--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Shadow - over 7 hours sleep at night is amazing - you lucky lady - what is your secret?

lol... well I know there are some guys on here who have better sleepers than Vincent, but we're pretty pleased with him so far :) Secret? lol... Patience I guess! He just seemed to sort of figure it out for himself, I guess we were lucky! But we have started sticking to a routine for bed-time so that he really gets it into his head that this is setting him up for the night: at about 8pm we give him a bath, then nice warm milk and a calm feed, then burped, swaddled up and put to bed and I just kiss him on the forehead and leave the room real calmly, no fuss! He pretty much always settles himself really well. I usually leave him with the dummy in his mouth (to be spat out whenever he falls asleep) but sometimes he refuses it so I just leave him as he is. But I very rarely have to go back in to him after that, and he just wakes me in the night (has been up to 7 1/2 hours later :D) for a nice calm feed, a burp, a nappy change and reswaddled and then back to sleep real easy till morning! And I'm extra lucky, because OH takes the first morning feed (at about 8am) so I get to sleep in until 9 or 10ish! :happydance:

Ooooh guys, I couldn't help but share a couple of pics of our success with the terries :dance: I'm so glad I just went with them in the end, it's lovely to be using them, they're nowhere near as scary as I thought, and he only gets through about 4 nappies a day now (1 pooey) so the laundry isn't overwhelming at all! Yay!

Here's my little trooper:
(Nice red nappy nippa in this one)
(Different nappy nippa, and a slightly better nappy cos I tucked it in a bit better this time!)
(With a Motherease Rikki wrap :D )


Shiv, I'm going to be exercising soon because it's getting me down how I look right now! I figure if it's gentle and I find specific post-natal exercises (am going to use my birthing ball) then it's ok, as I didn't have a traumatic birth or c-section, it's been over 4 weeks, I am all healed and feeling fine... so...

good news on the nipple! huge kudos for you persevering despite it all - I haven't got any open sores but my right (the good one) nipple could stop traffic, the end is red raw.

Shadow, have you tried using fleece liners on your cloth nappies? they keep the skin feeling dryer than the cotton/bamboo next to the skin. I have used a couple of the Little Lambs tonight, the first leaked after three hours, round one of the legs. It's annoying, I think the nappies themselves fit AE but the wraps don't fit snuggly round the legs. He is quite slim; even though his thighs have chubbed out a bit they have a way to go. I don't know whether to try some different wraps or to leave the cloth till his legs are fatter... but I also hate using Pampers really, though they are super convenient, and I really hate spending £6 a week on something that is going straight in the bin.

I put another LL (a cotton one) on AE at 9pm, with a fleece liner in - I used a piece of fleece in the earlier one and it worked great - it felt almost dry when I opened the nappy even though the body of the nappy was soaked. and AE wasn't upset (though he would have been once he realised there was wetness creeping down his leg - I was hoding him and noticed it before he did). I plan to change him into a Pampers before bedtime though as I am fairly sure the wrap will leak as I couldn't get it to fit right, despite doing it and undoing it a few times.

it's annoying as I have a drawer full of cloth and I want to get using them but not if it means a full change of clothes every couple of hours as well. I mean, he gets changed a few times a day anyway, what with bringing up little gulps of milk from time to time, but I want to know I can rely on a nappy not to leak.
Hi all hope you are all doing well x x x
First off i would like to apologise for being rubbish at keeping up with the thread at the mo x
Secondly Elinor had her heart surgery today and although things got a little scary for her at one point because she lost an awful lot of blood she is now very stable x x x
Thank you all for your continued support with all this x x x x x x
sam hope elinor makes a fast recovery for you i was thinking about u yesterday wondering if she had had it.

shadow vincent looks very smart and happy in hes cloth nappys. he looks as long as lucas is and vincent is a week or 2 older
i must say thows useing cloth nappys i take my hat off to you (if i had 1lol)i would never beablue to use them

every 1 keeps telling me that lucas is really big and 1 woman seid hes not small is he but the way she seid it was like she felt sorry for me he is smaller than rueben was at this age.
tmr, thanks for the tip about upgrading to the size 2 Newborns - I did look at them the other day and wondered when he'd need them because weightwise he is in the Size 2 range, since they cross over. I didn't know what the difference was (what is the difference, anyone?)! worth a try though! there's also the Baby Dry ones - are they for night-time?

