--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

:rofl: do you remember AE's first bath pic, Shadow? that was lovely and magical!!! :D :D

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Aww, jelr, I hope the osteopath helps Natasha, Vince went through a big patch of crying aaaall the time when he was awake, but touch wood I think he's over it now... :hugs: well done for keeping your cool, I hope she's more settled and content soon! :flower:

We took Vince swimming today for the first time, and it was AWESOME!!! He just LOVED it, he didn't fuss or squeal a single time, and we even dunked him right under the water 3 times!! He wasn't smiling quite, but he was definitely happy and very interested, he even started splashing his arms and kicking his legs by the end of out little swim session!! :D I'm sooo proud of him, I've already been dreaming of him being a swimming star some day :rofl:

Also I had my first acupuncture session today, it was kinda weird but really good, I've had no pain in the arm he did it on for the rest of the day so I'm hopeful it will work well for me long term :) I've got to make another appointment for next week, so we'll see how it goes!!

Hope you're all well today my lovelies :)

x x x x
Jelr, I hope things work out well with the osteopath.

Shadow, glad to hear Vince enjoyed swimming! We are looking forward to taking Christian swimming at some point.

The health nurse came by today and recommended me for a couple of things. In addition, she'll be coming by next week along with another person to help me along with coping techniques and other things. I'm to see my GP about this situation as well but the soonest I can see her is in 3 weeks time!

Thank you again, ladies for the support. I'm hoping there's a light at the end of the tunnel soon. Hate feeling this way and all the waterworks. :cry:
hi everyone

its certainly a rollercoaster ride being a mummy isn't it :wacko:

:hugs:hope things get better soon Elly
Elinor is coming along a treat Sam, she is gorgeous. so glad she is home with you x
Shadow you are amazing taking little Vince swimming. we can barely get out of the house!

Rose is still feeding as often as ever, it does get hard in the evenings and at night but i love breast feeding her and love watching her enjoyment. she is a greedy moo and loves her food like her mother!:haha: am thinking we are going to try her with the odd bottle to give me a break during the really tiring times. i have been trying to express for this but it takes ages. eventually i would like to try some formula at night to see if she will sleep a bit longer. those are the plans but how often do they work with babies! :) its taken me weeks to feel ready to give her the odd bottle, Ive probably left it too late now.

:hugs: to all
Hi ladies just popping back in as Chloe sleeps ....though ideally I should be sleeping too as I'm wrecked had another hard night last night, but I can't seem to sleep in the daytime!

Chloe has bad reflux and I think is a bit colicy too, she crys alot and the only way I can pacify her is to feed her, as she's BF she was on me most of yesterday afternoon and last night. I don't know if she's over feeding and i'm just consoling her!

Also we had our first car outing alone together on tues as she had a physio apt, I was so proud of myself and had great plans for more outings together.....thing is I've hurt my back lifting the pram and/or car seat in and out of the car!!! I suffer from sciatica and it's given me a relapse, Its so sore to walk, or do anything! DH works from home so at least he can help me out. I don't know what to do about lifting the pram as it is heavy and cost alot so we don't want to buy another one!!

Samstar - so glad Elinor is home and doing so well, she is beautiful.

Grumpymoo - I do a FF last thing in the evening and it helps Chloe sleep for 4-5hrs till her next feed. I also express at this feed time.

Shadow - Sounds like you had fun on your first swim together, I might try this soon with my Lo.

Jelr - hope the osteopath helps, it is hard to listen to a crying baby!
Kelsey's just had her first jabs she screamed but she seems OK now still Happy .. we can go swimming in a few days we off to wales and will have a dip then


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Jelr~ Hope the osteopath works

Shadow~ Happy to hear vice enjoyed swimming

Sam~ glad to hear Elinor is home

Grumpymoo~ when i was expressing i gave a ff for the last 1 at night befor bed and lucas would sleep 5-6hrs

tillymum~ i have bad sciatica so i feel for u

carter~ she lovely

Lucas is sleeping from 9:30pm untill 6am so really happy with him hes turning from tummy to back all the time now and waking with a big smile. Hes still go mad with hes bottom teeth think they will be throw in a few weeks. he has hes jabs today really dreding taking him oh took rueben as i cry more than them but oh is going to my soon to be sil's stag do so he cnt take him so its left to me.

any way hes kicking me so gota go
take care
i dont know why i bother coming here anymore cus nobody ever seems to reply to my posts i just get skipped over.
Hi ladies

Just got back from my 6 wk check and also my first outing ALONE with Riya. She was good as gold in doctors surgery and just lay on her car seat taking in her surroundings. Feel so much better now as until now DH has been everywhere with us. We're taking her to baby massage class tomorrow which she really loves.

