--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Hi ladies just a very quick post on my phone.
Shadow- don't worry Hun every baby is different you've seen the pics of b in my facebook he lifted his head like that from 2 weeks!!! Weirdo he is!! Lol. But he only has normally 4x15 minute naps during the day. Except 4 today. And he don't sleep through now.:(. So things are always changing with him.

Ruby-argh Hun i'm sorry your feeling down, babies often tend to make us feel useless quite oftern!!, Its not just you Hun being a mum is one of the hardest jobs EVER!! I promise things will get easier n you'll soon be aching for your next!! X x x x

ladies I'm back to work on 2nd November :( unfortunately I can't afford to be off any longer. Gonna miss b soooo much but got no choice!:(. Anybody else thinking of going back soon?
I've had this really strong feeling today that I'm pregnant again ( only you ladies know!!). AF isn't dye untill next weekend, I just feel as tho I am!:/ no symptoms just gut feeling!! I don't know will keep u all updated!!:)
Hiya Bun,

OMG, your little man could be a big brother before he's 1 lol! Keep us updated!!!:hugs: They say your period comes about 6 weeks after having a baby but mine was at least 8 weeks last time round so don't be fooled by that if it's a little late... only way of knowing for sure is taking a test :winkwink: But if ya feel like ya are, there's a good possability!! :happydance:

hiya ladys

went for lucas' 8week cheeck up and jabs yesterday and he did brill did a smile for the doc even cooed at her when she put him on hes back he lifed hes head right up and turn over on to hes back and passed all the outher things she was having a hard time cheecking his hips as he is so strong and was kicking out so much. he is now.................
14lbs little piggy :haha:
He had hes jabs and was cooing at the woman untill they stuck the needle in and then he screamed i felt like running off with him i felt so sorry for him poor baba. hes legs was a bit sore all day but he seemed ok ish a bit grummpy with me not with daddy thow but he gave me big smiles when he woke this morning so i think all is good with us agane.

any way a big day today my sisters wedding and iam dredding it i dnt get along with her and with my oh having long dredlocks i think hes going to get a lot of 'o look its bob marly' wich gets very boring after yrs of hearing it.

have a good weekend ladys
gosh you ladies have been busy posting!

as usual putting me to shame by responding personally to everyone:blush:thanks for your responses x

i am struggling even more to do a decent post, i am sorry. i usually post when i am feeding rose (never seem to have any other time!) so only have one hand to use and am sooooo slow (hence the lack of caps etc too ).
now i have started to express when feeding i have no hands at all until finished!!!! makes it even trickier to type :)

anyway rose took an 1oz from a bottle yesterday, although she did not find it that easy. i am going to keep trying as i would like her to be able to have a bottle with my dh sometimes. i bought some different dummys to try her with during her colicky time but still no joy. not much works when she has colic to be honest.
she is smiling regularly now which is a relief, as she is prem the docs kept on asking if she had smiled at a time when she wasn't even meant to be born, bless her.

hugs to all, specially to those of you having a tricky time:hugs:
ps i am so jealous of you all that have babies that sleep all night, it must be amazing:dohh:
Hi Ladies,

It’s been so long since I posted in here – I have been so busy with the oh so long school run every morning and coping with my LO as well

Sam – Excellent news that Elinor is home now and she has settled in well and is sleeping through the night. You deserve some rest, it must have been traumatic dealing with everything you went through, you are one strong lady

TTC Lady – I wouldn’t worry about the feeding, as long as your LO is feeding well and growing. All babies are different, my LO doesn’t have a long feed and when she does she normally throws it all up. We are guaranteed a throw up each evening around 9pm and then after that she has a long feed and falls asleep

Bootth – Sorry you feel that way about your posts I haven’t been posting for a while now. I love your new sig by the way, how did you make it as I would love to copy it and put a pic up of my little madam. Your LO is absolutely adorable

Jelr - Sorry to hear that Natasha was unsettled. I hope the Osteo helped. It is so difficult with LO’s isn’t it, you just can’t help feeling sorry for them when they are like that. My LO is a bit unsettled atm because she is constipated. She hasn’t pooed since Wednesday and I am sure that when she does it will be a sight Just saw your new post and so pleased to hear that Osteo worked and that Natasha is back to her usual content self. You must be over the moon

