--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

well, I feel like the worst mother in the entire world.

Adam fell out of his pushchair this morning, down two stairs and onto his head. he's ok but it's totally my fault because he wasn't strapped in. :cry: we've been to casualty and he's been seen by a doc who said he's fine, he has a bump on his head and his nose is red as well. but otherwise ok.

we were at the dentists. emergency for me (obviously). I have an infected impacted wisdom tooth, it's been bothering me the last few days, not getting better with saline rinses, etc. so I rang this morning. now, I'd been nervous about taking him, thought he'd cry and be whiny, but actually he was great. last time I went to the dentist she was downstairs but this time it was upstairs. no lift. so to get us up there I carried him, then left him in this waiting room on the floor, went and got the pushchair up. all was fine till wewere about to leave. the dentist was really nice and offered to help me with the pushchair. I said no, I'll carry him, but he said again so I said ok. I was flustered. I picked up the handle end and the dentist picked up the hood end and carried him down a couple of steps (it was a flight of about 5, to a half landing) and he wasnt flat in it and he felt right out and onto his head.

it was the absolute worst moment of my entire life. I thought he was dead or broken his neck. he was silent for a split second then thank god started to scream and scream. we got him downstairs to the main waiting room and the dentist checked him over a bit and once he'd calmed down a bit he seemed ok, interested in his toy I'd brought, but then screaming again. they said I should take him to his doc but it's a long walk away so they called an ambulance. paramedic was fairly sure he was ok but we went to A&E and saw a nurse and then a doc. by the time he saw the doc he was smiling again. Chris came from work and arrived about the time we were discharged so we came home, he's been changed and fed and seems ok.

I just can't believe that I didn't *think* to strap him in. I must be a really bad mother because it may have been an accident but one that wouldn't have happened if I had fastened him in. I wish I'd just said no to the dentist and said he could carry the pushchair but I'd carry Adam. but I wanted to get out of there and it hoestly didn't occur to me. he hadn't been strapped in in the dentists because I just lay him in it after I took him up, it was really hot so I wanted to open his snowsuit so he woudln't overheat. the straps are tight, a bit too tight now, we need to loosen them a little bit. I am NEVER ever leaving him even sitting in it not strapped in, it only took a second to forget he wasn't safe.

I really thought I'd killed him. but the doc and paramedic said babies are a lot more resilient. guess he didn't fall as hard as I thought he had. and the stairs were carpeted. and at least he fell on his forehead, apparently the best place as the skull is thickest there. but I also thought he had fallen on his neck, but if he did there isn't any damage. he can move the same as usual, has smiled and been normal, fed like normal, except for this bruise and red nose.

:cry: my poor baby.
Aaaah sorry guys, am doing terribly at keeping up in here, but V has been very fussy lately (we're certain it's teething, giving him frozen dummy always helps- thanks for the tip elly!!) so my daytimes have been 99% keeping him happy and by the time we put him to bed i have been totally shattered lately and have been putting myself to bed at like 8:00 too! :wacko: so really no time for anything lately. But will try to catch up properly later, including making some firmer plans about our meet as I think we need to set a date pretty soon and try to book somewhere :)

((((((((MJ)))))))))))) :( Awwwww you poor thing, what a fright!!!! It is so easily done though, but I'll bet you wont be doing it again! At least Adam is all fine, forgive yourself sweetie, he will be over it already :hugs: xxxxxx and a kiss on the noggin for AE :kiss: xxx
thanks shadow. I just feel awful. I know I shouldn't focus on what might have happened but it's hard not to. thank god he's a tough little chap. I am still scared there is some damage we don't know about because they didn't do an xray or anything.

