--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

heh, thanks, Shadow!!! here is my gorgeous litte birthday boy!!


hiya shadow lucas is 22inch long last week hv is happy with him even thow i dnt think the charts in the red books are much good as every baby is diff but all the babys on oh side are really big the smallest being 8lbs4 lucas at birth the bigget being 13lbs off hes sis that is 4ft rueben was 9lbs3 born and 13lbs13 at 8wks

we have got an all day ruten now
6am get up nappy changed
7am bottel 5-6oz
7:30 both kids dressed
8:30 school run
9am walk in the park
10:30 nappy chang & bottel 5-6oz
11am in crib for a sleep
1:30 nappy chang &bottel
2pm walk in park
3pm school run
5:30 nappy chang &bottel
6pm bath with big bro and bouth in pjs
7pm story in big bro's bed then cuddles on mummy and daddys bed
8pm in crib for a sleep
9:30nappy chang &bottel of stag 2 milk
10pm in sleep bag and put in cot to fall asleep
4am bottel with light off and no talking strat back in cot after

some time in the day he has 1hr on a think blanket on the floor on belly ad back

has any 1 found that baby have green poo the last week or so hes poo has been green think its the cow&gate

gotta go lucas' belly calling
Laura, I got my prezzie this morning. Thank you so much, the dress is just gorgeous :D And the pic of Brandon Li is adorable, what a little poser xxx
Laura, I got my prezzie this morning. Thank you so much, the dress is just gorgeous :D And the pic of Brandon Li is adorable, what a little poser xxx

you are MORE than welcome chick!!! hope your feeling better in your self huni, and that little imi is better! xxx
Hi ladies loving the pictures.

Been to the HV today and Sam has put on a pound in 7 days :shock: is that normal or is he gonna be a real chubbster soon?? He does feed pretty much most of the day :rofl:

hi hun, yes the HV told me that a 1lb a week is a very healthy weight gain!! welldone!!! xx
eeeeeep, am not in a good way today! Adam and I walked to Lewisham and back (20 mins each way), with him in the pushchair, and now I am back I am in the worst SPD pain since it got better after giving birth... it's even hurting lying stillnow and definitely when I move around in bed (that part had gone entirely till now) :hissy:

and my knees are playing up as well. I was fine when we were out, I did feel my pelvis and knew it wasn't great but didn't think it'd flare up this badly. :(

so annoying! I want to get more active now because I really want to lose SOME baby weight in the next month or three but if I am in pain after nothing more strenuous than a walk, I am doomed :(
hey all, hope your all doing well, just wanted to say how completely pissed off i m with my doctors receptionist, went in after i had josh to book in for my follow up glucose test after my gest diabetes, took the letter from hospital nin with me so she could see what i needed, i starved myself the night before, made sure i was prepared to sit there for 2 hours and the stupid bitch had only booked a normal bllod test:dohh:, so the nurse couldnt do it, got to go back next week, does she think i have nothing else to do? :growlmad:sorry to go on and on, rant over:flower:
Thanks for the replies ladies, guess I have a greedy boy although he screamed all the way home from Kew Gardens today so he must have burnt some calories there. Fast asleep now in my arms so sorry this is short and can' reply to all.

Sorry SPD has returned MJ :hugs:

One thing though....... I BF IN PUBLIC TODAY, TWICE!!!! :yipee: Such a big hurdle for me and I did it :happydance: plus he cried most of the time and I was the only one who could calm him, made me feel very special.
pippin! thats fantastic about BF in public!! im sure it is kind of a relief! well done chic!!!

ladies i think im going to have a bad night with brandon-li hes full of cold!:nope: i dont understand it. so today ive bleached everywhere to kill any germies! although i did it all yesterday too! i tried calling the doctors only to hear a message the surgery is closed for staff training!! WTF!:saywhat: but i didnt want to ring the emergency out of hours doctors as it isnt a emergency really.
the poor little mite cant lie flat as hes that bunged up he cant breathe so is sleeping in his bouncy hair! but i told OH if he gets bad in the night ill just drive up to A&E with him what more can i do?:cry:.

sooooo i told OH im coming bed for abit and then we will swap over in the middle of the night, hes got a terrible little cough and keeps sneezing so hes off to the GP tomorrow as im really paranoid it may esculate as i know of a few LO's getting phenumonia. i really hope :baby: gets better soon!!! :cry:
Hi ladies, we've had a breakthrough........... Owen is boobie feeding from me and not from bottles!! It's such a relief not to have to express all the time after feeds.

