--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Girls need advice, Sam is over feeding a bit today (he does this about every three days), i.e. wants boob all the time then sicks it up as he's so fall. So full that when he strains to fart it comes out his mouth. But grizzes if I don't give it too him. I thought I'd try a dummy but he won't take it. He gags and pulls this horrid face when I put it in. What should I do, let him feed and not worry just mop up or keep trying him with the dummy? I did read that someone had to try all day to get him to take it. I even tried putting breast milk on it. :dohh:
Hi everyone, sorry I haven't posted much - but i promise I come on everyday to see how you all are.
Has anyone heard from Jai Jai? I miss her on here!
Vici - glad you got signed off from the midwife and are feeling much brighter
moo - Im sorry I don't know any tips for colic, I hope it gets better soon though.
Smith - sorry you had such a tough time recently, but I hope Gage is now on the mend
jelr - sorry that you are feeling so tired, but I hope the meds are heling with your pain
shadow - hope the antu sickness drugs help lovely
gosh I can't remember any other specifics - Pip I know you needed advice about something but I can't remember what :dohh:
Does anyone know if I will ever get my memory back :blush:

As for me - well things are going pretty well. Still got a ridiculously sore nipple but I am finding it much easier to cope with the pain and no longer dred feeding on that side, so it must be getting better, right?!?!? Sophia is being a gem, she has been asleep for nearly 3 hours now. usually she own't nap in the day unless she is being cuddled, so I am unsure what to do with myself, I certainly have no excuse for having done nothign today!

I have been thinking a lot about getting back to teh gym and was formulating a plan for expresing some milk so I could leave Sophia with my mum for a couple of hours a couple of times a week while I go. Then I suddenly thought, none of my gym kit will fit me, I mean I don't think I'll get my sports bra over my head, never mind over my boobs! Even my trainers don't fit! So I thought at least I can swim (can wear my maternity costume if need be) but then how can I go swimming with leaky boobs!!! aaarggh! what to do!

I might try Sophia in her carrier today - I tried her in it last week but she seemed so small that i didn't feel safe using it. I am guessing she is half a pound heavier by now so maybe it'll be ok!

Oh and Sophia was a complete angel at teh wedding we went to on Saturday. She did however feed ALL day - good job I am no longer shy about getting my baps out in public :haha:

Anyway :hugs:to all of you having a tough time with lack of sleep, pain or ill little ones xxx
Ok - I checked back to see what you wanted advice for Pippin!!
Sophia often does the same thing - it is quite frustrating isn't it? youspend all day sat down feeding just to have it all thrown back up!! It must be a comfort thing I suppose, I also think she doe sit when she has bad wind. Somehow sucking seems to help her fart! As for advice, i have none - I just go with it, but I owuld suggest keep trying with the dummy throughout the day, but I guess if Sam cries then I know that i would do whatever ittakes to keep him quiet! i hope I never have to do controlled crying, I'd be rubbish :blush:

I hope he takes the dummy soon - let me knwo how you get on!
:hi: :blush: Hello everyone......room for one more?? That is funny that I come in here and Shiv has just written that you miss me :blush: Thanks hun, and Shadow I know you mentioned it to (in your PM)

Well I am here, I have not caught up on everyones news and how your all doing yet sorry :blush: I will I promise....I will also post my birth story etc as soon as I can - but it was perfect :D

I firstly want to thank you all for your support throughout my pregnancy especially for keeping my spirits up in those final few days I would not have gotten through it all without the help of you wonderful ladies, so huge hugs, thanks and love to each and every one of you!!! your all super stars :hugs: and I hope you are all enjoying being Mummies - I love it most of the time but have started feeling a bit low :cry: here is why.....

My first week or so with Adriana was rocky at beginning then was bliss for a while and now I am having a few probs with feeding....She was 100% tongue tied and her tongue growth was stunted......well I am now BF and where she has no tip my nipples are caning and I know she is latched on but she has orobs staying on and suckling correctly....just wondered if anyone has any tips as I have started supplementing her with a few bottles as I am scared to BF now :( and I feel terribly guilty and like I am failing or something!!

