Okay, here's my catch up guys!! Vince is amusing himself in his Link-a-Doos rocker, staring at his hands and hiccoughing
so I've got a spare minute!
RR- Argh @ your MiL- She's STILL up to her old tricks, eh? It's so hard when you hint and hint and they JUST DON'T GET THE MESSAGE. Although it seems in her case that she doesn't WANT to get the hint... Glad your own mum is being the perfect nan
As for LO holding things, Vince has been holding stuff for a while now and is just starting to get really good at it, he can swap hands and look at things from different angles, and he likes to shake his rattles about a bit. He also has this twist toy, and he has learned to hold it in different places with each hand so that he can twist it around which is pretty cool. It's his fave toy right now I think
MJ: You know well how I feel about your crappy evening and Chris's behaviour!! I'm glad it settled down though, but don't let him tell you you're mad to have been angry! I'm still annoyed that he never took responsibility for being a jerk and didn't give you a proper apology
As I said to you before, it's lovely that your bro and SiL are having another baby, now Adam will have cousins a bit older than him and a bit younger than him, it should make for very fun Christmasses etc when you all get together!!
Horray for your 3lb loss!! I'm doing just awfully on that front, but I am planning to make a bit more of an effort for the next couple of weeks because I felt really nasty and bloaty the past few days... Esp. The day we went to see Fin, more on that in a bit...
I saw something on Facebook about you and Sam and your hospital visit, so sorry he had you scared there but really glad you've got him sorted with an inhaler, I hope it helps him to get all better! Poor baby... Vince still hasn't been really poorly yet, only ever so slightly snuffly, but I am still dreading seeing him poorly for the first time! Well done for being Supermum and getting him all sorted out 
Thanks for the link about pubs, if we don't get the answer we want from Giraffe soonish then I will have a look at that
If anyone else has any other ideas, do call them out! I'm hoping that Giraffe will be able to help us out though, it does seem like a nice friendly family-oriented place
Poor you, so sorry Corey had to go off to work
It must get pretty lonely without him, but you have your little lady to keep you busy now! Bless her for getting upset when you're upset... Poor little thing! I think I read that Corey managed to come back to be with you for her first health check, that's so sweet
How did she do at her check up? Are the docs all happy with her progress?
Hope so! xx
California sounds wonderful! I'll bet you'll be happy to have family around again in Jan
I'm sure that even though Corey will miss some milestones, when Emma's a bit bigger it will be soooo exciting for her when daddy comes home and within a few minutes of him being back she will be firmly back in love with him again!! 
Hehehehe @ Emma sneezing then laughing at your "Bless you!" - If Vince sneezes and I copy the noise, he always giggles at me! I think "bless you" sounds like a sneeze itself so maybe she thought you were copying her! Hehehe... Oh, I see now that Corey DID manage to come to the appointment and that it went well!
yay, I'll bet you're so pleased to know she's doing so well!
Vici, I feel better knowing that you are still swaddling Imi
Vince is just the same, if he gets an arm out in the night he almost always wakes himself up by flailing it about. I've had to double up his swaddling now (using two pashminas, one around another) and so far it's holding pretty well. OH thinks we should get a proper swaddling cocoon type sleeping bag for him, but I guess I am reluctant... I don't want it to feel like a more permasnent thing, I'm still hoping to try to get him out of it before too long... But we'll see
I'll go with what MJ said and let him show me when he is ready to wean himself off it, I think!
How exciting about your wedding and honeymoon plans!!
Sounds wonderful! Did you say it'll be when Imi is about a year old? Something awesome to look forward to eh?
The dress is gorgeous, you're going to look like a floating angel or something!
If I were interested in getting married I'd be green with envy hehehe
Shiv, you don't sound petty at ALL. I am sooo lucky that Lee isn't interested in going out etc, but if he was antyhing like that I think I would be very very annoyed. I know what you mean wanting him to not WANT to go out all the time. Even if he doesn't to it, and stays in more to keep you happy, it's the knowledge that he WANTS to be going out and getting smashed that's a real bummer
Glad he got home by midnight for you though, that's something at least, and well done you for being the grown up!! Sounds like Sophia had a good time swimming for the first time
If we all lived closer together we could get together and go swimming with our little cubs!! That would be so exciting hehe! Hope your internet is back up soon 
Jelr, thanks, the coil has settled right down (though the bloody strings are a bit of a pain, I can't feel them myself but OH and I haven't
