--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

H I'm in Manchester too, that's my main problem wondering about hotel and being on a train for hours, OH mentioned he'd drive me down but it's not his thing at all so I don't really want him to, maybe I'll just come on the train on my own..
So I finally met a group of girls that I actually like! LOL! Off of facebook as well but it's a craft group. We plan on getting together and making crafts. We had our first meeting Sunday and I liked all but one girl. So that is pretty good! :haha: I talk to one of the girls every day now even just on the phone. haha. It's weird actually talking to an adult for a change. Her husband is on the same ship as my husband so we'll be stuck alone at the same times. She has an 11 year old son that I haven't met cause he was hiding in his room the whole time. LoL! It's a shame that I'm going back home in a week cause now I won't see these girls for a few months until they get over in California. But that's what phones and facebook are for right?!

As for us with the baby stuff, nothing new really to report. Emma is still my goofy girl. She's sitting beside me on the bed right now screaming up at the ceiling fan. lol. She keeps chewing on her hands and tugging her ears so I'm wondering if a tooth is on it's way. :shrug: I'm no expert on the matter that's for sure. She hasn't been overly fussy but than again that teething necklace never comes off.

Okay I need to get out of here so people can look at my house. I just wish it'd sell already. Everyone that sees it loves the house but the neighborhood isn't the greatest so they pass on it. :wacko: If they realized my neighbors are all old they'd change their mind but I have duplex apartment right across the street and I can understand why that'd turn people away.

Sorry this post is completely selfish. I'll read and catch up later if I have time. Hope you girls are all doing good!!
Hi girls

Just a quick note to say hi and let ye know that our cardiologist appointment went really well today.

She had a scan done and an echo and the cardiologist examined her and scanned her again and explained to us that the murmur is being caused by some turbulance around the pulminary valve but that it is totally innocent and will pass by itself and that we dont need to go back, he is not even going to put it on her chart as he doesn't want her to be labelled with it and it to cause her any problems in the future with getting a mortgage or a job.

So we are over the moon, I'm shattered though as it was a very busy day we were actually in and out of the childrens hospital in about 2 hours and in that time, she saw the nurse who weighed and measured her, then back to the waiting room, then in for the scan, then in for the echo, then into see one of the doctors and then into the consultant, but I found it really emotional seeing my tiny little baby hooked up to machines with wires and pads attached to her, she was so good though and there wasn't a peep out of her - everyone kept saying how good and happy she was and the staff were so so nice.

Sorry for not catching up with everyone but it has been a long week as the little lady has been up at all hours looking for feeds and she is getting awful hardship with her teeth and I think both her and I are getting her daddys cold as we are both a bit sniffly this morning. Also the childrens hospital is a 2 hour drive so we travelled up yesterday rather than setting off at five this morning and stayed with friends, but I didn't sleep a wink being in a strange bed and probably with being a little worried about today.

Thank god all is good though and we can forget about it. Oh and I spent all day Saturday cooking so I have a drawer in the freezer full of fruit and veg cubes, it did take me all day after as I wouldn't be the best of a cook lol but I'm so proud it is all done for a month now.
Hi girls

Well I just said I would read back and realised there wasn't so much to catch up on, so here goes:

Elly: Glad to hear your trip to the ER wasn't anything serious and I hope the eczema clears up soon the poor little thing.

Booth: :hugs: Hope they can do something for your grandad honey.

Ashnbump: it sounds like you are doing great with Kara and the weaning, I think it is all a guessing game as the guidelines are so changable and all we can do is hope for the best, from that Video she is thriving and happy and content so you are definitely doing right.

Shadow: Sorry to hear stopping the swaddling didn't go so well.

Cleckner: Delighted to hear meeting with some of the girls went well and it is great that you all have craft as as hobby, I think it will be great adult company for you once you move to california.

Spidey: Sorry to hear you have food intolerances, that must be hard, you are right then to wait on the gluten. I think we all have to go with our guts and what is best for LO's and you have seen it first hand what introducing it too early can do.

Well I'm gonna run now and get an early night. Night girls.
oh jelr, that is brilliant news, I am so happy for you and your OH and Natasha. :D

And that date is great with me Shadow, have only one appointment made for 2010 thus far and it's that Wednesday. :)
well it might just be you and me! think you and V could cope with me and AE?!
jeir - glad natasha is ok, its great that the dr didnt want to put it oh her chart, as not to affect her future!

