--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

oh my god! of course, crikey, I didn't think there'd soon be aug 2010 ladies but yes. :D

I found out I was pregnant a year ago on the 3rd. I remember it like it was yesterday!

as for teething necklaces, I really want to get one for Adam but I KNOW Chris will not approve. he is ignorant about some things and rather than being curious and open to investigate/listen to the info, he will be sceptical, think it's hooey, think it'll be dangerous, that the amber would be poisonous or that the necklace would snap and he'd choke on a piece... that Adam would be uncomfortable... that he'd look like a girl...

so I am not going to mention it to him, am going to first ask his mother if she knows of any kids who used them and what does she think. this is not for my information as I am informed sufficiently to think it's a good thing to try but because if I know she rates them, I will mention it in her presence one day and then she can respond to Chris. it's crazy, I should not have to do that, but I know him well enough.

chances are his mum has come across it before as she is a childminder and lives and works in Richmond, where she looks after the kids of wealthy families, of the type that probably are aware of alternative methods.

Chris would rather dose AE with Calpol. now, I know Calpol is a good thing and it reduces temperatures etc, but I don't want him to get it too much. it IS paracetamol after all.

I mean, I could get one and have it on AE when Chris isn't around but would have to take it off when he's home as he changes him and gets him ready for bed, etc, nowhere to hide it, and would there be any point, surely it's got to be on all the time, like a copper bracelet?

Chris is the sort of person who, if he doesn't see it working he doesn't believe. and if the doc says calpol then calpol it is. my mother thinks it's a bit mad that Chris "interferes" so much into this sort of thing (the nappies, for example) as she thinks he should go along with what I want. she, btw, had not heard of it but was open-minded and thinks it is a great idea now she knows a little.
Honestly I had never heard of the teething necklaces until reading on this forum. The UK has so many different things that aren't the norm here. I just learned what a doidy cup is yesterday. And have now ordered one from Amazon for when Emma starts weaning. :rofl: But things I do are looked at as weird to other girls here. I'm learning from all these girls on this forum instead of getting advice from the few friends I have that have had kids. I'm lucky in the aspect that DH usually just goes along with whatever I want and for the most part even encourages me. As soon as I explained about the teething necklace, he kept asking me when I was going to order one. :haha: Because Emma was going through a grumpy phase and it could be teething for all I know but I'm new to this and don't really know what's teething and what's not. But after wearing the necklace we definately have a lot less instances of grumpiness.

I've never given Emma any sort of medicine. I don't even know what the medicines are that some of the girls talk about on here. Like what is gripe water for instance? I'm assuming it's not medicine but what is it? :blush: What does it do? They have teething gels here that you rub on the baby's gums but I want to avoid it if I can when the time comes. I'm hoping the amber necklace works enough to not need it.
Hi Leo - welcome, nice to see you again!
Booth - welcome to the weigh in - best of luck with it!
Shadow - well done with your weight loss - that is very impressive in only a few days!
Elly - can't help with teething questions as luckily SOphia hasn't started yet. Hope he settles for you soon though x
Cleck - oh my gosh - another August mummies club already!
jelr - youa re doing SO well with your weight loss - well done!
X-factor chat - I don't really have a favourite this year - none of them seem to have much star quality to me - i liked Lucy when she was in it and that was yonks ago!

As for us - well highs and lows really! I am majorly miserable that Sophia still won't go back to the botte. I mean what am I gonna do? If she never takes a bottle then I will have to breast feed her til she is fully weaned which (and I am guessing here) is gonna be well past a year! I can't not go out for another year! I am just so upset, all my friends turn 30 in the coming year and we had so much planned to do and I won't be able to do any of it! starting on the 19th dec when we were supposed to be going to london for a night. And the 14th Dec when we were supposed to be going to see Ricky Gervais. Anyone want 2 tickets :dohh: I love my daughter and she has been so good for us but I just wish she would take a bottle so that I know I could go out (not that I want to do it very often), but I just feel a bit trapped!

on the high side, Sophia rolled the other day (front to back) but neither fo us saw it as she did it when we left the room (typical!), but I got it on video today!


might wanna skip to about 1 min 55 sec
oh and weigh in day today, but am trying to wait until I have had a poo (haven't been for 3 days - tmi!- so am hoping it'll take about 5lbs off!)

