--Lion Cubs - Mummy and Baby Group!-- We are all One Year Old!

Kira loves her doorway jumper :happydance:


She was so overwhelmed at all the toys she got, but her favorites are a fishy thing that plays music and her jumper.
wow!! Costgang!! Congratulations hun :hug: really happy for you - how exciting to be having bubs around the same time again, I too am a little envious ;) but we won't be TTC for another 2 years!!

Boothh - FX for your :bfp: hope all goes the way you want it to!

Hope you all had a great Christmas (my NY resolution is to come on here more, I get distracted I am sorry :blush:)

But I think I am free 11th Jan :D so will be excited to meet you all then!!! :hugs:
Hi girls, I am now about to tempt a MONSTER catch up so be posting in about 2 hours lol xx
Well hello gals, long time, no proper speak!! Firstly, i'd like to say I hope you all had a fabulous christmas with your LOs. Ours has been very strange with 2 losses just before, but Imogen has worked her magic, making us all smile :) She was spoilt rotten and now we have to find places for all her new toys but so worth it :D She even opened some herself :D :cloud9:

Had a nasty night a few weeks ago where Imi was scrwaming her head off for about 25 mins - nothing either of us could do would calm her down :( I ended up on the phone to NHS direct and nearly had an ambulance out :( Her temp was high (but not really high) and her ankle had gone a purpley colour and she had some red dots on her leg, but thankfully while the nurse was on the phone she calmed down and had her bottle from daddy - she said she wouldn't be doing this if she was really poorly and then within about an hour she had a MASSIVE poo and was happy as larry!! My god they can really scare you can't they!! I stayed awake most of the night so I could keep checking her :sleep: She really is a dream baby tho (although i've prob asked for it now lol) She is so content and happy, she very rarely crys - we just get grizzles sometimes and her fav place is laying on her blanket on the floor kicking and rolling about :D She is def taking interest in things now - rattles, toys etc and rwaching out for them and rattling her rattles when hses holding them :cloud9: Not sure on her weight atm but on 8th Dec (at 14 weeks) she was 14lb and 12oz!! We did have a laugh the other day tho, my OH weighed himself with Imi and my neice who is 1 year and 2 weeks older than Imi and there was only 6 1/2 lbs difference :rofl:

News for us - we are going to book our wedding on Tuesday 0 is to be on Fri 1st October 2010, so excited :D Gonna leave booking the honeymoon yet and make sure we have the wedding paid for as OH doesn't have much work on at the min :( The dress I bought is off at the cleaners so hoping that cit comes back dirt free and i have my 4 bridesmaid dresses - £100 each at Debenhams but i got 4 for £125 through ebay and my friend :thumbup: Planning is well on the way :happydance:

11th Jan is fine for me, will need to figure out the best way to get there, thinking the train will be too expensive but i'll work something :D Still not got my op date but they said I should get 3 weeks notice and I've had no letter yet :)

Not done any weighing in and I won't be for another week or so. I am enjoying my Christmas and then getting back on the wagon till the wedding :D

Right here we go, will do my best to catch up but it has been a long time!! Just skip to your name if you'd rather, it will def save you some time :rofl:

jai_jai - good new year res hun, i think mine will have to be the same lol

spidey - fab piccie of Kira, she looks like she likes being in there :D Imi has a pink jumperoo instead of a bouncer as we have no door frames for one to hang on (we are all open plan and only doors into bedrooms lol.

elly - hope Christian is OK now bless him :hugs: Glad you took Christian to ER, def better to be safe rather than sorry x

boothh - oooo, how can you not test hun? You must be fit to burst lol. Good luck x So sorry to hear about your Grandad hun :(

Carter - that pic is gorgeous, hope you had a lovely christmas :thumbup:

costgang - massive congrats hun, and another August baby :thumbup: We are planning to try again as soon as we're married so October :D

MJ - thats terrible about your necklace, def get it sent back!! I've not looked into them yet so can't even recommend you a genuine place to buy :( lol @ that picture :rofl: Sorry to hear Chris isn't adjusting with AE, hoping for you that he gets the point that babies change all the time and that it becomes easier for you x Did you get AEs new blanket? Did you find one just the same? While you're at it hun, punch that stupid uneducated woman for me too will you - what a stupid thing to say, especially to someone who could be about to start FF.