Shadow – swimming hey, how do you find the time, I can just about get out of the house to do the school run every morning lol. Well done you, and so glad you had that quality time with Vince and that he enjoyed it. Good to hear that the acupuncture helped, hope it continues in the same way. Pleased to her that OH will get to see daughter soon, have been dealing with the same issues but with child support payments on my end and also had that sorted out next week so will be getting double what he was giving me before . My ex had said to me that I only need £10 a week to look after an 11 year old, glad the CSA thought £60 a week was more appropriate

Elly – Hope you are feeling better now, it is so easy to feel down- after all it is a lot for our bodies to deal with and also mentally exhausting. There is light at the end of the tunnel so just hang in there (((((hugs)))))

Grumpymoo – pleased to hear that you are bonding well with your LO and enjoying breastfeeding her. I absolutely adore BFing and she does too. The only drawback is that she now completely refuses to take her bottle and I am now the only person who can do the feeds. She literally pushes the teat out with her tongue when my OH or mum try bottle feeding her. Yesterday I left her with my OH when I went to do the school run with some expressed milk and she refused to drink any milk until I came back home  so watch out for that and start giving her the odd bottle as you suggested

Tillymum – Sorry to hear that Chloe has bad reflux, don’t let the MW and GP’s put you off though. Keep on nagging them and see whether your GP can prescribe something more effective for her. Sorry too about the bad back and sciatica, it is hard to keep these in check once you’ve given birth as we have to lift the baby, car seats etc. I had such an awful backache on Thursday when I was doing the school run that I had to stop the car and groan and grunt for about 10 minutes. Is there anything you can get for it that can minimise the pain. Hope you feel better soon. Well done for coping with your first outing by yourselves, that must have been quite daunting. My LO yesterday kept on crying and I had to stop four times to breast feed her 

Carter – Good to hear that Kelsey coped well with his jabs, she is a brave little madam

Caroline – pleased to hear that Carla’s six week check went well and that she is sleeping well too

Tmr1234 – cant believe your little Lucas is already having his teeth – wow. He is very advanced and also turning around. He is sleeping all night as well? Can we swap babies!!! Lol

Ruby – Sorry to hear you are feeling down and that Archie is so unsettled, it is only natural to feel that way because you must be so exhausted your poor darling. Are you breastfeeding hun as maybe it could be something you are eating such as oranges perhaps. My LO was like that for a while until it clicked that I was eating too many oranges. However babies can be colicky all on their own and if it seems like more that what is normal then nag your HV and GP. It also makes things worse when people don’t believe you when you tell them that your LO is unsettled, makes one feel like a hypochondriac which doesn’t help when also dealing with raging hormones from childbirth. I’ve found that when I BF my LO and I have too much milk she takes in a lot of air so I try to limit the time she is on my breast and burp her before putting her back on. It sounds like you are having an awful time and all I can say is that you are not a failure, just the fact that you are worried enough to post and nag your HV shows that you are a concerned and loving mum. All babies are different and I can assure you that things will get better with time ((((hugs)))

Bun – hope you are well hun. You must be gutted to be going back to work so early but sometimes that is just the way it is. With my second child I had to go back to work at 4 months and it was awful but I just had to because financially we would have been ruined but he is fine. I am sure that with time you will get used to it but it’s not going to be easy. You think you might be pregnant hey, wow, that will be good news for you then as you want them close together. I am also thinking I might be pregnant, was feeling rather nauseous this morning. If I am it means that I would be going back to work next October having given birth to another child, wonder how that would work maternity leave wise Was thinking of going back to work next February, my maternity leave would have ended next month and I would have been on holidays as I have about four months holiday to claim from last year to this year but decided to take maternity leave until next April then holidays until October so am at home for a while. This is actually the first time I’ve had a long maternity leave, in fact with both my boys I had to go back to work for financial reasons. Don’t feel bad about it as you are doing it FOR your kids.

