Hi all
Well I'm feeling a bit more human today as I got my mam to take Natasha this morning for a few hours and I had a good rest and I think I'm on the high at the moment from the steriods as I'm full of energy - the only problem is unfortunately with this the more of a boost you get with the the bigger the crash later on - ah well it is worth it if it sorts out my joints at the moment and I might get more done with this boost of energy ha ha.
Elly: Sorry to hear you are getting a bit anxious by times, I was terrified about this but so far so good *touches wood* - Reflexology is meant to be brilliant for PND also, although it can be costly sometimes. Hope the celebrations go well.
Shadow: you poor thing you are not having it easy, yeah some of those pain killers are a nightmare, I used to be high as a kite on tramadol or zydol - one night before we got married I spent the entire night and I mean the entire night I didn't sleep at all, memorising a speech for our wedding and it was so soppy it would have sickened people, I actually knew it off my heart in the morning without writing anything down I went over it in my head so often and the funny thing was I wasn't even making a speech and would never as I would die but it all seemed perfectly logical in my head that night. I was on DMARDS before TTC an injection which I self injected every two weeks, but I have decided to try and manage without these as I am off it now for more than 2 years and have managed far better than I expected so I am going to try and stay off them now as even though I have more pain - I dont have all the other stuff, like pain, tiredness, sickness, bowel problems, tummy problems, and no immune system so I actually feel better most of the time, in one sense I think all the medication has worked like a domino effect for me as in for every tablet or treatment they have put me on, I have ended up with something else because of them eg. I have the beginning stage of osteoporosis from all the steriods over the years and I had to be off the injection for over 5 months before even TTC as it can do so much damage to the fetus and if all goes to plan and we get on okay with Natasha we will probalby try for another LO in about 2 years so I have decided not to go back on the pill and just take other precautions as this time took so long to conceive as I also have polcystic overies, and I reckon getting the pill out of my system slowed things down also as it was a special one for the PCOD but it is too dangerous for me to take the injection when not on the pill in case we did have an accident. I really hope things do settle down for you also, have you tried acupuncture or reflexology, they dont make the pain dissapear but do help to make it manageable, I never went for anything like that but gave it all a go when off my medication and TTC and it really did help.
Best of luck tomorrow with Vince on your own, you will fly it. I was dreading DH going back to work but he is back to weeks now but like Pippin I really enjoy the time with Natasha and but it is great when DH gets home too.
Sorry to hear OH is feeling down too, maybe you two should get out and have a nice meal on your own and get grandma to babysit, we went out for a meal last weekend for DH's birthday and it was nice to have some time for ourselves too.
MJ: Sorry to hear you are having hassle with your MIL, hopefully the visit will be over and done with in quick time without any comments from her, or the plan with your OH taking her out for a walk with Adam is a great idea, she gets to spend time with him and you dont have to listen to any comments. I am having a bit of bother like that with my mum sometimes, dont get me wrong she has been great and is still doing my ironing and all the baby washing as she reckons I should be resting and I would have been lost without her advice by times, but sometimes it is all a bit much and it feels like our house is not our own as my family only live around the corner they seem to be here a lot and it can be very overbearing by times, all I want to do is spend time with my daughter and hubbie without someone else here, and she can also tend to make comments - I know she doesn't mean anything by them but because she has had 7 children sometimes she thinks she knows it all. I did say it to her last week that I feel she is critising me by times, and she said that she didn't mean to and that she thought I was doing a wonderful job that her only complaint was that I never asked for help. She doesn't seem to understand I dont think I need any help and I have waited for this little princess for so long I dont want any help and want to do it all myself. That is part of why I asked her to take Natasha this morning more to get her off my back. She also said not to mind half of what she says as she sometimes says things but doesn't mean it but you would think she would know that I take things to heart by now.
Pippin: Well done for doing the two days on your own, it is a nice time though isn't it.