Now I just need to get him to realise that 4.30AM is not playtime......... last night he woke at 3.30 for a feed, and didn't go back to sleep until 6!! :shock:

Oh, and he's put on weight too - he was 7lb 12oz at birth, at 2 weeks he was 8lb 2oz (despite 8 days in special care) and today at 3 weeks he was 8lb 13.5oz!! Yay! The boobie juice must be good stuff!
Hi All

Sorry for not keeping up with the thread, but am still finding my feet. I have read back but am so tired now again I can't remember half of what I have read.

Shiv: Dont blame you for holding that grudge with MIL, that was such a mean thing to say.

Shadow: Vince looks so cute in the pics.

Pippin: Congrats on BF in public.

MJ: Sorry to hear you are in pain again, I am also in bits this week so I know what you are going through I really hope it passes soon.

Samstar: So glad Elinors op went well, she is a little fighter.

Vici: So glad to hear you are feeling a bit better you are such a good mum and have been through so much to get imi here.

Kaygeebee: Well done on the BF.

Bun in the Oven: Sorry to hear about LO's cold, hope he gets better soon.

Laura: Sorry to hear about Gages blood infection, hope antibiotics do the job.

Sorry to hear some of you are still having problems at night. We still have two feeds one at around 2 in the morning and 1 around 6 but other than feeding Natasha is sleeping right through, she did have some trouble in the first week and we swapped around the carry cot for night time and used the swinging crib during the day, this helped as I dont think she liked all the space at night and she also got used to the space in the swinging crib during the day, we have now swapped them back around. We also found swaddling her helped.

AFM - on the healing up, I am still as sore 3.5 weeks on but I know I got a load of stiches with the episiotomy and forceps so I guess it will take time and now on top of it I have thrush from the antibiotics for the infection in my womb.

Also the thrush in Natashas mouth is still not clearing up and she has had a week of microstatin drops and nearly a week of Daktarin gel, so I'm going to bring her back to the doc on Friday as the poor little thing is still down on her feeds.

Anybody bottle feeding changed the teats, we are using the doctor browns bottles and the next size up says 3-6 months but I'm wondering if she is getting tired sucking as I was putting her drop in feeds down to the thrush and her little mouth being sore, but she seems to suck away on her soother after not a bother. I would appreciate any help on this.

On the good side though I brought her down to be weighed yesterday and she is now 10lbs 5oz so at least she is putting on weight even though she has dropped down on her feeds.

Am fairly wrecked again this week and can't wait until my iron returns to normal and am fairly sore from my arthritis so I'm going to bite the bullet and go on the course of steriods which I have been putting off as they always tire me out, but the pain is starting to get hard to manage and I have no pulled a muscle in my back so I need my joints to get back to normal.

Well I know I have left loads of you out and am sorry again for not keepin up to date with this but there just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day which is why I'm on here at half eleven at night when I should be in my bed an hour ago.

Well I'm off to bed now. I'm hoping some day soon I'll be able to keep up with this.

:hugs: to you all. xx
Hi everyone!

Like the rest of you, trying to find time to visit here and to post but there aren't enough hours in the day it seems.

Shadow, Vince looks cute as a button! Pippin, congrats on BF in public as that can take a lot of guts for some folks to do. Sam, do you know when Elinor is going to be able to come home? Still thinking of you guys a lot. MJ, hope you feel better soon. Bun, sorry to hear your little one has a cold and hope they get over it soon. Vici, hope things continue to improve! Laura, hope those antibiotics help clear things up really fast.

Christian has been sleeping not too badly bu like a number of you, he's not sleeping through the entire night yet. I hope that comes soon enough. Right now, he's waking for feeds at about midnight, 3 am and 6 am. Hubby and I are taking 'shifts' so that I'm not handling all the feedings alone (thank goodness).

Given up on BF as it didn't seem to be working and returned the electric pump that we borrowed from the pharmacy. He seems to be doing well on the formula anyways and I need to take him to the doctor's office tomorrow to see if he's gained any (believe he has as he feels heavier). Right now, he's going through about 4 oz on average per feeding!