Boothh - ur a brave lady travelling to the meet alone, im too scared lol!

Cleck - great to hear you like everyone at your craft group, im jealous you have adult company lol! my OH is practically the ONLY adult i communicate with these days since we moved out of the area i grew up in, and he's working ALOT of overtime at the moment, so i only see him for like 2 hours a day (before bed) its a bit rubbish!lol!

AFU- Kara had a really upset hour yesterday evening, i have never seen her so upset, it was really hard to see :( and i dont even know what was wrong! she seems a bit better now though, a bit grumpy so im putting it down to her teeth, im going to dose her up on calpol if she's still grumpy, even though i prefer not to give her anything if i can help it!

we bought her a little "miss santa" outfit from mothercare last night, aaarrrrggghh soooo excited to see her in it next week! We also had to get her some 3 - 6 months baby gro's as she no longer fits 0 -3 months lol! they're just growing so bloody fast!

on a different note guess who's booked their driving lessons!!? MEEEEEEE wooooohooooo january 9th at 10am! stay off the roads lol! so proud of myself, and as soon as im halfway through my lessons, we are going to start TTC, probably april - june time! but lets see how things pan out first! x
lol MJ.... Course we could cope with you, AE is "the good one" remember?!

Woohoo for driving lessons, Ash! Sorry Kara had a fussy hour, V has had terrible trouble this morning, he is finally asleep on me now :)

eeek, Shadow, don't say that... heh, I am almost scared to say AE is "good" in case something changes and he turns into Satan...
MJ thats exactly what happened to me last night, i was on the phone to my friend Rachel and we were talking about our LO's (she has a 9 week old son) and we were saying that we'd been quite lucky with Kara and Ethan, as they were so well behaved, and how the 2nd baby might be awful etc, then would you believe it, Kara just started from nowhere!

We've FINALLY had our amber teething necklace delivered today, and im looking forward to seeing how it affects her, does it start working as soon as it warms up? and is it ok to leave it on her at night? Its got a magnetic clasp so if it gets caught it just pulls apart, do you think its safe?

oh gosh best go, someone is starting - AGAIN! i hope she falls asleep lol! xxx
Ha, Ash, yes, Adam has now had a fairly fussy day (for him). I knew it would happen, tempting fate like that!!! Having said that he is ok, a bit chuntery, and I have a feeling he's going to want an extra bottle today, he downed his first three in 10 minutes each, and not much came back up after (well, enough to make his nice aran cardigan soggy and smelly). he normally eats at approx 8.45, 12.45 and 4.45, give or take half an hour here and there, and then nothing till bedtime, but today he got up a little early and was fed at 7.50, then 11.40 and 3.30. think there is going to be demands for more at about 6.30, he left nothing at all of his 7oz and was looking for more... I really need to step it up and get with making 8oz bottles.

now... this afternoon I am pretty mad... I have an online journal, been keeping it for years, and I have a bunch of friends whose journals I also read. one of them had her first baby 2 weeks ago and she's having trouble with bf (didn't we all, in one way or another, to a greater or lesser extent?). she wrote a big long journal entry about it and has had a ton of responses, and it was what one of them said that made me so angry (but I didn't say anything as it woudln't have helped my friend to have an argument on her journal) - she said "The risks associated with formula are just something I wouldn't want to risk if there was not a good, medical reason for it. Even one bottle destroys babies' guts."

I want to punch this woman, I really really do.
Thanks girls for the lovely replies, we are so delighted ourselves.

MJ: I dont blame you for wanting to punch that woman, the cheek of her as if your friend needs to hear that when she is struggling with BF, she is going to feel so much worse if she can't feed as lots can't - for gods sake if formula was that bad it wouldn't be on the market, I have never heard anything so ridiculous - my mam only BF me and formula fed my six brothers and sister as she didn't have any milk and I am the only one with health problems, and I dont just have one issue, I have my arthritis, fibromyalgia, PCOD, a stomach ulcer and I have had to have my tonsils and gallbladder removed so BF didn't do me much good where as the rest are all perfectly healthy and they were all formula fed so I dont think it did any of them any harm and yes it is great if people can breast feed but unfortunately it is not all black and white and the world is not perfect and not everyone can.

