--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Oooh lots of rolling babies, yay!! Vince has rolled lots now from his front to his back, and I think he is very close to going the other way too because when I put him on the changing mat these days he kicks and wriggles about like nobody's business, making these hyper squealing sounds all the time! He is getting very very vocal now, think he is going to be a very confident, playful little man when he's bigger!

Cleck, sounds like a wonderful idea to meet other military wives, especially if they'll be moving with you when the ship moves. I hope your in-person meeting went ok and that she wasn't a lunatic or anything!

Boothh, as everyone else has said, noone can tell you what to do with your child. You may be young, but look at how much you've done for him so far, he is totally dependent on you and you've managed so well so far! I like the idea of giving him a bit of toast to chomp on actually, I might try that for Vince some time as he is being very fussy about savoury solids still (will eat the sweeter ones but nothing with meat in! I guess he's a veggie!) But I imagine it'd be really nice for his little gums to have some scratchy toast to chomp on, even if he didn't swallow any of it! I do panic though about giving him stuff like that as I worry he might accidentally inhale a bit of it and choke :nope:
Secret santa does sound kinda cool, but I'm gonna let someone else volunteer to arrange it this time!! :rofl: It'd be sweet to send parcels from our little ones to each other, like "To Vincent, Happy Christmas, love from Emma" hehehehe!! Anyone fancy taking it on? :winkwink:

MJ, not sure about hiding forum sections, but I have to say I think you're right about the self-righteous BF ladies. I mean, if I could've BF Vince (which I so desperately wanted to be able to do!) I know I would be very very proud of myself, but there is no way I would ever use it to make others feel bad about their own choices / situations. As for picking the scabs, you should know better young lady! Hope you manage to stay away from the places that make you feel crappy! :hugs: I have no idea about christening, but I hope you can arrange what you both want for Adam without too much expense or stress :thumbup:

Vici, so sorry to hear about Shaun's nan, two funerals in such a short space of time is no fun at all :( :hugs: Hope things go as well as they can.

Shiv, good luck with the bottle, just stay strong and keep at it and I'm sure she will get the idea soon enough :flower:

Jelr, thanks for the advice about weaning, we've actually been giving Vince solids for quite a while now, he was always very hungry from early on and still is now...

Vince cries after every feed pretty much because it's not enough for him, but we try to stay strong and distract him until he settles again. If we give him formula he just pukes loads of it back up at us, yesterday he mustve puked at least a quarter of his 7oz bottle, it just kept coming and coming, it was scary and horrible :( But he has a doctor's appointment today to get some help with it all. I am thinking the doc will probably say it's time to give him more solids, but if he won't take the savoury foods and only the fruity stuff and sometimes carrots, I worry that he won't be getting enough nutrients etc... It's so hard isn't it?? But something has to change I think, because he is clearly not happy at all with his feeds the way they are right now :( I'm starting to think that I should make stuff for him myself and freeze it in those little freezer portion tubs, maybe he would eat some savoury-type meals if Mama had made them?! :shrug: I don't know... He is sleeping fairly well again, Lee sometimes has to get up once in the night to resettle him with his dummy but he hasn't had a night feed for a couple of nights again which is great. Yesterday he went to bed at 8pm and lay in until 8.45am!! Lee got a lie in which was lovely!
We went to visit Lee's parents in their new house yesterday, they've just moved back to the UK from Spain and just moved in to the new place this week, they have no furniture (well, hardly any...) but the place is really nice and easy for us to get to so we can already imagine spending lots of time there and Vincent crawling around on the floor there! Don't think it will be too long for him, he seems to be very interested in getting active now!

Well I'd better get dressed (sat here in PJs :rofl:) and get on with things,

Sorry for anyone I've missed, I did this from memory!

Love to you all :D

Shadow xxxxx
Shadow I know I've mentioned this before but
ellas kitchen range mix fruit and veg together this is why I like them cus jess is happy cus they are still sweetish and I'm happy cus he's gettin veg aswell as just fruit, he really likes the broccoli pears a peas one haha,
and like what you were saying aboutthe toast I give
him food to play with like pieces of apple he doesn't eat them but he does gum them cus it's nice and cold and tastes nice, and it's all practice holding things etc xx
Shiv- I just went out and bought a few yards of white fabric and a few yards of black fabric. Each color is always good for a background in any picture. And from there I sometimes go to google images for ideas on posing. :haha: If the baby gets fussy, I take a break, nurse and come back to it. But I don't force it because when I do she ends up never wanting to come back to it cause she knows whats coming. If you saw how clumsy my 'studio' looked when I was doing these you would probably giggle. The white background in her christmas pictures is just white fabric attached to her crib with Emma's little link toys. LOL!

