--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

I hear you on the tantrums Cleck, Imogen has starting throwing them on the tube when she wants to play on the floor, with other people's handbags etc etc and at home, sometimes for no discernible reason. Starting to consider putting the playpen up so I just put her in it and leave her to it.

I had the big O with both of mine, but I've gone back and checked my charts and we BDd on OV day and the day after with this one, but with Imogen we didn't BD on OV day, but the day before and the day after. One thing I have heard is that it's to do with the amound of ejaculating that the man does. So we were having tons of s*x before Imogen, and we're deffo having much less, and were having much less when we conceived this one. We were purposefully making sure that OH cleaned his tubes every day, as we'd heard that was a good way to increase female sperm and we were desperate for our girl. It can reduce the overall sperm count, but shouldnt' be a problem unless your OH has sperm count issues.

Ahhhh!!! No wonder you're having a boy AE!! You said with Imogen you BD'd the day before OV and day after but with this one you BD'd on ov day and day after. See...with Imogen the male sperm had time to swim themselves to death and thus left the female ones waiting around for the eggie to appear. This time though you bd'd on ov day which meant that the eggie appeared with plenty of male spermies ready to greet the egg. Thus you have a boy. Yes, the more often you have sex the lower the sperm count thus increasing chances of a girl but you are having less thus increasing the chances of a boy too. So that's how that happened. If you've ever read the book by Dr. Shettles, it will all make sense. But it does make sense to me now.
No, I don't think DH has any sperm count issues. He's been abstaining since my pre-AF spotting began and has to (due to religious reasons). I plan for us to BD just as soon as AF is completely gone which is still at least a week and a half away from OV time so even if there are tons of male spermies at that point, that should be more than adequate time for them to die off as they are more fragile than their female counterparts (males = fragile but speedy, females = slow but hardy). We are advised to BD from the time that my AF ends until 3 days before OV. Which in the past and recently has been cd 16. So we will abstain from cd 14 onward until at least 3 dpo just to be on the safe side. LOL! I cant believe all that I'm going through and all of the work just to accomplish this. :blush: But if it works, it will be well worth it! Haha. :haha: Don't worry, you will soon see just how much fun little boys are and you will love your little prince! Little boys LOVE their mommies! Bry certainly does! He's SUCH a mama's boy! Hehehe!

Oh gosh! Bryson does the very same thing! He's been pitching more tantrums lately than he did before but I expect that as he gets older and decides he wants something that he cant have. Oh well, best he learn while he's little and hopefully save me a bunch more grief later on.

I just realized, has anyone heard from Pippin (it was her, wasn't it?) since she found out that she was having a mmc? I don't recall seeing her in here as of late. :nope: If any of you are able to get in touch with her, please do! I'm worried about her and hope that she is doing alright! :wacko:
I've stalked her a little on BnB, but not for the last few days. The procedure went as well as can be expected, but I'm sure she's feeling more than a little fragile. :(

Best pic from scan ;) O Hai Mommy!

Ash and anyone from here who is TTC

https://www.babyandbump.com/ttc-groups/420931-lion-cub-mommies-back-action.html#post7005156 Our new lion cubs mommies TTC thread. Right now it's Cleckner, you, and myself. Any other of you ladies on here who are TTC please feel free to join us there for fun and chatter. :flower:

Kimberly ill be joining in november after our holiday! :D good luck everybody hope theres gunna be some people left in by the time i get there! xx
I hear you on the tantrums Cleck, Imogen has starting throwing them on the tube when she wants to play on the floor, with other people's handbags etc etc and at home, sometimes for no discernible reason. Starting to consider putting the playpen up so I just put her in it and leave her to it.

I had the big O with both of mine, but I've gone back and checked my charts and we BDd on OV day and the day after with this one, but with Imogen we didn't BD on OV day, but the day before and the day after. One thing I have heard is that it's to do with the amound of ejaculating that the man does. So we were having tons of s*x before Imogen, and we're deffo having much less, and were having much less when we conceived this one. We were purposefully making sure that OH cleaned his tubes every day, as we'd heard that was a good way to increase female sperm and we were desperate for our girl. It can reduce the overall sperm count, but shouldnt' be a problem unless your OH has sperm count issues.