Chris is being lovely. (funny how he can do the right thing when it REALLY matters.) he doesn't blame me, blames the dentist (which isn't fair), says accidents happen, he's ok that's what matters... and I know... but I am usually so so risk averse and cautious, it's my idea of a nightmare something like this happening.
aaaaw MJ sorry about that hun, dont worry you are not a bad mother at all which is why you were so worried when it happened. Listen I felt that way too when I forgot to turn the passenger seat airbag off and when I dropped the kids off at school I realised it and nearly burst into tears. It is only because we love them too much that we fret like that. Accidents happen hon and am sure he is fine, babies are so strong (((hugs))))

Shadow, sorry V is going through a bad patch at the moment and you are feeling tired. Hang in there, it will soon pass and you are doing a fab job ((hugs)))

RR - your MIL is not all there, honestly, how nosy can one get. Hope you dont have to change your account :(

Booth, how adorable is your son in his fav toy, too cute. I would love to get one for my LO, where did you buy it

Cleck - sorry you felt that way when Emma put herself to sleep, it is so hard to let go isnt it. I will be like that when I leave her with the minder in February, I'm sure she will cope more than me. You will soon get used to sleeping on your own but it is so comforting when they are sleeping next to you, although I found that once I got used to the idea of not sleeping with her I actually had a more restful night

AFU : I am down with the flu and I cant even lie in as I have to take my other two to school and pick them up. My little madam is not rolling over yet but is nearly sitting unaided. She's been teething a lot too but overall we are doing good. Anyone I missed (((hugs)))
Oh MJ, try not to beat yourself up - accidents happen and you would never do anything to hurt Adam. I think we will all have one of those wake up moments that make us more careful - big hugs

Booth - cute bouncy man you've got there
Shadow - sorry Vince is being a fuss pot
hmmmmmmmm doing this from memory and I can't remember anything else - doh!

as for us - still no luck with Sophia taking a bottle. Apart from that, everything is grand!
Awww MJ your poor thing, glad he is ok. We all do things we regret. I felt terrible today as I did something really, really stupid. Sam was on my lap and I was having lunch. He was so good and I absentmindedly poked his nose with the end of my fork and then did it again. I suddenly realised what I was doing and it wasn't my finger. What if he had shot forward I could have had his eye out. What a wally I am. Least yours was an accident and not silly Mummy not thinking. :hugs:

Cleckner, I know what you mean hon. I felt like that too when Sam went in on his own, he's still in my room though so it's not so bad. Still hurts though.

Shadow, me too honey. I lurk and think oh I'll post later but then am too knackered to do so and jump into bed asap.

Mimiso hope you get better soon hon. BOOO to flu :hugs: :flower:

Shiv us too but try a sippy cup instead now, apparently I was the same as a baby and I'd only take a cup. Worth a go.

AFU had great week at my Mum's and so nice to get baby duty breaks which only your mother can provide if you know what I mean. Back to London tomorrow and then another busy week leading up to Christmas. We are all over our colds now so back on top form. Hurray.

Love to you all. xxxx :kiss:
ok so just went back to see who I'd missed!
RR - your MiL is a nut case - hugs!
Cleck - you obvioulsy have a content and independent little lady there! I can understand why you are sad - it will pass though - although Emma will ALWAYS need her Mommy (American spelling just for you!)
Mimiso - hope you feel better son x
jelr - laughing is practically the best sound in the world, don't you think?
Hi Pip - so have you tried a sippy cup yet? Glad you are all feeling better and a lovely week with your mum
oh MJ- its an awful feeling when we inadvertently hurt our little one. :cry: We've all done it though- I think thats why us mums are always saying -be careful... don't get hurt, get down, you might fall, etc.

Cleckner- I co-sleep too and I know I would feel the same way if Kira happily went off to sleep in her own bed. Somehow I don't thing Kira would go to sleep by herself though :haha:

I'm typing 1 handed since its feeding time... so I'll have to update more later!

What is everyone getting their babies for x-mas? I got Kira a pink toy cell phone that plays music and a few other toys meant for older babies, but she'll grow into them.
Hey girls

Ruby: Your MIL is cracked as I said on facebook that is a real pain in the arse that she looked at your page, hopefully you can get a new username and still come in here rather than having to give up alltogher, did she say anything about what she saw?

