--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

You lot make me laugh :rofl: I didn't pee myself once I feel kinda left out!!! :rofl:

Heidi I think I probably would have slapped those friends of yours. That's so disrespectful. I would of shouted at them to leave screaming after them the dangers of drinking it to make them feel bad. Had you better tell your doctor?

As for me not much going on. Had a colposcopy today and they found some changed cells on my cervix but couldn't do a biopsy because of little bean. So now I'm going to worry for a whole year until they can do one :dohh: if it's not one thing it's another. *sigh*
I just won a miSwivel Feeding Chair from the first years through a contest online, they are sending it UPS and i should get it in 4 days, HOW EXCITING! lol I love to win stuff :p

:( Poor Kira, I hate watching them get shots. I didnt know she has seizures either :(

:hugs: I'm sorry Pip, I hope its nothing serious
not sure if any of you remember me,its been a while:blush: anyway,thpought id let you know im going in to be induced tomorrow:happydance:
OMG!! I remember you but didn't know you were so heavily pregnant again! :D Congrats! Good luck with the induction!!!
I hope everything is okay Pips - im sure it will be xxx
Heidi well done on the winning front!! I love winning things but rarely do :(
Costgang i remember you!! Good luck with the induction you brave, brave lady!!!
Heidi that's awesome about winning! I never win anything. Although I never try either. :rofl: My DH once won tickets to meet Trace Adkins...We sold them because we were going to Vegas at that time. :dohh:

Pips- I'm sure everything is okay. Try not to let it worry you. :hugs:
Cleckner: ha ha yeah I am the same - I sat down today and made a house out of Natashas mega blocks with her lol - lmfao at you sitting on the floor in your own pee with no-one to calm you down - that sounds terrible that i'm laughing at that but that would be so me if I had peed myself.

Heidi: OMFG - I would definitely be pissed at my friends if they did that and I would definitely make sure they know the dangers of what they have done so as they dont do it to anybody else. big hugs honey - you have had a hell of a week.

Shiv: We dont have another check with weight until 18 months but I know if my little lady grows the ways she has been I reckon I will be told the same ha ha - but Sophia is like Natasha and very tall so I dont think she is a fatty - Hope the checkup went well.

Ashnbump: Sorry to hear you had such a bad night with Kara - Tired babies really aren't much fun - so glad she fell asleep finally for you. Yay for the 2WW and shopping.

AuntyE: I knew Imogen would remember you - Natasha did the same after I as away the weekend before last - she crawled at my heels for the week.

Spidey: I didn't know Kira had siezures either - that must have been really scary - I hate those jabs too - Natasha is getting her 12 month ones on Friday eeek.

Pippin: I hope everything is okay and try not to worry honey - sometimes it is nothing - I had abnormal cells about 10 years ago and they got worse and then completely turned full circle and they haven't been back so - If they really were worried they would do more tests even with little bean there so you just mind yourself, Sam and little bean and dont be worrying about this till next year.

Costang: I remember you too but didn't realise you were so heaviily pregnant - the best of luck tomorrow.

Well have finally sorted through the pics and they are up on FB for any of you to see.

I'm back to work on Wednesday eeek - I am so not looking forward to leaving Natasha again but sure it has to be done - I'm only in 2 days this week and 2 next week and from then on it will be 3 so I guess its not too bad - I'll be counting down the days until midterm already ha ha.

Well not much news here - spent the day putting away all Natasha's new clothes and jewellery - she got two beautiful bracelets - one fresh water pearls and one an ID bracelet - and it is an awful shame but I dont know if she will get to wear them as they are child sized and I put on a braclet out of the my first learning purse that she got as a present to see how she would go and she kept pulling it off so I reckon they good ones will get broken. Which is an awful pity as I hate to see stuff like that wasted. She also got a pandora charm bracelet from my dad and he is going to add charms to it every occasion, but at least that one is adults sized, so she will have it when she is older.
I'll post a bit more later if I have time... but I never told you girls about what happened to Kira regarding the seizures so here it goes!