Ooo gotta run Emma is crying but I'll be back to respond more later.
Boothh- do you think if you said something that they would stop making comments? I get comments from DH's side of the family sometimes. I try to just ignore it but it's hard to do sometimes.

Shadow- I was reading how babies would start preferring fruits when feeding solids. So it's not unusual for him to do that I don't think. Hopefully at his appointment you can get some tips! Do you read in the weaning section ever? Those girls are really helpful. I read in there now just to get ideas before I actually get to that point. :haha: Glad he is settling more for you guys!! :thumbup:

So I am still really excited about Emma rolling but upset that Corey couldn't be here for it. I mean this is the real deal with full blown 360 degree rolling! She did front to back at 2 months exactly while I was taking her pictures and Corey missed that too. :nope: I told him before telling anyone else but it's still not the same. But anyways..

So I got to add to her baby book this week as 16 weeks being Emma's first true roll!!!! :happydance::happydance: Except now I can't just leave her somewhere.:dohh: She's making my job harder.
Vici, the creams have helped as his skin isn't so dry now. As well, his left cheek is looking MUCH better (previously, there were dried skin patches along with other red spots there).

We're doing alright here for the most part but the little guy has been a terror for the past couple of days. He would be incredibly fussy and hard to settle. To say the least, I was frazzled and at my wit's end. Almost lost my temper too :blush: . Hubby was out late both nights (gym and long day at the office) so no one to relive me except after putting Christian to bed. The worst part was after putting Christian down one night, he was screaming bloody murder and I got upset and left the room. Went downstairs, hubby was asking me what was wrong with the little guy and I said I didn't know and snapped. What I didn't realize was that my mom was in the house at the time and she heard the whole thing. :dohh:

MJ, I have to agree with hiding sections. When I couldn't BF at all, other folks made me feel rather crummy and that I was less than a mother because I couldn't. It took a long while and support from folks like you all to get over it. I just can't understand why people have to do that to other folks. What ever happened to being considerate, kind towards your fellow person. Besides, if the little one is happy and thriving, isn't that what matters most?!

Ok, I'll get off my soap box now. :rofl:

Sounds like a lot of our little ones are now wiggly worms! It is funny though. I put the little one down in one position and when I see him when he wakes up, he's turned himself around (except in his crib -- thank goodness).

Hubby is now off for two weeks and little guy just settled down for a nap. Going to see if I can finally get some laundry done.
Cleck, I haven't looked at the weaning section but I think I will now! Vince LOVES his solids when it's something he likes, he is much much happier than he ever is with a bottle and no nasty reflux afterwards! So I am keen to start trying to wean him a little more. I will go and look for tips :thumbup:

Boothh, thanks for that info, I will have a look in Boots next time we're there for the Ella's Kitchen stuff. I think the main thing he doesn't like is anything meaty, but I'm gonna try him on sweet potato bake with beef tonight and see how that goes.

Docs appointment went well, he didn't have much to say about weaning, just nodded when I said we were giving him some solids and it seemed to agree with him, he said he's a healthy lad (which we kinda know hehe!) and he prescribed infant gaviscon to go in his milk feeds. He also advised us to prop his cot up and stuff, but the thing is he doesn't tend to puke when he's lying down, it's much more when he's sitting up that's the problem! (Seems backwards, I know! :shrug:). He also said we shouldnt put him to bed RIGHT after he's fed, better to keep him up for a little bit after his last feed and then put him to bed, so tonight we are gonna give him formula with gaviscon at his next feed (6ish) then at about 7:30 we'll give him as much of the sweet potato and beef as he'll take then put him to bed at around 8. Hope it works! He said there are 4 or 5 other things to try if the gaviscon doesn't work, so we're happy that we'll find a solution soon enough :) I love my GP hehe! It was the same guy who did my coil too, and I didn't feel too embarrassed seeing him again! :rofl:

Shadow I don't know if they do em in boots, all the big supermarkets though x
Just a very quick hi to say thank you for all your love. Doing OK :)

