--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

:wave: Just flying through tonight guys to let you know that I'll be MIA for a week: I'm doing READING AND INTERNET DEPRIVATION next week! From Monday 21st until Sunday 27th I will not be coming online for ANYTHING, no emails, no forums, no Facebook... It's for a creativity course I'm doing, I'm excited and yet petrified, not sure what I'll do with myself for the whole week, but hopefully plenty of creative, playful stuff! Just no reading! Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and will catch up when the week is through! :D


P.S. THE MEET: Given that it's taking a little while to get an idea of who can make the date I suggested, I'm going to leave things as they are until after Christmas. If anyone fancies popping reminders on here (MJ??? :winkwink:) to ask everyone whether they can make the 11th, or if anyone fancies suggesting another date or doing anything at all this week coming, then please please do go right ahead, I will not be the tiniest bit annoyed or anything!! :flower: If not, I'll try to get cracking sorting something more solid when I get back online in a week :)

Hey all.

Shadow: lol I didn't even realise that I had wrote about the pear and then pear shaped ha ha I really was asleep writing that post. Best of luck with the reading and internet deprivation - its probably the best week to do it with it being Christmas as you will be plenty busy and wont even notice that you can't go online or read.

MJ: Dont worry about the 1lb up honey - this time of the year is so hard to keep away from all the sweets - I haven't even weighed myself being honest as I know it will only annoy me and I dont want to be thinking of my weight everytime I eat over Christmas so I'm gonna go hell for leather after Christmas alright. Glad to hear you managed to find that nice blanket for Adam again there is nothing as bad as losing something that you love so much :-(

Welcome Cazza and baby charlie :hugs:

Cleckner: No sign of any teeth here and not even any lumps but the poor little thing is sufferring so much this week with them - really hoping the amber necklace comes soon and works for her.

vici: Good to see you, hope all is well.

Samstar: Thanks we are delighted too that the appointment went so well - that appointment sounds like an outpatients appointment - I know over here long before any surgery they see you in outpatients to discuss everything about the surgery and examine you and take pre op notes and tell you how long you will have to wait until surgery - could this appointment be for that - I really hope they give you a date for Elin soon - Is there a secretary's number on the letter, maybe give her a ring to see exactly what the appointment is. So sorry to hear you are feeling a bit down - you have had so much to deal with this year you poor thing - its any wonder it is getting on top of you. :hugs: and hope you are feeling back on top soon.

Spidey: I think that would definitely change you and thankfully you do have your precious little one now - I would love to sit and cuddle Natasha like that sometimes but she is the total opposite and hates being held by anyone when she is tired. I know most people tell me I should be grateful and its better than her always wanting to be held - but I love holding her and would love her just to cuddle into me and fall asleep sometimes.

Thanks for all the advice on the schedules guys - am gonna start writing down when she naps and how much sleep she is getting to see if there is any pattern and I'm going to maybe put one of the relaxing music cds for one of the naps to see if she will last any longer because the poor little thing is so tired the last few days and I reckon it is because she is not going into a deep sleep at all during the day so hopefully it will work and hopefully I can fit in the longer sleep just after one of her bottles as I think part of the problem is she tends to fall asleep not long before her bottle is due so she is probalby getting hungry too - Ah well it is all trial and error.

As for the solid food - she had a cube of pear today and yesterday for her lunch and lapped it into her aswell - although I think the pear was a little sour for her as yesterday she pulled some funny faces. Hopefully the carrot at lunch on Tuesday will go as well.
Morning Ladies!

I just thought I would pop on here quickly just to say hi and that I am looking forward to being part of the lion cubs!

I have to go and feed the little man now but I shall have a good look through what has been happening to get up to speed and be in touch shortly (hungry baby boy allowing!).

Hope you all are good.

Adam has discovered his squeal and my goodness he is overusing it right now! I guess it's a novelty - just wish it didn't hurt my ears... :rofl: and I wish I didn't automatically think he's hurt in some way when he does it.

