--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Joe would be good on the west end stage...Olly well i'll leave him to my imagination!!
oh yes, I agree, I think he'd be great on the stage.

but grief - Olly's knees - just WHY? does he think it's cool?!
I dunno i like olly's dancing...and his tight trousers!! oh dear im being a bit of a perv tonight lol he lives near me as well, well, he did!! Shame!! Chris would of been kicked to the kerb lmao!
Lol cleck!! Just type in Olly Murs X factor on google and you'll get a few piccies and vids ;) I lovve him! Want him to win it, like our version of American Idol!
Somehow Olly reminds me of Wallace from Wallace & Gromit. Can't seem to get past that... :rofl: He seems like a sweet guy though.

Olly? or Wallace?

Funny how we all find different people attractive though. Joe isn't my cup of tea either but I love his voice. I liked the American from Cheryl's group who didn't make it to the finals
Can I join in with the weigh in, I'm pretty embarrassed about my
weight now and if we want to try again I need to make an effort to lose some
weight or it will never come off if I add another pregnancy weight to it lol

pre preg weight : around 12st and was a size 12 I'm 5'10 and did carry
weight quite well,

highest pregnancy weight 16st 12lb very embarrassed about that,

Weight now 15st 3lb

So I have about 3 stone to lose to get back to normal, I'm wearing size 16 at the
moment and I'm not happy about it so gunna
make an effort now jess is not quite so newborn and I can't use it as an excuse anymore,
I don't think it's what I eat really it's more the fact
I am in the house all day with a baby, but after Christmas gunna make an effort
to go swimming and walk more,

Started doing half hour of wii fit plus everyday from Friday, it's not unrealistic cus jess has a couple hour nap in the day and I can fit it
in then instead of just watching tv,

My bmi is 33 now and I know it's unhealthy, so really wanna try gunna do my weigh ins mondays,

Gunna watch my portions and try drink more water, and
I don't really snack anyway but will need to watch myself around christmas, so wish me
luck girls :) xx
Good luck Booth, I also need to restart my 'diet'. Pre-pregnancy weigh 13st 12 - am nearly six foot so was pretty ok with size 14 clothes. I have pretty massive hips so my bottom was a 14 and top was 10 -12. Post pregnancy weight - 15 st 6, hav lost half a stone so am now at 14st 12. I was trying my hardest to be good but fell of the bandwagon a couple of weeks ago. Maybe we can start together after Christmas. I am going to join WW then. I am back to work on 2nd FEB and cannot fit any of my clothes and am really annoyed about that. I cant start exercising yet because of SPD :(. Good luck with the Wii fit, half an hour is plenty, wish I could squeeze that in too.

Any of you ladies on the coil, had mine (T-Safe) copper coil put in about five weeks ago and was expecting a really heavy AF (had the copper coil before and periods were horrendous) but only a very very light flow so cant complain

RR,MJ - I wanted Danyl to win so now he's out I am voting for Olly as I cant stand Stacey and Joe I like but totally dont like Cheryl.............sad reasons I know lol
oh, I can't stand Cheryl Cole, either, Mimi, if we're choosing based on their judge, I'd go for Stacey. :D

as for weight - I almost forgot the weigh in today, am now wishing I *had* forgotten as I was 10 10. *pouts* 10 flaming 10. I was 10 flaming 8 last Tuesday! and ok I had chips twice and a bad day Friday but I didn't think it was a 2lb GAIN bad week.


am thinking I might start properly in the new year. I've got 2 dates to aim at, March 14th, Adam's christening, and (vaguely) April, when I hope to go back to work.

good luck with it Boothh and Mimi, it's a bad time for dieting though! I am going to FORCE myself to swim once a week AND do Davina. have only got so far as watching the advice sections and about 2 mins of the warm up thus far!
@ Booth hahaha, @ only having watched the advice sections. I really enjoy watching exercise videos or channels as all the exercise I will be doing is lifting the remote. There is an exercise channel on sky 283 which is really fun to watch. I think even IF i could exercise I would settle for just watching atm.