And wanted to let you know, Imi is also now rolling from front to back so yep, thats 360 degrees from us too :thumbup:
ladies! :) thanks for the support about my anger over some of the breastfeeding forums posts/posters, I'm not that surprised that so many of you agree (especially those others of you who have had to formula feed), there are comments in there that are downright offensive, even though people are careful how they word things, and I know I am sensitive about it, more so than I should be. it's the ones who seem to feel sorry for us, as though we're ignorant, and those who appear superior, as though they are in some way better people, better mothers, for having functional breasts and a baby that is capable of sucking. I wish I had breasts that worked properly, because I have a baby who loved to suck. :( But I have done my best, I have tried to give him some breast milk every day but over the last week or two AE has refused to latch on, though he did so yesterday and today, strangely. It was as though he had forgotten what to do and suddentl remembered, But I don't have the supply I did, it dropped quite a fair bit around a month ago and obviously him refusing to suck hasn't helped. So he is 16 weeks old tomorrow and nobody can say I didn't try... but then I read about women who fed exclusively and I think, maybe I didn't try hard enough, maybe there might have been something else I didn't try, or was it something I did that made my supply drop and him not want to suck...? I really do think that I'd have come to terms with everything a lot easier had I been unable to bf at all, I think I said that somewhere up thread, but I still feel that way.

anyway. AE is doing well. HE is happy and so I have to be, too.

thanks for the support over the christening, too... heh... fortunately Chris found somewhere a lot cheaper but really nice, and so it looks like we can do it for less than £500, depending on the number of people. I wish we had a house available to us so we could do the catering ourselves but we don't and so we have to go somewhere. the thing is, Chris's family lives in the Richmond/Kingston area, which is not a cheap area, but he refused to have it closer to where we live. (He is a real snob sometimes.) But it's pretty much booked for March 14th! I have asked my brother and sister in law to be AE's godparents and I am 99% sure they'll be able to come.

I do have a slight dilemma... I know I can choose who I want to be godparents, and it's up to me as Chris isn't bothered about asking anyone, but... I have 5 godchildren, my nephew and niece, and another 2 boys and a girl, who are brothers and sister, and the children of two of my dear friends from a long time ago. Another friend of ours is also godmother to these kids. And I have another close friend, someone I've been friends with since we were 13 and who I see pretty regularly (though she hacked me off massively when I was pregnant by never bothering to ask how I was, I saw her only twice after I told her I was expecting Adam).

anyway, I haven't seen my friends with the children since their son's christening in 2006, they moved away from our hometown and are nowhere near us. also they had twin boys last year and they are disabled (had twin to twin transfusion syndrome and now one has cerebral palsy, and the other is also special needs though I am not sure to what degree) so their life is very much taken up with the kids (the others are 10, 8 and 4). I do want them to come to Adam's christening but won't be surprised if they can't. I just feel weird that they asked me to be godmother to their kids and I am not returning the request. I also don't want to ask my other two friends. well, part of me would like to ask them all, but then we'd have 4 godmothers and 2 godfathers... and I agree with my brother and sil's criteria for choosing - that they want family because they want someone who will always be in their children's lives. I know others choose friends because aunties and uncles are always expected to be in the kids' lives anyway.

I am sort of scared of inviting my friends to the christening and then not tacking the "and we'd like you to be godmother/father" to it! if I thought I'd get away with it I'd do it in secret but that is MAD.

Hey girls

Vici: So sorry to hear about Shauns Gran - I'm delighted she got to see Imi first though - No I haven't seen the oasis, it sounds brilliant - we were on the mariner of the seas - oh I'm so excited for you, it is a brilliant experience. if you can afford it pay the extra for a balcony room as some I think it cost us about €150 extra but it was so worth it the views coming into ports and leaving were just amazing where as some of the cabins only have a porthole for a window or no windows at all.

Booth: Thats a great idea about Secret Santa - I'm afraid I'm not going to volenteer to organise though ha ha - any takers?? Dont mind your OH's family - you are a great mom - Jessie is thriving and a happy little baby so that just goes to show - I think parents sometimes think they know it all as they have done it themselves, my mam sometimes tells me to do this and that and I'm 30 and the eldest of 7 - she forgets it was me did all the helping with the others when my dad worked away lol.

Cleck: How did the meeting go - I'm so excited to hear about it. - Yay for Emma rolling.