So Kira acted normal after she was born, but DH was holding her about an hour after birth and she turned purple. She was a 10 pounder squished into a newborn sized sleeper, so the nurses just thought that DH was just holding her wrong and had her head too slumped forward. DH was super freaked out about it though. Fast forward several hours... they get us settled into our room with Kira, and tell us to sleep (it's 1am). Kira was asleep in her plastic crib thing. As soon as the nurse left, we flicked back on the lights because I wanted to try to nurse Kira since she was only given formula due to low blood sugar and hadn't yet nursed! DH was freaking out saying "look, she's turning purple again!"... honesty I did not see it and I was getting annoyed at DH. He wouldn't stop with the turning purple thing. The nurse came back into the room and she didn't see it either.. and insisted that we sleep! DH told the nurse that he can't sleep if she's turning purple, so the nurse offered to take Kira to the nurses station to keep an eye on her.

I just start to drift off to sleep, and the nurse came back in around 2am and told us that Kira stopped breathing, but they revived her and she was sent off to the NICU. The next few hours are a blur because I had super high blood sugar (almost coma level!), but as I was being treated for that, DH was off with Kira in the NICU. Around 4am she started having seizures. The seizures continued that day, and they had to put her on a breathing tube. They didn't yet know it was a brain bleed, so were doing loads of tests and giving her all sorts of drugs. Finally they did a CT scan of her head and saw the blood. So in the end she was on a ventilator for 3 days, and we had her home after 5 with a home health nurse to continue her IV medication for a few more days. I always think "what if"- if DH would have backed down and we both would have drifted off to sleep. Kira would have died right in the room with us. I remember DH and I sitting in our room and we heard the mom next door complaining about her baby crying. I was so mad because I didn't even have a baby... I would have given anything to have a crying baby!

So that experience is actually the reason why I started co-sleeping. For weeks DH and I watched Kira for anymore signs of seizures and neither of us could sleep because we thought she would have SIDS. So many times DH or I would pop awake and lay our hand on Kira to make sure she was still warm. That experience has truly changed us forever!
OMG Spidey thats so scary you poor things thank god for having an insistant DH!!!
You poor poor things!! Did they say what caused the bleed??
OMG! I had no idea hun. :hugs::hugs: That is just awful. I'm so glad she is here now and your DH spoke up. So what happened with the brain bleed? Did it just heal itself? Sorry if that's an ignorant question but I have no clue about these things. :hugs:
OMG Spidey that is awful - and I can see why it changed you - it must have been the scariest thing in your life - Thank God your DH saw her going purple again and stuck by his guns.

Like Cleck I have no clue about these things - Did the bleed heal itself and what causes it?
:hugs: oh my goodness, that is one heck of a story. I can not believe it, I do not blame you for co sleeping, I would have done the same thing, I would have been so scared!!!
Thanks girls... it wasn't fun to go through, but to look on the bright side, I think it made me a better mom- certainly more patient and thankful for what I have.

So apparently bleeding in the brain isn't too uncommon in vaginal deliveries. Almost all the time you wouldn't even know since there are no symptoms, but in some cases (like Kira's), the bleed is bad enough to cause symptoms. The doctors labelled it as "traumatic birth", but she wasn't born with forceps or anything, nor did I have a long labor... so I don't really understand why it happened. They told me that overtime the body will re-absorb the blood and the brain will heal itself. I was supposed to get a special evaluation for Kira at 6 months to look for any possible long term developmental problems, but her pediatrician didn't think it was necessary since she was meeting all of the milestones. I actually didn't tell most of my relatives because I didn't want them to treat Kira any differently, or to be thinking that she may not be talking, walking, etc because of her early trauma. I just told them she was in the hospital from inhaling meconium at birth (which did happen too). Babies are really good at fighting through these things- Sam_Star, I'm sure you know exactly what I mean!

I am thankful for my hard headed DH! I've actually learned to appreciate that part of his personality now, LOL.
I'm actually getting tears in my eyes reading it hun. :hugs::hugs: And I never knew that about vaginal births! Makes me want to just keep having c-sections. :wacko:
hi sorry iv not been around or updated birthdays the last couple of days, AF was in full swing then me and OH went for drinks with friends saturday night and iv been terribly hungover because someone wanted to try their new shot glasses out :dohh:

me and stuart are going to Disneyland Paris in november! :) its my 8th time and his 1st! we are leaving jesse with my mum for the most part because we wont be able to go on the good rides if hes with us, and the rides he will be able to get onto arnt worth paying all that money, and also weve never been away together and after all thats happened this year it will be nice to do something fun, we are going over my due date, and we decided we would buy one of those huge helium balloons on my due date and write a message on it and set it off from the top of the castle :) abit cheesy but i dont want to completly ignore the day even though id rather be busy than moping at home xx
Oh my goodness! You poor poor thing! I was stressed enough when Mog was in SCBU for twelve hours, but she was always robustly healthy, just a bit of a difficult birth for her and some meconium aspiration. Go Kira for getting over that!