Will report back later!
Shiv, maybe when you start to wean Sophia you could try her with a sippy cup, she might take milk from there. :(

good luck with the weigh in, don't blame you for waiting for the poo fairy, I always try to!

so I weighed mself again this morning in the hope that the 2lb+ from yesterday were an aberation. am now 1lb up on last week, 10 9, so not so terrible. still bad but I can cope. :cry:

Cleck, gripe water is a bit of an old-fashioned colic/stomach upset remedy in the UK, you can buy it in chemists and supermarkets, I think it traditionally had alcohol in, so no wonder if soothed the babies! now I think it's fennel and herbs. we've never used it, managed ok with other wind remedies (Infacol and Dentinox).

jelr, good on you for getting organised with Christmas! I have bought almost all my presents now, which is majorly organised for me. waiting on a load of deliveries now. have also started wrapping, it is my most hated thing about Christmas, because I always make such an arse of it, crinkling the paper, getting fingerprints and hairs in the sellotape... so I thought rather than leave it and have loads to do I'd do what I can, so I did it yesterday. I have cheated and bought a lot of gift vouchers. :D and also, my mum took my presents for my nephew, niece and SIL over to Oslo when she went last week, and she took paper to wrap them so they'd be nice and not all squashed. so that saved me a few, too. gotta love my mum.

still got to do cards - still trying to get a nice pic of Adam looking a bit festive. a friend of mine had a go and came up with this:


which I think is hilarious, if a little cheesy, but he looks like he's on the casting couch in LA or something!

and this:


will be trying again later. :rofl:
oh and this - I took today. whaddya think, the look of love or the look of hate?

LOL! MJ those christmas ones are cheesy but VERY cute. I like the second one best. And the pictures with your cat are adorable. I saw them on Facebook too. I think they are looks of love. :haha:
:( my FB friends think Betty is eyeing up the basket! I think she loves him, too. She is being protective!
I grew up having cats and I know that when a cat doesn't like something or someone, they stay clear and typically avoid them at all costs. Betty(thats her name right?) is guarding him I think. I mean if she hated him she could easily just take a swipe at him but instead she's just watching. :shrug: It's good to see your kids getting along. hehe. Today Emma and roxy had a moment as well. Roxy hates little kids. And snaps when her hair gets pulled by them. She has little dog syndrome where she thinks she's big but is really defenseless. But Emma grabs her hair and Roxy just sits there patiently letting her tug. Than licks her. :haha: I always keep a close eye on them when they interact and so far it's been good between them.

So I weighed Emma on the Wii fit just now. I'm a complete idiot. I weigh myself first and than pick her up naked to weigh her. Well I should start weighing myself with a towel in my hand so when I weigh her I can wrap it around her. She pees on me all the time. LOL! Today was like the 4th time she's pee'd on me while being weighed but I keep forgetting to grab a towel.:dohh: :rofl:
ok so no weigh in today as I still haven't been visited by the poo fairy!

Sophia has gone from not rolling 2 days ago to today rolling from front to back and back to front! Very proud :happydance:

Looks like the look of love to me MJ! and the Christmas photos are cute, maybe you could superimpose a santa hat on Adam!
I'm at 10 stones exactly. 7lbs for me to go!! Weighed myself with archie to his now a stone!
Weighed jess yesterday and he was 18lbs he is just fitting in 3-6 clothes now at nearly 4 months, I don't think he is a fat baby just nice and chubby, would you
be worried?
well done RR - not much more to go!
Thanks shiv :-)

DOnt be worried booth all babies are different! He looks like a lovely sized baby! I've been worried archie is small for his age now but he makes up for it in length, his only in the 50th percentile for weight but 90th for length!
Thanks shiv :-)

