--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

thanks guys well jesse has walked alot today he is doing it all the time for short distances now he just needs a little confidence and he will be fine :)

he has started saying 'whats this?' today over and over to everything! getting old already haha :p and hes been saying 'birthday yaaay!' and clapping haha x
well after i posted that last night we did birthday cake and stuart took it in the kitchen and put it in the work top and you could see it through the kitchen door, jess was at the back of the living room, he stood up walked all the way across the living room and into the kitchen to the counter with the cake on lol! of course we had to let him have some if he wanted it that bad haha,
well were off to get his first shoes today from clarks im going to get him some cruisers i think, im hoping they balance him and give him more confidence :)
I know this is terrible, but I seriously want to start ttc again haha! Ross and I want 4 kids and I want them all to be close in age and Ross wants to wait 2 years, part of me wants to wait the 2 years but the other part is like "AHHH I LOVE HAVING BABIES" haha. I think I am just insane and should wait haha.

Its my birthday on Friday and our anniversary on Sat so we are planning a weekend getaway with just us two, thank goodness for my sister who is taking Lily and my dad who is taking Caylee :p I need one night to sleep haha. I seriously think there will be no bumping uglies s just ...lots of sleep!

Yay for Jesse walking that much, and talking. I love it when they do that, so cute
Heidi I can't believe you are even considering "bumping uglies" never mind TTC again - you are CRAZY!!! Have an amazing weekend away and make the most of it, get some sleep!

Nutty - I will put a tenner on you having another LO at some stage :haha:

Boothh - yay for getting Jesse shoes! Which ones did you get,post a link!

Sophia is walking more than she is crawling now and can go quite far now without toppling, I am putting off getting her shoes until i think she will actually get any use out of them otherwise it is just £30 down the drain! She doesn't walk outside much so I will try and wait for a bit longer.
im gutted cus i really set my heart on these ones > https://www.clarks.co.uk/find/productfamily-is-firstshoes/enduses-is-cruising/product-is-20341684

but jesse had his feet measured and he was 3.5 H! H is apparantly the widest they do but it was still tight so he had to have 4 H ones, unfortunatly they only make a limited selection in H width and they didnt do those ones :(

so we ended up with these >
https://www.clarks.co.uk/find/productfamily-is-firstshoes/enduses-is-cruising/product-is-20341136 they arnt my favourite but they look really sweet :) the lady said i couldve had the dino ones in a 4G but she said she would want his feet checked in 4 weeks if he had those because she said if he had a growth spurt they wouldnt fit very well and she didnt really want to sell them to me :/ so it wouldve been a waste of money really,

i decided to get him cruisers because hes still unsteady and wobbly so we said when he goes back in 8 weeks he will be able to get some walkers :)

bit blurry but heres his my first shoes picture we got taken at the shop :)

aw Boothh that is so cute - I am just too tight to buy Sophia cruisers :haha:

I have a feeling Sophia is going to have giant feet!
those cruisers were only £22 with the pic and all shiv, and iv just ordered him some off ebay in the same size so he has ones that match his outfits haha x
what would you say is an average portion for a one year old? i dont like asking in the other boards cus they can get abit funny cant they,
and how much would you say they eat a day?

for instance jesse today has had,

breakfast - given one slice of toast with butter and dairylea id say he ate 3/4 along with his toddler milk
snack - small piece of chocolate birthday cake
lunch - fed a baby bowl full of sunday chicken dinner powdered baby food (we were in a rush and keep some in as back up) and a milky bar yoghurt
snack - apple which he ate to the core (and probably ate abit of the core lol)
dinner - 2servings spoons of pasta with garlic and tomato sauce (homemade) 1 sausage cut into slices and a heaped tablespoon of grated cheese he ate all bar a few pieces of pasta he dropped on the floor
and he will probably have a snack before bed either a rusk, or a small bowl of porridge and his toddler milk
(he drinks juice or water throughout the day)

i try to vary what he eats but im worried its either not enough or too much and im unsure really how much im supposed to be giving him,
Cleckner- have fun with your happy girl for the next few days. I can totally relate. We're having a break in teething at the moment and Kira's been such a sweetheart and sleeping good at night too. She has 6 teeth total and I don't see anymore peeking thru yet!