Sam, good to hear Elinor's op was a success! Hope she is doing well today. Poor little lady has been through a lot, as have you all. :hugs:

Shadow, V looks quite different in those pics! He seems a lot more rounded out. gorgeous! nappy looks fab, too :D

so AE and I are alone today! am feeding him right now, then going to give his top up and get dressed and go out. postman has been doing my nut in - three times now he has either not bothered to ring the buzzer and just put a "missed delivery" card through or rung it but not waited 1 minute for me to answer before running away! so I have 3 packages to collect. as if the damn postal strike wasn't bad enough! though I think most of the cards we were sent made it to us eventually, except one friend of my mum's who has now sent 2 cards, each with a cheque for AE in, and neither has arrived! all the way from Walton on Thames! (fairly local)

so I'll be getting the pushchair out (we've been storing it in the car boot, save me dragging it up ad down the stairs) and praying the rain stays off as I haven't worked out how to put the cover on!!!
We're really struggling with Riya's nightime sleeping (or lack of) pattern. This is what happened last night.

9.30pm: Put her down in cot after bathing and feeding.

9.45pm: Riya wakes up crying.

10.00pm: Put her down again and she starts crying after 5 mins again. DH takes her into the lounge as she's wide awake now.

12.00pm : Finally get her down to sleep after another feed.

3.30am : Riya wakes up needing a feed.

4.00am : Back down to sleep

4.15am: Riya wakes up crying - bring her into bed with DH and I and she nods back off to sleep

7.00am: Riya wakes up for a feed.

At best she sleeps 3 hours in one go, during the day she's actually sleeping better and for longer. Therefore I wonder whether we need to keep her awake more during the day so that she's more tired in the evening.

However as she's only 3 weeks old - is it not too early to be controlling / regulating her sleeping during the day ?

When did you establish a sleeping routine for your little ones ?

DH and I are absolutely shattered - what are we doing wrong ? - HELP
Hi all hope you are all doing well x x x
First off i would like to apologise for being rubbish at keeping up with the thread at the mo x
Secondly Elinor had her heart surgery today and although things got a little scary for her at one point because she lost an awful lot of blood she is now very stable x x x
Thank you all for your continued support with all this x x x x x x

oh bless her, and all of you. sending lots and lots of hugs:hugs:
We're really struggling with Riya's nightime sleeping (or lack of) pattern. This is what happened last night.

9.30pm: Put her down in cot after bathing and feeding.

9.45pm: Riya wakes up crying.

10.00pm: Put her down again and she starts crying after 5 mins again. DH takes her into the lounge as she's wide awake now.

12.00pm : Finally get her down to sleep after another feed.

3.30am : Riya wakes up needing a feed.

4.00am : Back down to sleep

4.15am: Riya wakes up crying - bring her into bed with DH and I and she nods back off to sleep

7.00am: Riya wakes up for a feed.

At best she sleeps 3 hours in one go, during the day she's actually sleeping better and for longer. Therefore I wonder whether we need to keep her awake more during the day so that she's more tired in the evening.

However as she's only 3 weeks old - is it not too early to be controlling / regulating her sleeping during the day ?

When did you establish a sleeping routine for your little ones ?