Anyway off for now as I need to feed her, gosh there is so much to catch up on - it may take me a while as she is a bit fractious at the moment, I am trying to get out as much as poss as starting to feel really low and worried about PND sneaking in plus I have the most god awful cold :( its all happening - but anyway I do hope things get better and I know they will now I have my friends back!!

I have missed you all soooo much :hugs:
Oh and Adriana does this feeding all day thing too which hurts my nips and gets me super upset cos I cant please her :cry: so I have no advice - I think my milk supply is diminishing too and I don't know how I can increase it, I have tried pumping but don't get very much out!!

for all BF Mum's - when did your nipples stop hurting?? (I know my circumstances are different but just wondered if I was being impatient or whether it was her tongue)

For the FF Mum's how much does your little one have per feed and how many feeds a day?
:D breakthrough today, Adam has allowed me to put him in his bouncing chair!! he's finally started to take notice of the dangling toys that hang above it and he tried swiping at them - this is the first he's shown concentration on something other than a spot in the distance or our faces (or my boobs)! and he's pretty relaxed, even taking a couple of naps! I'm happy because each time we've tried it thus far he's either screamed or only sat for a minute or two, but he's been in it over an hour now and I've got a few things done! :D

I put a kids' TV channel on, not that he's watching telly but he seems to like listening to kiddy type music. he dozed off to a song about a woodpecker...

grumpymoo, I have a Close baby carrier, as does Shadow, and I like it very much. we've been out with it three times and twice he slept the whole time and the other time he grizzled when we were in the Co-op as it was cold, but generally he seems to like it a lot. snuggles right in, curled up. even when he's been a bit of a monster, going in it seems to calm him (unless he's not at ALL tired)

Pips, Adam won't take a dummy either, wish I knew what would work! :hugs:

I see jai_jai around today, welcome back, we've missed you! looking forward to pics of Adriana! :D
Hi everybody, just thought I'd pop a message in here, I have been reading most posts but typing is so difficut one handed. Also life got a bit hectic, when George was 4 weeks old hubby got offered a new job out of the blue. Its a great opportunity & more money, more interesting etc ... BUT ... its in London so we are moving back to the UK at the end of October. Add to the logistics of an international move, selling up all our furniture etc here, a weeks vacation next week and you can tell I have been a bit preoccupied - sorry!
Hi jai jai!

Dont feel guilty hon i tried and failed with archie and i was getting so upset and stressed and getting frustrated and im sure he picked up on it and he was cranky and not getting enough. I beat myself up for it but tried it all the first week but he kept falling off/not latching on/falling to sleep :-( Tried bf and ff together but i was pumping all day just to get one bottle so i gave up and archie is a lot happier.

For your question he took 90mls every 3 - 4 hours in the first week and half and now the little piggy takes 120mls every 3 - 4 hours lol. I use nuk teats and bottles and apatamil he got really bad sickness and colicy on sma and avent bottles were useless.

Good luck with what you decide to do.

vici - thats lovely having that longer sleep! I was discharged today from mw to thank god i wanna see health visitor as wanna know how much archie is now lol

pippin - no great advice really cause im sure you've tried everything im about to say but i keep archie up right (over my shoulder or in sitting position against my arm) for at least 15 - 20 mins after a feed and his not thrown up since i've done this ever and i suspect he has over fed a few times cause his a pig. He also didnt take to the dummy straight away so i just tried it 5 or six times a day for a few days and he eventually did but apart from that not much else you can doa nd it is frustrating!

Well archie is settling really really well now. Have to say the nuk bottles and teats are fab, you can hear that baby cannot take air when his sucking and he seems to take a good mouthful before swallowing which makes these funny gulp sounds but he seems a lot happier with it and feeding takes around 20 - 25 mins with these bottles so he doesnt fall asleep anymore. Hasnt been sick once either, poos are nice and runny and once a day and his weeing plenty... :-) Also sleeping in 3 - 5 hour patches before he wakes so it seems to be satisfying him. He winds really easily on these bottles to sometimes i dont even put him on my shoulder and i get a massive burp!

Discharged from mw today as well bit late was meant to be discharged early last week but mw kept not turning up!! So hopefully should find how archie's weight soon and how his doing!