Shiv: Sorry to hear Sophia is not taking the bottle - I really hope she gets used to it before Christmas for you. Natasha seems better now that we have adjusted the seat.

Shadow: Hopefully the gaviscon will work the poor thing that must have been really scary with so much of his bottle coming back up. Yeah it might be no harm to either do the freezer pots or the ellas kitchen to see if he likes them any better. if he is getting fruit and veg and his bottles he should be getting plenty of nutrients. As far as I know they have irons stores until they are 6 months old so it probably doesn't matter if he is not getting the meat in yet and it is obvious that he is thriving so I would say he is definitely getting what he needs.

Elly: Glad to hear Christians skin is clearing up, sorry to hear he has been such a terror lately, hopefully you will get much more help now that OH is on holidays for two weeks, it is not easy trying to look after a screaming baby all on your own.

Vici: Yay for Imi rolling.

MJ: Thats mad that some people think that they are better just because they are able to breastfeed - that is just mad - I honestly wouldn't even read in there anymore - I have to say because I couldn't it was a section I stayed away from in case it would upset me and I am glad now, people like that have small minds.

I honestly wouldn't feel bad MJ - you can't have everyone as Godparents and I think family is best too, friendships can sometimes fall apart or people can just grow apart, you are definitely making the right decision, we ended up with 2 godmothers instead of a godmother and godfather as we wanted to stick with family and I had always promised my sister that she would be godmother to my child and vice versa when she has a child as we are the only two girls in a family of 7 and then on DH's side he has all sisters - my youngest brother is the only one in our family who had friends as godparents and he hasn't seen either of them since he was about 4 and he is now going on 19 as my mum ended up falling out with her friend and my dads friend and him just grew apart, where as all of the rest of us had family and they have always been in our lives and I know my brother feels this, so honestly you have nothing to feel guilty about, you are doing what you feel is best for Adam and people have to understand that you cant ask everyone.

Well Natasha is not making any attempt to roll at all neither front or back even though we put her on her tummy for a few minutes every day. Well not much new from us, she is back to herself now thank god and actually didn't wake up crying for her second feed this morning - she normally sleeps from 8 till 6 or 7 (mind you it was 5 a couple fo times this week) and then goes back to sleep until around 9.30 or 10.00 but she normally cries for both of the feeds, and this morning she just lay in her cot looking up at the ceiling and the lampshade and was chattering away to herself.

We bought one of the bebe pods which are basically the same as the bumbo chair except they have a tray with a toy on it and she has had right fun swatting at the toy on it. Well we are heading out tomorrow night to a family 21st so my mam is taking Natasha for the night as there is no point in waking her and bringing her out in the cold when we get home especially when she is such a good sleeper, I dont want anything to change that lol

Well there that was meant to be a quick post ha ha and it has turned into another monster.
Hope you all have a great weekend :hugs: to all.
ok, now I try to be less selfish!!

Vici, so sorry to hear about Shaun's grandma. :( it's been a sad time for you lately. :hugs: but good on Imi and her rolling skillz! I doubt I'll lose any weight this week because I didn't go swimming last week and have had chips twice this week, and other stuff.. and Lindor balls are the devil in chocolatey form, I had half a box tonight (fortunately the tiny box with only 4 in!) Won't be going swimming tomorrow either as I might be going to see X Factor with my friend (the one, above, who didn't bother with me when I was pregnant - I am likely to hold that resentment for some time!!) I was excited about the X Factor but not so much now, they issue too many tickets and so you have to queue for hours and then are not guaranteed a seat, and I don't fancy a whole day away from AE standing around in the rain for what could be nothing! So... I *might* call in sick. She's done that to me often enough (and she has 2 other friends to go with).

Shiv, hooray for internet being back! Sorry to hear Sophia has taken against the bottle, really hope she is open to persuasion and you can have your Christmas breaks. I am also planning to take some pics of AE for Christmas cards, and also to frame, for my parents and Chris's mum, we need to get on and do some on Sunday, as I'd like them to be ones they haven't seen before. we'll do nice Christmassy ones for cards but more normal ones for the parents. AE has a couple of Christmas outfits, a romper thing from Next (from my mum) and a t-shirt from M&S from C's grandparents, both say My First Chrismas on. :D What is Sophia planning to wear?

Cleck, thanks for the tips on the photo shoots - Chris doesn't need them as he is a professional photographer (he just needs motivation!) but I could use them, I love taking AE's picture, and only wish I'd taken more. he's changed SO much, I feel he is unrecognisable from the little baby who popped out 16 weeks ago!

