so i cant have a much needed lie in tomorrow im knackered and not felt well at all the last few days, pity stuart is dong overtime so he doesnt get one too!
i hope the weather improves cus we said we would take jesses new waybuloo paddling pool (complete with slide) round to mils on sunday if its nice and have a bbq! xx
:rofl: Heidi. I'll work on that for ya. But I'm pretty sure vibrators can't get a girl pregnant. :winkwink::rofl:
Your belly is SO cute! And MASSIVE! I love it. Pregnant definitely looks good on you.

Mimiso- I totally understand about not having time to upload videos. It takes FOREVER. I only do it for DH to see them because he can get on facebook while out to sea. Everyone else that sees her is just a bonus but it's really for him. :haha: I think you should go for it for #4!! Make it an even number. :D

Boothh- It's so awesome seeing the daddies interact with these LOs isnt it?! They just have a different way to entertain, etc.

jelr- I hope her party is awesome!! You'll have to post pics in the birthday album on here when it's all said and done!! :thumbup:

Well Emma's hives are all gone. So that's nice. She is now mastering the art of running. :dohh: She grabbed up the dogs toy yesterday and started running towards him to hand it to him. :rofl: Than she grabbed her birthday carebear(that has a cupcake on his belly!!:haha:) and ran over to hand it to the dogs. She thinks any stuffed animals belong to the dogs. So some of her stuffed animals really DO belong to the dogs now. :rofl:
Beautiful bump hun! :)

We are going to TTC in October. I don't think I'm pg afterall right now. My BBT dropped quite a bit this morning even tho my spotting seems to be tapering off. :shrug: I'm still kinda confused as I'd think it would cause the bleeding to get heavier and AF to fully arrive but I guess we will wait it out another couple of days. Besides, AF needs to hold off another couple of days anyways as today is only cd 27/11dpo.

Anyhoo, wow 36 weeks huh! Not long now before that new little one comes popping out! You must be so excited!! :happydance: Hopefully I'll be welcoming a new baby, a little girl, next July (if my body behaves haha). I cant wait to see pics of your new precious bundle! Make sure to take lots of pics!! :hugs:
spidey - hope the playdate goes well! i remember this time last year i took Kara to be weighed and saw a friend of mine with her 1 year old, i was like "omg he's so big and wow hes crawling and everything haha!" now i think back and its FLOWN!

Jeir - my OH says Kara only kicks up for me, which i think is complete rubbish! Im just softer with her than he is, he can just ignore her if she cries, and carry on doing jobs, whereas me, i have to stop and play with her, or cuddle her or something, i cant help being a soft touch haha! Hope Natasha's party goes perfectly for you, and may the weather be nicer than its been here all flippin august lol!

boothh - kara does that to david when he arrives home from work too, if its dry outside, i will open the back door for her so she can meet him at the bottom of the garden, she walks fast/runs to him with her arms in the air, like a crazy lady running from a burning building lol! :wacko:

mimi - good to see you back :hi: sounds like you have done SO well with your weight (i envy you!) i have gaind instead of lost, but been to the doctors for a baby making check uo, and he said i will be fine, we will work out something together after baby number 2 is here, and shed ALL the weight!(hopefully lol) I say go on go for number 4! what harm could it do ay lol?

Heidi - i am sooooooooooooooooo excited to see lily! Honestly i cannot wait! I have to admit i think i want another girl, although a healthy baby is what matters most, plus a biy would be fine as then we'd have one of each, so both have their own bonus's lol! U look FAB btw, i cant believe haw fast its gone by.......SCARY stuff!

afu - well i have sore boobies today, which i am hoping is an early sign of good news lol! they feel the same as when i very first fell pregnant with Kara, so fingers crossed girls! we've been making 'new baby' plans today, what furniture we will buy and how we will decorate the room that they will share! We will have lots and lots and lottttttttts to do :( but its going to be so worth it!

So i cant wait till wednesday to spoil myself, i usually feel guilty buying things for myself, but you girls and my girlfriends all say i need to, so thank youuuuuuuuuu for the encouragement lol! Im getting a lovely Pauls Boutique 'Gracie' bag, not sure which colour yet though, im sure it'll take me a good hour in selfridges haha!

better go and get my frey bentos pie out the oven, davids wasting away lol!xxxxx
lmao ash you cheat! its soo easy to make pies! (obv with ready roll pastry :rofl: LMAO)
Hey I'm not the baking type haha! I honestly don't have the time even if I wanted too! Maybe I'll start baking when kara starts nursery in September lol! I promise I'll start then! Xx
Ash - fingers crossed for you for a BFP

Heidi - your bump is fab

Cleck - I love the idea of four is an even number lol but it means a lot of changes - bigger car, house, budget everything. I guess I will wait it out for a while

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