--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Well I'm back for an update.

Heidi: I'm so glad he came back and apologised as you dont deserve that at all honey, you are a great mom to Caylee and have been fighting hard to keep Lily where she is, so that is the last kind of sh*ite that you needed. I think the therapy is definitely a good idea as I understand he is scared, which I guessed he was - but he will have to learn he can't be that selfish either and he will need to sit down and talk to you about his worries instead of ranting all that stuff at you and you are so heavily pregnant and on bedrest and that he can't be going off on the beer and leaving you to manage on your own either as that is not going to solve anything - Fingers crossed the therapy works and you two are back on track because it is what you want as you love him and it would be better for the girls.

Cleckner: Thanks for the well wishes - we had a fantastic day, so glad Emma's Hives are gone.

Booth: ha ha that is brilliant Jessie saying yes when you told him no - Clever Boy. Sorry to hear about the spotting - That is great that you are going on hols though - Any idea where you are going to go?

Ashnbump: The funny thing is I dont know what my DH thinks that she would kick up with me as he is even softer than I am, for example when she is slapping I will tell her no and he just says ah sure she doesn't understand where as I think she will have to learn it is not right as she can't keep slapping people or when she wakes at night I will sit with her quietly until she tires again and put her back down but he will actually take her up and play with her, he says that I am softer with her so that is why she would kick up on me, but he so is so I honestly dont think that she is - I think that day it was definitely her teeth as the last few days she has been fine again. Oh I so hope the sore boobies are a sign of pregnancy for you - fingers crossed.

Mimi: Oh that was nice of your BIL - I could have done with him here on Saturday lol - Ah no in fairness myself and DH both got stuck in and my mam gave us a hand too so it was done quick enough, we were so tired though as neither of us really slept the day before we were so excited for her party lol - I see you have WTT Sept to Dec on yopur signature - Did you decide to go ahead with it then for definite??

Kim: So sorry to hear that Bry is so sick - the poor little thing - it must be heartbreaking. I really hope it clears up soon for him especially with his birthday coming up - Sorry to hear about the spotting too and have my fingers crossed for you that things will happen really soon.

Well AFU - The party went brilliantly - Natasha had a ball - she spent most of the day swinging in her swing looking at the older children on the bouncy castle - she is such a people watcher. Then today we put all her presents in front of her and let her tear them all open and she had a ball - we then had another little cake in my mams this evening with just my family and she had her big cake at her party yesterday and she was so excited when everyone was singing happy birthday together. Myself and DH were nearly in tears though, but thankfully nobody noticed except each other lol. We were both so excited we barely slept the night before, so we are both fairly shattered today. I just said to DH there now - God it is definitely a sign we are getting old when we are wrecked after a 1 years old birthday party lol.

She got so many presents too, but I was a little disappointed as we had went for the swings and wendy house for outside and my mam did the same and got her a slide and sand and water pit as we reckoned she would get a mountain of toys, but she didn't - nearly everyone got her clothes. Silly really as she has more than enough toys already but I'm afraid she is getting a little bored of them, but DH reckons she just isn't playing with them at the moment as she is too busy crawling and climbing, so I hope he is right - mind you Christmas is coming soon and I think Santa will definitely have to get loads of toys for her ha ha - Its terrible i am so excited when I see toys for her as I love seeing her reaction - but I'm such a child with it all lol.

Well I'm going to run now and have a catch up on FB and then I'm off to bed.

Imagine this time last year I was in the last throws of labour - in fact I was probably just about to get the forceps as she was born 20 mins from now.
jelr- I'm the exact same way. I get SO excited seeing her play with her new toys and seeing her face light up and get a curious look with new things. And I love that she is getting older because her toys are more fun for me to play with too. :rofl: We are always playing in her kitchen. It's awesome. And I sit there and play her little piano. :haha: I'm so glad Natasha's birthday was a huge hit! :D
:hugs: Thank you girls, I really hope it helps as well.

So today I had two of my Best friends from 2nd grade come over and they said they made me a special "MOM" drink, since they were drinking wine...the only two girls I know who can start drinking wine at 3 pm :lol: So I drank this special no alcohol drink they made me, and it was terrible, just terrible..come to find out, they put 4 tbs of CASTOR OIL in my orange slush drink....!!!!!!!!! I was so pissed, they told me when it was gone that it was castor oil and I was pissed..needless to say I have been PEEING out of my ass (SORRY IF ITS TMI) since 4:30 and its now 11:00 at night and its not stopping.

