--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Hi all

Well I'm feeling a bit more human today as I got my mam to take Natasha this morning for a few hours and I had a good rest and I think I'm on the high at the moment from the steriods as I'm full of energy - the only problem is unfortunately with this the more of a boost you get with the the bigger the crash later on - ah well it is worth it if it sorts out my joints at the moment and I might get more done with this boost of energy ha ha.

Elly: Sorry to hear you are getting a bit anxious by times, I was terrified about this but so far so good *touches wood* - Reflexology is meant to be brilliant for PND also, although it can be costly sometimes. Hope the celebrations go well.

Shadow: you poor thing you are not having it easy, yeah some of those pain killers are a nightmare, I used to be high as a kite on tramadol or zydol - one night before we got married I spent the entire night and I mean the entire night I didn't sleep at all, memorising a speech for our wedding and it was so soppy it would have sickened people, I actually knew it off my heart in the morning without writing anything down I went over it in my head so often and the funny thing was I wasn't even making a speech and would never as I would die but it all seemed perfectly logical in my head that night. I was on DMARDS before TTC an injection which I self injected every two weeks, but I have decided to try and manage without these as I am off it now for more than 2 years and have managed far better than I expected so I am going to try and stay off them now as even though I have more pain - I dont have all the other stuff, like pain, tiredness, sickness, bowel problems, tummy problems, and no immune system so I actually feel better most of the time, in one sense I think all the medication has worked like a domino effect for me as in for every tablet or treatment they have put me on, I have ended up with something else because of them eg. I have the beginning stage of osteoporosis from all the steriods over the years and I had to be off the injection for over 5 months before even TTC as it can do so much damage to the fetus and if all goes to plan and we get on okay with Natasha we will probalby try for another LO in about 2 years so I have decided not to go back on the pill and just take other precautions as this time took so long to conceive as I also have polcystic overies, and I reckon getting the pill out of my system slowed things down also as it was a special one for the PCOD but it is too dangerous for me to take the injection when not on the pill in case we did have an accident. I really hope things do settle down for you also, have you tried acupuncture or reflexology, they dont make the pain dissapear but do help to make it manageable, I never went for anything like that but gave it all a go when off my medication and TTC and it really did help.

Best of luck tomorrow with Vince on your own, you will fly it. I was dreading DH going back to work but he is back to weeks now but like Pippin I really enjoy the time with Natasha and but it is great when DH gets home too.

Sorry to hear OH is feeling down too, maybe you two should get out and have a nice meal on your own and get grandma to babysit, we went out for a meal last weekend for DH's birthday and it was nice to have some time for ourselves too.

MJ: Sorry to hear you are having hassle with your MIL, hopefully the visit will be over and done with in quick time without any comments from her, or the plan with your OH taking her out for a walk with Adam is a great idea, she gets to spend time with him and you dont have to listen to any comments. I am having a bit of bother like that with my mum sometimes, dont get me wrong she has been great and is still doing my ironing and all the baby washing as she reckons I should be resting and I would have been lost without her advice by times, but sometimes it is all a bit much and it feels like our house is not our own as my family only live around the corner they seem to be here a lot and it can be very overbearing by times, all I want to do is spend time with my daughter and hubbie without someone else here, and she can also tend to make comments - I know she doesn't mean anything by them but because she has had 7 children sometimes she thinks she knows it all. I did say it to her last week that I feel she is critising me by times, and she said that she didn't mean to and that she thought I was doing a wonderful job that her only complaint was that I never asked for help. She doesn't seem to understand I dont think I need any help and I have waited for this little princess for so long I dont want any help and want to do it all myself. That is part of why I asked her to take Natasha this morning more to get her off my back. She also said not to mind half of what she says as she sometimes says things but doesn't mean it but you would think she would know that I take things to heart by now.

Pippin: Well done for doing the two days on your own, it is a nice time though isn't it.

