--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

I think all of us have had something life changing happen in regards to babies and pregnancy... it's what makes us all tough momma's!

Cleckner- I think there are pros and cons to vaginal and c-section. Head trauma is something that wouldn't happen with a c-section, but there's a much higher risk of fluid in the lungs for c-section. So it's like no matter what our choice, there are risks.

Boothh- woohoo for disney land!!! I've never been, but I'm planning to one day when Kiras old enough to enjoy it.

AE- I saw your scan picture- so awesome! The sonographer at Kira's 13 week scan was 98% sure she was a boy, so theres a good chance you're cooking a baby boy in there :haha: How long was your labor with Imogen?

Pippin- I can totally relate to your friend with the baby with apnea. Thank God Kira didn't have anymore apnea episodes after we took her home, but we were so paranoid. I was so sleep deprived that I actually started seeing things like a crazy person :haha: I'm still overly paranoid- I still wake up atleast once a night to touch Kira's head to see if she's still warm. I hope the party goes well- and don't go too crazy cleaning! Everyone will be too busy watching Sam to be peering in your dusty corners!
Boothh- Disneyland sounds fun!! We plan on going to the California Disneyland sometime this year. I think DH is taking vacation time late october so that should be fun! I've never been to a disneyland before. Just disneyworld. I have a feeling I'll be disappointed though because obviously the world is better. :haha: That's a good idea having a box for all of your angel's things. I wish we woulda gotten an ultrasound piccie. Even though there wasn't much to see. But we have a picture of the tests I took, and a picture of me and DH right after taking the test. We looked so freaking happy. We have a video that we took for him the day we took the test because we were going to do a video journal for him. Every time I watch the video I burst out crying though so it's jammed at the bottom of everything. Than I have a stuffed puppy dog that we bought him at the hospital I got my D&C at. (DH said every boy needs a dog.:cry:) We never did anything on the due date of Cameron though. I wrote him a letter but that was it. Releasing a balloon sounds like a lovely idea. :hugs:

Pippin- I wouldn't worry about cleaning either. I cleaned just because my parents were coming. But I could've gotten away with just cleaning the two rooms it all happened in. And really no one cares. I highly doubt people will walk away from a birthday party saying 'did you see how dirty that house was'. :haha: I think it's more like 'did you see how cute he was opening that gift!'. :thumbup:

jelr- Hope to still see you in here sometimes though!! :D :hugs:

Aunty E- I'm glad your scan went well!! You want another girl don't you? I hope Imogen's birthday goes well!! :D

Spidey- Yeah that's definitely true about them both having their risks. I'm SO undecided still about even attempting a VBAC. I just think if it takes as long to heal this time again I won't be able to care for Emma at the same time. And I think the reason my c-section took so long to heal was purely because I had all that labor first. AHH! I wish my body would've worked correctly the first time. I don't feel like a failure by any means but I do when other women seem to rub it in that they had such an awesome labor. As if I'm broken because I couldn't do it naturally. :growlmad:

So Emma has turned into a little helper now that she walks. She loves carrying her plate over to me by the sink after mealtimes so I can clean it. I unload the dishwasher and she loves to hand me the silverware one by one to put away. :haha: It's so funny watching her. She tortures the dogs more than ever though. She has that classic fisher price phone and she carries it around trying to throw it onto the dogs. She laughs and laughs. I got a video of it today but she's naked in it so I'm not sure if I should put it online. :haha: She's doing it right now actually. I don't know why she thinks it's so funny but it's always that phone too. :rofl:
:rofl: That is too funny Cleck! She sounds like a little character. So cute! Hehe I'd love to see the video anyways but yeah, too bad she didn't at least have a diaper on! :haha: You're gonna turn that child into a little nudist (j/k)!! LOL!!! :lol:
Booth: That is a lovely idea - We only had the pregnancy test and scan picture which I kept as I just couldn't part with that as it the only thing I have left of our little angel. It is hard going and it will hit you on your due date too. I know it did me, but in a sense it was easier on me as even though I was sad for that baby if he or she had survived Natasha wouldn't be here and I wouldn't give her up for the world so that was my saving grace. So I definitely think Disneyland will be good for you both to have some fun and help to take your mind off of it and the balloon will be upsetting but will hopefully give you closure and FX you will be pregnant soon and that will help too. :hugs:

Spidey: Thats totally understandable that you still check Kira at night, I know I would if that had happened to me.