Mary Jo: big :hugs: honey, you must have nearly lost your life with the fright you got, I know its hard but please stop blaming yourself, we are all only human and its not like you purposely didn't strap him in, I tipped Natashas head off of the door frame the other day I was carrying her to bed and DH called me and I turned around and she just barely tipped off of it - she didn't even whimper but I got the biggest fright that I had been so careless to turn around so quickly and not mind her first and the feeling is awful when you are blaming yourself for not thinking and that is nothing in comparison to what you went through, I think like Mimi said it is because we care so much about them that we worry and feel so bad, but it was an accident honey - yep I think you mentioned before about working with the Irish Sunday Times and it is pretty crappy here at the moment - I dont usually get involved with politics but our government haven't a clue what they are doing really - and what makes it worse is everyone is jumping on the recession band wagon - DH's company asked him to take a pay cut lately and he refused so they took it anyway, which is actually against the law so my friend who works for citizen advice and really knows her stuff wrote up a letter from DH and told them what law they were breaking and that he wanted the pay back - or make him redundant - they really cr*pped themselves and gave him the pay back as they dont want to make him redundant as he is there 10 years so it would be a big payout for them - also he is one of their best workers and has made them millions in the boom time - Fair enough if the company was in trouble but they have work lined up 7 days a week all the time and they are building a million euro house at the moment so that is why they want to cut everyone else back and jump on the recession bandwagon - anyway rant over ha ha - its just not a good subject with me at the mo.

Cleckner: Hope you feel better soon about Emma sleeping on her own it is hard to let go but she definitely still needs you and will for the rest of her life - It probably feels a bit like she is growing up too, I know that sounds mad but I was packing away all of Natasha's 0 to 3 month clothes lately and was a little weepy as it feels like she is growing up so quick which does sound mad when she is only 3 months old lol.

Booth: My mum had one of those for my little brothers and they are brilliant - i was going to get one but we are getting the jumparoo so I think it bounces also - will have to wait till Christmas day and see as I might still get one.

Shadow: Poor vince - hope those teeth settle down soon and Vince is not so fussy - Dont worry about catching up - we will all have times like that - I dont know how much I will get on once I go back to work.

Mimi: Hope your flu is better soon - I can see how easy it would be to leave the airbag off - I carry Natasha's car seat in the front as I would be a nervous wreck driving on my own if I couldn't see her but you have to turn the airbag off to do this and I just leave it off constantly now as I never think of putting it back on.

Shiv: Boo for Sophia still not taking the bottle - if you are going to use a sippy cup maybe try the Doidy cup that Cleckner was talking about the other day the look really easy to use for babies - Google it and see what you think - Yep that laughing is the best sound ever I would listen to it all day and still love the sound of it lol.

Pippin: Glad to hear you enjoyed being at your mums and delighted all the colds are gone.

Spidey: We have got Natasha a jumparoo / A kick and play thing and a Lamaze giraffe - I can't wait until Christmas day to see what her reaction is to them - I think you did right about getting stuff that she will grow into - I was just thinking that the other day that most of our stuff is for now and I know my family are getting the same and she wont have any other occasion until her first birthday and I dont want to get into the habit of constantly buying new toys but I will have to get a few bits or the poor baby will be bored to tears until she hits one.

Well AFU - we had a good day - met a friend for lunch - then called into DH's work place so as the staff there could see Natasha and then did the grocery shopping - Ruby like you I hate it but there has been no online shopping here until the last few months Tesco started it and I keep saying I must give it a go.