Well girls I'm off to bed, talk to you all soon as I have rambled on there for for too long. Sorry about that. :hugs: to you all. Xx
God I really did ramble on there girls sorry about that. Xx
Thanks for the support, ladies, as per always. :hugs:

As for making it alone, it can be a bit scary and daunting at first (especially when they won't calm down) but can be nice too. The one thing I'm learning quickly is to try to take naps when he dozes off as resting at night is far and in-between.

We went to the doctor's today and the nurse weighed him. Little Christian is now 9 lbs 5 oz :dance: so he's apparently doing quite well. Too bad he went to the washroom on the examination table (again). :dohh:
hiya ladys well my day was a very strang 1 yesterday oh sister got muged she lives in kent we live near chester so oh raced down there with his dad his sister is on her own with 2 boys so i had baby and son all night on my own it wasnt to bad really and i got to go to bed when i wonted bliss really not sure if he is home today or not find out later
Hi, hope everybody had a reasonable night....

Just wanted to let MJ & the other cloth mummies know I had poo leakage from a sposie last night (still not had poo leak from a LL) so I used a cotton LL for the 2nd part of last night. I used it with a booster & a fleece liner but with a totsbots fleece wrap as they are advised for nights - it worked perfectly :)

Sorry for the short message, 1 handed typing again.
Hi Girls, hope you and all your little ones are all well xxx

Joey - glad to hear your cloth is going well :D I'll be using mine more full time soon :D

tmr - hope your OHs sister is OK hun, thats awful. Well done you for getting by on your own, bet you feel very proud x

elly - good to see you are doing well hun. I know 100% how you feel, i was exactly the same, i've dealt with it a bit more now, so much so the MW is discharging me next week, but even now I have my moments :hugs: Yay for Christian, thats fab news :D O and Imi feels it a necessity to pee in the scales when she's weighed!! :rofl:

jelr - hope your energy boost is still there :D Know what you mean about the break - my mum had Imi yesterday as i had a migraine and I felt sooo much better for it :D I wondered about how I know when to change Imi's bottle teats too! Have you found anything out? Also know what you mean about the iron levels! Since my transfusion i've been on tablets and I think they are slowly helping! My levels didn't go really low (about 9 i think) but i was 14.1 so it was a massive drop! Think |I get rechecked at my 6 week check up :)

MJ - i love the bit about telling AE he'll get more prezzies if he deals with the cloth, top marks :D

Shadow - hope today is going OK hun, I've had all this week at home and its been scary. I really do look forward to DF getting home from work :) Its nice because when he gets home he kinda takes over (in a nice way) because when me and Imi were both poorly, he was helping out so so much in hospital and spent every min with her :) Hope your OH gets his access sorted :hugs: Yay for Vince and his sleeping, thats fab. I have to keep remembering that he's quite a bit older than Imi and our time will come :rofl:

kaygeebee - Fab news about your BFing and so so glad to see Owen is doing well hun, gold top boobie juice :D

Pippin - yay for your BFing in public hun, thats absolutely fab! Bet you were so proud :D

Laura - hows Brandon Li hun? Hope he's starting to get a bit better and there was no need for an emergency trip out :hugs:

costgang - thats rubbish about your docs hun, hope they've sorted it so they won't cock it up again!

As for us, i'm feeling much better now - still have my moments but all in all, the tears are slowing :) Imi is doing great - weighed today and is now 10lb 5oz (from 8lb 13oz at birth and her SCBU time!!)!!! She's stayed put on the 91st centile since birth :D She has developed quite a few millk spots but the HV said these will disappear soon. Anyone elses LO had these? Did they take long to go? We're having an outiong in the morning - DF has an app at the bank for a review so he's taking Imi and I shopping too :D How exciting :D xxx
Hello ladies!

Wow - long time no BnB for me! I hope everyone and their LO's are doing well!

Amelia is now 5 weeks old and weighs 8lb 10oz! :happydance: She was 7lb 9oz at birth but she went right down to 6lb 10oz after probs with BF :( she didn;t feed until she was 7 days old so I had a nightmare in the meantime. But we are going well with the BF now!

