--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Hi all!

Well, what a few long weeks this has been for me! They induced lacbor 9/1 at 1pm. My Dr. broke my waters as soon as I got to the hospital which caused issues about 11pm that night. I started spiking a fever during the night and my bp started going haywire. I had to lay on my left side for 15hrs straight because when I moved, James' heart rate would drop to like 50! I stayed at 4cm for 9 hours!!! UGH!! I sent OH home at 12:30 and it was just me and my friend (OH would not have been well during delivery if I hadn't!). I was getting frustrated and very uncomfortable during the night. I had to wear an oxygen mask to help give James enough. At 6am the next morning, the dr comes in to check on me and my friend was trying to be sarcastic and said "it would be great if you said she was about 7cm" and the dr says "actually she is about 7cm!" We called OH and a half an hour later, I was 9.5! By 7:10, I was pushing and he was born at 8:36 on 9/2. He was born on my grandmother's birthday! He will always be my miracle baby as after he was born, the dr discovered a true knot in his cord! I'm so glad they didn't make me wait two weeks to induce! I can't bear the though of "what might have been". I had difficulty recovering. I am still being monitored for my bp. I was border line pre eclampsic the saturday after I gave birth and was almost put back in the hospital. Then tuesday, I was BACK in the ER with fluid on my lungs! It was so bad that I could not walk across the hall to his nursery w/o being out of breath. I think I am finally on the mends now and will try to get back in touch more with you all. I will redo my siggy at some point.
hiya mummys

Lucas is really fussy in the day like he wants to sleep but wants to play but coz he cant move about dosnt like it. yesterday he hardly slept took him to oh mums and he fell to sleep in oh mums hands after cooing and smilling to oh dad for ages then as soon as i got him home he screamd untill i put him in the bath at 6pm with big bro he had a bottel at 6:30 and went to sleep at 7 then i tryed to give him a bottel at 10ish but he wouldnt take it so ended up undressing him and he took 3oz and i give up and put him to bed and he woke at 5:30am so back on the all night i hope.

i feel like i have come down with yet another cold sick of it now its been 1 after another atm.

overcomer congrats on the birth of youer lo sorry to hear you had a hard time of it hope u are on the mend now.
this wont be a long post because im typing one handed, jesse has fallen asleep on my arm and i know hes going to scream ifi put him down,

he has started teething rather early, when you look in his mouth you can see two little white dots on the front of his gums at the bottom, iv felt them and they are definatly his teeth, they havnt cut yet i dont know how long it will be though,
this has turned him over the last week from a lovely contented hardly ever crying baby, to a real real fussy kid, he has turned into a tap too he is constantly slavvering over everyone and sucking his hands, he wants cuddling constantly, and wails alot, iv been giving him a tiny bit of bonjela and gave him abit of calpol the other day when he was really bad, the poor little thing, weve bought a few different teething aids for him but the problem is that his mouth is too small for them, and they are all clearly designed for babies who are a little older than jess and can hold things properly for themselves, :/
my poor little man, his sleeping has gone completly out of the window too he woke every half an hour last night for 1oz, and was just chewing on the teat and hardly actually drinking, he ended up in bed with us, so OH has gone to work super tired and will come home in a bad mood,
and we have tickets for pete doherty tonight so my mum is babysitting and im worried about him being fussy,
though she loves cuddling him so im sure she wont mind too much,
i hate seeing him sad though hes pulls the cutest sad face though sticking his bottom lip out he looks so cute when he does it but it breaks my heart, i hate that theres nothing i can do for him apart from let him dribble on me,
hes also discovered how to pull off my glasses when hes tantruming, which can get annoying, haha,

i hope everyones okay i cant reply to everyone cus this has taken me long enough with only one hand, xx
hey lovely lion cub mummies! :D

finally I have a chance to post - well, I get online often but usually I have Adam on my lap/attached to my boob and it's hard to type one-handy, as I am sure you are all aware :rofl:

I do have Adam attached to me right now, kind of, he is asleep but - little bugger - in the sling rather than in his cot or his moses basket. he didn't do his full night's sleep last night, he went from 11.30pm to 3.45am, which is about the usual, but then, after 2 hours sucking at me, he wasn't very interested in any top-up (which is good) but neither was he interested in going back to sleep. :( he grizzled and grumped and cried and wouldn't settle, so mummy didn't get her usual three more hours sleep and consequently is mainlining caffeine today. I'd put him in his basket now, except he's done this a few times now, fallen asleep either on me or next to me, and when I think it's safe to put him down, he wakes and the tears come... I think he has been trying to do a poo. :( it's sometimes a traumatic event!