Well DH arrived home sniffling today and my throat is kinda hurting this evening so I hope we are not all going to have colds for Christmas which would by typical - last year I was in bed for over a week with a bad dose of flu. I am totally confused about weaning now guys - I am thinking of weaning Natasha earlier than the 6 months as she has never been a major milk drinker and seems to be going only 2 to 3 hours at the moment and is waking at five for a feed where she was going till 7 or after and I also would like to have it started before I got back to work - I'm going to speak to the public health nurse tomorrow, but I have been doing lots of research into it and nearly all the books I have say about fruit and veg only at the start and wait until after 6 months for definite with anything with gluten or eggs or milk etc in case of allergies, so I was researching gluten free cereal for when we have introduced all the fruit and veg and I found this article online by accident https://celiacdisease.about.com/od/raisingaglutenfreechild/a/Breastfeeding.htmwhich basically says they are not saying that babies are more prone to allergies if they dont have gluten before 6 months - how the hell are we meant to know what the best thing to do is when they keep changing all the guidelines.
Well thankfully last night Emma woke up within an hour of being on her own and was crying for me. :cloud9: Stupid to be excited about her being dependant on me still but I love feeling needed and it's lonely in bed without her. Especially when Corey is gone too. So I probably could've let her cry a bit on her own but I ran in and snatched her up and snuggled in my bed with her instead. :blush::haha:

Jelr- Your the best at writing huge posts. :haha: I am the same way about packing away clothes. Thankfully Emma is still in 3 month clothes. So I've only had to pack the newborn stuff so far. :winkwink: They grow up way too fast!

Spidey- Glad to see someone else co-sleeps. I feel like the crazy person for co-sleeping 100% of the time. That is the one thing people tend to judge me on. But I really really enjoy it.

Shiv- How about trying a Doidy cup instead? I just got mine in the mail today and it's super cute. Not sure when I'll start trying it with emma but it says right on the package that it's for 3 months + :shrug:

Pippin- Good to see that you guys are over the colds and you had a nice little break!!

Shadow- Good to see you pop in here hun! :hugs: Sorry vince is having grumpy days. Have you tried an amber teething necklace yet? I think it's working for us!

MJ- Oh my goodness hun!!! I am so sorry you went through such an ordeal. I would've been really upset too. Aww I'm glad to hear he is okay. It isn't your fault hun. Things like this happen to everyone at least once I think. :hugs::hugs: Your such a good mommy and one mistake doesn't change that.

Boothh- Does he actually jump up and down yet on that doorway jumper?? I was considering buying one for Emma but I wasn't sure if she's old enough yet to actually get enjoyment out of it. Jesse is too cute hun! :thumbup:
just popping in to say thank you all for your very kind words and your support... will be back tomorrow with a proper reply. Adam has been fine tonight, he has had some screaming times, which has freaked me out thinking that he's got a head injury, but it turned out to be wind in his pants and a hunger in his belly. he's been smiling and behaving completely as normal, so I really hope this is it. I can't seem to forget what happened though, Chris wants me to, everyone else wants me to forgive myself... I am just so grateful my little boy wasn't badly hurt. his nose isn't red any more and the lump on his head is barely noticable, I don't even think it'll turn into a proper bruise. that instant it happened is seared into my brain, when I thought the worst, before he screamed. it's awful. but he is ok and he needs me to be ok as well so I will try to put it behind us and move on. and never ever make that mistake again.

ha cleck - yep I do like to talk dont I lol

MJ: hope your feeling better tomorrow hon - It really wasn't your fault it was an accident and I know it is easier said than done to forget about it but hopefully in time you will. big :hugs: again. Xx
MJ seriously try not to beat yourself up about it, I can understand how horrified you were but look.. Everyone here has told you something silt that they've done that could of been awful, when Jesse was first born he wriggled and
I nearly dropped him down the stairs, and have only just felt okay carrying him up and down, you are not to ble, things like this happen all the time, how were you to know that was going to happen, you know would never do anything to hurt him
so don't feel to bad :(

I can't remember who asked what now but jesses bouncer was from mothercare it was about 25 pounds, I know shadow has one for vince too? Jesse has started to get the hang of it and bounce abit now, the first few times he just span himself around but he loved it all the same couldn't stop giggling it's so cute watching him in it,

