--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Yay for rolling babies!

Booth, don't be worried or concerned about the weight. He looks fine to me! Christian looks a bit big too (dwarfed a baby at the mothering area in the mall -- the other one was 6 months old. :rofl:). As long as the little one is thriving and happy, that's good!

Christian was better today for most of it. Felt like I finally had my little guy back! However, he did have a meltdown at a place where we ate lunch and then another one for about 40 min. With the first one, I think he just wanted to go to sleep but there was too much going on. For the other, I dunno.

When I put my finger inside his mouth earlier, i did feel what was like little bumps on his gums. I guess those are his teeth?

He's sleeping through the night still so I'm happy about that.

Maybe he's teething or just a growth spurt? I dunno what's going on and at times, I feel like at a loss and that I'm a bad mum.

Cleck, gripe water should be available I think at most pharmacies. We have the stuff up here and purchased it once. Christian hated it though. :dohh:

Speaking of Christmas cards, still have to finish lots of them.
Here goes
Start weight (3 weeks ago) = 10st 8 3/4 lbs
Weight last week = 10st 8 3/4 lbs
Weight today = 10st 7 1/2lbs
Weight loss last week = 1 1/4 lb
To target Christmas weight = 5 1/2 lbs

So that was 2 weeks ago
Today (and the poo fairy still hasn't paid me a visit :shrug:) I weigh
10st 5 1/2 lbs
So that is 2lbs in 2 weeks.
3 1/2 lbs to Christmas target which is looking quite unlikely now :nope:
hey there ladies!

Merry Christmas to you all and your lovely families!

We are back online woooohoooo :happydance: virgin came and installed our TV, landline and internet on saturday! Not that ive had much chance to use it yet as Kara has definately been keeping me busy lol!

as most of you may know we've moved house, and its quite far from where i used to live, therefore far from all my family and friends :( defo worth it though as its a brand spanking new house for my princess to grow up in!

Update on Kara..... She's rolled a couple times from her front to her back and is now desperately trying to go from back to front, she gets really frustrated with herself, her arm seems to get in the way lol! We have a very very happy baby, always full of smiles and the biggest laughs! and oh gosh she NEVER stops cooing and mumbling lol! She's been going at least 8 hours a night, with the odd night waking up for a night feed, which is fine by me as im still getting a good sleep! :happydance: not had her weighed for 6 weeks cos of moving, and still not got a new health visitor :growlmad: so im just debating going down to my mums and having her weighed in the cliinc there, its an open clinic after all? :shrug:

teething has well and truly started :( she seems to be coping OK, with copious amounts of bonjela, and the odd dose of calpol, but the odd time she can be really really upset and fussy! It gets quite upsetting for me to see her unhappy, but i seem to be coping OK for now, don't know what i'd do without OH!

Update on me .... you girls are amazing with all this weight stuff blah blah blah lol i refuse to even think about my weight until after christmas, as i want to just relax and enjoy myself, then come January, i think i might buy a treadmill and i'll be working these pounds off for sure! I've put on about 2 stone since pre-pregnancy, maybe a bit less, but thats my goal, to lose 2 stone anyway! :winkwink:

Im loving being a mummy, so , so much! Its so rewarding, damn hard work, but the most rewarding thing i have ever done with my life! my daughter is so beautiful, her daddy and i are so proud! I WANT ANOTHER ONE! :wacko: does anybody else feel broody yet? i am seriously considering having another after xmas :blush: David thinks its a good idea, and financially we can afford another baby, but i just want to devote all my love and time to Kara, but surely i'll feel that way no matter when i have the next baby? We both agree we want all four of our children before we are 30, and David turns 24 next year, and me 23!

on another note, for those of you still off work, is anyone else dreading it? i only have to go back weekends (on double pay, so a full weeks wage for 2 days really!) but im absolutely 100% dreading it :cry: i just hate the place so much now, my brother also works there and he's been telling me about all the changes they are doing in April - when i go back, and im so not looking forward to it! oh well ay, got no choice really! :nope:

anyway i just wanted to let you all know Kara and i are back! and we are looking forward to catching up with all the fellow bnb'rs!

big hugs n kisses to you all and all of your beautiful LO's, all our love Ashley & Kara xxxxxxx :hugs:
Hey Ash, glad your internet is up and running now! Also glad Kara is doing so well and that you are loving being a mum - it is great isn't it?!:cloud9:

i think you are right to leve the weight loss issue until after Christmas - Iwill just put anything I have lost back on over the festivities :dohh:

Have you got your tree up?
Thanks shiv! Thats what i thought, i'll only end up eating lots over the christmas period anyway, so why waste my time now! (any excuse lol!)

