--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Thanks ladies, did try him on sma white but it constipated him realllly bad! :o/ Archie is farting as we speak and making noises as he does it lol. His on aptamil now which he really likes but his still feeding every 3 - 4 hours so his taking more than the 5 x 120ml feeds he should be on the back but i know all babies are different. Tried him on 150ml but he rejects the bottle after his took 120/130... thinking of trying him on aptamil extra hungry but dont want to keep changing his formula and im scared it will constipate him again. :o/
I think I'll have to change Christian's formula as he seems to be constantly constipated lately. Although the sounds he are are sometimes cute, he seems to struggle with #2's (sorry tmi).

Vici, MJ and Miso, hang in there ladies and hope things et better for you soon.

Tmr, thanks or the suggestion! I'll try and give it a go.

Christian has been on a grazing spree and wanting to be fed minimal amounts almost every hour or so during the past few days. It is driving me batty!
also i think you should get this video up as B goes up to 8 hours without a feed but only sleeps 2 hours in his crib and is constantly flintching, moaning etc...................., i would LOVE it if he slept solidly for 4 hours! does v have a dummy? as i find B loses his alot

do most of you ladies swaddle on here then? only i find B is a VERY sweaty baby and my blankets are thick, would you recommend buying a proper swaddling sheet, are these thinner?.

I will get OH to film me swaddling Vince a bit later on today, I do hope it helps some of you guys!! As for the sweating etc, we put him in just his nappy and we use a thin pashmina as the swaddling material so he doesn't get too hot at all :) (you'll see in the video later!)

And on dummies, yes Vince does have a dummy, he has it to fall asleep each night but he spits it out fairly quickly I've noticed. Doesn't seem to bother him too much once he's all swaddled up and stuff :)
But re: losing his dummy, I made Vinnie a dummy-leash thingy and I clip it to his clothes so he doesn't lose it so much, and if it falls out whilst he's in the sling or something then it doesn't fall to the ground and get all yucky! :D

Eeep, will post more later girls, got to take fussy Vinnie cos OH has to walk the dog! :wacko:

WOW! Elinor's coming home! So soon, that's brilliant news :) Can't wait to see some more piccies (hint hint).

MJ, sounds like maybe you should drop the old BFing, really, the only reason I'm doing it is for the convenience and ease. It doesn't sound convenient or easy for you, so don't feel some moral obligation to carry on with it. The best thing for your baby is to have a happy mother, not to have a miserable mum and some boobie juice. :hugs:

I haven't had AF yet, but we have tried out the relevant area ;) and it felt different but ok, not painful. I had a lovely tidy stitch up though, and haven't really had any pain from my stitches at all, so I guess it could take a bit longer for internal stitches to heal up nicely. I'm still a bit apprehensive about using my mooncup for the first time again.
thanks Aunty E and Mimi - you're both very right, it is tiring being a mother. I tend to forget, at times, though, because in general I feel fairly energetic and not at all depressed or down. but then I over-tire myself without meaning to and I pay for it later (a bit like in 3rd tri really, I'd push through but then feel just shattered). yesterday I walked for over an hour, two 30-min round trips - the first was to a cloth nappy coffee morning/presentation, so I could spend my £30 voucher I got from the council (OH, Adam and I all went) and then later I had an appointment with the perinatal mental health people at the hospital, and OH was going to give me a lift there but as I was going out, Adam had fallen asleep on OH so I said I'd just walk. after all that I was knackered, and aching from the SPD. so combined with the boob achiness, and feeling frustrated with Adam's feeding, I just was in a bad head space last night. guess I need to watch my tiredness levels a bit better than I have been. it's just annoying because I *want* to be fitter and more active yet when I try I get over-tired and low. I wish I could believe that it's ok not to be 110% firing on all cylinders (actually firing on more cylinders than ever before) since it's only 6 weeks since I gave birth.

it's just ironic really that I was so fine in my appointment that the perinatal mental health woman signed me off from their services, as I have made it past the danger period for PPD, and I come home and my mood drops like a stone. well, I know it's NOT PPD, it's tiredness and it's fixable. I mean, I do feel not thrilled with not being abe to feed AE entirely myself but I dealt with it mentally months ago and it is what it is. and the boob stuff doesn't usually get me down, but when I'm exhausted it all feels 20 times worse.

