--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Okay, here's my catch up guys!! Vince is amusing himself in his Link-a-Doos rocker, staring at his hands and hiccoughing :D so I've got a spare minute!

RR- Argh @ your MiL- She's STILL up to her old tricks, eh? It's so hard when you hint and hint and they JUST DON'T GET THE MESSAGE. Although it seems in her case that she doesn't WANT to get the hint... Glad your own mum is being the perfect nan :thumbup:
As for LO holding things, Vince has been holding stuff for a while now and is just starting to get really good at it, he can swap hands and look at things from different angles, and he likes to shake his rattles about a bit. He also has this twist toy, and he has learned to hold it in different places with each hand so that he can twist it around which is pretty cool. It's his fave toy right now I think :D

MJ: You know well how I feel about your crappy evening and Chris's behaviour!! I'm glad it settled down though, but don't let him tell you you're mad to have been angry! I'm still annoyed that he never took responsibility for being a jerk and didn't give you a proper apology :grr:
As I said to you before, it's lovely that your bro and SiL are having another baby, now Adam will have cousins a bit older than him and a bit younger than him, it should make for very fun Christmasses etc when you all get together!! :yipee: Horray for your 3lb loss!! I'm doing just awfully on that front, but I am planning to make a bit more of an effort for the next couple of weeks because I felt really nasty and bloaty the past few days... Esp. The day we went to see Fin, more on that in a bit...

Pips :shock: I saw something on Facebook about you and Sam and your hospital visit, so sorry he had you scared there but really glad you've got him sorted with an inhaler, I hope it helps him to get all better! Poor baby... Vince still hasn't been really poorly yet, only ever so slightly snuffly, but I am still dreading seeing him poorly for the first time! Well done for being Supermum and getting him all sorted out :D
Thanks for the link about pubs, if we don't get the answer we want from Giraffe soonish then I will have a look at that :) If anyone else has any other ideas, do call them out! I'm hoping that Giraffe will be able to help us out though, it does seem like a nice friendly family-oriented place :)

Cleck :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Poor you, so sorry Corey had to go off to work :( It must get pretty lonely without him, but you have your little lady to keep you busy now! Bless her for getting upset when you're upset... Poor little thing! I think I read that Corey managed to come back to be with you for her first health check, that's so sweet :thumbup: How did she do at her check up? Are the docs all happy with her progress? :hugs: Hope so! xx
California sounds wonderful! I'll bet you'll be happy to have family around again in Jan :D I'm sure that even though Corey will miss some milestones, when Emma's a bit bigger it will be soooo exciting for her when daddy comes home and within a few minutes of him being back she will be firmly back in love with him again!! :thumbup:
Hehehehe @ Emma sneezing then laughing at your "Bless you!" - If Vince sneezes and I copy the noise, he always giggles at me! I think "bless you" sounds like a sneeze itself so maybe she thought you were copying her! Hehehe... Oh, I see now that Corey DID manage to come to the appointment and that it went well! :wohoo: yay, I'll bet you're so pleased to know she's doing so well!

Vici, I feel better knowing that you are still swaddling Imi :) Vince is just the same, if he gets an arm out in the night he almost always wakes himself up by flailing it about. I've had to double up his swaddling now (using two pashminas, one around another) and so far it's holding pretty well. OH thinks we should get a proper swaddling cocoon type sleeping bag for him, but I guess I am reluctant... I don't want it to feel like a more permasnent thing, I'm still hoping to try to get him out of it before too long... But we'll see :) I'll go with what MJ said and let him show me when he is ready to wean himself off it, I think!
How exciting about your wedding and honeymoon plans!! :yipee: Sounds wonderful! Did you say it'll be when Imi is about a year old? Something awesome to look forward to eh? :wohoo: The dress is gorgeous, you're going to look like a floating angel or something! :cloud9: If I were interested in getting married I'd be green with envy hehehe :winkwink: xx

Shiv, you don't sound petty at ALL. I am sooo lucky that Lee isn't interested in going out etc, but if he was antyhing like that I think I would be very very annoyed. I know what you mean wanting him to not WANT to go out all the time. Even if he doesn't to it, and stays in more to keep you happy, it's the knowledge that he WANTS to be going out and getting smashed that's a real bummer :( Glad he got home by midnight for you though, that's something at least, and well done you for being the grown up!! Sounds like Sophia had a good time swimming for the first time :happydance: If we all lived closer together we could get together and go swimming with our little cubs!! That would be so exciting hehe! Hope your internet is back up soon :)

