--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

CONGRATS AE!! Boys are fab!! I have 2 wish i had more but cant do pregnancy again haha!!
Cleck and Kim - good luck both on your new adventures!! Im a little jealous if im honest but i know that its the right decision for our family to not have anymore babies :(
Boothh thank god they are taking you a little more serious now and i hope your felling better :)
ARGH nutty get that car fixed!! I get scared of cars haha!!
Spidey i love Kiras love of sheep it just makes me feel so gooey!!! Elin refuses to stand and buckels her knees too! grrr for our girlies hehe!!

Ummm cant remember much else sorry girls!!

AFU well as ive just mentioned Elin doesnt try to stand she just buckles her knees but if i stand her against a chair she will stand still holding on so im hoping this is the start of something!!
AE- Once Imogen walks it will be nice to have a spot outside where she can safely play. I hope the snot clears up soon! Congrats on having a boy! I think I would be just as surprised if I was carrying a boy as I can only imagine myself having girls.

Cleckner- I don't think the sheep makes Kira any more independent. It just slows her down since she can hardly crawl while she carries it. :haha: That is awful about your book- that little stinker! I told my DH as he's super anal about his books and he was cringing! I hope Emma's tooth pops in quick. Kira gets extra cranky when her teeth are almost popping thru.

SamStar- Elin sounds really strong.. I bet she will walk sooner than you think!

I really don't think I'm ovulating. From one AF to the next I have no symptoms whatsoever. Even though my cycles were all over the place before I had Kira, I could predict where I was in my cycle based on symptoms like sore boobs, crankiness, insomnia etc. But I guess I'll find out if I'm ovulating since I'm NTNP... LOL. I don't have much hope though.
Cleck: If your periods seem regular and are on time you probably are ov'ing. Learning to chart could help you figure out for sure if you are or not. As well as using opk's.

https://www.babyandbump.com/ttc-jou...y-making-our-little-princess.html#post6991452 My brand spanking new TTC journal! Please feel free to stalk! :winkwink: By the way, we plan to name our baby girl-to-be, Maisy. We just haven't fully decided on a middle name yet. :haha:

Spidey: I'm sure you will be surprised eventually. ;)

Sam: Elin sounds like she is doing quite well. I bet she will surprise you one day and suddenly take a couple steps when you aren't paying attention hehe.

AE: I hope the snotties clear up for you soon. I know what you mean though, I've been battling a head cold for a couple days now which seems to be settling into my chest as I've now got a junky cough and coughing up mucus (yuck!). Not fun. I'm prolly going to have to go to the doc to get it cleared up before AF leaves haha. Do you not have "play pens" or "play yards" over there? In which you can put baby to play in which keeps them contained safely but allows them a little freedom without being able to get loose to get into anything. I'm sure Imogen will walk very soon. Just wait till she does and she gets into everything. Bryson drives me crazy with it at times haha now that he's practically walking full time. :dohh:

Shiv: Sounds like a toddler for sure! Welcome to world of not a moment's rest for mommy as long as the LO is awake! :haha: I know Bry keeps me on my toes!

Boothh: I hope the doctor will figure out what is going on with Jesse and be able to help. Bless his heart, I can only imagine how fed up with it you must be and him even more so. :( Big :hugs: and keeping him in my thoughts and prayers.
Thanks for all the congratulations - I'm still a bit shell shocked to tell you the truth! We'd picked out Meredith for newbaby.

We didn't use Shettles, but we BD'd at approximately the same point in my cycle as we did with Mog, and we'd done all the girl things (lots of BDing, avoiding BDing on ovulation etc). We pretty much followed Shettles for Imogen and got ourselves a girl. I actually read a study about eating the right kinds of foods to have a girl - https://www.newslocale.org/health/h..._helps_conceive_girl_child_2010090611242.html I eat all these kinds of food :haha:

I also got a good look at the nub at my twelve week scan and it looked very girly to me. And I just didn't imagine ever having a boy. Silly I know, but I was just certain it was a girl.