Heidi- Did you try giving Caylee any medicine for her teeth? I hope the worst is over and you can start getting more sleep! Its neat to have 2 babies so close because all the stuff from Caylee is still fresh in your head and you can really compare their personalities.

Boothh- It sounds like Jesse eats a good amount of food. I'll give it a whirl and see if I can remember everything Kira ate yesterday for comparison! Can Jesse really eat an apple?! Kira still needs mushy foods since she doesn't have many teeth.

breakfast: 1/3 banana, cheerios (about 10 total?)
snack: booby (I would guess 2 ounces since thats how much I can pump from 1 side now)
lunch: 1 mushroom, 1 slice of plum, 1 teaspoon of chopped beef, sips of juice, 3 tablespoons of white rice, booby (2 ounces)
snack: small bowl rice puffs cereal
dinner: 1 tablespoon peas, 1 slice mango, 1 baby food jar size portion of pasta with cream sauce.
snack: booby (2 ounces), 1/2 cookie
night time- booby (2 ounces)
Boothh - it sounds ok to me, I definitely don't think it is too little, and i would think jesse would stop eating when he is full, therefore it can't be too much.

To compare, here is what Sophia had today

Breakfast: a whole pear (core and all minus the stalk!), handful (mine) of rasperries and another of blueberries, 14 bitesize shredded wheat with milk.

snack (she wanted a breastfeed - no idea what is going on there! usually she would have a humzinger and a breadstick or some raisins)

Lunch: slice of bread with cream cheese, some ham, large chunk of cucumber, quater of an avocado some raisins

snack - a humzinger and a couple of baby parmesan bake things

dinner - childs plate full of tuna and brocolli pasta bake
Okay. So I've had one hell of a morning and it's only noon. I woke up and opened the back door to let in Roxy and Diesel like I do every morning. Well Diesel came in, no Roxy. I wasn't dressed so I rushed to get dressed and ran out and noticed the gate was open. Roxy was gone. :cry: So I immediately burst into tears and start running around the outside of the house calling her. At this point Emma is screaming because I left her in the house and Diesel jumped on her. So I had to hurry and dress her and fix myself a bit more and than I grabbed the stroller and started walking. It's in the 100 degree weather today so I was melting. Screaming her name and feeling hopeless. I came back home and loaded Emma into the car and started driving everywhere screaming Roxy's name. I was like a crazy woman. I had called DH to let him know and the ship actually let him come home for a few hours but by the time he got here, I had already found her. Someone posted signs up and it took me over an hour of searching to even notice the sign because I was looking at the ground and not paying attention. So I called the number on the sign and they had her!! I went and picked her up and she was so excited to see me. I had no clue what to say to the people that had her. I just kept saying thank you, thank you, thank you. She said Roxy was wandering the street last night around midnight and they almost ran her over. She said they hurried and grabbed her and brought her in. Roxy was just at the end of my road literally like six houses down. Thank god because it's so hot and she probably would have died in the heat without water. I said goodbye but I want to go get her a gift card or something because I feel like I owe her so much for taking Roxy in. And spending all that time to make the signs. She was pregnant so I think I'm going to go buy her a $50 babies r us giftcard and give it to her. :shrug: Does that sound like a good thing to do? We also need to go get roxy new tags with our address on it. We kept putting it off and now we realize we are horrible pet owners for not updating her tags. I feel like crap still even though she's home. :( I just keep thinking how horrible it would be without her. She's been with me for 6 years. I can't believe Diesel didn't leave and Roxy did though. He's just a puppy but he stayed even though the gate was open. It's crazy. SO that is my day. :blush:
:( Thank goodness you found her!! That was really nice of that lady and that would be VERY nice of you to do that too. <3

Caylee usually eats

Breakfast: 2 pieces of peanut butter or jam toast and a handful of cheerios with a glass of milk with her vitamin drops in it.

Snack: Graham Crackers/Juice or Water.

Lunch: Chicken Nuggets or Tuna or PB&J or today she had Tuna Helper with Milk and a Banana.

She takes a nap until about 4 or 5

Dinner: Whatever we make at about 5 or 6 pm

Bed at 7:30 :D

Caylee is not big on snacks, she usually only eats Breakfast lunch and dinner and will throw her snack on the floor so we stopped giving them to her
Emma's lunch and dinner are different every day but here's somewhat of our schedule

10am- breakfast- cheerios and a banana or sometimes 2 bananas depending on how she is.