OOOOF COOOOOURSE i've got my tree up lol! first christmas in our new house, with our new baby (i put it up at the end of november!:rofl: ) :blush: i'm just starting to dress my widows with lights etc though, ordered so bits n bobs off ebay, like snowflake window stickers and a lovely wreath!

cant wait for them to arrive no lol!

Have you started the xmas celebrations yet? xxx
Hey ash! Me and OH are trying again after
Christmas too, we want our babies all close in age and we figure even if I get pregnant straight away Jesse will still be over 1 so it should be easy enough :)
Hey ash! Me and OH are trying again after
Christmas too, we want our babies all close in age and we figure even if I get pregnant straight away Jesse will still be over 1 so it should be easy enough :)
thats what i was thinkin booth, i know it'll be hard for a while but, time passes so fast, and it wont last forever! People have to do it when they have twins, and they dont have any choice! I think im just worried what people will think, and i shouldn't worry about anyone but david and Kara! I think we'll end up goin for it, and who's to say it'll happen right away anyway ay?

i best rush off, i can hear kar squeezin me one out whilst sat in her bumbo! poo in a sit up position = MESS! lol (sorry tmi i know!)
awww, Shiv! Sophia in your avatar pic is just gorgeous! you've given me an idea now :D

and 2lb in 2 weeks is really good - I am not going to make my christmas target, I don't think, either. can't remember what it was, think 10 5, so I have 4 or so to go as well. I do feel a lot more like myself, in general though.

apart from feeling sick every afternoon for the last 3 days. am puzzled. have taken HPTs and thank christ they are negative, I have no other symptoms anyway, definitely not the ones I had last year, and I never felt even a twinge of nausea till 8 weeks anyway. have never had a period since AE was born, so I just don't know where I am. not pregnant, but it's weird and annoying and scary, I have never wanted a line to STAY AWAY more than I do right now - I'd love another baby, too, Ash & Boothh, but not right now. I want at least to get back to work (April) because if I was having another baby I'd need some SMP again. if I got pregnant in April, a new baby would be born in January 2011, so there'd be 18 months between the two of them, which is an ok gap for me.

the nausea kicked in at 2pm this afternoon just as we were at the clinic for AE's jabs - well that was one of the more horrible experiences of recent times. poor baby SCREAMED and cried and it was awful. so much more awful than the other times, he was crying before the nurse got near him, I think he remembered.

he's been so sad since we got home. with periods of normal service then screaming and tears again. now he's sleeping since I broke out my trump card, Simon & Garfunkel. he seems to find some tracks very very soporific. "The Blues Run the Game" is pretty much guaranteed to tip him over the edge.

sheesh. exhaustion.
Yep my tree is up! and we have lots of things hanging from the ceiling to catch Sophia's eye! Although sofar it is only the cat's eyes that have been caught. He keeps climbing up on stuff and launching himself at the ceiling!

Another funny cat story for you - Rufus i snow allowed back in our bedroom (as Sophia is in her nursery now), anyway, he goes in to sleep on our bed. I keep hearing music coming from upstairs and when i go up Rufus is alseep on the bed. He has been going in to the bedroom and turning on the radio before he has a nap!! And no I am not kidding this has happened 4 times now!!

As for trying again for a baby - maybe next summer. Although David would try now if he had his way. We did the deed for the first time the other night and I said " you have to wear something" and he said "why we can't get pregnant while your breastfeeding" to which I replied have you not listened to a work the midwives and HV say! And he said well we could just start trying again!! not a chance just yet!

Ash I'd love to see photos of your house all christmassy!

And thanks MJ - Sophia was not a massive fan of being wrapped in tinsel!
oh and mj sorry you are feeling rough, hope it passes for you asap x
Oh my i deffo do mis my bump and would love a sister for archie but next year noooo way!! I would like a big age gap, maybe 5 or 6 years so archie can be big protective bro and that way he will be at school so more time to care for the baby to! Me and my bro are 18 months apart and we get on great now as were close in age but back then we argued ALL the time lol. We were always fighting for attention I remember him pushing me in stinging nettles! haha!
ARGH!!!! 10 pages! Right im going to get a coffee and catch up. Here goes... Feet first :rofl:
Hi girls

started reading today and got caught up and just came back now and realised I have been logged in all day lol.