Explained to my gyne that I was experiencing a heavy pressure type feeling down below, self diagnosed as uterus prolapse after googling the symptom last night. She didn't really listen and said the pressure feeling is normal (?!) and to continue with pelvic floor exercises and go back in 2 weeks if it's no better.

Has anyone else had this feeling of pressure / heaviness which only hurts when walking / standing up ??? Has it been diagnosed as uterus prolapse ??

Shadow - glad swimming went well. DH has already booked father /baby swimming classes, starting in November.

Carter - your LO is gorgeous.

Grumpymoo - Like the others, I also give a FF at night and Riya sleeps 3-4 hrs, as long as she remains swaddled. As soon as she gets her hands out, she's awake though.

Have a great weekend ladies with your LO's
i dont know why i bother coming here anymore cus nobody ever seems to reply to my posts i just get skipped over.

Becki, I think we're all finding it much harder to chat like we used to on here... I always read your posts and though I may not always remember to mention you by name, I'm thinking of you when I think of everyone in here... It's a very big group, though not everyone posts all the time, but it's not easy for all of us to manage to reply to everyone individually any more :hugs: I'm sorry if you felt you were being deliberately ignored!! That's certainly not the case. I like your new sig by the way, I think it's cute :)
I hope you and Jesse are ok, please don't feel bad! :flower:

Hi girls

Shadow: Delighted Vinces swimming went so well - I can't wait to bring Natasha as she loves the water in the bath.

Sam: Elinor looks great, so glad she is home with you.

Elly: Sorry to hear your not feeling so good - hope the the recommendations from the HV help.

Grumpymoo: Hope giving rose the few bottles gives you a bit of a break.

tillymum: Sorry to hear you pulled a muscle in your back I did it myself a few weeks ago and found hot baths and DH rubbing in Wintergreen really helped. Well done on the trip out by yourself though It is a great feeling to manage it all.

Carter: Hope Kelsey's stays happy after those jabs I'm dreading bringing Natasha as I cried my eyes out at her heal prick lol. Enjoy Wales.

TMR: Good luck with those jabs I reckon I will cry more than Natasha too. So glad lucas is sleeping so well. I can't wait until Natasha does.

Booth: Sorry you feel ignored honey, I haven't been writing to everyone since LO was born I barely get a minute to write at all, so it definitely not on purpose honey.

TTC Lady: I do have some pressure low down in my tummy but I think in my case it feels more like pulled muscles.

AFU - Natasha has been good as gold this week so either the Osteopath worked or the infacol - she is back to her old self, still not doing great on the feeds though. Some days she drinks 4 oz each feed and sleeps the night and others she grazes all day long and only drinks 2 and 3 oz. Her thrush in her mouth is still not cleared and we have our 6 week check up next week so I'm going to speak to the doctor about it again.

Anybody that is Formula feeding - do you feed LO's on demand when they look for food or are you getting them into a routine by feeding every 3 / 4 hours?

Well I may run myself and Natasha are heading to the supermarket for grocery shopping.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend :hugs: to you all. Xx
Hi all im so sorry for the quick post but Elinor is due a feed soon xx hope you are all well xx
Elinor has been home since monday and she is an absolute dream!! So content bless her!
She was weighed today and since monday she has put on 7oz! So now she is weighing a healthy 8lb9oz!! Im so proud of her x
Jelr - I am FF and am feeding on demand, although trying to establish 3 hr feeds with some success.

Riya only drinks 3oz per feed and so tends to get hungry every 2-2.5 hours. I don't think you have to stick to a religious 3 hrs , just feed when your LO needs it.

i feel like that at times my other half has posted in pink script but no one picks up on it ... as Ive persuaded her to come and post .... but we are all wraped up in our own little events is hard to see the big picture.. any way i hope you and Jesse are OK
Awww Sam that's so cool that Elinor is so content! You lucky thing you :happydance: and well done for the healthy weight gain!!

