--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

i dont think its that either cus it doesnt matter whether he has a tiny bit or alot, he threw up after half a rich tea and about 2oz of juice the other day, he has days were he isnt sick or only sick a little bit once or twice and then days where he is throwing up lots and quite a few times, :S i have tried all different ways of feeding him, 3bigger meals/ lots of small snacky things through out the day, i record everything he eats and the amount he has and the activity he is doing before after he eats/ drinks and there is no correlation between any of it, this is what confuses me most cus theres no pattern which makes me think he does actually have something wrong with his stomach that i cant fix by changing his routine :/
Gah my heart just breaks for the little guy. I seriously hope they figure it out. You need Dr.House :haha:

Caylee hits, she can be mean lol. She gets mad and slaps us or kicks us. We give her timeout and a small butt spank and she stops and comes out to hug us after timeout.
Imogen kicks me when I'm changing her. Only when she has nappy rash though, so I can kind of understand that. She smacks us in the face too, but not on purpose, and we don't sleep with her in the bed anymore as she wallops us in her sleep.

We're thinking of getting a bigger bed - we have an ikea double, which doesn't really have enough room for me, OH and Mog now she's getting bigger, but we like having her in with us in the morning for her bottle and a cuddle. So we thought we might put our old double in her new bedroom (she's so outgrown the tiny box room nursery). Does anyone else have their baby in a BIG bed? We won't be moving her for a few months (I have to redecorate for a start) so I guess she'll be about 18 months by the time she sleeps in it.
Ah Boothh my nephew had kind of the same thing and he had thousands (slight exageration) of tests and they found that his little flap in his aesophigus (sp) would not shut properly and there was sweet FA they could do about it they said he would just grow out of it, he is 8 now and its stopped for a good while so maybe its that either way they should get him checked sooner!!
Heidi dont mention Dr House *dribbles*
P.S. It was a year ago today that Elin had her heart surgery im soooo proud!!!!
Congrats to Sophia on taking her 1st steps! Has she done anymore walking since then?

So many cupcakes theme lovers! Cleckner- thats an awesome cupcake ball and a great price too for it being customized! I like the duvet you bought nuttymummy :thumbup: And Heidi- awesome blankets that your MIL makes. Thats the kind of grandmother I plan to be one day... spending my free time to make quilts and blankets :-)

tmr- I can't help you with the hitting. Kira hasn't done anything like that yet so I don't know how I would handle it if she did. Does he hit when he's frustrated about something?

Kira still sleeps with me, but she takes naps on a twin sized mattress on the floor in her bedroom. I put pillows around her so she doesn't roll off, but if she did, its only a few inches off the floor.
Elin is such a champ!!! Thats awesome that it has been one year!!! :D :hugs: And oh yeah, you have a doctor crush too haha. I told my ob he was lucky he didn't look like house, or I would be pregnant the day he delivered Lily haha, thank god he has a good sense of humor.
Lucas hits rueben all the time when he is playing with a toy and lucas wants it but he allso hits oh if he has his head on my knee and he wants to get there and he allso hits when he is playing. I know with rueben we used the step time out but i think lucas would just look at us like whats this for and go on his way. He is very diff to how Rueben was rueben was very cuddley and just played but lucas isnt he will cuddle when and if he wants i think he will just grow out of it and us telling him no you dont hit will cach on ihope.

Boothh i hope the doc your taking him to will have some news for you it is not nice when there is some thing wronge and you cant help.
nutty- :rofl: That's so funny.

sam_star- Yay for it being a year!! She's such a trooper and been through so much in her little life. I hope it just gets better from here for her and you. :hugs:

Boothh- I hope they can figure it out at your appointment so you don't have to wait any longer. It's so ridiculous that you can't get an appointment earlier. I hope Jesse is doing good. :hugs:

I'm loving all the cupcake stuff. Heidi, that set is so cute! Makes me kinda wish I had went with the cupcakes like I wanted. :haha:

Well I haven't been on BnB much the past few days cause I've been cleaning like crazy. I think I'm getting my 'fall' cleaning spurt. I always go nuts with it when the seasons are changing. We even rented a rug doctor and cleaned all our carpets. It feels so nice now. :haha: Since our puppy is potty trained now the house doesn't smell like a puppy at all. Except the puppy himself of course. :D We bought a new couch so my living room is pretty empty right now(it gets delivered saturday). The new couch is huge. We didn't measure our room before we bought it. :dohh: It will be a tight fit I think but it'll fit. Nothing is really new with emma. Her 3rd tooth came in a few days ago and now she's working on a fourth! She has been getting one tooth a week so far. :dohh:
Ah Cleck we rented a rug doctor right before we had Lily, BEST FEELING EVER!!!! haha. Seriously, I walked around with no socks and I was like, ahhh I feel clean. I am like you though, new season, crazy cleaning, I always empty all my drawers and scrub and I go nuts. I only have a 1000 sq ft apartment though and with Caylee the whole place is a mess within 2 minutes of her being up, it's like CRAPPPPP. :haha:
I'm the same way with cleaning when the seasons change. This past weekend it was finally cool outside and I could open the windows :happydance: All the fresh air made me have the need to scrub the floors (hands and knees!), dust everything, organize... I went crazy. I even cleaned out the most disastrous closet in the house! Then I went outside and weeded all the gardens! Heidi- all your cleaning was nesting, LOL. I remember being 41 weeks pregnant and cleaning all the windows in the house- both inside and out! Luckily the windows fold in so I didn't have to climb on any ladders :haha:

Nutty- those middle of the night face smacks are the worst :haha: You'd think with her being in a crib you would be safe, but nope!

