--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Welcome in, Tilly! Sorry to hear about the sleep deprivation, but wonderful that your little lady is doing so well and that your OH is so in love with his princess :D
You'll find lots of support from soem ladies on here who are having trouble with nighttimes too, I swear by swaddling as everyone here now knows! Have you given it a go?

Shadow xx
We managed to swaddle Christian this evening after he fell asleep (bwahahaha). Wish us luck in hoping this helps him (and us) a more restful nights sleep!
sam~ shes gorg hope she is better soon and the blood isnt any thing to worry about. and omg look at all the hair lucas has got none at all on top and only reall thin round the sides looks like a old man bolding lol

elly~ hope you had a good night sleep.

Shadow~ forgot to say Vincent looks like a very happy baby you must be doing such a grat job well done.


Me and oh had a big row allday yesterday about the babys suit for the wedding coz he thinks it looks like a girls and dosnt want people thinking hes a girl i love it and think it is very cuit but he dosnt so it is going back and iam getting him a boys shirt and pants man they do my head in. But he did make it up to me last night and we was on talking turms when we went to bed.

i have spent about 4 hrs trying to find a song by gillbert o'sullavan called claire as my sister as allways hated the song all her life (as her name is claire) and my mum and dad are going to get the dj to play it at the wedding when my dad is doing hes spech she is going to go mad and she can not take a joke so i think it will go bad but cnt wait to see her face lol.

any way take care mummys
No dice. He still woke up at 11 pm, 1 am, 2 am, 4 am, 6 am and 7 am.

Got about 3.5 hrs sleep.

I give up.
hello guys,
jesse was weighed on thursday and he is now 12lb 8oz that was at 5weeks 5days, lol, im struggling to keep up with his hunger,
he has between 8 and 9oz of sma hungry baby milk every four hours, and stil seems unsatisfied, ive started to give him a couple of spoons of baby rice at night to fill him up abit and he has about 4oz of baby juice throughout the day too which he likes,
last night he had a lick of icing from my birthday cake which he LOVED! and sulked for ages afterwards cus he couldnt have anymore,
i dont really want to introduce lots of food at the moment cus he is still very young for it even though hes big and hungry,
but if it means giving him rice early then i will cus im not leaving him hungry,
hes starting being a terror at night which im mainly putting down to teething,
hes very good at actually going to bed at bedtime we leave him in the cot to settle himself which takes upto an hour sometimes but hes very content and gurgling away before he quietens and goes to sleep, but he wakes up pretty often at night for a few oz here and there which i dont mind but it leaves me tired during the day i wish he'd just wake for one full feed it would be alot easier,
he also loves the taste of gripe water its so funny to see him lickin his lips after he has it lol,
i cant believe he's 6weeks old already its gone super fast,
it was my birthday on saturday i turned 20 so im no longer a teenager which has made me feel abit past it now ha (most of you are older than me though so ill make you feel old by saying that lol)
OH is taking me to newcastle on wednesday to see a band and were staying in a hotel for the night, it will be the first night away from jess and im slightly apprehensive :/ i know he will be in good hands with my mum though, but doesnt make it easier to leave him lol,
a few new pictures :)

jesse after his bedtime rice :)

looking pretty cool ready to go out,

with mummy,

my favourite pic of him right now :) xx
For those who are interested in trying my swaddling method
with a folded sheet or similar light material (as mentioned, I use pashminas!! Perfect!) or those just interested in seeing Vince wiggling about happily at bedtime tonight, here's a little vid...

Thanks for the video, will try it tonight as for last couple of nights Riya has managed to get out of our swaddle and then ends up screaming !
Hi everyone, how ya all doing today?
Vici - so sorry that you are ill, I hope the meds help with the pain, and that if you need an op, that they get you fitted in quick smart

Sam star - sorry that Elinor's time at home was short lived - I hope it was nothing to worry about and that she is back home with you already. On the up side she looks just gorgeous!

Elly - sorry you are having such a tough time of it at night. When baby wakes up is it crying or just chatting? If it isn't wailing then could you perhaps try leaving to settle for a bit? I am sure you have already tried this. I hope things get better soon :hugs:

shadow - thanks for the vid - Sophia settles well but I watched it just to see cute little vince!

Booth - happy birthday! 20 eh? What an old lady you are ;op

as for us, Sophia slept 11pm - 5am last night :thumbup: :thumbup:although she has got a bit of a cold and is all snotty :cry: My MIL has been diagnosed with swine flu so we have been keeping an eye on sophia's temperature, which has been fine. On the up side means I won't have to see the MIL for a while until she is thoroughly recovered (plus another week just to make sure if I have anything to do with it!)
Went for an hour long walk today with sophia in her carrier - nice to get some exercise!
I am thinking about trying to express and try her on a bottle now that she is nearly 6 weeks - any advice would be gratefully received!
Sam, I am sorry her time at home was somewhat limited and hope things turn around again soon!

