Hi Everyone :wave:
How are you all doing? I'm a frequent reader (or lurker lol) but an infrequent poster in here! Just wanted to say hi while I have this rare bit of time to myself!
Booth - Your sig is really nice! I'll have to try so something like that myself - mine's boring! lol Jesse is a real little cutie! He will break a lot of hearts!
Jelr - Ya poor thing, I know all about the stress of a crying baby!

Carla was a nightmare for the first week and a half/2 weeks.
Constantcrying and I had her in my arms 24/7. We guessed it was
wind and tried infacol which didn't work for her.

Then we switched to Dr. Brown bottles and she has been SO much better ever since! Hopefully you can pinpoint the problem and once ya know exactly what's bothering her, you can get it sorted! x
Also, re the formula feeding on demand - I tend to feed Carla on demand as I was advised to right from the start because she was such a big baby. She's 6 & a half weeks old now and looks for her bottle usually every 4 or 5 hours, but every baby is different. Different people will advise you to do different things but it's ultimately down to mammy what you choose to do with your own child.
Elly - Hope things improve for ya soon hun.

I'm glad to say the waterworks have passed for me now but I know how ya feel as I was the same for about 2 weeks after the birth and it ain't nice!
Grumpymoo - Glad little Rose is feeding well for you!
Tillymum & anyone else who's having rough night at the mo - HUGS to you all!!

It won't last forever so hang in there and try your best to sleep whenever baby is napping as even just one hours sleep can make all the difference
Carter - Beautiful pic of your little princess!!!
Tmr - That's brill that Lucas can turn over n everything!! He's making great progress! And giving mammy lots of sleep too.. happy days!!
TTCLady - I don't have the same symptoms as you hun but I hope it passes for ya soon. And if not, make sure you do go back in 2 weeks to get checked and don't let the gyne fob ya off.
I seem to be experiencing the same pain as I did throughout the pregnancy - spd (self-diagnosed also).. don't even know if that's possible? As I thought spd would be gone once baby was born?!

It's nowhere near as bad as when I was pregnant but it's still pretty sore at times!
Sam_Star - Can I just say that is
brilliant news about little Elinor!!

I am so so happy for you! She's such a strong little girl and a real inspiration to us all. Great that she is so content too.. long may it last! A happy baby is a happy mother

You must be over the moon to have her home

Shadow - That's excellent Vince is sleeping so well for you!

It really makes such an impact on your energy levels and mood during the day when you've gotton a full nights sleep, doesn't it?

Hopefully this routine continues for you hun!! And I am delighted for your other half getting to see his little girl.

He must soooooooo full of emotions at the thought of it!! I'm over the moon for you both and looking forward to hearing how he gets!!! Be sure to keep us updated!! xx
Well, alls good with my little darling at the mo. She is sleeping and feeding well. Her 6 week check went well but they want to see her back in 2 weeks as she didn't lift her head first time they lay her on her tummy. Second time round she lifted her head right up and was looking all around the room but as a precaution they still wanna see her back.
Other than that, I've nothing much to report. We are getting lots of smiles from Carla which is great.
Melts my heart every time I see her smiling
She makes my day.. little ray of sunshine!

Hope you are all enjoying your Friday night!!! Sorry if I missed anyone above btw.. not used to these long posts!!
Lots of
Take Care..
Caroline x x x