Cleckner: ah I will be in sometimes just not as much as I have been over the summer - I Hope to still get in a good bit this week and next as I'm only doing 2 days but after that I will be trying to spend as much time with my little woman when not working or doing housework. But I should get to read up and keep up to date as I keep a link on the homepage of my iphone and have a quick read and get my fix when I have spare minutes now. That is so cute with Emma helping you and her laughing at the dogs ha ha
Cleckner- that is soooo cute that Emma helps you!

Kira just started something similar, and I wanted to post on here to see if other babies are doing this too. She's not helping, but she carries things all over the house now and puts them in strange places! She's not walking yet, so it's a little hard for her, but she will crawl with items in her hands or mouth and then drop them off various places. I find it so cute, but also scary as one day she will throw away my cellphone or something :haha:

Cleckner- about VBAC's- I know the rules here are so tough that it's hard to have one. You can't really be overdue, you can't really be induced... and doctors don't like doing them. You could look into a birthing center though and perhaps CA allows VBACs at the birthing center. In MD, you have to have VBACS with the midwife at the hospital. As for recovery time, I have 2 close friends who had c-sections, and both had LONG recoveries. I think people assume the recovery is alot quicker than it really is! A nosey question- were you induced with Emma?
hello u chatty bunch!

sorry if i miss anyone/anything, i have been reading but my mind is like a plug hole atm lol!

spidey - thank god kira is well and healthy, its horrible having a problem with pregnancy/birth! It was the hardest time of my life those two weeks when kara was in NICU (SCBU) but id do it a million times over just to know she'd be here afterwards, they told me that one more day and i could have lost her, or i may not have made it through birth myself, it seems more common for things to go wrong rather than go right doesn't it lol!xx

AE - glad the scan went well! Go with your instinct about the sex, us ladies know best lol!xx

Jeir - booooooo to going back to work, i went back at then beginning of april, and its flown by so fast! I only work weekends though, so have all week with my little gem! it is kind of nice to have actual adult conversations though :rofl: xx

boothh - thats not cheesy one bit! I wish we'd done something after my MMC, i also had to have a D&C (in the operating theatres i actually work in aswel!) that stage of my life completely destroyed me in all sense of the word, i was completely crushed for such a long time, and its only now that i really have closure, im glad i have kara i wouldnt give her up for anything, but i still wonder what my LO would have been like :( sad times but look what we've got now, they are the most important thing in the world aren't they! Have fun at disneyland! U lucky bugger haha! we're actually saving at them mo for florida, wont be until Kara is about 4 and new baby will be about 2, it'll be worth saving for ay! xx

afu - well 22 days to go until karas first day at nursery, we have to stay with her for a week, leave her for an hour at a time or so, you know just to ease her in, rather than throw her in at the deep end and get her all upset! Im excited and nervous at the same time actually :( we are going to buy her her first proper shoes tomorrow, she literally hasn't crawled for about a week to 10 days! so we r getting her shoes all ready for nursery and we are getting her this rucksack thats also reins, but not as 'leash' looking as reins its so cute! LittleLife butterfly rucksack - i'll try post a pic/link let me know what you think! xxx

Rucksack -

Shoes -


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:rofl: That is too funny Cleck! She sounds like a little character. So cute! Hehe I'd love to see the video anyways but yeah, too bad she didn't at least have a diaper on! :haha: You're gonna turn that child into a little nudist (j/k)!! LOL!!! :lol:

:rofl: She'd be like her mommy. :blush: I love being naked. I'm usually at least topless around the house. :rofl: That'll have to stop once she's older but for now I'm enjoying myself. :D

Cleckner- that is soooo cute that Emma helps you!

Kira just started something similar, and I wanted to post on here to see if other babies are doing this too. She's not helping, but she carries things all over the house now and puts them in strange places! She's not walking yet, so it's a little hard for her, but she will crawl with items in her hands or mouth and then drop them off various places. I find it so cute, but also scary as one day she will throw away my cellphone or something :haha:

Cleckner- about VBAC's- I know the rules here are so tough that it's hard to have one. You can't really be overdue, you can't really be induced... and doctors don't like doing them. You could look into a birthing center though and perhaps CA allows VBACs at the birthing center. In MD, you have to have VBACS with the midwife at the hospital. As for recovery time, I have 2 close friends who had c-sections, and both had LONG recoveries. I think people assume the recovery is alot quicker than it really is! A nosey question- were you induced with Emma?