Jelr, when we first switched to formula we were feeding Vince on demand, and I think it was at about 2 hours or so to start with. As we increased his feeds it stretched out a bit more and a bit more, and he eventually went to 4 hours during the day(8/9 at night :dance:) which we have settled on. Sometimes he is "ready" for it a bit early, but we try to stick to 4 hours now, as I think it makes a good routine for him when he's older: Breakfast at 9ish, lunch at 1ish, dinner at 5ish, supper after a bath at 9ish :) (we're not quite there yet with the morning feed, as his night feeds are still changing and we're letting them evolve, but this will be the goal!)

Girls, I would class last night as the first night that Vincent slept right through the night! He went down at 9:30 and slept till 6:30, we went to bed at about 11 and we got up with him at about 6, I had a nap in the middle of the day so I feel great about that!! So proud of him :) He's starting to be a very content little man now, god knows we've longed for that, so to all of you struggling with unhappy babies, there is a light at the end of the tunnel!! :D :kiss:

...Oh yes, and for those of you who were following our story about OH's daughter Finlay, he's seeing her TOMORROW for the first time in 3 and a half years!!!! We're all sooo excited, and she phoned yesterday to let him know she's really looking forward to it :D :D

Hi Everyone :wave:

How are you all doing? I'm a frequent reader (or lurker lol) but an infrequent poster in here! Just wanted to say hi while I have this rare bit of time to myself! :coffee:

Booth - Your sig is really nice! I'll have to try so something like that myself - mine's boring! lol Jesse is a real little cutie! He will break a lot of hearts! :winkwink:

Jelr - Ya poor thing, I know all about the stress of a crying baby!:nope: Carla was a nightmare for the first week and a half/2 weeks. Constantcrying and I had her in my arms 24/7. We guessed it was wind and tried infacol which didn't work for her.:shrug: Then we switched to Dr. Brown bottles and she has been SO much better ever since! Hopefully you can pinpoint the problem and once ya know exactly what's bothering her, you can get it sorted! x
Also, re the formula feeding on demand - I tend to feed Carla on demand as I was advised to right from the start because she was such a big baby. She's 6 & a half weeks old now and looks for her bottle usually every 4 or 5 hours, but every baby is different. Different people will advise you to do different things but it's ultimately down to mammy what you choose to do with your own child.:baby:

Elly - Hope things improve for ya soon hun.:hugs: I'm glad to say the waterworks have passed for me now but I know how ya feel as I was the same for about 2 weeks after the birth and it ain't nice!:nope:

Grumpymoo - Glad little Rose is feeding well for you!:happydance:

Tillymum & anyone else who's having rough night at the mo - HUGS to you all!!:hugs2: It won't last forever so hang in there and try your best to sleep whenever baby is napping as even just one hours sleep can make all the difference :sleep:

Carter - Beautiful pic of your little princess!!!:dance:

Tmr - That's brill that Lucas can turn over n everything!! He's making great progress! And giving mammy lots of sleep too.. happy days!! :happydance:

TTCLady - I don't have the same symptoms as you hun but I hope it passes for ya soon. And if not, make sure you do go back in 2 weeks to get checked and don't let the gyne fob ya off.
I seem to be experiencing the same pain as I did throughout the pregnancy - spd (self-diagnosed also).. don't even know if that's possible? As I thought spd would be gone once baby was born?! :( It's nowhere near as bad as when I was pregnant but it's still pretty sore at times!

Sam_Star - Can I just say that is brilliant news about little Elinor!!:yipee: I am so so happy for you! She's such a strong little girl and a real inspiration to us all. Great that she is so content too.. long may it last! A happy baby is a happy mother ;) You must be over the moon to have her home :cloud9::cloud9:

Shadow - That's excellent Vince is sleeping so well for you!:happydance: It really makes such an impact on your energy levels and mood during the day when you've gotton a full nights sleep, doesn't it?:thumbup: Hopefully this routine continues for you hun!! And I am delighted for your other half getting to see his little girl.:yipee::yipee: He must soooooooo full of emotions at the thought of it!! I'm over the moon for you both and looking forward to hearing how he gets!!! Be sure to keep us updated!! xx

Well, alls good with my little darling at the mo. She is sleeping and feeding well. Her 6 week check went well but they want to see her back in 2 weeks as she didn't lift her head first time they lay her on her tummy. Second time round she lifted her head right up and was looking all around the room but as a precaution they still wanna see her back.
Other than that, I've nothing much to report. We are getting lots of smiles from Carla which is great.:happydance::dance: Melts my heart every time I see her smiling :-) She makes my day.. little ray of sunshine!:cloud9::cloud9:

Hope you are all enjoying your Friday night!!! Sorry if I missed anyone above btw.. not used to these long posts!!:dohh:

Lots of :hug: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Take Care..