He napped loads today and consequently didn't want to nap when Chris got home. He usually sleeps on him all evening, well he didn't nap for a minute, didn't settle. It actually infuriates me that Chris insinuated that it was my fault in some way that Adam was wide awake, like I can control when he sleeps! Like I kept him awake on purpose. And it also infuriates me that C gets annoyed, though he tries not to get angry with AE, that he is doing something different, as though he is a bloody robot that's having a malfunction or something. GAH.

So I didn't get a rest tonight, had to play with him most of the evening because C didn't know what to do, he's not good at adjusting himself to what is, he'd rather try to push AE into what HE wants him to do. And I warned him that he's likely to squeal and scream when he's getting his bottle since it is what he's done earlier today (not all bottles but the tea time one definitely). They are up there now and I have had to close the living room door (normally it is propped open) because I don't want to hear it.

I just can't believe that C is so rigid! Inflexible. AE has been so predictable that you could almost set your watch by what he did and when but I knew that wouldn't last because he's not acting in the same way as 4 months ago or 3 or even 2, he changes all the time, just because he's been easy in the evenings thus far does not mean a thing! it's been great for C, he's had a gorgeous sleepy baby boy to come home to, who just wants to snuggle with daddy and sleep all evening, and now maybe he won't get that, maybe he'll get a squealing, playful, wide-awakey baby... and he just bloody HAS TO GET USED TO IT, same as I have had to adjust myself to whatever way different he is each day.

gah. Sorry, I really need to RANT there.

he was actually very good during the day today. and he tends to be very good on days we go out (we didn't go anywhere yesterday or today), I think I will try to get out tomorrow, in the afternoon, as if he doesn't get a chance for a long nap he should be more tired later. And it's not that I want him to go back to napping in the evening for C, part of me hopes he doesn't and shakes things up, but because after playing with him and caring for him all alone all day, it's bugging me that I have to carry on all by myself at night because his father doesn't know what to do and I get tired.

Most of all I want C not to be annoyed. To just accept how things are, grow a pair and DEAL WITH IT. It's going to get a lot noisier round here, oh, for the next 18 years, may as well get used to it.

Hi Cazza - Welcome to our little group.

MJ: Sorry to hear that Chris is annoying you at the moment - it will probably just take him a little longer to adjust to AE changing and in the next few months AE's routine will change so much Chris will have to just get used to it as from here on in I think our LO's are going to be changing all of the time as they develop more and more.

Well our Amber teething necklace arrived today so hopefully it will help the little woman cope better with her teeth - I had it on most of the day and she wasn't as cranky as she has been but I dont know if that was just fluke or not - hopefully its not a fluke and is working - she was a little cranky in the afternoon but that was just as she was wrecked and was fighting her sleep.

Dont know how much I will get on in the next week with Christmas as we are cooking Christmas dinner for the first time this year and are having all of my family over and then we are going to DH's family for St. Stephens day (Boxing Day in the UK) - so I would say it will be a little mad.

Just in case I'm not on again - I just want to wish you all a lovely Christmas - Hope you all have a ball with Santa. :hugs: to all. Xx
hi guys,hope u all doing well,i got an eraly xmas pressie today, a bfp :happydance:
wow, congrats, costgang! you're going to be an August Mummy again! :D

jelr, if I don't see you again, have a wonderful Christmas! I will be on here as usual I think, heh, I don't take lengthy breaks from the internet for much... giving birth was about the only thing and only that because I couldn't be online!!

we have got an amber necklace for Adam but I haven't tried it on him yet because someone in Natural Parenting said they got a non-amber necklace (ie a duff) from the eBay shop that I bought it from, so I was going to return it unused and get a new one from somewhere else. The shop says you can return it if it has not been damaged but I know Adam and he'd get sick in it within about 10 minutes so if I ever want to return it it has to be totally unused. They say if it floats in salt water it is amber but I am concerned that would damage it as well. So I don't know what to do! I'd like to try it, it might be the real thing...

anyway. off topic I wanted to post this as it really made me laugh...clicky
Costgang- OMG!!! I'm so super envious of you right now. :haha: Good luck with everything! You'll have to keep us updated on how your pregnancy is going. :thumbup:

MJ- I just started giggling at that picture and letter. :rofl: How embarrassing but an awesome story to tell everyone when the child gets older.
hi guys,hope u all doing well,i got an eraly xmas pressie today, a bfp :happydance:

Wow congratulations and I am so jealous, I still really want to be pregnant again. Another August baby maybe :happydance: congrats.xxxxxx
Costang: OMG congrats and an August mummy again that is brill news. So happy for you.