yet because we're both too nervous of the metallicy strings with pointy ends being in the wrong place at the wrong time iyswim!! The visit with Fin was lovely, thanks; more on that in a minute
and on the solids thing, no, when we give him solids we only give him solids. We used to give him a bottle as well but he just ended up puking sooo much
So now we give him one jar for one of his feeds. He always cries for more, but after a little cuddle and a burp he soon forgets and can go a good 3 hours before wanting his next bottle. And he very very rarely pukes on solids, which is fab. More on his puking later too! 
Awwww @ Natasha having grizzly problems lately. I think most of us our going through this now, so we all know how you feel! I know your sis was probably just trying to help with her comments, but they really cannot know how it feels if they haven't had any of their own and been through it themselves. I'm gonna keep reminding myself of Ruby's little mantra: It's all phases at this age, and they always grow out of phases! Might take a little while, but we can all rest assured that they will all settle down eventually!
Elly, sounds like Christian is doing great with his development, starting to move around and everything! Vince is just starting to get very very active on the changing mat, I have to watch him like a hawk now! So sorry to hear that Christian has eczema
Hope the cream helps him, poor little man! We've not done any Christmassy type stuff with Vince yet, going to wait till he's a bit older for that kind of thing (though I'd love an excuse to go do all of that stuff myself!
Boothh, awwww poor Jesse also has eczema? I guess there's a lot of it around... Do you think it's some kind of allergy thing? LOL @ his first taste of chocolate, I let Vince suck on a chocolate coin I was eating the other day and he loooooved it hehe... No more than a little taste for him, though: There'll be plenty of years for him to beg me for choclate later!
It was so cute though, he had a load of melted chocolate round his little chops and this look on his face like "Mummy!!! Where has that stuff been all my life?!" Hehehehe....
What a pain that OHs dad has pulled out as guarantor!
I hope you guys can find something and get sorted after Christmas...
Vince has also been using his voice a LOT lately, and I know MJ said that Adam is getting very vocal too! Must be that age... They're experimenting with everything
You asked about reusable wipes, MJ and I both made some, but she's much better than me and actually used hers!! You swear by them, right MJ? I haven't used mine for nappy changes yet, but I do use them to catch puke before it soaks his clothes (which I rarely manage!!)
MIMI!!!! Yay, so lovely to see you in here again!! The meet up will be in London somewhere, but the situation at the mo is that we're waiting to hear Vici's operation date (today?) and possibly to hear where Sam and Elinor are in arranging her next op too... We'd like to be able to cater for as many of us as possible, of course! I've sent an enquiry to a restaurant chain called Giraffe (who are apparently nice and family-friendly!) but am waiting to hear back from them also about the possibility of booking one of their london branches for the new year. Will keep the front page up to date now... Also I will add you (and Mimi?) to the list on the front page, really hope you can come!!
OK, this has taken an AGE to write
I'm dreading how huge this post will be on the screen once I press Post! Vince is getting fussy now so I'll do a quick update of us from the past few days then run off to change his nappy...
Thanks so much for all of your help and support with Vince's messed up routine! It's just such a shame cos we were in a really good flow for a while, but we have to go with his needs and they are always changing, so I'm making my peace with the fact that sometimes he needs a night feed again. OH is an absolute angel though, and takes care of ALL of the nighttime stuff and the early mornings, so I am never exhausted these days
It makes everything else so much easier!! We went to see Fin as you all know, and Vince was apparently an angel for Granny (my mum), who has offered to do it again in December so that I can come and see Finlay again
We did ask her how she felt about him coming again, but she gave us a pleading look and we took it that she's not comfortable with it just yet. That's just fine, though, and it's kinda refreshing to have my mum babysit and have a break from Vince every now and then
The visit was wonderful though, OH's mum (Fin's Grandma) came with us and they were so pleased to finally see each other again. But Lee's mum brought a huge mound of junk food
which we all felt obliged to eat, and we all felt like bloaty pigs afterwards!! So I am at about 75.5kg now, nowhere near significant weight loss, but I'm actually amazed that I didn't gain! So back on track for that this week hopefully and I will make more of an effort to weigh in properly with you guys!
Ack, Vince very fussy, will have to cut this short. Might update you a bit more later on with our last week of madness.
Lots of love!! xxxxx