Shadow, thank you again for the video. Wish my little one would stay that calm when being swaddled.

Happy 20th, Booth!

Shiv, hope the swine flu stays away from Sophia.

When he fusses at night, it's crying/wailing and not always chattering. I try to not check on him when he's in the chattering mode. At night when putting him down, I try to let him settle on his own but have the baby monitor nearby so I can hear what's going on.

I got off the phone with a public health nurse to talk about certain concerns with Christian as well with the emotions and such I'm feeling as of late. It is looking like I have PPD/PPA. A nurse will come and visit me to talk about some support groups in the area, etc.
Big big :hugs: elly sweetheart, make good use of all the support you can get honey, that's what it's there for!! :flower:
Well to start off Elly i am so sorry to hear about your PPD i realy hope that things get a little better for you soon i know exactly what its like as i had it on both of my boys so if you ever need to talk im jusy a PM away okay x
Elinor is now home and i am enjoying every minute of her she is so content its amazing! Im thinking of writing a little "story" about Elinors birth and time in hospital but i wouldn't have a clue where to start!
Im bathing her for the first time tonight which i am really nervous about because of her scars bless her she has an 'L' on her torso now :( but looking at her she is like any other healthy baby!!
Hope you are all well x
:D Sam, that's wonderful news that she's properly home with you now! So I guess you were right and that the bloody poo was nothing major? I hope so :)
Hope you had fun giving her her first home bath last night!! It's a lovely, magical experience to give that first bath, we got Vincent's on video, he was so cute hehe!

Lots of love to you and little Elinor :D xxx
:rofl: do you remember AE's first bath pic, Shadow? that was lovely and magical!!! :D :D

Sam - enjoy your baby girl, so wonderful she is home ... :hug:
Thank you so much ladies! We had such a lovely chilled out night we went up to bed around 11:30 (im so nervous about her being up there on her own) and the little darling slept all night until 6:30!!
Hi ladies.

Hope all of you are well. I posted this in the formula feeding section, but thought I 'd also get some advice from you guys aswell.

Baby Riya is 5 weeks old and only drinks 3oz / 90ml at each feed. The Aptimel milk guidelines suggest she should be drinking 120ml / 5 times per day. If we do give her 120ml, she ends up being sick.

At 90ml per bottle, she is hungry every 2 hours. So over 24 hrs is drinking enough but should she not be drinking more at each feed and going longer between feeds. The doctor is happy with her weight gain so no issues there

How much were your LO drinking and how often at 5 weeks ?
ttc lady- my boy drinks about 240ml every 4hours, he is a big boy though and seems to be hungry alot, i think at the end of it all every baby is different and some a more greedy than others, as long as shes healthy and gaining weight then you shouldnt worry too much xx
what do we think of my new sig btw? xx
Hi girls - Just a quick log in to say hi - I haven't even read back yet.

Well we have had a pretty hectic weeks as Natasha was really unsettled and seemed to cry every time she was awake the poor thing - Friday night was the worst as she was purple in the face from crying and nothing seemed to work so we ended up putting her in the car to put her asleep which is something I swore I would never do - I brought her to the baby osteopath today as she had such a traumatic birth and she does have some neck strain and lots of compression on her head so the osteopath has done some work on her so I'm hoping this may have been some of the problem.

I also think part of it is that she is not drinking enough to sustain herself as she only ever drinks 2 or 3 oz and the odd time 4, where as yesterday she had 4 oz all day and was really happy and content again and even managed to sleep from 11 until 6 this morning but unfortunately today she is back to her usual 2 and 3 oz's so we will have to see how tonight goes.

The osteopath said it could be that the compression in her head is going right down into her jaws and this may be having an impact on how long she can suck for, we even changed to the Level 2 teeths even though she is still dribbling some of it down her chin.

I really thought a crying baby would drive me nuts but it is so different when its your own - but I am finding it extremely stressful as I hate not knowing what is the matter and not being able to help her especially when she was so placid.

Well fingers crossed the work the osteopath has done will help - Hope you are all keeping well. Sorry for not replying to anyone - I just wanted to say hi and give you all an update - I'm gonna start reading back now but doubt I will get a chance to reply as she is due a feed anytime soon.

:hugs: to you all Xx

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