--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Hi All.

Hope everyone is doing good. I think :witch: has arrived today, 4 weeks after giving birth, despite combining BF and the bottle.

I've never been one to use sanitary pads as find tampons far more comfortable, but when I went to insert one today, it was very uncomfortable and I could feel it inside (sorry TMI) so in the end removed it. Tried a couple of more times and experienced the same pains.

I had an episotomy (sp) and suffered quite alot of internal pain for the first couple of weeks, the wound is still not completely pain free - so this could be contributing to the tampon pain.

Has anyone else reverted back to using tampons yet, are there recommended guidelines for how long you should wait.

I'm the same I hate using sanitary pads and I had the :witch: arrive a couple of days ago despite BF... I tried using tampons and was incredibly uncomfortable. Luckily enough I had my 6 week check up on Tues and the doc said that u can still have a period while BF although your extremely unlucky if you do :shrug: anyway she said it was ok to use tampons now and if it is uncomfortable then try to alternate between the 2 until your body is used to it again, so I use tampons while out and pads at home which works well :thumbup:

The doc says that the internal stitches may not have completely healed which could be causing the discomfort... she has however reassured me that it should feel much more comfortable next month when everything has healed more :happydance:
Woohoo! That is amazing news, Sam. I bet you're on cloud nine right now. :)

As for the little one not settling down for sleeptime, I've tried using the Johnson&Johnson bedtime bath/cream stuff and it seems to help a little. We've tried swaddling but the little boy has been a Houdini and managed to get out of it or he'll scream the house down when we've tried on other nights.
Thanks shadow - we swaddled her last night and she slept for 2.5hrs then woke for feed and then went back to sleep again.

Hopefully we've turned the corner...
:wohoo: OMG Sam, that's FANTASTIC news!!! She has come on soooo quickly and so well!!! I'll bet you can't wait to start spoiling her rotten and cuddling her every five seconds!!! :wohoo: Sooooo pleased for you honey!! x x x

TTC, I'm glad it seems to have helped a bit! She may have been going through a growth spurt, I think Vince has just had one of those, he was only going 6 ish hours at night whereas he had got it up to 8 before, but last night he went 9 HOURS, then a quick feed and change (with much much smiling and talking to me :cloud9: ) then he went another 4 hours easily!! We've upped his feeds to 8 oz now, and I think he's definitely ready for it!

Hope you're all well today :D x x x
We've tried swaddling but the little boy has been a Houdini and managed to get out of it or he'll scream the house down when we've tried on other nights.

Hmmm, I'm thinking I might try filming my swaddle method, Vincent VERY rarely gets out of it, but it's pretty hard to explain what we do exactly... I will ask OH to film me doing it later if I get a second! :) It might help some of you, never know!!

Sam - so pleased to hear that Elinor is finally coming home, its been a long road but finally you will have your little darling at home, fantastic

Shadow - some people are just not well in the head, they clearly dont have much else going on in their lives to sit down and try to hack into people's accounts

TTC - hope your LO is sleeping better now, did you try Shadow's swaddling method,seems to work a treat for her. Good luck. Sorry about your troubles with using tampons am sure it will all settle down soon enough. Giving birth truly messes up everything although it is so worth it

Ruby Rose, your MIL is a wind up how could she just burst in the room like that when you clearly instructed that you didnt want people there and for her to say she only came in to see Archie just made me so mad and she didnt even say it to me. How bloody rude. You are probably going to have to be just as rude back. Men just never understand do they, my OH is so the same with my BIL who is just such a user. This weekend he wanted to come over to our house with his two children to sleep over and I basically said it wasnt going to happen. I'm not about to start killing myself looking after them in my state. Make sure you also put your foot down on the visitors issue as that is really draining, maybe just have them once a week when your OH is home too

Vici - good to hear that you are feeling better now

Carter - I am exclusively breastfeeding and have had AF twice already, albeit light periods.