Ahhhh!!! No wonder you're having a boy AE!! You said with Imogen you BD'd the day before OV and day after but with this one you BD'd on ov day and day after. See...with Imogen the male sperm had time to swim themselves to death and thus left the female ones waiting around for the eggie to appear. This time though you bd'd on ov day which meant that the eggie appeared with plenty of male spermies ready to greet the egg. Thus you have a boy. Yes, the more often you have sex the lower the sperm count thus increasing chances of a girl but you are having less thus increasing the chances of a boy too. So that's how that happened. If you've ever read the book by Dr. Shettles, it will all make sense. But it does make sense to me now.
No, I don't think DH has any sperm count issues. He's been abstaining since my pre-AF spotting began and has to (due to religious reasons). I plan for us to BD just as soon as AF is completely gone which is still at least a week and a half away from OV time so even if there are tons of male spermies at that point, that should be more than adequate time for them to die off as they are more fragile than their female counterparts (males = fragile but speedy, females = slow but hardy). We are advised to BD from the time that my AF ends until 3 days before OV. Which in the past and recently has been cd 16. So we will abstain from cd 14 onward until at least 3 dpo just to be on the safe side. LOL! I cant believe all that I'm going through and all of the work just to accomplish this. :blush: But if it works, it will be well worth it! Haha. :haha: Don't worry, you will soon see just how much fun little boys are and you will love your little prince! Little boys LOVE their mommies! Bry certainly does! He's SUCH a mama's boy! Hehehe!

Oh gosh! Bryson does the very same thing! He's been pitching more tantrums lately than he did before but I expect that as he gets older and decides he wants something that he cant have. Oh well, best he learn while he's little and hopefully save me a bunch more grief later on.

I just realized, has anyone heard from Pippin (it was her, wasn't it?) since she found out that she was having a mmc? I don't recall seeing her in here as of late. :nope: If any of you are able to get in touch with her, please do! I'm worried about her and hope that she is doing alright! :wacko:

iv spoken to her but not for a few days shes been around the mc section, xx
Oh ok. I'm glad that she has been seen around and stuff. I was worried she had disappeared altogether and was concerned for her. Hopefully her LO will help her realize just how blessed she is to have them and will come back. I know Bry helped me get through mine. I dunno what I would have done if I didn't have him to keep me laughing and smiling through the pain. I hope when she is done grieving that she will be eager to get her angel back and will join us in TTC.

Boothh: I am so glad to hear that you will be joining us in November! :happydance: The time will fly right by and it will be November before you know it! Obviously, I might still be TTC at that point if I don't fall this cycle. Which sadly, is always a possibility. But of course we're going to try hard to succeed haha. I'm so happy to see that you're ready and strong enough again to do so. :thumbup:
I also hope that they figure out what is going on with Jesse and are able to help him get better. The poor little lad. :hugs:

Thanks for the input SamStar! I'm also trying to figure out what the odds are of our successfully having a girl. They seem to be pretty high if we stick to the rules that have been set out. It's just that I really do want another baby badly but the desire for a daughter of my own is so overpowering and I've never wanted anything more than this in my whole life. :blush: DH really does too. He wants to have a little princess and I'd sure love to give him one.

PS - Here is my TTC Journal for any of you who wanna stalk. :blush: https://www.babyandbump.com/ttc-journals/420134-kimberly28-journey-making-our-little-princess.html
thanks kim :hugs: i feel the same jesse has definatly helped me through and i did mention that to pippin, i think she will just be getting herself back together though my thoughts are with her and i hope shes coping okay,
i am excited to ttc, if i catch november our LO could be another august baby for us! id like to ttc sooner but weve paid for our holiday now and what would be the point of going to a theme park for 5days if i cant go on anything lol! i think its better to wait anyway to give my body abit more time to recover though i started taking folic acid today to get ready :D
ash- thats a relief that Kara enjoys herself at nursery even though she puts up a fuss when you leave.

LOL Boothh about Jesse going down the stairs! He sounds like a dare devil!

Cleckner- I am with you 100% on stay home moms working hard. I actually get a break when I go to work. I hope Emma's less trantrum-y today. When Kira's top 2 teeth were coming in she would get into crying spells and not even a booby would help since I think it would make the pain worse. I had to give her tylenol a few times and it really helped. I hate giving her medicine, but sometimes she would be so miserable acting and it always made her feel better... thats how I knew it was her teeth giving her pain.