Cleck: Natasha is grabbing her clothes and bibs with her hands but not her boobs, ouch that does sound sore, but it obviously doesn't bother her lol.

Spidey: Good to see you, glad Kira is taking that bottle for you and you dont have to give up work.

Elly: Your definitely not a bad mum, he is probably teething by the sounds of those lumps in his gums and I think we are all at a loss when our little ones are fussy. Dont be so hard on yourself honey.

Shiv: That is brill on the 2lb loss, you are not far off that Christmas target, I haven't a hope of reaching mine by the time I get back to work - I keep forgetting to weigh this week and will only do it in the morning before I have eaten lol. Lmao at your cat turning on the radio before he has a nap.

Ashnbump: Good to see you, glad the move went well. Yep I'm definitely dreading going back to work and I'm back the 8th of Feb as we only get 24 weeks here in Ireland, I do only hope to go back 2 days but we will have to see how much are new budget affects us here as things are a bit bleak in this country at the moment. Yep isn't it great to be a mum, I have to agree it is definitely the most rewarding thing I have also done with my life and DH feels the same, she brings us so much joy I can't even describe it but I'm sure everyone here understands what I'm talking about.

Booth: I think your great starting after Christmas, I wish I was that brave, I defo want another but we are going to wait until Natasha is two.

MJ: Sorry to hear you are not feeling well and I hope that you dont get that line if its not what you want. Probably a touch of a tummy but - Poor Adam, I really wish our little ones didn't have to get those jabs, and were available in medicine form. Is that the second or third lot, they seem to do them differently over there - you get BCG in hospital - then two at two months, two at four months, three at six months and am not sure after that I think its 12 months.

Ruby: ouch for those stingy nettles.

Samstar: Good luck with the catch up - Hope you and Elinor are doing well.

AFU: Natasha is has really laughed hard a few times in the last few days especially when playing with her daddy, it is so adorable when she does it. Although the increase she did on her feeds last week has dropped again and she is back down to 20 oz a day and is even looking for a feed every three hours today, but is only taking 4 and 5 oz at a time and is adamant when she doesn't want any more. My mam reackons she is probably just not a big milk drinker and will probably love solids when we start. The public health nurse also phoned today and we have to go and see her on Friday as Natasha is due her next check up, so it will be great to get her weighed properly again and I will speak to her about the lack of formula she is taking and she what she says, then we have our appointment in the childrens hospital on Tuesday with the cardiologist about her heart murmer, so fingers crossed it is nothing serious. I was hoping to only go back to work 2 days a week but it looks like I may have to do more as I am paid by the state and our budget was out today and they have given everybody in the public sector a pay cut, Mine will be 5% of a cut along with a 7% pension levy and a 3% pension which they are making mandatory, which is mad as I'm not permanent and my job depends on funding from year to year, I think it is great in once sense to have a pension but on the other hand they will probably pull the funding for it in a few years and the pension will just be left there and no good to me, unless they make me permanent in the mean time, so all in all I will have a 15% cut from my wages when I go back in February and they are looking for the 3% to be back paid from when I started. Ah well I shouldn't complain the way things are over here, I'm lucky that both of us have jobs. So sorry for the moan.
Mimiso - Oh well about the no weight loss progress! Strawberry cheesecake would tempt me...infact, I think I will be going backwards as I'm currently munching through chocolate brownies and had KFC earlier. :nope:

jelr - Well done on finishing the xmas cards and pressies! It's good to avoid the christmas rush. Do you do your grocery shopping online? I thank god for that I despise food shopping! People always get in my way and I get annoyed as I like to do things quickly!

elly75 - You are not a bad mum hun. We all get to that stage where we don't know whats wrong and feel awful and your're not alone. The bumps on the gums could be teeth tho so poor lil thing might be teething! Archie does have days when his a grump and sometimes I wonder is it little things that he can't express like I get annoyed if I get an itch and can't scratch it etc, surely babies get that and can't express them sort of things? Like today Archie has a small rash on his cheeks as my MIL had been round who has a dog and he has an allergy to them and he seemed annoyed so i rubbed his cheek with my finger as i thought it might be itchy and it seemed to soothe him adn cheer him up!