Was in A & E yesterday with my LO as was worried about her as she was projectile vomiting at least once a day so the doctor said she probably had a tummy bug. She is much better today though. Am so tired today as my DS went on a school trip to France today and I had to drop him off at 7am at the school which is 16miles away so was out of the house by 5:45 with my three kids. I am still not used to the fact that I have three children and I sometimes call her my second son's name. Weird I know

Had my little one weighed at A & E and my LO now weighs 5.8 kg which I think is nearly 12lbs......she is one hefty little girl and she is also really tall, she nearly fills out the 3-6 months clothes lengthwise

Hope you all have a fab day and anyone I've missed - sorry

MJ, my little one is also starting to grab the dangling toys and it is such a joy to watch
FAB news sam about elinor coming home bet your thrilled! :cloud9:

mimiso - glad your lil girl is over her tummy bug! Thats great shes growin gnicely. I have a health visitor that never turns up so i have no idea how much archie weighs :growlmad: Thanks for the advice on the MIL to. I spoke to OH about it last night and said how it upset me and it almost makes me feel like i dont want her to see archie cause im so angry with her. I'd never do that but i cant help feeling like that when she clearly has no respect for me.

Shadow - thats great vincent is sleeping/feeding well. I love my lil archie but im looking forward to when he starts sleeping through ha!

carter - hope it all heals for you soon. I hate towels to tho my bleeding is near enough stopped now, god knows when the period will show up, im hoping not for a while ive had enough of bleeding for some time!

I did speak to my husband about his mum and how much it upset me. I think it got through to him and he said he was angry at her bursting into and he was gonna have a word with her. I would feel a lot better if she said sorry so lets see!

Archie is OK to.. still very windy baby but his more content defintely. Am counting down the days till thurs when he can use gripe water, my friend used it on her baby when he turnt 4 weeks and said it was a life saver so fingers crossed!
ruby, good luck with the gripe water, we've tried it loads of times on Vince and it has never worked for him: Not even once!! But Dentinox reeeeeally works for us, have you given that a go yet?? You can give it up to 6 times a day... But as with all the other little issues, he WILL grow out of it! Vince doesn't have any trouble with wind anymore, all we have to do is sit him forwards now and he burps pretty much instantly, it does get better :) I do hope the gripe water helps for you though :) xx
Hey girls, very quick from me. Had awful chest and side pains last night, DF had to call ambulance! Rushed to hospital, lots of morphine and tests later feeling abit better, and then this afternoon they have confirmed "numerous" gall stones aswell as an inflamed and infected gall bladder! Allowed home with 7 days of 2, yes 2 different antibiotics awaiting an operation app! Cannot believe my shit luck :(
Aaaw Vici, so sorry to hear that you are so terribly under the weather. Pleased they have given you some meds, hope you feel better once they have kicked in. Must be so hard for you right now with LO as well to be feeling unwell,and having to take two antibiotics as well - poor you babe. Will you certainly need the surgery :(, sorry about that, sending lots of ((((((hugs)))))) your way
Thanks shadow, have tried the dentonox it didnt really work. :o/ Here's hoping the gripe water works its awful seeing him strain and wriggle around !

RubyR - do you eat a lot of citrusy food or drinks as sometimes that can contribute to it, although most babies just suffer from it anyway. My LO was wriggling about too and quite colicky for a while until I remembered that oranges can be bad for them and as soon as I stopped she was ok. Maybe if you try the dentinox as Shadow suggested it might just work. Good luck
hi ladies,

well what a mad week!!!

shadow---- B is 61cms long!!! so as tall as your vincent!!:)
also i think you should get this video up as B goes up to 8 hours without a feed but only sleeps 2 hours in his crib and is constantly flintching, moaning etc...................., i would LOVE it if he slept solidly for 4 hours! does v have a dummy? as i find B loses his alot

SAM fantastic news huni bet your chuffed!

mimso- hi chick hope your well!!

Vici- hope you get well soon chic!
quite wierd really OH mum went to have her gall bladder removed on wednesday!!!.

