--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Ok - so a quick catch up - trying to remember what everyone has said - so sorry if I miss you out - doesn't mean I don't love ya!

jelr - SOOOOOOOOOOO glad that Natasha got the all clear - what a MARVELLOUS early Christmas present for you!

Spidey - I think babies laughing is probably the BEST sound in the world - enjoy!

MJ - grrrrr at people giving HIGHLY innapropriate advice to your friend, sounds like she needs support and honest, and most importantly correct information!

Booth, sorry you won't be able to make the meet - hopefully the next one though x

Shadow - sorry Vince didn't do well not being swaddled - i am sure he will get used to it given time.

Ash and Cleck - where did you get your amber necklaces from? I think I am going to get one, OH thinks i am a bit barmy, but if it will help then has gotta be worth a shot!

Cleck - glad you have met some like minded, crafty girls -I hope this will make your time apart from OH more bareable for you.

hmmmmmmmmmmm so who have I missed.................

AE - glad the move went ok, sorry that Imogen has not been sleeping too well since, she must be like me, ittakes me a while to get used to a new place.

anyone else................................nope, I got nothing - sorry!

as for us............
well I weighted in today - 10st 4 1/2 lbs - which is a 1lb loss since last week. (2.5 lbs away from xmas target so obviously not gonna make that, but still any loss is impressive considering the amount of lindor I ate last week (2 boxes to be precise ;o()

I just marzipanned my Christmas cake. First time I have done this and it actually looks good - nice and smooth - am embarrassingly quite proud of myself!

David has finished work until 4th Jan now!!! So we are going Canterbury Christmas Shopping tomorrow (although I have most of mine done!) and it is supposed to snow! I hope so!

Oh and still no luck with Sophia and a bottle - can't win 'em all!

Is anyone else watching all the Christmas cooking programmes and getting a) very festive and b) very hungry?!?!?!?!?!? Can't wait for my sausage in bacon!! What is everyone elses favourite bit of Christmas dinner?

Hugs to all x
Yes that is a good idea ash, I think it
would be alot easier doing the whole train thing when they are
a few months older, jess has a very short attention span and I really don't want to be on a train with a very fussy teething 4 month ol haha x
Booth - thats my main problem too, Kara has a short attention span, she always needs to be occupied, and in the summer when shes a bit older i know she'll be more interested in toys and things so it'll be easier to keep her busy! And she'll be in her pushchair then, which is easier to take along etc! you never know if we meet up first to get the train we could both have babies AND bumps! exciting!

shiv- well done on the weight! Come january im going to really start hardcore dieting! I want to drop at least 2 stone before i go back to work in april, im thinking of buying a treadmill, but i may as well just get Kara in her buggy and go for a walk, it'll be cheaper!lol!

Shame about Sofia, she'll come around when she's ready!

Looooooving the christmas cooking shows! Im really looking forward to it, i know Kara doesn't know any different, but its just the start for us, every year will get better and better! Favorite part of my christmas dinner errrrrr, o gosh thats a tough one as my mum makes them sooooo well! Have to say the Gravey or stuffing for me lol! YUM!!! only ONE WEEK TO GO!

On another note oh my god, how fast has this year gone?? its slipped away and i didnt even notice! Best year of my life though without a doubt! This time last year i was soooooo ill, i never even got to touch my xmas dinner thanks to my morning sickness, i actually thought i was dying over christmas and new year lol! Anyway its a new year this time and my little angel will be here this time to enjoy a bit of christmas veg herself! xx
just a note you might all want to hear.

DENTINOX TEETHING GEL IS ON PRODUCT RECALL (only some batches are affected please check yours)

my mum saw the notice in sainsburys yesterday, and i checked it online, here is the official warning:


dont worry ladies, i just thought i should pass on the info xxx
Haha I know, I'm so excited to ge pregnant again we
must be mental ash hahaha,
we want all our babies while were young though and were both 20 now, so we won't be past it when the babies have all grown up, Jesse loves his rattles now and loves to try and feed himself, he will hold and bite and chew with
his gums a biscuit an he looks so proud of himself when does it, he's great with his hands and starting to try and sit up by himself, but still no rolling, they all do advance differantly though so I'm not worried, :)
I'm so excited or Christmas it's gunna be Jesses first time
in his highchair and he's gunna have blended up Christmas dinner
with us, I can't wait now I think he's really gunna enjoy his toys and be less bored during the day, I think he needs things to keep him stimulated now so I'm excited
to see his reaction!
Hello my girlies :D

Well a quick catch up with you all and then I'll fill you in on our last few days...