Jelr, thanks, the coil has settled right down (though the bloody strings are a bit of a pain, I can't feel them myself but OH and I haven't :sex: yet because we're both too nervous of the metallicy strings with pointy ends being in the wrong place at the wrong time iyswim!! The visit with Fin was lovely, thanks; more on that in a minute :) and on the solids thing, no, when we give him solids we only give him solids. We used to give him a bottle as well but he just ended up puking sooo much :nope: So now we give him one jar for one of his feeds. He always cries for more, but after a little cuddle and a burp he soon forgets and can go a good 3 hours before wanting his next bottle. And he very very rarely pukes on solids, which is fab. More on his puking later too! :dohh:
Awwww @ Natasha having grizzly problems lately. I think most of us our going through this now, so we all know how you feel! I know your sis was probably just trying to help with her comments, but they really cannot know how it feels if they haven't had any of their own and been through it themselves. I'm gonna keep reminding myself of Ruby's little mantra: It's all phases at this age, and they always grow out of phases! Might take a little while, but we can all rest assured that they will all settle down eventually!

Elly, sounds like Christian is doing great with his development, starting to move around and everything! Vince is just starting to get very very active on the changing mat, I have to watch him like a hawk now! So sorry to hear that Christian has eczema :( Hope the cream helps him, poor little man! We've not done any Christmassy type stuff with Vince yet, going to wait till he's a bit older for that kind of thing (though I'd love an excuse to go do all of that stuff myself! :rofl: )

Boothh, awwww poor Jesse also has eczema? I guess there's a lot of it around... Do you think it's some kind of allergy thing? LOL @ his first taste of chocolate, I let Vince suck on a chocolate coin I was eating the other day and he loooooved it hehe... No more than a little taste for him, though: There'll be plenty of years for him to beg me for choclate later! :rofl: It was so cute though, he had a load of melted chocolate round his little chops and this look on his face like "Mummy!!! Where has that stuff been all my life?!" Hehehehe....
What a pain that OHs dad has pulled out as guarantor! :nope: I hope you guys can find something and get sorted after Christmas... :hugs: Vince has also been using his voice a LOT lately, and I know MJ said that Adam is getting very vocal too! Must be that age... They're experimenting with everything :lol: You asked about reusable wipes, MJ and I both made some, but she's much better than me and actually used hers!! You swear by them, right MJ? I haven't used mine for nappy changes yet, but I do use them to catch puke before it soaks his clothes (which I rarely manage!!)

MIMI!!!! Yay, so lovely to see you in here again!! The meet up will be in London somewhere, but the situation at the mo is that we're waiting to hear Vici's operation date (today?) and possibly to hear where Sam and Elinor are in arranging her next op too... We'd like to be able to cater for as many of us as possible, of course! I've sent an enquiry to a restaurant chain called Giraffe (who are apparently nice and family-friendly!) but am waiting to hear back from them also about the possibility of booking one of their london branches for the new year. Will keep the front page up to date now... Also I will add you (and Mimi?) to the list on the front page, really hope you can come!! :yipee:

OK, this has taken an AGE to write :rofl: I'm dreading how huge this post will be on the screen once I press Post! Vince is getting fussy now so I'll do a quick update of us from the past few days then run off to change his nappy...

Thanks so much for all of your help and support with Vince's messed up routine! It's just such a shame cos we were in a really good flow for a while, but we have to go with his needs and they are always changing, so I'm making my peace with the fact that sometimes he needs a night feed again. OH is an absolute angel though, and takes care of ALL of the nighttime stuff and the early mornings, so I am never exhausted these days :D It makes everything else so much easier!! We went to see Fin as you all know, and Vince was apparently an angel for Granny (my mum), who has offered to do it again in December so that I can come and see Finlay again :) We did ask her how she felt about him coming again, but she gave us a pleading look and we took it that she's not comfortable with it just yet. That's just fine, though, and it's kinda refreshing to have my mum babysit and have a break from Vince every now and then :) The visit was wonderful though, OH's mum (Fin's Grandma) came with us and they were so pleased to finally see each other again. But Lee's mum brought a huge mound of junk food :nope: which we all felt obliged to eat, and we all felt like bloaty pigs afterwards!! So I am at about 75.5kg now, nowhere near significant weight loss, but I'm actually amazed that I didn't gain! So back on track for that this week hopefully and I will make more of an effort to weigh in properly with you guys!