DH and I are absolutely shattered - what are we doing wrong ? - HELP

wish i could be of help but we are not doing much better ourselves!:wacko: although it will get better for you and hopefully very soon. Rose is starting to go 3 hours at a time some nights, other nights its barely 2 hours and during the day, well forget it! but i think slowly there may be some improvement which we have been waiting for, so hang in there. perhaps it was just a particularly bad night and a one off?:hugs:
Thanks GrumpyMoo. Sorry to hear you are going through something similar, is it draining isn't it ?. At least Riya's wind problem seems to have disappeared which means she's not waking up screaming the house down.

I wish it was a one off - however yesterday is typical of the last few weeks. Hopefully things will get better for both of us in the not too distant future.
Sam - hope Elinor gets well soon and can come home to you :) She's such a pretty girl!

TTC Lady - I'm afraid that's pretty much what my monster does as well. We've had a certain amount of success with keeping her up with us until about one am (this is our normal bedtime I'm afraid, as OH works evenings) and then doing a nappy change and big feed and getting her to bed. She will normally give me until about five and sometimes longer before waking up. I feed her in the dark as quietly as possible and either put her back or keep her with us. To tell you the truth though, I mostly catch up on my sleep from around ten to twelve, as she seems to have a lovely long nap then. Not now of course. No. Right now she's grizzling for Britain. sigh.

MJ - sorry to hear you're having trouble with your terries. Sounds like your little un is a big old wetter! Maybe you could try terry boosters to be a bit more absorbent. We're having a bit of liquid poo leaking from the side of the terries, but it's all caught by the wrap, so it sounds like your wraps might be too big still. I'm using Imse Vimse newborn size, which are essentially just like the motherease rikki, as my airflow wraps were too big and we had leakage. We've never ever had wee leak though...I do change her every three hours, just because she's almost always done a poo, and I don't like her sitting there in it and her nappy is always soaked so even if she's not pooed, it's not a wasted change. Have you prewashed your nappies? They'll increase in absorbency the more they're used. Might also be worth trying a different fold to put more cloth in the way of the wee. Girls are a bit easier in that respect I'm afraid.

Right. Full on screaming, so best go get baby.
Riya loves to sleep on her stomach which is fine during the day, but at night we put her on her back as per recommendations but she's less settled on her back which may be contributing to her restlessness during the night.

Does anyone lay the little ones on their stomach at night ?
Hi ladies loving the pictures.

Been to the HV today and Sam has put on a pound in 7 days :shock: is that normal or is he gonna be a real chubbster soon?? He does feed pretty much most of the day :rofl:
We're really struggling with Riya's nightime sleeping (or lack of) pattern. This is what happened last night.

9.30pm: Put her down in cot after bathing and feeding.

9.45pm: Riya wakes up crying.

10.00pm: Put her down again and she starts crying after 5 mins again. DH takes her into the lounge as she's wide awake now.

12.00pm : Finally get her down to sleep after another feed.

3.30am : Riya wakes up needing a feed.

4.00am : Back down to sleep

4.15am: Riya wakes up crying - bring her into bed with DH and I and she nods back off to sleep

7.00am: Riya wakes up for a feed.

At best she sleeps 3 hours in one go, during the day she's actually sleeping better and for longer. Therefore I wonder whether we need to keep her awake more during the day so that she's more tired in the evening.

However as she's only 3 weeks old - is it not too early to be controlling / regulating her sleeping during the day ?

When did you establish a sleeping routine for your little ones ?

DH and I are absolutely shattered - what are we doing wrong ? - HELP

wish i could be of help but we are not doing much better ourselves!:wacko: although it will get better for you and hopefully very soon. Rose is starting to go 3 hours at a time some nights, other nights its barely 2 hours and during the day, well forget it! but i think slowly there may be some improvement which we have been waiting for, so hang in there. perhaps it was just a particularly bad night and a one off?:hugs:

Sorry you are both having sleepless nights. I can't help much but for info and to answer your day time sleep question, Sam is pretty much feeding or awake during the day and sleeps only for 2 hours max now during the day in one stretch but he does sleep through the night waking once or twice max (mostly once at 5am going to bed at 11pm). We do co-sleep which helps him get off and maximises my sleep too maybe you could give it a try as well. Oh and he sleeps on his side wedged into anti rolling thingy.