12pm- lunchtime- today she had a grilled cheese sandwich and wouldn't eat anything else we gave her.

Naps around 1pm.

snack- every day she has an apple or pear that she likes to walk around with and munch on. And I also give her crackers to munch on throughout the day if she's hungry.

6pm- Every night is different but tonight we are having baked chicken, rice, and mixed veggies.

She only ever gets water with her meals but occasionally I'll let her have diluted apple or fruit juice. And she always has a sippy cup around with water if she wants it. She also has boobie quite often still about 10x a day having quick little drinks and than runs off to play. I have trouble getting her to eat veggies but she loves her fruit so I always have fruit on hand if she wants a snack. And she always has cheerios on hand if she wants them. :thumbup:
Mog has a bottle when she wakes up (she always has 6oz), some porridge at about nine, another bottle at twelve, half a big jar of food at two, with a yoghurt and sometimes a piece of fruit, a snack like biscuits or a slice of toast at four, another bottle at five, between half a jar and a full jar at seven, with a yoghurt and some fruit too, and then a last bottle at eight thirtyish before bed. Lots of milk still, but she didn't start on solids until she was about seven months old, so I'm not cutting it out until she's ready. She likes apple juice, but I think she gets a lot of her calories from milk.
Well I knew it was coming but Emma's fifth tooth is in!! :haha: So she now has three on top and two at the bottom. :thumbup: And not a tantrum in sight for days now. *knocks on wood.* :rofl:
jesse has had mcdonalds chicken nuggets a few times and he really likes them, you can tell its not just minced up chicken though and its proper chunks of chicken, i dont mind him eating them its only every few weeks he gets one so oh well, the only thing i dont let him have alot of is the fries because they always taste really salty to me so he will get half of the small bag or just carrot sticks instead if we have mcdonalds lol, he likes fruit shoots though but he really trys to drink out of the straws in our cups but he hasnt mastered it lol,

one of jesses favourite snacks at the moment is dairylea dunkers LOL, since he had his first dipping experience with ketchup a few weeks ago he loves anything he can dip aha! xx
Mog really likes Ikea chips and macdonalds fries - probably her first taste of solid food from what I remember. I just shove a handful on the tray and she tucks straight in, it's so cute :)
Oh lord, Caylee loves mcdonalds haha and burger king (Yes yes I am a mother that lets her eat that once in awhile :p )
Omgoodness you ladies have been chatty! We just bought Bryson his first pair of shoes too so he can walk in public sometimes now that he is walking so well. They're soft bottom to help him balance better and so cute on him! Big boy shoes! Hehe!
Ok so we just got back from Bryson's 1 year well child check up. She said that he is in the 50th percentile for his height and the 5 percentile for weight. But this is bearing in mind that neither his daddy nor I are very tall (I'm 5'3 and daddy is 5'6). Also I spent my entire childhood thin as heck and could eat anything and never gained excessive weight. Then the moment I gave birth to Zach (my oldest) that all changed. :haha: But the doc is pleased and she asked questions about his development and she said it sounds like he is right on track developmentally. I did voice concern over the fact that he's a little slow to learn to "chew" food but she said that's normal and that likely within the next 1-2 months he will be chewing and wanting to eat everything he can get his hands on. Last night I was giving Bryson some of those meltaway yogurt drops that begin to dissolve in baby's mouth with a little chewing and he actually started to chew those! :happydance: So I'm very happy about that and going to try jarred baby carrots that are chopped into very small pieces and sitting in water so they're nice and soft and see how he does with those. I'm hoping that this is the end of baby food for him as a whole new world of food and flavors will open up to him and I cant wait to help him explore that. :happydance: So that's good and I'm relieved that she doesn't think he's getting behind at all. With his older brother being autistic (tho high functioning) I'm extremely paranoid about it and I watch Bryson like a hawk.
I gotta close this for now as I gotta take hubby to the dr now to address this bad dry cough he's had for over a week now and see what's going on with him.
I'll try to address the rest of you ladies when I get back as we're about to go out the door in just a minute. Hope you're all having a lovely day! :flower:

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