Ashnbump: Well done on the driving lessons, you wont know yourself once you are motoring away, I would never give up my car, I have so much independance since I started driving. Maybe you could look into some mother and baby groups in your area, when you get to see OH so little at the moment. I think I remember Pippin saying that the local councils over in the UK are great for info like that. Sorry to hear Kara was so upset, it is soul destroying when they are like that and you dont know whats wrong, it has happened us a few times and I was nearly more upset than Natasha.

Shadow: Sorry to hear Vince is still fussy - Hope he settles down soon.

Well I have a fussy baby today today - well she is fussy all week really and still waking at odd hours and just giving out all day but today was even worse, I have started her on some baby rice to see if it is hunger but it hasn't helped so I think it must be her teeth so I ordered an amber necklace with those magnetic clasps from ebay last night and really hope it helps. Thanks for the advice Cleck and Ashnbump thanks to you too as I looked for the magnetic clasp after hearing you talk about the one you got.

I feel like such a bad mother though as I swore I would never put my child in front of the TV and especially as babies, but when we were staying in our friends the other night before the hospital appointment - they had cartoons on and she was glued to them so today when she was really fussy and I had tried everything - cuddling her, playing on the floor, in her crib, in her babe pod chair, in her swing and on my knee and everything was only working for a few minutes and then she was giving out again so I put her in the swing chair and turned on the disney play channel and she finally settled but I feel really bad now.

Am smothering with a cold myself today but thankfully Natasha only has a really small touch of it and is just giving a cough or sneeze every now and again - Hopefully thats all it will stay at and not get any worse.
I think we must all have fussy babies today! This morning I was trying to get around to get stuff done with our move and Emma would just not let me sit her down. She was screaming so bad today. I finally just let her cry so I could finish dressing because otherwise I never would have made it out that door. :coffee: I'm exhausted already today and it's only 4 PM. I hate not knowing what is wrong with her. I think she just needed a nice long nap but it still gets really frustrating. I've noticed that I am SOO much calmer in these situations now though. In the beginning I would get so upset and frustrated about her crying. I admit to even yelling whats wrong a few times in frustration. Now I am just so calm about it and can seem to manage just fine on my own. Guess that's one thing about learning to cope without DH around to help.

Ash- Emma wears her teething necklace 24/7. Even at night. She has woken up one morning and it was laying beside her so I know they break off pretty easily if needed. I feel perfectly safe leaving it on her but I'm also right beside her all night long and I know she doesn't move too much for it to even be an issue.

Shadow- I'll be there in spirit!! :haha: And about the summer one, I'm not even sure if I an make that one now because DH keeps talking about getting out of the Navy so our future is pretty uncertain right now. He really hates missing out with Emma so I think it'll be the end for us soon. Which will be nice in the aspect that I can finally go back home to family, but awful because we won't be nearly as secure as far as money goes.

Jelr- I'm the same not wanting Emma to watch TV at all. I'm pretty good for the most part and our TV actually never even comes on during the day but when DH is home, that's a different story. I feel guilty anytime she sees anything. I really have no idea why because it's typical in my family for kids to watch TV at an early age, I just don't like it much. So I know just what you mean when you say you feel bad.

I was going to write more but Emma is screaming again. Is it bedtime yet? :rofl:
thanks jelr, I was formula fed myself, 100%, never once even had a sniff of a breast as a baby, and though I've had my problems in life, they haven't been physical ones, and definitely not digestive ones or immune system ones, I never had many colds or things, and still don't. so though I don't disbelieve that breast milk is best, not at all or I'd never have persisted in trying to feed AE myself, I definitely don't think such ridiculous b*llocks as "formula will destroy a baby's gut". what a load of sh1te. if that was the case, there would be millions of people with semi-functioning bellies. sure, there are probably some, of whom statistically some would have been ff, but there is no clear link.