MJ, your friend with the ME and Fibro and Lupus sounds like she's having the exact same problems I had trying to BF Vince. I was soooo dead set that I wanted to BF him, but the combination of him not latching properly (resulting in HIDEOUS pain whenever I tried to feed him), my complete exhaustion and insomnia the week after he was born and difficulty getting him in a good position with my joints all playing up just made it impossible for me. I would still try to BF my second I think, in the hope that they latch on better and it's not so mega painful for me, but it is NOONE'S right to give ANYONE a hard time about not BF, whatever the reasons. I hope your friend can make the right choice for herself and her little one in the long run :hugs:

Cleck, you're right, it seems like we've all had fussy babies lately! On your advice, I went for it and ordered an amber necklace for Vince (a "boyish" one hahaha), if it doesn't work then it wasn't that expensive anyway, but if he has more trouble when a tooth is starting to cut then I'd like to have every resource at my disposal in the hope that something helps him! As for the TV thing, I must say I don't have much of a problem with TV for very little kids. The time when I think it's important to turn the TV off plenty is when they should be out running around with friends, getting physical exercise and social skills and stuff. I don't sit Vince in front of the TV for hours, but if I were yoyu I wouldn't beat myself up about putting it on as a distraction every now and then :flower: I think at this age it just helps their language skills and everything, as well as giving you a few minutes to dash about and get on with household stuff! :thumbup: It's such a shame you think you might not be able to make the summer meet, I do hope you're wrong about that, but keep us posted my love! xxx

Aunty E, great to hear you're in finally and have BB up and running :D Hope you guys settle in there quickly and that Imogen gets used to her new surroundings soon. Good luck with all those gorgeous kittens!! xxx

Spidey - YAY :yipee: for a laughing Kira!! Vince has been doing it a little while now, but he doesn't sit and giggle to himself much, he will only really laugh when we do silly things and make him laugh, his dad is the best at that!!

Boothh :( So sorry you probably won't make the meet this time, but like Ash says maybe you would feel up to braving the train when Jesse is a bit bigger in the summer time?

Jelr, yay for proper sleeping! Maybe the baby rice helped a little, sounds like her first introduction to solids went well :thumbup:

Ash, could Kara be getting more hunbgry possibly? Can you increase her feeds at all to see if it helps her get back her good sleeping pattern? Hehehe I am excited for Christmas too, I haven't wrapped Vince's presents yet but may well do that tonight after he's in bed :wohoo:

Shiv, thanks re: swaddling, I am not even going to think about it or worry about it now until after Christmas, I've had lots of advice from mums of older kids (and OH's mum!) saying that they swaddled until 12 months or more and had no problems later. So I'm thinking "whatever!" now!! Hehe :) WELL DONE again on your weight loss, I have stopped thinking about it now till after Christmas but I've not put anything extra on (still on 75kg ish) so I'm happy with that for now :D Favourite bit of Christmas dinner? I'm with you I think, gotta be the pigs-in-blankets!!!

OK, on to an update from us:

We've had a really really lovely few days with Vince, we have gone back to just bottles for a few days partly because of what you said, MJ, about maybe his sytem is getting a bit stuffed up with everything. Well, maybe you were right, because he's been so happy and sweet lately! He has had some pretty nasty runny poos but they haven't bothered him at all. Lately he won't nap in the daytime at all unless he is on his tummy on my chest, but I secretly love that because it gives me a chance to just chill on the sofa and it feels soooo yummy to have him snuggled up on me! And it's sort of a special thing for me, as I couldn't BF him for very long so we didn't have that special bond for very long, it's kind of lovely that he "needs" me in that way :) He's back to sleeping a good 11 or more hours at night, which has given us lovely evenings to have some "adult time".
Oh, and he is LOVING his Jumperoo now!!! I mean, he has just started REALLY bouncing high in it, he just adores the thing, it can keep him amused for a good half an hour now which is amazing!