Caroline x x x


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:wave: LOVELY to hear from you, Caroline!! So glad Carla is doing so well and smiling lots for you hehe :D
RE: Your 6 week check, we didn't have a 6-week one, only an 8-week one when he had his jabs, but they didn't check him lifting his head when on his tummy: They didn't put him on his tummy at all. And actually, he can only just now barely lift his head when on his tummy :wacko: Now I'm worried!!! Could everyone else's babies do this at 6 weeks?! :wacko:

Anyway, I'm off to bed now before I spend more money on nappy stuff :rofl: and it's a big day tomorrow so we both need our rest!!

Love and smiley-baby dust to everyone :dust:

Shadow x x x x
tillymum - Know how you feel about the colic and reflux,. pretty sure archie has the same thing and its so tiring :hugs:

carter - bless bubs screaming at her injection!! Sure most babies do tho lol

tmr - cant wait till archie sleeps like that, i am so sleep deprived! :coffee:

booth - sorry you feel that way hon, i havent been on here lately due to a colicy baby but try to reply to everyone

ttc lady - glad your first outing went good, does the baby massage relieve her of wind? I might try it.

jelr - i feed on demand which is usually 3 - 4 hours with archie he usually takes 4 - 5 oz each time sometimes his greedy and wants more!

sam star - great to here elinor is getting on so well!

shadow - thats fantastic you get a whole night now and vincent is content!

carolinexx - glad your bubs 6 week check up was good! The smiling must be lovely i would love to see archie smile but his still very young!

Me: I have been feeling very down lately. Archie is very colicy and hiccups loads and possets a lot have a feeling his got bad reflux. He has been sleeping 2 - 3 hours per whole day and no one believes me when i say it, even the HV said " all babies are colicy" like i was exaggerating but i literally am at wits end. Spent today crying over archie when he was because he'd been crying for hours felt helpless and exhausted. His so windy farts constantly and we wind him for agges get loads of burps out put him down and he still cries and we try everything feed change comfort. Feeling bit like a failure and hoping this feeling passes maybe its because i am so sleepdeprived i am feeling bad.
Awww I didn't mean to worry you Shadow hun. The doc assured it me it's no cause for concern but she just wants to check her again just in case. Because she literally did not lift her head whatsoever the first time she tried her on her tummy!:nope: She just lay there all relaxed lol.. And I think most babies will at least make an effort to lift their head?! I was surprised that they want her back so soon when she done so well the second time they tried her... but ah well!

Rubyrose - Sorry to hear you are having a difficult time with Archie. You must be absolutely exhausted from it all!:wacko: I know it can really take it's toll when the baby will not stop crying from one end of the day til the other. Are you bottle feeding Archie? As it may be worth trying a change of bottle like I did with Carla :shrug: She is still quite windy but is soooo much unbelieveably better since we changed to Dr. Brown bottles! She will have an off day now and again but in general she is like a different baby ever since.

Also, you could try those drops, infacol if they sell them where you live? They didn't seem to work for Carla but every baby is different.:baby: I can't really advise if you are breast feeding as I haven't got any experience of it.. but I really hope things improve for you soon! :hugs2:
I'm sure there are other things you could try too.. anything would be worth a try if Archie is that bad with wind/colic! Maybe ask your health nurse or GP for advice? If I were you, I wouldn't stop trying things as something so minor could turn him right around and really help with his wind.
***Btw... you are by no means a failure so please don't beat yourself up over it! God knows babies can be stressful enough without listening to constant crying!! You are doing your best for Archie and he won't be like this forever.. this will all pass as I'm sure he'll be a very content little man when it does! :hugs::hugs: Massive hugs! & I am thinking of you xx***

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