Ack, Vince very fussy, will have to cut this short. Might update you a bit more later on with our last week of madness.

Lots of love!! xxxxx
:rofl: I knew it, that post was OBESE!!! :rofl: Sorry guys, just pick out your own bits / anything vaguely interesting... :blush:
hahaha. Shadow does it again. :winkwink: I find it amazing that you spent all that time to even bother catching up with each and every one of us. That takes some motivation!

So I saw a group on Facebook for wives of the sailors on my husbands ship. I joined it and not got invited to two different parties and to go out to eat! EEK!! I am SOOO shy about meeting new people but I'm thinking I just have to suck it up and try to make new friends because these will all be girls that will be over in California as well once the ship moves. I'm so scared about it though. Part of me is regretting even starting to talk on there because now I go the ball rolling so I don't have much of a choice. LOL! :blush:
Hmm i havent been keeping up with the weigh ins either have i?! I got on the wii fit and i cant work out how to find out your exact weight on it it was just hovering over the ten stone mark slightly and my bmi came up at 23.67 and it said to me lets work together and get it down to 22!! The cheeky bugger lol! I cant get used to the hula hooping either, used to be so good at it now the hoops keep hitting me in the head despite me leaning so far i feel like i will fall off the board!!

Archies been sleepin like a dream prob cause he is very grouchy in the day and has the odd smiling patch cause his teeth are bad. Baby bonjela works for about an hour then you cant use it again for a while!! But he is ok and he can be distracted from it if mummy dances in front of him singing stupid songs. Anyway he sleeps from about 1030pmish and wakes between 8 - 10 so his a good baby! Only thing is he wakes up soaked and no matter what nappy size i use he still manages to leak through some nights!! Hard to believe a baby his size can take so much wee wee lol!!

anyone know if there is a way to hide individual forums on this site, not just whole sections?


Vici, how was your appointment?

RR, AE likes it when Mummy does silly dances and songs... he loved it when I sang a few scales to him today, didn't even have any words, his little face lit up.

Am wishing I didn't want to have AE christened now. It's going to be expensive having a do in London, and it's hard on me because I *know* it'd be way cheaper up north, where I'd rather have it. Cheaper because venue would be cheaper, the cost per head would be cheaper, and fewer members of Chris's family would make the effort and so there'd be fewer people to cater for. :( But Chris won't agree to do it up there. Grrrr. His sisters are having a joint christening for their boys but over my cold dead body will Adam join in, I want *him* to be the centre of attention not just one among many. Also don't want Chris's mother to be ruling the roost as she would be, or have a load of strangers at my son's big day.

Gah, am in a bad mood now!
MJ- I didn't even know you could hide sections?! :dohh: Why are you wanting to hide something individual? Sorry I'm nosy. haha. :winkwink:
I have all the sections hidden apart from the parenting, baby, lounge and family. nothing against the others but it was starting to upset me seeing the loss forums, I kept on going in and scaring myself, so I hid it (there is an arrow to the right of the section you can click to be up or down) and then decided to hide the others at the top (TTC and pregnancy) to make it easier to get where I want to be.

but I'd like to hide the breastfeeding forum because it seems there is a lot of judgmental people post in there and I am hypersensitive. I'd like to kick it off a cliff, TBH. I'm sick of seeing threads that appear to judge and look down on people who formula feed. I get so agitated I want to delete my profile and never come back here again. I know, don't go in, don't read anything. I know. But you shouldn't pick scabs either and I always do that, too.
Aww MJ i dont know hun but i know what you mean some women who breast feed do look down their noses at you without even knowing your circumstances like some women actually cant full stop due to meds etc but even so its every womens choice what they do! I've been looked down at a few times hun and i let them cause i know i tried and couldnt and i dont justify myself to them because they think they are better. Infact I think i am the better person as i dont judge anyones choices like they do!