Hope your all well x
jai Jai - welcome back :happydance: Sorry to hear the whole breast feeding malarkey is getting you down. Now Sophia isn't tongue tied but I can certainly empathise with the sore nipple thing. My Left nipple (well it is actually only half a nipple now :cry:) has been bad since day 3 so that is 4 and a half weeks and it is still not better. I can advise taking paracetamol about 20 minutes before you are due to feed to take the edge off the pain. I know all about dreading feeding and crying with the pain. It is a matter of perseverance and the pain does get more bareable - I know onger dread feeding. Iknow it is going tohurt but my body seems to have gotten used to the pain. Ar eyou using Lansinoh? It doesn't do much for me but other people swear by it, put it on before and after feeding, it stops the nipple getting dry and scabby which casues more pain. unfortunately supplementing formula wil affect your milk supply as your body thinks that you don't need as much. To increase your supply pump for a few minutes are feeding - you won't get anything out but it will prompt your boobies to make more milk. It may be that Adriana (beautiful name by the way!) is having a growth spurt (this happens between 2 and 3 weeks and Sophia fed constatntly to th epoint wher I was sure I would run out of milk) so you may find after a couple of days her feeding calms down again.
Most of all, don't feel bad for supplementing - youa re doing an amazing job by BFing and have got Adriana off to a greta start in life. BUT you need to do what is right for you (which in turn will be right for your baby) if teh pain is too much and is making you miserable, then NEVER feel guilty for giving a bottle - you are not letting anyone down. As you know, FF babies do just great and as plenty of ladies on here will tell you, their little ones are thriving on it.
SO in short - it will get better, especially as ADriana gets bigger and stronger, but there is absolutley no shame in FF and you shold do whatever is right for you and not feel that you are letting anyone down. If you want to just have a moan about the painhen feel free to PM me cos I can quite empathise and will moan back!! Wow that was long sorry! Oh and buy some breast shells! They are like little cups that go over your breasts so that your nipples don't rub against your clothes - AMAZING!!

JoeyJo - hope the moves go ok and welcome back to the UK in advance!

MJ - glad you got Adam into hi sbouncy chair - hopefully this is a long love affair begginning!
Oh and Jai Jai - I am tongue tied and never had my tonuge snipped becuase they didn't realise until i was like 2 - and just to let you know I am fine and have never had any issues (well thats not true I thought i wouldn't be able to kiss properly for years - leading to me being a late starter in the kissing field - but have had no adverse reports as yet! :winkwink:)
Hi Jai_Jai as Shiv says really. The cream really helped me so worth a try :hugs:

Thanks Shiv, MJ and RR might keep trying dummy and just keep mopping up. :hugs:
Jai_Jai, Christian is generally eating 100ml or so per feed. He's eating about every 3 hrs (sometimes a little less if he didn't eat a lot).

Right now he's in eat then sleep mode.
Hey girls (& carter!), real quick one here as I'm off to bed very shortly after an uber-tiring day!!!