Had a shocking night with Imogen and her cold - she cried for three hours straight before bed, only cheering up when she got in the bath, and then was up twice screaming before finally settling down. I know it's not bad in the grand scheme of things, but she's always just gone straight to sleep and not woken up until the morning. She slept in for a couple of hours this morning and seems much brighter, but she really doesn't feel well. On a happier note, she also stood up unsupported and walked a single step to the sofa - not quite her first steps but really close :)

We do have playpens, but we don't have play yards. I think what I really need is something much bigger than a playpen for her, so once we have the chickens fenced off, we'll have to look at how to make the back garden safe for her. Fence arrives today, so maybe a project for this weekend...
AE congrats on imogen first step, give it a couple of days and i am sure it will be steps plural. I do hope she feels better soon.

were your symptoms the same with this pregnancy? DO you like unusual names for boys as well?

the shettles stuff is really interesting. i shall stalk your journal to see how it goes! Will you find out what gender you are having at the 20 week scan?
I had morning sickness with this pregnancy, which I didn't with Imogen, and I've had heartburn a lot earlier too. And I didn't get an IBS flare up unlike the first tri with Imogen. Other than that, it's been mostly the same. I'm a bit thirstier, and a lot more tired, but I think that's having a toddler at the same time. I like unusual but old fashioned boys names, a bit like Imogen. OH doesn't like them to be too 'romantic' or 'mediaeval' for boys. So on the current list I've made up we have Tristan, Bertram, Corin and Edmund. Duncan isn't keen on Bertram and I haven't asked about Corin, but I'm thinking he'll say no.

I realised today that Imogen's coat is for 3-6 months and it fits perfectly. Sigh. She's still just about in some 3-6 month sleepsuits from Mothercare, but only because I haven't had a chance to go buy some more. The 12-18 month old sleepsuits are absolutely mahouosive, but it seems silly to buy some 9-12 month old suits which won't fit for very long. Maybe the thing to do is to buy a pack of three in 9-12 in unisex so that at least newbaby will get some use out of them.
the shettles stuff is really interesting. i shall stalk your journal to see how it goes! Will you find out what gender you are having at the 20 week scan?

How could I not?!! LOL! :haha: By 16 weeks I'm going to be dying to know if we succeeded or not! Haha! I'll probably schedule a 3D/4D private scan for around 18 weeks to find out. I don't think I'll have the patience to wait till the 20 week scan. :winkwink: Keep your fingers crossed for us that we succeed in this endeavor. I've never wanted anything so badly in my whole life. :blush: DH very much wants a daughter too! :D
i really like corin for a boy AE, its nice, i like names that everybody knows but nobody has, like jesse everybody knows the name jesse but i dont know or have ever met anybody called jesse x
I quite like Edmund, it can be shortened which i think is important for a boy!
OH seems to quite like Corin... I love Edmund, but OH isn't sure. I'm not sure I like Ed either, but I have an Uncle Teddy, who I adore :)
I think both names are lovely AE. :thumbup: By the way... TTC
I have a personal question for you... when you were DTD to get preg again and you said you did all the things you did to have Mog, did you also orgasm with both Mog and this little guy? :blush: I actually have a reason for asking. I've read that O'ing will cause an alkaline environment in the vaginal canal which is actually more friendly to male sperm (y chromosome) than girl sperm (x chromosome). I plan to refrain from o'ing (eee gads, not fun) when we BD 4 and 5 days ahead of OV so as to provide a more acidic environment (girl sperm friendlier) and hopefully kill off those speedy little boy swimmers haha. :haha: And that far ahead of OV will give enough time for any stragglers to perish while the females hang out in my tubes waiting for the egg to make it's debut. Hehe. Yeah....I know too much and read too much LOL! :blush:

Wanna be TTC buddies? Now that I'm about to TTC soon as AF leaves? :winkwink:
i dont know if i like edmund, i dont mind the name i just cant imagine a little boy called edmund i suppose they are adults longer than children though :shrug:
hey girls!