but I had to go out and get some stuff from the shop, so I put him in the sling and as SOON as he was in it he curled up and was out like a light. makes a change - last time we went out with it he wasn't settled and as soon as I stopped walking the roaring started!

so. joey, good to hear you had success with the LLs overnight! we had Adam in one till 4am the other night, accidentally, as he fell asleep before what I thought would be the last nappy change of the day. it held up well. we've not been having leaks hardly at all, thankfully, since I figured out how to put the wrap on properly. and - even better - OH has been putting them on and is fully on board! he likes the microfibre ones, I guess because they were my new ones and all soft and lovely (second hand but never used); he hasn't realised they are not as absorbant as the others. I use a bamboo booster with them and they are fine.

Vici, I understand you're using Little Lambs as well! I saw the gorgeous pics of Imi in hers, she looks lovely. a big healthy young lady! AE has had milk spots as well, right now he only has 2 but I looked at a pic that was taken when he was a couple of hours old and he had about 8. so they do go, I just never really noted exactly when.

jelr - so sorry to hear about your tiredness. hope Natasha is feeling better now, too. poor little girl, thrush isn't much fun :(

shadow :hugs: - it was so so so cool to see you and Vince the other day! sorry AE wasn't doing anything interesting (he cried a bit and then rest of the time only his head could be seen as he sucked on my boob). Vince is a gorgeous little chap and I am truly honoured to have been the recipient of a smile! very sorry your pain is bringing you down, hope that the doc has an alternative that doesn't have horrible side-effects. oh, as for V's good night routine but not great day-time - well, ack - it's a nuisance but at least you aren't dealing with a grumpy, grizzly baby with sleep deprivation! personally I can handle what Adam throws at me as long as I get at least 5 hours' sleep. less than that and I edge towards the 'falling apart' feeling. more, and I feel pretty on top of things :)

ruby, sorry to hear Archie has been having trouble with his formula - Adam gets Aptimil supplemented (some days more than others) and he's had no problems with it. he still makes a drama out of doing a poo but they are very very runny (part breastmilk) and I can't imagine they hurt to actually pass! fx it makes Archie feel good about pooing. :hug:

oc, good to see you in here now! sounds like a bit of a traumatic birth, but what a gorgeous result!

Aunty E, I also sometimes think Adam doesn't like me very much, which logically is ridiculous as he is not aware of other people of being separate from him yet! it just stings sometimes when he's grumpy with me but cheerier with OH (he's not really smiling yet but he does definitely look jolly at times, he's working up to a proper social smile I think). but then OH gets frustrated when he can't soothe him and all he wants is a boob. and then I think that all he likes about me are my boobs! which is probably true. the song Brimful of Asha keeps coming to mind - everybody needs a bosom for a pillow...

eeek, naughty Betty has just climbed into the (empty) moses basket... bad Betty! she was swiftly evicted.

hi bun and fairysam and augustbaby! good to see you, too! :D

boothh, that's early for teething! poor little fellow, I am not really looking forward to that. the nappies are supposed to get quite vicious when they teethe, aren't they..?

tmr, hope your cold gets better quickly, I imagine that is unpleasant while dealing with a fussy newborn... :hug:

anyway, Adam is still asleep in the wrap - that was one of the best uses of £50 (ish, can't quite remember) I've made! he's lovely and snuggly but I have use of my hands as well :D got to get on and do things today, I hate it when OH comes home and finds a mess, it looks like I am not coping, so I am going to tidy and cook and wash nappies today.


Not much to say as I'm one handed again :dohh: but wanted to say hi and I'm lurking. Samuel doing well had massive amounts of awake time today. So cool, much more interesting than sleep or crying!! Being a bit clingy but don't mind that too much. I did slice my thumb open on DH's knife so struggling with nappy changes and poppers on clothes but these things are here to try us and to make us stronger. Still only doing one night feed and all weekend getting up at 10am :happydance: my boy likes a sleep in too :yipee: Now sleeping in the day is a different thing, Shadow I fully understand the grizzle in the day :hugs: Actually maybe they are sleeping too much at night, hmmmmm.
Hi mj!!! Nice to see you too chic.
I have to laugh ladies when I think back to how much we used to post when we were preggers n now we hardly find the time!!! I can remember when I had b I wasn't around for weeks now I don't feel so guilty!! Lol

b is now 14lb 10oz been for out postnatal today n the nurse decided to give him his injections there and then!! Hadn't really bothered him tho!, he's coo'in away as we speak in his crib!! Lol x x x x x
:wave: hey girls!! Great to have pretty much everyone here now :) and even better that lots of us seem to be finding a bit of time to post now that we're starting to really find our feet with our little monsters :happydance:

MJ, it was LUSH to do webcam wasn't it?! AE was gorgeous, as ever, and I'd love to do it again some time chick :winkwink: Can't promise a smile every time from the V-man, but he does seem to be smiling an awful lot more these days which is WONDERFUL! If I try to count how much eh has smiled today, I'd say it's around 10! :dance:
It's so funny, it seems that just when I get concerned enough about an issue with Vince to post it in here and ask you guys for help and advice, the issue resolves itself somehow! Vince has been MUCH more settled and happy today, even though he only went 7 hours last night (he had been going 8- 8 1/2, so a slight step backwards... hopefully back on track tonight!) I'm not sure what it is that sometimes makes him have a day of pure grizzle, where nothing we do can comfort him, but today hasn't been like that so hopefully we're on the way up now!
Pips, EEEP @ thumb... reminds me of the time when OH almost sliced 3 of his fingers off with a corned beef tin :rofl: It's funny looking back on it, he made this queasy little noise from the kitchen and I came in to find him desperately holding his hand together and blood plurting everywhere!!!! I called 999 whilst he turned a nasty pale green colour (lol) and we waited for the paramedic to come and stick him back together!! I had to scrub his blood out of the carpet... Nice...
But anyway, be careful chick!! Can'tbe easy to dress and nappy change a wriggly little man with a sliced thumb! Glad you're getting more wakeful times through the day with Sam, and that lie-in sounds lovely!! Thanks to OH being "in charge" in the mornings, I usually get a good lie in most days too :)
Bun, wow, B is a BIG boy eh?? Is he getting better for you now sweetie?? Hope so :)
We also had our 8-week check up today which went very well indeed, Vince weighs 5.78kg (12lb 12oz) and is hovering at about 60cm "tall" after his massive growth spurt a couple of weeks ago! And like Brandon-Li, he also had his jabs today, which were relatively stress-free! OH was more traumatised than anyone bless him, he kept saying that he remembered Finlay having her first jabs and hated how she screamed!! Vince screamed for about 20 seconds, then doc gave him to me for a cuddle and like an angel he immediately settled and was fine! He was even full of smiles for the nice lady nurse!! Little charmer hehe...
He's starting to really adore his bathtime and bedtime routine, we do HUGE splashes in the bath and he just LOVES it!!! We splash him about all over the place and he waves his arms in glee and kicks his little legs, I think for sure he'll be a keen swimmer!! I can't wait to take him to the pool for the first time, that might be pretty soon at this rate!! :D

Oh, and MJ, I'm so glad you love your sling too, they're great aren't they? It's good that Adam got more used to it, how is he liking the cloth bum now? I'm being tempted by cloth bum cuteness now, but I really don't need anything more and I really shouldn't spend loads of money on such frivolity, but blueberry minkies are sooo cute, and I am so tempted to get some groovy boyish babylegs and a supercute nappy to show off!!! Maybe I'll allow myself just two... ? Or maybe it'd be better to wait till he's a bit bigger, crawling etc...

Oh, and thanks for all your loveliness about my stupid pains :dohh: I spoke to the doc today and he said let's try going back to my old pills but taking something for the sickness, and also try some accupuncture. I'm also doing Shiatsu starting this Wednesday, so hopefully we can tackle it from all angles... I'll let you guys know how I get on :winkwink:

Anywho, lots of love to you all :kiss:

Shadow xxxxx
Hey everyone and glad to hear folks are finding their bearings and routines with their little ones!

Although I know it is a bit early to say, I'm hoping this trend continues. Little one fell asleep at 9pm, woke up at 1:30 for food and then again at 4 am. We actually got some decent sleep last night. :dance:
MJ - i know how you feel about putting baby down and them starting when you put them down tho archie is slowly getting better... if we put him down he makes these "eh eh eh" noises but we've started to let him do them for 20 mins and he soon knackers himself out. He had probs pooing to but thank god the apatamil seems to help with that.

elly75 - nice to hear your little one is settling into a routine. :-)

shadowrat - lol wish archie liked baths the minute his butt hits the water he wails! I am sure he will like them when his a bit older or when we move and have a bigger bath so he can sit in with me but at the mo he hates it and im sure he protests by peeing all over me when i take his nappy off lol

bun-intheoven - wow brandon is growing well!

sorry if i missed anyone ! I will get better at replying soon!