I'm feeling ok for the most part but end up with some tears, depression or anxiety on occasion. Keeping an eye on it as I am concerned might have a slight bit of post partum depression/anxiety going on.

Come this weekend, little one will be one month old and apparently, it is tradition in hubby's culture to have a 'coming out' party for the little one when they reach that age. So, the family will be likely going out for Dim Sum in the near future. Mmmmm....

Anyways, little one is now in bed and I should be heading there too! Ni ni ladies and best wishes and thoughts go out to you all. Will try to keep reading and posting here when I can. :)
Hey all, you're all saying things like "sorry I'm not getting on here much" but I'm sat here amazed that you're all managing to find some time, and to write such lovely long posts with a bit of something for everyone! Well done ladies, please don't apologise for not being on here every second of the day: That's just not what it's for now!!! When we were all preggers, we were desperate for something to fill the time, so we chatted like mad in here. But of course it won't be like that now hehe!! :kiss: you're all lovely :)

MJ :( So sorry about the SPD... I know just what you mean about the pain stopping you from really getting into some kind of exercise regime, I too am worried that I will never get my figure back at this rate, but I think we still need to give ourselves a break: The time will come when we're ready for that stuff, and in the meantime we can just eat as healthily as possible and try not to worry about carrying some extra weight. :hugs: Hope you can keep the SPD pain under control :(

Costgang :dohh: what a pain in the arse about your doc's surgery.... After all that effort you made to do it right too! Hope they get it right next time, and that your results are ok :)

Pips :yipee: YAY for BF in public!!! I'm sooooo proud of you!!! It must've felt quite exciting to overcome that little hurdle, and of course it's always special when you can calm your baby when noone else can! Well done chick, you're a star! :D

Bun honey, I put a message on FB, but really hoping that Brandon gets better soon... don't you just hate it when the doc's surgery is closed?! It's a good job noone ever gets sick on holidays or anything eh?! :dohh:

Karen, :wohoo: WOHOO for the BF!! I know you've worked hard and really wanted to reach this point, so a big congrats to you on that :)

jelr, I'm just the same with the joints right now :( :( It's just starting to get me down, as all the pills I'm trying are either not touching the pain or making me hideously sick... So I'm persevering right now with tramadol at a higher dose, but building it up slowly as I started out taking 3 pills a day and it made me REALLY sick, I couldn't do anything, just puke all the time! :wacko: so I'm just taking one pill in the mornings for a few days in the hope that I will be able to build it up later to actually help the pain; one pill in the morning doesn't do a thing for the pain :nope: so I'm relying on paracetamol at the mo... The worst part is having to rely on OH so much to do things for Vince (Like picking him up etc...) He's my son, I should be able to do that stuff, it's getting me down a bit :( So anyway, sorry to digress into my own stuff, my point is that I totally feel for you sweetie, I hope the steroids help! Have your docs tried you on DMARDs at all? I'm told they can help with arthritis if it's an inflammatory problem... ? Hopefully if the steroids help the pain significantly then your body won't be in so much stress and you might not get too exhausted... Fingers crossed for you :winkwink: Also, sorry to hear that Natasha is still porrly and not feeding so well... As for the Doc brown teats, we just changed Vince to the Stage 2 teats yesterday, and it seems to be agreeing with him so far, just in as far as his feeds are going quicker and he's not gasping for air like he was with the faster flow tommee tippee teats (so I'm guessing he was ready for the change!) I wouldn't worry about it saying 3-6 months, we ignored that lol... I figured, we might as well buy the teats cos he will need them at SOME point, and once we had them we might as well try them for a couple of feeds. What's the worst that can happen? She doesn't do so well with them and you put them away for a while, and you're no further behind :) I'd give them a go! xx

elly, it may sound strange, but I'd like to say well done on switching from the BF... If it wasn't right, I think it was defo for the best that you were brave and took the leap to formula. I'll bet you'll find things a bit easier now, and I hope that it helps your anxiety to go down a bit. I had awful awful anxiety for that first week when I was BFing Vince, and once we'd switched to formula, it seemed to take some of the weight off my shoulders somehow, and it just felt like the right thing for us. I hope it's similar for you :) Another thing that really worked (weirdly!) for my anxiety back then was accupressure... I was at the docs with my exhaustion and chest infection and generally feeling like I was gonna die (lol) when I mentioned feeling very anxious all the time, especially at night, which was causing terrible insomnia and creating a vicious circle... And the doc said she wanted to try something a bit "different" on me. She did this anxiety accupressure tapping thing (you can look it up, there are several websites about it...) and it REALLY worked!! I was amazed, as I don't usually believe in that stuff at all! But maybe something like that might be worth trying? Maybe you could ask your GP? Anyway, hope you start feeling a bit better soon sweetie :hugs: and enjoy Christian's one-month celebrations!! x x x