TTC Lady – well done on first outing with Riya. Good to hear she behaved herself too 
Tmr – hope the wedding turns out to be okay for you and your OH. Those Bob Marley jokes will be awful to deal with, I wonder why people think that its ok to say that, weird. My little lady was 12lbs last time she was weighed which was last week.

Well, my LO is growing so well, she smiles a lot and she is just so adorable...........biased opinion I know lol. I have to take her to see the HV next week, she has been hounding me for the past three weeks so have to make sure that next week we go for a weigh in. She was due her injections yesterday but the nurse cancelled so will have to take her in two weeks time, am dreading it. Glad Lucas is ok after his injections, they are so brave these little ones

Grumpy – Well done on trying to bottle feed, I have to do the same too otherwise I will never be able to leave my LO with someone
*takes off crown for longest post and hands it to Mimiso* :rofl:

:kiss: xxx
kelseys first trip to stamford bridge [chelseas home ground]


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:wohoo: Lee's home, he saw Finlay, it went REALLY WELL!!! She's insisting on me and Vince coming along next time, she's so desperate to see us and meet her little brother!!! :wohoo:

lol :blush: sorry guys, just soooo happy now :D
xxcarolinexx - thanks for the advice. :hugs: The dr brown bottles were no good for him, he seemed to guzzle it down and take in lots of air but the NUK bottles improved things a little. I tried the infacol yesterday though I upped it to two droppers and he seems a little better today. Right now his got his eyes wide open but is kicking and cooing and he slept for 5 hours last night then another 4 :sleep: which refreshed me... i even come up for a nap earlier and archie fell asleep on me.

bun in the oven - OH my god you might be pregnant again?!!!! Wow i cant imagine falling again so quickly i had such a rough labour its the last thing i wanna be thinking about! Congrats tho if you are! I amnot going back to work till next august myself but thats because i get full pay for the year which i am incredibly lucky for. It must be horrible having to go back so soon :hugs:

tmr - ohh thats fantastic lucas is growing so well! Archie finally got weighed the other day and is 10lbs 4 oz now and he was 8lbs 6 at birth so i suppose we are all doing something right! Its such a gorge noise when babies coo glad your check up went well.

grumpymoo - big hugs to you about rose and being a bit colic having the same trouble myself so i know how tiring it is. Feel soo jealous of the ladies having full nights to!

mimiso - thanks for the advice :hugs: i dont actually breast feed wish i was but i found it so hard and gave up which probaly makes me feel worse to and more of a failure but i must be doing OK his 10lbs 4oz now and was 8lbs 6 at birth so at least somethings going right. Glad your little lady is growing well!

carter - nice pic lol! Not a chelsea fan myself follow QPR!!

Want to thank everyone for their lovely advice. Archie slept for 5 hours and 4 hours last night which was lovely and we napped together which made me feel really close to him. His cooing a lot today and seems happy. We are back on the infacol but we upped it to two droppers and he seems different today more content but im not keeping my hopes up just yet!

The HV also weighed him and his 10lbs 4 oz now and was 8 lbs 6 at birth. :thumbup:

Pretty peed off with the job centre tho. Applied for sure start grant and had reply today saying i wasnt entitled as i wasnt on child tax credits. :dohh: I am on the highest rate of ctc so i dunno what they are going on about! Calling on monday but fel like sending the proof i am with the letter i have i despair of this countries benefit system!
I've had this really strong feeling today that I'm pregnant again ( only you ladies know!!). AF isn't dye untill next weekend, I just feel as tho I am!:/ no symptoms just gut feeling!! I don't know will keep u all updated!!:)

:shock: OMG, I missed this!!!! You crazy lady you, I hope that it's a BFP if that's what you want, as long as you're ready for it!!! Have you joined the back to back pregnancies group yet?! :rofl: I must say I think you're a little barmy, but when you're so good at it why not eh?! :haha:

Lots of luck to ya girl :winkwink: xxx
:wohoo: Lee's home, he saw Finlay, it went REALLY WELL!!! She's insisting on me and Vince coming along next time, she's so desperate to see us and meet her little brother!!! :wohoo:

lol :blush: sorry guys, just soooo happy now :D

Aww, wonderful news Shadow!!:cloud9: I am delighted to hear it! Brilliant!!!!! xx :dance::yipee::dance:

Rubyrose - Just goes to show that all babies are different and what works for one child will not necessarily work for another :winkwink: I am so glad the infcol seems to be working for you! And extra happy you got some much-needed rest hun :sleep: The sleep deprivation really does take it out of you, especially when the baby's crying on top of the tiredness... not a good combination :wacko: You will be like a new woman when Archie gets into a routine of sleeping right through the night :thumbup: xxx

Oh, forgot to say... I love the pic Carter!! How cute!!!!!! You're starting her early lol :haha:
Get them young then you have a chance they wont be a man u fan lol.... ive posted more on the lion cubs album page ...this links over there but here it is any way

Hi girls, i'm back!! Had a fabulous holiday so now trying to get everything sorted at home. Now gonna try and have a read to catch up a bit - hope you and your little ones are all well xxx
Hi Vici,

Was wondering where you had disappeared to, good to have you back and glad you had a fab holiday. I could really use one of those. How is your LO
I have a feeling my ex is brewing up a storm for me because I reported him to the Child Support Agency. Yesterday he sent me a text asking for my son's full school address and I was like why? He's been going to this school for how many years now and all of a sudden you want to know it's name etc. Not that there is anything wrong, he has a right to know but why now.....I cant help but feel a bit nervous about this because he is one mad person. When I broke up with him he took me to court claiming that I wasnt allowing him to see his son, a complete lie - he was just doing it out of spite.......some men grrrrrrrr
So - here we go :rofl:

Laura - OMFGG :haha:, keep us posted, i know you're more than keen :shrug::dohh::thumbup: Going back to work? O thats poo hun, know what you mean about money tho! If things carry on here as they are i'll be back early altho I am lucky to have full pay till xmas. Don't feel bad babe, we have to do what we need to for our babies :hugs:

RR - great news on Archie being a bit better. Coic really is a horrible thing and with no sure fired way to help, it makes you feel really useless. Fingers crossed that the Infacol keeps working x Also yay for the weight gain :happydance:

Shadow - so gald Lee's visit went well hun :D :happydance: When is the next one? Will you and Vinnie go to that one? O and I love your siggie, that wearing piccie is just gorgeous :cloud9: Know what you mean about spending money on cloth :dohh: I'm gonna have to seel some some before I buy any more :rofl: Thats awesome about Viniie sleeping thru. We're still feeding Imi on demand, when did you switch to a more structured routine? So glad your swimming trip went well. I can't wait to take Imi swimming, she LOVES her bath and kicks and coos the whole time :D Do you have to wait till after jabs then its fine to take them? :) Fab vid of swaddling (and Vince looks so cute :D) I swaddle Imi at night too. I got a miracle blanket from ebay for £4 so use that but if shes sick on it I just use a normal sheet :D:D

Carter - that pic is gorgeous :D Not taking Imi to football yet as Ipswich are playing far too poorly :rofl: Your OH should post more, she's more than welcome :D

Mimi - so glad to hear little Mimi is doing so well, and wow, you might be PG again too? When will you find out? :shrug::happydance: Yes def surgery for me :( Just a matter of waiting it out, only way I get it quicker is if i have another "episode" like last time where I have to be rushed into hospital :(

grumpymoo - Glad to see all is well with Rose, it's weird how you're desperately trying to get LO on the bottle and i'm desperately trying to get LO on the boob!! We just can't win! Great to hear shes smiling lots too :D

tmr - yay for Lucas, thats fab :D He's doing awesomely by the sound of it and I bet the full nights sleep is a godsend :D :happydance: Hope the wedding wasn't too bad for you and you managed to enjoy it sliightly! :hugs:

Caroline - so glad to here Carla is doing so well :) I'm sure i've started getting a few smiles as they are diff to the wind ones :rofl: but not full on so you can be 100% sure just yet :D And that pic is just adorable :cloud9:

Sam - that is fantastic news about Elinor being home, bet you are on :cloud9: She must be doing so well with that weight gain!! :D We were scared about bathing Imi too. She was almost 2 weeks at her first because of being in SCBU but she loved it. Hope Elinor did too :)

jelr - we are at the same stage now and I was wondering that question since we went over onto formula last week. Sometime Imi will go 2 hours and other just over 4! Still demand feeding atm but not sure what to do :)

TTC lady - sorry to hear you gynae wasn't helpful :( I can't help i'm afriad as i had a section so therefore not experianced any pain down there. Hope you get it sorted hun :hugs: And yay for your first outing :happydance: I felt so weird when it was just me and Imi out for the first time. Getting used to it now tho :D Imi is on Aptiaml and she drinks anywhere between 110ml and 150ml sometimes going only 2 hours and others stretching out for 4 1/2 hours! All babies are different hun so don't worry. As long as Riya isn't losing weight then I don't think your HV would be concerned :)

tillymum - sorry to hear about your back hun. Is there any way you can sell the one you have so you don't lose out on loads of money. Your health is far too important and you need to be well for LO xx Have you tried anything for Chloe's colic? Infacol or Gripe Water or such like?

Boothh - I love your sig, that pic of Jesse is just adorable :D Happy Belated birthday, hope you have a fab time at your concert :D Wow Jess is getting big!! :thumbup:

elly - so sorry to hear you're having a rough time hun, please don't be afraid to get support and talk to people. I'm pretty much borderline and am so pleased to have my HV, friends etc to talk to, aswell as you girls. Makes me feel that bit more normal xx

Shiv - good news about the sleep :thumbup:and well done you for going out walking, I find it helps me feel abit better :)

Tillymum - welcome on in, sorry to hear about your sleep deprivation but glad all is well in your little family :D

MJ - Big :hugs: to you hun. Being a mum is very hard work and I know even before Imi if I got tired, i would feel like the world was weighing on my shoulders. I know its hard but try to take things easy xxx I know what you mean about the breastmilk thing!! Imi is perfectly happy now but after 5 weeks off exclusively expressing I have moved onto formula. It was just too much to try and keep up with the amount she needed and I had no time to do anything! Despite her having my milk for that long, being completely satisfied with formula and having DF be able to help me I still feel like i've failed and can't get that little voice out of my head :(

Anyone know how Cleckner and Heidi are doing? I have texted Jai_jai and I know she's doing fine :)

AFU - Imi is doing great, as posted above I have switched onto Aptimal from expressing. Hated doing it and still feel guilty now BUT i was having no time for anything and struggling to keep up with her demands now shes on so much milk! Plus with being on holiday and so busy I just didn't have the time to feed, make formula and express especially being out so much :) She's not sleeping too bad atm, normally waking once or twice between 1am and 5am. Normal is bed about 10, awake at 2ish then awake again at 5/6ish :) She's getting really big now but not sure how much she weighs, she'll be weighed on Tuesday :) I'm not doing too bad now - just waiting for my operation date! Had a few twinges while I was away but no "attacks" thank god! Hope that doesn't happen again :)

I'll post some new piccies of Imi over in the Lion Cubs gallery :)
YAAAAAAY!!! Vici's back!!!! Missed you loads :D :hugs:
So glad you had a good time, and that your "health" behaved itself (?!) hehe... I hope everything stays calm for you now before your op. What exactly do they have to do?

Lee's visit went really well, they both had a fabulous time and can't wait till the next one. And yes, Vinnie and I are coming along to thenext one, which will be on halloween!! Might have to dress Vince up all cute for her hehe... As for the feeding, I think we started feeding Vince every 4 hours during the day at about 5 or 6 weeks, so quite early really. We just went with his natural rhythm, and it seemed to settle on that pretty quickly which was great. Now he SOMETIMES cries for food before 4 hours has been, but we're pretty good at holding it off till 4 hours now :)
Swimming: No, the general consensus (from the government) is that you don't have to wait for any jabs before taking them swimming, it's just not seen to be necessary these days. So you can take them as early as you want really, but we waited till Vince could hold his head up very well and his general muscle tone was pretty good to make it safe and a bit easier on us all :)

Ack, gotta go, fussy fussy baby...


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