Shiv - you're doing well hun you should be proud of your weight loss! :-) I'm trying not to be so strict and more realistic now as xmas I just pig out lol though I won't diet, I will be sensible so i don't gain.

ashnbump - Fab news about Kara sleeping through and I would go to that clinic if its an open one.. I've just moved to and having the same trouble. :growlmad:
Quick msg: my nutty MIL found my username i think. i dont think shes smart enough to go log back on and remember certain threads i reckon shes copied and saved stuff (NUTTER) so i will prob delete this account and be back with a different one ladies just incase she has remembered the username, cant imagine she has but best be sure as am havin little "snide" comments like i know something you dont know bloody woman xx
OMG ruby that's awful! :hugs: Can't believe what a nut you have for a MIL. Poor thing. And I thought mine was bad. :nope:
esssh, RR! nightmare. hope to see you back v soon. don't blame you for the change. :hugs:

jelr, poo on your govt for the pay cut, but I am not that surprised - don't know if I ever mentioned but I work for the regionals dept of the Sunday Times, we do the Irish ST, specifically the news, business & property sections. thus I know a lot more about Irish politics and issues than I used to (or I did till mat. leave!) really hope you can work something out, though you're right, lucky that you both have jobs. :( fingers well and truly crossed for Natasha's appt, here's hoping they find absolutely nothing of any concern. :)

Adam was weighed today, he's now 14lb 3, which I am happy about, was thinking (on the pessimistic side) 14lb, as he's tended to gain between 11 and 13oz per fortnight, so that was going on a 10oz gain (this was so I wouldn't be disappointed!), but he'd gained 13oz. HV was v pleased and assured me he's on the right amount of formula (4x7oz, though he doesn't always finish some bottles, but usually now, thinking about upping his midday one to 8oz). so he's still on the same growth curve, around the 35th centile or so, about halfway between the 25th and 50th anyway.

he's been sleepy boy all evening (we still don't put him upstairs on his own as we prefer him with us) so fx he has a good night. am hoping to have one myself, as soon as Chris has settled him, I used to stay up later expressing but have stopped now, since my supply has practically disappeared and after a lot of soul searching (I always said I'd carry on till the bitter end, and I do still have a tiny bit, just it really is a tiny bit and would take a few days to give him enough to bother with a bottle - I fed him the very last bit direct from the bottle, no teat, like a cup!) have decided it's time now. Wondered about asking doc for domperidone, which increases prolactin as a side effect of something else its generally prescribed for, stomach trouble I think, but decided not to (it's available OTC here, Motilium or something, but I found out how much you need, 10mg (1 tablet) 3x a day, then 30mg 3x day, and Motilium costs something like £4 for 10 tablets, and I'd need a LOT... and then I think my breast pump is not doing very well, it's making a funny noise and I changed a spare part but it's not helped and I don't want to get a new one at this stage when it was all finishing ANYWAY... so the tin lid on it all is that finally my pelvis DOES NOT HURT. AT ALL. after 7 months, since it started around 26 weeks pregnant. now it wasn't anything LIKE as bad as it was while pregnant in recent weeks, but if I walked fast it would hurt and it was stopping me exercising (well, walking).

so today I gave him the last of what I had, some from the fridge, some fresh, wasn't much, but figured it would be good for him to get it before he went for his injections. I feel sad, still think I need to keep trying but the pelvis thing says the hormones have stopped, as I am certain it was that which made it hurt (so a couple of MWs and a HV said anyway). so it was getting frustrating to have seen my supply stop, and AE not want to feed at all (though he did a couple of tmes last week)... and he is doing well on formula, is gaining nice and steady and no big leaps or drops in any directions...

but :cry:

still, he's 16.5 weeks old and I am even more convinced than I was back when he was tiny that he DID get a fairly ok amount, going on how my boobs felt then to how they've felt in the last few weeks, and how long he nursed - I know now that he wouldn't have nursed so long if he didn't get anything, he doesn't have tremendous patience! so I feel good about giving him the best start I was capable of.

(doesn't stop me plotting and planning for what I'd do differently with baby no2, but I am sure I'm not alone there.)

So Emma went to sleep on her own tonight. I put her in her crib just to see what she'd do since we've been cosleeping since the beginning. And she fell asleep all by herself. :cry::cry: I went in to check on her and she is so beautiful laying there and I just want to wake her and bring her in with me. I can't sleep now and I had a small moment where I cried because all of a sudden it feels like she doesn't need me. How irrational is that?! I just tried it on a whim to see how she'd do I didn't think she'd actually go to sleep on her own. I keep hoping she cries soon so I can bring her in with me. It's almost midnight and I can't sleep because I keep checking on her. :blush::cry:

favourite new toy :)

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