*big hug* xx
Aww :hugs: I think you are amazing MJ for how long you've breastfed(not sure if you still do at all) You made it so far when a lot of women don't even bother! :hugs::hugs:

About the loss section. Just yesterday I looked in the angels pictures thread in the stillborn/SIDS section. :cry::cry: Those girls are amazing for sharing but I just sat there crying my eyes out for them and felt guilty for having my own little daughter sleeping beside me. :cry: I should've never looked but when DH is away like this it always makes me get out sad movies, and think about things I shouldn't. :blush:
Hey girls

MJ: Sorry the christening is not as simple to organise for you, these things never bloody are unfortunately I didn't realise how stressed I was until it Natashas was over. Hope you get it all sorted soon and it will all be grand on the day, dont blame you for wanting to have Adam christened on this own though I would have hated for anyone to have taken the limelight from Natasha lol - Cheers for the tip on hiding I didn't know you could do that and am always serching for this thread.

Elly: Awwww at Christian falling asleep on Santa, glad it went okay.

Booth: Sorry to hear about Jessies eczema, I really hope it clears up soon the poor little thing.

Mimi: Good to see you and glad your doing well.

Shadow: I'm delighted that your trip to see Finley went well again. That book I have on weaning says that if you have a baby that has been in a good routine and starts waking at night it means they are ready for solids but she suggests that if you are weaning before 6 months to give the bottles first and then some food to top it up but it only starts with a few teaspoons of baby rice for a few days then pear for a few days and so on and it builds up as you are going along and they get all the vitamins and minerals from the bottles then at 6 months when you are giving them more food you give the bottle after the food - It might be worth a try he does sound like he is ready for solids but he may need the milk also and if it is only a few spoons of food it hopefully will not make him sick but will give him the top up he needs, I know I'm not allowed to mention the name of the book on here as the author sued some other website but if you want to know let me know I can facebook it to you. I bought a load of books about weaning as I really hadn't a clue what to do and that one seems really good and gives a whole plan for all the way to 1 year and the 4 and 5 months are actually broken down into exactly what to give each day, she is a bit extreme about starting the day at 7 and stuff which I dont think is needed so I'm going to adjust the plans to Natasha's times, It does mean pureeing though and I know lots of people are not into that I didn't think I would be myself but with this you can actually make up a full months worth of food in one day and freeze it into icecubes and then you just take out the cubes you need.

Ruby: That is a great saying because I know the really bad week we had with Natasha I thought I was going to go insane and didn't think of it like that I was convinced I wasn't going to cope as I had a really cranky baby and was more in the mind frame that this was it for life and really all it was was a phase, so I probably would have been in a better frame of mind if I had of had that in my head. Have you tried the Teetha granules, I had the gel and found it didn't doesn't do much for Natasha I think because of the texture it is hard to get it on all of the gums, but the granules are a powder and she chews away on it and it seems to really work for a few hours.

Vici: Hope you got on okay in the hospital and that they are going to sort out your op soon.

Cleck: I think it will be good for you to meet some of the others women and you can always use Emma being so small as an excuse not to go to things if you dont want to. I hope some of them are nice and that you click with some of them as it will be company for you. Although did you say your family are in California? *hugs* for you being sad when DH is away, I am like that when I'm down I tend to watch sad things or play sad songs and it really doesn't do me any good, I happened to go into the loss section one day too and ended up bawling and feeling so lucky for having our little angel but really guilty too and it also made me sad for the little angel we lossed which probalby brought your miscarriage to you too, although now when I think of that even though I do feel sad and will always feel sad about it I think it is easier now that Natasha is here as if that baby had come we wouldn't have had her and I wouldn't never want to part with her in a million years. if that makes sense. I dont know how any of those women cope with thier babies actually dying from sids and such as a misscarriage was bad enough. There is a girl down the road from us had a baby last week and it was born with a cleft palate, hole in its heart and six toes and died two days later so it must have had some sort of congenital problems, you would wonder how the scans didn't pick up something. Even though I dont know her all that well, she is on my mind all week and I just cherish every mintue we have with Natasha as I think we are all so lucky to have our little babies.