but lovely Adam slept like a dream last night, bless my baby boy - he went to sleep about 11pm and didn't get me up till 6.40am! pushing 8 hours :D he did wake a couple of times but only chuntered a little and it didn't turn into tears or wails and he fell back asleep all by himself. :happydance: so I got a lovely rest and it has rejuvenated me nicely.

as for the moral obligation to bf - I know it's not exactly helpful for me to feel that way but I kind of do. SO many people have reiterated that there isn't one, and that I have done a good thing for AE by giving him any breast milk at all, and I am sure many others in my position would have stopped by now, and I would if I thought he was getting nothing but I figure it's still a fairly significant amount, as I hear him gulping and I would feel bad denying him it. it's weird, I never really considered this scenario properly, the one in which I can feed him a small but significant amount but it's sometimes stressful and it's definitely sometimes inconvenient and I have to decide how long to keep it up - I had considered the scenario whereby I could not feed anything other than colostrum and had to 100% formula feed from day 4, and the one where my milk just dried up, but not one where I had any choice in the matter. I kind of would feel easier about it if it was all out of my hands - I sometimes hate decisions because I am scared of making the wrong one and regretting it. :(

if I was as unhappy all the time as I was yesterday evening, I'd give up. but I always come through it and live to fight another day...


Sam, echoing everyone else - fabulous news about Elinor! more pics please. how is she, I assume she is doing well! that's wonderful. :D

Ruby and Elly, AE sometimes makes a right song and dance about doing a poo and apparently when I was out yesterday he did "a hard poo", which shocked me, but it turns out OH meant one that was firmer than usual but not hard hard! then I remembered making up some 150ml bottles but not being able to say for sure that I filled the water up to the 150ml mark, it really, really might have been the 120ml mark, with 5 scoops of powder... oooops, I made Adam do a hard poo...bad MJ

Vici and Mimi, hope you're feeling better soon. :hugs:

about colic and its remedies - we've not tried gripe water yet but have some Infacol and Dentinox. I don't like the administration of the Dentinox because it's very thick and gloopy and Adam spits it up if I don't squirt it in very slowly *but* OH has a theory that when he has Dentinox not the Infacol he sleeps better at night. no idea myself as I haven't kept track of AE's good nights and what exactly he'd done the day before.
Riya had her 4 week check up yesterday, pleased to say that she's developing really well, is very alert, now weighs 4kg ~(50% percentile) and has grown 3cm !!

The only thing which is still a problem is her reluctance to sleep at night - managed to get 1.5 hrs of uninterupted sleep last night though. We've tried everything including....

Moving the day crib into the bedroom in the evening
Moving the cot closer to our bed
co-sleeping in our bed
leaving a night light on all night
Bathing her before her last feed.

.....nothing seems to work !!!

It really odd because she sleeps fine during the day for 3 hrs at a time.

As soon as we put her down in the evening, she does move around alot, almost like she's having nightmares with sudden jerking movements of arms and legs, she then wakes up crying.

Any ideas of what else we can try ?

Swaddle at night, and try to limit the daytime sleeps - they should be more like naps, and less like full sleeps. Sounds like she has night and day mixed up - so you need to gently show her the difference. At 4 weeks, she should be having a morning nap of around an hour - hour and a half, lunchtime nap of two and a half hours max, and another hour or so in the afternoon.

HTH. xxx
We've tried swaddling but the little boy has been a Houdini and managed to get out of it or he'll scream the house down when we've tried on other nights.

Hmmm, I'm thinking I might try filming my swaddle method, Vincent VERY rarely gets out of it, but it's pretty hard to explain what we do exactly... I will ask OH to film me doing it later if I get a second! :) It might help some of you, never know!!


I eventually bought a swaddling blanket from mothercare - it wraps round him about 3 times and has bits to keep his arms in - it was £15 but sooooo worth it! He can't get out of it and slept very soundly in it the last 2 nights!:thumbup:
Hey girls, very quick from me. Had awful chest and side pains last night, DF had to call ambulance! Rushed to hospital, lots of morphine and tests later feeling abit better, and then this afternoon they have confirmed "numerous" gall stones aswell as an inflamed and infected gall bladder! Allowed home with 7 days of 2, yes 2 different antibiotics awaiting an operation app! Cannot believe my shit luck :(

((((((((hugs))))))) for you Vici - you have had some rotten luck! :growlmad:
We've tried swaddling but the little boy has been a Houdini and managed to get out of it or he'll scream the house down when we've tried on other nights.

