Hey girls
Pippin: So sorry to hear about Sams trip to the hospital - it just shows you how much a mother always knows best you were worried all along even the the doc told you everything was fine and you were right - I hope he is all better soon.
Shadow: Hope the visit to Fin went well - We actually went with two god mothers instead of a god mother and god father as I only have one sister and we had always promised that we would have each other as our first childs godmother and then DH has 7 sisters and we wanted to keep the godparents in the family so we went a bit away from tradition and went with two godmothers - Ouch on the coil it sounds like it was painful with your cervix hiding - hopefully it will settle down your periods and hormones - I hope Vince has settled down for you. Natasha has been grizzly the last few days also and has been waking at night and I do reckon she is teething so it could be part of it too - we have found teetha granules before bed seem to help a bit. I have heard that from a few people about Cow and Gate and really bad nappies thats why we stuck to sma and its what my mam used on all of us - Just a question - are you giving Vince a bottle before the solids - you probably are but if not it may be that he needs the milk and and then a little top up with the solids as it does sound like he is hungry feeding every 2 to 3 hours the poor thing - I really hope it all settles down. It is so hard when they are like that it is all just a guessing game to guess what is wrong, that week we had with Natasha was soo stressfull.
Ashnbump: Delighted to hear you are doing well and yay for the sofa lol
MJ: Glad HV's visit went well - lol at Adam weeing on you both. Oooh I like the striped bag and I have one with loads of pockets and they are so handy. Sorry to hear you and OH had such a row, we have had a few rows since Natasha was born which we dont normally do - Sometimes men really dont think do they.
Rubyrose: Sorry to hear you are still having problems with MIL - that is a mad thing to say "good job you had that seizure" - how can it ever be a good thing that you have a seizure - I hope it sorts itself out. I dont like it when my mum calls Natasha her baby or her girl, I know she probably only means to be sweet but I does bug me. Natasha does hold things when I put them in her hand but only for a few seconds and then she drops them and sometimes I dont think she even realises she is holding them.
Samstar: Ah thanks honey - Yeah Natasha looked the business in the christening gown and her party dress. Sorry to hear you and Darren are having problems, I agree with Shiv - I think keep talking it is probalby just a bad patch with all the stress you both have been under with Elin and all the worry about her health - I really hope things get better and that Elin starts feeding properly for you, that is some pain being passed all over the place.
to you honey.
to you pet - that must have been really hard at the funeral - hopefully now that it is over you can all get some closure - Funerals are never easy especially when it is somebody close. So sorry to hear you are having trouble with your DH - you are right to put down ground rules though as it takes two to make a baby so two should be there to look after them and you dont get the chance to go out and get wasted and fall in at 6, so why should he.
AuntyE: Hope Imogen's back sleeping better. I really hope your move goes well especially as you have been waiting so long and hopefully you get your broadband sorted soon.
Cleckner: Happy Thanksgiving - Glad you had a good day. So sorry to hear your DH has to go away, it must be really hard mine does work long hours and is gone from 7 in the morning till between 6 and 8 in the evenings and I find it hard let alone to be gone all together
to you honey and I hope the time passes soon, I think once he is back a few days though and is playing with her she will know him pretty quick again. I think MJ's idea of a pic or even a video if you have time before he goes so it will keep him in her mind.
Jai Jai: I'm so glad you got to spend last weekend together - My DH also gets narky when he is tired but then I suppose we all do, It really annoys me though when he is like that lol - I wouldn't worry about not being popular with those friends especially if they haven't been to see Adriana yet, you have to look after your little lady first.
Vici: I think you do have me on Facebook - My proper name is Jean and the photo album is Natasha's Christening - Yay for booking the honeymoon - that is mad we also went to Orlando for 7 nights and then a caribbean cruise - is it with Royal Caribbean we went to Haiti, Jamaica, Grand Cayman and Mexico - if you find my facebook there are some pics way down at the start of my photo albums - oh you will love it we had an absolute ball - not so much in Orlando as we went in June and it was quite expensive but the cruise was absolutely brilliant. The dress sounds gorgeous and a really good price too.
