--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Oh goodness Boothh! I don't know how you'll manage. I cannot imagine going off and leaving Bry for that long. I'd be an awful worry wart haha. :blush:

Cleck, Bry has discovered the trash can too as of late so now it's a battle to keep him out of it. :haha: Oh and you're such a nut going spinning on the ice. Haha. Love it! :haha:

Nutty, you are lucky she let's you do that. Bry can and will entertain himself however he loves to be pestering me every 2-3 mins. It's hard to even get laundry done without someone else around to help with him so he's not hanging onto me. Literally.

Heidi, I too hate driving in snow. It doesn't snow much here either. Last year was a rarity and it snowed 3 times. Very odd for us. We're lucky if it snows once! Usually ice is what we get around here. No fun at all. And it sounds like you have a magnetic pull to snow embankments lol! :haha:

Boothh, I too cant use any kitchen appliances with Bry around. He also screams. :wacko:
Does anyone else have BnB acting up for them today? My posts keep disappearing. :wacko:
No trouble here Cleck. Must be on your end. :wacko:

What's little Emma up to today? :hugs:
Hmm weird.

Emma is being a bit of a grump today. I like to call her grumpy gus. :haha: Every time she is like this I'm like "who's a grump gus". I'm dumb. :lol:
lol! No you're not! You're lovely and funny and sweet! :flower:
Poor Emma. Maybe her teeth that are coming in are hurting her. I used to give Bry teething toys that I kept in the fridge or baby orajel and that would help. And no, the orajel doesn't sting or hurt. It only numbs the area a little bit to help dull the pain. :thumbup:
I hope she is more cheerful for you tomorrow.

Bryson has been clingy today. He wont let me get more than 2 feet away from him. Ugh! Right now he's gobbling down a bowl of corn.
Well we have those gogurt things in the freezer. The yogurts that are in a stick form? Anyways, they are frozen and I cut them in half and give her half and it seems to help. :D I also opened the back door and she has the option to go out on the patio to play now so she's happy as a clam now. :dohh: I swear some days she is completely bipolar.
nutty, I was looking around on a nappy site and found this - thought of you! :lol:

Adam doesn't like my mixer either, or the food processor. I can sometimes manage to use them briefly if he is deeply asleep upstairs. He always wakes just as I am getting to a critical bit though, little monkey.

re weight - gah gah GAH... am officially fed up. HAVE GOT to lose some weight. been stuck at 10-ish stone since the beginning of MARCH. I need to plan another wedding because it was the only thing that gave me real motivation! I do have a sort of motivation, really hope it is sufficient - 1st thing is my niece's christening on Dec 5th... apparently my SIL is going to the gym 3x a week, and I don't want to look like the fat one (even though she is naturally a lot bigger than me); I don't want to look like I let myself go, my niece will be nearly 6 months old, Adam will be nearly 16 months, it's been more than enough bloody time to lose the baby weight. :cry: Also there is C's sister's wedding in mid Dec, she had her baby in May 09, and has also been on a diet and going to the gym, now it's not that I am competing with the bride per se but I want to look nice and at the moment I have nothing to wear and I'm dreading going shopping (I've needed new clothes for ages but resist going because I want smaller clothes and don't want more big things)

grrrrrrrr. where is my will power?
In addition to toothy pain, I think we're starting to enter the terrible twos. Our LO's are learning what they want and they get frustrated with us when we don't understand. Usually when Kira starts to get cranky I have to change locations and she'll cheer up for awhile. So I take her outside or into a room she doesn't usually get to play in. I also have certain "fun" things as backup on really bad days. She loves looking through my drawers of junk, so I get a drawer out of the dresser and we look through it together on the floor. I'm lucky that my DH comes home for lunch each day and I have my mom and MIL close by, so Kira gets new people to entertain her during the day. I think they get bored of us after seeing us all day! I still consider myself lucky that Kira isn't too mobile, so I can easily keep her out of trouble since it takes her so long to travel while holding onto sheepy :haha:
Imagine how Emma feels looking at my mug and only my mug for days on end when DH is gone. :shock::haha: I like the idea of going through a drawer together! I'll have to try that. :flower:
lots of chit chat!

MJ - Adam is gorgeous in your new avatar - he is one VERY handsome young man! As for weight - well i have caught two tummy bugs in the last 10 days and it has helped no end :haha: I am still at 9st 4lbs and i think this might be "my" weight as I can't seem to shift anymore. I went through a motivated stage a couple of months ago where I was doing my Davina dvd 4 times a week and still only got down to 9st 3.5 lbs :dohh: So I gave up :haha:
If you like MJ we can re-instate a weekly weigh-in? It is good that you have some motivational goals, i always find a big event is good for putting a bit of pressure on! Although you are right, nothing is quite as motivational as your own wedding! i got down to 8st 7lbs for mine (3 years ago!), looking back I have no idea how as that is an impossibility now! I dream of being 9stone but am starting to think about TTC again so part of me thinks why bother :haha:

As for grumpy/clingy babies, Sophia has her moments. Today she is full of kisses and cuddles which is lovely. I love getting them without asking or initiating them. It does mean that sh eis super clingy though so I haven't even managed to clear up from breakfast yet (she is napping so I should be doing it now!)

what else were we talking about? oh leaving LO with people. Sophia has only ever stayed at my parents house over night, MiL has babysat for a few hours at our house but only whilst Sophia is in bed. I am leaving Sophia with David for the whole weekend this weekend while I go away with some friends. She will hate me when I get back as she always ignores me for days on end when i leave her!