Yup I was induced. I had really high BP at the end and was swelling up a lot and Emma's heartrate kept dropping so they though they should get her out sooner rather than later. I ended up being stuck at 7 cm for a few hours and had no signs of progressing and Emma's heartrate continues dropping to scary rates so they thought it was best to get her out of there. By that point I was basically screaming for them to get her out. I was stuck on oxygen on my left side the ENTIRE time. It was horrible. The oxygen tasted horrible. And I hated laying on my side to begin with so that was really bad. So now I keep thinking I don't want to do that again. Part of me would rather just schedule the day I want to have him/her and calmly go in and just have him/her. You know? :wacko: But I hate that they want you to only have 3 c-sections at the most because I want 4 kids if I could. :shrug: Such a tough decision!!

And about Kira hiding stuff. YES!! Emma has been doing this for a few weeks now. I found the remote in a drawer the other day that it DOESN"T go in. :rofl: And I find her fake food from her kitchen in the wipes case. :dohh: I,too, keep worrying that she'll throw away something important. I also worry she'll throw stuff in the toilet because she loves going into the bathroom and playing around the toilet. :wacko: She's already learned how to flush the toilets too so that is one more thing I have to keep her away from. I need to go on a shopping spree to get more things to baby proof.

Emma had a little playdate today with one girl that has a 2 year old. We've met up before and I really like the girl. Her son is super mean to Emma though. Like he even kicked her backwards once when she was sitting there he kicked her in the chest. :nope: Today he kept pushing her down when she'd walk up to him. So they pretty much play separately but it's still nice to have the company.
I meant to ask this a while ago but kept forgetting. Does any of your babies have like a 'spot' that they go to poop? :rofl: Emma always goes under the dining room table to poop. Every time. It's like her little place to go poop. I always know to go get a fresh diaper when she's under there. :rofl: She will just climb under there and get real quiet for a while. It's so funny.
Lots of posts today! I'm pretty confident about my next birth - although I had a silly long second stage, I progressed really well and easily to being fully dilated after a few hours, and if she'd not gotten stuck, she'd have been out in an hour and the whole thing would only have taken twelve hours or so. This time, as my pelvis is already open, she'll settle into place a couple of weeks earlier and get herself nice and positioned for birth. I'm so anxious to avoid a c section, although truth be told, I would have one if I ended up with a breech baby - I'm not delivering a breech myself!

Mog carries stuff round the house, and leaves it in odd places, she can't walk either but she uses her hands to carry things. She doesn't have a place to poop, but she mostly does poos at the childminders :haha: so I don't know if she has a behaviour there. I don't think so, because they never seem to know when she's pooed.

Favourite present so far has been the percussion set from the Early Learning Centre. She's keen on the maracas and the bells on a stick. She also quite likes her baby tambourine, but mostly because throwing it away is fun.
Kira tends to mostly poop during "booby show" which is what we call my bathtime :haha: DH and Kira usually hang out in the bathroom as I take a bath in the evenings, and Kira will stand at the side of the bathtub and poo. The best part is that DH has to clean her up :haha:

AE- I'm sure baby #2 will come out much much faster, plus the labor will be shorter too! Was Imogen back to back and thats why she was slow to come down?

Cleckner- I think the statistics are if someone is induced, the rate of needing a c section is 50%, whereas it's 30% otherwise (which is still way too high). Not much you can do about high bp though. :shrug: You could always try for a VBAC but keep your mind open to having another c section if needed. I know at the birthing center that I went too, they are very family friendly and allow your family to hang out as you labor- even children. Plus they let you move around during labor which helps you dilate rather than be stuck in a bed the whole time- I would be irritated with laying down fully pregnant for that long too!!

Ash- awwww.. Kara is going to big such a big girl going to school! It will be nice for you to have a little break during the day too. I bet she'll love it and make friends :-) Good idea to ease her in too- I can't wait to hear about her first day! The backpack is sooooo cute!!! Kira has a little bag and she loves putting things in and out of it. I like the shoes too!

Kira is sitting next to me making hickeys on her arm! Oh gosh! I guess I should distract her with something so it doesn't look like I abuse her!
I woke up this morning to Emma laying on her side looking at me with the biggest grin on her face. :cloud9: Than she reached out and touched my face when she saw that I woke up. :cloud9::cloud9: Than I asked her for a kiss and she leaned in and kissed me. She's such a sweetie! I think she musta got a good sleep last night. :haha:

Aunty E- Did you have a c-section the first time than? Or did they finally get her out after a long time?