Hmmm, I'm thinking I might try filming my swaddle method, Vincent VERY rarely gets out of it, but it's pretty hard to explain what we do exactly... I will ask OH to film me doing it later if I get a second! :) It might help some of you, never know!!


I eventually bought a swaddling blanket from mothercare - it wraps round him about 3 times and has bits to keep his arms in - it was £15 but sooooo worth it! He can't get out of it and slept very soundly in it the last 2 nights!:thumbup:

:thumbup: That's awesome Karen honey :)

For those who are interested in trying my swaddling method with a folded sheet or similar light material (as mentioned, I use pashminas!! Perfect!) or those just interested in seeing Vince wiggling about happily at bedtime tonight, here's a little vid...


:) xx

(Gonna catch up with you all properly now, Vince is sleeping soundly after that swaddling!)
shadow, that new pic of Vince next to your ticker - I was having a look at the Lion Cubs photo album! - I really see a look of Lee in him, for the first time. but I see you as well... funny how that goes, isn't it?!

eta: wow, I've never seen a baby be swaddled before, didn't know you had to tuck the arms i like that. KayGeeBee, I have the Mothercare blanket as well, but AE screamed the place down, think I need to try it again now he is a little older, but only when he's already calm, as he's impossible when he's in a paddy, and I cannot keep doing things he hates when he's all red in the face and sad!
OK chaps, here's my proper reply to you all :)

Vici - :( :( Soooo sorry to hear you've been so sick my lovely!! Sounds pretty miserable, I really hope the pills sort you out and that you get surgery sorted soon to fix you all up properly again!! Hope Imi is doing okay :hugs:

MJ - Well, I think you'll know what I'll say to you re: breastfeeding. I know how much you thought about it all before Adam was born, but I know just what you mean that you didn't exactly "plan" for this scenario (the one where you have a choice of continuing to BF or not)... I will echo Aunty E's sentiment: There is just no point at ALL in doing something that is not 100% necessary which makes you stressed and miserable and in pain. I almost feel like the choice was taken out of my hands when I stopped BF, as I was in such a mess physically and mentally and there was just no way I could carry on with it. And just before stopping BFing, I had my massive flare-up of joint pain (which is still massive :( ) so there's just no way my body could've coped with holding him in the right positions etc. any longer than I did. But I am JUST like you in the sense that I hate to be forced to make a choice because I worry over and over that I'll make the wrong one and it stresses me right out! I think you and I overthink things a LOT :winkwink:Really glad to hear that your mental health dudes (lol) think highly enough of your health at the mo to discharge you :D and SOOO pleased that you passed the threshold for developing PPD. I know you were slightly concerned about that too, so well done missus!! Sounds like Adam is developing excellent sleeping habits (even if he does "go backwards", it's all on the way up, right??) and I'm pleased that you got a decent night's sleep to help clear your head. Oh, and about Dentinox being a yucky consistency to squirt in their little mouths... I thought the same, and Vincey always spat it out :rofl: so we put it IN his formula now and that works an absolute treat. Touch wood, his burping is still going very smoothly indeed :)

tmr - sounds like your littlest man is growing up fast already!!! How wonderful that you're having lots of smiles and stuff now :happydance: Vince is pretty smiley most days now too (tho he was particularly gripey today for some unknown reason!!)

Ruby & elly - Vince got really constipated the first time we put him on Hungry Baby formula too... We stopped it and went back to the normal stuff, but he was getting really hungry all over again, so after about a week or so we went back to it just for night feeds, then about a week after that we put him back on it full time (he's still on it now) and by that point his little system seemed tobe able to cope with it well and he's not had any constipation problems since. (LOL but he does make the funniest, cutest little face when he poos, it always cracks me up, and he turns purple too!!! :rofl: bless...)