Just having a reading/typing break to feed to little hungry monster :D

Right i'm back to try and carry on where i left off lol

Shadow - hope your reading and internet deprivation is going well :) That must be sooo hard nowadays :D Glad to see V is more settled agin. We've not tried Imi on any solids yet and its def not doing her any harm - i decided to just wait till i think shes ready :) Imi is going in her jumper now although she's still not grasped the whole bouncing thing yet - its more to look and touch the toys lol Sorry to hear about all the problems with Fins mum - that must be so so hard, especially for Lee :( Hope the solicitors letter makes her realise she can't control it all :hugs: Can't remember if I replied re. swaddling on FB hun, but we have stopped now. I went for it whole hog and moved Imi into her big cot in her own room and stopped swaddling on the same night and it has been completly fine. I pop her in her sleeping bag and then put a blanket on but i tuck the blanket right in so she still feels secure. I guess my advice is to keep trying and he'll let you know when he's ready xx

Samstar - hay hun :hugs: hope you're doing OK> That app looks like an outpatients app. Did you call them?

cleck - no teeth for Imi although my god that girl can dribble lol. I'll def posta pic when she gets any (although if she's like my neice, she'll be walking before that happens :rofl:) So glad you met some ladies at your craft group, bet its such a relief with OH away :hugs:

jelr - Imi is a real cat napper during the day - never normally for more than 30 mins ish but i don't mind this so much as long as she is giving mummy and daddy 12 hour nights lol Don't feel guilty about the TV hun, a little bit of anything never hurt anyone. Its not a bad thing to do and those few mins she might be settled, can give you enough "go" to get through till bedtime :hugs: So so glad to see that Natashas app went well, that is FAB news xx

ashnbump - thanks for the warning hun, we're not using anything yet so not a worry for us :) Know what you mean about how fast this yr has gone, it seems sooo weird to think that this time last yr, I was so so excited and relieved to finally be pregnant and now she is here. But then on the other hand, it seems like only yesterday I did that test :cloud9: That vid is sooooo cute hun :cloud9: lol at the squeal, Imi's yet to find a squeal yet thank god :rofl:

Shiv - well done on making your own christmas cake, i'm impressed. Was it nice?

AE - glad you're all in and it was before xmas. Bet you're chuffed. Hope you're getting settled nicely x

Well i think thats about as much catching up as I can do without going too far back!! I promise I will try and keep more updated now - things are def back on track so it should be OK :D
this one is absolutely,definately going to be my last, wont have anymore rrom in my car:haha:

it does make sense to get all the childbearing out of the way if you are certain that is your last one. I was contemplating the same but the 'room in the car' issue is a factor as we can just about fit atm in my renault scenic which is quite roomy. Another issue was the fact that I suffered badly from SPD and my doc recommended waiting for a while. I ideally would like four children, I had my sis in law's two kids and my sisters kid on top of my own three the whole of last week and quite enjoyed it so that reinforced my wanting four kids. We will have to wait and see. Congrats again
Booth - FX for you that you get your BFP as well. Gosh I wish I was still 20!!!! I will be turning 34 in 2010:(
Booth - FX for you that you get your BFP as well. Gosh I wish I was still 20!!!! I will be turning 34 in 2010:(

im 34 in 2010 too,dont feel it though,i had a scenic but decided to get a zafira when we had josh, i loved my scenic
Well I'm back from my deprivation, and have missed you all lots! Was expecting to come back to a whole heap of posts, but it has been fairly quiet in here lately! Doing this from memory, so hope I don't miss anyone, but...

MJ, ugh, I'd be so ticked off if Lee was acting like Chris: He definitely needs to get real and realise that he can't make the rules any more, he has been so lucky to have a perfect little snuggly angel until now, and of course I hope he continues to be lucky (and you!!), but you just can't expect a little one to be like a robot, like you said! I'm sure he will come round soon and learn how to deal with Adam in his many different states very soon. He'll have to, won't he?! Sounds like the amber necklace might've been a fake, hope you can get your money back and get a proper one :) I ordered one a while ago on eBay, but I think it's from a different seller so hopefully mine will be fine when it eventually gets here!!

Costgang, OMG @ your BFP... :shock: and Booth possibly too, how exciting and yet terrifying! Hope everything goes well for you guys and that your next pregnancies are healthy and easy for you!! Keep us well updated on everything!