TTC Lady, your night-time experience is rather like ours as well, right now! Last night, for example, we tried to get Adam to bed at about 10.30pm, after a feed, but he wasn't having it. He wouldn't settle (it's earlier than he's been going) and I had to breastfeed in bed for a while (I am sure he was comfort sucking) and he fell asleep and I got him to settle about midnight (which is when he's been going the last week or so). He woke at 1.30am but must have gone back to sleep himself because I dont remember picking him up. Then he woke again at 4am, I fed him till 5.45am (he takes ages, I just go on my laptop in bed or read), then his daddy gave him a formula top up an changed his nappy and I went back to sleep. OH went to work and I assume Adam went back to sleep. We both woke at 9-ish. So I got 7 hours' sleep (12-4, 6-9), pretty good, but he can be a bugger to get to sleep when he's just not ready. Or if he has wind...

Aunty E, we are using Little Lamb fitted nappies and wraps, so they are mostly terry (cotton and bamboo). I just don't know about the wraps, I have had him in the LLs today (onto number 4 now, we've used a bamboo, a microfibre and 2 cottons) and the last change I noticed elastic marks round his legs. So no idea if the wraps are too tight... it's weird. I am sure they aren't because he's not a big baby (9lb).

oh, and, the nappies are pre-loved so well washed already. don't think they need more prepping.
MJ - I'm using the Little Lamb nappies. I have had some pee leaks but seem to better now. HUbby gets more than me. I find that with the wrap I have to line up the middle bit then pull both tabs over equally whilst keeping middle bit held - does that make any sense? If I try and do one side then the other and don't hold the middle bit in position I end up with a bit of terry poking out - that is usually what I find when hubby has done it. Then again I think hubby is deliberatly rubbish at nappies, I had a sposie leak just 90min after he put it on!! He ahd managed to get the leg ruffled bit folded in!
thanks joeyjo - fx I can get to operate these nappies properly because the leaks are kind of doing my head in! :rofl: Haven't got OH onto using them yet, want to be completely up to speed with them before I introduce him, as he wasn't that keen on the idea when I was first researching/buying the nappies. He seems more keen now, as I predicted, because of the cost of disposables, but he'd be easily put off if he was confronted with difficulty/a huge mess on his first try...

Shadow, I have worked out what it is that looks different in V's nappy pic - he is not grouching! what a different baby with a smile (or at least a look of some contentedness!)

well, it rained like crazy here today so our trip to the collection office didn't happen. I need to KNOW how to attach the rain cover before I attempt that, if I'd tried today I'd have got soaked because of the pushchair being in the car and me therefore having to put it up in the street. we might have to rethink the idea of keeping it in the car boot when the weather is bad.

we did go out though, Adam and I set sail for our maiden voyage with the sling! it was a success as well, though he struggled and cried as I put him in it. but he calmed down before we went out and so we went for a short walk, just to the newsagents and back. still got a little wet, even with an umbrella, but Adam was fine, he slept the whole time and was still asleep when we got home, so I took advantage and did a few things (laundry, lunch for myself) till he woke up. he ended up being in the sling for between 45 mins and an hour. I am pleased because it will be really useful for me getting things done if he has taken a liking to it, and it saves me the bother of getting the pushchair out for very short trips to the shops.

so I'd say our first day alone has gone ok! 40 mins now till OH is home and Adam has been asleep in the moses basket for the last hour. he's stirring now but at least if he throws a strop I am not going to be alone with it (he's had a few strops today, it's usually wind or wetness). actually I think it might be nappy time again now... but while he is asleep I'm not waking him, he'll realise soon enough and let me know... :D
Hi girls, starting to get a bit more settled now altho i'm sure Imi is lulling me into a false sense of security :)