Spidey- Well my fear is because I'm bigger this time around(35 lbs bigger), my BP will be even worse. :wacko: But I plan on working out all throughout this next pregnancy and hopefully that will help and I will do what I can to keep the BP low. I need to research it a bit but last time I wasn't expecting it to get so bad. I'd love to avoid an induction. And I plan on working out before I even get pregnant so hopefully I can be a bit healthier. :dohh: I've always had high BP though. I'm a worrier. I always know when it's bad because I'll get bloody noses all the time. And it's usually in stressful situations.
That is so cute, Emma just loves you! :D She is such a doll.

Booth, I think that sounds like a beautiful idea :hugs: I like the idea of letting the balloon go. Its heartwarming.

Have fun shopping today Ash!!!!!! :D Get yourself lots and lots of goodies

Caylee carries stuff around ALLLLL day haha, I have found my tv remote in the toilet...Along with full rolls of toilet paper soaked in the toilet, binkys in the trash, car keys in the trash lol. She is a bit of a sneak :lol:
Heidi- :rofl: Oh I'd be so mad about the TV remote. :haha: As I type this Emma is playing with my camera that she pulled out of our end table drawer. :dohh: It's my dumbass fault for showing her how to open drawers. I find the oddest things in that drawer sometimes. It puts a smile on my face every time though. :D
Well it no longer works unless you smack it really hard, people come over and we always look stupid when its like "oh let me turn it down" *WHACK!* lol
Cleckner: That is so cute and sweet that she will give you a kiss! :cloud9: Bry will do that to me too but only if he's in the mood to, otherwise he ignores my request haha. I guess it's a boy thing. :haha:

AE: I hope the 2nd birth goes faster and easier than the first. I know Bryson was much faster and easier than Zachary was and the odd thing is that Zach (my oldest) was born 5 weeks early and weighed only 4 lbs but it was still a harder labor/birth while Bryson was 7 lbs 4 oz but was pretty much easier. Strange as that sounds.

Ash: WOW! School already?? Goodness! Were you in tears? Gosh, I know I will be when Bry is old enough. :blush: I don't even wanna think about it yet haha.

Spidey: Wow! What an ordeal you went through with Kira after she was born. I'm so glad she is alright now. I also don't blame you for checking on her at night. I find that I still do that too with Bryson even though now that he's turning 1 I guess the risk of SIDS isn't so much of a worry now. But I'm bad about worrying. :blush:

jelr: Good luck back at work. I hope it goes well. If I was working I'd prolly find myself discussing baby/children stuff way too often. Haha. But I agree, that it will probably be nice to be around other adults for a change even though you'll miss the LO. Make sure to pop back in sometimes to say hi. Take care. :flower:

AFU: :shock: I can hardly believe it!! This time last year I was eagerly and excitedly preparing for my induction. Now my precious little guy is turning 1 tomorrow!! :cry: Soon I wont be able to cuddle him anymore and I love our cuddle time and I've cherished every moment of his infancy over the past year but I still feel like it went by too fast! *sigh*
On another happy note, he can take about 5 steps now unassisted. So I guess full on walking is just around the bend. :happydance: I'm both excited for him to walk but dreading it too b/c then it will be much harder to keep him contained haha. Baby gate time I guess!

We're doing his birthday party on Saturday at my in-laws' house. It's going to be curious george theme since I couldn't find Bry's first favorite thing, which is 'The Wiggles'. He absolutely LOVES The Wiggles! Haha. It's so cute to see him GLUED to the TV when it comes on each day.

Well I better get going here and make myself some lunch. I hungry hehe. Talk to you lovely ladies later. :hugs: :wave:
I love it when everyone is chatty in here - however i can't remember a damn thing that has been said - EXCEPT - poop places! Sophia likes to stand in front of the TV to have a poo :haha:

oh and Boothh, i think the balloon idea is lovely :hugs:

Heidi - I take it that your sweep did not get things going (either that or you are calmly typing to us whilst in labour!) how did the appt go, how is Lily doing?

Spidey - Kira's seizures sound so scary, i would co-sleep too if i had been through that :hugs:

Cleck - Emma is so cute, what a lovely way to wake up:hugs: :cloud9:

Ash - I hope you had fun shopping (although you do realise that when you get preggers none of it will fit you :haha:)

Kim - any symptoms yet :haha: i am such a symptom spotter

Pip - how are you doing? Not long now until your scan!:happydance:

Well not much going on here, Sophia i swear gets cuter by the day, i seem to spend most of my day going awwwwwwwww at things she does. i dread her turning into a horror!