Amelia-permitting, I'm going to have a go at reading some of the more recent posts to see how everyone is doing!

Sam :D
hello all

i am so full of admiration for those of you who take the time to reply to all of us ladies individually in your posts. i hope you dont mind a more blanket approach from me most of the time:blush: but i do read up on you all to see how everyone is fairing on this parenthood lark!

yesterday we started to get really worried about Rose. she had had terrible tummy pains before her jabs then alternately was crying this awful cry i had never known her to do and sleeping and not feeding all day after her jabs.
we took her to the docs who we thought would just say side effects blah blah but she sent us to the hospital who kept us in for obs and more tests (hate those bloody tests) mostly because of her prematurity i think. my nightmare to be back there so soon
Thankfully Rose decided to show mummy and daddy up and make them look silly once transferred by ambulance to the second hospital (at god knows what time last night) by feeding and sleeping like a baby!

we are just home, she is fine and we are sooooo happy.

i am so knackered though, off for a lovely bath soon. has become such a treat since Rose has arrived! x
vici~ Glad you are on the up and youer lo is puting on weight. Lucas has got milk spots hes had them on and off they take a few days to go but nothing to worry about.

Sam~ good to hear from you i was thinking about you the outher day. Sorry the BF was a prob but glad all good now lucas wouldnt BF so i just give up and expressed. good on you for sticking to it.

shadow~ how did yesterday go for you? Hope all went well

grumpymoo~ sorry to hear you had a scear with Rose glad she is all well agane and it wasnt any thing bad.

A.F.U Oh came home last night so had the kids all day well rueben was in school most of it i think it was easyer just me and the kids as i could do what i wanted (not that i dnt any way) when i wanted.
i walked up to school with lucas as it was really nice on the way back i seen a woman i knew was stood talking to her and rueben started screaming i tuned to him and he had been stung by a wasp 4 times arond he kneck i was in shock grabd him and ran home with pram bags and rueben its about 10 min away i looked like a nutter but thankfully rueben was ok in a all of pain but gave him some cream and put ice on it and gave him lots of cuddles and some choc and he was soon runing about agane .
Hi girls

TMR: you poor thing you must have got such a fright when Rheuban got stung, I would have died. So glad he is okay though.

Fairly Sam: Good to see you, glad Amelia is putting on weight, how is your hubbie's leg now.

Grumpymoo: Sorry to hear about your trip to the hospital, glad Rose is okay now though.

Viki: Yeah the low Iron is terrible, I was about 13 something as well and went all the way down to 8.1 but they didn't give me a transfusion, wish they had in a way so as I wouldn't be depending on these bloody iron tablets to bring it up. I have to take two a day and they dont do much good for the loo front. Haven't found out much more about the teats, there was a thread in the Formula feeding section and a lot of the woman said that to try them and if LO starts to cough and splutter it means they are going down too quick and to change them back, so we are going to try this evening and see how we go, so I will let you know what happens anyway.

Joeyjo: that is a pain with the poo leak, hope the other ones keep on working for you.

Elly: Yay for Christian gaining weight.

AFU: well my energy boost didn't last - the bloody steriods have kept me awake the last two nights so I'm am shattered today but sure thats the way it goes with them. Brought Natasha back to the doc and we have to continue with the thrush treatment for another week and we have to get infant acidophilus so hopefully that will help.

Well I'm off we are going to get out of the house and so that the three of us have some time on our own without family or visitors, is anyone else finding the visitors tiring we seem to have people calling non stop still, we were planning on going out somewhere for a walk but it is starting to rain so we are going to head for lunch somewhere and hope it stops.