Well I had actually lost more than half a stone but put on two pounds myself although I was surprised it wasnt more. The past week I've been eating chocolate, chips - anything fatty was a big YES but I reckon this was because of AF. Actually I had chips this afternoon too, so much for blaming AF LOL

Dont worry about the 2lb weight gain hon, as long as you make sure you dont put on another 2lb :( You are right in that it is probably better to start after Xmas. At least you have something special to look forward to in March and am sure that will motivate you even more. Good luck hun

With regards to Stacey, although I love Dannii I just cannot stand Stacey especially those 'horsey' gestures she makes. She should really be in a stable............ I think if Stacey wins she will be another Leona and I wonder if there is a market for both of them. Olly all the way for me, he reminds me of Robbie who I absolutely adore
hi girls sorry to gate crash . hope sum one remembers me lol. sorry took so long to join in but had i really bad time lately love gemxx
:yipee: Welcome in, leo and baby Dylan!! I remember you :winkwink: How is your little man getting on? And his big sis, is she enjoying him? Hope you're ok, if you want to talk about why you've had a hard time we're all here for ya :flower: I added you and Dylan to the front page, is that ok?

lol Cleck, I'm pretty lost with all the X Factor talk too, I used to watch it religiously but so often it made me almost lose the will to live, so we went cold turkey this year! So I have no idea who all these people are, I am happy to say!

As for the weigh-in, I'm pretty pleased, cos since about the middle of last week I have actually been making somewhat of an effort to cut down, and yesterday I reached a low of 74.9kg! It's the first time I've been under 75 since pregnancy. My official hospital notes say my pre-preg weight was 72kg, but I count it as 68kg, because they only weighed me once I was about 12 weeks anyway and I'd put on a bunch last Christmas time! So I'd like to get back down to 70ish, and I feel like it might be attainable now! I'm 170cm (5'7") and bmi right now is 26, I want to get it down to more like 24, but am not fussed about losing any more than that really. I was up near 77kg last time I weighed in, I think. (12 stone 2 ish) That means I've lost about 2 kg (over 4lb) with just a few days of really making an effort, which I'm pretty pleased with. Am hoping to go swimming (proper swimming, without Vince!) this week (it'll be the first time since he was born!) so hopefully that will help. I would really like to make it regular again, like you MJ, hope I have the energy to do it!

Becki, good luck with your weigh-ins!! We're all in the same boat so don't feel embarrassed :winkwink: The wii fit sounds like a good thing to have.

Mimi, it's lovely to see you in here again :D I love your new ticker and avatar, little Mimi is soooo cute! Those huge eyes! Put pics in the album, I'd love to see more of her!!! :thumbup:
You asked about coil, I have the IUS, have had it for about a week now (I think! Is that right?!) so it's a bit different to your copper coil. I'm expecting much lighter periods, and my doc says 90% of the women he's fitted it on have had no periods at all after the first month or two! Fingers crossed for that hehe! Can I ask, though, does your coil have the metallicy strings too? Do you find they get in the way for :sex: ??? lol... OH and I have only done it once since I had mine fitted, he said he couldn't feel anything but I'm worried that he'll prick himself one day!!! They seem to hang down really low from my cervix! :rofl: :blush: I figure we're all ok with talking about cervices and whatnot by now... :rofl:

I think the little guy is starting teething. He's still being an absolute terror and I lost my temper again. Hubby saw the whole thing happen and saw that both little guy and I were in tears. He took the little one out for a few hours so I could relax and get my head on straight.

Little guy is home now (OH is out at a holiday party for work) but was crying non-stop for an hour. He was fed before then and had diaper change too. However, on a whim, I put his dummy in the freezer for a short bit then gave it to him. Christian finally settled down for a nap.

How long does this fussiness last? I fear I'm going to go bonkers before then. :cry:
Weight about a week ago: 78kg (12st 4)
Weight this morning: 75kg (11st 11)

Target weight (however long it takes!): 70kg ish (11st)

:shock: ??!!! Wow, I totally don't remember weighing 75kg back then! :cry: I thought I'd lost weight!!! :rofl: I think it must've gone up again since this weigh-in, I was definitely up nearer 76/77kg last week... I think... :dohh:

:shrug: Ah well, I'm happy enough with 75kg for now!!
aww, Elly, sorry Christian is being a fussypants - I saw a thread in baby club about the time between starting to teethe and teeth appearing and it was a while for most people, IIRC. Adam has been a fusspot at times lately but I put it down to wind. he is constantly chewing on his fist and drooling pints, and has been for a fair few weeks, but I read it's normal and just them investigating and preparing their little systems well in advance for the time they'll start some solids. so I haven't attributed it to teeth. maybe it IS teeth, though, and he'll surprise me.