AE - huge congrats on blue news! Are you chuffed all the same? I understand how much of a shock it probably feels, especially if you felt so sure! I have to be honest, im not really a fan of the older style names, i love imogen though, it was on our list of favorite names! I like callum for a boy, and casey/kaci as a unisex name, OH likes Demi for a girl, i havent really set my heart on any, although i still love Olivia, its a bit silly now Kara is kara Olivia though lol! Kara still fits in mini sized clothes, and everyone always tells me how tiny she is :wacko: she's certainly not the 4lb 5oz'er i brought home :rofl: anyway its cheaper on clothes, they last longer lol! I would do what you said and buy unisex gro's/vests, get your moneys worth!

boothh - glad jesse's appointment went well at the dr's! I too like names that are heard of but no one actually has lol! Corin totally reminds me of Big Brother though lol! I'd love to do a meet, as we didnt make the last one! If we did it up here that would be GREAT!

it sounds like your almost as impatient as i am lol! I had a private 17week gender scan, and then a 4D scan at 26 weeks, and i'll do exactly the same again next time, i dont care what people might say about me wasting money etc!lol! I have to admit, i really hope our next is a girl, i just really really love having a daughter, i love putting piggy tails in her hair, and dressing her up, everywhere we take her someone always stops us to say how beautiful and girlie she is lol! Even tho id love another girl, id still love to have a son for david's sake, and it'd be nice to have at least 1 of each too.

TTC related
well we are in FULL TTC swing :thumbup: and i am getting so impatient (already) i really thought last month was the month but oh noooo lol! Its scary cos you never really know what your body is up to! And i just automatically think ''oh i'll deffo be pregnant this month'' but then im not haha! it took me three months with kara, and that was after i came off the pill, but ive not been taking anything since back then, and i just thought it might happen a bit sooner! i honestly reckon i'll get caught in november like we did with Kara, and i said i'd LOVE another summer baby!

any way i need a TTC buddy - any offers lol :blush:

afu - kara is settling into nursery really well, she cries murder when i drop her off, but then i ring up an hour later and they say "oh she's playing outside with the kids, not cried since you left"! She's just guilting me to bring her home lol! but she seems to have really good fun when she's there, and ive noticed a few little changes already, like a few more words, and more confidence, also she's eating a lot better, which is great :thumbup: xxx
it sounds like your almost as impatient as i am lol! I had a private 17week gender scan, and then a 4D scan at 26 weeks, and i'll do exactly the same again next time, i dont care what people might say about me wasting money etc!lol! I have to admit, i really hope our next is a girl, i just really really love having a daughter, i love putting piggy tails in her hair, and dressing her up, everywhere we take her someone always stops us to say how beautiful and girlie she is lol! Even tho id love another girl, id still love to have a son for david's sake, and it'd be nice to have at least 1 of each too.

TTC related
well we are in FULL TTC swing :thumbup: and i am getting so impatient (already) i really thought last month was the month but oh noooo lol! Its scary cos you never really know what your body is up to! And i just automatically think ''oh i'll deffo be pregnant this month'' but then im not haha! it took me three months with kara, and that was after i came off the pill, but ive not been taking anything since back then, and i just thought it might happen a bit sooner! i honestly reckon i'll get caught in november like we did with Kara, and i said i'd LOVE another summer baby!

any way i need a TTC buddy - any offers lol :blush:

Oooo ooo! I'll take as many buddies as I can get haha! I'd love to be buddies Ash! :flower: BTW, I am sending out your cereal tomorrow. I was going to on Monday and I suddenly got sick with this awful head cold and I spent all day in bed and still felt crappy yesterday and figured I'd better stay away from the general public just in case. I'm feeling a bit better today so tomorrow I shall hit the post office! :winkwink:
ash - i LOVE the name casey thats high on our boys list if we have another though Edward is on that list too and Jude haha i know me you and nutty are quite near to each other so if all else fails we should have a mini meet,

jesse still wears 6-9 jeans though he is in 12-18 tops, his legs are really short though and his body is long, stumpy legs hahaha,
he is doing lots of steps now still only 2 or 3 at a time but he does them loads and loads now and i think hes getting more confident so i think he will be off soon,

he knows how to get downstairs now he straightens his legs and arms and lifts his head up and literally slides right down from top to bottom without stopping! he thinks its hilarious and as soon as hes at the bottom he runs up again to do it again haha x
AE i like Micheal, Andrew (shortened to Drew) Clark, Peter, Darren (for obv reasons) ummmmmmmmm Stuart, Paul, Kevin, Matthew and Derik (spelt that way haha)
My mum thinks im strange but i love them!!
Girls names would be Gaynor, Heidi or Elizabeth
But you wont be needing them :P
I don't really know what to respond to here. :haha: I read everything but it's all a blur in my head.