Ruby and MJ: Dont dare let anyone look down there noses at you - you are both great moms and have done your best with the BF. Everybodies circumstances are different, ruby you had your meds to go back on like me and MJ you did as much as you could, you didn't choose for your milk not to last, you are great the way you kept it up and did so well with mixing with formula until you couldn't anymore. They way I see people who look down their noses like that without knowing the facts is that they are small minded and are probably unhappy in their own lives and hence they need to judge others. anyway rant over ha ha

Well afu: Natasha seems a lot better again, although she is so not liking getting her coat on and getting in her car seat anymore, she was a bit squashed and we had a good look at the seat last night and figured out it could be adjusted but even with the adjustment she was still fussy today getting into it. Although I hate seeing her upset, it is nice to see her little personality really starting to come through.
jelr- :hugs: I'm glad I'm not the only one who has these feelings. I think the same thing about Emma. I could never give her up and it's hard thinking about the miscarried baby the same now that I have her. She's my world. :cloud9: Looking in that part of the forum yesterday just made me feel odd in a way that I felt guilty but also thankful to be so blessed. And I remember spending all of my days in that section before getting pregnant again. :cry: That must've been awful for your neighbor. I often wonder why things like this happen to good people. As for California, I do have an aunt that lives six hours from where we'll be and my grandma lives in arizona which is a three hour drive. It'll be nice. But everyone else is in Ohio and Indiana. I got the courage and emailed one of the girls in the group and we've started chatting a bit back and forth today. I have her number but am a bit scared to call it. :blush: he doesn't have kids so I worry we won't have anything to talk about because Emma is all i have to talk about these days. :wacko:
Cleck: No your definitely not the only one that thinks like that it definitely is different now that our little ones are here. Like you that is all I thought about and cried about before I got pregnant again and even when I did get pregnant it was still on my mind so much - when I first found out I was pregnant I was a bag of emotions I was over the moon and then I would feel guilty for being happy so soon after losing a baby and then I would feel sad for the baby I had lost and then I would feel guilty for being sad when I had another baby growing inside of me, but it is so different now, as I said dont get me wrong, I will always have a place in my heart for that little one and it makes me sad that I never got to meet him or her but at the same time if he or she was here Natasha wouldn't be and I just love her so much my heart breaks so it is hard to imagine any other baby here in her place, but it does make you feel odd doesn't it when you think of it. But we definitely are blessed.

yeah I always wonder why some people have so much tragedy in their lives as that girl is only about 21 and buried her younger sister about 4 or 5 years ago, you would wonder how one person can have some much happen to them, things like that always freak me out a bit because I tend to expect bad things to happen then as I find it hard to get my head around the fact that my life is so good at the moment I have a wonderful husband, a beautiful daughter, a nice home and a good job (even if I dont want to go back to it now ha ha) and that the likes of that poor girl is having it so hard - I am always afraid life is gonna pull the rug out from under me some day.

Ah I think it is great that you emailed that girl - sometimes it is so much easier to get to know someone online rather than chatting to them face to face, so hopefully you will get to know her through the email and you will hit it off and it wont be so scary then when you meet her. Ah with both of your husbands away I bet you will have plenty in common and will both know what the other is going through. Ha I know what you mean though about Emma being your whole world now - I went for a meal with some of my friends about a month ago and had to bite my tongue as all I wanted to do was talk about her and I always swore I wouldn't be one of those woman who never shuts up about their child ha ha but it is so hard when you love them so much not to talk about them especially when you spend all day and night with them. I'm so glad DH is as interested in her as I am as if he was the type of man who wasn't as involved with kids I would say I would bore him to tears every evening talking about her lol
Morning girls, thought i'd grab an hour while Imi is happily playing on her mat :)

We had some more bad news yesterday - Shauns Grandma passed away and was found by his mum when she went to visit (after she hadn't answered the phone). Very sad but also glad that she was here long enough to be able to meet Imi. DF is one of those who has to carry on regardless to cope with things so he has gone to work :(

Hospital was OK - pre op all fine despite them telling my BP was up to pregnancy levels. I told them that they needed to use the large cuff and suprise suprise the reading went down from 160/101 to 134/79 :thumbup: BUT, i still have no date :growlmad: I said I had child care to sort out with MiL and DF so she said to contact the consultants secretary on Friday and explain and hopefully she will sort something out :) Sorry girls :(

Imi is grand - I got a HUGE ebay bundle of 3-6 month clothes for her the other day and there were some really gorgeous things in there so I was pleased!

