:wave: Just flying through tonight guys to let you know that I'll be MIA for a week: I'm doing READING AND INTERNET DEPRIVATION next week! From Monday 21st until Sunday 27th I will not be coming online for ANYTHING, no emails, no forums, no Facebook... It's for a creativity course I'm doing, I'm excited and yet petrified, not sure what I'll do with myself for the whole week, but hopefully plenty of creative, playful stuff! Just no reading! Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and will catch up when the week is through!
P.S. THE MEET: Given that it's taking a little while to get an idea of who can make the date I suggested, I'm going to leave things as they are until after Christmas. If anyone fancies popping reminders on here (MJ??? ) to ask everyone whether they can make the 11th, or if anyone fancies suggesting another date or doing anything at all this week coming, then please please do go right ahead, I will not be the tiniest bit annoyed or anything!! If not, I'll try to get cracking sorting something more solid when I get back online in a week
P.S. THE MEET: Given that it's taking a little while to get an idea of who can make the date I suggested, I'm going to leave things as they are until after Christmas. If anyone fancies popping reminders on here (MJ??? ) to ask everyone whether they can make the 11th, or if anyone fancies suggesting another date or doing anything at all this week coming, then please please do go right ahead, I will not be the tiniest bit annoyed or anything!! If not, I'll try to get cracking sorting something more solid when I get back online in a week