So generally everything is just lovely around here :thumbup: But we've had some issues with Fin and her bloody mother... Contact with Finlay is still wonderful and we all have so much fun, but at the last session she told us that she's been wanting to phone but hasn't been allowed (the court order specifies that she has to be allowed to phone her dad whenever she wants to) and also that she has written a couple of letters to us and has given them to her mum to post, but surprise surprise we haven't received anything. Also, she brought a little scrapbook diary thing to the contact session to show us, she has stuck everything we've sent her in it and has written her own little notes next to it, it is all soooo sweet: She has photos of Vince in it and she's written "My little bro, Vincent! (Newborn)" and "My baby bro... Aaaaawww!!" and "Vince" "Vinnie - my twin!!" and things, which was just soooooo lovely to read! She only did that recently too, so she can't be thinking too badly about him and our situation, can she? :D That warmed my heart :) But another crappy thing, she has stuck letters from us in there too, but they are all covered in black marker and biro scribbles where her mum "fixed" them before letting Fin read them: It means that not only is she opening the envelope addressed to Finlay and reading the letters before giving them to her, but she is actually scribbling stuff out that she doesn't want Finlay to read! (Including our address and phone number, so that Fin couldn't send letters or call us herself even if she wanted to!) :grr: We are super pissed off about that, to say the least!! There was a stern letter written to OH's solicitor, and the court will be made aware of it, so hopefully we can set something better up after the next hearing in Feb.

Aaaaanyway, sorry about the selfish huge paragraph about meeeee!! Hope you're all well and happy and looking forward to an awesome first Christmas with those little Lion Cubs!

A very-refreshed-and-grateful-to-the-Jumperoo Shadow! x x x x
Oh, and I'm gonna be a pain and keep asking about who can make the suggested date for the meet:

Monday 11th January

:D Thanks girls! xx
Hey all

Well are many of you snowed in, we had some showers here in Ireland but on the news it said that there was some places full of snow in the UK and it made me think of you all.

Ashnbump: I hope Kara gets back into her sleeping pattern for you soon, I think it was a combination of teeth waking her and then realising she was hungry was what knocked her out for the last week, but it did only last a week, so hopefully it will settle down, it may be like Shadow says it may be hunger, Natasha went back to normal the first night I gave her two teaspoons of baby rice in the evening instead of one. Thanks for the info on the dentinox.

Shiv: Thanks you so much - we were only saying that the day we were in the hospital, it is the best christmas present we could get. Well done on the weight loss, you are so near your target I am jelous, I still have 1 and a half to 2 stone to lose. My favourite bit of the christmas dinner is the Ham and stuffings especially sausage stuffing yum yum. I so hope Sophia gives you a big christmas present and starts taking a bottle.

Natasha: I can't wait for Christmas too to give Natasha her toys as she does seem bored with everything she has lately - It is all so exciting isn't it.

Shadow: Thanks I'm delighted she is sleeping again - it terrible to be going backwards instead of forwards lol - she is still really fussy during the day but it is easier to deal with when I have had proper sleep at night. So sorry to hear you are getting hassle with Fin's mother, that is so horrible to have blacked out stuff in the letters and not letting her phone, the poor little thing. It doesn't sound like she has a problem with Vince, do you think she may?? I really hope the solicitor can sort something out. Yay for Vince settling down and hopefully it will last. I wont be able to make the meet as I was saying as DH will be working and I wouldn't chance such a long journey with LO.