it makes me so mad because my friend, too, is not in good health, in fact I am actually surprised she is bf because I'd have thought she'd be going back on her medication (she has lupus, fibromyalgia and ME, as well as a history of depression and eating disorders) and bf is exhausting her. it IS an exhausting time, the first month, but when you are also battling with conditions which exhaust you in themselves... she doesn't sound like she is coping. she has the supply, it's not that, but her son isn't latching well and feeding all the time - it sounds very typical to me from what I experienced and how many others just on this forum felt in the early days.

but these so-called friends of hers don't seem to realise she is going through more than most new mums. she doesn't want to use formula and I am not about to go and post proclaiming that she should... she wants a long-term bf experience and fair play to her, but she's got a way to go it seems and I worry about the toll it's taking on her overall health and what the cost will be, overall, too. unfortunately nobody can see into the future and it's a load of choices she and her husband have to make between them. it just irks me when people make grossly unfair statements that are more likely to make my friend be even more anti-formula that she is. it can save lives. not just babies' lives when they happen to be allergic to human milk (like someone else I know) or when the mother (like me) is unable because of a congenital issue to feed properly, but mothers' lives when they require certain medications that are incompatible with bf, or when carrying on would lead to a terrible depression that could ultimately affect the mother-child bond and cause incomprehensible long-term damage.

can you tell this has wound me up?!

I hope my friend has someone who can help her make the right choices and she isn't guilted into doing anything that isn't really in her or her son's best interests. :(

anyway, AE has really been fussy today, little monkey! not long periods of straight fuss but not long periods of quiet and sleep or easy playing either. poor boy. he's had some really bad winds. I wish there was more I could do to help that. might try colief, some poeple say it's good and tbh, Infacol isn't doing jack sh1t, so far as I can tell.
Okay, not had a chance to catch up yet, but we're in and we have broadband! WOOO. OH is watching Mog for a few minutes, so I just wantd to say HI and I missed you all! Imogen was an angel the day of the move, but seems to have forgotten how to sleep since then - won't settle at night, wakes up at five or six every morning and then won't stay in bed after nine. She used to settle at midnight, sleep through til eight and then stay in bed until midday. I miss that. I really really do. and she's being a pig about eating. Still, she's cute so i guess I'll keep her anyway ;)

Short story of our move was that while our packing went great and our removal men were fab, our idiot vendor didn't pack properly and wasn't out until nearly five and then came back at midnight for all the stuff she had FILLED the triple garage with. So it cost us three hundred pounds more to move than it should have done and OH and I ended up moving our stuff into the garage at two in the morning. Not why I paid over a grand to be moved really, I wanted to avoid picking up the heavy stuff. The house is getting sorted and I'm really happy with it (or I will be when I finish decorating and buying stuff), but it's been a bit of a hard process, not helped by two of our cats giving birth in the last week, so we have ten kittens to rear now. Sigh.

Anyway, I hear a fussy baby (as ever at the moment) so I'm going to dash, but I hope you're all ok and I'm going to spend a while catching up tomorrow morning if I can!
Kira laughed for the first time today! When did everyones baby start laughing? From everything I'm reading, it seems she started late- but thats okay!

She is having a fussy day too- I think when our babies learn new things like rolling over, they regress a little.

Off to my fussy little girl, lol!
I don't think I'm gunna be able to make the
meet and I'm so sad about it, OH doesn't
want me going to London on my own, and he doesn't think he could get 11th off work cus there really busy in the new year, we will talk over the weekend though and
I'll let you know x
Yipee Natasha went back to her normal sleeping pattern last night and slept until 6.30 this morning had a bottle and went back to sleep until 10.00 - I gave her two teaspoons of babyrice yesterday evening so maybe she has been hungry after all - Hopefully it will last.

Cleckner: I know its funny all kids would have watched tv in our house too, but I just prefer to entertain her myself and feel bad for sticking her in front of it yesterday but I had tried everything else and nothing worked. Sorry to hear Emma is fussy and hopefully she settles down soon. I find I am much better able to cope when Natasha is fussy now too, I think the more we get used to our babies the better we cope, mind you I found it hard yesterday as I felt so bad with this cold.

MJ: I dont blame your for getting worked up, all that advice is the last thing your friend needs at the moment, the first month or two after having a baby are hard enough and it is especially hard for her with all her health problems and she should be able to formula feed if she wants or needs to without people passing comments or judging her. I also have fibromyalgia and it is really hard going when you dont get enough sleep. I really hope she doesn't listen to that woman on her blog and it all works out. I hope the colief works for Adam and he settles down.