Samstar- congrats to one whole year after Elin's surgery. You're one tough momma to go through all that! (and one tough Elin too!)

Last night Kira did the cutest thing. At 8pm the Backyardigans come on tv and she watches the introduction to the show and then DH takes her upstairs for her bath. Last night after the Backyardigans music played, Kira crawled over to DH and said "bath" "bath" "bath". She knew it was bath time! Its neat seeing her understand more and more each day.
That is sooo cute. :D Caylee loved the Backyardigans. Its so cute that she remembered though!

Shiv- Congrats on Sophia walking!! U must be so proud and excited!....Kiera is all better now thanks i think i may have over reacted:blush: i think it was more just a coincidence that she got sick at the same time as she had the jabs and im just a panic merchant lol...Hope Sophia is a brave wee mite for her vacinations tomorrow and its all over nice and quick for you both xxx

Nuttymummy- Congrats on becoming an auntie:thumbup: and i love your new alarm clock lol a foot in the head will sure start you off on the right foot of a morning lol:haha:

All the cupcake stuff is really cute...Its nice to see a girly theme that isnt all princesses and castles... im so bored of that stuff now We just decorated Kiera's room in cream and pink with little birdie transfers its really cute...even if i do say so myself:blush::haha:

Spidey- Awww so cute- Kira telling her daddy it was bath time and at the right time too she is such a clever wee munchkin!!!

Samstar- :thumbup: On it being 1 year since your wee one had surgery:hugs::hugs:

Tmr- as for the hitting thing Kiera hasnt been through this stage yet but her older sister was quite a wee rascal at this stage and used to just charge at other kids and literally steam roll them lol i just had to keep taking her aside and telling her it was wrong and to say sorry! it could get quite awkward sometimes but it was just a phase and she has of grown out of it although she is still very boystrious (SP:S) think thats just part of her personality??

Cleckner- Cleaning!! i feel like i never stop lol It is the thing that me and my other half argue about the most he says i do too much and should learn to live in a "lived in house" not a "showroom" lol but imo his idea of lived in is like living in a pig sty:shrug: and on and on we argue lol but im with you its so saticfying to get everywhere all fresh then relax in a lovely clean house even if it only stays like that for an hour or so:haha:

Booth- Poor jesse and poor you i hope you have some luck with this new doc:shrug::hugs:

Well it's gone quiet in here girlies! I've been doing a lot or reading, but been really busy this week so not had much time to reply! Kara has been in nursery all week for her settling visits! She was terribly upset :( but she seemed a lot better yesterday, so hopefully today will be even better! I guess she will get used to it eventually, it's just hard to see her upset :(

Now this is rather random in know, but can any of you lovely American ladies post me some luck charms cereal!? I need some lol, I've craved them for so long it's untrue haha! They are like £7.50 a box here cos they are imports so if u think u can get them cheaper let me know lol! Xx
ash just buy it from selfridges it works out cheaper than shipping im sure, i have 2boxes in the cupboard i got 2 for £10 haha i love it xx
Ash: I probably can send you some. I gotta pop by the store this evening anyways, so I'll check the price and let you know what the cost is. If you can find it cheaper at "selfridges" for cheaper as boothh said then let me know and I wont bother, but if not then just get back to me and I'll gladly post you some. Only be ready for it to take about a week or so to arrive since it will have to cross the Atlantic ocean. :haha:


Bryson is walking all over the place now hehe. I cant let him outta my sight for a moment or he will find something to get into even when I thought I had taken care of and removed all temptations and things he doesn't need to mess with. Oh well, the joys of having a toddler I guess hehe. But I do love watching him toddle around! SO cute!! I'm still very much in awe over him every day and just when I think I couldn't possibly fall anymore in love with my baby, I do. Hehe. :cloud9: Even though I wish he'd let me cuddle him more like he used to haha.

Anyways, have a lovely day everyone! :flower: TGIF!!!! :thumbup:
haha kimberly if it is cheaper you have to send me some to :p i buy them all the time and pay £7.50 a box normally thats about $12 i think haha x
Ahhhhh $3 u lucky lot! Omg I need a trip over there!!

Boothh It's so expensive over here for imports it's do do! I'm going Trafford centre next week so I'll see what's what and maybe grab a box!xx

Kim u doll! Let me know the cost etc and we can arrange something! Bless bry walking! It's madness bow they're all mobile! I love walking to the shops with kara, even if I have to go super slow! Lol!

Must dash got to go pick madam up from nursery! Xxx

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