Well, 12 week scan this morning went fine, I got a good look at the nub and I think we're having another girl, which would be great. We'll find out in four weeks, but I'd be really happy with either, so no pressure this time. No change to my EDD this time, which is good as last time they moved me forward and I really objected to that as I knew when I ovulated. And she was born the day after my original EDD, so obviously I was right and they were wrong ;) Next appointment is to see the consultant at 16 weeks, when I will be discussing my preference for a slightly shorter second stage this time ;) I'm pretty sure that my second birth will be shorter and quicker, so not too worried.

It's Mog's birthday tomorrow, but I haven't got anything planned really. She has some presents from people, but I think I'll open them with her in the evening after work. I pointed out to the sonographer that this time last year I was still pregnant :haha:

She's the only one at the childminder at the moment, and apparently they spent all day yesterday playing with the ball pool and combing Imogen's hair. She won't let me comb her hair, but Tatiana is apparently encouraged to do so for hours at a time :dohh: And she had a three hour nap in the afternoon! I shouldn't complain as she went to bed perfectly at nine, and was really well behaved.
Goodness Spidey what a story and I would have been in pieces. Well done for all getting through it and just shows Mum and Dad know best. My friends baby had sleep apnea (sp?) and stopped breathing twice. Apparently it's one of the main causes of cot death, a build up of acid in the stomach cause baby to stop breathing so she's slept with him or near him for 10 months. So totally understandable you need to be close. I don't think my friends slept for weeks staying awake just listening out for him.

Thanks for all your well wishes ladies, seeking advice on here has proven useful. Lots of people have said it can clear up on it's own and waiting for the biopsy won't hurt so I'm quite relieved. You hear the stories like Jade Goodie and immediately see the worst but I did actually go because of her story so I guess it's a good thing as at least I know to keep a close eye on it.

Samuel's birthday tomorrow and I have no energy to clean the house :dohh: might just blow up a few balloons to distract from the dust :rofl:
Spidey: I never knew that about vaginal deliveries either but I suppose when you think about it - it makes sense as there is a lot of pressure on their poor little heads. Natasha still has some compression on her head from where I was pushing for 3 hours. You are so brave, I would have completely lost my life - it definitely should make us all appreciate what we have when it shows how easily it could be taken away.

Booth: I dont think that is cheesy at all, I think it is a lovely idea - Myself and DH went to the little angels grave up the road from us and buried a little box with my pregnancy tests and a little plastic angel on my due date after my MMC and I think it gave us both closure.

AuntyE: so glad the scan went well - Id say you feel a lot better now that you have seen little bean. Enjoy opening Mogs presents with her - I think that was one of the most enjoyable things about Natasha birthday.

Pippin: Dont worry about the cleaning - the thing I learned on Saturday was after all my running around cleaning all week, the minute people started arriving and the kids started running around, you would never have know I had cleaned at all so there is no point. I'm glad you are feeling a bit better about waiting for the biopsy. its actually quite common over here, believe it or not about half of my friends have also had abnormal cells or one even had pre-cancerous cells and she just had some laser treatment and that was all that was needed. I also had another friend who like you, they found something just before she got pregnant and had to wait until after she had the baby and the cells had gone back to normal by the time it came to that. So fingers crossed for you, it is just the same.

Well I may not be on as often as the last few weeks again as it is that time of the year again and have to go back to earning a crust lol - but I will pop in and out when I can.
jelr i have a box in the back of our wardrobe with pregnancy tests, scan print out, butterfly out of the flowers OH bought me and the little outfit that we bought before we found out about mmc, and we both write messages on the box from time to time instead of upsetting the other and bringing it up out of the blue, i would be in 3rd tri now! x

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