Hey all, you're all saying things like "sorry I'm not getting on here much" but I'm sat here amazed that you're all managing to find some time, and to write such lovely long posts with a bit of something for everyone! Well done ladies, please don't apologise for not being on here every second of the day: That's just not what it's for now!!! When we were all preggers, we were desperate for something to fill the time, so we chatted like mad in here. But of course it won't be like that now hehe!!

you're all lovely

So sorry about the SPD... I know just what you mean about the pain stopping you from really getting into some kind of exercise regime, I too am worried that I will never get my figure back at this rate, but I think we still need to give ourselves a break: The time will come when we're ready for that stuff, and in the meantime we can just eat as healthily as possible and try not to worry about carrying some extra weight.

Hope you can keep the SPD pain under control

what a pain in the arse about your doc's surgery.... After all that effort you made to do it right too! Hope they get it right next time, and that your results are ok

YAY for BF in public!!! I'm sooooo proud of you!!! It must've felt quite exciting to overcome that little hurdle, and of course it's always special when you can calm your baby when noone else can! Well done chick, you're a star!
Bun honey, I put a message on FB, but really hoping that Brandon gets better soon... don't you just hate it when the doc's surgery is closed?! It's a good job noone ever gets sick on holidays or anything eh?!

WOHOO for the BF!! I know you've worked hard and really wanted to reach this point, so a big congrats to you on that
jelr, I'm just the same with the joints right now

It's just starting to get me down, as all the pills I'm trying are either not touching the pain or making me hideously sick... So I'm persevering right now with tramadol at a higher dose, but building it up slowly as I started out taking 3 pills a day and it made me REALLY sick, I couldn't do anything, just puke all the time!

so I'm just taking one pill in the mornings for a few days in the hope that I will be able to build it up later to actually help the pain; one pill in the morning doesn't do a thing for the pain

so I'm relying on paracetamol at the mo... The worst part is having to rely on OH so much to do things for Vince (Like picking him up etc...) He's my son, I should be able to do that stuff, it's getting me down a bit

So anyway, sorry to digress into my own stuff, my point is that I totally feel for you sweetie, I hope the steroids help! Have your docs tried you on DMARDs at all? I'm told they can help with arthritis if it's an inflammatory problem... ? Hopefully if the steroids help the pain significantly then your body won't be in so much stress and you might not get too exhausted... Fingers crossed for you

Also, sorry to hear that Natasha is still porrly and not feeding so well... As for the Doc brown teats, we just changed Vince to the Stage 2 teats yesterday, and it seems to be agreeing with him so far, just in as far as his feeds are going quicker and he's not gasping for air like he was with the faster flow tommee tippee teats (so I'm guessing he was ready for the change!) I wouldn't worry about it saying 3-6 months, we ignored that lol... I figured, we might as well buy the teats cos he will need them at SOME point, and once we had them we might as well try them for a couple of feeds. What's the worst that can happen? She doesn't do so well with them and you put them away for a while, and you're no further behind

I'd give them a go! xx
elly, it may sound strange, but I'd like to say well done on switching from the BF... If it wasn't right, I think it was defo for the best that you were brave and took the leap to formula. I'll bet you'll find things a bit easier now, and I hope that it helps your anxiety to go down a bit. I had awful awful anxiety for that first week when I was BFing Vince, and once we'd switched to formula, it seemed to take some of the weight off my shoulders somehow, and it just felt like the right thing for us. I hope it's similar for you

Another thing that really worked (weirdly!) for my anxiety back then was accupressure... I was at the docs with my exhaustion and chest infection and generally feeling like I was gonna die (lol) when I mentioned feeling very anxious all the time, especially at night, which was causing terrible insomnia and creating a vicious circle... And the doc said she wanted to try something a bit "different" on me. She did this anxiety accupressure tapping thing (you can look it up, there are several websites about it...) and it REALLY worked!! I was amazed, as I don't usually believe in that stuff at all! But maybe something like that might be worth trying? Maybe you could ask your GP? Anyway, hope you start feeling a bit better soon sweetie

and enjoy Christian's one-month celebrations!! x x x
As for us, Vince went 8 hours again last night

but is still rather unsettled in the day. Although since your help yesterday, Bun, he has been a lot happier (we did the same today and he has been really chilled and happy for the past hour or so!). OH is starting to feel a little bit down lately, and I feel guilty as I think I'm relying on him a lot because of my stupid painful joints

He says he wants things to start happening in Vince's progress so that it starts to feel a bit more "worth it" iykwim... Just a bit of payout (like more smiles or some giggles or something) after all the hard work!! Sounds a bit bad I guess, but I think most people feel like this, right? So I don't blame him really... I don't want him to start feeling down about things though, any suggestions to make him feel better would be gratefully received!! I need him to know how grateful I am that he is able to care for both of us so well...
Well anyway, other than pains and tiredness (despite Vince being an absolute angel with nighttimes!) and generally being keen for some progress, we're doing ok. It's a beautiful day out, but it's so hard to get out in it, I wish I had my bloody EPIOC already then I wouldn't be so reliant on OH to take me out!! Hopefully soon...