About the meet-up: Jai and Vici (I think that was it, but will double check in a sec!) SOOOO glad you guys can make the 11th, I've still had nothing from Giraffe but I think I'll have to phone them this week and ask what the deal is, whether we can book any of their central London restaurants for the 11th with only a vague idea of how many of us might be there. I'll PM everyone who has expressed interest in coming and hopefully will get some replies and a better idea of how many of us might be there. But I think so far we have confirmation of the 11th from me, MJ, Pippin, Jai_Jai and Vici, so that's a pretty decent start I think!!

Gah, I can't remember any more!! Sorry girls, I'm out of practice after my week off!

So a quick update on our week and our Christmas and everything:
It has been VERY hard not to read anything at all for a week, but it has rewarded me with feeling refreshed and having lots of very creative dreams which are giving me some much needed inspiration. I'm glad I did it for the whole week, anyway :)
Vincent is doing well, he seems to be coming up to the magic 6-month milestones quickly, he is VERY close to being able to sit up on his own (he can sit upright with me just holding one of his hands very gently!) He hasn't been rolling much, but then we don't give him much tummy time really (I guess we should do it more...) He can stand up with minimal support for a good few seconds now too, which is cute and very exciting! We've been giving him solids only when he seems really fussy with no other apparent cause, which has only been once in the past week. We are still swaddling, but I'm not worrying about it at all. He is napping much better in the day now, because we started putting him in his cot for them, and he has taken to it magnificently! We don't swaddle him for that, and he can nap for up to an hour and a half, which is giving me some much needed adult-time during the day. (Before he was napping on me on the sofa!) He's still doing very well at night, he goes down between 7:30 and 8:00 and stays down until between 7:30 and 8:00 most nights. Lately he has been needing a resettle at around 4am (just popping his dummy back in, sometimes Lee has to do that a few times, the night before last Lee stayed awake for an hour just popping the dummy in again and again...) But Lee still does all of the night stuff (if there is any) and the early morning stuff, so I am getting lots of sleep. I am having lots of fatigue again lately (just another spell of it, it tends to come and go quite randomly) and lots of joint trouble. I've had my wrist and thumb strapped up all week but they're quite a lot better now, and I dislocated my left knee bending down to play with Vince this week, but it wasn't a bad dislocation (popped back very quickly) so I'm not suffering with that too much.

Hmmm, this is turning into a boring story! Will cut to Christmas with a brief outline:

We went to Lee's mum's for Christmas day and it was just wonderful, Lee's family adore Vince and he was very good all day, napped for half an hour while we ate our Christmas dinner like a good boy! He got lots of awesome toys and some lovely clothes for Christmas, and he opened some presents himself. He seemed genuinely excited by it all, and when the toys came out of the wrappings he grabbed for them and had lots of fun putting everything in his mouth for the first time!! Boxing Day we spent with my family, which was a mixed bag as there is some weird atmosphere between some of my family for some reason, but it was nice enough. Vince was very good, anyway :)

So to sum up, he's having his tough days for sure, but generally it seems like Vince is getting a bit easier in general (and we're getting better at it all, I guess!) I don't think it will be long at all before we're sitting him on the floor with some toys and seeing him playing happily for a while on his own, which will be lovely!

Hope you're all very well and have had a stress-free, exciting first Christmas with your cubs!!

Lots of Love x x x x x x

I'm grabbing this meet-up by the balls and getting it sorted ladies!! Hearing that a few of you can definitely make the 11th gave me the courage to go for it and phone Giraffe and book it!! I chose the Southbank restaurant, as it is their biggest one and is very close to Waterloo station (plus I think MJ has been there, am I right? :) )
Here's how the phone call went:

Me: Hello, I'm interested in possibly making a booking for a group of mums and babies on Monday 11th January at 1:00. I have a few questions first: Do you have plenty of room for pushchairs and baby changing facilities?

Giraffe waitress chick: Yes, we have plenty of room, and there are baby changing facilities. We also have kids' menu, toys, highchairs, bla bla bla (not really relevant to us!) We could also push some tables together for you if it is a large group.

Me: That sounds great, can I make a booking then please?

Giraffe waitress chick: I'll just have to get my manager to check if we have availability on that date.

Me: Ok, thanks.

(She gets manager)

Manager: Hello there, can I help?

Me: (repeat about booking)

Manager: How many will there be in the group please?

Me: Well, we're not entirely sure yet, it will be a minimum of five (I was thinking me, MJ, Pips, Jai and Vici :D ) and a maximum of twelve (everyone on the list on the front page). And we will all have pushchairs and babies!