Jai-jai- its FANTASTIC to have you with us although i know that in the early days its awful but posting is the last thing on your mind, i felt so sorry for you chic, you waited sooooooooo long!!

sorry for whoever else ive missed out! im sure i still have pregnancy brain!!!lol.

do most of you ladies swaddle on here then? only i find B is a VERY sweaty baby and my blankets are thick, would you recommend buying a proper swaddling sheet, are these thinner?.

hope your all well and your LO's

Rubyrose-- i found the best cure for B's "colic" was changing his milk to hungry baby, the problem was was that normal milk just didnt satisfy him. and he is already on baby rice to try and satisy him, but it must work as he near enough sleeps through now. but then my friend swore by infacol? wierd isnt it there is so many myths xxxx
hey ladies - am so so tired today so will respond properly tomorrow. just wanted to say I've been here and catching up with you all! am feeling a little down, have walked quite a bit today and am sure it's just the tiredness talking but I've been having shooting pains in my boobs and the "being trapped in a vice with crushed glass grinding away" feeling in my nips and I just don't know how long I can carry on breastfeeding... it's just so tiring when he won't stop yet is never satisfied (he is sometimes, just today he hasn't seemd to be). Adam has really been attacking me physically today, punching my boobs with his little fists, pulling off HARD... ack. :(

am sure tomorrow will be better. I just feel in a quandary. on the one hand I want to carry on till the (bitter) end and feed Adam till the last drop has dried up (I don't feed him exclusively, I reckon he gets about 1/3 breastmilk, 2/3 formula, going on the quantity of formula he takes vs the amount it's recommended he takes for his size). on the other, it's tiring, frustrating and sometimes stressful. plus, I was told today (had thought this might be the case) that the lingering SPD and the knees and feet pain I have, which has got worse since I had AE, is probably due to the bf hormones. so I am thinking I am destined to ache and feel tired while I carry on. but I am extremely motivated nevertheless! I kind of wish I wasn't, then it'd be an easy choice - I've bf-ed for 6 weeks, he's had the benefits, now it's time to stop - but I don't feel that at all.

anyway, sorry to come here and whine and not offer support. I have been here but never had a chance to post because of the way AE is positioned, I cannot type even one-handed. now he's gone to bed and I have taken a few minutes to myself, even though bed would be the best place for me as well.

thinking of you all, lovies. :hugs:
Bun - good to hear from you, I am very well thanks, just very tired. How is Brandon-li, hope ok

MJ - sorry to hear you are feeling low today and also tired. Motherhood really takes it out of us and it is normal to have these ups and downs. I nearly cried the other day when I was taking my kids to school as I was just so tired, stressed, in pain with SPD too that just felt overwhelmed. I just stopped myself because I didnt want to upset the kids. Dont worry hun, just take things one step at a time and if BFing is tiring you out then cut it out, your LO will still have a terrific mum who loves him and who is also in a happier place mentally. Sorry about the aching boobs too, hopefully you will wake up feeling a bit if not much better tomorrow xxx
Sam~ congrats i bet u didnt think the day would come good luck and best wishes on the sleepless nights

shadow ~ WOW 9 hrs congrats we got 8 hrs last night he started wakeing around 5:30am ish this mornig it was 5:50 so i can live with that as i can give him hes feed befor rueben gets up at 6am then have time to feed and ress rueben then lucas

elly~ lucas cant stand being swadded so i put him in a sleep bag he sleeps alot longer

mimiso~ sorry to hear u had to go a&e :hugs:hope all gets better soon. i know what u mean about names i call rueben lucas and lucas rueben and my nice gets called wich ever 1 comes out lol

ruby~ i tryed gripe water with rueben but it didnt do any thing

Vici~ OMG :hugs:hope things start looking up for you soon

Mj~ Hope things look up for you today:hugs:


Lucas didnt sleep at all yesterday every time he fell asleep he would wake up and star talking and smilling very cute knows how to get around mummy allready lol. I put him on hes belly yesterday and every time i did he fliped over on his tummy he been doing this for a few days now it was so funny at 1st as he couldnt work out how to and he was getting hes arms and head in all places. He seems to be doing every thing so fast hes 2 bottem teeth are just about to cut throw so think that is why he didnt sleep yesterday but he did sleep from 9:30pm untill 5:50 this morning so mummy got some sleep and only woke 2 times to check on him lol even thow we have a sencer thing that goes off if he dosnt move for 30sec

anyway have a good weekend

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