Well AFU, Natasha has been prety unsettled the last few day I thik her teeth are at her the poor thing and she has been waking a bit at night too and the last three nights we have had a screaming match while when she wants her last bottle, I think she is just getting hungrier that time of the evening and because she is tired her tolerance is lower and she normally always goes four hours but it has been at three hours or three and a half and it just comes out of no-where she is in right form and the next minute she is screaming the place down the first night was the worst as we didn't realise she was hungry and were bathing her and she was histerical, so I think we are going to have the bottle ready at the three hours tomorrow night and not change her for bed until after she has it - I was so annoyed tonight though as we were over in my mams and she was actually falling asleep when she started to cry and then I took her up and she screamed the place down until DH got the bottle ready and my sister and I were talking after and I said I hate when she gets like that it just breaks my heart to see her so upset and full of tears especially as she doesn't get that upset much and my sister turned around and said you will just have to realise she will cry sometimes and not get so panicked about it - I wasn't panicked I was just trying my best to console her, I know my sister didn't mean anything by it but honestly she doesnt have a clue as she doesn't have any children - I know babies do just cry someimes and when she is grizzly and giving out I just go with it and know that she is having a bad day but It does break my heart when she is histerical I mean for Gods sake she is my baby and it breaks my heart to see her upset like that and because she is normally such a placid baby you just know she is really upset or in pain to get like that.
On the subject of DH's we all seem to be having some trouble in that department, we never usually fight but we have been doing it in the last few weeks I think it is because I am still hormonal and he is tired and stressed with work at the moment so we have just been sniping at one another - I think its probably normal for couples to be slightly less tolerant with a new baby also as you are more tired so I hoping it will pass pretty soon and I really hate it when we fight especially since we dont normally. But on Saturday though we went Christmas shopping and had a lovely day which I was surprised as Christmas shopping normally really stresses me out and I thought it would be a right panic trying to get it all done with stopping for Natashas feeds, but it wasn't and we only have two more presents and we are done so that is a weight off my mind. Well speaking of tired I may hit the hay I was planning on getting to bed early tonight but it has taken me an hour and a half to read and write back lol - you ladies have been chatty the last few days.
Pippin: So sorry to hear about Sams trip to the hospital - it just shows you how much a mother always knows best you were worried all along even the the doc told you everything was fine and you were right - I hope he is all better soon.
Shadow: Hope the visit to Fin went well - We actually went with two god mothers instead of a god mother and god father as I only have one sister and we had always promised that we would have each other as our first childs godmother and then DH has 7 sisters and we wanted to keep the godparents in the family so we went a bit away from tradition and went with two godmothers - Ouch on the coil it sounds like it was painful with your cervix hiding - hopefully it will settle down your periods and hormones - I hope Vince has settled down for you. Natasha has been grizzly the last few days also and has been waking at night and I do reckon she is teething so it could be part of it too - we have found teetha granules before bed seem to help a bit. I have heard that from a few people about Cow and Gate and really bad nappies thats why we stuck to sma and its what my mam used on all of us - Just a question - are you giving Vince a bottle before the solids - you probably are but if not it may be that he needs the milk and and then a little top up with the solids as it does sound like he is hungry feeding every 2 to 3 hours the poor thing - I really hope it all settles down. It is so hard when they are like that it is all just a guessing game to guess what is wrong, that week we had with Natasha was soo stressfull.
Ashnbump: Delighted to hear you are doing well and yay for the sofa lol
MJ: Glad HV's visit went well - lol at Adam weeing on you both. Oooh I like the striped bag and I have one with loads of pockets and they are so handy. Sorry to hear you and OH had such a row, we have had a few rows since Natasha was born which we dont normally do - Sometimes men really dont think do they.