I'm enjoying reading all the posts on how to make a boy or girl. I never really gave it much thought. For Kira we used protection around the time I ovulated, so I know she was made from spermies that hung out for awhile in there, LOL. To be honest, I thought I was only fertile after ovulation. So much for abstinence only education in schools :haha:

Kira has been eating sooooo much solids recently! She's put on almost 2 pounds in a month too, so she's on a real growth spurt. Most of the food at dinner ends up in her mouth than the floor now. I've been doing BLW this whole time, but recently Kira's acted frustrated at meal times, so after she has a go at her food, I put the rest on a spoon and shovel it in. Since I started that, she's been even more laid back than she already is- I guess a extra full tummy helps! She still doesn't use her finger and thumb to make a perfect pincer grasp... so I think that makes eating a little frustrating.
spidey- Yeah I hate giving Emma medicine too. She's actually never had tylenol or anything like that. The only time I've given her medicine was when it was prescribed when we both had horrible colds that wouldn't go away. The teething tablets I've been giving her are homeopathic. But, I'm seriously considering running out and getting some tylenol to have just in case she gets bad again. :wacko:
I read everything and now I can not remember haha. Blah I am exhausted, sorry ladies.

I have not been on here in awhile, it has been super busy around the house and it just finally starting to settle down. I will be catching up from this post on haha
Heidi- how is Lily doing? Do you think she's been easier than Caylee? I imagine that Lily is always entertained since she has Caylee to watch and Caylee makes those higher pitched squeals that babies like :-)

I figured out a way for me to eat breakfast and to get a few minutes to straighten up the house! I've been moving the highchair into the living room and then I put on a cartoon for Kira and thats where she eats her breakfast. I get a good 20 minutes too! Thats what she's doing right now, so I need to get off here and empty the dishwasher or something, LOL.
spidey thats what i do with jesse, he has one of those wooden highchairs that convert in to a little table and chairs as he gets bigger so i just use the chair part now with is tray on and he watches tv while he has breakfast so i can sort the washing etc and eat something myself haha, he will sit on his little flip out sofa and watch tv when hes having snacks too or a drink, i dont mind it he likes certains shows now and im happy to let him watch them,
We lurve the TV!!! She loves In the Night Garden, and Waybulloo. We often just pop babytv on for her. If I need time to do something, it's straight into the Jumperoo though. She's using her newborn to toddler rocker a bit now, and we've put away the froggy as she's just a bit big for it these days.
We do that every morning with Caylee haha, she sits in her highchair in front of the tv and eats and watches and when she is done she puts her arms up and says "AAAAHHDDDOOONNE" lol it helps me because then I can pump my boobs and clean which I never get time to do with these girls.

Lily is amazing, she cries more than Caylee ever did, she needs to be held and or looking at something at all time.

Caylee is getting all 4 of her back molars so we had a rough night last night she was screaming and crying for 4-5 hours on and off, it was rough. Poor baby
aww poor caylee, jesse is getting 2 of his back teeth at the moment and hes very cranky with it! :( at least they are gunna be all over and done with soon!

its my birthday tomorrowwww im 21!! OLD!!
:haha: You girls talking about molars coming in and I'm excited cause Emma got in her 4th tooth today!! :happydance::haha: And the fifth one is nearly in. There is already a hole for it, it just has to come down some more to break all the way through. :thumbup:

Emma has thankfully stopped with her tantrums for a few days now. I'm assuming now that the teeth are finally breaking through she'll be fine for a while. I finally have my happy baby back. :cloud9: Right now she is shaking an empty bag that had cookies in it because she wants more after I shared a bite with her. :dohh: Too bad I ate them ALL! :blush::rofl:

I don't have any major updates about Emma besides the teeth. And with me, I've been searching for a good hiking trail around here to try out sometime. Some of them seem a bit scary with us being in the mountains. But I have been working out for the past week and I feel so good! I'm so glad DH finally bought me a recumbent bike again. I've started out doing just 20 minutes of riding it a day but I plan on working up to the 40-50 minutes that I used to do before Emma. I knew I was out of shape but I'm surprised at how easily I can do 20 minutes already. Although I sweat buckets. I've been sneaking it in during Emma's naptimes so I'm hoping I can keep it up!! No significant weight loss yet but I did just eat the rest of the cookies so what can I say...:rofl:
Jesse has started doing tantrums when he doesn't get his own way, he throws himself around and does this awful really annoying scream like ahh..ahh..ahh..ahh high pitched thing, I just ignore him when he does it because if I go near him he just gets more mad, and I don't want him to think tantrum = attention
Hey ladies thanks for the concern. I'm ok. Getting there slowly, still get incredibly sad and tearful some days but it's getting less which is good. Got my very almost negative test I think yesterday so we are a couple of days nearer to the official all clear. We trying again Oct/Nov so looking forward to that. Hope you are all well. xxx
:hugs: thinking of you pip.

The way jesse throws his fits is just how Caylee throws hers haha. So annoying, I ignore her also, she stops a lot faster.

Happy Birthday Boothh!!!! :cake: I hope you have a wonderful day and many happy memories to make! :flower:

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