Manager: No problem, I'll make the booking for 12. Once you know for sure how many will be coming, give me a call and I'll update the booking. What time on the 11th?

Me: 1:00 please!

Manager: That's fine, all booked for you!

Me: Thanks very much!



God, I am nervous now!! But soooo excited. I'm gonna private message everyone who showed interest in coming (even if you've said you might not make it, I'm PMing anyway in case there's a chance! That's you, Becki! :winkwink: )

Horraaaaaaay for meeting you lovelies at last!!!

Oh yes, and I did some careful thinking, and I think it's gonna be easier for me to get Lee to drop me right outside the restaurant with Vince in the buggy, so no wheelchair to make things awkward. As long as I don't have to walk far, I'll be fine without it :) So sorry girls, you won't get to see my shiny red chair! hehe...

Let me know your thoughts, of course there is no obligation to actually keep the booking, so if things totally changed for whatever reason then I'd just cancel :winkwink: Hope not, though: It seems like a really nice place for us to meet :)

oh yay! thanks for booking it, Shadow, that sounds great. it's a nice venue, well, I wouldn't have wanted to go there sans baby but it's perfect for a child-friendly meet. you don't have to feel uncomfortable if your child screams like a banshee because only people who are prepared for that are there!

1pm then! :happydance:

come on then, others. *cracks whip* show your hand!


ok, with that out of the way - how was everyone's Christmas?

We had a nice time, AE was very good, coped well with all the travelling and was a little darling at my parents' house (I overheard them planning to kidnap him!) He was very relaxed and liked his new toys - some musical things, he got a Leapfrog caterpillar thing that plays classical music and sings songs in different styles about colours and numbers, a bunch of books, other things that move... some clothes (some that are actually the right size and fit :) and we are keeping, some are the right size theoretically, 3-6 months, but won't fit as they are dungarees and he is long in the legs and body and feet, he's already in 6-9 bodysuits and babygros. So 3-6 trousers fit ok, if a teeny bit short, but dungarees and things with fitted legs are pinching his feet or too tight round his nappy (and the cloth ones can leak under too much pressure from tight clothing). So my mum is taking some stuff and getting it in bigger. also hoping to swap the christmas bodysuit in 0-3 months that a friend sent. bit puzzled by that, tbh!

otherwise, AE has been sometimes very fussy with his bottles, which can be stressful. sometimes he is great, other times he cries after an ounce or two and won't have more, spills it, screams... it always seems to be at feeding time, so I thought - wind, but Chris thinks teeth... I don't know. We have given some Calpol a couple of times pending new amber necklace that I need to order, and fx it is of some help. He's ok REALLY, it's just these odd bursts of screaming in pain. Poor lamb.

But it could be down to a few things, change in routine as well, the travelling, the lack of predictable, long naps... though he was fussy a few days before Christmas as well. So who knows? Am taking him to clinic tomorrow afternoon if it is on, get him weighed and maybe have a chat with the HV.

am off to doc this afternoon on my own account, it's pissing with rain outside and awful and I have to walk, as Chris is staying home with Adam (I don't want to disturb him, he's had a bad few hours and is now asleep). it's about my knee. couple of weeks ago, day after I last went swimming, I noticed it was really painful when I twist my upper body, and when I get up and put weight on it... made an appt for last week but cancelled it because I wanted to go when C would mind AE, and also to see if it got better of its own accord, which it has not. So off to doc this afternoon. Dreading it a little, tbh, feel sure he'll send me away with a flea in my ear. :(

Have a bunch of other small complaints - rosacea has been bad (skin VERY sensitive) BUT the antibiotics I was on for my dodgy wisdom tooth have helped a lot for now; I also think the rest of my skin is somewhat orange tinged and it's upsetting me (am no Oompa Loompa but I have never been a tan-coloured person and here I am looking less than pale). and then there is the recurring wisdom tooth, which is not a matter for the GP anyway. seriously considering asking the dentist if I can have them all out.

as for food over the holiday, I have not weighed and I don't plan to. thinking about eating sensibly as of the 2nd and then weighing after 2 weeks, don't want to be disheartened to find a horrid high weight on the scales. So might make weighing in day the 16th. Or maybe the 15th, Adam's 5-month birthday. I would like to be one of those who gets back to usual weight range in 9 months, so that leaves 4...

