Shiv- Congrats on Sophia walking!! U must be so proud and excited!....Kiera is all better now thanks i think i may have over reacted

i think it was more just a coincidence that she got sick at the same time as she had the jabs and im just a panic merchant lol...Hope Sophia is a brave wee mite for her vacinations tomorrow and its all over nice and quick for you both xxx
Nuttymummy- Congrats on becoming an auntie

and i love your new alarm clock lol a foot in the head will sure start you off on the right foot of a morning lol
All the cupcake stuff is really cute...Its nice to see a girly theme that isnt all princesses and castles... im so bored of that stuff now We just decorated Kiera's room in cream and pink with little birdie transfers its really cute...even if i do say so myself

Spidey- Awww so cute- Kira telling her daddy it was bath time and at the right time too she is such a clever wee munchkin!!!

On it being 1 year since your wee one had surgery

Tmr- as for the hitting thing Kiera hasnt been through this stage yet but her older sister was quite a wee rascal at this stage and used to just charge at other kids and literally steam roll them lol i just had to keep taking her aside and telling her it was wrong and to say sorry! it could get quite awkward sometimes but it was just a phase and she has of grown out of it although she is still very boystrious (SP:S) think thats just part of her personality??
Cleckner- Cleaning!! i feel like i never stop lol It is the thing that me and my other half argue about the most he says i do too much and should learn to live in a "lived in house" not a "showroom" lol but imo his idea of lived in is like living in a pig sty

and on and on we argue lol but im with you its so saticfying to get everywhere all fresh then relax in a lovely clean house even if it only stays like that for an hour or so
Booth- Poor jesse and poor you i hope you have some luck with this new doc