Archie seems very content now, we swapped to the nuk teats so he cant take as much air down hence less wind. he still wolfs milk down and is finished 4oz in 20 mins but you can hear he cant take the air down now little piggy lol. He likes the aptamil to andseems to adjusted to it well does lots of farts but passes them easily (in his sleep a lot haha) and his poos are once to twice a day and nice and runny. He takes 120ml every four hours but he keeps sucking when his finished so i think we gonna have to up to 150ml soon! i have a crap midwife tho she was meant to discharge me agggess ago to health visitor and the silly cow hasnt been round for days to do it tho she said she'd come saturday so i called up then she said sunday, didnt turn up AGAIN.

Anyway hope you are all well and your los are keeping you on your toes!
Hi Ladies,

It is so long since I posted anything, have been a bit of a lurker lately. Glad to hear that you have all settled into routines with your LO's and that you are all enjoying them. Shadow sorry to hear that you havent been feeling well, hope the meds kick in and relieve some of that pain for you. How was your OH's trip to London, hope it all went well, and that you coped well on your own with Vince. I know it can be quite daunting thinking of your first time alone with the LO but it all goes well in the end.

Vici - I hope Imi is feeling better now, last time I was on she wasnt feeling too well

Bun - waiting for a BFP hey, wow - anyway you might as well so that the grow up together although it wont be easy. I have also been thinking of ttc but will take it easy as my SPD is still quite bad atm. Good to hear that B took to his injections well, my little Mimi is having her's next week and I hope she is ok with them

Pippin and Shadow you are so lucky that your LO's sleep all through the night, my little Mimi keeps on waking up on and off and hasnt really established a good pattern yet. She does sleep a lot during the day though.

I've been ever so busy with the school run it's driving me insane. A typical day involves waking up at 6 and getting the kids ready, then leaving the house at 7:30 as their school is now 16 mile away since we moved house and the traffic is just unbelievable at that time. Once I've dropped them off then back home with Mimi for about four hours then it starts again. She doesnt really like her car seat but is becoming better, she used to scream her head off each time I moved the car but this is becoming less often.

I did think of changing schools but my eldest is now in Y6 and he has SATs so dont want him stressing about making new friends when it is his final year in primary.

Anyway that is it from me, stay blessed
Hi Ladies,

Pippin and Shadow you are so lucky that your LO's sleep all through the night, my little Mimi keeps on waking up on and off and hasnt really established a good pattern yet. She does sleep a lot during the day though.

He doesn't do the whole night hon we wake for one feed occasionally two. But I'm still lucky.
I would love more 6 hours unbroken lol... i had it once and it was fab but most of the time archie wakes up twice in the night!
OMG Mimi, can't believe little Mimi was 2 months yesterday!! They're all growing so fast!!
Ruby honey, Archie is only teeny still, you'll get there with the sleeping!
Elly, sounds like Christian is progressing in much the same way as Vincent did, it wasn't long after that before he started going longer and longer at night :)

I'm trying to make a cute blinkie for my sig, but it's a bit of a nightmare!! Got some pretty cute pics of Vincey today and I want to make good use of them hehe! But I think I'm gonna give up for tonight as I'm pretty sleepy, big day tomorrow and we're gonna pop in to the new Toys R Us / Babies R Us that's just opened up near us to spend a voucher we were given for Vinnie :happydance:

Night night my lovelies!
x x x x x x
Hi guys

Just checking in quickly, I have read but am shattered today and am heading to bed so its only a quick message.

Natasha has joined the grizzly club today and I spent all day trying to figure out what was wrong and nothing seemed to work for very long, I think she was just overtired and was fighting her sleep the poor thing, thankfully she has gone down now so I'm going to head to bed in case tomorrow is the same.

Vici I just wanted to let you know I tried the bigger teat and it didn't work, she didn't cough or splutter just dribbled lots of it down her chin so I think it is a little quick for her still, which is a pity as she had 4 oz gone along with a nappy change in 20 mins which normally takes 40 mins without the nappy change.

Well gonna run, hope all these babies are not so grizzly tomorrow and you all get some sleep tonight. Xx
So very tired... glad to hear you are all chugging along... life with babies is busy...

Last thurs we went to the ER at 2 am .. Gage had a fever... ear infection like his 2 older brothers...