AE- congrats on Imogen's step!! :happydance:

Boothh- congrats on Jesse learning to go down the stairs!! :D:D Emma started out doing it super slow but now she does the same thing by just sliding down on her belly real fast. It's so cute but makes me nervous to watch at the same time. :haha:

Kimberly- TTC
I won't be charting because it just seems so confusing but I am definitely taking OPKs for the first month at least. They said when breastfeeding even with regular periods, I could be not ovulating yet. Weird but it happens I guess. Some BFing women have to quit BFing if they want to conceive. :wacko: And also, I had the big O every time when TTC Emma and she turned out to be a girl. And girls don't run in DH's family at all so it was a huge shock. I never thought I'd ever have a girl so it's weird to think about. I'm definitely sending some pink dust your way!! :D:D

Emma is slowly moving to her 9-12 month clothes. She still fits the 6-9 month clothes but I'm sick of putting her in the same old, same old and I want her to get use out of her summery 9-12 month outfits before it gets too cold. :haha:

Emma has been throwing tantrums almost every morning for the past week. Sometimes 2 or 3 tantrums. But she threw the worst temper tantrum yesterday. It lasted about 30 minutes. And that is no exaggeration. Nothing was wrong with her. I tried everything too. I carried her around, went outside with her, tried to offer the boob, tried to give her food, seriously nothing helped. It was insane. I finally just left her to it on the floor because nothing worked:shrug: I hope to goodness it's just a side affect of a tooth coming in and isn't an everyday issue. Today she has been just perfect. But I did give her teething tablets as soon as we woke up this morning. :wacko: DH doesn't seem to believe me when I say Emma is horrible in the mornings so I took a video of her yesterday to show him how she is when she tantrums and he was so shocked. He was like 'that isn't our kid' 'that isn't emma'. GRR! I think he understands now why I'm so tired by the end of the day. :haha: I say anyone who thinks SAHM's don't work are F'ing idiots. :D
Ash and anyone from here who is TTC

https://www.babyandbump.com/ttc-groups/420931-lion-cub-mommies-back-action.html#post7005156 Our new lion cubs mommies TTC thread. Right now it's Cleckner, you, and myself. Any other of you ladies on here who are TTC please feel free to join us there for fun and chatter. :flower:
Thats a FAB idea Kim!!I forgot to mention in my last post that i had the big O everytime on Elin but did not on Dj xxxxxxx
Just incase you were wondering why :P
After Miscarrying Ryan i was just desperate to get pregnant so it was ALLLL about Darren and his climax haha!!
But on Elinor she was a very happy accident so i know i was very much enjoying my private life!!
Come to think of it when i fell pregnant for Lee i didn't get my big O because i never ever got one until me and Darren first did the deed (hence why i married him)!
I hear you on the tantrums Cleck, Imogen has starting throwing them on the tube when she wants to play on the floor, with other people's handbags etc etc and at home, sometimes for no discernible reason. Starting to consider putting the playpen up so I just put her in it and leave her to it.

I had the big O with both of mine, but I've gone back and checked my charts and we BDd on OV day and the day after with this one, but with Imogen we didn't BD on OV day, but the day before and the day after. One thing I have heard is that it's to do with the amound of ejaculating that the man does. So we were having tons of s*x before Imogen, and we're deffo having much less, and were having much less when we conceived this one. We were purposefully making sure that OH cleaned his tubes every day, as we'd heard that was a good way to increase female sperm and we were desperate for our girl. It can reduce the overall sperm count, but shouldnt' be a problem unless your OH has sperm count issues.

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