I am ticked because I am not even 37 weeks, and its not good for the baby or me...I hate people...off to bed, Im sure I will be making 56 more trips to the toilet~!
OMFG!!! That would end a friendship IMO. That is MESSED UP! I'm so sorry. :( What was your reaction? Do these women have kids? Ugh. I pray your LO doesn't poop inside you now because of this. It could cause an infection. :growlmad:
No, neither of them have kids, they are in college and pretty much do NOTHING..They dont have jobs, they have parents who pay for everything. They thought it was really funny, but I just sat in the bathroom, pissed. Ross asked them to leave the apartment and they thought it was because I was just sick, but after Ross came in the bathroom, I was just in tears, its stupid that they thought it was funny...and it was a big joke, but they dont understand pregnancy and I am not ready to have my baby at 36 weeks!
Good lord I would seriously probably punch them in the face if it was me. I just can't even believe someone would do that. You've had one hell of a week. :(
OMG Heidi, what a couple of days you have had. I am glad that Ross apologised, but as the other girls have said, do not let him off the hook easy, he needs to stay at counselling until he is grown up enough to accept his responsibilitues and act like a grown up. I really hope it all works out for your little family :hugs:

as for your "friends" that is SO awful of them, really irresponsible, you must have been really scared and angry:hugs:. I hope you are feeling better and that lily stays put for at least a week for you, grrrrrrrrr i am so angry on your behalf :hugs:

Kim, I am sorry Bryson is so unwell, i hope he perks up in time for his party on thursday x

Ash, fx for a bfp for you x

Boothh, where you going on hols? Are you taking jesse:hugs:?

jelr - so glad the party went well, cant wait to see photos.

cleck - glad Emma's hives have cleared, any idea what might have caused them?

mimiso - good to see you again

a.f.u well I am shattered after 4 days of birthday celebrations for Sophia. She has had a good time and loves playing with all her new toys. i will upload some photos later, I am having trouble compressing them small enough to upload at the moment - I am an eejit!

we have sophia's 12 month check today. i think i am going to be told that she is a fatty :cry:
heidi - glad u n ross are working through things :hugs:
cant believe your girlfriends did that! shocking! thats the kind of thing my friends without children would do though, like you say they just dont understand pregnancy!xx

cleck - me and david are exactly the same, we love to play with all her toys! David sits and actually makes up tunes on her baby grand piano lol!xx

jeir - i say forget what the men think lol! Kara was awful for me last night, and i mean A-W-F-U-L, david was out at his sister, and she didnt stop crying from the minute he left, and i was so tired after work, i didnt really have the patients, so i let her cry in bed with me, and then it went quiet and lo and behold she'd crashed out lol! I guess she was tired?! So glad natasha had a lovely day, we were kind of the opposite, more toys than clothes, and then we bought her a wooden swingset and a 'little tykes' cube slide out of her birthday money, and she LOVES her cube slide!xx

kim - sorry bry is still poorly, lots of 'get well dust' sent your way!xx

afu - well i am officially in my 2WW!!!! im super excited, whatever the outcome, we are just having so much fun, being relaxed and not having any pressure on us, when it happens it happens ay?!

agggghhhh i am so excited for my shopping day on wednesday! I think i might even get my front garden done too lol . . . . .

Oh Heidi! How f*cking stupid of them, pair of immature IDIOTS. Next time put a bottle of ipecac in their cocktails. And then throw them out.

I have my baby back, she did remember me, but now she's got a touch of the mummy not allowed out of my sight. Getting her to bed last night was fun, as every time I put her down she went to sleep straight away (so tired) but then she kept catching me sneaking out of her room and yelling. In the end I put her down and sat outside her room until she stopped, which was only a couple of minutes, but no fun. Hope she feels better after a day at the childminder. She deffo remembered who Tatiana is, even though she's not seen her for a month.

Going to do a bit of shopping tonight, as I've finally cracked and admitted we need a baby gate :haha: possibly two! Mog likes to eat the cat food, so I need to keep her out of the kitchen, but it's whether I put one on the living room door so she can't get out, or put one on the kitchen door and one on the stairs. Not to mention we'll start having the fire on again soon, so need to make sure the fireguard is Mog-proof. Not sure anything is Mog-proof really...
Can not wait to see pictures of Sophias birthday :D So glad she had fun at her parties <3 Good luck at the check up, We get told Caylee is a moose everytime, lol I ignore them.