ER doc called at 12 am friday... bring gage in bacteria showed up in blood work he needs to be admitted to hospital and IV antibiotics...

we were there 2 days and doc came in to say the bacteria wasn't the bad kind and that they were letting us go home... good lord... this has been a roller coaster...

:hugs: to you all...

mimiso~ Lucas cant stand hes car seat eather think it is the head rest thing that gose around hes head he dosnt like it at all hes fine untill i put the straps on

jelr~ hope you have a better day

smith~ hope things start looking up for you hunny

boothh~ Lucas is getting he 2 bottem teeth as well. there isnt really a to early to get there teeth as some babys are born with teeth. Rueben got hes 1st 2 at 4weeks then they all came out within 4-6weeks we didnt have any probs with him thow didnt even know he was teething apart from the dribbling all the time

Shadow~ hope the new meds start to work and you feel better soon. Have fun at toys r us.

Lucas is in the routeen of sleeping all night and i love it i still wake afew times a night to make sure he is ok and that he isnt awake still do it with my outher son as well thow and hes 5 lol.
Iv got my 6week apt tomoz not looking 4wd to it really as they take blood agane and still not feeling 100% this cold has really knocked me off my feed but oh has been lovely i was asleep on the sofa with lucas on my chest yesterday and he took him off me and coverd me over bless he can be nice lol. I have my sisters wedding on the 3rd and iam bridmad really dont want to go i have to on the 2nd take lucas for his jabs in the am then pick rueben up from school at 2:30pm to get down my mums wich is 35min away in the car to go to the hair dressers to have rags put in my hair as my sister wants the bridmads hair curly and as my hair is thin very long and strat they have to stay in over night for the curls to stay in all day. grrr she really dose my head in i hate having any 1 messing with my hair but my sister even told me i have to have it cut up to my sholders who the hell dose she think she is it has taken me yrs to grow my hair. (i dont get on with my sister at all never have).

any way rant over have a nice day
hi girls

just a quicky but what slings do you have and are they any good? Rose is big enough for one now and i think she would like it and i would like it to get stuff done when we have a colicy day!

any tips on colic would be appreciated too

thanks :)

moo x
Hi girls, Imi is napping and MW isn't here yet (hoping to be discharged today :happydance:) so thought i'd try and have a quick update :D

jelr - I didn't have my transfusion because of my iron levels, it was because I lost so much blood during my section :( This made my levels drop hence the pills. They must be working as i have much more energy again :) Least you've got the teats now ready for when you need them. I've ordered some, just so I have them :)

grumpymoo - We have the Moby Wrap and both DF and I love it. It's so versatile and Imi loves it :) Proper snuggles her in and is fab for any kind of grizzles :D

tmr - fab news about Lucas sleeping all night, well done :D Least getting up to check him isn't like getting up for a feed, nappy etc etc :D

smith - glad to see Gage is on the mend, big :hugs:

MJ - yeah, using my little lambs :D Seem to be working rrally well so far but i do find they're getting soaked pretty quick. Trying with a fleece liner today to see if that keeps her abit dryer :)

Boothh - big :hugs: for poor Jesse, must be horrible. It is so hard when they are proper crying and theres nothing you can do :( Imi likes my glasses too and altho she hasn't pulled them off yet she has grabbed the sides a few times :rofl:

OC - sorry to hear you had such a hard time hun but massive congrats on your LO :D

Laura - I took a piccie of Imi in her dress yesterday so will post it when I upload it to the PC :D

Shadow - so glad to hear Vince is doing so well. I know what you mean about the day time grizzles tho. Imi has been like that this week. She's fine in my arms (altho does get abit restless in the end) but its like I can't do anything as she just grizzles and wimpers :( I do think she's got a pooing problem tho, and has had ALOT of bum wind today bless her :nope: Know what you mean about thinking that another one isn't a def no now as it was a few weeks ago :rofl:

Aunty E - Glad you had a nice time at the party. I too miss being able to post more but I def don't miss work :rofl:

RR - seems there are many problems with formula and Aptimal seems to be the best so hope things are going a bit better for you and Archie now xx

Well in the time its taken to write this post Imi has had a half feed and is now grizzling on her mat (alternating between farting and crying bless her :() and the MW has been and discharged me :thumbup: It really does take that long to post nmowadays!!

O but good news, last night she slept from 9pm till 2:10am, had a feed and was back down by 3am and awake at 5:30am!! Woo hoo :D

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