Well girls I'm off to bed, talk to you all soon as I have rambled on there for for too long. Sorry about that.
to you all. Xx
Well I'm feeling a bit more human today as I got my mam to take Natasha this morning for a few hours and I had a good rest and I think I'm on the high at the moment from the steriods as I'm full of energy - the only problem is unfortunately with this the more of a boost you get with the the bigger the crash later on - ah well it is worth it if it sorts out my joints at the moment and I might get more done with this boost of energy ha ha.
Elly: Sorry to hear you are getting a bit anxious by times, I was terrified about this but so far so good *touches wood* - Reflexology is meant to be brilliant for PND also, although it can be costly sometimes. Hope the celebrations go well.
Shadow: you poor thing you are not having it easy, yeah some of those pain killers are a nightmare, I used to be high as a kite on tramadol or zydol - one night before we got married I spent the entire night and I mean the entire night I didn't sleep at all, memorising a speech for our wedding and it was so soppy it would have sickened people, I actually knew it off my heart in the morning without writing anything down I went over it in my head so often and the funny thing was I wasn't even making a speech and would never as I would die but it all seemed perfectly logical in my head that night. I was on DMARDS before TTC an injection which I self injected every two weeks, but I have decided to try and manage without these as I am off it now for more than 2 years and have managed far better than I expected so I am going to try and stay off them now as even though I have more pain - I dont have all the other stuff, like pain, tiredness, sickness, bowel problems, tummy problems, and no immune system so I actually feel better most of the time, in one sense I think all the medication has worked like a domino effect for me as in for every tablet or treatment they have put me on, I have ended up with something else because of them eg. I have the beginning stage of osteoporosis from all the steriods over the years and I had to be off the injection for over 5 months before even TTC as it can do so much damage to the fetus and if all goes to plan and we get on okay with Natasha we will probalby try for another LO in about 2 years so I have decided not to go back on the pill and just take other precautions as this time took so long to conceive as I also have polcystic overies, and I reckon getting the pill out of my system slowed things down also as it was a special one for the PCOD but it is too dangerous for me to take the injection when not on the pill in case we did have an accident. I really hope things do settle down for you also, have you tried acupuncture or reflexology, they dont make the pain dissapear but do help to make it manageable, I never went for anything like that but gave it all a go when off my medication and TTC and it really did help.
Best of luck tomorrow with Vince on your own, you will fly it. I was dreading DH going back to work but he is back to weeks now but like Pippin I really enjoy the time with Natasha and but it is great when DH gets home too.
Sorry to hear OH is feeling down too, maybe you two should get out and have a nice meal on your own and get grandma to babysit, we went out for a meal last weekend for DH's birthday and it was nice to have some time for ourselves too.
MJ: Sorry to hear you are having hassle with your MIL, hopefully the visit will be over and done with in quick time without any comments from her, or the plan with your OH taking her out for a walk with Adam is a great idea, she gets to spend time with him and you dont have to listen to any comments. I am having a bit of bother like that with my mum sometimes, dont get me wrong she has been great and is still doing my ironing and all the baby washing as she reckons I should be resting and I would have been lost without her advice by times, but sometimes it is all a bit much and it feels like our house is not our own as my family only live around the corner they seem to be here a lot and it can be very overbearing by times, all I want to do is spend time with my daughter and hubbie without someone else here, and she can also tend to make comments - I know she doesn't mean anything by them but because she has had 7 children sometimes she thinks she knows it all. I did say it to her last week that I feel she is critising me by times, and she said that she didn't mean to and that she thought I was doing a wonderful job that her only complaint was that I never asked for help. She doesn't seem to understand I dont think I need any help and I have waited for this little princess for so long I dont want any help and want to do it all myself. That is part of why I asked her to take Natasha this morning more to get her off my back. She also said not to mind half of what she says as she sometimes says things but doesn't mean it but you would think she would know that I take things to heart by now.
Pippin: Well done for doing the two days on your own, it is a nice time though isn't it.
Well girls I'm off to bed, talk to you all soon as I have rambled on there for for too long. Sorry about that.