As for us, Vince went 8 hours again last night :happydance: but is still rather unsettled in the day. Although since your help yesterday, Bun, he has been a lot happier (we did the same today and he has been really chilled and happy for the past hour or so!). OH is starting to feel a little bit down lately, and I feel guilty as I think I'm relying on him a lot because of my stupid painful joints :( He says he wants things to start happening in Vince's progress so that it starts to feel a bit more "worth it" iykwim... Just a bit of payout (like more smiles or some giggles or something) after all the hard work!! Sounds a bit bad I guess, but I think most people feel like this, right? So I don't blame him really... I don't want him to start feeling down about things though, any suggestions to make him feel better would be gratefully received!! I need him to know how grateful I am that he is able to care for both of us so well... :shrug:

Well anyway, other than pains and tiredness (despite Vince being an absolute angel with nighttimes!) and generally being keen for some progress, we're doing ok. It's a beautiful day out, but it's so hard to get out in it, I wish I had my bloody EPIOC already then I wouldn't be so reliant on OH to take me out!! Hopefully soon...

no, no, no, Shadow, what a LOVELY long post :rofl:

will come back and post myself a bit later, am taking advantage of Adam Elliott being asleep in the Moses basket to get a few things done - we seem to be getting into a bit of a routine here *touches wood* and he's napping after a feed in the afternoon for a few hours. It's great, as I can get on with little bits that need doing, nothing major, not doing big proper housework (never really did!) but just keeping tidy rather than having OH come home to find wet nappies on the bedroom floor and a pile of washing up and stuff like that... trying to keep up the illusion that I have things under control! Actually I don't feel so far away from that, the past 3 days have gone pretty well.

So am making a lasagne now. Back later! :D
trying to keep up the illusion that I have things under control! Actually I don't feel so far away from that, the past 3 days have gone pretty well.

So am making a lasagne now. Back later! :D

:thumbup: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

1 handed,but wanted to say YAY for a bit of routine and being in control!!! Lovely to hear you're doing well honey!

My 1st day alone 2moro, OH in London to get things set up for contact with his daughter :wacko: I'm pretty petrified, but wanted to try it rather than all of us lugging up to London, esp. when I'm already getting sick on pills, dont need travel sickness on top of that (i get it really bad :( )

How is it being home alone with AE MJ?? Think I'll make it through 2moro alive??!

Ohhh Shadow good luck for tomorrow, I understand the worry of being alone for the first time. I've done 2 days so far and I just took things slow, don't be afraid to let him grizzle while you sort yourself out ready to feed or amuse him and try to enjoy it. I actually liked the quiet time on my own although it was lovely when OH finally come home. Sorry to hear OH is feeling like he needs more. I don't think it's bad hon I think it's perfectly understandable. As much as I love Samuel being so tiny I'm actually really looking forward to a time when he interacts more even if it's just responding to noise and toys. I love the fact he now has wide awake time where he looks at us and things around the house but he decides on what, where and when but it's a step up from just sleep and crying as set default modes. Just give it time he'll soon see more to paenthood :hugs:
Heh, Shadow, I think I spoke a little too soon - AE has his afternoon feed and nap a bit earlier than usual today and so by the time OH came home, he had woken and I was just done with the nappy change and dealing with a red-faced screaming AE. :rofl:

It all calmed down soon enough but he threw me off my planned schedule and was only halfway through making the lasagne, and I had to feed him again before I could carry on, so it's only just in the oven now rather than having been served up at half seven!

