Well hello gals, long time, no proper speak!! Firstly, i'd like to say I hope you all had a fabulous christmas with your LOs. Ours has been very strange with 2 losses just before, but Imogen has worked her magic, making us all smile

She was spoilt rotten and now we have to find places for all her new toys but so worth it

She even opened some herself
Had a nasty night a few weeks ago where Imi was scrwaming her head off for about 25 mins - nothing either of us could do would calm her down

I ended up on the phone to NHS direct and nearly had an ambulance out

Her temp was high (but not really high) and her ankle had gone a purpley colour and she had some red dots on her leg, but thankfully while the nurse was on the phone she calmed down and had her bottle from daddy - she said she wouldn't be doing this if she was really poorly and then within about an hour she had a MASSIVE poo and was happy as larry!! My god they can really scare you can't they!! I stayed awake most of the night so I could keep checking her

She really is a dream baby tho (although i've prob asked for it now lol) She is so content and happy, she very rarely crys - we just get grizzles sometimes and her fav place is laying on her blanket on the floor kicking and rolling about

She is def taking interest in things now - rattles, toys etc and rwaching out for them and rattling her rattles when hses holding them

Not sure on her weight atm but on 8th Dec (at 14 weeks) she was 14lb and 12oz!! We did have a laugh the other day tho, my OH weighed himself with Imi and my neice who is 1 year and 2 weeks older than Imi and there was only 6 1/2 lbs difference
News for us - we are going to book our wedding on Tuesday 0 is to be on Fri 1st October 2010, so excited

Gonna leave booking the honeymoon yet and make sure we have the wedding paid for as OH doesn't have much work on at the min

The dress I bought is off at the cleaners so hoping that cit comes back dirt free and i have my 4 bridesmaid dresses - £100 each at Debenhams but i got 4 for £125 through ebay and my friend

Planning is well on the way
11th Jan is fine for me, will need to figure out the best way to get there, thinking the train will be too expensive but i'll work something

Still not got my op date but they said I should get 3 weeks notice and I've had no letter yet
Not done any weighing in and I won't be for another week or so. I am enjoying my Christmas and then getting back on the wagon till the wedding
Right here we go, will do my best to catch up but it has been a long time!! Just skip to your name if you'd rather, it will def save you some time
jai_jai - good new year res hun, i think mine will have to be the same lol
spidey - fab piccie of Kira, she looks like she likes being in there

Imi has a pink jumperoo instead of a bouncer as we have no door frames for one to hang on (we are all open plan and only doors into bedrooms lol.
elly - hope Christian is OK now bless him

Glad you took Christian to ER, def better to be safe rather than sorry x
boothh - oooo, how can you not test hun? You must be fit to burst lol. Good luck x So sorry to hear about your Grandad hun
Carter - that pic is gorgeous, hope you had a lovely christmas
costgang - massive congrats hun, and another August baby

We are planning to try again as soon as we're married so October
MJ - thats terrible about your necklace, def get it sent back!! I've not looked into them yet so can't even recommend you a genuine place to buy

lol @ that picture

Sorry to hear Chris isn't adjusting with AE, hoping for you that he gets the point that babies change all the time and that it becomes easier for you x Did you get AEs new blanket? Did you find one just the same? While you're at it hun, punch that stupid uneducated woman for me too will you - what a stupid thing to say, especially to someone who could be about to start FF.
Just having a reading/typing break to feed to little hungry monster
Right i'm back to try and carry on where i left off lol
Shadow - hope your reading and internet deprivation is going well

That must be sooo hard nowadays

Glad to see V is more settled agin. We've not tried Imi on any solids yet and its def not doing her any harm - i decided to just wait till i think shes ready

Imi is going in her jumper now although she's still not grasped the whole bouncing thing yet - its more to look and touch the toys lol Sorry to hear about all the problems with Fins mum - that must be so so hard, especially for Lee

Hope the solicitors letter makes her realise she can't control it all

Can't remember if I replied re. swaddling on FB hun, but we have stopped now. I went for it whole hog and moved Imi into her big cot in her own room and stopped swaddling on the same night and it has been completly fine. I pop her in her sleeping bag and then put a blanket on but i tuck the blanket right in so she still feels secure. I guess my advice is to keep trying and he'll let you know when he's ready xx
Samstar - hay hun

hope you're doing OK> That app looks like an outpatients app. Did you call them?
cleck - no teeth for Imi although my god that girl can dribble lol. I'll def posta pic when she gets any (although if she's like my neice, she'll be walking before that happens

) So glad you met some ladies at your craft group, bet its such a relief with OH away
jelr - Imi is a real cat napper during the day - never normally for more than 30 mins ish but i don't mind this so much as long as she is giving mummy and daddy 12 hour nights lol Don't feel guilty about the TV hun, a little bit of anything never hurt anyone. Its not a bad thing to do and those few mins she might be settled, can give you enough "go" to get through till bedtime

So so glad to see that Natashas app went well, that is FAB news xx
ashnbump - thanks for the warning hun, we're not using anything yet so not a worry for us

Know what you mean about how fast this yr has gone, it seems sooo weird to think that this time last yr, I was so so excited and relieved to finally be pregnant and now she is here. But then on the other hand, it seems like only yesterday I did that test

That vid is sooooo cute hun

lol at the squeal, Imi's yet to find a squeal yet thank god
Shiv - well done on making your own christmas cake, i'm impressed. Was it nice?
AE - glad you're all in and it was before xmas. Bet you're chuffed. Hope you're getting settled nicely x
Well i think thats about as much catching up as I can do without going too far back!! I promise I will try and keep more updated now - things are def back on track so it should be OK