--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Imogen loves putting a big chip in sideways and letting it hand out either side! We laughed until we cried the first time she did it. She has choked a couple of times on bits of grape, but she's fine with stuffing her cheeks, she jsut spits some of it out if she can't chew it. Loads of teeth though, mouth full of em.
Good for Bryson!!!!!!!! :D The chewing will happen, when hes ready, try soft veggies like steamed corn and carrots like you said. I was sooo paranoid with Caylee...she has 11 teeth and I still cut up some of her food lol.

Sounds like he is doing GREAT!!!
Hi everyone. I'm back now. Whew! What a busy morning I've had. Anyways, thanks for the reply Heidi. He really is doing so well and I'm so pleased and proud of him. :thumbup: :D

Heidi: It sounds like that little cutie pie is getting to be such a big girl now! :) I don't blame you for cutting up her food. I will likely cut the soft carrot pieces into even smaller pieces. I'm just so paranoid of him choking on them but I will watch him closely to make sure.

Cleck: Hopefully Emma wont pull any tantrums with this tooth. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. I'm so sorry that you went through all of that with Roxy running off. I'm so glad she was found safe and sound though. I'd of been so frantic too! All is well that ends well though. :thumbup:
Quick question for you on our ttc thread. Hehe!

Boothh: I cant wait till Bryson starts doing that hehe. I'm so excited about sharing things with him. Isn't one year old such a fun age with these little guys? :thumbup:

AE: Hehehe!! That Imogen sounds like a real clown! Too cute! I'd love to see a pic of her with the chip in her mouth! LOL!! :haha:

Nutty: Awww. As long as she seems satisfied between meals and is happy I wouldn't worry about the quantity that she eats. She might also be coming off of a growth spurt. Usually they tend to eat slightly less right after those. I'm sure her appetite will pick up soon. It's also typical for them to want what's on your plate instead of their own. Bryson is always interested in what I'm eating even though he cant eat it yet. Haha.

Well, I better get off here again and feed Bry some lunch now. Talk to you all later. :hugs:
Emma loves McDonalds nuggets too. I've never given her fries but she has snatched a few and she seemed to enjoy them but I won't let her have a bunch. It's just pure grease. Not that nuggets are any better but I feel better about her having nuggets. :haha: We always get those apples instead of fries for her. We are trying our best not to get takeout anymore though because I worry about Emma growing up and having my weight problems. So I've been actually making decent meals every night instead. We still get pizza takeout but that's about it lately. I seriously could eat burger king every day. Or any fast food for that matter. So it's hard for me to hold back. :blush:

Emma loves dipping things too. She will actually get angry if she can't reach the dip. :dohh: And she now refuses to use her baby forks and spoons. She will only use ours. She loads her own stuff and eats now though! So that's pretty nice and really cute to watch. :haha:

Kimberly- Yay for new walking shoes!! And yay for Bryson chewing up the yogurt bites!! Those things are yummy. :haha:
Wow Cleckner- what a stressful day for you yesterday! I'm so happy you found Roxy though! The lady who found her is amazing to make signs that quickly. Just think how many people would have driven right past her.

Kimberly- Thats great news the doctor says Bryson is right on track!

I'm impressed by all the chewy foods that everyone's LO's eat! Only recently have I been giving Kira a cereal that's like cheerios and she doesn't really chew them but she will eventually swallow them. I don't think she could eat an apple or chicken nuggets yet without me making it into tiny little pieces first. I have a recipe to make chicken nuggets like McDonalds (and sweet & sour sauce too!) so I'll have to make those one day soon to see if Kira will dip her food. :haha:

I don't eat out much because of my gluten allergy, but I can eat McDonalds fries and milk shakes, so Kira has had both and really likes milkshakes. Whenever I want to eat cakes or cookies, I have to make them with special flours, so it's rare to have sweets around the house. But a couple days ago I made soft gingerbread cookies and I was eating them as I read books with Kira. Kira was eyeing up my cookies, so I put a small amount in her mouth. Moments later she snatched up a cookie and was taking big grown up sized bites, LOL. It was sooo cute and I couldn't stop laughing. My girl is growing up so fast!
With Roxy, yeah I can't believe the effort that couple put in to let people know they found a dog. I'm very thankful for it. We ended up getting them a Target giftcard instead just in case they needed something for themselves instead. DH dropped it off last night and I guess the husband was shocked. I wouldn't have felt right if we didn't at least do something for them. We also ran out and got new tags for both dogs. And new collars even though they didn't really need them. :haha:

spidey- That sounds so cute about the cookie!! Aww. So you really can't eat many sweets than? That would be awful. I've seen a lot about gluten allergies lately. I think because Elisabeth Hasselbeck on The View has been promoting gluten free diets lately. I've been noticing bigger and bigger gluten free sections at the grocery stores too. Is it a really common allergy?
That was really nice of you Cleck! I bet they were very pleased with the gift card.
I hear ya on the going out to eat, I am addicted to fast food and restaurants haha I could eat Subway DAILY! :haha:

It is my birthday on Friday and our anniversary on Saturday and Ross made reservations at this place called Fogo De Chao, its $50.00 per person for the salad bar and meat and drinks and desert is separate, OUCH! haha that bill is going to bite, but I am so excited to have alone time for a night.

