Hey girls (& carter!), real quick one here as I'm off to bed very shortly after an uber-tiring day!!!
First and foremost, WELCOME HOME JAI JAI!!!

Missed you so very much my darling, it's great to have you here!! I read about Adriana's birth, and I'm so glad it was a lovely experience for you! But really sorry that you've been a bit down and that you're having some feeding issues. LOTS of us have been there, honey, so we do know how you're feeling

Shiv gave you the most lovely response about BF / FF, I really can't add too much to that, only that I had horrible issues with BF (HIDEOUSLY painful, made me totally miserable, made me start to resent Vince, was very worried about PND, like you...) but once we got home, we switched to FF, and apart from one single panic day when I thought I'd made a big mistake and I got really miserable and wished I could BF Vince, we haven't looked back

He is totally thriving on the formula, and it has made the routine develop really really well. As for your question about FF amounts and times, when Vince was first born he was taking 60ml every 2 hours, it went quickly up to 80ml (within a few days) then we jumped up to 120ml and managed to stretch it to every 3 hours. He just kept on climbing steadily, and the feeds became more and more spaced out, and now he is 8 weeks old and taking 210ml every 4 hours (but he will go 8 hours between last evening feed and his "night" feed, still after 210ml)
I really don't think we would've had such a good little baby (for the most part!!) and such a great routine had I tried to stick with the BF... I won't go on about it just now as I need to go to bed (lol) but PLEASE feel free to PM me with questions about changing to formula (if you want to), especially about which bottles to use (we've been through a few different types now, but have settled on Dr Brown's!) timing, amounts of formula etc.... I'd be really happy to help you if you need it honey!
And as for feeling low, I felt pretty low and took a while to bond with Vinnie at the start, but just as I started really thinking I might be looking at PND, things started to fall into place a bit more and it got a bit easier, little by little. So please don't worry too much about PND just now honey, give yourself plenty of time to adjust and don't put pressure on yourself when you don't have to


Oh, and just before I go, I was fascinated to read up on tongue-tie, and it has made me do a lot of thinking: When I was little, I had this, but nobody ever said "tongue-tied" to me or anything like it. When I started having loads of dental surgery for my Oligodontia (starting when I was about 6 I think...) they snipped my tongue during another surgery and only mentioned it once I'd woken up... I had never even realised it was a potential problem or anything!! But now that you're mentioning that it's particularly painful for you to BF Adriana, I'm wondering whether Vince may have this too, as it's genetic isn't it? Might explain why we had such a horribly painful time of it... Does it HAVE to be snipped? Will they do that for Adriana, or are they going to leave it?
Anyway, that's quite enough, just wanted to welcome you in Jenna sweetie!
Will catch up with everyone else properly tomorrow, if I get a second between entertaining guests!
Oh, and btw, the anti-sickness drugs do seem to be helping somewhat, touch wood! And my Shiatsu session today was really really lovely
OK, I'm REALLY going to bed now!!!

@ "just a quick one"
Shadow x x x x