Well as for us, Natasha is still fussy, but I really think it is her teeth, so hopefully the teething necklace will arrive soon. The weaning is going well, I'm still following that book and it seems to be working well. We started with a teaspoon of baby rice at lunch, well when I say a teaspoon it is a spoon of the rice powder with 6 or 7 spoons of formula added in and we did that for 2 days then we started giving another spoon at dinner as well and did that for 2 days and then for the last 3 days we have upped the evening one to two teaspoons, tomorrow she will have a cube of pear for lunch and the 2 spoons of rice in the evening and again we will do that for 3 days, It is so handy that I have all the food pureed now and frozen so we are all set - It is more tastes we are giving her now and a little top up for her bottles as she was getting hungry but I give the bottle first as the book says that all the vitamins and minerals are in the bottle so they still need 4 to 5 bottles a day and after 6 months the book suggests to give food first and then the bottle as she will need to be getting more established on food before her iron stores go and that the bottle may fill them and they may refuse food. I can't wait to see her reaction to the pear tomorrow and hopefully it will keep going as well as it has been - but it is early days and she has only had the baby rice and it could all go pear shaped now this week when we start to add in other tastes.

Question: How long do your babies nap for at a time during the day, Natasha still only seems to have 3 to 4 20 to 30 minute sleeps during the day and does seem very tired the last few days, it may be that she is more tired the last few days between her teeth and she has a tiny touch of our cold (just a dry cough really) - but I have been reading on the net that sometimes when babies only nap for 20 to 30 mins it is that they only go through one sleep cycle and dont know how to settle themselves into the next, so I'm just wondering what everyone elses babies do and if anybody has any suggestions to her napping a little longer as I'm thinking maybe if she was more rested she may have more tolerance with her teeth as she was really frustrated a few times today. The tips on the internet are white noise machines or cds or letting them fuss it out for a few minutes. I dont know if I would be able to let her fuss it out and am a bit skeptical about the white noise, so I'm really open to suggestions or if anybody has had a success the fussing or white noise.

Oh and on Sunday it will be a year since we found out I was pregnant - When I was pregnant it felt like time had stopped and now it feels like the year has flown by.

Hope you all have a great weekend. :hugs:
Sorry guys another huge post lol and I just realised my grammer is desperate in that post so sorry about that lol
I can't wait to see her reaction to the pear tomorrow
it could all go pear shaped now this week when we start to add in other tastes.

:rofl: hehehe was the pun intentional? I'm sure she will love the pear, Vince adores fruity stuff, I think it's nice and easy for them and a yummy sweet taste too :D Let us know how she gets on!

I know you can't make the meet, which is such a shame :( I'd really love to meet you, as I'm sure lots of others would too, maybe some day?? :flower:

Regarding the napping, Vince is just the same, he cannot nap during the day for longer than 20 or 30 minutes either. Lately he won't even do that without being on my chest on his tummy. So any advice you get with the napping thing, I'll be keeping a beady eye out to steal some tips too!! :D

Adam naps pretty well, he will sleep for at least an hour and a half twice a day, sometimes over 2hrs, and then most of the evening before we put him to bed. But I don't know why, so that's not much use. His routine is: wake between 7 and 9, bottle (now 8oz) about 20 mins later, wind and sit quietly with me for 10 mins, then into bouncing chair for 30-45 mins (I talk to him, he is next to me on the settee, and he watches while I do things and we have nice times, he also plays with his toys, but I, too, think he mght be getting bored and want new things! good thing it is Christmas next week), nappy change and then he usually gets grumpy/tearful and goes into moses basket, dummy in, blanket, music on (his special Simon & Garfunkel track, but if he's tired enough he doesn't need music) and that's it. Usually wakes a couple of times for a minute or so but it's rare that he sleeps less than an hour without going back to sleep. Then when he wakes, he's usually hungry for another bottle and the whole cycle starts again.

In the afternoon, if we don't go out, we'll have a play on the floor and maybe some nappy free time either before or after his nap. His last bottle before bed is anywhere between 3.30pm and 6pm, if it's earlier we will give him a small bottle in the early evening as well. Evening, he naps with Chris on the settee (he rarely naps on me in the day though he did today) and then we start the bedtime routine at 10pm. Because his routine is so settled for now, I feel fairly certain I'll know when he needs more milk/start on solids. He does have some grumpier days, sometimes he'll cry and not settle, not want to sit in the chair and I'll have to walk round with him or bounce on the ball, this is almost always after his teatime bottle, when he's most likely to be troubled with the winds. THAT seems to be his issue mostly if he is not acting normally.