AFU: Caylee has been just amazing as of late, she is running all over, brushing her hair and saying "Pretty" it's so cute, I just can't believe how big she is getting. It's like our babies just grew up over night..seriously! Little miss Lily is still being herself haha crying like usual, but she is just amazing, I love holding her and smelling that "newborn" smell, its so intoxicating! Breastfeeding is going GREAT! I have been doing it for almost 4 weeks now and thats the longest I have gone, I barely did it with Caylee and this time it's just great. I enjoy every moment of it! I am trying to pump to get a good supply for her when my sister watches her overnight on Saturday, so far I only have 6 ounces frozen :/ I need to get more, it just takes FOREVER for my supply to get there when I pump!

New lily picture, she looks nothing like Caylee did haha, its so neat how that works!https://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs683.snc4/62372_1396579995964_1276140057_30946634_5629322_n.jpg
I can't pump for crap. Seriously i could pump all day long and only get 2 oz. out. But I just learned the other day that I'm doing it wrong because I should be pumping BEFORE I feed Emma, not after. :rofl: All this time I've been BFing and I didn't even know that. :dohh: I wanted to have a supply built up so eventually I can add it to her food but that never happened. I've packed away the pump. It's so awesome that you are doing good with it!! It's seriously so easy once you get going. I give a hand to the women that have to wake up and fix a bottle at night or carry all that extra stuff around when going out.

Emma took a 3 hour nap today! :shock: It was so nice. I did my 20 minute workout, took a shower, read my book a little, than I napped for about an hour with her. :cloud9: It was awesome. :D
that pic is beautiful heidi!! shes adorable!

i really really want to try BF next time i wish i wouldve had abit more support in the begining with jesse and maybe i wouldve got further :/ i still feel guilty about it but he quite clearly hasnt suffered from not being BF so i know i shouldnt
that pic is beautiful heidi!! shes adorable!

i really really want to try BF next time i wish i wouldve had abit more support in the begining with jesse and maybe i wouldve got further :/ i still feel guilty about it but he quite clearly hasnt suffered from not being BF so i know i shouldnt

You are right, you shouldn't feel guilty Boothh, next time round, the breastfeeding section here really helped me, I know i wouldn't be breastfeedingnow if it wasn't for the girls and info there.
Cleckner- I think 1 out of 100 people have Celiac disease and even more might just be gluten intolerant. I'm loving all the new gluten free sections in stores! I've been eating this way for about 10 years now after many years of being really sick. I do eat LOTS of chocolate to replace all the cakes, cookies and breads that I can't eat, LOL. Woohoo for 3 hour naps!!

Heidi- Lily is beautiful! What does Caylee think when Lily cries?

Pumping- I don't like pumping either. It's so much extra work and you don't get much to show for it, LOL. I still pump once while at work and Kira doesn't even drink the milk I pump since she refuses it now in a bottle or a cup. I have a friend who pumped exclusively all the way to 9 months- she's amazing!

Boothh- you shouldn't feel guilty about not bf. You can give it a try next time and maybe it will be easier.

We had the worst poop ever last night. I don't know if you all remember me posting about it, but Kira has been having really hard poops since we started solids around 6 months. She holds them too (up to 10 days), which only makes it worse. I've been trying everything like more fruit juice, more water and fruits, but she's still having problems with these hard giant poos. If 4 days pass with no poop, I will give her a suppository and then she'll usually go and it's filled with tears and screaming. She was being really cranky last night and acting like she needed to poo. I waited a couple hours and still no poop, so I gave her a suppository. She was trying to pass a large poo and it was just awful and there was nothing I could do. I'm going out today to buy a case of prunes and try to feed her prunes every day. I don't know what else to do. Breast milk is supposed to have a laxative effect but it's not helping at all either. I feel so bad for her :cry:
Awww poor Kira :( prunes, prunes, prunes!

