Adam has discovered his squeal and my goodness he is overusing it right now! I guess it's a novelty - just wish it didn't hurt my ears...

and I wish I didn't automatically think he's hurt in some way when he does it.
He napped loads today and consequently didn't want to nap when Chris got home. He usually sleeps on him all evening, well he didn't nap for a minute, didn't settle. It actually infuriates me that Chris insinuated that it was my fault in some way that Adam was wide awake, like I can control when he sleeps! Like I kept him awake on purpose. And it also infuriates me that C gets annoyed, though he tries not to get angry with AE, that he is doing something different, as though he is a bloody robot that's having a malfunction or something. GAH.
So I didn't get a rest tonight, had to play with him most of the evening because C didn't know what to do, he's not good at adjusting himself to what is, he'd rather try to push AE into what HE wants him to do. And I warned him that he's likely to squeal and scream when he's getting his bottle since it is what he's done earlier today (not all bottles but the tea time one definitely). They are up there now and I have had to close the living room door (normally it is propped open) because I don't want to hear it.
I just can't believe that C is so rigid! Inflexible. AE has been so predictable that you could almost set your watch by what he did and when but I knew that wouldn't last because he's not acting in the same way as 4 months ago or 3 or even 2, he changes all the time, just because he's been easy in the evenings thus far does not mean a thing! it's been great for C, he's had a gorgeous sleepy baby boy to come home to, who just wants to snuggle with daddy and sleep all evening, and now maybe he won't get that, maybe he'll get a squealing, playful, wide-awakey baby... and he just bloody HAS TO GET USED TO IT, same as I have had to adjust myself to whatever way different he is each day.
gah. Sorry, I really need to RANT there.
he was actually very good during the day today. and he tends to be very good on days we go out (we didn't go anywhere yesterday or today), I think I will try to get out tomorrow, in the afternoon, as if he doesn't get a chance for a long nap he should be more tired later. And it's not that I want him to go back to napping in the evening for C, part of me hopes he doesn't and shakes things up, but because after playing with him and caring for him all alone all day, it's bugging me that I have to carry on all by myself at night because his father doesn't know what to do and I get tired.
Most of all I want C not to be annoyed. To just accept how things are, grow a pair and DEAL WITH IT. It's going to get a lot noisier round here, oh, for the next 18 years, may as well get used to it.