My MIL2B collected the dress for me :D It does have a stain on the bottom which looks like tea but for £200 i took the risk of it not coming out. I know dry cleaners can work wonders tho :D

Cleck - yeah, i think we'll go for Discovery Cove and Seawrold rather than Disney :D So glad DH got home to suprise you and attend Emmas app with you. That is so sweet of him :D Fab news that it all went well :D I think you should go to the parties, will be good to meet like minded people :) I know its hard that first time but i don't think you'll regret it :)

RR - :hugs: that DH doesn't support you with MIL, that must make things awful for you. Did you try the hungry milk yet?

jelr - thanks hun, yeah I am super excited. Just feels abit weird atm thing that Shauns grandma won't be there now. Just hoping my grandparents make it :) Have you seen the new oasis of the seas ship? OMGG, it is humungous!!! Think we're gonna wait to book it tho as there seemed to be deals ALOT cheaper over the last few months. That way we can also get all the wedding paid for and make sure we have the money when booking it next year :) I think i need to adjust Imis straps in her car seat too as she looks like she's all squished up!! I did notice that the straps can go onto the next set of holes so they are higher up her back :)

MJ - yeah Imi is bridesmaid along with my 2 neices, 2 sisters, best friend and sister in law :rofl: MASSIVE well done on your 3 lbs. This week will noit be good for me as i ate a box of Lindt balls last night (being sad doesn't agree with my weightloss :() Hope you have a fab few days with your mum :D Imi often wakes me with raspberries or talking to herself (i wish she'd do it quietly :rofl: ) Sorry to hear about the shristening hun :( It must be really hard :( Will he not compromise at all? :hugs: I didn't know you could hide sections either so i can't help i'm afraid - but i do know what you mean about the BF section - i felt that too. I know that wobbles likes to hear about these things as its not what the forum is about xxx

elly - lol at Christian sleeping through Santa :D Sorry to hear about his eczema, but at least you know what it is now. Are the creams helping? Imi does the shuffling too, last night she had nappy off time and had a terry nappie laid out under her bum. I washed up (our house is all open plan)_ and i could hear her chatting away. Looked over the sofa and her WHOLE body was off the mat!! :rofl:

Boothh - sorry to hear about the house hun :( Least you have somewhere to stay atm. Is the cream helping Jesses ithing? Hope so :hugs:

Shiv - hope you get your phone/net sorted soon hun, I know how horrible it is to be without!!

Mimi - glad to see you're OK. Sadly i think its me holding up proceedings :blush: If i don't find out tomorrow i will suggest to you all you just arrange your date and I'll hope I can come :)

Shadow - I'm still using my mircle blanket to swaddle Imi but not sure how much longer that will last sometimes by the morning now an arm is almost free :dohh: I def don't worry about still swaddling her as its meaning she's sleeping 12 hours :D Sorry that Vinces routine seems to be abit squ-iff, hope it is just a small phase and he's back on track soon :hugs: I'm thinking this post could be obese too :rofl:

RR - when on the wii fit hun, when your BMI comes up there is a "tab" at the bottom that says weight, if you click on it, it'll state your weight :D Are you using disposables? If so, my sister swears by Pampers simply dry :) If you're using reusables try tots bots bamboo with a bamboo booster and fleece liner - Imi sleeps 12 hours + and has never leaked at night and her skin is dry in the morning :)