So excited for the shopping trip Ash!!!! :D ENJOY it. Splurge and just go crazy for yourself.
Glad you two are having fun trying haha, thats always the best part! ;)

I am pro baby gates haha, I use ours all the time, she was at Ross parents, and came out of the bedroom with a face full of cat litter!!!!! So I made them go buy a baby gate, I was so ticked! I knew she would remember you, I bet you are glad to have her home!! :D

Oh and I saw Emma got her tooth! YAY :D :D :D :D

Kim- Hoping he perks up and gets well soon :)

afu- Caylee is now going on 2 weeks of no bottles or formula, she is doing so well. The first 3-4 nights were hell, but each night got better and now when she sees a bottle she hands it to me and does not put it in her mouth or anything, so Ahhh it feels good not to buy formula anymore or have her on bottles, so we kicked it and I get to start all over in a few weeks haha
I was just gonna say Heidi that it'll just start all over with the bottles. :haha: But at least you don't have to go buy more bottles or anything since she's done with hers. :D How you feeling today?

Aunty E- So glad you've got her back! I think Emma ALWAYS has a touch of mummy not allowed out of my sight. :rofl: Good luck finding a baby gate! We need another one now that Emma can go back down the stairs. Emma had issues with the dog food as well. But I finally just moved it outside and they eat and drink when they go out to use the restroom. So it works for me! :D Obviously cats are a bit different.

I don't even know what it's like to have a baby that will happily play without all the attention on her. Emma will see my on my laptop, walk over and slam it shut, than walk away. :dohh::rofl:
Im feeling good, I thought my water broke this morning, I was walking and felt a trickle of fluid down my leg....but it was just pee lmao!!! I have some bladder issues with this pregnancy
:rofl::rofl: OMG. hahaha. I can't even count the amount of times I pee'd with Emma. Like I'd be throwing up and pissing my pants at the same time in the third tri. :rofl:
you two girls are just sooooooooooo glamourous :haha:
From what I remember there isn't anything glamourous about pregnancy!

It just hit me Heidi that in a matter of days you are going to have another baby!:wacko: that is CRAZY! i am a bit jealous though :hugs:
:dance: We only have 17 days until her induction date! I can not believe we will be going through it all over again. I am so excited though to hold her right after she is born and just experience birth and bringing new life into the world again.

I can not believe it's only 17 days though, I feel like I am not ready,even though we have items we need and I just purchased and got my new Adiri bottles, which I am in LOVE with since I am going to try breast feeding again, hope it goes well and I can make it over 3 months this time :shrug: I started to wash all her clothes and blankets and get everything in position. I am so excited.

:hugs: I am jealous of all of you who get to sleep through the nights and enjoy time with we JUST had haha...I feel like I am going to be pretty stressed out since I will only see Ross for 2 hours a day and will have both girls alone until then...gahhh
I have adiri bottles and they were the best out of all of them that we tried when I had to top up Emma! :thumbup: And with the breastfeeding. Definitely don't be afraid to ask for help and you should read in the BFing section a little to get prepped for it. I wish I would've done that in the beginning because I just figured it'd be so easy. :wacko: And it was, once we got over that nipple pain after the first 6 weeks. :haha:

And peeing your pants is cool. Didn't you guys ever see Billy Madison? :haha:
OMG Cleckner- don't remind me about the throwing up and peeing at the same time, LOL. And why do I want to get pregnant again??!!

Kira had her 12 month checkup today and got her 1st shot! I've delayed all vaccines until now and I'm doing them all 1 at a time and spaced out now. We have lots of autoimmune issues in my family plus with her seizures at birth we decided to give her brain time to heal since shots can give fever, which can give more seizures. She screamed from the moment the nurse looked at her and only stopped screaming while on the boob! She certainly does NOT like strangers, LOL.
:rofl: When I typed out about me throwing up and peeing I thought the same thing. "why the hell do I want to do this again?" :haha: Especially cause I'm always on my own and I have Emma so I'll be sitting in a pile of my own pee with a screaming baby and I won't have anyone to calm me down. :rofl:

I never realized Kira had seizures! Scary stuff.

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