Jesse has now discovered his reflection, he will spend ages looking in
mirrors and smiling at himself, talking and screeching to himself, and trying to grab his reflection hands haha soo cute!
Aww MJ, i know how you feel, i cut Kara's thumb nail too short last week and oh my god did it half bleed :cry: i cried more than she did and started having a mild panic attack, it was a good job david was there! I felt like such a bad mum, like I'D hurt her, I'D made my baby bleed and I put her through pain :( she was fine but it did bleed quite a lot, i even rang my dad at 12 at night crying down the phone, he thought something really bad had happened! Its not the first time i've done something stupid either, a few weeks back, i sat Kara in her bouncey chair and she nodded off, i went to bath the dog, and forgot i hadnt strapped her in :( i went back into the living room just to peek in on her and there she was FACE DOWN in the carpet, struggling to move her hear to breathe :cry: ive never been so upset in all my life. But she's ok now i guess and its certainly taught me a lesson :blush: Ive never told anybody about that before, i was so ashamed of myself!

I know its not the same as what u and AE went through, but i understand why you feel guilty! Like all the other ladies have said, these things happen, and they'll deffo happen more the older they get. Anyway hun :hugs: and dont feel bad, you just owe him lots of kisses and cuddles, and i sure he'll love that lol!

On another note kara can officially roll both ways, she did back to belly for the first time last night, and hasnt stopped all day today lol! :happydance: also had her weighed at the open clinic 14lb 12oz's! gettin big now! cant believe thats a whole 10lb 7oz's more than when she was born!

Booth kara also has the lindam bouncer, ive got the blue one too (from mothercare) but only saw they do a pink one after i'd bought ours grrr! Never mind, does the same job! She's not quite learned to bounce herself yet, she is still just twisting herself around and wondering where everyone has gone lol! She still seems to love it though!

Has everyone else sorted their LO's christmas day outfits, im sooooooooo excited to dress her up! She's only wore a dress once before, and we've got her a gorgeous one from mothercare for her big day! aaarrrggghhh CANT WAIT! :happydance: :happydance:
OK girlies, Vince has finally settled down to sleep on me after yet another very fussy day so far, and I have managed to get both hands free and the laptop on my lap around him, so I am going to attempt a proper proper catch up :)

elly, sorry to hear that Christian is having teething trouble like Vince :( It's soooo hard isn't it, like no matter what you try they just seem to cry and cry. Big hugs to you, glad your hubby is helping out and hopefully it won't last too long for your little guy. I tried your trick with the frozen dummy and we ind that if we put the dummy in clean cold water before freezing it and squeeze it to let the water go in the mouth bit then the water inside freezes and it stays cold for longer. But then it does leak out as it thaws! But sometimes it's the only thing that will settle Vince. I'm with you sweetie, :hug:!!

Cleck, I hadn't really properly considered an amber necklace for V, but I may have a look for one, after all it seems to work for some and anything that might help a little is more than welcome! I mean, they're so popular, so it must be for a resaon right?! Sounds like it might be helping Emma somewhat, I hope that lasts and that she doesn't have too much trouble when her teething really sets in!
:shock: OMG @ 2010 August mummies!!! We'll have to pop in there some time to tell them that August is the coolest month, and to watch out for the september 2010 mummies when they come along!!! :rofl: :rofl:
LOL @ Emma's wii fit weighing trick!!! Hahaha next time I think you'll remember to grab the towel!
and LOL @ grabbing her boob! Vince does grab at his clothes all the time, but never his baby-man-boobs, I must say!!! :rofl: Emma is such a little character hehe

jelr- WOW, you are doing soooo well on the weight loss!! Very steady progress, well done indeed! The gaviscon did seem to help him for about a day, then it seemed to go back to puking heaps and heaps for the full 2-3 hours between feeds! And still, he keeps his solids down very well, but brings looooads of milk up... :shrug: We'll keep it up for a while like doc said then maybe go back for more advice.
LOL@ wii mii baby, that's so cute.
Cool that you got Natasha a personalised stocking, V has one too, got it on eBay and it is reeeeally cute! Will get pics over xmas (as we all must!) :)

