So - here we go
Laura - OMFGG

, keep us posted, i know you're more than keen

Going back to work? O thats poo hun, know what you mean about money tho! If things carry on here as they are i'll be back early altho I am lucky to have full pay till xmas. Don't feel bad babe, we have to do what we need to for our babies
RR - great news on Archie being a bit better. Coic really is a horrible thing and with no sure fired way to help, it makes you feel really useless. Fingers crossed that the Infacol keeps working x Also yay for the weight gain
Shadow - so gald Lee's visit went well hun

When is the next one? Will you and Vinnie go to that one? O and I love your siggie, that wearing piccie is just gorgeous

Know what you mean about spending money on cloth

I'm gonna have to seel some some before I buy any more

Thats awesome about Viniie sleeping thru. We're still feeding Imi on demand, when did you switch to a more structured routine? So glad your swimming trip went well. I can't wait to take Imi swimming, she LOVES her bath and kicks and coos the whole time

Do you have to wait till after jabs then its fine to take them?

Fab vid of swaddling (and Vince looks so cute

) I swaddle Imi at night too. I got a miracle blanket from ebay for £4 so use that but if shes sick on it I just use a normal sheet

Carter - that pic is gorgeous

Not taking Imi to football yet as Ipswich are playing far too poorly

Your OH should post more, she's more than welcome
Mimi - so glad to hear little Mimi is doing so well, and wow, you might be PG again too? When will you find out?

Yes def surgery for me

Just a matter of waiting it out, only way I get it quicker is if i have another "episode" like last time where I have to be rushed into hospital
grumpymoo - Glad to see all is well with Rose, it's weird how you're desperately trying to get LO on the bottle and i'm desperately trying to get LO on the boob!! We just can't win! Great to hear shes smiling lots too
tmr - yay for Lucas, thats fab

He's doing awesomely by the sound of it and I bet the full nights sleep is a godsend

Hope the wedding wasn't too bad for you and you managed to enjoy it sliightly!
Caroline - so glad to here Carla is doing so well

I'm sure i've started getting a few smiles as they are diff to the wind ones

but not full on so you can be 100% sure just yet

And that pic is just adorable
Sam - that is fantastic news about Elinor being home, bet you are on

She must be doing so well with that weight gain!!

We were scared about bathing Imi too. She was almost 2 weeks at her first because of being in SCBU but she loved it. Hope Elinor did too
jelr - we are at the same stage now and I was wondering that question since we went over onto formula last week. Sometime Imi will go 2 hours and other just over 4! Still demand feeding atm but not sure what to do
TTC lady - sorry to hear you gynae wasn't helpful

I can't help i'm afriad as i had a section so therefore not experianced any pain down there. Hope you get it sorted hun

And yay for your first outing

I felt so weird when it was just me and Imi out for the first time. Getting used to it now tho

Imi is on Aptiaml and she drinks anywhere between 110ml and 150ml sometimes going only 2 hours and others stretching out for 4 1/2 hours! All babies are different hun so don't worry. As long as Riya isn't losing weight then I don't think your HV would be concerned
tillymum - sorry to hear about your back hun. Is there any way you can sell the one you have so you don't lose out on loads of money. Your health is far too important and you need to be well for LO xx Have you tried anything for Chloe's colic? Infacol or Gripe Water or such like?
Boothh - I love your sig, that pic of Jesse is just adorable

Happy Belated birthday, hope you have a fab time at your concert

Wow Jess is getting big!!
elly - so sorry to hear you're having a rough time hun, please don't be afraid to get support and talk to people. I'm pretty much borderline and am so pleased to have my HV, friends etc to talk to, aswell as you girls. Makes me feel that bit more normal xx
Shiv - good news about the sleep

and well done you for going out walking, I find it helps me feel abit better
Tillymum - welcome on in, sorry to hear about your sleep deprivation but glad all is well in your little family
MJ - Big

to you hun. Being a mum is very hard work and I know even before Imi if I got tired, i would feel like the world was weighing on my shoulders. I know its hard but try to take things easy xxx I know what you mean about the breastmilk thing!! Imi is perfectly happy now but after 5 weeks off exclusively expressing I have moved onto formula. It was just too much to try and keep up with the amount she needed and I had no time to do anything! Despite her having my milk for that long, being completely satisfied with formula and having DF be able to help me I still feel like i've failed and can't get that little voice out of my head
Anyone know how Cleckner and Heidi are doing? I have texted Jai_jai and I know she's doing fine
AFU - Imi is doing great, as posted above I have switched onto Aptimal from expressing. Hated doing it and still feel guilty now BUT i was having no time for anything and struggling to keep up with her demands now shes on so much milk! Plus with being on holiday and so busy I just didn't have the time to feed, make formula and express especially being out so much

She's not sleeping too bad atm, normally waking once or twice between 1am and 5am. Normal is bed about 10, awake at 2ish then awake again at 5/6ish

She's getting really big now but not sure how much she weighs, she'll be weighed on Tuesday

I'm not doing too bad now - just waiting for my operation date! Had a few twinges while I was away but no "attacks" thank god! Hope that doesn't happen again
I'll post some new piccies of Imi over in the Lion Cubs gallery