RR- Argh @ your MiL- She's STILL up to her old tricks, eh? It's so hard when you hint and hint and they JUST DON'T GET THE MESSAGE. Although it seems in her case that she doesn't WANT to get the hint... Glad your own mum is being the perfect nan

As for LO holding things, Vince has been holding stuff for a while now and is just starting to get really good at it, he can swap hands and look at things from different angles, and he likes to shake his rattles about a bit. He also has this twist toy, and he has learned to hold it in different places with each hand so that he can twist it around which is pretty cool. It's his fave toy right now I think

MJ: You know well how I feel about your crappy evening and Chris's behaviour!! I'm glad it settled down though, but don't let him tell you you're mad to have been angry! I'm still annoyed that he never took responsibility for being a jerk and didn't give you a proper apology

As I said to you before, it's lovely that your bro and SiL are having another baby, now Adam will have cousins a bit older than him and a bit younger than him, it should make for very fun Christmasses etc when you all get together!!


Thanks for the link about pubs, if we don't get the answer we want from Giraffe soonish then I will have a look at that


California sounds wonderful! I'll bet you'll be happy to have family around again in Jan

Hehehehe @ Emma sneezing then laughing at your "Bless you!" - If Vince sneezes and I copy the noise, he always giggles at me! I think "bless you" sounds like a sneeze itself so maybe she thought you were copying her! Hehehe... Oh, I see now that Corey DID manage to come to the appointment and that it went well!

Vici, I feel better knowing that you are still swaddling Imi

How exciting about your wedding and honeymoon plans!!

Shiv, you don't sound petty at ALL. I am sooo lucky that Lee isn't interested in going out etc, but if he was antyhing like that I think I would be very very annoyed. I know what you mean wanting him to not WANT to go out all the time. Even if he doesn't to it, and stays in more to keep you happy, it's the knowledge that he WANTS to be going out and getting smashed that's a real bummer

Jelr, thanks, the coil has settled right down (though the bloody strings are a bit of a pain, I can't feel them myself but OH and I haven't

Awwww @ Natasha having grizzly problems lately. I think most of us our going through this now, so we all know how you feel! I know your sis was probably just trying to help with her comments, but they really cannot know how it feels if they haven't had any of their own and been through it themselves. I'm gonna keep reminding myself of Ruby's little mantra: It's all phases at this age, and they always grow out of phases! Might take a little while, but we can all rest assured that they will all settle down eventually!
Elly, sounds like Christian is doing great with his development, starting to move around and everything! Vince is just starting to get very very active on the changing mat, I have to watch him like a hawk now! So sorry to hear that Christian has eczema

Boothh, awwww poor Jesse also has eczema? I guess there's a lot of it around... Do you think it's some kind of allergy thing? LOL @ his first taste of chocolate, I let Vince suck on a chocolate coin I was eating the other day and he loooooved it hehe... No more than a little taste for him, though: There'll be plenty of years for him to beg me for choclate later!

What a pain that OHs dad has pulled out as guarantor!

MIMI!!!! Yay, so lovely to see you in here again!! The meet up will be in London somewhere, but the situation at the mo is that we're waiting to hear Vici's operation date (today?) and possibly to hear where Sam and Elinor are in arranging her next op too... We'd like to be able to cater for as many of us as possible, of course! I've sent an enquiry to a restaurant chain called Giraffe (who are apparently nice and family-friendly!) but am waiting to hear back from them also about the possibility of booking one of their london branches for the new year. Will keep the front page up to date now... Also I will add you (and Mimi?) to the list on the front page, really hope you can come!!

OK, this has taken an AGE to write

Thanks so much for all of your help and support with Vince's messed up routine! It's just such a shame cos we were in a really good flow for a while, but we have to go with his needs and they are always changing, so I'm making my peace with the fact that sometimes he needs a night feed again. OH is an absolute angel though, and takes care of ALL of the nighttime stuff and the early mornings, so I am never exhausted these days

Ack, Vince very fussy, will have to cut this short. Might update you a bit more later on with our last week of madness.
Lots of love!! xxxxx