AuntyE: Delighted the move is all over and done with and you are now settled in and your broadband is back. That is a real pain that the vendor didn't do her job properly. I hope Imogen settles down soon, Natasha went haywire on us for the last week with her sleeping but went back to normal last night - I think teeth and things knock them out sometimes and hopefully she is just adjusting to the new house and will settle soon.

Spidey: Those laughs are the best aren't they. Natasha started about 2 two weeks ago, but she isn't laughing all the time, she only does it every now and again. I think they all have different times for things, a lot of the babies here are rolling and our little woman is not making any attempt at it.

Booth: Sorry to hear you can't get to the meet - I wont be able to either as I am in Ireland and OH will be working also and I wouldn't attempt to fly on my own with LO.

Well I'm gonna run as I'm meeting friends for lunch.
cleck - thanks for the advice on the necklace, i'm going to start leaving it on her at night then, as im pretty confident it'll just pop off if she gets it caught (which i doubt will happen anyway) i've also got her a bracelet too, so can always leave that on her if i get a bit worried! I also find myself calmer in the big crying' situations too, although i do get a bit upset if i cant help her iykwim?:dohh:

MJ - some people are so inconsiderate when it comes to baby's and BF especially. I myself have FF Kara from the day she came home. She was on breast milk for the two weeks she was in special care, which i had to express every three hours, and it was damn hard work with all the stress i had from Kara coming early and being in special care etc. I never intended to BF Kara, not even EBM, i always wanted to FF her, i know breast is best, but i just felt a bit uncomfortable actually doing it iykwim? i think ive got the idea in my head that my boobies are 'sexual' etc, and i just didn't fancy breastfeeding. Now though im sooooo glad i expressed milk in the beginning as i know she had the best when she needed it the most, in fact i think i'm going to try BF or at least express for the next baby. My best friend on the other hand who recently had a baby insisted on BF'ing, and made me feel like a bad mother for wanting to FF, anyway in the end she actually couldn't BF her son in the end, he just wouldn't latch on and he lost a pound in 5 days, so she was left with no choice but to bottle feed him, and she says she will do her next baby too as she found the stress of trying to BF too much. So everyone and every baby is different, and yes everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but it may not always be the right one. and like someone else said if ff was so bad then they wouldn't sell it would they. i say as long as a baby is happy and healthy it doesnt matter whether he/she is BF or FF, and at the end of it all its our individual decision to make, so tell your friend to just ignore the ignorant comments hun!

Aunty E - :thumbup: on the brouad band and the house move going, err sort of ok lol! and congraulations on the new additions!

Spidey - Kara did start laughing a few weeks ago, probably about 3 or 4 weeks ago actually. she did the odd one at first and now she just sits there giggling to herself, at nothing lol! apparently when they learn to do something new they will do it more and more often because it intrigues them, seems to have some truth in it anyway!

Boothh - maybe if we cant make it to this meet, we could meet on the train in the summer and go to the 2nd meeting together? Just a thought?

Jeir - glad to hear Natasha is back to her old sleep routine, i am envious of you! Kara has been sleepin 10 hours a night for the past few weeks, up until monday, when everything seemed to go a bit pear shaped!

AFU - well as i was just saying, Kara's sleeping seems to have gone a bit funny, she was going 10 hours a night, but not since monday. she's still sleeping, just about 6 hours instead, and she's stirring a lot more which in turn wakes me up as i think she's waking up lol! :dohh: i have know idea why she's started to do it though, maybe i should start putting her in her cotbed in her nursery :shrug: she's still in our room in a bassinet travel cot, next to our bed, and i'll find it hard putting her in a different room, as i like to lean over and feel her tummy going up and down lol! :wacko: i know! lol!

Im so so so so soooooo excited for christmas guys, i put kara's presents under the tree today, may have to move them (or at least some of them) again though as they're taking up a lot of space lol! aww cant wait! and omg its snooooooooowing! hope its a white christmas for our baba's 1st! :happydance::happydance::happydance: xx (woooaahh massive post sorry!)

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