Rubyrose: Sorry to hear you are still having problems with MIL - that is a mad thing to say "good job you had that seizure" - how can it ever be a good thing that you have a seizure - I hope it sorts itself out. I dont like it when my mum calls Natasha her baby or her girl, I know she probably only means to be sweet but I does bug me. Natasha does hold things when I put them in her hand but only for a few seconds and then she drops them and sometimes I dont think she even realises she is holding them.
Samstar: Ah thanks honey - Yeah Natasha looked the business in the christening gown and her party dress. Sorry to hear you and Darren are having problems, I agree with Shiv - I think keep talking it is probalby just a bad patch with all the stress you both have been under with Elin and all the worry about her health - I really hope things get better and that Elin starts feeding properly for you, that is some pain being passed all over the place.


AuntyE: Hope Imogen's back sleeping better. I really hope your move goes well especially as you have been waiting so long and hopefully you get your broadband sorted soon.
Cleckner: Happy Thanksgiving - Glad you had a good day. So sorry to hear your DH has to go away, it must be really hard mine does work long hours and is gone from 7 in the morning till between 6 and 8 in the evenings and I find it hard let alone to be gone all together

Jai Jai: I'm so glad you got to spend last weekend together - My DH also gets narky when he is tired but then I suppose we all do, It really annoys me though when he is like that lol - I wouldn't worry about not being popular with those friends especially if they haven't been to see Adriana yet, you have to look after your little lady first.
Vici: I think you do have me on Facebook - My proper name is Jean and the photo album is Natasha's Christening - Yay for booking the honeymoon - that is mad we also went to Orlando for 7 nights and then a caribbean cruise - is it with Royal Caribbean we went to Haiti, Jamaica, Grand Cayman and Mexico - if you find my facebook there are some pics way down at the start of my photo albums - oh you will love it we had an absolute ball - not so much in Orlando as we went in June and it was quite expensive but the cruise was absolutely brilliant. The dress sounds gorgeous and a really good price too.
Well AFU, Natasha has been prety unsettled the last few day I thik her teeth are at her the poor thing and she has been waking a bit at night too and the last three nights we have had a screaming match while when she wants her last bottle, I think she is just getting hungrier that time of the evening and because she is tired her tolerance is lower and she normally always goes four hours but it has been at three hours or three and a half and it just comes out of no-where she is in right form and the next minute she is screaming the place down the first night was the worst as we didn't realise she was hungry and were bathing her and she was histerical, so I think we are going to have the bottle ready at the three hours tomorrow night and not change her for bed until after she has it - I was so annoyed tonight though as we were over in my mams and she was actually falling asleep when she started to cry and then I took her up and she screamed the place down until DH got the bottle ready and my sister and I were talking after and I said I hate when she gets like that it just breaks my heart to see her so upset and full of tears especially as she doesn't get that upset much and my sister turned around and said you will just have to realise she will cry sometimes and not get so panicked about it - I wasn't panicked I was just trying my best to console her, I know my sister didn't mean anything by it but honestly she doesnt have a clue as she doesn't have any children - I know babies do just cry someimes and when she is grizzly and giving out I just go with it and know that she is having a bad day but It does break my heart when she is histerical I mean for Gods sake she is my baby and it breaks my heart to see her upset like that and because she is normally such a placid baby you just know she is really upset or in pain to get like that.
On the subject of DH's we all seem to be having some trouble in that department, we never usually fight but we have been doing it in the last few weeks I think it is because I am still hormonal and he is tired and stressed with work at the moment so we have just been sniping at one another - I think its probably normal for couples to be slightly less tolerant with a new baby also as you are more tired so I hoping it will pass pretty soon and I really hate it when we fight especially since we dont normally. But on Saturday though we went Christmas shopping and had a lovely day which I was surprised as Christmas shopping normally really stresses me out and I thought it would be a right panic trying to get it all done with stopping for Natashas feeds, but it wasn't and we only have two more presents and we are done so that is a weight off my mind. Well speaking of tired I may hit the hay I was planning on getting to bed early tonight but it has taken me an hour and a half to read and write back lol - you ladies have been chatty the last few days.