MJ: What was the ebay shop as it was ebay I bought Natashas one and I really hope it is not a dud - She has worn it now so I wont be able to return it so I'm going to try and see will it float in the salt water - I so hope its not a dud. Merry Christmas to you too honey. xx

Ha ha so much for my Merry Christmas and I'm back on again - I may get a minute tomorrow evening but then I wouldn't say I will be back on until after St. Stephens day anyway. Had a hectic day today already getting my house cleaned as we are travelling to up to DH family tomorrow to drop off pressies and then we always head to town on Christmas eve and then mass that evening and then it will be potato peeling for us he he.

Hope you all have a great time in case I dont get on tomorrow. Xx
aw thanks everyone,im crapping myself, seriously didnt think it would happen that quick, due date is sept4, but will prob be induced 2 weeks early, if i get gd again,which is very likely,any1 else gonna join me?
OMG Costgang, congratulations - another August baby!!!! Wish you all the best. I will probably try again in about two years time (if at all) as I have three kids already. Merry Xmas to all
this one is absolutely,definately going to be my last, wont have anymore rrom in my car:haha:
heh, costgang, I'd love to join you but we won't be TTC till April/May at the earliest (if I still want another then, that is).

jelr, the ebay shop was blueskies something, it is labelled wee rascals. I have put it in salt water and can't tell if it floats as there is the string and the clasp that make it sink. I *think* it floated but I am not sure enough. so I rinsed it off and put it on the radiator on a bit of kitchen towel. can't smell any pine-ish scent so I am very dubious and it's going back.

Adam was so unsettled yesterday at teatime again, I was almost ripping my hair out... would only have half his bottle. then the same this morning but he did finish it eventually. last night I gave him some calpol, wasn't sure if I was doing it for the right reasons (for pain he might be having or to knock him out for my own sake) but he calmed right down and fell asleep in his chair (he rarely sleeps there).

so I don't know. I don't know. wishing this necklace was definitely the real thing because it's going to be after Christmas now till I can get one.
hey merry Christmas to all the lions lionesses and there cubs from me gemma and Kelsey


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Wow congrats costgang, and I could well be joining you I'm 8 days late I tested on the day I was due on but got BFN and I don't dare to test again, I don't wanna get my hopes up,
my mum bought Jesse an Amber teething necklace for Jesse for Christmas so he will try that tomorrow
happy Christmas from all of us to all of you :) xx
Congrats, Costgang! I echo everyone else's sentiments about being jealous. ;)

Sorry for not posting much but been trying to keep up on what everyone is doing.

MJ, I hope he settles down again.

Little guy was very sleepy yesterday but sort of understandable as he got his jabs the day before. He also did the longest bit of tummy time yesterday -- he was staring at one of the cats having a bath. :rofl:

Apparently the little guy will be a tall guy according to the doc (in 90th percentile?) and for his weight he's in the 81 percentile. Mind you, I'm still confuzzled as to what all this means.

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas, ladies, and to your families as well. May you have lots of health, wealth and happiness in the year to come!
hey booth, that would be cool if you are, fingers crossed, i did 1 test it was bfn, then nextday i did 1, was very faint, so i did 5 more to check and a digital one, so its def a bfp:happydance:
hey merry Christmas to all the lions lionesses and there cubs from me gemma and Kelsey

Awwww.. what a cutie! I love this picture! It would make a great custom Christmas card

Costgang- congrats!!!! You are a brave woman! Caring for a 4 month old plus morning sickness is not my idea of fun! I probably won't think of having my second until Kira is around 18 months old and I'm itching for a cuddly little newborn again.
Merry Christmas from our family to all of you!

Too bad this Christmas is getting off to a rough start. At midnight, Christian woke up screaming but managed to get him settled down with his soother. However, I've not slept much since and woke up with (it seems to be) a cold.

The little guy has received from his uncle and aunt two stuffed animals (which make noise of course) and a couple of pillows for his bed when he grows old enough to have them.

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