First and foremost, WELCOME HOME JAI JAI!!! :D :D Missed you so very much my darling, it's great to have you here!! I read about Adriana's birth, and I'm so glad it was a lovely experience for you! But really sorry that you've been a bit down and that you're having some feeding issues. LOTS of us have been there, honey, so we do know how you're feeling :hugs: :hugs: Shiv gave you the most lovely response about BF / FF, I really can't add too much to that, only that I had horrible issues with BF (HIDEOUSLY painful, made me totally miserable, made me start to resent Vince, was very worried about PND, like you...) but once we got home, we switched to FF, and apart from one single panic day when I thought I'd made a big mistake and I got really miserable and wished I could BF Vince, we haven't looked back :) He is totally thriving on the formula, and it has made the routine develop really really well. As for your question about FF amounts and times, when Vince was first born he was taking 60ml every 2 hours, it went quickly up to 80ml (within a few days) then we jumped up to 120ml and managed to stretch it to every 3 hours. He just kept on climbing steadily, and the feeds became more and more spaced out, and now he is 8 weeks old and taking 210ml every 4 hours (but he will go 8 hours between last evening feed and his "night" feed, still after 210ml)
I really don't think we would've had such a good little baby (for the most part!!) and such a great routine had I tried to stick with the BF... I won't go on about it just now as I need to go to bed (lol) but PLEASE feel free to PM me with questions about changing to formula (if you want to), especially about which bottles to use (we've been through a few different types now, but have settled on Dr Brown's!) timing, amounts of formula etc.... I'd be really happy to help you if you need it honey!
And as for feeling low, I felt pretty low and took a while to bond with Vinnie at the start, but just as I started really thinking I might be looking at PND, things started to fall into place a bit more and it got a bit easier, little by little. So please don't worry too much about PND just now honey, give yourself plenty of time to adjust and don't put pressure on yourself when you don't have to :) :) big :hug:!! :D
Oh, and just before I go, I was fascinated to read up on tongue-tie, and it has made me do a lot of thinking: When I was little, I had this, but nobody ever said "tongue-tied" to me or anything like it. When I started having loads of dental surgery for my Oligodontia (starting when I was about 6 I think...) they snipped my tongue during another surgery and only mentioned it once I'd woken up... I had never even realised it was a potential problem or anything!! But now that you're mentioning that it's particularly painful for you to BF Adriana, I'm wondering whether Vince may have this too, as it's genetic isn't it? Might explain why we had such a horribly painful time of it... Does it HAVE to be snipped? Will they do that for Adriana, or are they going to leave it?

Anyway, that's quite enough, just wanted to welcome you in Jenna sweetie!
Will catch up with everyone else properly tomorrow, if I get a second between entertaining guests! :wacko:
Oh, and btw, the anti-sickness drugs do seem to be helping somewhat, touch wood! And my Shiatsu session today was really really lovely :)

OK, I'm REALLY going to bed now!!! :rofl: @ "just a quick one"

Shadow x x x x
Oh yes, and if the person who has been trying to hack into my BnB account is lurking in our thread for some reason, just know that I have your IP address and I know your location, and I will be taking steps to make sure you don't do it again! Be extra vigilant girls, make sure your passwords aren't too obvious, I'm thinking it may be our old friend from third tri and her wonderful OH or someone equally ridiculous!! The location fits, anyway.... :dohh:

sorry im about to have a rant.

Is it me or when you have a newborn baby suddenly people that never made an effort to see you pre pregnancy or you havent seen for ages want to come over and coo over baby? :baby: I know people get excited i just find it quite rude that i havent heard from people for a while or i havent had a visit for someone in months and suddenly they want to pop over all the time to see bubs. :shrug:

This week I have had one free day to myself, had visits every day apart from tues... monday was the mil, wednesday was my friend from uni, today is the aunt and her friend, tomorrow is the fil and his other son, saturday im taking archie to see his nan and sunday hubby's friend is coming!

OK with the mother in law and father in law fair enough they are the grand parents but his sister NEVER visited us when i was preggers or before that, last time i saw her before archie was born was in april and that was only cause we went out for a meal with his mum and she was there. Also hubby's "friend" hasn't called since baby was born and they hadn't sen each other for ages untill archie was born.

I really need to put my foot down and limit the visits i just always get made to feel bad. :cry:
Oh yeah and my husband doesn't understand why i am so pissed off with his mother...

as you all know i didn't have the best labour and whilst i was in labour on the labour ward i had just been induced and the drip had caused my contractions to go from 4 - 10 on the pain scale and my mother in law was OUTSIDE the labour room i was in and asked my husband if she could come in. :growlmad: She'd been in the hospital since she found out i was being induced and even stayed till i had the baby.

Then worst of all i got admitted to maternity high dependancy unit as my BP was sky high and i'd lost loads of blood and i was feeling really ill.. had two drips running and could barely hold my baby which upset me...

so suddenly a nurse comes to my room and says to my husband "your mum is here and wants to know if she can come in" so i say no.. i was in a right state in hdu and didnt even want my own parents to come so chris goes out there to tell her no then two seconds later she came bursting in!! Archie was on the breast to and i was literally so shell shocked i didnt know what to say. I mumbled that i'd said no and then she said, "i didnt wanna see you i came to see archie" as if that made it better!!