(am still envious of pregnant women. funny how the mind blocks out the downsides of pregnancy and birth - the SPD, the heartburn, the poor sleep, the palpitations, the stress & anxiety, the pain, the stitches... :rofl: )

oh and well done to Emma on her rolls. :D I see she has some very pretty nappies, someone has the cloth bug, I think! :rofl:

eeesh, Elly, you have my sympathies on Christian screaming and feeling on the edge of losing it :hugs: - I have felt that a few times and it's awful. ESPECIALLY when someone asks what is wrong!! how the hell are you supposed to know, if it isn't immediately obvious??!! and if you thought there was something that would stop it, and calm them down, don't you think we'd have done it ages ago???!!! *shakes head*

Shadow & Boothh, I have no suggestions on weaning as we're leaving it for Adam for the next 7-8 weeks, on advice from the HV and WHO. but I do believe also that a mother has the right to do as she sees fit and other people should respect that. Boothh, sorry you have had struggles with your family, hopefully Jesse will carry on doing well and enjoying himself. :) And Shadow, really hope the gaviscon helps V and he can carry on having his bottles and not be sick as much. I have worried about the amount AE throws up but doc said his weight gain was fine and therefore he was getting enough; only if he wasn't gaining they'd need to prescribe something, but he seems ok (I hate it though, the neverending streams, but they are very heavily diluted with saliva, so it's not like he is literally losing his whole bottle though it can seem that way, and his weight is on a steady upward curve so it definitely isn't that he's upchucking too badly).

jelr, good to hear Natasha is back to normal and having fun with her new seat! AE *likes* the bumbo (we borrowed it from C's mum rather than buy as she had one she wasn't using for the moment) but he doesn't *love* it. :D he will sit in it for a few minutes but then cries. he sits up lovely and all, but just is more confident and comfy in his Pooh chair. :D

as for the christening, thanks :) and yes, re family vs friends - my mum chose friends for both my brother and me, and my brother's kept up with him (and me) with Christmas presents etc, and came to his wedding, whereas I have seen mine literally three times since my christening - never any contact, other than, oddly, after AE was born when she sent a gift (I was totally gobsmacked to get it!). My mum regrets asking this particular friend, she agrees I was shortchanged! But this particular friend of hers didn't have children, I believe she couldn't, so that probably had something to do with it.

all that talk on cruises and honeymoons makes me yearn for a holiday... :rofl: - I have, sadly, never had a "beach" holiday or something as fun as a cruise, Chris and I have had a few short breaks in th 3 years since we've been together but they've been to cities - New York for a week, then weekends in Vienna, Dublin and Paris - or to my family. I have been longing for a week on a beach somewhere peaceful like a remote Greek island but don't see it happening any time soon, as it would involve either taking AE or leaving him and neither option is appealing right now. plus we have no money for holidays! maybe once I am back at work, but we have a theoretical wedding to plan, this christening, things for AE, Chris has his sights set on a new car, we'll need to be moving house before AE is about 2... I think my holiday is well down the list. :cry:

anyway, this is another bloated post to add to the thread... :rofl:
LOL MJ I think your right about the cloth bum bug. I can't help myself. Those blueberries were too cute to pass up. :haha: But I've decided to give it a rest until she grows out of the smalls. Which at the rate she's growing, she'll probably be a year old. LOL! And talking about AE being unrecognizable from the little baby that he was. I didn't realize it myself until we had our appointment and there was a roomful of two week old babies. They were all just laying there like blobs. :rofl: And here's Emma sitting up on my leg looking around at them all and smiling up at her daddy. It was strange for sure.