Hope you all have a great weekend.
Hey girls, thanks so much for your well-wishes for yesterday! It went fine, special thanks to MJ and Adam for keeping us company via webcam hehe... And MJ even got a special smile from Vince, I was amazed!! That's still a rare treat for us hehe :winkwink:

I'm really sorry ladies, I have been reading all of your posts and wishing you all well but I am just exhausted for some reason and don't have the energy for a mammoth post! But we're doing ok, still having perfect nights but slightly more tiring days when Vince just seems bothered by one thing or another all day, and we're constantly trying to figure it out! Occasionally everything comes together at the same time and he is all happy and will give us some lovely big smiles and talk to us loads, it's very cute :)

Well, that's about all I can manage just now my lovelies... Still in loads of pain which is tiring me out, but have decided I just cannot continue with the new pain meds and have stopped them, the sickness was just awful :cry: so now I'm stuck with the pain till I can get to the doc who will hopefully have something else I can try!! :shrug:

Love to all :)
Shadow xxx
Bless you shadow, i really hope they get you sorted soon so you can start to feel better:hugs:
ladies i know your all VERY busy with your little ones but if any of you would mind doing me a siggy as im absolutely ..................................not very good! lol i would much appreciate it!

SHADOW how you getting on hun?:thumbup:

thanks ladies brandon-li is getting better thankfully!!!!!!!

i was feeling very hormonal over the past couple of days but :witch: showed her face so feel alot better now......................................cant wait untill my :bfp::haha: i know you all think im BONKERS!!! lmao, but how can i seriously resist!?
Hi girls

I really miss writing on here and catching up but i've had anightmare with archie. Having trouble finding the right formula for him. His very unsettled, the last few days i'd say he hasn't even slept for 14 hours which worries me. His got bags under his eyes. everytime he drops off he wakes himself up and yesterday he was screaming, going red in the face just trying to get a poo out. I felt awful and cried and cried cause i just didnt know what to do.

My midwife also hasnt visited me for days despite me calling and she said she'd come today and she never turnt up so i dont know whats going on. im taking archie to the docs on monday because im worried about him its not normal for a baby to be awake so much and in pain to poo like he is. i wish i could help him but i cant. Its also straining me and hubby we take 4 hour turns to sleep which i hate because of my epilepsy my fits are usually sleep deprived fits and i had a grand mal which upset me and thinkng ll have to up my anti convulsant dose or take another one alongside my lamotrigine. of course i worry it will happen when i am holding archie to but luckily my big fits are given signals first like i have small muscle twitches so i go to lie down.

At the moment he is asleep which makes me so happy because he just seemed absolutely knackered his been either wide awake or just crying. We are changing formulas we started on aptamil yesterday and he has done two poos and they dropped out quite easily, i was actually holding him and heard (and felt!) his poo drop into his nappy and he didnt strain at all so i am hoping this is the start of ahappy archie.

Anyway i hope to catch up soon i miss chatting on here xx
rubyrose~ sorry you are having a bad time. Hope the new milk sorts things out for you. i had Lucas on aptamil and changed to cow and gate a stupid thing for me to do as he started coming out in red lumps and he poo went really green and he was only going every outher day and didnt seem happy when trying to go. But changed him back yesterday and he seems a lot happer and just filled his nappy now lol.I hope he starts sleeping more for you :hugs:

Shadow~ Hope the docs can give you some thing for youer pain it cant be nice or easy for you. congrats on getting thow the day on youer own :hugs:

A.F.U Lucas slept from 10pm untill 4:30am and had 2oz and went back to sleep untill 6 and just wanted a cuddle and has had a nappy chang and is sitting in hes chair with rueben waching tv. (but just filled his nappy). he has started really smilling at every one and is cooing away at any 1 that talkes to him he was lay on the floor at my mums yesterday and was talking to the light for a hr such a happy baby i just love it.