Sam - glad Elinors op went well hun. Hope she is all better soon xx

Shadow - loving the pics of Vinnie in his terries. We've ventured into using a few cloth but not full time yet, just getting used to everything else first :D O and bless your OH for telling you he still fancies you :cloud9: DF hasn't said anything like that altho with how horny he has been i'm kinda getting the impression he's not gone off me :rofl: Hoping we can get into a night time routine like yours, sounds great :D

MJ - glad to hear your sling trip went well. DF took Imi out for a walk the other morning in her Mamas and Papas one and then in her Moby on Sunday when we went to the beach and he said he much much prefers the Moby. Which do you have? Isn't it weird being alone? Shaun went back to work yesterday as we're skint (being self employed, he's had no money since 3rd week in August with my stupid hospital stay!!). I have to say, I do really look forward to him coming home :cloud9:

TTClady - can't help with your routine (or lack of) i'm afraid hun as we are no where near one yet! Imi seems to have no pattern except being a proper gannet during the day lol!

Pippin - not sure if its "normal" but yay for Sam, thats a fab weight gain :D

Shiv - hope your nipple is doing better and the antibiotics are working :hugs:

smith - hope Gage is doing OK, saw on your FB that he's home so big :hugs: from me xx

Well as for us, not sure if i updated last week but Imi was 9lb 8oz at 2 weeks so had gained 11oz despite 5 days in special care :D HV was really pleased with her progress :D Said my exclusive expressing must be working. Currently looking into buying a double electric medela pump so it will half my pumping times :happydance: Still under the MWs tho as they are aware i've been pretty down so wanted to keep an eye on me :)

Sad day today as it would have been the due date of my friends who lost their little one. RIP angel Ben xxx
Vici - I've got the Medela double pump - it's ace (although not used it much!)

MJ - well done for surviving your first day alone! I think it makes us appreciate our OH's all the more and look forward to them coming home!

SamStar - glad Elinor's heart op went ok - do you have any idea when she might able to go home?

Pippin - I think that weight gain is great! Well done you! and Sam of course!

Well done to all of you using terries or towelling nappies! It is very impresive! i am far to lazy I'm afraid :blush:

As for me - it is hubbies birthday tomorrow and I haev got him the sweetest card from Sophia! She also bought him a tool box! We are off to a pub quiz in a bit - it will be her second!
Arghhh I just spent ages writing a big old reply to everyone, then had to feed Vince and do bedtime routine and I came back and the page had disappeared, along with my reply! :( So sorry if this is a little brief for everyone, but...

Sam, so glad Elinor's op went well in the end and that she is stable, sorry to hear you had a bit of a scare though! Will still be thinking of her, really hoping for a quick recovery and for her to get home with you as soon as possible! xxx

MJ, ta for the advice about the fleece liners, I may make some of my own out of the fleece blanket I started cutting up! I like the idea of keeping it dry right next to his skin, although he's not too fussy about wet nappies (but really lets us know about it if he's done a poo in there!) About your leaks, could it be the cotton nappies that are giving you problems? I haven't tried our 5 "back-up" cotton terry squares yet, but I do know that before Vinnie was born, I did an absorbency test on the cotton and bamboo and the bamboo was CONSIDERABLY more absorbent... How many bamboo LLs do you have? And maybe you need to be a bit careful of how you put the wraps on, like joey says: I tend to have to do the velcro sides up about 3 times each to get them centred and well adjusted on his legs!!

Stacey, I wouldn't worry about having big strong boys!! I'm not! Although you may want to double check Lucas's height, because I know that Vince is just on the cusp of "normal range" in the Red Book, and it says if they go outside of the "normal range" to let your doctor know, just in case... I'm sure you just have strong, healthy boys though! That's how little boys should be right? Hehe..

