--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

running in, there's a young man and a bottle in my near future... he is shouting at me...

Shadow, you mentioned hormones might be the cause of the nausea... I'd say you're spot on there because guess what turned up early yesterday morning?!! the lovely missing AF... have to say it was quite a relief, and no more nausea! I did expect some as a side-effect of the antibiotics I am now on for my wisdom tooth infection, so got something from the chemist for that as I recall BAD nausea last time I was on antibiotics, and as it turned out, ironically, it was Motilium the woman gave me, the domperidone I was considering to carry on bf... so I am taking it anyway, but for its proper usage!

so I feel LOADS better today, calmed down and put it all in its perspective.

ok, back soon, REALLY got to address my hungry little monster...
running in, there's a young man and a bottle in my near future... he is shouting at me...

Shadow, you mentioned hormones might be the cause of the nausea... I'd say you're spot on there because guess what turned up early yesterday morning?!! the lovely missing AF... have to say it was quite a relief, and no more nausea! I did expect some as a side-effect of the antibiotics I am now on for my wisdom tooth infection, so got something from the chemist for that as I recall BAD nausea last time I was on antibiotics, and as it turned out, ironically, it was Motilium the woman gave me, the domperidone I was considering to carry on bf... so I am taking it anyway, but for its proper usage!

so I feel LOADS better today, calmed down and put it all in its perspective.

ok, back soon, REALLY got to address my hungry little monster...
Hi everyone sorry its taken me so long to get on here properly Dj has been a nightmare, he is still so demanding!!
No news on Elins op yet but we do have an appointment with her cardiologist on tuesday so im hoping to find out more then!
Im so down at the moment (all down to the pill) its coming up 3 years since i lost my little monkey nut and i think im finally releasing all my stress i just cant stop sobbing.
Darren keeps telling me to get over it and maybe i should but i just cant seem to let go :(

Im going to stop now because im crying AGAIN!!
Big hugs to all and especially big ones to Mj and Adam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sam hunny. I'm so sorry hun. :hugs: I wasn't even aware that you had lost one. :cry:I'm so sorry. There's really nothing to say that makes it better. I still have my days of being sad too. Just know that we are here if you need to talk anytime.
To those of you wondering more about the amber teething necklaces. I can say right now that I took Emma's off to take her four month pictures today. It was only off for a few hours but by the end of it she was screaming so hard and not even the booby helped calm her. I grabbed for the necklace, put it back on her, and within half an hour she was calmly eating and than fell asleep for a nap. :shrug: It's strange. I'm not sure if the necklace has anything to do with it or not but I'm definately not going to take it off again. LOL! She tugs her ear alot lately and is always eating her fingers so I'm sure she must be teething somewhat but has never been too fussy until today when I took the necklace off. Weird. :wacko:
aww sam :hugs: i know how you feel, i lost a baby before Kara, it was the hardest time of my life, i was depressed for a long long time. I still wonder sometimes how things would be if things had been different, but now i think i probably wouldnt have my beautiful little girl if they had... im grateful for her but i still mourn my LO too xxxx big huge :hugs: hunny, keep your chin up xxxxxx

Shadow, sorry to hear vince isnt too great at the moment, kara is OK for now, im just waiting for her teething to get worse, ive got a teething necklace and a bracelet on the way too, ordered them both from a company thingy on ebay, they've got special magnetic safety clasps on too so LO's cant choke etc!

Somedays feel really tough, im sure we all go through it, but we are all the BEST mummys/mommys in the world, our LO's are loved and cared for so much!! We ALLLLL deserve medals, but i guess we've got them in a way, in the shape of our beautiful little miracles! Keep smilin ladies you're all stars!xxxx
Hey girls

Booth: you nearly have me talked into buying a bouncer - but I think I'll wait until after Christmas as I know she is going to get lots of stuff as we both have big families - but Jessie sounds like he loves it.

Ashnbump: I have Natashas dress for Christmas too it is a lovely red dress - the funny thing is I walked the town looking for one and eventually found one in Marks & Spensers when we were up in Dublin and then she got another two as Christening presents - One of them is 9 to 12 months though so I will keep that up for good wear later and I'm going to put the one she got from my friend on Christmas day as it has lovely sparkly bits and the one I bought can go on new years or something - I also got a lovely cream fur jacket that is so cute - I know what you mean I hate to be wishing my maternity away but I can't wait to Christmas to dress her up and see her with all her presents.

Shadow: You certainly bet me on those three posts he he - fair play to you managing to catch up all of that - Yeah I'm going to wean her next week as she will be the 17 weeks which is the minimum they reccomend and Health nurse agrees - sorry to hear Vince is being so fussy and I hope it settles down soon - those laughs are the best aint they? - Natasha is also taking note of sounds - DH gurgles at her and she is copying him the last few days and it is so cute. Delighted the jumparoo is worth it - we have got Natasha one as part of her Christmas present and I can't wait to see her in it.