I just realized I meant to tell how it went with that girl from facebook. :dohh: I started to type about it before but I accidentally hit a button and it all deleted. Ugh! She was nice. Really talkative. I'm not sure if I liked her or not though. Which is odd to say but she just didn't seem genuine about alot of things. Like maybe she was embellishing her stories. I also don't like the way she disciplined her son. He's 22 months old and quite a brat. He grabbed for the DVDs on my shelf and threw them. Grabbed the remote and threw it. Basically just terrorizing stuff. She just said no but than never followed through with it. She told him she'd give him a time-out but than let him do things anyways. I couldn't say anything because I just met her and it's not my place. I did speak up when he started messing with Emma. She was sitting happily in her Bumbo playing with a toy and he came over and tried to take it from her. I told him no and picked up Emma and sat her in my lap so she could play with her toy. Than later I put Emma on the floor on her activity mat and he laid down beside her to play too which was cute at first but he became quite aggressive and was ripping the things out of her hands. She just looked at him as like 'who the hell is this kid' and didn't cry or anything but I thought it was wrong of the mom to just let it happen. So again, I picked up Emma and kept her safe. I realize how protective I am of Emma now. The mom was friendly enough but I just kept sitting there wishing my husband was home because he's all I need. haha. I think if I hang out with this girl again, it won't be at my house again because it was a bit ridiculous. I just started emailing another girl that has a 20 month old daughter and we might meet up sometime so we'll see how that one goes. I feel like I'm going on dates to find the perfect girlfriend. LOL! :haha:
Little guy was very well behaved yesterday and the time out with hubby and Christian was wonderful. He had one meltdown but I think that's because of all the commotion and noise when we went to the mall.

Last night, he slept through again :dance:. That's better than the night before and I hope it becomes a trend again.

This morning it's been ok but putting him down for a nap has been rather troublesome. He gives me sleepy signs so I put him down. Instead, he starts fussing and screaming. Tried to settle him down and gave him his dummy. That worked for about 1 minute until he wanted to have BOTH the dummy and his fingers. :dohh: Well, he soon realized that wouldn't work. It became a process of him screaming, me going to soothe him and putting the dummy back in, him spitting it out so he could grab his fingers and then forgetting how to soothe himself. Lather, rinse, repeat. I went so far as to swaddle him which I hate doing.

How is the weather over there, ladies? We're supposed to have snow soon (we didn't have any over here and it is now December!) The last time we didn't have any snow in November was about 160 years ago according to the news. I truly hope for a White Christmas this year.

Hope you ladies and your little ones keep well and have a wonderful weekend!
It rarely snows here but I'm kinda south. I wish we could have a white christmas too! That's one thing I miss about living in Ohio. I always think Emma will never have the childhood I had with playing in the snow, etc. :nope:
it's warmish here still, 11-12C, and we've had a tonne of rain recently. I hope it's colder than this for Christmas but wouldn't be bothered (for myself) if it never snowed again (other than the global warming implications of course). For Adam, I hope he can experience snow when he's old enough to enjoy it. So one day a year when AE is 3+ would be just fine. :rofl: I like crisp, cold weather, blue skies, fresh. Snow - no thanks.

Decided late last night not to go the X Factor after all, and managed to get out of it without upsetting anyone! My friend had suggested we meet at 2pm, but I figured that'd be too late to get a good place in the queue, so I did a search on Digital Spy and found some stuff from people who've already been. Basically, if we were not IN the queue at midday, latest, forget it (X Factor is filmed way up in north London, ages away from us). So we decided between us that none of us wanted to wait for 7+ hours and not be guaranteed a seat - it's semi-final night and a lot of the 500 seats would be taken up by guests and family & friends of the contestents. So we've stayed home and will be watching on the telly instead. I decided therefore to go swimming today and feel more virtuous.

MJ whereabouts in London are you if you dont mind me asking. I am in Abbeywood Village... Where did you get XFactor tickets from. I understand, queueing for 7 hours with or without a guarantee of a seat is pushing it. Who are you backing to win
Hi Mimi :) - it was my friend who got the tickets, she is in Sydenham and I am in Lewisham, so Wembley's the other side of London of us. I think she applied through the Applause Store, or somewhere like that, she was issued 4 tickets. I do like X Factor, and another time I might have gone at 10am and queued all day to get in, but not now I have Adam, I didn't want to leave him all day. I would like Joe to win, if not him, then Stacey. Not so keen on Olly, I actually can't watch him, his dancing is so terrible; and Danyl is massively over-rated by Simon Cowell. "Best male singer in any of these competitions"??? Give me a break!!!!!
Oh sorry MJ i disagree! I hate joe he can sing but he is dull he doesnt have the xfactor! Olly is lush!! Him or stacey to win for me!!
ah well, "x factor" is subjective :rofl: and so we'll have to agree to disagree. :D Joe is the better singer, imo. nothing against olly but I think I'd like him better if he didn't keep doing that thing with his knees when he "dances".

kind of hope Joe doesn't win. think he'll do better that way, like rhydian has.

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