Booth, I felt the same way with Caylee, I didn't have support or anyone to help me. So I stopped after a week and did formula. I get motivated by seeing breastfeeding tickers and just hearing people talk. But also Lily is really healthy, by the time Caylee was a month she was in the hospital TWICE. Lily has not been sick once, it's nice.
Boothh- I definitely say you shouldn't feel guilty at all. I agree with Shiv that the BFing section on here is amazing. I probably would have gave up right from the start if it wasn't for this place. I had SOOO many problems in the beginning and would sit there crying my eyes out while feeding through the pain. :haha: It's funny to picture now but was a nightmare at the time.

spidey- Poor kira. Prunes. :sick: :laugh2: So do you actually have Celiac Disease or are you just intolerant? What does it feel like if you eat something with Gluten in it? Is it really painful? Chocolate is a good substitute for other sweets!! :D I don't think I could ever fully give up chocolate.

Heidi- Thats so awesome how healthy Lily is!! Emma has only been sick maybe 3 times and only 1 of those required a visit to the doctor to get medicine. It's pretty great what our bodies can do for our LOs. :thumbup:
I agree 100% Cleck. Caylee was formula fed and we looked at her baby book, she was in the hospital 5 times, stayed overnight a few times and was put on an neb for her breathing, she has had 7 ear infections, she had rsv, etc etc....it was hell. I am hoping Lily keeps this up, I like it :)
Heidi- That must have been hard with Caylee sick so much! Kira had 1 cold so far and it was very mild. I've had the flu and a bad cold since she was born and she didn't catch either! I think the antibodies in my milk protected her from catching them.

Cleckner- To be diagnosed with Celiac I would have needed a biopsy of my small intestine but at the time I didn't have good health insurance or the money to pay for it. So I just say I have gluten intolerance. If I eat any by accident I get really bad heartburn, nausea and stomach pain that lasts for 3-4 days. At my sickest I was 95 pounds even though I was still eating loads of carbohydrates and fats to try and gain weight. And all those carbs (mostly wheat based) were only making things worse! Kira still hasn't had gluten. I'm probably going to wait till she's 2 to introduce it.

Kira ate a jar of baby prune puree for lunch today as well as a chopped up prune and a box of raisins :haha: I bought up all the prune puree on the shelf, so lets hope she continues to like them :thumbup: She's been farting too.. so it might be working already!
Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to but in on the breast feeding thing.... I agree Booth you really shouldnt feel guilty!! bf is something that women really do need a lot of support with because even though it is natural and wonderful and all the rest of that stuff it is quite hard to get established in the beginning. For me i never experienced any of the obvious benefits Both my girls catch every cold tummy bug going round:S it didnt help me get back into shape (sadly lol) But the most amazing benefit i felt i got from bf was the closeness and bonding i felt because of it especially with Kiera who i had by c section which i knew was the plan but unexpectedly under general anestetic which i feel was a huge trigger leading to me ending up with postnatal depression regardless of the PD i feel that breast feeding helped me bond really well with Kiera. Sorry didnt mean to babble on :blush: So by all means go for it next time round but no mum should feel guilty for bfeeding or not bfeeding we all just try our best and thats good enough!! XXX
Andie- I completely agree with you. No mom should ever feel guilty no matter what choice they make. I had to top Emma up in the beginning for almost 2 weeks and I still feel guilty about even that. :dohh: Lately girls in the BF section have been talking about 'virgin guts' which I had never even heard of but now it just makes me feel even more guilty. :wacko: And I'm the same as you, BFing never helped me lose the weight. In fact I've retained the weight even with all the exercising I've been doing, my weight won't budge. :dohh: Go figure!
Oh cleckner sounds so similar to my situation...I lost 7 stone before i got pregnant with Kiera and was so determined that i wouldnt let things slip just because i was pregnant but didnt want to diet while pregnant because that just wouldnt be good for baby so i just tried to eat healthily long story short after having Kiera i had put on 2 stone ouch!! which i had hoped the bfeeding would have helped with but hey ho
It just wont budge even tho ive went back to gym 3 hours a week and spend the rest of my time running about after two little live wires!!...I dont get it?? i have just took the attitude that i will keep going the way im going and if it shifts brilliant if not then at least im still not as big as i was before :P clutching at straws here lol I got lots more things to keep me busy like living my life and having fun with my girlies :D just quite madening tho! I really shouldnt start on the issue of weight as i could go on and on and on ha!....rant over hehe im away to look up virgin gut lol sounds interesting :D bye for now xxx
just read up on 'virgin guts' i think its just another thing to make you feel guilty about, i really do hate breastfeeding articles, they always come across to me to pity formula feeders and as the BFers are superior, i dont know why i bother reading things cus they just make me angry! some of them actually make me not want to try breast feeding cus i hate the way they come across

(dont mean any of you girls) xxx
Virgin gut? Ridiculous! The whole time babies are in our tummies they are getting stuff from us, ok so it might not be going through their stomachs but they are still taking bits of everything we eat and drink!

Oh and don't let the high and mighty breastfeeders put you off Boothh!

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