I don't know, I think he just happens to enjoy his bed (takes after Mummy there!). But you watch, this'll change and he'll turn into a toddler who refuses to sleep...

Shadow, great news that V has settled down again - I really do think they like to shake things up and keep us guessing!

Shiv, my favourite part of Christmas dinner is the roast potatoes, but I also love the sausages & bacon and the GRAVY. :D mmmm, I am really hungry for my big Christmas dinner now, even though I am full of Maltesers (Coop had a massive box for half price, £2.20... eeeek). Also hope Sophia develops a sudden liking for the bottle in time for Christmas... but it's just this year, if she doesn't, next year and thereafter will be different (till you have number 2 anyway!)

speaking of chocolate, things have not been very good. Tuesday I was still 10 9, so STILL up 1lb on 2 weeks ago. which is annoying but am trying not to feel bothered. hoping not to do too much damage over the next week but am pledged to start the whole dieting properly thing on Jan 2nd. :D

not going swimming tomorrow. think I overdid it last week because my knee has been very painful since. it's so upsetting because when I stopped BF, my pelvis FINALLY stopped hurting for the first time in about 8 months, and my knees stopped aching like they had been, and then I do something entirely different to my right knee. no idea what but it feels very weak and I am nervous of falling with AE (after his accident last week I am hyper aware of danger now). it hurts most when I stand and then twist without moving my foot, so there is pressure somewhere on my knee going round that way. hard to describe, but I made a doc's appt for Tuesday, so will see. last time he gave me ibuprofen gel, which is useless. :(

thanks for the Dentinox info, Ash, and sorry you and Boothh can't make this meet, you too jelr. :(

Wow, it's been quiet in here lately! I guess we're all getting all ready for Christmas :D

Want to say WELCOME to Cazza1982 and baby Charlie!! :bunny: :bunny: A late joiner, but I'm sure you'll fit in perfectly :) Make her welcome, guys!! :happydance:

As for us, another lovely day today, I am trying to enjoy it for as long as it lasts: I'm not sure what exactly has changed to make him so settled and happy lately, the only things that are different are that he is having 2 or 3 naps (very short ones: 20 or 30 mins each) on me every day now, and that we've not given him any solids in a while... :shrug: Maybe you were right, MJ, and he just wasn't ready for solids yet, and we'd been trying to give them to him too early... I'm now thinking that we might not give him any solids for a fair while now, and then go for the BLW method perhaps, when he is big enough to pop food in his mouth himself... :shrug: not sure yet.... Will play it by ear for the time being and enjoy how happy he is!

x x x x x
hey Shadow... great to hear Vince is still settled, that must be a relief for you, so happy you have your cheerful boy back! long may it last, eh!

we've been out today, over to Chris's mum, his younger cousin came over as well (he's staying the night there tonight), he's bigger than Adam, it's funny, he has a bigger head and he's bigger built and heavier but AE is taller. there's only 2.5 weeks between them, it's practically nothing. he's sweet, I had a lovely cuddle with him, think AE was a bit jealous!

as for Christmas, bar one very small present to wrap and one card to write (to Adam!) I am all done. it's a miracle. usually I am only this done on Christmas Eve! I am the one at the post office sending packages special delivery on the 23rd!

so cold today. SO glad I bought a snowsuit for AE a month or so ago, wasn't sure if he'd need it but Sainsbury's had a 25% off all clothing thing (they've had a few, they're great) and I saw this nice one in tan cord for £14, so £11 something. nice and cosy.

BUT I have had a bit of a disaster - I've lost Adam's blanket :cry: - it's not one he had in the hospital, his first one or anything, and I can't say HE has a favourite, but it was my favourite, a very soft knitted cotton with a silk ribbon trim, white, so cuddly and soft. I have used it as he naps in the basket (since he doesn't use blankets at night) and I decided to take it to Chris's mum's today. I slung it over the changing bag, picked up a few other things and went out to the car and it must have dropped off without me noticing because I remembered it when we were halfway to Richmond and it wasn't in the car. :cry: I looked when we got home, not in the house, not in the street either. It's gone. I'm sad. But about to look and see if I can still get it - we bought it from Dunelm Mill when I was 30 weeks pregnant, in June. If I can I'll buy another, even though we have 3 other blankets (this was the nicest).

ok, going to look now.
well, I found the blanket and have ordered it for next-day delivery. :D Monday I hope, don't know if they mean Tuesday. As long as it's here Wednesday that's fine, as I really want to take it up north. Adam will be travelling in his travel grobag, but he likes to be wrapped in it when he naps. might need to take it into bed with me and it'll pick up our scent and be all comforting for him and not have the new smell about it for long.

welcome Cazza1982, good to have you with us! I remember you from the thread I posted in Formula Feeding. how is Charlie doing?