I have been thinking a lot about why I got SO upset over her first birthday and i think I have figured out why. I don't want her to grow up and hate me! I had a REALLY bad relationship with my mum in my teenage years (it's ok now) and i really did hate her for a while there and I know the feeling was mutual. i cannot stand the idea of Sophia hating me, or resenting me. So i was wondering are there things that you will do differently with your children from how your parents did with you (if that makes sense?)

My parents were really strict with me when i was a teenager and it just made me sneak around. i never did drugs or slept around, but they assume i did :dohh: so i would like to find a balance with sophia of giving her freedom but not too much, it is such a fine line! i mean when do you let them have boys stay over? My mum wouldn't let me (which I understand) but it meant when I got a boyfriend (I was 17) and she found out that I had sex with him, she banned him from the house entirely! That just made me go and have sex in random places :haha: I guess i might be a "rather you do it safely under my roof " kinda mum - i dunno, i am just rambling!
Cleckner- I only had high blood pressure when I saw the midwife- I get nervous around medical people :haha: So they had me monitor it at home and it was always great at home, so they left me alone. I hope you can keep your bp under control next time! I use to be a big worrier and have high anxiety all the time, but since I got pregnant with Kira my anxiety hasn't returned :shrug: Not sure if it's hormones, or if I'm less focused on the small stuff... but its nice.

Oh, and that is sooo cute about Emma smiling at you. I love waking up to see Kira's happy face. She's always so cheerful in the morning and if she wakes before me she will sit up in bed and make little noises so I wake up too. I'm going to miss that one day when she's out of my bed!

Heidi- oh no! I am NOT looking forward to my tv remote being in the toilet! Thats the good thing about Kira not walking- she can't take objects too far!

Kimberly- congrats on Bryson walking! I hope the party goes well Saturday!

Shiv- I think the worst part of what you said is that the feeling of hate you had towards your mother was mutual. No matter how annoying a child gets, the mother should never feel hatred (or jealousy). I can't imagine you ever hating Sophia, so I know you 2 will have a great relationship even as she's older. Im sure on occasion Sophia will be rolling her eyes at you, LOL, but as long as she knows you love her, she will always love you back.
I'm already doing things differently than my parents. BFing for example. I feel like it is making Emma and I so close. She's very cuddly and loves being close to me. But I was never BF. My mom gets so upset when talking about it but I really do think BFing helps so much with closeness later in life. I had a bit of an abusive dad. If I did something wrong or provoked him, out came the belt. :( I'd have welts all over my back and legs from him. I remember when I first started dating DH and he saw the welts on my skin. He FLIPPED out and was getting ready to drive over to my house to beat the crap out of my dad. :dohh: I calmed him down and played it off like it was no big deal. But I have a temper like my dad and I have to be really careful to control it. There are times when I've gotten angry at DH and I've hit him and I don't even realize I'm doing it until after the fact and than I feel SO bad about it. :( So I plan on never spanking my children. Not even a slap on the hand if I can help it. I realize it's different whipping out a belt vs. a light pat on the butt though. So we'll cross that bridge when we get there. I also don't like raising my voice towards DH in front of Emma. This one is the hardest for me because I'm loud to begin with. But when I get angry my voice just escalates louder and louder. :blush: So I'm working on that too. I'm so different than I was before Emma though. She's really calmed me down a lot. I am always wondering if I am somehow screwing her up. Always second guessing myself. I give her so many kisses every day and tell her I love her at least 20 times a day. I just want her to know how much I love her and how much I'm there for her. I can't remember my parents ever saying they loved me growing up. We say it now that I'm grown and out of the house after phone calls we always end with an I love you. But it took a while to get to that point. The first time we said it on the phone it was awkward. :shrug: So I guess what I'm saying is, the way I was raised, I'm doing it the exact opposite with Emma. :rofl:
I kiss Sophia a ridculous amount and tell her i love her lots of times a day too :cloud9:
My DH had a very physically and emotionally abusive father and an overall crappy childhood. He has such a hard time understanding how Kira could love him since he has never loved (or even liked) his mom or dad. So he goes thru ups and downs wondering if Kira will hate him one day, or if he will do something wrong so she will hate him. He is a great loving father to her, but no matter how much I remind him that he's different than his own father, he's never going to be 100% convinced. I think it's hard knowing what a good parent is if you never had one. He kisses Kira and tells her that he loves her so many times each day. Simply recognizing how your own parents screwed up, and knowing that you want to be different is half the battle!

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