aww boothh

sorry to hear about your grandad, i really hope thinks turn out to be for the best. xxxx
elly - hope LO is ok? xx
Jeir i have started giving kara a but if baby porridge in the mornings its cow and gate banana and apple, and she loves it! I was a bit unsure about weaning her as she was 5 weeks prem, one person says dont wean until 6 months in the UK and then i get told i should wean early as she was prem and could have low iron levels etc etc! So we decided we'll do as we please and see how she gets on, so far so good

she's already on the hungry milk so weaning is my only option next, so the lady at the clinic was saying when i took her to be weighed last week! On the other hand though she's still only having 5oz's every 4 hours through the day, or when ever she fancies some, and sleeping 10 hours a night, occasionally waking in the early hours of the morning, but thats if she goes to bed earlier?! Og gosh its all so bloody confusing this weaning lark

am i doing it right? Is she ok? Is he hungry?

Well she seems happy enough and she's gaining a good amount of weight so im guessing we're doing ok!
on another note, it was OH's birthday yesterday, so he got the 'special nookie' lol you know, the one thats better than usual? (TMI i know lol) annnnnnyway, he got a bit carried away and we almost had an 'accident' in the baby making department! luckily i was on the ball, (excuse the pun lol) and made a swift exit before it got a bit messy iykwim??! could have had baby number two on the way! and im not quuuuuite ready just yet!
lets just hope there were no escapees! lol!
oh and finnnnaaaallly look!!! . . . . . (hope it works, if not bare with me!) xxxx
God only knows why she's shrieking like a banshee lol! xx