MJ, hope you can figure out a way to get Chris to agree to the aqmber necklace if you want to try it. I know what you mean, having to go about things in silly ways to get him in the right frame of mind. I often use sneaky tactics like that pn Lee to get him to agree to stuff :rofl:
Those christmassy pics of Adam are so cute hehehe I like the cheesy colourful one!!! I'd love to do something like that but lately V has just been so miserable mostly that it'd be hard to get a good pic, not sure that I will get something done in time to give / send cards before Christmas now. And on the Betty/Basket pic, for sure she loves him!!! :)vince and Ben have started interacting a bit more, Ben comes right up and sniffles his face (gently!) and Vince puts his hands out to stroke him! So cute :D

Shiv, so sorry you're still struggling to get Sophia to take a bottle, I know it must be so hard but if you can persist she will get there eventually! Can you make sure the milk is coming out of the teat a bit so that she knws what is going on? Or like Pip (I think?) said, maybe try a sippy cup? We've tried Vince with a beaker cup thingy and he is getting the hang of it quite well, we give him water or baby juice in it but we try not to give it too much cos he pukes it all up :(
That vid is so cute, Sophia is such a beauty, I love your FB pics :) Yay for rolling, too! :thumbup:

RR, good job on the weight loss! Not far to go now at all! :thumbup:

Boothh, as you know, V is a big boy too. I think he's probably around 19-20 lbs now (not weighed in a little while, need to go next week!) but I am not too woried :) If he shot off the top of the "normal" chart in the red book I might be a little worried, but as it is he has been holding a steady line below the 91st centile so i'm pretty happy with that :) Babies come in all shapes and sizes, and Jess looks very happy and healthy to me! Oh, and I looked at the Ella's Kitchen stuff in Tesco and they didnt have much tbh, so we didnt get any this time. Might try it if we can find better selection somewhere though!

Mimi, eeeep @ hormones with IUS!!! I think we'll be having mine removed before a year when we're TTC again (hopefully!) so hopefully I won't have any of that stuff. I don't tend to have the 1% problems much so hopefully I am one of the lucky ones who has it all good with the coil! Have been having some cramping still, but am not too worried, think it just needs to settle down a bit :)

OK, am getting the impression that this post is already obese, so I will stop there and do a fresh one for the rest of my catch up!! Feels so good to catch up with you all, V still asleep on me so I am making the most of it!!!
SPIDEY!!! So lovely to see you postng again honey, I remember looking at Kira's birth weight when I did the front page and doing a double take!! Hehehehe She was a big lass when she was born, but sounds like she has evened out beautifully! Vincent has gone the other way, he was fairly small when he was born but just grew and grew so quickly! Put some pics in the album for us if you'd like :D

elly (again), you are not a bad mum, you snuck that comment in there!!! V is just the same as Christian I think, can be sooo fussy sometimes and I am at my absolute wit's end trying to figure out what the problem is. Sometimes I think it's something we just can't help them with and you have to give yourself a break and just let him get it out of his system.It WILL pass honey! :hugs:

eeep, speaking of which, Vince has woken up bawling his eyes out on me :( Gonna go change his nappy and see if that cheers him up some :( knew it was too good to be true!!! :wacko:

Will finish up later if i get a second girls :) :hugs:

Hmmmm he's settled again, will try to squeeze out another 5 minutes of typing!! lol...

Shiv, so you might not quite make your goal by christmas but it looks to me like you've done really well on the weight loss front!! Like jelr, very steady weight loss, well done! I'm up and down all over the place! :dohh:
:rofl: @ Rufus and the radio, that's so funny, I want to have cats again!