DOnt be worried booth all babies are different! He looks like a lovely sized baby! I've been worried archie is small for his age now but he makes up for it in length, his only in the 50th percentile for weight but 90th for length!
Thanks Shadow, hope you are well. With regards to the coil, I also had the IUS before - Mirena and had really really light periods and loved it until year 2 where the hormones started to play havoc with my body - loss of hair, palpitations, anxiety attacks, dizzy spells etc etc. The list was endless so I had it taken out. I do tend to be the minority with things eg if it says 1% may suffer xyz, I am usually that 1% :( . My friend was on it and totally loved it. I didnt have any problems at all with the strings and my hubby never complained either. Funny enough this time round I feel as if I can feel the coil we have 'road tested' it already and everything was fine, I guess it is all psychological because the doctor who inserted it was really rough :(

RR - well done on the weightloss, no progress on my end - have just had a strawberry cheesecake :(

Booth, dont worry about your LO, they come in all shapes and sizes. I will put some pics of Mimi up and you will see that she is a 'biggie'

Shiv - good luck with your weigh in after the poo fairy has paid you a visit

MJ - your christmas pics are so cute, loving them
Hey girls

Cleck: I had never heard of a Doidy cup either, but just looked it up and it looks really good.

MJ: I love the pics - definitely a pic of love from Betty she really looks like she is guarding him - I'm with you on the wrapping I hate it, I spent most of today wrapping the last few bits, DH did the majority of them and had them done in about an hour where as it took me twice as long to do the last few bits.

Shiv: Yay for Sophia, she is so comfortable on her tummy too, we put Natasha on her tummy for a few minutes everyday but she hates it. Good luck with the weigh in. I also loved Lucy from X-factor and was so mad with Simon the night she went out, he totally was looking out for his own acts and saw her as a threat.

Ruby: Well done on the weight - your target is the same as mine, unfortunately I'm along way away from mine lol.

Booth: I wouldn't worry, all babies are so different and as long as he is healthy and happy which he definitely seems to be I wouldn't worry.

Mimiso: The new pics of Mimi are gorgeous.

Well I finished the christmas wrapping and wrote all my cards so I only have the grocery shopping to do, so I'm delighted I can relax now and enjoy it all - although I normally go out and buy new clothes for myself for Christmas day but I just dont have the interest at all this year with the extra weight, I think I will just wear the dress I wore for Natasha's christening and put thick black tights with it as I really hate buying clothes when I'm so far away from my ideal size.

Oh outside our tesco's had a stall with personalised christmas stockings and we got one with Natasha's name on it - it is so cute.
Does anyone else's LOs do this? When Emma is dressed she tends to grab fistfuls of her shirt or pants and pinch them in her hands. But when I have her naked, she grabs fistfuls of her boob. :dohh: And it looks painful but she just sits there holding it. :rofl: And she'll do it with a huge smile on her face so it must not hurt. I'm just wondering if I'm the only one with a weird baby. :shrug::haha:
hi everyone! I haven't posted here in a long long time but I came back and was happy to see everyone is still chatting!

I'm the girl who had the 10 pound baby! Kira is only about 14 pounds now so she's gaining slowly so I guess I was better at feeding her thru the umbilical cord than the booby :haha:

I read several pages back and it seems that all our babies are starting to roll! Kira went from her back to tummy yesterday for the first time !

Shiv- I'm not sure how long your little one has rejected the bottle, but don't give up! I had to go back to work when Kira was 12 weeks old, so I pump at work and my mom watches the baby and gives her breast milk in the bottle. She refused the bottle at first- it took nearly 3 weeks for her to take it. We actually had to switch brands because she would cry when she saw the bottle. After a couple weeks of taking the bottle, she suddenly got really stubborn and actually went on a hunger strike for 1 1/2 weeks while I was at work! It was awful and I thought I would have to quit- but something snapped and Kira started taking the bottle again??? So stubborn! So don't give up! With Kira she likes to bite on a finger, and then suck a little on the bottle- with the finger and bottle right next to each other. Weird I know, but its the only thing that works! Good luck!

I'm going to try posting and reading everyday- I get a little time in the evenings when DH entertains baby :happydance:

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