I have used the word terror myself, so you have my sympathies. It can be a real trial. :hugs: glad your husband saw it and took C so you could have a break, it's vital for my sanity that Chris has him sometimes.

Shadow, I looked back on the dates that I weighed in and I was v depressed to realise how darned slow this whole weight loss is. I really ought to stop eating 1/4 boxes of Dairy Box AFTER my big pasta dinner. :( don't think it will take you long to lose it, especially if you start swimming. my SPD is almost gone since AE stopped wanting boobs, so while I am sad about that I am glad my pelvis is finally better. :D
Those with teething babies have you thought of getting an Amber teething necklace? Emma is really drooly as well and always chewing on whatever she can get ahold of. But she isn't overly fussy like alot of babies seem to be with it. But she is always wearing an amber teething necklace so I'm wondering if that is what makes her feel better?! :shrug:
First tri has an august mummy club. :cry::haha: I cant' believe it's been a year since we all started this journey.
Hey girls

Totally forgot to put my weigh in last week, I know sat was my day but I completely forgot the last two saturdays so I did it last tuesday and must try and remember to do it again tomorrow.

13 stone 7 lbs when pregnant
12 stone 4 lbs after babs arrived.
24th October 12 stone - must have lost 4 lbs in fluid somewhere
31st October 11 stone 12 lbs - Loss of 2 lbs
7th November 11 stone 11 lbs - Loss of 1 lbs
14th November 11 stone 8 lbs - Loss of 3 lbs
1st December 11 stone 5 lbs - Loss of 3 lbs

So I'm delighted with that loss of 3 lbs over 2 and a half weeks of not mad juices like before but just watching what I eat - I have a funny feeling it will be up this week as I feel really bloated.

MJ: Natasha does get tired after a few minutes of sitting in the chair, I think its all the effort of completely holding that head she does be just wrecked. Glad you got somewhere cheaper for the christening.

Cleckner: I'm so glad your meeting with the girl went okay, sorry you didn't click more, lmao at the search for the perfect girlfriend, hopefully this new girls will work out better. Its funny you should mention first tri having an august mummies club - I was just working out the other day I think it was the week before Christmas when we found out - I found pregnancy so long when I was going through it but now looking back it seems no lenght ago.

Elly: It is really wet and windy here in Ireland for the past few weeks in fact a lot of the country was flooded but we weren't effected thank god - We use Teetha for Natasha when she is fussy with her teeth and it really seems to help, I dont know if you can get it over there, it is a powder that is totally homeopathic.

Mimi: I'm hoping Joe will win or if not stacey, but stacey does annoy me the way she goes on, but she does have a great voice. Best of luck with the weight.

Ruby: have to say olly doesn't do it for me at all. lol.

Booth: Best of luck with the weigh in - hopefully after Christmas will be easier for us all - I always put on at least a half stone so I'm gonna watch what I eat until then but once DH gets his hols I'm not gonna worry as its half the fun at Christmas eating rubbish lol.

Leo: of course we remember you and we are definitely all here if you want to talk about whats been going on or you are welcome to just join in the chat if you dont want to speak about it either, hope it has all sorted itself out though.

Shadow: Enjoy the swimming - Did the gaviscon help vince?

Well not much news from us, Natasha is in right form again for the last few days and has increased her bottles dramatically over the last week from 20 to 23 oz a day up to 24 to 27 oz a day so hopefully that will last as I was really worried as she is really below the guidelines, although she is still putting on weight. We got the wii fit plus game and it has a thing on it to weigh babies and she is weighting 13 lbs 9 oz - it is so funny, you create the mii as normal and then in the wii fit when you put in the date of birth it comes up - Oh I see you are a baby and plonks the mii down to baby size - DH and I were wetting ourselves laughing - we are easily amused.

We put up our Christmas tree and decorations tonight so am starting to get into the Christmas spirit - I hope to finish wrapping all the presents and writing the cards tomorrow and at least everything will be done then, for once I am not running around on my lunch break trying to get it all done.

Well I'm gonna run to bed it wont be long until 7 in the morning when little miss will be awake.

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