Ash, welcome back!!! Glad you have your internet sorted at last :D Sounds like Kara is still being an absolute angel, long may it last for you! I'd go for it and get down to your mum's and the open clinic, we have one near us and thats where we take V. We just take him into the weighing room and weigh him ourselves, it's easy :)
Don't worry about the weight stuff, I have been back and forth over it but have pretty much decided that I am not officially trying to lose weight till Christmas is out of the way! That's what the New Year is for, right? lol... And having more babies sounds like it will really agree with you and David, but be warned that you might not get such an angel with your next 3! :winkwink: I hope you do, though, you're clearly getting something right! :D Let us know when you start TTC again! I think you should go for it whenever you all feel ready :)
Christmas day outfit: YES!!! We've got Vince the CUTEST little red and black shirt with a black tie, and his dad is wearing a similar shirt so they will match! :cloud9: Can't wait to dress him up in it!!

MJ, you mentioned nausea, I've been having loads of it lately too. I'm not sure what mine is, but maybe the hormones from the coil? Could yours have anything to do with your hormones settling back down after BF? It's sad that it has come to an end for you, but like you say, AE got looooads of it and had the best possible start :D You've done a fabulpous job, despite all the issues you've had to overcome along the way :D I'm with you in planning things I might do differently with baby number 2 though!
I'm so glad Chris has been so good for you after your accident, I know it will take a while for the image to get out of your head, but just keep on doing what you are doing, you're a fabulous mum and Adam is thriving in every way. I am certain that the hospital would have checked him thoroughly and that he is probably 100% fine now, but I totally don't blame you for worrying about it. Have some big :hug: x x x x x

:wave: Hi Sam :) How's that little lady? Any more news on ops etc?

Jelr, sorry to hear about the trouble with your work :( Hope things work out ok. Natasha's laughing sounds awesome, Vince has started properly laughing too, I love it :cloud9: As long as she is putting on weight and seems happy and healthy, I reckon you don't need to
worry about her being a bit fussy with her bottles. Vince goes through phases of wanting loads and then refusing to finish bottles, we figure now that he is sleeping through the night it doesn't really matter what he wants when he's awake, even if he wants a feed every 2 hours we're just sort of going with it lately.
Re: weaning, I think you can only go by what you feel will be best for your baby. The reason we started weaning Vince early was that he was very big for his age (so going on weight he was close to the size that a baby who gets solid food would be IYSWIM) and that he started going less and less time between feeds, obviously getting hungry. Also, since he won't take bigger bottles (or if he will, he pukes it all up again!) we figured we should try him on some solids. We were very careful to avoid any eggs or dairy or gluten to start with, but after a while we figured he was doing so well that we could try a couple of different things wityh some eggs and gluten and things in, and he has been 100% fine on all of it. BUT that's just one baby, I guess they have to be careful in advising that it's totally fine, just in case the odd baby has some trouble. But I think you'll know when it feels right to start weaning Natasha, and as long as you are careful to watch for any adverse reactions I don't think it's a problem to introduce a variety of foods :) If you decide to start trying, feel free to pm me or get me on FB for advice if you like :) xx

RR- EEEP @ crazy MiL AGAIN! God, does that woman not have better things to do with her time?! Really... But sounds like a change might be a good idea. Will she know it's you again and stalk you more?

Cleck, awwww, Emma is starting to get independent, I see why you must not want to let go of some things but you will always be her momma and she will always need you! Hope you feel a bit better about her being in her own room soon, it's nice that you can have her in with you if she's fretful and then when she's content enough she can get used to sleeping in her crib :)

Boothh, awwww, Jess looks sooo cute in his bouncer! Vince likes his too, but he has yet to learn to really go for it and bounce!! I can't wait though :D not sure where ours is from but I think it might be a Mothercare one, we were given it from a friend :)

Mimi, sorry you're poorly honey :( Get better soon! Tell youtr scoundrels to be extra nice to mummy whilst she's poorly! xx