Right i'm off to do "Davina" :D

O and i have to tell you, i think i have rolled Imi over about 20 times while writing this post!! She can get over from back to front with no problems (both ways) but hates in once she gets to her front :dohh: :rofl:
Shall we do a secret santa? I'm thinking something for the babys around 5 pounds mark?and if we do one who wants to organise? Cus in up for doing it but I'm really bad at organising :(
I know I was last to post but I'm sooo pissed off now, I was Reading up about BLW and decided to give Jesse a strip of toast , he loved it chomped it til it was soggy then broke bits off with his gums chewed and swallowed it, I was so proud of him and excited, well OHs dad came in from work n I told him
about it and he had a go at me, telling me he won't be able to digest it and that will be why he cries later WTF that's why he will cry? No he always gets whingy before bed cus he's tired, who the hell does he think he is to shout at me and tell me I'm wrong for what I feed my son, i'm so upset, Jesse has been eating solids since 6 weeks and he's great on them, loves trying new tastes and has had no problems at all with it,
all babies are different and iv done what was right for my son, I would never try and dictate to someone how they should bring up their child so what gives anyone the right to do it to me :( i'm so so angry!!!
Aww :hugs: Boothh. I think it's just that everyone keeps pushing 4 months as the earliest for solids. Your absolutely right. It's your choice. Your his mother. Screw what anyone else thinks! :hugs::hugs: I have been doing things different from most and get crap for it too. Co-sleeping is the big one. Everyone is like 'why would you do that'. Well she's my daughter and if I feel most natural sleeping with her than forget everyone else. :nope: I know it's hard because people on the outside try to make us feel like bad parents. Your doing great Boothh! :thumbup: And well done to Jesse for getting that down all on his own!

So I have a girl coming over today from that website!! EEK!! She has a 22 month old son. I'm so nervous but excited. She seems cool. We literally just met today and are meeting in real life today too. What if she's a crazy person. I gave her my address. Probably not the smartest move but I think she's real. :shrug: If you don't hear from me for a while I might've been murdered. LOL!
Dont worry about it Booth, you are a fab mum. Some people are just not even worth getting angry over xxx
I got myself a full blown rolling baby!!! She flipped from her back to her stomach today. I'm so proud of her!! My baby girl is growing too fast. :cloud9::happydance:
Woo hoo my internet is back on!! only took them 4 days!!
Lots to catch up on! A few obese posts there :haha:
Cleck - think you are very brave meeting new ladies - but definitely the right thing to do - how did it go meeting the lady yesterday? Oh and Emma is rolling both ways - well done Emma!

MJ - well done on the 3lbs - that GREAT! Sorry AE's Christening is proving to be a bit expensive and hasslesome - will be worth it on the day! I think you did so well BFing for so long but even if you had formula fed from day one (and this goes for everyone else too) you would have been just as great a mum! As long as they get fed and everyone is happy - that is what counts :thumbup:

jelr - glad Natasha is feeling a bit brighter - SOphia has started grumbling about being put in her car seat recently too. I put the straps up but I think she just doesn't like being restricted now she is so wriggly.

Vici - sorry to hear about Shaun's grandma - :hugs: and I hope today's funeral goes as well as poss. Glad the hospital went ok. Also Imi sounds like a right wriggly roller - still no rolls from Sophia!

Booth - how would secret santa work? Would we give out our addresses and post stuff? You FiL sounds like a busy body! DO what you as Jesse's mum thinks best - you know your baby better than anyone!

Hi Shadow - well done on the massive post!
Hi Mimi as well!

As for us - well Sophis sleeps about 9pm - 8am. She has decided to stop taking a bottle which quite frankly is a pain in the arse cos we have lots of festive plans that require us leaving Sophia over night. So we are trying her on a bottle every night for an hour - (a hour of screamin!) in the hope that she might submit!! I woke her up early today as I am supposed to be going out tonight with my NCT pals. SO I am hopng to get all her feeds in before I go out! Otherwise David will be left with a screaming baby and a bottle!

I'm gonna try and take some cute Christmas snaps o Sophia today to put in frames for presents - wish me luck - I hav never tried to do any posed shots before - any tips Cleck - yours are always gorgeous!
Thanks guys it's just constantly taking crap off his parents, they seem to think were incapable of looking after a baby because were only 20, and were quite unreliable people, they look down on us all the time iv been out once since he was born which equals once in a year cus I didn't go out when I was pregnant obviously, I spend all my time with my baby but whatever I do it's not good enough, they even critisise the way OH holds jess which really winds me up, I'm so close to saying something honestly !!!

Aww how clever that she's rolling! Jesse did it once with the help of a pillow propping him up on the bed but he just can seem
to get the hang of it, he can sit up for a couple of seconds unaided though so maybe he's just gunna learn to sit up before he manages to roll, I guess they all learn in different orders though eh?

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