Big :hugs: to all who are struggling with nighttimes... I don't have any magical advice, I'm afraid, only that it DOES get better with a bit of time, and all our little ones will reach certain points at different times of course... I was trying to think of everything we've done that seems to have contributed to Vince doing fairly well at nighttimes, and I think these things may have helped:
- When he didn't seem to know the difference between night and day and wanted a feed every 2 hours no matter what, we tried to stretch it out as much as we could during the daytimes and at night we just gave it to him as soon as he was grumbling to try to keep it smooth and quiet and stress-free at nights (LOL with only a little success at first, I'm afraid!)
- When he was really grumbly at nights (especially in moses basket; he really didn't like to sleep in there at all and very rarely settled in it...) we just "gave in" and had him in the bed with us, so that we could all get some sleep. Maybe he sort of learned through that that we were sleeping at night, and that he should be too? Not sure...
- Once he started sleeping in his cot, we made sure we were leaving him to do the actual falling asleep bit on his own: I didn't stay in the room with him, just left him to it (I was lucky as he didn't scream...)
- We noticed that his startle-type arms movements were waking him up and upsetting him all over again, so we swaddle him every night now, which he seems to LOVE (just had a GORGEOUS bedtime routine: Will tell about it at the end of this post...)
- We now bathe him, change him and feed him a nice warm bottle just before bedtime.

And a final bit of advice (though I guess most of you are doing similar things really) Back when Vince was very restless at night, OH and I would split the night in two and take a "shift" each, with one of us getting a solid half-night of sleep at a time in the spare bed... If you don't have a spare bed, maybe an eye mask and ear plugs would work? That way you're not both exhausted in the morning... But we also had a promise that if either of us was getting stressed out, we could wake the other for support. Sometimes just knowing you can do that makes it feel less stressful :winkwink: try to be a team! :thumbup:

Vici, it's great to hear that Imi is doing well and that you may be close to getting properly settled. Not so great to hear that you've been a bit down :kiss: :hugs: hope you're ok sweetie, I'm sure you are though, you're clearly born to be a mummy and sounds like you are doing just great :D I hope you get a bit more of a routine soon, if that's what you'd like :) :flow:

And as for us, we had a lovely day out today to see Grandma and Great-Granny again, and also to see a good friend of mine who I haven't spoken to in aaaages, it was lovely! She adores Vince, which was just fab :)
I really hate to brag to those of you still having troubles, but we have a really lovely nighttime routine now, I think Vince really enjoys bedtime! Tonight daddy did his bath (I normally do, but have had real nasty pain issues in my arms today and OH insists I stop trying to carry Vince around and let him do it... But you know, I just hate to have to ASK him all the time... :shrug: ) and after his bath I fed him and winded him and then swaddled him up for bed, and as I was swaddling him on the spare bed next door to his room, he was SOOOO sweet!! He was all alert and super cute-looking tonight with his big dark eyes, and he smiled at me loads!! Looked right in my eyes and gave me big old smiles! IT was just beautiful :cloud9: those of you who haven't had proper smiles just yet, when your little one looks right into your eyes and gives a proper big smile, just for YOU, it's just amazing... My tummy did a big flip!! He hasn't giggled any more yet, but we're patient on that hehe...
Ooooh, and we had a VERY good night last night: He slept for 8 hours, then another 4, feeds and burps as smooth as silk ( :rofl: :shrug: ) we feel so lucky :D It may be that he goes backwards again, but we are certainly enjoying this while it lasts! And putting him to bed at 8:30 gives us the evenings together, which is really nice actually... Long may it last, fx!!

Sleepy dust for everyone for tonight :dust: hopeyou all have good nights and calm night feeds :flower:

Lots of love x x x x
Shadow, I have worked out what it is that looks different in V's nappy pic - he is not grouching! what a different baby with a smile (or at least a look of some contentedness!)

:rofl: Yep, he sure was a grumpus in the early days, wasn't he?! His favourite expression is still the frown, but it is now interspersed with happy-looking expressions and the odd smile at very special times :winkwink: and the occasional baby-gargling talk is super cute too :haha:

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