Spidey, I have gone a little bit over the top with Vince's Christmas prezzies! :rofl: I have got a bunch of books, some thick card ones that I can just read to him and some soft ones for him to grab etc. Also I got a Singing Alfie...
:rofl: OH already hates it, I got it out to play with and it immediately caught Vincent's eye (:dohh: supposed to be a christmas present!) but I love the cute voice and OH hates it!!! Hehehe... Vince seems to love it though, so I will wrap it up and pop it under the tree, he will probably have forgotten all about it by then (though i think the wrapping up and stuff is more for us than him at this point!) Also got a Chicco giraffe rattle teether, some icy keys, a vtech crawl and learn bright lights ball (which looks cool!) a dangling monkey toy and some other random bits and bobs. lol... I'm gonna have such fun unwrapping his gifts on Christmas day!! :rofl:

*PHEW!!!!* There, now I feel all properly caught up!!! I guess I should do a brief update from us too...
Vince is really up and down lately, when he is happy he is SOOOOO cute and is progressing so well. He can roll front to back pretty easily, though he doesn't have a lot of tummy time or lying down time generally cos of Ben. I do try to give him some time most days though. He is on his play gym at the moment staring at his reflection in the mirror! Hehehe... He seems to be just starting to take real notice of the sounds we make, when I change his nappy he looks right at me and gives me the most beautiful smiles, and seems to be just starting to try to copy some sounds. It's is soooo cute, I just love it! When he's like that it makes the rest of it so much easier :) He's getting close to sitting up unaided now (like Mimi :) ) and is loving his bouncer and jumperoo. Especially the jumperoo, anyone thinking of getting one for Christmas I can safely say that I am very very pleased to have bought it. It keeps him amused for quite a while these days!
However... As I've said, he is teething, and he seems to be having quite a lot of trouble with it, poor little mite :( Sometimes he screams for soooo long, and nothing we do seems to help at all. Often the frozen dummy will work for a little while, but as soon as it thaws he is back to screaming. :shrug: I've come to realise that my stressing about making him happy will not help, and that if I've done all that I can then sometimes I just have to shut out his cries (:cry: sounds terrible, I know!) and let him work through it on his own. I think I will look into the amber necklace thing, OH is happy to dose him up on Calpol, but like you MJ I'm not keen on giving it too much. So I'd like to try to work through it in other ways if at all possible. But there is still no sign of his teeth actually cutting anywhere yet. I am looking forward to seeing that little white bud!!
Eeeek, am aware that all of these posts are huge, this one particularly so! So sorry girls... I don't seem able to do it by halves on here!! Just a couple more things to mention then I'm done, I promise!! :rofl:

We bought V some bandana bibs, and they arrived today. I think they look soooo cute on him and hopefully they will help to keep his clothes a bit drier from all his dribble. He is dribbling a LOT lately, I was typically changing his top and vest 4 or 5 times a day. That makes for a lot of laundry, so hopefully these bibs will work well! :)

Also, his feeding, for anyone who's interested: We've been giving him the Gaviscon that the doc prescribed for a few days now, and the first day it seemed to really help and he hardly puked at all, but since then some days he seems just as bad as before. But we're going to keep giving it to him for a while, as thats what the doc ordered, and see whether it gets any better... We're giving him 3 feeds of 7 oz each day, and 2 solid feeds. I've been gently trying to get him to eat the more savoury stuff, but he still prefers the sweet stuff like carrots and sweet potato. But he can't have that every day forever, so I'm gently encouraging other things.
His sleeping seems back on track after our hiccough, he occasionally wakes in the night but just needs his dummy then he's fine.

So all in all, we're doing fairly well! Sorry I don't post more often like some of you guys, it's nice to have caught up though, and so lovely to see some August mummies reappearing :) I will check the front page shortly to make sure everyone is listed, and please let me know if you'd like to come to the meet up in January but aren't on the list! I have to go see to Vince now, he has been an angel to let me post so much, but I will try to get on again later and think a bit about organising the meet! I think we need to sort it out soon :)I'm still soooooo excited to meet you guys in real life!!

Lots of love to all...

Shadow xxxx

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