AHHHH I AM SOOO angry today! THEN the other day archie was ill as you all know and my dad was gonna drive us to the hospital and she just came round without even asking and our door locks from the inside and she let herself in the house!!

GOD sake seriously anyone want to trade in laws.
Oh yes, and if the person who has been trying to hack into my BnB account is lurking in our thread for some reason, just know that I have your IP address and I know your location, and I will be taking steps to make sure you don't do it again! Be extra vigilant girls, make sure your passwords aren't too obvious, I'm thinking it may be our old friend from third tri and her wonderful OH or someone equally ridiculous!! The location fits, anyway.... :dohh:


:saywhat: what the feck??? What has been going on? Why would everyone do that...... jeez. I think I saw a post from our friend in general chatter but just assumed I'd read the name wrong or it was similar. Sorry you're getting more hassle babe.
Hi All.

Hope everyone is doing good. I think :witch: has arrived today, 4 weeks after giving birth, despite combining BF and the bottle.

I've never been one to use sanitary pads as find tampons far more comfortable, but when I went to insert one today, it was very uncomfortable and I could feel it inside (sorry TMI) so in the end removed it. Tried a couple of more times and experienced the same pains.

I had an episotomy (sp) and suffered quite alot of internal pain for the first couple of weeks, the wound is still not completely pain free - so this could be contributing to the tampon pain.

Has anyone else reverted back to using tampons yet, are there recommended guidelines for how long you should wait.
Riya had her 4 week check up yesterday, pleased to say that she's developing really well, is very alert, now weighs 4kg ~(50% percentile) and has grown 3cm !!

The only thing which is still a problem is her reluctance to sleep at night - managed to get 1.5 hrs of uninterupted sleep last night though. We've tried everything including....

Moving the day crib into the bedroom in the evening
Moving the cot closer to our bed
co-sleeping in our bed
leaving a night light on all night
Bathing her before her last feed.

.....nothing seems to work !!!

It really odd because she sleeps fine during the day for 3 hrs at a time.

As soon as we put her down in the evening, she does move around alot, almost like she's having nightmares with sudden jerking movements of arms and legs, she then wakes up crying.

Any ideas of what else we can try ?
...and then she said, "i didnt wanna see you i came to see archie" as if that made it better!!

GOD sake seriously anyone want to trade in laws.

:nope: OMG, seriously, you got a rough deal with MILs!! I'm so glad mine isn't that bad!! You want to talk to MJ on that front sweetie! :hugs:

Has anyone else reverted back to using tampons yet, are there recommended guidelines for how long you should wait.

Well not sure about tampons, but I've had one visit from :witch: so far and I used my Mooncup! :happydance: :haha: But then, I had a caesarean, so I'm probably not the person to answer your question :winkwink:

We've tried everything including....

Moving the day crib into the bedroom in the evening
Moving the cot closer to our bed
co-sleeping in our bed
leaving a night light on all night
Bathing her before her last feed.

.....nothing seems to work !!!

It really odd because she sleeps fine during the day for 3 hrs at a time.

As soon as we put her down in the evening, she does move around alot, almost like she's having nightmares with sudden jerking movements of arms and legs, she then wakes up crying.

Any ideas of what else we can try ?

SWADDLE! :thumbup: Just give it a go, really... It works wonders for us, Vince sleeps 7-8 hours, has a quick feed and nappy change then another 4 hours at night :D

Oh yes, and if the person who has been trying to hack into my BnB account is lurking in our thread for some reason, just know that I have your IP address and I know your location, and I will be taking steps to make sure you don't do it again! Be extra vigilant girls, make sure your passwords aren't too obvious, I'm thinking it may be our old friend from third tri and her wonderful OH or someone equally ridiculous!! The location fits, anyway.... :dohh:


:saywhat: what the feck??? What has been going on? Why would everyone do that...... jeez. I think I saw a post from our friend in general chatter but just assumed I'd read the name wrong or it was similar. Sorry you're getting more hassle babe.

:shrug: I have no idea, some people are just so sad... :nope: Someone trying to guess my impossible-to-guess password on here and failing. Why anyone would want to get into my boring profile I really don't know!! :dohh:

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