Sophia is fully recovered now, is eating well again and her lip has nearly healed up, so that is good.
Imogen gets left with people all the time. She's at the childminder anywhere between four hours and forty hours a week, she goes to the creche at OH's gym for an hour once or twice a week, my sister has her for an hour or two now and then, we have a couple of babysitters we use occasionally, and when either of us takes her to rehearsals we leave her with any old person who'll have her ;) She's more clingy now than she was at six months, and I got clung to a bit this morning because she didn't see me yesterday, but mostly she's really happy to go with other people. She does sulk if one of us goes away for more than a day or two though.

She finally had her 12 month jabs today - we're so slack. OH forgot to take her red book to the first appointment, had to cancel the second to work and they were already a month late anyway. Bad, lazy parents. But anyway, she was fine and stopped crying the moment the nurse was out of sight.

20 week scan on Monday and still no bloody name for this baby. I'm going to get them to check it really is a boy, and then I suppose it's time to sell off Mog's tiny girly things :( So I can buy tiny boy things. somehow less exciting, although I remember being very jealous of the boy clothes when Imogen was tiny, so I'm sure I'll get into it. Maybe a cheering trip to H&M will help, their boy/neutral baby clothes are adorable.
Shiv: I hope Sophia can breastfeed now. Were you able to start that back up again?

AE: Don't worry, you will fall in love with the cute little boy stuff! Little firetrucks, and sports stuff, etc etc. Some of the light blue baby boy things are so cute! And there is yellow and green as well. Not to mention brown and light blue. You will soon find yourself buying and cooing over everything hehe. I promise you, having a boy isn't as bad as you think it is. Not to mention the bond between a little boy and his mommy is stronger than with the daughter (hence the saying "mama's boy" and "daddy's little girl"). Boys are fun! Just think, Thomas the tank engine, airplanes, trucks and cars, and all kinds of fun things! :thumbup: As a mommy of 2 boys I can tell you I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. (Even though I'm wanting a girl next to even things out a bit hehe.) Just try to imagine how much fun you will have with your little boy and how much he will love his mommy. :flower:

Nutty: Bryson is the same way. He is constantly emptying out his toy box and leaving the toys on the floor. If I dare put them back in the box, he pulls them right back out and grins at me. LOL! How can I argue with a little face like that? :haha:
Sophia still isn't breastfeeding, i have stopped expressing now as I don't think she will go back to it now. She seems happy enough without it, although I miss the regular cuddles!

I am trying to introduce "tidy up time" at home, in the hope that Sophia might cotton on and like tidying up each evening, of course it doesn't work right now, but here's to hoping!

Oh and I agree, boys toys ar emuch more fun than girls - think skaletrix!
I love hearing about all the cute and naughty things our babies are doing.

Kira started saying "done" when she's finished a meal. So she'll rip off her bib and say "done" and look at me. Last night I made a new recipe with potatoes, broccoli and ham with cheese and Kira tasted everything, but spit it all out. She looked around and saw that there was no other options, so she pulled off her bib and said "done" :haha: I said "honey, you're not done yet" and she made the saddest looking face and started to cry. She's going to have such a personality when she's older!
spidey- OMG thats so cute. :haha: I always know when Emma is done because she climbs up on the dining room table. :dohh: I'm tempted to start putting her back into the highchair instead of the booster chair because she's a monkey.
:rofl: What a little ham!! Yup, she is going to be a handful! The little stinker! Hehehe! :haha:

Shiv: Awwww! I know how hard it is. I was heartbroken when I just couldn't seem to produce anymore when Bry was 3 months old. But at least I was able to give him that long. He too was much happier and content on the bottle and the transition was easier on him than it was me I think. Hang in there.
I also like your idea of tidy up time. I doubt I would get anywhere with that with Bry though. Hell, I can barely get his daddy to do the same after dinner! :dohh: I keep trying to point out that we need to be showing him how to go about things by example but at times it's like talking to a brick wall. ](*,)
Emma actually loves helping me pick up stuff. I just constantly say 'thank you' with a really proud tone to my voice so she understands how good she's being. She doesn't always help but sometimes she really gets into it. I use clorox wipes for EVERYTHING. And I wipe the counters at least twice a day usually. But when I do, I always give Emma a wipe and she walks over to her toy kitchen and wipes the counters down. :rofl: It's awesome. Gotta train them young. :winkwink:
that is SO cute, a little cleaner already! I always wonder if you can buy a little vacuum cleaner that actually sucks up. Sophia LOVES the hoover and I am sure if I bought her one she would puch it around all day. if it sucked up it would save me a job!
^^ :rofl: That's a good idea! I thought about getting Emma toy cleaning supplies for christmas. DH hates the idea because he thinks it's just setting up little girls to be housewives. :dohh: I'm a housewife, so he's an asshole. :rofl:

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