ok. doc has prescribed tramadol. which I am not going to take. not going through opiate withdrawal again, not risking it, don't want to feel sleepy and fuzzy while taking care of Adam. much as part of me would like to, the sensible part says no, so I told the pharmacist I didn't want it. thing is, doc asked if I had had stomach problems ever so when I said yes, ulcers, he said ah ok, won't prescribe THIS (which I took to mean an NSAID) so I said, well if you prescribe a proton pump inhibitor (protects stomach lining from NSAIDs) then... so he DID give me a PPI but then tramadol as well. I should have made myself clear but I wasn't certain what was in tramadol. so I called my mum after and she checked and rang back and said DON'T TAKE IT (I have been addicted to codeine in the past, few years ago now but don't want to risk it again, it's the reason I didn't want pethidine when I had AE). so I asked the pharmacist for the strongest ibuprofen I can have since I have the PPI to keep my stomach ok. got to go back in 2 weeks. and do these exercises as well. and go back sooner if it's worse. so am glad doc listened (it was not my usual doc, he'd NEVER have given me tramadol, in a month of Sundays). think I should see my usual doc next time.

so I feel good about doing the right thing. not good about not having something decent for my knee. pooey.

and I feel stuffed and sick with chocolate. my mum bought me a bag of Cadbury's Misshapes, a massive bag of mixed chocolates that failed to satisfy quality control, and there was a load of non-strawberry creams (they looked like strawberry creams from Milk Tray but there was no strawberry in, just chocolate, and I ate a load of those, and then some Caramel pieces, don't know what was wrng with them, tasted great to me... it's such a massive bag you can eat 10 or 15 without even thinking about it. except now I am thinking about it. hours later and I still feel sick and don't want any dinner.

Very quickly girls - mainly London ones, how would i be getting from London Liverpool St to Waterloo on the tube? I know lifts are a *******!!
jesse just rolled over!! im so proud, i actually cried hahaa, he looked so smug though it was gorgeous!

right the meet! 99% we can come OH thinks he can get it off work, so unless otherwise, were gunna drive into london, cus we dont wanna get public transport due to the facts that we dont have a clue what were doing, and the germ factor with jesse, whos a pretty fragile baby as it is and seems to catch everything going,

so for anyone who lives in london or knows vaguely were we are going, do you think were gunna find a carpark nearby with spaces or am i being unrealistic?

thanks in advance xx
also AF has appeared so no brothers or sisters for jesse just yet, still we said we wernt trying til january so not toooo bothered, xx
Morning ladies!

Sorry I hadn't been on here since my first post, but Christmas kinda ran away with me! Anyway, I am sending you all belated Xmas love and wishes.

Our Xmas was fairly stressful. I was cooking Xmas dinner for us and my parents also which I was hoping not to do what with a wee baby and all, but people just don't seem to appreciate how stressful it can be sometimes. :( Charlie has started to teeth so spent most of the day screaming the place down which didn't really do much for my blood pressure! Anywho, I survived and I have promised DH that I wont be doing it again next year and that it will just be the 3 (or maybe 4!) of us next year which will make it so much more relaxed. It was lovely to be able to have a little drinkie too this year which was very well received!

Charlie is doing OK. He has his 3rd set of immunisations today and the appointment time always seems to clash with his feeding time which is going to therefore cause chaos for me for the rest of the day.

He is very grumpy at the moment (4 month growth spurt?) which could be because of his teeth but I hate shoving Calpol down him just in case it isn't IYKWIM? He has also started sleeping on his front even though I put him on his back which is giving me lots of paranoia and we got him this fisher price rainforest Waterfall soother type thingy for his cot which he has learnt to turn on himself by pressing the monkey, so it's all quiet on the monitor and then you hear the music strike up where he has decided he wants to chill to some music before bed! LOL!!

Am starting to think about weaning but I just don't know where to start to be honest. I have ordered him a highchair but that is about as far as I have gotten with it. Have any of you ladies started to get your LO to try a little bit of solid yet? If so, how did you get on??

Anyway, that is us in a small nutshell.

What are you ladies planning on doing for New Year's eve? We are just staying in this year as I think it would just be too stressful to do anything else at the mo.