AuntyE - Good luck with your first Mooncup usage! I love mine again hehe :blush: But a warning, not sure if it's the same for everyone but my first AF was REALLY heavy and my poor Mooncup could barely keep up :wacko: so do do use pads as well just in case!! I ruined about 5 pairs of knickers before I figured that one out :rofl: lol sorry TMI!!!!

Anyway ladies, I'm just chilling out tonight after a lovely day with my niece and her mum and mum's new partner (Vince slept on her mum most of the visit!!) I've had a good old mess around with my sig and I'm pretty happy with it now :happydance: I figured out how to make simple "blinkies" with Animation Shop, so I'm quite proud haha!! The anti-sickness pills are really working well but my pain is still there (not as bad, but definitely not sorted :( ) so I'm hoping the Shiatsu and Acupuncture help a little once I get started.
Oooh, and I'm looking forward to my mum coming over from France for the whole winter in a couple of weeks' time, and we're gonna get fit together!! We're gonna do some silly aerobics stuff together and I'm gonna get OH to take me swimming regularly again :D AND we're hoping to take Vince for his first swimming session soon, he is getting CRAZY in the bathtub (slpashing like a mad thing and kicking his little legs!!) reeeeeally looking forward to it, hope he enjoys it!!

OK, that's it from me for now!! Lots of love to all x x x x x
shadow, that new pic of Vince next to your ticker - I was having a look at the Lion Cubs photo album! - I really see a look of Lee in him, for the first time. but I see you as well... funny how that goes, isn't it?!

:happydance: That's exactly what my mum said!! :D I see a lot of Lee in him these days, think he looked more like me when he was teeny but now more like his dadda! :)
rubyrose~ Lucas has been on 6oz 6x aday from 3weeks he didnt take all the 6oz at 1st but has started to now but i wouldnt go with what it says on the back of the box if he isnt taking a full bottel of 1st milk he dosnt need the 2nd one yet

shadow~ glad the pills are stoping you feeling icky it cnt be much fun. Lucas loves hes baths i put them bouth in the tub together a lot easyer and faster and lucas has got a bath seat that he can splash about in bouth the boys enjoy it very much


We got Lucas a very cute suit yesterday for my sisters wedding it is cream with a wast coat thing with tails its got gold on it to mach ruebens wast coat was going to get lucas the same as rueben but he has no neck as he has a cubby chin so he wouldnt be happy in it. Lucas was talking allday to my mum and dad and as soon as my sis got hold of him he screamd untill he went back to my mum or dad lol rueben did the same thing when he was a baby.
Hi all thank you so much for your messages!
Friday morning i went to see her and the nurse said that we could bring her home so we did! Our first night together went so well she is such a content little angel but then yesterday around 4 she had a poo and there was blood in her nappy so i had to rush her back in and they kept her there overnight! They dont know whats causing it so they have taken some stool samples and blood to run tests.
Im feeling pretty deflated now :(
She seems so well in herself she isnt in any pain at all so i think it may be down to a change in her milk.
I'll upload more pics now she is coming on so fast bless her!!
Right then here are 2 new ones
Here she is in bristol...

And here she is the day we brought her home looking a little happier.....
Aaawwwwwwwww Sam, she's LOVELY!! :cloud9: What a gorgeous little girl :D
Sorry your first night with her at home didn't exactly go to plan, I hope the blood is nothing serious and that after tests and things she can come back home where she belongs!
I love her hair in that second pic, bless her heart, she's got such a cute little face and lovely big eyes!! Gorgeous :D

x x x x
OMG Vince will be 2 months old tomorrow! :shock:
Where on earth does the time go eh?!
Hi there ladies
Just popping in to say hi!! I've been so busy with my little Chloe that I never seem to get time to come on line, though I've set up my computer so that I can look at it while BF'ing!!

Congrats to all on your lovely cute babies!

Chloe is now 5-1/2wks old, and it honestly feels like she's always been here as she has fitted into our little family so well. DH and I are besotted with our little girl. I love seeing how my DH has become the proud doting Dad and is so hands on and loves his little cuddles and pushing stroller - so cute.
Chloe is now smiling and cooing which makes my heart melt each time, even when she keeps me up all night!
I am functioning on 3-4hrs sleep a night, as my little lady thinks night is day and day is night!

Got to go she's crying

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