Awww Heidi! I have been following this and just haven't known what to say as it seems all the other gals said everything that can be said.

I'm really sorry you're going through this! I hope it all works out and I hope he realizes that he does love you and wants to stay for the right reasons. I think it's very arrogant of him to pull what he pulled and I hope to goodness he never does again! You don't need that kinda stress on top of what you already have going on and neither does little Lily inside of you.

I really hope things get better!
Cleckner: I agree. Army or not, it's no excuse for him to act like that towards her. My hubby is a Desert Storm Vet and served our country honorably for 13 years and he doesn't act like that and he never would. It does sound like the guy needs counseling and I hope he can sort out his issues not only for himself but for his family's sake. I'm just saying...
Everyone else: I apologize as I forget what is going on with you all.

Forgive me, it's hard to keep my memory sharp when I get woken up several times during the night because of Bryson needing my help as he gets coughing and choking.
AFU: Poor Bry is still sick.

His doctor says he has a prolonged cold, sinus infection, allergies, and asthma all at the same time and that's what has been causing all of this and keeping it going. The poor little guy is on Amoxill (antibiotic) twice a day, breathing treatments twice a day, benedryl at night to dry him up and help him sleep, and baby motrin at night to decrease inflammation in his chest to help prevent further choking at night. He still chokes off and on throughout the day though. I don't know how long this will last but it saddens me b/c his first b-day is Thursday of this week. I hate that he will likely still be having all of this going on during it.

I hate seeing him like this after being SO healthy for 11 months. Ugh!
We're also in the process of tearing out all of the dust mite harboring carpets from our home and replacing it with hardwood laminate instead. (Our landlords are going to LOVE us!

) Which we're only able to afford to do one part of the house at a time so my home is kinda not very pretty right now with concrete slab exposed in most places.

But it will be worth it in the end as we cannot let this continue for him nor me as I've suffered with chronic sinus trouble for about 10 months now. When I'm around the carpet I get blocked up in my sinuses and when I'm not it clears. We're also allergic to our cat who we are desperately trying to find a home for which hasn't been so easy b/c she has FIV which she was born with from her mother (same thing as HIV, only in cat form). I cant even get the city pet rescue to email me back. Grrrr!
Anyways, that's about it for now. I better go and feed Bry his lunch before he starts cranking again.
Take care everyone and have a nice day.
PS- AF found me. Which is good though. One more cycle to track before we TTC!

Hopefully I will OV again about the same cycle day. Fx'ed.