Has anyone's LO's actually cut any teeth through yet? I think we should post piccies when they do!! :haha: Cute little baby teeth. I don't know what made me think of it but just wondering if any of the August babes actually have teeth yet?! :shrug: Emma has bumps on the bottom front two but nothing actually out yet.
Cleck, I know of at least two Lion Cubs who have cut a tooth already, that's bun's boy Brandon-Li and MollyApple's girl Jorja... Not sure if there are any more! I hope Vince gets one soon :happydance:
Hi girls, sorry i've been MIA for so long, been popping on but had LOTS going on. Will try and catch up shortly xxx
Hi everyone!! So sorry that i have not been posting very often i seem to have lost the capacity in my little brain lol!
Well i had a letter about Elinor from bristol childrens hospital yesterday and (if you dont mind i'll post what it says because i have no actual clue what this appointment is for!!

Dear parent or guardian


Clinic : Peadiatric surgery
Consultant team : Mr R G Garrett Cox
On : TUESDAY 12-JAN-2010 at 11:20am

We are writing this letter to remind you of the above appointment made for your child on your last visit to out-patients.

Ive never had an outpatients appointment there and im confused is this her surgery?? Is this just a follow up??


Anyway im glad to hear that everything is okay with Natasha, Jelr!!

I will get back to posting a bit more often i just have to work through this depression :(

Love and miss you all!!
I've enjoyed reading some of your schedules with your little ones so I'm going to post mine- plus Kira is napping on me and I have nothing better to do! :haha:

So, I think my Kira is a bit needy, or strong willed... or difficult, because she will only nap if I hold her (or is being held by a person). If she doesn't nap, she gets sooooo cranky, so I do what I need in order for her to sleep.

We wake around 7:45am each morning. We co-sleep, so either I am already snuck off to work (I sneak off at 6am) and DH wakes Kira to take her to my mums, or we wake up together. Get dressed, play, do some chores as she watches the mobile in the crib she doesn't use :haha: .... then she eats and sometimes naps while feeding. If not, I will dance around to music and she falls asleep in my arms within a few minutes. Then I plop down on the couch and watch tv as she snoozes, usually for 1 hour. When she wakes we repeat the cycle... play, chores, feed, nap. Some afternoons she takes a 3 hour nap and I watch 3 hours of crap tv while holding her! So all in all, she takes about 4-5 hours of naps each day, and sleeps from 8pm until 7:45am, but during the night she will eat about 3 or 4 times. I also go to bed at 8pm with her. :blush: She's on the breast atleast 1 time each hour- but she eats a "large" meal about every 3 hours and in between she just takes a few swigs to keep going.

I haven't been around babies before, but I have a feeling Kira isn't an "easy baby", but I don't mind. I love holding her as she sleeps. We had a difficult start with her because she had to spend a week in the NICU with a breathing tube.. etc... and after she recovered I knew how lucky I was to have a healthy baby. I remember other mothers complaining about various things in the recovery ward of the hospital while I was in my room recovering from the birth with no baby and wondering if I would ever take my little girl home. I think that changed me forever.
We had a difficult start with her because she had to spend a week in the NICU with a breathing tube.. etc... and after she recovered I knew how lucky I was to have a healthy baby. I remember other mothers complaining about various things in the recovery ward of the hospital while I was in my room recovering from the birth with no baby and wondering if I would ever take my little girl home. I think that changed me forever.

Thats exactly how i feel hun im so protective of Elin i love to just sit and hold her its the most amazing feeling in the world even if my bum does go numb lol!!

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