MJ: Glad to hear you are feeling better honey - and Yay for AF - ha I was having a little panic myself today as I kept feeling little flutters in my stomach which the only time I have ever felt them was when I first felt Natasha move but then realised that it wouldn't be possible as I didn't feel those until I was about 16 weeks pregnant and sure she is only 16 weeks tomorrow and we waited about 2.5 months until my episiotomy was healed properly so I'm okay ha ha.

Sam: So sorry to hear you are down honey - I didn't realise you had lost a baby either :hugs: to you honey as I know it is a horrible feeling, I lost three months before I got pregnant with Natasha and it was the most horrible feeling ever, Even though I dont feel the loss as much now as my beautiful little princess would not be here now, but sometimes it does still hit me for example - a soap I watch Home and Away (Dont know if you have it in the UK) has a storyline on a miscarriage at the moment and I have bawled my eyes out when watching it as it made me remember how bad the pain was at the time. I really hope you get a date for Elinors op soon.

Cleck: I think you definitely have me sold on the amber neckalace - that definitely sounds like Emma is getting relief from it - Natasha is not suffering too bad yet but who is to say she wont in time so If I can prefent her from suffering it will be worth it - gonna have a look on the internet for one.

Well AFU: We had our visit with the public health nurse (think its like your HV) today and it went well - she is delighted with Natasha's progress and said she is meeting all the developmental checks for her age and she weighs a wooping 14 lb 7 oz - gonna check it agains the wii tomorrow to see how accurate the wii is. She was asking about her bottles and I explained that she was lookin for feeds every two to three hours for the last few days and waking at 5 instead of 7 and before I even asked about weaning she said that they were signs of looking for more and that had I started her on solids when I said no that I wanted to speak to her about it she suggested that I should - she gave me a booklet which is very good and says that the guidelines here are 6 months for breastfed babies and 4 to 6 months for formula fed babies - I also asked about the article and she said the guidelines do differ from country to country but that in all her years as a public health nurse that the booklet that she had given me is the guidelines she would have suggested and that they seem to work for the majority of children so I'm going to wait until next week until she is 17 weeks and then I'm going to start with a little baby rice and see how we get on and introduce a different fruit and veg every couple of days to make sure she is not alergic to anything, so kind of like the book I was telling you all about before - so I will be a busy woman for one of the days this week making up all the ice cubes of puree as I'm going to make up enough for the first month and freeze it as all the guidelines say it will keep for 8 weeks - so at least once if I do it in the batch I wont have to worry about it and just take out the cubes of feed I need everynight for the next day.

Anyway hope ye all have a lovely weekend. :hugs: to all
Took little one over to the ER last night (long story and will post later) but ended up coming home after 4:30 am. Got Christian down and managed to get about 3-4 hrs sleep myself. He's ok, nothing major save for what hubby and I initially suspected the issue might be.
One handed post again so it will have to be short as it will take forever for me to type!- it seems the only free time I have is when Kira is taking a nice long snooze/ feed!

I see lots of us are starting to wean- I'm looking forward to letting Kira try different types of food, but I'm going to wait till 6 months. I have celiac (gluten allergy), and Jelr you're right that the guidelines on when to introduce solids isn't very clear and its making it tough since I don't want Kira to have food problems like me. But I'm going to introduce gluten when she's closer to a year- just because it was introduced to me at a very young age and I figured I'll do the opposite with her.

Cleckner- I didn't think it was weird to co-sleep until I made the mistake of telling people and then I realized lots of people think I'm strange for it. Whatever- it works well for us and for Kira's temperament. She likes being snuggly warm in my bed feasting on booby all night, and I like it too :haha: I'm glad you finally got your little one back in bed that night!

Shadow- I'm going to have a blast unwrapping Kira's gifts on x-mas too :happydance:

I can't believe theres an August 2010 group already... but it was Dec. 5th that I found out I was pregnant. This time last year I was bed bound with morning sickness! Just think girls, this time next year we will have 15/16 month olds!!!!
First weigh in - 15st 4lb iv stayed the same :( blaming it on AF due cus iv
made a big effort :(

My mum told me last night they think my grandad has cancer
and they're waiting for more tests, but the doctors hae told him they
think it's cancer, I'm devastated, he's only 60 and
he's not in the best of health, he's got a bad heart
and had a couple of bypasses, so I'm really
worried, if it is cancer I doubt he will get through treatment, just
so upset at the moment just my head is everywhere.
aww boothh :hugs: sorry to hear about your grandad, i really hope thinks turn out to be for the best. xxxx

elly - hope LO is ok? xx

Jeir i have started giving kara a but if baby porridge in the mornings its cow and gate banana and apple, and she loves it! I was a bit unsure about weaning her as she was 5 weeks prem, one person says dont wean until 6 months in the UK and then i get told i should wean early as she was prem and could have low iron levels etc etc! So we decided we'll do as we please and see how she gets on, so far so good :thumbup: she's already on the hungry milk so weaning is my only option next, so the lady at the clinic was saying when i took her to be weighed last week! On the other hand though she's still only having 5oz's every 4 hours through the day, or when ever she fancies some, and sleeping 10 hours a night, occasionally waking in the early hours of the morning, but thats if she goes to bed earlier?! Og gosh its all so bloody confusing this weaning lark :wacko: am i doing it right? Is she ok? Is he hungry? :shrug: Well she seems happy enough and she's gaining a good amount of weight so im guessing we're doing ok!