Lots of love. xxxxx
Booth, there is on street parking near the venue although it is quite pricey. I am going to drive as well and park on the street.
:wave: Hi Cazza, lovely to see you here sweetie, sounds like Charlie is going through much the same as many of our cubs lately, I hope the teething isn't too awful for you! :hugs: Sounds like you had a hectic Christmas too! I don't think I could've done that, we went to OH's parents' place instead so all the hard work was done for us! :lol: Re: weaning, we actually started Vince on solids quite a while ago, but have eased off lately as he was a bit unsettled for a while and we wanted to relax it all a bit. But we now give him some solids (usually a jar of something sweet or breakfasty) if he seems to be having a particularly fussy day, which seems to be about twice or three times a week lately. Otherwise he is doing well on his bottles for now, so we're not going to worry abpout getting him onto solids completely for a little while yet, I think. There's a weaning section on here apparently, I haven't checked it out myself but you might get some good tips there as well as others in here :)
New years eve is going to be very low-key for us, we don't tend to really celebrate it generally. Hope you have a nice relaxing time after your mad Christmas rush! :flower:

OK, more on the meet. Vici, I'm sorry sweetie but I really don't know much about tubes etc from Liverpool St... Is there any way you could get in to a different station to make it easier? I guess not, as I'm sure you would've thought of that... I don't envy you the whole buggy / tube thing...

I've had replies with definite yesses (is that how you'd spell it?!) from MollyApple, Mary Jo, Boothh and Mimiso so far. Kaygeebee and Owen can't make it :( but they will be there with us in spirit! But as far as I can tell, Vici you're the only one getting the train from right out of town so far. I think Jai_Jai is going to be on the train from Dorset, but I'm not sure which station she'd get in to. I haven't had a firm yes from her just yet either... But as soon as we get some more yesses, we'll know how everyone is getting there, and we'll know who else will be on the train Vici, so we will hopefully be able to sort you out a way to get relatively painlessly from Liverpool St to Waterloo... Somehow... :wacko:

So that's the state of things at the moment, I'm just going to pop some messages on Facebook for those who haven't replied yet, so hopefully I should have a confirmed list soon! If any other members aren't on the front page but would like to join in with the meet-up, please do say so (either on here or in a PM to me) because I can easily add you to the list (the more the merrier!!) and to the booking with the restaurant if necessary (if we go over 12 people, which is what I've vaguely booked for at the moment!)

PHEW! Sorry if it's a bit confusing, I hope we can pull it all together and get lots of you there safely to have a lovely afternoon together, cooing over all our gorgeous little ones and no doubt giggling at some accents that we hadn't pictured here on the forum!! hehehe....

Poor baby Adam has the diarrhoea! Actually for a good few days now, but we put the loose poos and three pooey nappies a day down to: teeth, travel, different people, lack of naps, teething powder, Calpol... but yesterday when he did another poo half an hour after a poo, I suddenly twigged *ding*

So it's apparently common when teething as their hands are in their mouth all. the. time. and he seems ok in himself. we've giving him cooled boiled water in between feeds, he hasn't sicked more than usual. was going to go to HV clinic but rang up and it's not on today, and my usual HV is away till tomorrow. so the woman I spoke to said to go to GP, or try pharmacist and see what they say. which is what I'll do. if he is not better tomorrow I will call HV and try to see doc.

He has had THE most disgusting nappies. Like cottage cheese tikka masala. Two in the space of one hour this morning. Eeek. Hmmm. ETA: 3 from 8am-12pm. Lovely.

As for tomorrow, then, NYE is my birthday. :D I am going to be a very old lady. We're going round to my friend's in the evening, I'd rather stay home and watch telly, but my downstairs neighbour is having a party, which she warned us about in October, so we have made alternative arrangements. I could not bear to be frustrated and angry on my birthday, so my friend is doing curry for us. Not cottage cheese tikka masala though...

Great news on the confirmations for the meet! Vici, I am not sure of the most pushchair frendly route from Liverpool St to Waterloo, but if I was you and didn't get any joy from this site (which MollyApple posted the link to a while back), I'd look to get a bus. That might be easier, unless your pushchair is massive!
mimiso, what be your 'quite pricey' im just wondering, and also, i remember on topgear once they did this thing about parking in london and it seemed you had to pay by card or ring up everywhere, and not pay with actual money,
am i just gullible or is that true ?
im only asking so many questions cus i end up getting panic attacks if i dont know exactly whats going to happen, weird i know. xx
i end up getting panic attacks if i dont know exactly whats going to happen, weird i know. xx

I'm the same lots of the time! That's why I often offer myself up for the organiser hahaha! Hope you can avoid panic attacks :thumbup:

we're getting a really good list of confirmed people so far, things are looking good guys! Always a shame when people can't make it though :( Kaygeebee and Sam_Star, we'll think of you on the day guys! :hugs:

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