We've been using the cloth nappies during the day, keeping to the disposables at night for now, while I work out how to do a nappy that will keep him dry for up to a whole night (not that he sleeps through but in anticipation!); I don't want to be fiddling with cloth at night, it's easy enough during the day but it's not quite as simple as sticking on a Pampers, what with the cover. But I have not been getting leaks as often since joey's advice about putting the cover on - thanks joey! :D - and so he's been able to stay in the same outfit through three or four nappy changes. :)

Anyway, Adam doesn't seem to like the cloth (but, I tell him, tough luck, deal with it and we'll ask Santa to spend the money we're saving on presents) and he screams and screams and SCREAMS through a change. I mean, sometimes he screams through a change of a disposable as well, but not always. Some of the older cotton LLs (some are the older version with the booster pad attached not optional) are not very soft, but I line with a soft liner or a piece of fleece so next to his skin is comfy. Then I wonder if I am putting them on a bit too tight as his skin is red and indented when I take them off... am just not sure how loose I can get away with without leaks.

It's all a learning curve.

Shadow, I am sure you'll be fine tomorrow flying solo... it's daunting, for sure, but as long as I get a bit of a break (ie, he is quiet or has a nap) I can cope fine. It's stressful when he won't seem to calm down or if I have something I want to do and the day just disappears, but if my time is my own it's ok (like, when I wanted to go to the collection office Tuesday but it took so long for us to get ourselves together and it closes at 1pm and there was just no way, so we didn't go and that was a little frustrating). I have found the sling is a bit of a godsend, in that he usually sleeps for a while in it and I can relax knowing he's ok but also get things done. When he is asleep in the Moses basket, I daren't leave the room, as Betty has become a lot more interested in him the last few days and I am nervous now it's getting cooler that she'll decide to jump in with him; also I keep checking that he is breathing, like every few minutes - am still paranoid. When he's in his cot and the monitor is on, I am more relaxed. But I like him to nap in the basket downstairs during the day, so he is able to sleep through normal everyday noise like the washing machine and the TV and me talking on the phone.

Anyway, good luck, I'll be thinking of you! Tomorrow we have OH's mother coming around but I have managed to get out of seeing her. I have been stressed because she thinks I look daggers at her when she takes AE, which I probably do as I hate when she hangs onto him for too long and especially when he cries and she doesn't give him back to OH or I, like she thinks because she has been looking after kids for years she is more of an expert on our son than we are. If I never see her again right now it'd be too soon. (On our first day home, when Adam was TWO DAYS OLD, she invited herself over and arrived after we'd been home two hours and stayed for ages, sharing the special dinner OH had made us. She monopolised AE, even though I was visibly stressed and wanted him back - but couldn't find the words - and she was holding him in a way I hate, even though he was sobbing, and she was wearing a disgustingly powerful perfume and poor AE stunk of it after, and THEN, while we were eating dinner and AE was in his Moses basket, for the first time and not enjoying it, she said we didn't have to go to him every time he cried!!!!! This is a two-day old baby in his first night home, to first-time parents! I was appalled - but she's not the sort of woman I feel I can stand up to... I really wish I could tell her to eff off.)

So she has been bugging OH about when she can come and see Adam again (it's been about 10 days since we went over there, a visit that was not a success for various reasos concerning her) and we are not keen but don't feel we can get out of it. So what's happening is OH is meeting her at the station, with Adam, and they'll go for coffee in the nice park near us, and not come to the flat. He's told her that I could do with a few hours to catch up on stuff. Which is not a lie, but the real reason is that I cannot bear to see her with my boy. :( I feel like a cow, but it's her fault for not being more sensitive to my needs. There's more to it than this but... grrrrr. Grrrrrrr. GRRRRRRR.
will come back and post myself a bit later, am taking advantage of Adam Elliott being asleep in the Moses basket to get a few things done - we seem to be getting into a bit of a routine here *touches wood* and he's napping after a feed in the afternoon for a few hours. It's great, as I can get on with little bits that need doing, nothing major, not doing big proper housework (never really did!) but just keeping tidy rather than having OH come home to find wet nappies on the bedroom floor and a pile of washing up and stuff like that... trying to keep up the illusion that I have things under control! Actually I don't feel so far away from that, the past 3 days have gone pretty well.

*Sigh* can you teach Samuel this please. I thought we had a routine and he's gone and changed it the past few days. Still getting half hour to do stuff here and there but never at a time I expect :dohh: Ditto on the housework though I'm the same although normally I'm picking up nappies my husbands changed :rofl: (he's not a tidy man)

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