on another note, it was OH's birthday yesterday, so he got the 'special nookie' lol you know, the one thats better than usual? (TMI i know lol) annnnnnyway, he got a bit carried away and we almost had an 'accident' in the baby making department! luckily i was on the ball, (excuse the pun lol) and made a swift exit before it got a bit messy iykwim??! could have had baby number two on the way! and im not quuuuuite ready just yet! :rofl:

lets just hope there were no escapees! lol!

oh and finnnnaaaallly look!!! . . . . . (hope it works, if not bare with me!) xxxx


God only knows why she's shrieking like a banshee lol! xx
:rofl: @ Ash and the almost mishap :rofl:

Boothh, so sorry to hear about your grandad. thinking of you :hugs:
Boothh, sorry to hear about your Grandfather. :hugs:

Here's the scoop about the ER stuff.

I started to see the rash spreading to his chest, back, arms, etc. Hubby and I both thought it was still the eczema but called my second mom (she's a nurse) for her thoughts. She believed we should take him to the ER to be sure. Personally I thought it was ok but she ended up telling my mom who in turn called us and told us to bundle up the little one and be ready since she'd be picking us up to take us to the hospital. This was close to midnight and we only got Christian settled about an hour before (he was too wound up when going to bed). Anyways, 4-5 hrs later, we were seen by the doctor and our suspicions were confirmed -- it is just the eczema. Keep using the cream the original doctor gave us and speak to our family physician. We may need to see a dermatologist if it doesn't clear up a bit more.

To say the least, all of us were pretty much shattered by the time we got home. I only got about 3 hrs sleep afterwards since I couldn't settle after all the activity.

Christian's settled down more these days and is a lot happier. The Jolly Jumper that we purchased on Saturday is a big hit with him...he doesn't want to come out of it!
Booth I'm so sorry hon :hugs: I hope they can do something for him :hugs:

Elly scary stuff but better safe than sorry. My friends 2 month old just had meningitis and he was very poorly. So always best to get it checked out.
((((((Boothh))))))) Hope they can help him, thinking of you and your family sweetie xxx

LOL Ash, I thought you guys were all ready for bubba number 2??? Hehehehe :winkwink: That vid of Kara is wicked, she is really getting mobile isn't she? So exciting! Thanks for sharing! :thumbup: xxx

Elly, glad everything is ok, I hope you can get the eczema to clear up a bit soon, it must be uncomfortable for the little chap :( Great that he loves his jumper!! I think they're at the age now where that sort of thing is the perfect toy! :D

Thanks to all of you who have been giving me lovely advice and hugs on FB with the whole swaddling thing. We tried, but he just still isn't ready, obviously. I am going to try to be super attentive and see if he gives me any clues that he might be ready to stop the swaddling... If not, we will just give it another go in a while, and if it's the same as last night then we will just keep on swaddling till he is ready! I'd be interested to know if and when any of you (Kaygee? Vici?) try to stop swaddling, what you do and how successful you are. It's nice to know I'm not alone! :D

I'm thinking about the meet in January girls, I think we need to book somewhere soon otherwise we may not get anywhere in time... So can I just put out a random suggestion for a date?

How is Monday 11th January for everyone?

That's a starting point, so if most of us are happy with that then great, but please shout if it's not good for you and do feel free to make other suggestions! :D If and when Vici and Sam hear about operations etc., if we've not booked anywhere by then then we can still try to work around that. But if you guys don't hear soon, I really hope you don't mind us going for it and setting a date soon :hugs: :flower:

Lots of love to all :) xxx
ur welcome shadow! Im so darn proud i feel i just have to share lol, and u guys are the only ones who understand how every little thing is important, other people who aren't pregnant or don't have children, just aren't interested lol!

we do want another LO in the near future, but i want to start driving first, as i really don't fancy getting on the bus with a double buggy, people are just so inconsiderate these days you know? David drives but i need my own car etc, im starting lessons after xmas so hopefully start TTC feb/march, but we'll see how things go!

im sorry to hear things are a bit awkward with vince, but he'll get there when he's ready, ive learned to just go with it, if kara sleeps through, great! if not oh well, i'll have to get up every hour if need be, just dont get urself stressed hun, your doing a brill job! :thumbup:

I would love to join you girls on a meet, but i doubt i'll be able to get to london :( im in manchester and its a bit far to go with baby, even if we came on the train its quite expensive, cant imagine what kara would be like in a hotel either lol! :( sad that we'll miss it though :( :( im sure there will be another time though! xxxx
Ash, we've already said that we'll definitely do another meet in the summer, maybe you could save up to come to London then? Thanks for being so sweet :hugs: xx

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