Got his date throw for his 1st jabs on 30th really dont want it to come i hate it sticking needles in to a poor little baby. :cry:

Any way i could ramble on but prob boring you now ttyl

have a nice sunday
Hello my lovelies! Big hugs to all, I think we need them. We went to my friends party last night which was brilliant, but madam made up for being good at the party by screaming solidly for a couple of hours when we got home. Not that bad compared to the other night when she cried from 7.30 until 12.30 and nothing I did could comfort her so I just cried as well. She's a really good baby, and I shouldn't complain, but OH isn't home all that much and it's just me and a baby who doesn't seem to like me very much a lot of the time :(

Still, she's healthy and so am I and sometimes I get enough time to come on and post on BnB ;) I miss the days when I could post more than once mind. I miss work too.
Hey all :)
Luckilythe pain is not too bad today, and I have docs appointment with Vincey tomorrow so hopefully things will get a bit more sorted then! I have been feeling pretty ill lately though, now I'm not so sure it was just the pills cos I've been feeling really rough even after I stopped them... :shrug:
Bun, if I can get a spare second I'll help you to make a siggie if you like :) pm me and let me know what you want in it etc. and I'll try to arrange it all nicely for you :D
Ruby, eeeep @ fits etc... :nope: I had no idea you had epilepsy hun, hope you can keep it under control and that you manage to get some decent sleep soon if Archie does a bit better on the Aptamil :hugs:
tmr, bless little Lucas! So glad he's being such a joy for you,isn't it wonderful when they smile lots and talk to you? It's still quite rare for Vinnie, more on that in a sec...
Aunty E, glad you had a good time out with Imogen, isn't it just typical that when you take :baby: out they behave beautifully, only to make you pay for it later?! Sorry you're feeling like she doesn't like you :hugs: babies really don't like anyone though honey, they're pretty selfish creatures really, because they have to be :winkwink: she will soon start to interact lots more with you and generally be more fun to be around, and she'll no doubt show how much she loves her momma too :thumbup:

As for us, Vince did 8 1/2 hours then 4 again last night, I was even out of bed at the same time as him (usually OH does the morning feed and I lie in, but I didn't need to lie in today cos he'd gone longer in the night!) And so I'm delighted with my boy... At nighttime...
He seems to adore bedtime, as I swaddle him for bed he smiles at me loads and loads and makes his cute cooing noises, it's just a lovely time. And he does the same after his night feed at 4:30 ish (last night it was 5:00!) he seems so happy at those times... And OH says that when he goes in to him for his first morning feed he smiles up at him from the cot and is a delight through that feed.

And then the daytime comes...

I just don't know what's wrong, but for a good week or so now he has been pretty miserable during the day. He's fussy ALL the time (apart from when he's feeding and for about 15 minutes afterwards, as long as he burps ok) and nothing we do seems to please him at all... We're wondering whether it's to do with keeping him downstairs with us through the day, maybe he needs to go up for naps more? We might try that...

I'm so proud of him at nighttime, but he is no fun at all during the day, he seems frustrated with us and we get frustrated and we just can't figure him out! Could he be bored?? I don't know... :shrug:

Anyway, just doing our shopping online because we don't have the energy to go traipsing around Tesco this week. Hope you're all ok, keep your chins up guys and just keep doing the fabulous job you're all doing with your LOs!! They'll be grown up before we know it and loving us unconditionally :)

Shadow xxx

P.S. Bun, :rofl: @ :bfp: !!!! Crazy lady... Though I'm starting to think I might be able to handle just one more some day... Not yet though!!!
shadow thanks chic will pm you shortly!!!

me and b have got our postnatal check tomorrow and then hes got his 1st injections on wednesday:cry:

shadow, b has also started getting VERY fussy!! esp at about 6pm again he cries quite alot, im not sure if maybe hes starting to teethe:wacko:.
but i found that during the dsy he wants ALOT of attention and gets bored very easily it like a bloody toy curcit in my house and i feel like im constantly trying to keep him amused!!! as lovely as it is!!! it is hard work and im not able to do alot of house work!! ;) xxxxx
ok iveonly jsut worked out where this section is...lol after like 4 weeks since giving birth.... xxx

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