cleck - thanks for the advice on the necklace, i'm going to start leaving it on her at night then, as im pretty confident it'll just pop off if she gets it caught (which i doubt will happen anyway) i've also got her a bracelet too, so can always leave that on her if i get a bit worried! I also find myself calmer in the big crying' situations too, although i do get a bit upset if i cant help her iykwim?
MJ - some people are so inconsiderate when it comes to baby's and BF especially. I myself have FF Kara from the day she came home. She was on breast milk for the two weeks she was in special care, which i had to express every three hours, and it was damn hard work with all the stress i had from Kara coming early and being in special care etc. I never intended to BF Kara, not even EBM, i always wanted to FF her, i know breast is best, but i just felt a bit uncomfortable actually doing it iykwim? i think ive got the idea in my head that my boobies are 'sexual' etc, and i just didn't fancy breastfeeding. Now though im sooooo glad i expressed milk in the beginning as i know she had the best when she needed it the most, in fact i think i'm going to try BF or at least express for the next baby. My best friend on the other hand who recently had a baby insisted on BF'ing, and made me feel like a bad mother for wanting to FF, anyway in the end she actually couldn't BF her son in the end, he just wouldn't latch on and he lost a pound in 5 days, so she was left with no choice but to bottle feed him, and she says she will do her next baby too as she found the stress of trying to BF too much. So everyone and every baby is different, and yes everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but it may not always be the right one. and like someone else said if ff was so bad then they wouldn't sell it would they. i say as long as a baby is happy and healthy it doesnt matter whether he/she is BF or FF, and at the end of it all its our individual decision to make, so tell your friend to just ignore the ignorant comments hun!
Aunty E -

on the brouad band and the house move going, err sort of ok lol! and congraulations on the new additions!
Spidey - Kara did start laughing a few weeks ago, probably about 3 or 4 weeks ago actually. she did the odd one at first and now she just sits there giggling to herself, at nothing lol! apparently when they learn to do something new they will do it more and more often because it intrigues them, seems to have some truth in it anyway!
Boothh - maybe if we cant make it to this meet, we could meet on the train in the summer and go to the 2nd meeting together? Just a thought?
Jeir - glad to hear Natasha is back to her old sleep routine, i am envious of you! Kara has been sleepin 10 hours a night for the past few weeks, up until monday, when everything seemed to go a bit pear shaped!
AFU - well as i was just saying, Kara's sleeping seems to have gone a bit funny, she was going 10 hours a night, but not since monday. she's still sleeping, just about 6 hours instead, and she's stirring a lot more which in turn wakes me up as i think she's waking up lol!

i have know idea why she's started to do it though, maybe i should start putting her in her cotbed in her nursery

she's still in our room in a bassinet travel cot, next to our bed, and i'll find it hard putting her in a different room, as i like to lean over and feel her tummy going up and down lol!

i know! lol!
Im so so so so soooooo excited for christmas guys, i put kara's presents under the tree today, may have to move them (or at least some of them) again though as they're taking up a lot of space lol! aww cant wait! and omg its snooooooooowing! hope its a white christmas for our baba's 1st!

xx (woooaahh massive post sorry!)